Page created by Chad Elliott

Please note that while this ketogenic diet is a healthy, natural diet that uses wholefoods, there are some
cases where it may not be appropriate.

Please do NOT undertake a ketogenic diet if any of the following medical conditions apply to you: carnitine
deficiency (primary), carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) I or II deficiency, carnitine translocase deficiency,
beta-oxidation defects, mitochondrial 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase (mHMGS) deficiency,
medium-chain acyl dehydrogenase deficiency (MCAD), long-chain acyl dehydrogenase deficiency (LCAD),
short-chain acyl dehydrogenase deficiency (SCAD), long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA deficiency, medium-chain
3-hydroxyacyl-CoA deficiency, pyruvate carboxylase deficiency, or porphyria.

Please consult your doctor before implementing a ketogenic diet if you have any of the following conditions:
a history of pancreatitis, active gall bladder disease, impaired liver function, impaired fat digestion, poor
nutritional status, gastric bypass surgery, abdominal tumors, decreased gastrointestinal mobility, a history of
kidney failure, or pregnancy and lactation. While a ketogenic diet is not contra-indacated for these conditions,
we recommend that you have the support of your doctor when implementing any dietary changes.


Copyright © 2019 Deborah Murtagh All rights reserved.

This publication or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without
the express written permission of the publisher, except for the use of brief quotations in noncommercial
uses permitted by copyright law.

                                                30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020                            2
Thank you for joining me on this                have led to your weight gain and how to
transformational 30-day challenge!              break negative eating patterns.

For more than 20 years, I have been             This program works. All you need to do is
helping people achieve their health and         commit physically and psychologically for
weight loss goals, and I am so glad I have      30 days and enjoy the results! So please,
this opportunity to help you too!               don’t overthink it. The mind can be tricky
                                                and the best way to avoid self-sabotage
I know that anyone can lose weight;
                                                and procrastination is to “do now & think
but if you want to keep it off, you have
to address the mental, emotional and
spiritual aspects of weight gain, which         We all want to live the best life possible.
is why this healthy eating guide is             This challenge is designed to help you
accompanied by an introductory guide to         take the first step towards creating a
the mindset of weight loss.                     phenomenally healthy life.

Once you drop a dress size, embodying           It doesn’t matter how much weight you
the new you is essential to keeping weight      have to lose, or what your health goals
off long term. I want you to love the skin      are - you are now on your way and I am
you’re in, but for most of us that is a bit     delighted to be able to guide you!
of a process! That’s why I not only tell you
                                                Deborah XXX
exactly what to eat, but together we will
explore what might                              P.S. I really want to encourage to you join
                                                our Facebook group for this Challenge, as

                                                the support you receive there can make

                                                all the difference. Join here

                                               30 Days one dress size challenge | 2019        3
Welcome                3         RECIPES

Ketogenic Diet         5         Cooking Measurement Conversion         42
Your Program           6         Chart

What to Expect         7         Deb’s Fabulous Kick-Start Waffles      43

Food Plan              8         2 Minute French Omelette

Sample Meal Plans      12        Berry Hormone Balancer Protein         46

                                 Chia Cacoa Protein Powder              46

                                 Keto Berry Muffins                     47
                                 Turmeric & Cheese Roast Cauli          49
Vegetables             16
                                 Quick Lemon Chicken Salad              50
Fruit                  18
                                 Asian Broth Soup                       51
Protein                20
                                 Creamy Coconut Chicken Hot Pot         53
Fat Tips               22
                                 African Beef Skewers                   55
Fats & Oils            23
                                 Miso Glazed Salmon                     55
Food Fats              24
                                 Deb’s Herby Vege Crackers              57
Dairy Fats             26
                                 Deb’s Keto Chocolates                  58
Drinks                 28

Herbs & spices         29

Condiments             30        RESOURCE GUIDE                         59

                                 Your ultimate guide to the first
PRINTABLES                       stages of ketosis: detox symptoms,
                                 constipation, diarrhoea, headaches
Food Lists             31        and sleep problems

Weekly Meal Planner    33
                                 Optimizing your weight loss results:
                                 How to check your food diary
Your progress          35
                                 FAQ section                            62
Excercise              36

The Argument Against   37

                            30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020          4
The Ketogenic Diet
On this challenge, you will be following         the wrong kind of fat - which is common

a modified ketogenic diet. You may have          with standard ketogenic diets - your body

heard of the ketogenic diet, but this is         will stop burning stored body fat and use

a unique version based on 20 years of            dietary fat instead.

clinical observation and is designed to
                                                 If you want to lose weight, you want to
maximise healthy weight loss for women.
                                                 predominately use stored body fat. This

If you do not know much about the                program is carefully designed to optimize

ketogenic diet, here is a quick summary.         that fat loss.

