Tying the Knot - Pushing the boundaries of bridal style in Dunedin - Neighbourly

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Wednesday, September 12, 2018   The Southland Times   L1

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               Wedding and Events Guide 2018


                                               Pushing the boundaries of bridal style in Dunedin
The Southland Times    Wednesday, September 12, 2018

 L2 Wedding & Events Guide 2018

                                The all important wedding check list
  6-12 MONTHS OUT                                                                                                                                                ❏ Visit hairdresser with headgear.
  ❏ Discuss the budget and type of wedding                                                                                                                       ❏ See minister, priest or celebrant and
  ceremony                                                                                                                                                       check formalities are in order.
  ❏ Choose date, place and time.                                                                                                                                 ❏ Set date for wedding rehearsal and
  ❏ See minister, priest or celebrant                                                                                                                            notify people concerned.
  ❏ Compile guest list with families                                                                                                                             ❏ Check transport arrangements and
  ❏ Send guests ‘save the date’ notification                                                                                                                     time the journey.
  ❏ Book reception venue and pay deposit                                                                                                                         ❏ Do a trial run with makeup artist.
  ❏ Book band or DJ                                                                                                                                              JUST 2 WEEKS LEFT
  ❏ Choose and book photographer                                                                                                                                 ❏ Confirm all arrangements: florist,
  ❏ Decide on florist                                                                                                                                            caterer, car hire, photographer, etc.
  ❏ Start looking for wedding dress                                                                                                                              ❏ Try on your wedding gown with all the
  ❏ Choose attendants                                                                                                                                            accessories.
  ❏ Decide on wedding theme and colour                                                                                                                           ❏ Wear in your wedding shoes
  ❏ Think about honeymoon and arrange                                                                                                                            ❏ Check place cards and table settings
  leave from work                                                                                                                                                are in order.
  3-6 MONTHS                                                                                                                                                     ❏ Give final numbers to caterer.
  ❏ Decide with bridesmaids on their                                                                                                                             ❏ Groom should have a haircut.
  dresses                                                                                                                                                        ❏ Collect marriage licence
  ❏ Choose and order the groom’s and                                                                                                                             ONLY 1 WEEK TO GO
  attendants’ clothes and accessories                                                                                                                            ❏ Have a wedding rehearsal and dinner
  ❏ Order wedding cake and choose                                                                                                                                ❏ Speeches. A friendly reminder to those
  invitations                                                                                                                                                    concerned.
  ❏ Decide on honeymoon and book                                                                                                                                 ❏ Groom ensure best man has rings and
  ❏ Groom and best man have fittings for                                                                                                                         service sheets.
  suits                                                                                                                                                          ❏ Check suits and any hire items are
  ❏ Compile gift list and register for gifts                                                                                                                     collected.
  ❏ Buy wedding rings                                                                                                                                            ❏ Check honeymoon arrangements and
  ❏ Book wedding transport                                                                                                                                       assemble going away clothes.
  ❏ Choose and book hairdresser                                                                                                                                  ❏ Appoint someone to take care of
  ❏ Choose and book makeup artist                                                                                                                                ride’s personal items on the day
  ❏ Confirm all other bookings with                    ❏ Give the florist details of the wedding                       1 MONTH TO GO                             ❏ Make final checks on all arrangements
  photographer etc                                     colour scheme and agree on flowers                              ❏ Apply for marriage licence              ❏ Have nails done and a massage
  2 MONTHS                                             ❏ After checking their outfits, order                           ❏ Chase up late invitations replies and   ❏ Schedule some quiet time for you and
  ❏ Send invitations, list acceptances or              corsages for wedding party and parents                          finalise guest list                       your fiance to relax
  refusals as they return                              ❏ Check passports, certificates etc are in                      ❏ Do seating plan and write place cards
                                                       order                                                           ❏ Liaise with the venue if you plan to    BEFORE THE BIG DAY
  ❏ Notify anyone required to make a                                                                                                                             ❏ Sleep
  speech                                               ❏ Buy gifts for the attendants                                  display wedding gifts
  ❏ Agree on the menu and wine with the                ❏ Arrange where the attendants will                             ❏ Have final wedding gown fitting with    THE WEDDING DAY
  caterer and give number of expected                  dress on the day                                                wedding shoes                             ❏ Enjoy!
  guests                                               ❏ Write vows if doing your own                                  ❏ Fittings for all the attendants

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The Southland Times                    Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Updated all day at                                                                                                            Wedding & Events Guide 2018 L3

