The oath of fidelity to the magisterium of Bergoglio? - Franco Adessa - Editrice Civiltà - Brescia - Chiesa ...

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The oath of fidelity to the magisterium of Bergoglio? - Franco Adessa - Editrice Civiltà - Brescia - Chiesa ...
The oath of fidelity
to the magisterium
of Bergoglio?
     Franco Adessa – Editrice Civiltà - Brescia
The oath of fidelity to the magisterium of Bergoglio? - Franco Adessa - Editrice Civiltà - Brescia - Chiesa ...
The picture is the most concise and accurate expression
                           of the Magisterium of Bergoglio.
 The monstrance shaped like a “Seven-Ray Sun” is nothing more than the symbol
           of the Infinite Sun of Lucifer that expresses the completeness
    of the purpose of the Antichrist: 7 times 666, that is the total elimination
       of the Sacrifice of Christ on the cross from the face of the earth.
  The enemies and the traitors of Our Lord, who on June 29, 1963 founded the
        “Universal Church of Man” to “eclipse” the Church of Christ,
have been unmasked along with their most jealously guarded purposes and secrets.

                The Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success
    1288 Summit Ave Suite 107 Oconomowoc, WI. 53066 USA Phone 262-567-0920
  website: e-mail:
The oath of fidelity to the magisterium of Bergoglio? - Franco Adessa - Editrice Civiltà - Brescia - Chiesa ...
The oath of fidelity
to the magisterium of Bergoglio?
                              by Dr. Franco Adessa

O        ne day, in
         1582, while
         she      was
praying in the choir
of her Convent at
                                                                To Mother Mariana,
                                                                Jesus asked if she
                                                                was willing to suf-
                                                                fer as a sacrificial
                                                                victim to appease
the foot of the                                                 the Divine Justice
Tabernacle, Mother                                              for the heresies,
Mariana saw the                                                 impieties and im-
whole       Church                                              purities that would
plunged into dark-                                              be committed in
ness, dust and                                                  the Twentieth Cen-
smoke. Looking up,                                              tury. She accepted.
she saw the high al-                                            This seems to have
tar brightly lit.                                               been the first reve-
The      Tabernacle                                             lation of Heaven
opened, and Christ                                              on the horrendous
appeared, as on Gol-     The Choir Loft of the Convent of the   crisis of the Church
gotha, in His Pas-         Immaculate Conception of Quito.      of our time.
sion, with the Virgin                                           Mother Mariana
Mary at His feet.                                               had other appari-
Seeing the Virgin in                                            tions in which she
tears,      Mariana                                             also was told about
turned to her and asked if she had the work of Freemasonry against the
been the cause of her sadness. «No, it Church of Christ.
is not you, but the criminal world!» On January 16, 1599, Our Lady spoke
replied the Virgin and, as Christ began to her of the arrival of a truly Christ-
His Agony, Mother Mariana heard the ian President in Ecuador, Garcia
voice of God the Father say: «THIS Moreno, and of the following years:
THE TWENTIETH CENTURY!»                        «These years, during which the
Suddenly, three swords appeared                accursed sect of Freemasonry
above the head of the agonizing Christ,        will have control of the civil
on which was written: «I will punish           government, will see a cruel per-
heresy,» «I will punish wickedness,»           secution of all the religious com-
«I will punish impurity.»                      munities.»

The oath of fidelity to the magisterium of Bergoglio? - Franco Adessa - Editrice Civiltà - Brescia - Chiesa ...
On January 21, 1610, Our Lady, refer-
ring to the first half of the Twentieth
Century, said:

    «In Ecuador the passions will
    erupt and there will be a total cor-
    ruption of customs, because Sa-
    tan will reign almost entirely
    through the Masonic sects» and,
    speaking of the Sacrament of
    Marriage, she added: «Freema-
    sonry, which will then be in
    power, will approve unjust laws
    with the aim of getting rid of
    this Sacrament.»

On the conditions of the Holy Or-
ders, Our Lady spoke of the world-
wide general corruption of the Clergy,
adding that, in these unhappy times,
there would be unbridled lust and
                                                  Our Lady of Good Success.
even the lack of innocence in children
and modesty in women.
She concluded by saying:

    «In this supreme moment of             comportment and devotion of the en-
    need of the Church, the one who        tire population, but also how all this
    should speak, will remain              would trigger the fury of the Devil
    silent!»                               who would use the children who, by
                                           causing the loss of the Faith transmit-
On February 2, 1610, speaking of the       ted by their fathers, would work to
second half of the Twentieth Century,      oppress the Church, because they
Our Lady said:                             would join the party of Satan, becom-
                                           ing members of the Masonic lodges.
    «During this period, the Church        This would be a time of pain and an-
    will be attacked by terrible           guish for all faithful children of the
    hordes of the Masonic sects and        Church who, with their Priests and
    this poor land of Ecuador will be      Pastors, would be few in number.
    agonizing because of the corrup-
    tion of customs, unbridled lust, an     Our Lord showed her how the
    impious press and secular educa-        horrid and pestiferous wild
    tion. In these times of depraved        boar of Freemasonry would en-
    desolation, the vices of impurity       ter the wonderful and flourish-
    and sacrilege will dominate, and        ing vineyard of the Church,
    the one who should speak will           leaving it annihilated and in
    remain silent!»                         complete ruin!
In 1623, Mother Mariana was praying        But she also saw
at the foot of the Tabernacle when,
suddenly, she fell into ecstasy. She        the infidelity of the ministers of
saw, in a vision, not only the Christian    the altar to their vocation and

The oath of fidelity to the magisterium of Bergoglio? - Franco Adessa - Editrice Civiltà - Brescia - Chiesa ...
He was all one wound, especially His
                                         Sacred Heart which was covered with
                                         small but distressing thorns that tor-
                                         mented him with an indescribable
                                         cruelty. Jesus told her:

                                          «... You see how these little thorns
                                          hurt me cruelly. Know that they
                                          are the sins of my priests, both
                                          secular and religious.
                                          And this suffering is caused by
                                          the lack of correspondence to
                                          the deluge of graces with which
                                          I inundate them and, conse-
                                          quently, from the sins that they
             Jesus Christ.                Know, moreover, that Divine Jus-
                                          tice sends terrible punishments
                                          on entire nations not only for
                                          the sins of the people, but above
 the unworthy manner in which             all for the sins of Priests and Re-
 some approached the Holy Sac-            ligious, because the latter are
 rifice of the Mass.                      called, from the perfection of their
                                          state, to be the salt of earth, the
On the morning of February 2, 1634,       Masters of truth, those who
Mother Mariana, while praying with        hold back Divine Wrath.
her eyes fixed on the Tabernacle,         Deviating from their sublime mis-
saw the Tabernacle lamp suddenly          sion, they degrade themselves to
extinguish leaving the high altar in      such a point that, in the eyes of
complete darkness. The Madonna,           God, it is precisely they who ac-
who appeared to her, said that one of     celerate the rigor of punish-
the reasons for this darkness was that    ments ...
                                          Now, My bride, in the few months
 «By means of controlling the so-         of exile left to you, work inces-
 cial classes, the Masonic sects,         santly for the perfection of My
 will be so cunning to penetrate          Priests and Religious. In union
 the hearts of families to corrupt        with My infinite merits and
 even the children, and the Devil         those of My Immaculate Moth-
 will glory in nourishing himself,        er, offer everything you do –
 with perfidy, on the exquisite           even your last breath – for this
 delicacy of the hearts of chil-          purpose.
 dren.                                    I am enormously satisfied with the
 During these unfortunate times,          religious souls who take charge of
 evil will attack childhood inno-         the sublime task of sanctification
 cence and, in this way, vocations        of the Clergy through their
 to the priesthood will be lost,          prayers, sacrifices and penances.
 and this will be a real disaster.»       In every time, I will choose such
                                          souls so that, joining Me, they
On November 2, 1634, after receiving      work, pray and suffer to achieve
Communion, Mother Mariana had a           this noble end, and a special glo-
vision of Jesus Christ.                   ry awaits them in Heaven.»

The oath of fidelity to the magisterium of Bergoglio? - Franco Adessa - Editrice Civiltà - Brescia - Chiesa ...
On the night of December 8, 1634,
Mother Mariana had the apparition of
the Madonna accompanied by the
three Archangels: Michael, Gabriel
and Raphael, each of whom carried
particular objects. The last object was
a shining golden writing pen engraved
with the name of Mary. Here is the
explanation of its meaning:
    «The polished golden pen
    marked with My Name is for all
    the regular and secular Priests
    who write about my glory and my
    sorrows. It is also for those who,
    by means of their writings, spread
    the devotion to Our Lady of
    Good Success of this Convent,
    and also your life, which is insep-
    arable from this sweet and com-
    forting invocation. In the Twenti-
    eth Century, this devotion will
    do wonders in the spiritual as in
    the temporal sphere, because it
    is God’s will to reserve this invo-
    cation and knowledge of your life             Our Lady of La Salette.
    for that century, when the cor-
    ruption of the customs will be
    almost universal, and the pre-
    cious light of the Faith will be
    almost extinguished.»                  ebrating the Holy Mysteries, for
                                           the love of honors and pleasures,
                                           priests have become sewers of
OUR LADY OF LA SALETTE                     impurity. Yes, these priests call
                                           for vengeance and their
On the eve of the Feast of Our Lady        vengeance is suspended over
of Sorrows, September 19, 1846, the        their heads!»
young girl, Melanie Calvat, 15, and
the boy, Maximin Giraud, 11 years          «The sins of people consecrated
old, climbed on the mountain of la         to God cry out to Heaven and
Salette to graze the cows, they saw        demand vengeance, and behold
the Madonna and received a Message         that vengeance is suspended over
from Her, later recognized by the          their heads! ...Many will abandon
Church, but then a diabolical con-         the faith and the number of
spiracy has always hidden, mutilat-        priests and religious who will
ed or silenced it.                         separate from the true religion
Here are some quotes of the Message:       will be great ... many religious
                                           houses will lose their faith and
    «The priests, ministers of My Son,     will lose many souls.»
    for their wicked life, for their ir-   «Woe to the Princes of the
    reverence and their impiety in cel-    Church who think only of piling

The oath of fidelity to the magisterium of Bergoglio? - Franco Adessa - Editrice Civiltà - Brescia - Chiesa ...
kings of darkness. Here is the
                                         beast with its subjects, calling it-
                                         self the savior of the world. In
                                         pride he will rise skyward to go up
                                         to Heaven; he will be stifled ... He
                                         will fall, and he will be thrown,
                                         forever, with all his followers, into
                                         hell’s eternal chasms!»

                                       OUR LADY OF FATIMA

                                       On July 13, 1917, at the Cova of Iria,
                                       Our Lady revealed to Lucia the Third
                                       Secret of Fatima, which was written
                                       by her on January 3, 1944, then given
                                       to the Bishop of Leira who, in 1957,
                                       handed it to the Vatican.
                                       John XXIII, after reading the Third
                                       Secret, had Card. Ottaviani read it,
                                       then archived it as did all his succes-
                                       sors. Fr. Luigi Villa, a secret agent of
                                       Card. Ottaviani, was informed of the
                                       true content of this secret when Card.
                                       Ottaviani published a “diplomatic ver-
         Our Lady of Fatima.           sion” of the Third Secret.
                                       It was Fr. Villa who showed me, one
                                       by one, all the phrases that constituted
                                       the Third Secret and to give me,
                                       shortly before dying, the authorization
riches upon riches to protect          to publish them. Here is the first part
their authority and dominate with      of the Third Secret:
pride! …
Tremble, O earth! And tremble            «A great punishment will fall on
you also who make profession of          the entire human race; not today
serving Jesus Christ, but in-            as yet, not tomorrow, but in the
wardly worship yourselves be-            second half of the twentieth cen-
cause God has delivered you to           tury. No longer does order reign
His enemies, because corruption          anywhere and Satan will reign
is in holy places...»                    over the highest places directing
                                         the course of events. He will re-
«The Church will be the victim of        ally succeed in infiltrating to the
great persecutions: this will be the     top of the Church.
hour of darkness. The Church will        Also, for the Church a time of Her
suffer a terrible crisis ... Rome        greatest trials will come: Cardi-
will lose the Faith and become           nals will oppose Cardinals;
the seat of the Antichrist! …            Bishops will oppose Bishops. Sa-
The Church will be eclipsed ...          tan will march amidst their
the world will be in dismay ...»         ranks and in Rome there will be
«The time is at hand; the abyss is       great changes. What is rotten will
opening. Here is the king of the         fall and what will fall will never

The oath of fidelity to the magisterium of Bergoglio? - Franco Adessa - Editrice Civiltà - Brescia - Chiesa ...
rise again. The Church will be
    darkened, and the world de-
    ranged by terror.»