The majority of the world survives on            Nutritional ketosis is not only completely

glucose (sugar) as their primary energy          safe, but it comes with a raft of health

source. Food is converted to glucose inside      benefits; after a few days, you are no

our body and that fuels each cell.               longer hungry all the time as your

                                                 hormones begin to restore balance. Your
But there is another fuel source available
                                                 mental clarity increases as ketones feed
to us!
                                                 your brain and you have more sustained
When we consume a diet low in sugars,            energy throughout the day as your body
starches and high glycemic carbohydrates,        takes energy from stored fat when it
we no longer produce enough glucose for          needs it.
energy, so our body finds a second fuel
                                                 For many people, sleep improves.
source – ketones. This is called ‘nutritional

ketosis’ where we literally burn fat as          Nutritional ketosis is anti-inflammatory

fuel. This natural ability to bio-adapt has      so irritating aches and pains may

helped humans survive periods of feast           disappear. Eating this way can even lead

and famine for thousands of years.               to improvements in symptoms of chronic

                                                 disease, which are exacerbated when your
Ketones are produced by the liver from
                                                 body is inflamed.
dietary fat or stored body fat. Consuming

the correct amount of dietary fat is             And then there is the weight loss, which

the key to successful weight loss on a           may be a side benefit compared to how

ketogenic diet. If you eat too much fat, or      you are going to feel!

                                          30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020             5
Your Program
Everything you need to know to complete the 30 Days One Dress Size
Challenge is in this guide. Make sure you follow the Mindset guide as well,
so you stay motivated and focus on the new you!

Step 1: Join the Facebook group page.          Step 5: Start the challenge on the first day
Our team will add you to the group before      of the month.
the challenge starts on the first of the
                                               Step 6: On day 1 complete your food
                                               diary, take measurements and weigh
Step 2: Print off and read the guides          yourself naked thereafter every morning
thoroughly.                                    (or weekly if preferred).

Step 3: Prepare your pantry for success        Step 7: Do the mindset work so you
(remove all processed foods and sugar).        mentally prepare for the new you.

Step 4: Plan your meals for the week from      Step 8: Watch the scales drop.
the food list and go shopping.
                                               Step 9: Interact regularly with us on
Weight Loss Tracker and Food Diary can
                                               Facebook and post any questions,
be found in your welcome email.
                                               successes, or issues.

                                               Step 10: Go shopping for a new dress!

                                        30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020           6
What to Expect
The most challenging part of this 30 day challenge is the first few days as
we alter your internal energy source from carbohydrates to ketones. Below
is an outline of what you can expect physically over the next 3 weeks.

Days 1-4: This is when your body depletes glycogen (sugar) stores and goes into
nutritional ketosis (fat burning mode). For most people this will be a smooth transition,
but for a small minority it may be difficult based on previous lifestyle or eating habits -
just stay focused on how fantastic you will feel one dress size smaller.

Week 1: Around days 3-4 , you will wake up with more mental clarity and energy than
you have experienced in years! You will now be in the ‘active weight loss’ phase and on
your way to a smaller dress size. The scales should drop consistently from here.

Week 2: You are still in an ‘active weight loss’ phase. Cravings and hunger will have
subsided, your energy will increase further and you may now have to remind yourself to

Week 3: Your weight loss may naturally slow down this week as your body adjusts
hormonally, but you will be close a 5kg/11lb loss, so even small drops make a difference.
Plateaus in week 3 are normal, healthy and expected!