                                         Planning a ceremony for all to cherish
       ou’ve bought the ring, told everyone                      come under the jurisdiction of the Depart-
       you’re getting married. Now reality                       ment of Internal Affairs, which requires three
       kicks in. You have a lot to do, and one                   things to make it legal.
of the first items on your list is choosing a                    1. The ceremony must take place at one of
celebrant, then planning your ceremony.                          the venues nominated on the wedding li-
Here are some tips on how to make the                            cence, before the licence expires. Always cite
ceremony a memory you will cherish.                              two venues, especially if it’s an outdoor cer-
Choosing a celebrant                                             emony, in case of unforeseen circumstances.
● Choose one in your area – The Celebrants’                          2. The ceremony must be performed in
Association of NZ (CANZ) (www.celebrant-                         the presence of at least two witnesses.
sassociation.co.nz) offers a list of registered                  3. During the marriage ceremony each party
celebrants that suits you, your family and the                   must say ‘‘I …. take you …. to be my legal
day. Check out the celebrants’ own websites.                     wife/husband/partner’’ or similar wording.
● While no qualification or training is                          Tips
required, celebrants must register with the                      ● Some couples memorise vows so they
Department of Internal Affairs and reapply                       don’t have to repeat each phrase after the
annually.                                                        celebrant, but guests generally hear re-
● If your chosen CANZ celebrant is not avail-                    peated vows more clearly. And you don’t run
able, they will recommend someone who                            the risk of forgetting your vows.
could do a similarly professional job.                           ● If you want to write your own vows, but
● Interview a pro-                                                                      are stuck for ideas, ex-
spective celebrant;                                                                     perienced celebrants
see how you get on.                                                                     should be able to pro-
Do they understand                                                                      vide you with vows
your wants?                                                                             from           previous
● The         celebrant                                                                 weddings and from
should interpret your                                                                   their own research.
                                                                                                                              ● Ask your celebrant to start by welcoming                 beaches, in public places such as town and
ideas               and                                                                 ● If you want a
                                                                                                                              guests, acknowledging those who have trav-                 city gardens, and in home gardens.
requirements, mould                                                                     personalised       cer-
                                                                                                                              elled distances or for some reason made it                 ● More bridal couples are now memorising
them into a basic                                                                       emony, with bespoke
                                                                                                                              special, and grandparents. You may also                    and personalising their vows, but others still
plan, then keep in                                                                      vows and other individ-
                                                                                                                              want them to introduce the bridal party, so                like the traditional ones.
contact until they are                                                                  ual touches, ask for it.
                                                                                                                              guests know who they are.                                  CANZ
finalised.                                                                              Some celebrants may
                                                                                                                              ● Ask your celebrant acknowledge anyone                    The Celebrants Association of New Zealand
● Does the celebrant                                                                    prefer to stick to a
                                                                                                                              important to you who has died. A candlelight               is a professional body. Standards are set and
do a rehearsal to en-                                                                   standard template.
                                                                                                                              aspect can be included so symbolically they                maintained through a Code of Ethics and
sure the day runs like                                                                  ● Send your celebrant
                                                                                                                              are there.                                                 Conduct, professional standards and com-
clockwork?                                                                              a wedding invitation to
                                                                                                                              Trends                                                     plaints procedure.
● The         celebrant                                                                 indicate the formality
                                                                                                                              ● Celebrants operating independently of                    Members do ongoing professional develop-
should be happy to include family at the                         of your ceremony
                                                                                                                              churches or organisations now officiate at                 ment, and the association is working towards
rehearsal and wedding ceremony.                                  ● A thoughtful celebrant will ask what
                                                                                                                              45 per cent of weddings.                                   formal training and qualifications for all
The legalities                                                   colours the bridal party will be wearing, so
                                                                                                                              ● Most weddings are held outdoors on                       registered celebrants.
The legalities of a marriage or civil union                      they don’t clash on the day.

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The Southland Times                        Wednesday, September 12, 2018

           L4 Wedding & Events Guide 2018

                 Finding the perfect venue for your special occasion
      hoosing a venue for your event, what-                            room, etc) and your budget. Then write a
      ever it may be is one of the most im-                            wish list and create a spreadsheet, so you
      portant decisions you can make. For                              can keep track of each venue’s suitability as
the newly engaged couple, it can set the                               you research.
scene for the day, literally and figuratively,                         Consider:
so make it a priority as popular venues book                           ● How many guests it can hold, capacities
out many months, if not years, in advance.                             for different rooms, if the ceremony and re-
Before you go venue hunting, have a date in                            ception can both be held there, if there is
mind (you may need to be flexible), know the                           onsite accommodation.
number of people you’d like to invite, your                            ● If the pricing structure is based on room
style (casual or formal; garden or banquet                             hire, head count, minimum spend or set
                                                                       packages, and what exactly is included for
                                                                       the price.
                                                                       ● If the catering is in-house, or if there an
                                                                       approved caterers list, or if you are free to
                                                                       hire anyone.