The messages of Our Lady and Jesus
Christ, reported above, refer to the
second half of the Twentieth Centu-
ry and condemn:

– the work of Freemasonry against
  the Church;
– the corruption of priests, religious
  and of the Christian peoples;
– the impiety of the Priests in cele-
  brating the Holy Mysteries;
– the desire for wealth, authority and
  pride of the Princes of the Church;
– the silence of who should speak;
– the horrible crisis, the ruin and the
  annihilation of the Church;
– the introduction of Satan to the
  top of the Church;
– the birth of a “new church” to re-      With the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Na-
  place the Church of Christ;             gasaki, 95% of the Catholics of Japan died.
– the loss of the Faith of Rome
  which will become the seat of the
– the eclipse of the Church of Christ;
– Satan, directing the clash between      ready invaded by Freemasonry»
  Cardinals and Bishops, proclaims        and «Freemasonry has already en-
  himself the savior of the world;        tered the Pope’s slippers (Paul VI).»
– Satan who launches his challenge        And the task received by Padre Pio
  to Heaven, but who falls with all       was clear: «Dedicate your whole life
  his followers into the eternal          to fight against the work of Ecclesi-
  abysses of hell.                        astical Freemasonry!» In that meet-
                                          ing, Padre Pio gave Fr. Villa his main
                                          target: Paul VI.
HISTORICAL CONFIRMATIONS                  To get an idea of the invasion of
                                          Freemasonry in the Church, at the
The contents of the messages of Our       time of Paul VI, it is enough to scroll
Lady and of Jesus, unfortunately, are     the “Pecorelli List” of the 121
now history and before the eyes of        prelates registered to Freemasonry,
everyone.                                 published under the reign of Pope Lu-
                                          ciani, to stop the papal candidacy of
                                          Card. Casaroli, head of 4 Masonic
THE MASONIC INVASION                      lodges in the Vatican.
                                          It was precisely Freemasonry who
It was in 1963, the second meeting        elected Anti-Pope, Montini. In fact,
with Padre Pio, that Fr. Luigi Villa      in the conclave of 1963, the cardinal
heard him say: «Courage, courage,         that was elected Pope was Giuseppe
courage because the Church is al-         Siri, already elected pope also in

The oath of fidelity to the magisterium of Bergoglio? - Franco Adessa - Editrice Civiltà - Brescia - Chiesa ...
with the threat of a nuclear exter-
                                                mination of the Conclave, was “im-
                                                posed” as an Anti-Pope.

                                                THE CORRUPTION

                                                The corruption in the Church entered
                                                with Paul VI: a homosexual, a traitor
                                                of Pius XII, an accomplice in the
                                                murder of priests and bishops sent by
                                                Pius XII behind the Iron Curtain, a
                                                predestined one for the top of
                                                Freemasonry, an anti-pope, an initia-
                                                tor of the Reign of the Antichrist
                                                with the Double Black Mass in Rome
                                                and in Charleston, promoter of the
                                                heretical Vatican II; Paul VI re-
                                                placed the Catholic priesthood with
                                                the Masonic priesthood, sowing cor-
                                                ruption at every level: priests, reli-
                                                gious, bishops, cardinals; he was an
Also, with the threat of a nuclear holocaust,   enemy of dogmas, of the “docete,”
“changes” in the Church were imposed.           of the supernatural, of the liturgical
                                                treasure; he was the promoter of ec-
                                                umenism and of a Masonic world
                                                government; he was suppressor of
                                                the Index; destroyer of the Holy Of-
1958, when he took the name of Gre-             fice and encyclicals against Mod-
gorio XVII, but was forced to resign            ernism, Freemasonry, Communism.
under terrible threats and under                He was responsible for delivering
the nightmare of continuous explo-              entire Christian nations to Commu-
sions of nuclear bombs, by the USA              nism; he was Head of the Supreme
and the USSR, for the duration of the           Commission of the 5 Entities:
Conclave. Here is what the President            Mafia, Ndrangheta, Deviated
of the Conclave of 1963, Prince Scot-           Church, P2 Lodge and Deviated Se-
ersco wrote in his diary: «During the           cret Services; He was the instigator
Conclave, a Cardinal came out of the            of the assassination of Padre Pio; he
Sistine Chapel, met with the represen-          was the main one responsible for
tatives of the B’nai B’rith (High Jew-          approving the abortion law in Italy;
ish Freemasonry) announced to them              the Jewish Pontiff with the Ephod
the election of Card. Siri. They re-            on his chest; he was glorified as the
sponded by saying that the persecu-             greatest Rosicrucian Knight; de-
tion against the Church would be re-            molisher of the Catholic Mass so as
sumed immediately. Returning to the             to have almost succeeded in over-
Conclave, he had Montini elected!»              turning the Mass; in his will, he
Since whoever is elected Pope, once             wrote that he did not want any
accepting the position and choosing a           Christian symbol on his coffin.
name, he remains a legitimate Pope              In short, Paul VI was a traitor to
even, if by any means, he is forced to          Christ, traitor to the Church, trai-
resign, Paul VI, who was imposed                tor to the Christian peoples.

The oath of fidelity to the magisterium of Bergoglio? - Franco Adessa - Editrice Civiltà - Brescia - Chiesa ...