NOTE: If you are interested in maximizing your weight loss over the 30 days, please read
the chapter on intermittent fasting (IF), ‘The Argument Against Breakfast,’ in this guide.
To practice IF on this plan, just skip breakfast a few times each week, or for the entire 30

                                       30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020                7
Food Plan
Create all your meals and snacks by choosing options from this food plan. Use ONLY

foods listed here. It is vital you follow the plan 100% - each meal is optimized for

maximum weight loss. If you ‘cheat’ on this diet, you could switch your body out of

ketosis and it may take days to return to that fat burning state.

Once your body is in ketosis, you will not feel hungry, but it is important to eat your

lunch and evening meal, so your body gets the nutrition it needs for health. You CAN

skip breakfast and snacks if preferred.

  To stay in ketosis it is crucial that you stick to the serving sizes listed below and eat
  each meal separately. Never combine meals or snacks.

                                       30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020                8
Food Plan
IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW:                         Serving Sizes

                                                  It is VITAL that you stick to the serving sizes
Hydration & Salt
                                                  outlined in the guide and that you eat each
Water                                             meal separately.

You must consume 6–8 glasses of water             Quality of Foods
per day. Hydration helps weight loss and
                                                  Wherever possible we recommend using
is very important for bowel function and
                                                  homegrown, spray free and organic fruits,
electrolyte balance, both of which can
                                                  proteins and vegetables. The build-up of
be affected when eliminating grains and
                                                  toxins from low quality food can lead to
legumes from your diet.
                                                  health issues.

Tip - if you are not a big fan of water, try      Vegetables
adding a cinnamon stick to your water             Try to include sea vegetables and
bottle. You can reuse the same stick for
                                                  microgreens/sprouts in your vegetable
several days; it tastes great and cinnamon
is a natural weight loss spice.                   servings daily. We also recommend one raw
                                                  vegetable salad with your lunch or dinner
                                                  protein serving daily.
Himalayan or Celtic salt MUST be
consumed daily on a ketogenic diet. Ensure        We recommend you have 3–4 servings
every meal is salted and if you begin to          of salmon or sardines per week for
cramp or experience mood changes, try             omega 3 balance which helps decrease
increasing your salt intake.                      inflammation.

Weighing Food                                     Fats

All serving sizes are based on RAW or             We recommend starting with 5 fat serves
uncooked food weights.                            per day, and consume no less than 3 fat
                                                  serves per day for women (5 for men). See
                                                  Fat Tips section.

   FODMAP’s are a group of short chain carbohydrates and sugar alcohols that can
   adversely affect people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). If you don’t suffer
   with IBS, please ignore the FODMAPs notations in the food lists and feel free to
   consume all the foods coded with (F) in the food lists.
   FODMAP’s stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides,
   Monosaccharides, and Polyols, these are poorly absorbed in some gut and bowel
   types creating fermentation in the bowel and are linked to digestive issues like
   gas, bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea and constipation.

                                        30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020            9
Breakfast Options
Breakfast is optional! As we get into the 30 day challenge I will explore
this more in a Facebook Live event with you. You can also refer to my
article here, The Argument Against Breakfast (pg 37).

Choose a breakfast option from your food plan on page 11 and
remember to be creative. You may wish to use some of your daily
allowance of fat such as hollandaise on your eggs.

Ensure you don’t consume all your daily fat allowance in breakfast,
and take off your total daily allowance of 3-5 fat serves.

If you choose to have fruit this needs to come off your daily fruit

                                 30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 10
Food Plan
breakfasT OPTIONs
If you choose to eat breakfast please note that the protein options DO NOT
count towards your daily protein allowance, but both fruit and fat servings
ARE taken off your daily allowance so must adjust your portions accordingly.
Choose from ONE of the following options:

     ·   One of the following vegetarian-based proteins + greens from the Free
         vegetables list *
                  •   Eggs (2 for women; 3 for men), poached, boiled, scrambled,
                      omelet plus wilted greens
                  •   OR Tempeh or cottage cheese (80 g or 2.8 oz for women; 100
                      g forgmen
                            for men plus wilted greens
     ·   ¼ cup (2 fl oz) yogurt (dairy or coconut) with 1/2 fruit serve from the
         Fruits list (e.g. 50 g or 1.8 oz berries)**
     ·   Green smoothie with ½ serve of fruit from the Fruits List list and greens
         from the Free Vegetables list such as spinach, kale, swiss chard + ¼

sNack (optional)
One fruit serve from the Fruits list + one fat serve from the Fats lists*