                                                                       ● If it’s in-house, are there sample menus
                                                                       and a tasting session?
                                                                       ● If there is enough light indoors for photos,
                                                                       or suitable spaces outside.
                                                                       ● If there is plenty of parking or access to
                                                                       public transport.                                                   Ask how they orchestrate wedding days. Are                            Once upon a time people got married in a
                                                                       ● If the chairs, tables, linen and tableware,                       they open to your ideas and flexible with                             church and that was that. These days, liter-
                                                                       etc, are not to your taste, can you supply                          timings, the flow of the day and use of the                           ally anything goes, as long as your celebrant
                                                                       your own?                                                           rooms?                                                                and witnesses agree (which means don’t plan
                                                                       ● How many other weddings are likely to                             Before signing anything, ask for a full, item-                        on tying the knot mid-skydive or under
                                                                       take place on the same day/weekend.                                 ised breakdown of costs, including GST, and                           water, unless they are happy to go along
                                                                       ● If staff numbers are adequate for the day                         ask what happens to your money if you or                              with it!)
                                                                       to ensure good service.                                             the venue cancels.                                                    If you haven’t chosen a venue, you might be
                                                                       ● The price of drinks in-house or can you                           If you have to use their suppliers, are they                          surprised at the sheer number of options on
                                                                       supply? Will they charge corkage?                                   recommended on merit or paying to be on                               offer. And if you have your heart set on a
                                                                       ● When you can have access to the venue                             the list? If they insist on certain suppliers,                        particular place, but don’t know if they host
                                                                       on the day.                                                         get independent quotes from them before                               your type of event, ask.
                                                                       ● Check any restrictions, eg, no confetti or                        booking to check the total costs are within                           Here are a few ideas to get you started, but
                                                                       candles. Is there a curfew?                                         budget. Ask if it’s possible to have one main                         always have a back up plan if you want to
                                                                       Once you have a shortlist of venues, visit                          point of contact preceding the event and on                           hold your event outside, even in the middle
                                                                       them. Pay attention to details, like what the                       the day.                                                              of summer.
                                                                       bathrooms are like, whether there’s ad-                             Unexpected issues and costs will always crop                          Church, beach, function centre, café or res-
                                                                       equate heating/air conditioning and where                           up with events such as a wedding, but if you                          taurant, sailing club, public garden, private
                                                                       the power sockets are for your music,                               do your homework, and ask the right                                   home, function room, racecourse, farm,
Whether your style is formal or casual, the                                                                                                questions, you can at least minimise them.                            camping ground.
perfect venue is out there.                                            speeches and ceremony.

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                                                                                                                Self-catering venues for the more modest budget
The Southland Times       Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Updated all day at                                                                                                                          Wedding & Events Guide 2018 L5

                                                     Choosing food and beverage options
         edding catering these days can run                                                                                                                                                      their own drinks, and you don’t end up with
         the gamut from a full sit-down dinner                                                                                                                                                   a huge bill. Some couples limit catered al-
         with wines to match, to finger-food                                                                                                                                                     cohol to wine and beer; others specify the
only, to food trucks, to ‘‘byo plate and bottle’’                                                                                                                                                length of time that ‘‘free’’ drinks will be avail-
in lieu of a gift. There is no right or wrong                                                                                                                                                    able; after that they must pay.
way; it depends on your budget, your taste                                                                                                                                                          Enough alcohol
and your level of formality.                                                                                                                                                                        Buy about 1/3 more alcohol than you think
    Here are some expert tips for everything                                                                                                                                                     you’ll use, but be sure you can return un-
from appetisers and alcohol to choosing a                                                                                                                                                        opened bottles, unless you plan to keep
caterer.                                                                                                                                                                                         them.
    Quizzing the caterer                                                                                                                                                                            Open bar
    Hiring a caterer to provide food for your                                                                                                                                                       Of all the beverage options, this is the
big day? According to lifetips.com, here are                                                                                                                                                     most expensive. Be prepared for a hefty bill
some questions you’ll want to ask: Do you                                                                                                                                                        and for over-indulgers who may drink too
cater full time? Do you have any formal                                                                                                                                                          much. Go this route only if you’ve got the
training? How long have you been a caterer?                                                                                                                                                      funds to back it up.
What is the ratio of staff to guests? What                                                                                                                                                          Other ideas:
equipment do you provide? Are there extra                                                                                                                                                           Serve nibbles before or immediately after
charges for buffet servers, champagne toast,                                                                                                                                                     the ceremony to help prevent guests over-
cake cutting, bartenders, etc.?                                                                                                                                                                  indulging in alcohol on an empty stomach.
    Final head count                                                                     and if you can make substitutions.                 save you money. Choose from sparkling or                Hire a food truck to suit the theme of the
    When you give the final number of guests                                                Mix it up                                       mineral water, flavoured carbonated waters,          wedding.
to your caterer, remember to include meals                                                  Want your guests to mingle more than            iced tea, real lemonade, sparkling punch or             Set up interactive appetiser stations, in-
for your DJ/band members, photographer/                                                  they do at buffets or waiter-served                hot mulled cider.                                    cluding a raw bar or roll-your-own sushi
videographer and wedding consultant (ask                                                 weddings? Set up different food stations               Alcohol know-how                                 options, family recipes, farm-to-table dinners
them beforehand if they’d like meals). Some-                                             around the room.                                       When you’re arranging the alcohol for the        and creative desserts.
times the caterer will give you discounts for                                               Children                                        reception, nail down the following details; the         If you are self-catering, know your
vendor meals.                                                                               If children are invited, serve some             differences can add up to a big bill or big          limitations; it’s better to serve beautifully
    Awesome appetisers                                                                   children-friendly food, and specify the num-       savings: Will wine be left on the table for          simple food done well, unless you want to
    If you want to save money on reception                                               ber of young guests with your caterer as           guests to help themselves, or will they have         spend your wedding day in the kitchen
costs, consider having an ‘‘appetisers only’’                                            there is often a lesser charge for meals for       to go to a bar for refills? Will glasses be filled      Get creative with dessert; how about po-
reception, but do specify it on the invitation                                           those under 12. Also ensure                        halfway or to the top?                               psicles, or ice cream sandwiches?
so guests don’t expect a full sit-down meal.                                                Hospitality table                                   Which wine is that?                                 Not keen on a fancy cake and all the
Hire wait staff to serve a mix of tasty hot and                                             If your wedding and reception are in the            If you’re serving an inexpensive wine and        cutting palaver? Serve cake pops straight
cold finger food throughout the celebration.                                             same offbeat, off-track or non-restaurant lo-      are worried about the name of the brand,             after the ceremony, with a glass of
    Food price know-how                                                                  cation, have a limited bar, soft drink or tea      serve it in a carafe or have personalised            celebratory bubbles.
    Get detailed quotes from your caterer in                                             and coffee setup available when people ar-         labels made, so no one can make judgments               Gluten-free and vegetarian options are
regard to specific food items. This is es-                                               rive for the wedding.                              based on the label.                                  essential in the 21st century. Guests with
pecially important if your wedding is more                                                  Non-alcoholic drinks                                A limited bar                                    severe food allergies should also let you
than six months away. Perishable food prices                                                Include a selection of nice non-alcoholic           There are several ways to do this, and all       know beforehand.
can change, so ask if the food price is subject                                          beverages at the reception. Many people            are a good option if you are on a budget as             Daytime wedding? Create a brunch-
to change, when and how you will be notified,                                            today are drinking less alcohol and it will also   guests don’t have to pay for any or all of           inspired menu.