After the Cult of the Phallus practiced
and promoted by Paul VI in the
Church, came his delirious declara-
tion on the Cult of Man, in 1965 at
the UN, and on December 7, 1967, his
solemn proclamation of a “new hu-
manism” summarized with the here-
sies propagated by Vatican II:
– the Cult of Man;
– a “New Religion;”
– the “New Prophets” of joy;
– the Idolatry of the World;
– Modernism;
– Religious Freedom;
– Ecumenism;
– Universal Salvation.
With Paul VI, the Church suffered a
new invasion of Freemasonry; the
corruption of the clergy caused that of
the people, but the secret that Paul VI    With the Double Black Mass simultaneously
hid was that he was an Anti-Pope           celebrated in Rome and in Charleston (USA)
and the Supreme Head of the Order          that enthroned Satan in the Pauline Chapel, the
of the Illuminati of Bavaria.              Kingdom of the Antichrist began.
Only when this Supreme Head had sat
simultaneously on the throne of Peter
as well, would the Antichrist be born,
as described by St. John, in the Apoc-
alypse.                                    THE BIRTH
                                           OF THE “NEW CHURCH”

SATAN IN THE VATICAN                       It was at the end of that Double Black
                                           Mass that the Prussian International
To begin the reign of the Antichrist, it   Delegate read the Bill of Authoriza-
was first necessary to realize the         tion before those present in Rome:
words of the Our Lady of La Salette:       «Whosoever shall, by means of this
«Rome will lose Faith and become           Inner Chapel, be designated and
the seat of the Antichrist,»               chosen as the final In-the-Line suc-
and those of Our Lady of Fatima:           cessor in the Petrine Office, shall by
«Satan will effectively succeed in         his very oath of office commit him-
penetrating the top of the Church.»        self and all he does command to be
This took place on June 29, 1963,          the willing instrument and collabo-
eight days after the election of Paul      rator with the Builders of Man’s
VI, with a Double Black Mass, cele-        Home on Earth ... So shall the “New
brated simultaneously in Rome and          Age of Man” be modeled.»
Charleston (USA) with which Satan          Thus, on June 29, 1963, the “New
was enthroned in the Pauline Chapel,       Universal Church of Man” was born
the place where the Pope holds the         of Satanic inspiration that had the task
role of “Guardian of the Eucharist.”       of suppressing the Church of Christ,

years of the pontificate of Paul VI saw
                                                the birth and development of the
                                                “House of Man on Earth” or rather
                                                of the Satanically-inspired “New Uni-
                                                versal Church of Man.” This was
                                                the “New Church of Paul VI”
                                                which, according to the words of Our
                                                Lady of La Salette, would “eclipse
                                                the Church of Christ” as a black
                                                figure eclipsing a shining body.

                                                THE KINGDOM
                                                OF THE ANTICHRIST

                                                The Kingdom of the Antichrist has its
                                                roots in the “Universal Church of
                                                Man” which began with the pontifi-
                                                cate of Paul VI.
                                                It is enough to read the chapter “His
                                                New Religion” in Fr. Luigi Villa’s
                                                book, “Paul VI Beatified?” to dis-
With the threat of nuclear holocaust, the two   cover how Paul VI invented a new
Antipopes were imposed: John XXIII and Paul     Christianity detached from the
VI and a “new doctrine” in the Church.          Cross; he has replaced the “Cult of
                                                God” with the “Cult of Man,” the su-
                                                premacy of the supernatural with the
                                                primacy of natural and temporal,
                                                the primacy of the “Law of God” with
                                                the primacy of “conscience,” the pri-
but in a special way, it had to elimi-          macy of the “Kingdom of God” and
nate the Redemption of Christ’s Sacri-          of “eternal life” with the primacy of
fice on the Cross from the face of the          the “world,” of “Peace” and of
earth, and replace it with the Blasphe-         “heaven on earth”!
mous and Satanic Redemption of the              A Christianity that considers Christ
Masonic Triple Trinity, that Msgr.              as a “liberator” not from sin but
Montini knew very well since he had             from suffering and enslavement; a
personally designed, and then                   Gospel confused with the “Charter
sculpted, a geometric-symbolic rep-             of Human Rights” and placed at the
resentation of it on the tomb of his            service of “social justice,” the
mother, Giuditta [Judith] Alghisi, in           “Rights of God” abolished for the
the cemetery of Verolavecchia (Bres-            benefit of the exaltation of Man’s
cia), in 1943.                                  “Rights” and “tastes;” the evange-
A few hours after the Double Black              lization of the supernatural “docete”
Mass event, Paul VI took the oath of            reduced to a “dialogue” that rests
the papacy. That “oath” was a “per-             only on human means and does not
jury” because, de facto, Paul VI an-            aim at conversion. A Christianity
nulled it completely with his “revo-            that, idolizing man, has proclaimed
lution” that did not save any aspect of         “Religious Liberty” as his funda-
Dogmas, of the Morals, of the Litur-            mental and absolute right promoting a
gy, of the even Discipline. The fifteen         false love for Man on which Paul VI