One protein serve from the Proteins list:
      + one serve of mixed vegetables from the Weighed Vegetables List
      + 21-2
           cups (2 (2
             cups   big handfuls)
                      big         vegetables
                          handfuls)          from
                                    vegetables fromthe Free
                                                     the    Vegetables
                                                         Free          List
                                                              Vegetables list
      + 1–2 fat serves* from any of the Fats lists

sNack (optional)
One fruit serve from the Fruit list + one fat serve from any of the Fats lists*

eveNINg meal
One protein serve from the Proteins list
         + one serve of mixed vegetables from the Weighed Vegetables List
         ++ 21-2
               cups (2 (2
                 cups  bigbig
                            handfuls) vegetables
                              handfuls)          from
                                        vegetables     the
                                                    from   Free
                                                         the    Vegetables
                                                             Free          List
                                                                  Vegetables  list
         + 1–2 fat serves* from any of the Fats lists

*Ensure   youhave
 *Ensure you   haveno no more
                      more     and
                           and no    nothan
                                  less    less
                                                 total 3–5   total (women)
                                                       fat serves   fat serves
                                                                            or 5(women)      or
                                                                                 total fat serves
 (men) across your meals and snacks  for the day. See  Fat  Tips Section.
 5 total fat serves (men) across your meals and snacks for the day.

                                          30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 11
Sample Meal Plans
I have provided precise lists of allowed foods with exact portion sizes per meal for

optimal weight loss and health. This system is far superior to prescribed daily meal

plans because it allows for greater personal preferences and taste when designing

your menu.

It also allows you to tailor the program around your personal budget, lifestyle and any

health issues or food intolerances that you may have.

Use this example menu as a guide to help you to develop your own meal plan,

but feel free to adjust meal times to suit your lifestyle. Reach out in our Facebook

community for advice & inspiration on meal planning and recipes to suit your

personal preferences!

Note: unless you are pescatarian, it is best not to combine vegetarian and meat

sources of protein for your lunch & dinner meals on this plan.

                                      30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 12
2 poached eggs, wilted spinach, hollandaise sauce

1 dried fig, 30g walnuts

Tinned salmon, cucumber, fennel, lettuce, homemade mayo

Smoothie with raspberries, rocket & avocado

African beef skewers, cauliflower cous cous, yoghurt dressing

2 minute omelete, baby spinach & tablespoon butter

Yoghurt & berries

Homemade protein powder smoothie & green salad

30g mixed nuts & 1 medium mandarin

Tempeh stir-fry w/ mixed vege, bok choy, ginger, garlic & tamari

                                 30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 13
Food Plan
 Daily food
 Breakfast                        Choose breakfast from your breakfast list each day. We recommend a vegetarian
                                  based protein for this meal (vegetarian protein does not count towards your 2
                                  daily protein servings).

 Fruit                            Choose 2 pieces of fruit from your allowable fruit list. Do not consume both pieces
                                  at the same time. Have one for morning tea, and one for afternoon tea, or after

 Fat                              Women: 3 to 5 fat portions daily (depending on activity levels).
                                  Men: 5 fat portions daily.
                                  Fat servings will largely depend on your exercise level, and how much weight you
                                  have to lose. The more weight you have to lose, the more fats you will be able to
                                  consume and still acheive consistent weight loss results. Fat consumption should
                                  be spread out evenly across the day.

 Protein                          Women: 2 x 100g/3.5oz servings of allowable protein. If you are physically active
                                  you can increase your evening protein to 150 grams.
                                  Men: 2 x 150g/5.3oz servings of allowable protein.
                                  Split your 2 protein portions into two meals.

 Vegetables                       Women: 2 x 100g/3.5oz servings of allowable vegetables.
                                  Men: 2 x 150g/5.3oz servings of allowable vegetables.
                                  Split your vegetable servings into lunch and dinner.

 Dietary precautions
 Water                            Hydration is highly important. As a minimum drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of
                                  water daily. Hydration is crucial on a ketogenic diet to keep your bowel working
                                  optimally and to balance electrolytes. It is normal for bowel function to slow while
                                  eliminating grains and legumes, so proper hydration levels are important.
                                  Tip: Add a cinnamon stick to your water bottle. You can re-use the same stick for
                                  several days. Cinnamon is a natural weight loss spice as it stimulates metabolism.