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The Southland Times           Wednesday, September 12, 2018

 L6 Wedding & Events Guide 2018

                                   The right floral tribute for your big day
       mong all the preparations necessary                                                                                                                                                 blooms such as lilies, hyacinths, jasmine, and
       for that special day to be perfect, the                                                                                                                                             sweet peas also add to the illusion of more
       flowers are probably the most import-                                                                                                                                               flowers than you actually have.
ant after the dress. They complement the                                                                                                                                                       Learn the meanings of different flowers
bride and add their own beauty.                                                                                                                                                            so you can express your happiness through
    The bridesmaids also carry flowers, the                                                                                                                                                the language of flowers.
groom and his attendants and the parents                                                                                                                                                       If you are still undecided, think about the
often wear a corsage, and then there are the                                                                                                                                               classic wedding flowers such as roses, peony,
flowers for the ceremony and for the recep-                                                                                                                                                lily of the valley, orchid, and calla lily. You
tion.                                                                                                                                                                                      can’t go wrong with these.
    Choose the dress first, because the                                                                                                                                                        Like everything else, flowers cost money
flowers must match; traditionally, the bigger                                                                                                                                              so before you get too excited, do the sums.
the dress the bigger the bouquet.                                                                                                                                                          Tell the florist your budget; they can look for
    There are various styles of bouquets.                                                                                                                                                  cheaper but still lovely alternatives. If your
    Round bouquets are popular and usually                                                                                                                                                 budget is tight, use expensive flowers for the
composed of large flowers such as roses or                                                                                                                                                 bridal bouquet only. Seasonal flowers cost
peonies loosely arranged with foliage and                                                                                                                                                  less so you can get the biggest impact at a
tied with a ribbon.                                                                                                                                                                        smaller price.
    Large trailing bouquets (a cascade) are                                                                                                                                                    Colour is vital. They should complement
particularly suited to romantic-style wedding                                                                                                                                              the gown, the rest of the bridal party, and
gowns and work well with larger dresses;                                                                                                                                                   the theme.
they cna overpower anything slinky or close-                                                                                                                                                   Popular choices for a white theme are:
fitting.                                                                                                                                                                                   roses, sweet peas, camellias, narcissus,
    Tied bouquets are hand-tied casually or                                                                                                                                                gardenias, orchids, lily of the valley, jasmine,
wound together with wire; perfect for a mod-                                                                                                                                               and snowdrops. Pink theme: rose,
ern, simple dress at a contemporary wed-                                                                                                                                                   ranunculus, peony, sweet pea, carnation, tu-
ding.                                                                                                                                                                                      lip, protea, boronia, and lily. Lavender: laven-
    A posy is a minimalist approach and                                                                                                                                                    der, lilac, anemone, statice, iris and delphin-
usually hand-tied with ribbon; lily of the val-                                                                                                                                            ium. Yellow: daffodil, sunflower, tulip,
ley is ideal for this type of bouquet.                                                                                                                                                     gerbera, lily, and freesia. Red: rose, dahlia,
    An elegant line bouquet of lilies is a good                                                                                                                                            poinsettia, gerbera and amaryllis.
choice for a slim-fitting gown.                                                                                                                                                                Whether elaborate or simple, the flowers
    A modern bouquet made of exotic flowers                                                                                                                                                should look as if they have been specially
and tropical foliage will suit the contempor-                                                                                                                                              created for the bride.
ary bride.                                                                                                                                                                                     The bridesmaids’ flowers can either be a
    You can embellish your bouquet with                          your florist, who has the expertise and know-                              already beautiful wedding, not to overpower    smaller version of the bride’s, or a different
ribbons, crystals and peals for added glam-                      ledge. Look at photographs of flowers or visit                             everything else.                               shape but the same colour theme. For some-
our and luxury.                                                  gardens for ideas.                                                            Well-placed arrangements and careful use    thing a little different, the bridesmaids could
    However, there is no right or wrong                             A couple of tips before you start: Less is                              of foliage can make it look as if you have     carry elegant evening bags filled with flowers
choice because it is entirely up to you. Start                   more. Flowers supply the colour (and the                                   more flowers than you do. This is useful if    (a piece of soaked florist foam is placed in
with the theme of your wedding, how you                          fragrance) but are there to add to the                                     you are on a tight budget. Stronger-smelling   the bag and the flowers and foliage arranged
envisage it all to take place, then talk with                                                                                                                                              in the foam).