founded His “Religion of Man”:
 «Shan’t modern man arrive one
 day (...) to listen to the marvelous
 voice of the Spirit palpitating in
 it? Will it not be the religion of
 «The secular and profane hu-
 manism appeared, finally, in its
 terrible stature and has, in a cer-
 tain sense, challenged the Coun-
 cil. The religion of God who be-
 came Man met with the religion
 of the man who became God ...
 We more than anyone else, WE
 «All these doctrinal riches (of the
 Council) aim only at one thing: to
 serve Man.»
 «Our Humanism becomes
 Christianity and our Christianity        Cover of “Chiesa viva” n. 452 Sept. 2012.
 becomes theocentric, so much so          This publication illustrates the occult meanings
 that we can also proclaim: to            of the coat of arms of Benedict XVI which glo-
                                          rify the 30th degree of the R.S.A.A., the degree
 know God, we need to know                of hatred and vengeance, and presents him as
 Man!»                                    the Third Person of the Antichrist, that is, the
                                          Supreme Head of the Illuminati of Bavaria.
 «Man reveals himself to us as a
 giant. He reveals himself to be di-
 vine not in himself, but in his ori-
 gin and in his destiny. Honor to
 man, honor to his dignity, to his
 spirit, to his life!»                    is provided by the Ritual of the 30th
 «Honor to man; honor to thought!         degree of the Kadosch Knight of the
 Honor to science! ... Honor to           RSAA, also called the Degree of Ha-
 man, King of the Earth and now           tred and of Revenge.
 also Prince of Heaven!»                  This hatred is that of Lucifer for hav-
 But in Holy Scripture it is written:     ing been “dethroned” by his absolute
 «Cursed be the man that                  power over man, before the advent of
 trusteth in man, and maketh              Christ’s Sacrifice on the Cross that re-
 flesh his arm, and whose heart           deemed humanity.
 departeth from the Lord.»                In this ritual, the Mason kneels and
                                          burns incense to Lucifer, commits a
                                          ritual murder, tramples the papal
SAVIOR OR THE WORLD                       tiara, shouts “hatred to God” and,
                                          wielding his dagger into the sky,
The Cult of the Man who becomes           challenges God with the cry: “Re-
God is only the intermediate step         venge, Adonai!”
leading to the Cult of Lucifer of         Before the ritual, the Great Sacrificer
which a brief but significant synthesis   pronounces the prayer addressed to

anger for the Babylonian Exile, and
                                                   the key idea is the formation of an or-
                                                   ganized army to rebuild the Temple
                                                   of Jerusalem, or better to rebuild a
                                                   “New Tower of Babel,” to be imple-
                                                   mented with the union of all religions
                                                   and of all multi-ethnic and multi-
                                                   racial Nations, with the aim of de-
                                                   stroying the Church of Christ.
                                                   This is the true meaning of the “pa-
                                                   pal” coat of arms of Bergoglio, which
                                                   we have documented in Issue No. 474
                                                   of “Chiesa viva” of September 2014.
                                                   Reconstructing a “New Tower of Ba-
                                                   bel” of all the pagan peoples, where
                                                   at the center of a divinized Nature and
                                                   Humanity, Lucifer stands, who, in the
                                                   splendor of the rays of his Infinite
                                                   Sun, he presents himself as the savior
                                                   of the world and King of Universe.
                                                   This is the symbol of Lucifer’s tri-
                                                   umph over God.
Cover of “Chiesa viva” n. 474 Sept. 2014.
This publication illustrates the hidden mean-
ings of the “papal” coat of arms of Bergoglio,
that is, it represents the Masonic army that re-   THE CHALLENGE TO HEAVEN
builds the New Tower of Babel for the de-
struction of the Church of Christ and for the      However, in order for Lucifer’s Infi-
triumph of the Kingdom of the Antichrist.          nite Sun to shine, the challenge to
                                                   Heaven must be overcome: the total
                                                   elimination of the Sacrifice of
                                                   Christ on the Cross from the face of
                                                   the earth. This is the task entrusted to
Lucifer: «O omnipotent Wisdom,                     But we know from Our Lady of la
the object of our adorations, it is                Salette that:
you who at this moment we invoke.                  «In pride, Satan will rise skyward to
Supreme Cause of the Universe, Eter-               go up to Heaven; he will be stifled...
nal Reason, Light of the Spirit, Law               will fall and he will be thrown, forev-
of the Heart, how high and holy is                 er, with all his followers, into hell’s
your sublime worship.»                             eternal chasms!»
In the next degree, the 31st, this om-
nipotent Wisdom is so described:                   But waiting for the moment when the
«Knowing how to tie the feet and                   gauntlet of this challenge to Heaven
hands of the usurpers of human                     will be thrown, the traitors of Christ
rights (i.e. the Church of Christ) and             continue to speak of “Peace” and
rule and dominate Mankind, by                      “Ecumenism,” insisting on the need
means of the secret, this occult gov-              to abandon the “old doctrine” of the
ernment hides itself from the eyes                 Church of Christ, to welcome a “new
of the profane world.»                             doctrine” that will lead to the union
The 32nd degree is the Jewish rank                 of all religions and of all peoples, as
par excellence: pain, hatred and                   the only guarantee for world peace.


In order to make this “new doctrine”
acceptable, one must resort to the de-
ception that this must be accepted as
the only solution to the most serious
problem facing humanity: Univer-
sal Peace among peoples.
The cancer of the time in which we
live is that this task is carried out by
those who are expected to “confirm
the brothers in the Faith” in Christ-
God, the only true source of Peace,
and not to deceive them, by distract-                 Jorge Maria Bergoglio.
ing them from the salvation of the
soul with the fable of a Universal
Peace among peoples that would put
an end to a situation of continuous
wars, created specifically to promote       “Jesus Christ” with “Satan,” namely:
this false purpose. And to obtain this
“peace,” these traitors of Christ, ask      1. Satan is God;
us to destroy its main obstacle: The        2. Satan is the Redeemer of man;
Church of Christ.                           3. Satan is King of the Universe.
It is the Church of Christ that they ask
to annihilate to replace it with the        The Satanic Magisterium of the Anti-
“Universal Church of Man” of Sa-            popes had, therefore, gradually to pro-
tanic inspiration: and this is achieved     mote the three Cults of Freemasonry:
with a work of perverting the doctrine      the Cult of Phallus, the Cult of Man
of Christ, with the Magisterium of          and the Cult of Lucifer with the three
Anti-popes that bear the “Mark of           divinizations:
the Beast,” like the Magisterium of
Paul VI and the Magisterium of his          1. Divinization of Nature (Satan
latest follower, Bergoglio.                    presenting himself as God.)
These Satanic magisteriums have the         2. Divinization of Man (Satan pre-
task of imposing the pure doctrine of          senting himself as Redeemer.)
Lucifer in lieu of the Pure doctrine        3. Divinization of Lucifer (Satan
of Jesus Christ that can be summa-             presenting himself as King of the
rized in the three definitions of the          universe.)
Divinizations of Our Lord:
                                            These three blasphemous diviniza-
1. Jesus Christ is God;                     tions, which are represented by Three
2. Jesus Christ is the Redeemer of          Triple Trinities, are the pillars of the
   man;                                     “Universal Church of Man” that
3. Jesus Christ is King of the Uni-         have opened the door to a “New Reli-
   verse.                                   gion” that propagates the heresies of
                                            sexual perversion, idolatry of man,
The pure doctrine of Lucifer, the ape       idolatry of world, modernism, reli-
of God, is instead obtained simply by       gious freedom, ecumenism and uni-
substituting, into the three definitions,   versal salvation.