 Other drinks (See drinks list)   Avoid alcohol (come on, it’s only three weeks). We recommend drinking several
                                  cups of herbal tea daily. Visit www.tleaft.co.nz for a wonderful range of teas. We
                                  recommend the White Rose, Restful, Kawakawa and Ginger Tea.

 Salt                             Salt is CRITICALLY important while on a ketogenic diet. Himalayan salt must
                                  be consumed daily. Ensure all your meat and vegetables are salted. Electrolyte
                                  balance may suffer while on this diet. If you begin to cramp or experience mood
                                  changes, increase your salt intake.

Stick 100% to the food list.
Each meal is optimised for ketosis and will result in maximum weight loss. If you ‘cheat’
on this diet, you could switch out of ketosis and may take days to return to this state.
Once your body is in ketosis, most people do not feel hungry, however it is important
to eat your lunch, dinner and fruits as outlined in the food plan because your body
requires it nutritionally.
You CAN skip snacks, nuts, and breakfast if you choose.

                                              30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 14
Food lists - The food lists below have been refined over two decades and the types of
food and quantities are designed to maximize weight loss, while optimising health. If it
is not on the food list, please do not eat it!

All vegetables are to be weighed raw. Daily allowance: Two serves of vegetables per day - one with
lunch and one with your evening meal, plus two serves of free vegetables per day (1-2 cups).

Weighed Vegetables
One serve mixed vegetables totaling 100 g or 3.5 oz for women (150 g or 5.3 oz for men).
Note that some vegetables should be consumed in smaller quantities, due to being higher in
carbohydrates. These limits are noted below, weight limited vegetables can be combined with
other vegetables to make up total serving size.

Artichoke (F)                                     Kohlrabi
Asparagus (F)                                     Leek (F)
Broccoli (F)                                      Mushrooms (F)
Brussels sprouts (F)                              Okra
Cabbage, including wombok (F)                     Onion, red or white (F)
Red Capsicum/bell pepper                          Pumpkin (raw only)
(green capsicum is a FODMAP food)                 Radish
Carrot (limit to 30 g or 1.1 oz;                  Shallots (F)
raw or fermented only)                            Spring onion (the white part is a
Cauliflower (F)                                   FODMAP)
Celery (F)                                        Sea vegetables
Chili peppers (hot)                               Sweet potato/kumara (limit to 60 g or 2.1
Cucumber                                          oz)
Edamame beans                                     Turnip
Eggplant/aubergine (F)                            Tomato (limit to 30 g or 1.1 oz)
Fennel (F)                                        Tomato paste (limit to 10 g or 0.4 oz) (F)
Garlic (F)                                        Tomato sauce, low sugar
Gourds                                            (limit to 25 g or 0.9 oz) (F)
Green beans (limit to 50 g or 1.8 0z)             Zucchini/courgetti

Free Vegetables                             F) are high FODMAP foods, refer to note on pg 9

These are great for bulking up your meals and snacks and are crucial for health. One
serve equals 2 cups (or 2 large handfuls).

Bok choy                                          Pak choi
Kale                                              Rocket (arugula)
Kai-lan / Gai-lan                                 Silverbeet/Swiss chard/ Spinach
Lettuce (green leaf)                              Sprouts (homemade)
Microgreens (i.e. watercress etc.)                Water Spinach

                                         30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 16
Daily allowance: Two serves per day (one for a morning snack and one for an afternoon
snack). If half a fruit portion is used for breakfast, reserve remaining half portion for a
snack later in the day.

For optimal weight loss you MUST stick to the serving sizes listed and try to eat fruit
2 hours either side of your main meals.