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The Southland Times           Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Updated all day at                                                                                   Wedding & Events Guide 2018 L7

DIY wedding decor trends to suit every wedding theme
      f you’re looking to save money on your
      wedding or are the crafty type, go DIY
      for the simple elements of your wed-
ding decor. Table-top decorations, botanical
elements, wedding favours and interior
decorations for the reception venue are all
achievable under your own steam.
    Reduce stress by creating relevant pieces
well in advance, perhaps with the help of
bridesmaids or family.
    Here are a few trends for 2018 that are
easy enough to create yourself.
    Rustic-style weddings have been popular
for several years now and the trend has yet
to dissipate.
    With a few charming touches you can
inexpensively make over just about anything.
    Lace table runners are just such a trend,
but not in the way your Grandma might think
of them. Run a wide strip of burlap longways
down the centre of your table, then a
narrower strip of lace centred on top.
    Both are available by the metre from craft
and fabric stores, so it’s easy to buy in bulk.
    Alternatively, bring the ‘something
borrowed’ element into your reception by re-
using old lace doilies.
    The circular kind in various sizes are what
you want; position overlaying each other at          Once on the table, again fill with water and    sical photos of your guests by setting up a     your way as you exit the ceremony, how
the edges down the centre of your table for          a piece of greenery inside, then wedge a        romantic photo booth. For this, you’ll need     about something a little more fabulous?
a contemporary-meets-country look.                   white taper candle into the mouth of the        several large picture frames, spray paint in        Divide confetti of your choice into small
    CANDLES AND FOLIAGE                              bottle.                                         the colour of your choice, nylon and flowers    silk bags, recycled button tubes, or plastic
    Utilise the trend for greenery in your              WREATHS OF GREENERY                          for decoration.                                 gumball pods.
table centrepieces. For a modern look, fill             If you have a garden, clippers and string,      Simply spray paint your frame (gold or           The former you should be able to find at
varying heights of straight glass vases with         then you have all you need to make a foliage    chalk-painted shades look great), attach your   your local emporium, the latter are available
water, submerge a few strands of leafy               wreath. For best results, make in varying       flowers as you see fit, then have the frames    online.
clippings into the water, then use white float-      sizes in the days leading up to the wedding     hung at varying heights in a zone at your           Finally, display in a large cut crystal dish
ing candles on the surface.                          and store in the fridge.                        reception venue.                                or delegate to one of the children in the
    For a more Bohemian look, collect and               PICTURE FRAME PHOTO BOOTHS                      CONFETTI CAPSULES                            family to dish them out amongst the crowd
recycle glass bottles of different shapes and           Ensure you’ll walk away with some whim-         Rather than have rice or petals thrown       before the ceremony begins.
sizes in the months leading up the big day.

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The Southland Times    Wednesday, September 12, 2018

 L8 Wedding & Events Guide 2018

Katherine and Jordan Matthews on their wedding day.                                                                                                                                                   PHOTOS: FINDLATER PHOTOGRAPHY

    Facebook plays role in bringing pair together again
        friend request on facebook bought                 surprise facebook friend request from Jor-                     ‘‘Jordan was in our bedroom and was                                     after their engagement.
      High School sweethearts Katherine                   dan.                                                        bright red. I thought something was wrong,                                     ‘‘Anyone that knows me knows that I
      and Jordan back together again after                   ‘‘I was sent a friend request in May 2013                then he flicks out the box, opens it upside                                would have to have every finer detail down
almost two decades apart.                                 from a Jordan Matthews,’’ Katherine says.                   down and the ring went clonk in the box.                                   nice an early to eliminate any problems on
   The pair first dated whilst attending                     ‘‘I of course accepted. The spark was defi-              Then he said "wanna get married" (like a real                              the day,’’ she says.
Cargill High School when they were 16,                    nitely still there and the rest is history.’’               kiwi bloke) and I straight away said yes.’’                                    Her first booking was Beersheba Estate
breaking up after just a couple of weeks                     An old-fashioned partner at heart, Jordan                   In May 2018, Jordan and Katherine mar-                                  where she wanted the ceremony to be held.
together.                                                 phoned Katherine’s Dad prior to Christmas                   ried, one year and five months after the                                   With 130 guests expected to attend, the es-
   New relationships were formed, with                    2016 to ask his permission for her hand in                  proposal. They chose May as it was the                                     tate proved the perfect backdrop for the
Katherine raising three children and Jordan               marriage.                                                   month they had met up after many years                                     pairs romantic nuptials in front of family and
two, with other partners. Following the end                  He purchased a ring and on December 22                   apart. Being an ultra organised person,                                    friends.
of these relationships, Katherine received a              went down on one knee, says Katherine.                      Katherine starting planning the big day soon                                                    Continued next page.