Bergoglio warmly welcomes two homosexuals.

The “papal” coat of arms of Bergoglio     BERGOGLIO
expresses the contents of the 32nd de-    AND THE DIVINIZATION
gree of Freemasonry of RSAA, that         OF NATURE
is, of rebuilding a New Tower of Ba-
bel that should bury the Church of        The divinization of Nature excludes
Christ, but above all that of replacing   the supernatural and replaces the “sal-
the Sacrifice of Christ, namely the       vation of the soul” with the “preser-
Eucharist – Body, Blood, Soul, and        vation of the natural environment.”
Divinity of Our Savior, Jesus Christ,     Adam Weishaupt, chief founder of
with a “eucharist” that symbolizes        the Order of the Illuminati of Bavaria,
the divinized creation that unites        wrote that only in the name of the
with the “creator,” Lucifer.              Pantheistic sacredness of Nature
                                          can we erase the origin of all evils:
The ultimate goal, then, is Lucifer’s     the Family, together with the Chris-
dream of regaining the absolute pow-      tian Civilization ...
er he had on Humanity, before the         Card. Giacomo Biffi wrote: «The An-
Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross,         tichrist ... puts on the guise of an el-
bringing the solar cult of Freemasonry    egant and proper pacifist, environ-
to its apex, making his Infinite Sun      mentalist and animal rights activist
shine in the center of a Divinized        ... Solidarity, peace and ecology, if
Nature, Humanity and Lucifer, with        uprooted or opposed to the procla-
the total elimination of the Sacrifice    mation of the Salvific event, become
of Christ on the Cross from the face      an INCITEMENT TO IDOLA-
of the earth.                             TRY.”

We wonder why in Bergoglio’s en-
cyclical “Laudato si,” the proclama-
tion of the Salvific event is com-
pletely absent and everything, even
the Eucharist, is tied to Nature?

– Nature is mentioned 70 times.
– Words: Redemption of Christ,
  Mass, True Presence, the Sacri-
  fice of Christ, Confession, the
  Rosary, the Kingdom of God,
  Heaven, Purgatory are completely
– Hell is only “an asphyxiation
  brought on by densely populated
  residential areas that are not com-
  pensated by human relationships
  that give the sense of community
  and belonging” (148).
– The salvation of the soul is com-
  pletely absent, but four kinds of
  salvation appear that can be
  achieved with an appropriate rela-
  tionship with Nature (71, 79, 79,
  112).                                     Cover of the Encyclical “Laudato si.”
– Sin is mentioned 4 times, only in
  relation with Nature.
– The Soul is mentioned only once,
  but only “to meet God in all things”
– The Supernatural is described as
  Nature that is assumed by God and        ding feast, towards unification
  transformed into mediation of su-        with the Creator himself.” Thus,
  pernatural life (235).                   the Eucharist is also a source of
– The Risen Christ is universal mat-       light and motivation for our con-
  uration that illuminates everything.     cerns for the environment, directing
– On Mary and Joseph, it only says         us to be stewards of all creation.»
  that they help us to protect the
  world which God entrusted to us.
– Eucharist (236): «Joined to the In-    BERGOGLIO
  carnate Son, present in the Eu-        AND THE DIVINIZATION
  charist, the whole cosmos gives        OF MAN
  thanks to God. The Eucharist
  joins heaven and earth; it em-         The Mason who becomes a Man-God
  braces and penetrates all cre-         is free from any Divine authority, be-
  ation. The world which came forth      ing God himself, and then, with full
  from God’s hands returns to him in     “freedom of conscience,” he can ig-
  blessed and undivided adoration: in    nore, mock, insult and blaspheme the
  the bread of the Eucharist, “cre-      name of the true God-Man and Most
  ation is projected towards di-         Holy Trinity and express his contempt
  vinization, towards the holy wed-      for Christianity and for those Chris-

Baptism that makes us “Children of
                                                –   «Each of us has a vision of Good
                                                    and of Evil also. We must encour-
                                                    age people to move towards what
                                                    he thinks is Good.» (Was not this
                                                    the original sin?)
                                                –   «And I believe in God. Not in a
                                                    Catholic God; there is no Catholic
                                                    God; there is God.»
                                                –   «All! The Lord has redeemed all of
                                                    us with the blood of Christ: every-
                                                    one, not just Catholics. All! Even
                                                    atheists. All!!»
                                                –   «Live and let live is the first step
                                                    towards peace and joy.» (Isn’t this
                                                    the first Satanic “commandment”?)
                                                –   «I don’t care if this education is
                                                    given by Catholics, Protestants, Or-
                                                    thodox or Jews. I don’t care. What
The “New Man” of Freemasonry: Freed of              matters is that this child receives an
God and the Church of Christ, recognizes, as        education and ceases to be hungry.»
the only law, the Masonic Declaration of “Hu-
man Rights.”                                    –   «The Mother of Jesus was the per-
                                                    fect icon of silence ... The Madon-
                                                    na was human! And perhaps she
                                                    even desired to say: “Lies! I have
                                                    been tricked!”»
                                                –   «Today, the youth needs three key
                                                    pillars: education, sports and cul-
tians who have not abandoned the                –   «The world has changed, and the
Faith in Christ-God.                                Church cannot lock themselves up
And in this, Bergoglio’s “freedom of                in the alleged interpretations of
conscience” seems to have no rivals!                dogma.»
In the spiritual sphere, what concerns          –   «... the loaves and the fishes, I
Bergoglio is not the acceptance of Je-              would like to add a nuance: they
sus Christ as Messiah and Savior, but               did not multiply, no, it is not
the divinization of the human con-                  true.»
science built up to the supreme                 –   «Dialogue does not mean renounc-
moral norm of life, at the expense of               ing one’s own ideas and traditions,
the Gospel and God’s Command-                       but rather the claim that they are
ments. Bergoglio stated:                            unique and absolute.»
                                                –   «We should not think, however,
– «God is the light that illuminates                that the Gospel message must al-
  the darkness ... and a spark of that              ways be communicated by fixed
  Divine light is within each of us.»               formulations learned by heart or by
  (therefore, Man is God)                           specific words which express an
– «... I cordially impart this blessing,            absolutely invariable content.»
  in silence, respecting everyone’s             –   «Sunday is the day of the family.»
  conscience, but know that each of             –   «Proselytizing is a solemn non-
  you is a child of God» (Is it not                 sense.»