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The Southland Times                 Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Updated all day at                                                                                    Wedding & Events Guide 2018 L9
From previous page.                                                                                                                                       ter as a bridesmaid and her daughter Brooke
    The reception was held at the Corinthians                                                                                                             as her special bridesmaid, plus four flower
Centre. Jordan and Katherine loved the large                                                                                                              girls. Katherine’s 20-year-old son was also
venue in the Corinthians Lounge and the                                                                                                                   one of Jordan’s groomsmen.
team at the club were fantastic to work with.                                                                                                                Katherine’s amazing friend Scott William-
    ‘‘It was the perfect venue and Plants Plus                                                                                                            son from X Factor Cars allowed the pair to
were amazing with the backdrop for the head                                                                                                               hire two white Holden HSV’s for the big day.
table and the ceiling decorations and all the                                                                                                                ‘‘This was the highlight for Jordan having
lighting,’’ says Katherine.                                                                                                                               these awesome cars for our wedding, other
    ‘‘Marquee and Party Hire had awesome                                                                                                                  than marrying me that is.’’
three-bulb Hollywood lights, a wishing well                                                                                                                  Her favourite part of the day was walking
and other great wedding decorations that                                                                                                                  down the aisle to Jordan, who had tears
made the room fit our theme – Hollywood                                                                                                                   streaming down his face.
Glamour.                                                                                                                                                     ‘‘This made me realise how much he loves
    ‘‘The North Lounge is huge and had all the                                                                                                            me and I him,’’ she says.
tech for our Wedding Slide. They do all the                                                                                                                  A month later, Katherine wore her dress
hard work for you with tables, tablecloths,                                                                                                               again at the Southland Bride of the Year,
chairs and chair covers and lay everything                                                                                                                after a friend suggested she enter.
out.’’                                                                                                                                                       ‘‘I had a look into it and realised the great
    Katherine and Jordan were able to access                                                                                                              cause they were fundraising for, Furever
the room on the Friday before the wedding                                                                                                                 Homes, so I decided to jump on board.
and set up all the decorations.                                                                                                                              ‘‘The event was fun and I thought to
    ‘‘The venue was big enough to do exactly                                                                                                              myself, I’m just going to enjoy this as it was
what I wanted with the theme and also had a                                                                                                               another opportunity to wear my custom
                                                     Transported in style.                                            PHOTO: FINDLATER PHOTOGRAPHY
dance floor and bar. They had an area for Pix                                                                                                             dress again.’’
‘n’ a Box to set up. It was just the ideal venue                                                                                                             She was shocked to be placed third in the
                                                        I had seen Aileen and Layton’s work and       Williamson who worked her magic, pulling the
for what we wanted.                                                                                                                                       competition
                                                     Aileen is a close friend,’’ Katherine says.      dress to pieces, re-boning the top part and
    ‘‘Catering was through Country Manor as                                                                                                                  ‘‘I was surrounded by 18 wonderful brides,
                                                        ‘‘They definitely didn’t disappoint.          creating a whole new one.
this was part of using the Workingmens Club.                                                                                                              wearing beautiful dresses and little old me in
                                                        ‘‘The photos were well worth the money            ‘‘In the end what I got after about six dress
We received a sharp deal on our wedding buf-                                                                                                              my cheap online re-made dress.
                                                     we spent.’’                                      fittings was the dress of my dreams, thanks
fet.’’                                                                                                                                                       ‘‘It felt amazing though and I was
                                                        Katherine’s wedding dress, however,           to that clever lady.’’
    The pair opted for a DJ for their wedding                                                                                                             extremely excited.
                                                     proved slightly less simple to achieve.              When it came to flowers, Katherine was a
so they could customise their music to cater                                                                                                                 Katherine and Jordan are heading to
                                                        Having purchased two online, the photos       stickler for her belief that flowers look better
for their guests. They chose DJ Kelly who had                                                                                                             Rarotonga for 11 days in October and asked if
                                                     were a little deceiving, which unfortunately     growing on a plant than clipped and left to
their guests up and dancing all night.                                                                                                                    there is anything she would have done
                                                     can often be the case.                           die.
    Hair and Make-up was done at Pulse Hair                                                                                                               differently if she had her time again,
                                                        ‘‘They looked amazing in the photos,’’ says       She purchased fake white roses for her
and Beauty with Abbi Harris doing an                                                                                                                      Katherine says ‘‘nope, definitely not a thing.
                                                     Katherine.                                       and her bridesmaids and flower girls posies.
amazing job with assistance from a wonderful                                                                                                              Everything was perfect.’’
                                                        ‘‘One was a tight fitting dress, the other        The suits were all purchased from
make-up artist from Dunedin.                                                                                                                                 She says that if you really look around and
                                                     was more flowing. When they arrived, the         Hallensteins, with all the groomsmen and
    Marriage celebrant Dale Wairau from Te                                                                                                                see what local businesses have to offer, you
                                                     tight fitting one I really liked, but            Jordan heading in together to be fitted. The
Anau, an extremely good friend, doubled up                                                                                                                can organise a wedding for a huge guest list
                                                     unfortunately it looked nothing like the photo   result was a modern style black suit with a
as their MC.                                                                                                                                              on a small budget.
                                                     online.’’                                        black shirt and white tie.
    ‘‘He did such an amazing job.’’                                                                                                                          ‘‘You will be surprised what they have at
                                                        Katherine grabbed a pair of scissors and          Determined their wedding would be a fam-
    Aileen and Layton Findater from Findlater                                                                                                             really affordable prices and it helps if you
                                                     chopped the sleeves off one dress and cut        ily occasion, Katherine and Jordan included
Photography were asked to take photo-                                                                                                                     know your theme early and shop around.
                                                     the mesh off the heart shaped back. She then     their children and several nieces in their big
graphs on the day and Katherine was very                                                                                                                     ‘‘Be organised early and things on the day
                                                     took the dress into local dressmaker Janette     day, with Katherine having her eldest daugh-
happy with their work.                                                                                                                                    run smoothly.’’