– «I hold the Jewish people in very
  high regard, whose covenant with
  God has never been revoked.»
– «We cannot insist only on issues re-
  lated to abortion, gay marriage
  and the use of contraceptive
  methods. This is not possible.»
– «France needs to become a more
  secular country ... A healthy secu-
  larism includes an opening to all-
  forms of transcendence, according
  to the different religious and
  philosophical traditions.»
– «The greatest evils afflicting the
  world, in recent years, are youth
  unemployment and loneliness of
– For Bergoglio, however, certain
  Catholics have a “different heart”
  and he calls them: «Fundamental-
  ists, Pharisees, Pelagians, Gnos-
  tics, Triumphalists, Nostalgic, Su-
  perficial Christians, the chosen
  ones, peacocks, pedantic moral-
  ists, uniformists, proud, self-suffi-
  cient, intellectual aristocrats,
  Christian bats who prefer shad-
  ows to the light of the presence of
  the Lord, etc. ...»

                                              Here is the symbol of the task entrusted
BERGOGLIO                                     to Bergoglio: The Triple Trinity, im-
AND THE DIVINIZATION                          pressed on the 13th tile that covers the
                                              Tabernacle of the Satanic Temple dedi-
OF LUCIFER                                    cated to Saint Padre Pio, that smashes
                                              the Cross of Christ. The Eucharist is
The divinization of the Man-God is            defined as “creation aimed at diviniza-
only an intermediate step for the di-         tion ... and towards unification with
vinization of Lucifer and for the             the Creator himself.”
achievement of his supreme purpose,
symbolized by the Infinite Sun of
Lucifer which means the total elimi-
nation of the Sacrifice of Christ on
the Cross from the face of the earth.     on the Cross:
The lack of faith and contempt shown      – In his book “Refexiones espiri-
by Bergoglio for the Eucharist, be-         tuales sobra la vida apostolica”
yond the trivialization and perversion      (Bilbao 2014), Bergoglio insults
of the terms used in his ecological en-     the Eucharist with the words:
cyclical, Laudato si’, are highlighted      «Bread and wine in the Eucharist
by the insults he hurled against the        is like going to the tavern with
Eucharist and the Sacrifice of Christ       friends.»

– Bergoglio denies the Catholic             Note the following points:
  doctrine on the Real Presence of        – 154: the term “transubstantia-
  Christ in the Eucharist.                  tion” was abandoned as an ex-
– Bergoglio has never knelt before          planatory word for the change in
  the Eucharist.                            the substance that occurs in the Eu-
– Bergoglio has granted communion           charist and says nothing against the
  to remarried adulterers.                  terms “impanation” or “consub-
– October 30th, 2015: «The Declara-         stantiation.” used by the Luther-
  tion: Church, Eucharist and Min-          ans. In these terms, Jesus would be
  istry,” called for the “extending         present through the faith of the
  the opportunities for Lutherans           group and Jesus would disappear
  and Catholics to receive Holy             once the celebration was conclud-
  Communion together.»                      ed.
– March 25, 2016: Good Friday, St.        – 158: The Eucharist is described
  Peter’s Basilica. During the cele-        only as a memorial (historical), as
  bration of the Passion of the Lord,       the Lutherans have always con-
  Bergoglio, in the capital of Catholi-     ceived.
  cism, in the presence of cardinals,     – 159: The doctrine that states that
  bishops and faithful, gave a sermon       the Sacrifice of Christ is renewed
  on Martin Luther, while his here-         in an unbloody manner at every
  sies and his offensive statements         Mass as always been professed by
  were spewed from the mouth of             the Catholic Church for over two
  the preacher of the Pontifical            thousand years was abandoned.
  Household, Father Raniero Can-          – However, the war on the Re-
  talamessa.                                demption of the Sacrifice of
– October 13, 2016: Instead of cele-        Christ on the Cross was officially
  brating the 99th anniversary of the       declared and widely spread around
  “Miracle of the Sun” that the             the world with the “Logo of Mer-
  Blessed Virgin Mary produced at           cy” and the Logo of “Mater Mis-
  Fatima in 1917, Bergoglio en-             ericordiae” where, on both, the
  throned Luther in the Vatican,            symbol of the Antichrist was en-
  with a ceremony, in front of              graved 7 times, which, in an occult
  Lutheran guests, in which he re-          language, symbolizes the Infinite
  placed the papal stole (never used        Sun of Lucifer.
  before) with the Lutheran stole.        – December 15, 2016: In the Paul VI
– October 30, 2016: The day before          Hall, Bergoglio received persons
  the trip to Bergoglio in Sweden, a        and children from five continents.
  second earthquake shook the west-         To the question. “Why do children
  ern area of the Sibillini Mountains       die?”, with an attitude of false hu-
  again. Whole cities were destroyed.       mility, Bergoglio uttered the horri-
  The Basilica of Saint Benedict            ble curse: «IS GOD UNJUST?
  was razed to the ground.                  YES, HE WAS UNJUST WITH
– October 31st, 2016: Bergoglio went        HIS SON, HE SENT HIM TO
  to Sweden to celebrate, with the          THE CROSS.” Is it possible for
  Lutherans, the beginning of the           anyone to strike at the Sacrifice
  fifth centenary of the heresies of        of Christ on the Cross and tram-
  Martin Luther. The Vatican pub-           ple on the immense love of God
  lished the very grave document:           for Humanity, in a deeper and
  “Joint Roman Catholic-Lutheran            more Satanic way than with the
  Commemoration of the Lutheran             horrible blasphemy of accusing
  Reformation.”                             God of injustice, for wanting the

death of His Son on the Cross for    Church will be eclipsed»; that is, the
     the Redemption of Mankind?           luminous “Church of Christ” will be
     Only a puppet of the blasphemous     eclipsed by the black body of the
     and Satanic Masonic Triple Trinity   “Church of Satan,” i.e. the “New
     could conceive such a thing and      Universal Church of Man,” founded
     hurl such a horrible BLASPHE-        on June 29, 1963, with the Double
     MY!                                  Black Mass, the day before the oath
                                          of the Anti-Pope Paul VI.
                                          So, what jurisdiction does a Bishop of
THE OATH OF FIDELITY                      the “Universal Church of Man”
TO THE MAGISTERIUM                        have on a priest belonging to the
OF BERGOGLIO                              “Church of Christ”?
                                          Evidently, NONE!
November 2017: From Santa Marta           And what will a priest do who wishes
there was an unofficial “invitation”      to remain faithful to the Church of
(in Bergoglian style) to the grassroots   Christ, when he refuses to swear fi-
communities to “organize,” to start,      delity to the Satanic magisterium of
with the Lutherans, to experience         Bergoglio?
the “ecumenical mass.” Starting
from November 5, 2017, these              – Will he still have a hierarchical su-
“Catholic” communities, pro-divorce         perior in the Church of Christ?
and pro-euthanasia, participated in the   – Will he be able to celebrate Mass in
Protestant “holy supper” in the             the church where he has celebrated
Lutheran Church of Via Sicilia, in          in the past?
Rome.                                     – Will he able to stay in the rectory
This “path” has been declared “ir-          near the parish church?
Even if the official text of the “ecu-    The Cardinals faithful to the Church
menical mass” has not yet been re-        of Christ will appoint the bishops in
leased, he prefers to use this as a       the various dioceses, even if, for rea-
“starting point” and then accept it,      sons of security, their names must re-
formalize it and impose it!               main secret.
Bergoglio, who we have seen first-        For the churches and associated
hand lose his popularity on his recent    canons, this is what Fr. Luigi Villa
trip to Chile and Peru, seems to have     told me one day, when he spoke to me
decided to accelerate his timeline        about this persecution of the clergy:
even more: Will there be an “oath” of     «The churches are not of the Pope,
loyalty to his magisterium? Will it be    of the Cardinals, of the Bishops, of
done before the diocesan bishops?         the Priests, of the Deacons. The
And what will happen to the Priests       churches belong to the people who
who will remain faithful to the           built them to celebrate the Holy
Church of Jesus Christ and refuse to      Mysteries of our Holy Faith!»
swear? Here, the schism will official-
ly begin.                                 It will be the faithful who will have
                                          to decide if “the sacrilegious ecu-
                                          menical Masses” or “Sacrificial
TWO CHURCHES                              Mass of Christ” will be celebrated in
                                          “their churches”!
There is always talk of the “Church,”     It will be the faithful who will have
but of “Churches” there are TWO!          to decide whether to defend the Eu-
As Our Lady de la Salette said: «The      charistic Body, Blood, Soul and Di-

vinity of Jesus Christ, or to see Him          eliminate the consecration in the
profaned with the excuse of obedi-             Catholic Mass?
ence to a “pope” who belongs to the            Keeping in mind that every “radical
“Church of Satan.”                             change” that took place in the Church
                                               of Christ was imposed with the ter-
It will be the faithful who will have          ror of a nuclear holocaust, we can
to decide whether to see their                 easily assume that, perhaps, that they
churches destroyed by the Wrath of             are waiting for the moment when,
God or keep them alive and glorious            suddenly, the world will fall into the
with the celebration of the Holy Mys-          terror of a thermonuclear war,
teries of our Holy Faith!                      which will be presented as the only
                                               solution to maintain the world su-
But there is another thing that the            premacy of the current hegemonic
faithful can and must do. Let us recall        power, the USA.
the words that Jesus Christ addressed          But we must ask ourselves another
to Mother Mariana in the Monastery             question: will God allow the largest
in Quito:                                      Christian geographical areas of the
«I am enormously satisfied with the            earth to suffer such annihilation?
religious souls who take charge of             It is Our Lady of Fatima who tells us
the sublime task of the sanctifica-            how God will stop this hellish plan
tion of the Clergy through their               and it is Our Lady of la Salette who
prayers, sacrifices and penances. In           describes the resurrection of the
every time, I will choose such souls           Church of Christ, who will have at her
so that, joining Me, they work, pray           right hand all the “new kings” of the
and suffer to achieve this noble end,          earth!
and a special glory awaits them in             Therefore, even if there could not be
Heaven.”»                                      doubts about it, it is God who will
                                               win! And the world will have a long
And why cannot we, faithful, also as-          period of Peace: The Peace of
pire to this “special glory” that can          Christ! The Peace that brings Sal-
await us in Heaven?”                           vation to the souls of all peoples
We faithful can also pray, make sacri-         who will be converted to the one
fices and make penances for the “sub-          True Religion that was born in the
lime task” of the sanctification of            Infinite Love of God for the eternal
the Clergy who remained faithful to            destinies of man!
the Church of Jesus Christ.
We faithful must keep ourselves ready
because, in the battle that will be un-
leashed shortly, there will be only two
positions to choose from: “with
Christ” or “against Christ!”


What is Satan waiting for to hurl his
Challenge to Heaven, ordering
Bergoglio to impose on the Clergy the
oath of fidelity to his magisterium, to

         WITH THE
                  (Apocalypse, 17, 2)

           Francis bows to kiss Rockefeller’s hand,
     in presence of John Rothschild and Henry Kissinger.

Francis glorifies the Infinite Sun of Lucifer.
Here is the epilogue in the words of the Head of the Illuminati, Albert Pike:

          OF CHRISTIANITY...»
        (Third Secret of Fatima)
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