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The Southland Times                      Wednesday, September 12, 2018

           L10 Wedding & Events Guide 2018

                                                  Bold new directions for wedding chic

According to trend watchers, nostalgia rose will be the colour of choice for bridesmaids Many brides opt for the same style bridesmaid dress in different colours.
this year, and who says bridesmaids all have to be dressed the same.
                                                                                              and sheen of sequined pantsuits.                      And if nostalgia rose is not doing it for

       he whisper from afar that floats lightly she will be wearing velvet, sequins and star-    Star-spangled dresses for brides and you, consider a jewel-toned frock as a depar-
       on the rumour breeze is that the ‘‘in’’ spangled ensembles.                            bridesmaids alike were among designers’ ture from traditionally muted hues.
       colour for bridesmaids’ dresses this        Lighter textiles such as chiffon have been 2018 collections.                                     Look for emerald green or ruby red.
year is nostalgia rose.                         elbowed aside by velvet as the fabric of         Not the apparel you want to adorn those            Of course, you could pretend you never
    It is described as a richer shade of the choice. It might be more comfortably worn at with roles in your wedding video? That’s OK. read this and appoint yourself chief designer
traditional pink but with purple/mauve un- weddings that have been scheduled for the You can always seek solace in the wrap dress and dress your bridesmaids in whatever you
dertones and it has been spotted on this cooler months.                                       – comforting in its classic, flattering cut – that – or they – like.
season’s runway collections.                       Remember the metallic dresses of last will be among the trends seen on                           Perhaps the same style of dress in differ-
    The influential publication, Wedding Wire, year? You do? Then forget them. Those who bridesmaids this year.                                  ent colours, or the same colour in different
reports soft hues and feminine fabrics are design have thrown their creative vigour in           Fluttery or with off-shoulder sleeves they styles so the dress can be matched to both
things of the past. It is announcing an en- an entirely different direction and declared might be, but for many they will be preferred figure and taste.
tirely new look for the bridesmaid this year; their chosen look takes the shape, shimmer choice to some of the other options.                       After all, it is your wedding.

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The Southland Times   Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Updated all day at                                                                                                       Wedding & Events Guide 2018 L11

                           Getting to the church on time and in style
       ou need to get to the church (or other
       wedding venue) on time. But how?
       Once upon a time, horse and cart was
standard, and today this remains an elegant
option for the true romantics.
    However, it can still be a stylish marriage
if you can’t afford a carriage – or if you prefer
something that won’t try to eat your wedding
bouquet while you’re having photographs
taken. Limousines, classic cars or any vehicle
with a bit of wow remain popular.
    Planning a vintage-themed wedding?
Match it with a car from the same era for
seamless and picture-perfect day. .
    Or get creative – jump in a tractor bucket
or motorcycle sidecar, or a big rig, or make a bridesmaids paddle you down the river in a make sure to check the tyres! If your wedding a party bus!) to ferry guests to and from the
grand entrance by air, or have your canoe, or hire a bicycle built for two. Just is a bit off the beaten track, hire a bus (maybe venue.

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The Southland Times    Wednesday, September 12, 2018

 L12 Wedding & Events Guide 2018

              A wealth of options for mens wedding fashion

      lothes maketh the man, so the old say-      should complement yours, but they don’t
      ing goes, and never is this more import-    have to match.
      ant than on his wedding day.                   So instead of looking like a sports team in
   The modern groom is a lucky man; the           matching number ones, you could choose
plain black suit of yesteryear (or brown if you   bespoke outfits, but in similar cuts, or
got married in the seventies) has been            colours.
replaced by a wealth of options to suit both         If you’re a guest, check out the invitation
the wearer and the occasion.                      for clues to the dress code, and if you’re in
   Whether your special day calls for smart       doubt, ask the happy couple.
shorts and a crisp white shirt, or a stunning        It could be embarrassing if you turn up in
formal dinner suit, or a kilt, or chinos and a    your dress jeans, and everyone else is in a
vibrant checked shirt, there is no right or       dinner jacket (and vice versa).
wrong, so do it your way.                            If you are still in doubt, seek advice from
   If you have groomsmen, their outfits           a reputable menswear retailer.

           Two great venues                                                                                                                                                                                        Anna’s
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           Rehearsal Dinner,
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The Southland Times     Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Updated all day at                                                                                             Wedding & Events Guide 2018 L13

                           How much is too much for the big day?
Wine writer Sue
Courtney shares her
top tips for
everything wine –
before, during and
after the big day.

          ine retailers and wedding planners
          know best when it comes to what and
          how much wine to buy for the big
day. They’ll consider time of year, time of
day, location, setting, number and age of
guests, style of food, how long celebrations
continue after the formalities, and of course
your budget. However wine plays a much
bigger part in weddings, than just on the day;
it has a role in the proposal, the honeymoon,
and even as a gift.
    ‘Will you marry me,’’ is the question. ‘‘Yes,
oh yes,’’ is the answer. There may or may not
be a ring but if the proposer magics up a
bottle of prestige champagne and pops the
cork on the betrothal, the romantic moment
will always be remembered. Romantic cham-
pagne is also a suggestion for the bride and        Above: Splash out on a special wine to toast the happy couple. Above top right: Engraved glasses are a lovely keepsake. Above
groom to toast each other in the honeymoon          bottom right: Personalised wine charms make a lovely wedding favour.
suite. A boxed set with keepsake glasses to
use on anniversaries, even better.                  ornate sticky label to put on the back of the              and have less-expensive bubbles at the bar.   wines to add a distinctive touch to the day.
    Other ideas:                                    bottle so the couple know instantly who gave                  Order personalised wine-glass charms for       Save some of the wedding wines for the
    Instead of traditional hen’s and buck’s         it to them when they eventually open it. Or                the wedding breakfast, as wedding favours.    first anniversary.
parties, throw a joint pre-wedding party and        ask for wine as a wedding gift, particularly if               Engrave two special wine glasses for the       If the newlyweds are wine buffs, a gift of
ask guests to bring a bottle for the                you have everything you need for your                      bride and groom to use on the day, and as a   beautiful specialist wine glasses such as
newlyweds’ wine cellar. Record the wine and         home. On the day, splash out on special                    keepsake.                                     Riedel and Spiegelau from Austria, and Bor-
who gave it in a cellar book and also on an         bubbles for toasting the bride and groom,                     Create personalised labels for cleanskin   mioli from Italy, will be treasured.

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The Southland Times   Wednesday, September 12, 2018

 L14 Wedding & Events Guide 2018

                      Endless options for a unique honeymoon

ROADTRIP: A honeymoon is a good opportunity to explore a new part of the country.              CAMP OUT: Camping is an affordable, fun way to honeymoon.

       oneymoons now are as individual as       so they can spend more time with family and    special travel account, or pop their donation   overseas is to forgo one big honeymoon for
       the couples getting married.             friends who may have travelled a long way      in a wishing well at the wedding itself.        several little escapes spread over a year.
       When our parents’ generation tied the    for the wedding. Others may put it off for         If a honeymoon is definitely part of the    These ‘‘manymoons’’ mean you don’t have to
knot, they generally left for their honeymoon   months, to work around other commitments       plan, there is no right and wrong these days.   use up all your annual leave at once; allow
the day after the wedding, with the bride       or to save up. Some don’t go away at all,      If the thought of a tropical island with        you to experience lots of different places and
wearing her brand new ‘‘going away’’ outfit.    often preferring to spend the money on a       matching pool chairs and cocktails bores you    people; and can be kinder on the wallet. And
Even now, movies often portray the couple       house deposit.                                 silly, who says you can’t go camping, or rock   knowing you have a mini-break to look for-
leaving straight from the reception, in a car       Couples who already have ‘‘everything’’,   climbing, or road tripping, or blackwater       ward to every month or two is also good for
trailing noisy tin cans behind it.              may choose to ask for donations towards        rafting, or volunteering in a refuge for res-   your mental health.
   These days, many couples choose to de-       their honeymoon, instead of a gift. Guests     cued elephants in Asia.                            Whatever your style, the world’s your oys-
lay their honeymoon for a few days or more      either deposit the money straight into a           One trend that is picking up here and       ter.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2018   The Southland Times   L15

          Plan your perfect
          With House of Travel Lakers Invercargill and Gore.
          When you have all the excitement of a wedding to plan, you                 Once the destination is locked in, we’re also here to add the
          probably want to make your honeymoon arrangements as                       proverbial icing on top of the cake. All the special additions
          easy as possible. Come and see us at House of Travel Lakers                that catapult your honeymoon into the category of extra
          and we’ll help create a honeymoon which suits you both                     special. We have the experience and insider knowledge to
          down to a tee. Just like your wedding day will be the greatest             spoil you both rotten. From upgrades and extras wherever
          day of your life, we’ll ensure the holiday is equally perfect.             possible, to invaluable advice on the best time to travel and
                                                                                     must-see events. We want you to remember, and reminisce,
          There’s no better way to start your life together than                     about this honeymoon forever.
          with a honeymoon you rave about forever. It can be as
          conventional as champagne and lowers on a Tahitian beach,                  It really doesn’t matter what kind of honeymooner you
          with over-water bungalows and romantic sunsets, or as                      are, we’ll listen to what’s important to you and tailor-make
          individualistic as Serengeti game drives and three-month                   the perfect it. Above all, we’ll make the planning all part
          galivants across Europe. Whether you dream about luxury                    of the journey. You needn’t worry about all the niggly
          and Business Class lights, or you want to pull out your                    arrangements, simply leave that with us. Now is the time to
          backpack from decades prior, there is a destination and a                  focus on the excitement leadiing up to your big day.
          shared experience for both of you to enjoy.
                                                                                     Kick-start the adventure you’re about to take
          Perhaps you’ve always had your heart set on a particular                   together – in every sense of th
                                                                                                                   he word!
          honeymoon, but you need help with the logistics, such as                   With a House of Travel wedding
          the best way to see both the Greek islands (his choice) and                registry. We’ll even add $50 to
                                                                                                                   t get
          Gustav’s beacon of love itself – the Eifel Tower (her choice).             things rolling. Simply pop in--store
          Or maybe you’ve discussed a hundred options and you’re                     and tell us your honeymoon
          in need of an expert to narrow it down. As avid travellers                 ideals.
          ourselves (lest we forget husbands and wives!) we’re more
          than happy to play cupid and ind romance in every corner
          of the globe.

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