Apricots (F)                                                  2 small

Blackberries (F)                                              100 g or 3.5 oz

Blueberries                                                   100 g or 3.5 oz

Boysenberries (F)                                             100 g or 3.5 oz

Cherries                                                      6

Feijoas                                                       2 medium

Fig, fresh or dried, unsweetened                              1

Grapes                                                        30 g or 1.1 oz

Grapefruit                                                    85 g or 3 oz

Honeydew melon                                                100 g or 3.5 oz

Lemon/lime                                                    1 medium or 130 g or 4.6 oz

Kiwifruit, green only                                         75 g or 2.6 oz

Mandarin                                                      1 medium

Nectarine (F)                                                 1 small

Orange                                                        100 g or 3.5 oz

Papaya                                                        100 g or 3.5 oz

Pawpaw                                                        100 g or 3.5 oz

Peach                                                         1 medium

Pineapple, natural, not tinned                                80 g or 2.8 g

Plum                                                          2 small

Raspberries                                                   100 g or 3.5 oz

Rock melon (cantaloupe)                                       100 g or 3.5 oz
                                                              100 g or 3.5 oz
                                                              90 g or 3.2 oz
                                                              100 g or 3.5 oz

Skip a fruit serve if you add the following to your daily fat serves:
Coconut flour                                                 50 g or 1.8 oz
Chocolate, 70%+                                               25 g or 0.9 oz

                                        30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 18
Daily allowance: Two serves per day (one with lunch and one with your evening meal).
Note: Serving sizes below are raw. 100 g raw weight (unless otherwise stated) = 80 g cooked.

Free-range Poultry					Women		 Men
Chicken breast
                   100 g or 3.5 oz                                          150 g or 5.3 oz

Chicken thighs
                   100 g or 3.5 oz                                          150 g or 5.3 oz

                                 100 g or 3.5 oz
Duck breast, skinless, farmed					                                          150 g or 5.3 oz

Turkey breast meat           100 g or 3.5 oz
                         					                                              150 g or 5.3 oz

Red Meat
Eye fillet steak
                     100 g or 3.5 oz                                        150 g or 5.3 oz

Porterhouse steak				                                100 g or 3.5 oz        150 g or 5.3 oz

Lean beef steak, any cut                             100g or 3.5 oz         150g or 5.3 oz

Beef jerky
                50 g or 1.8 oz                                              70 g or 2.5 oz

                    100 g or 3.5 oz
Lean lamb steak						                                                       150 g or 5.3 oz

                   100 g or 3.5 oz
Lean lamb loin							                                                       150 g or 5.3 oz

                    100 g or 3.5 oz
Pork tenderloin							                                                      150 g or 5.3 oz

                   100 g or 3.5 oz
Free-range pig							                                                       150 g or 5.3 oz

                     100 g or 3.5 oz
Free-range bacon						                                                      150 g or 5.3 oz

             100 g or 3.5 oz
Venison							                                                              150 g or 5.3 oz

               100 g or 3.5 oz
Wild game							                                                            150 g or 5.3 oz

Liver (including pate)                               80 g or 2.8oz          100 g or 3.5 oz

                            100g or 3.5oz
Mince (ground beef), lean							          150g or 5.3oz

Mince (ground beef), regular                         80g or 2.8oz           100g or 3.5oz

                                         30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 20
Seafood						Women		                                                      Men

Fish, monkfish
                   100 g or 3.5 oz                                  150 g or 5.3 oz

Fish, pacific cod
                     100 g or 3.5 oz                                150 g or 5.3 oz

            100 g or 3.5 oz                                         150 g or 5.3 oz

Oysters, pacific raw						                                          150 g or 5.3 oz
                        100 g or 3.5 oz

Prawns (Shrimp), raw
                        100 g or 3.5 oz                             150 g or 5.3 oz

Salmon, pink
                 100 g or 3.5 oz                                    150 g or 5.3 oz

Salmon, cold smoked
                       100 g or 3.5 oz                              150 g or 5.3 oz

Salmon, unflavoured hot smoked
                                 80 g or 2.8 oz                     100 g or 3.5 oz

             60 g or 2.1 oz                                         80 g or 2.8 oz

Tinned salmon, sardines,                          100 g or 3.5 oz   150 g or 5.3 oz
anchovies, etc.

White fish, any                                   100g or 3.5 oz    150g or 5.3 oz

Vegetarian and Vegan Protein

Eggs, whole*
                 2 medium                                           3 medium
            100 g or 3.5 oz                                         150 g or 5.3 oz

Cottage cheese*
                   80 g or 2.8 oz                                   100 g or 3.5 oz

            80 g or 2.8 oz                                          100 g or 3.5 oz

Hemp Seeds
               60 g or 2.1 oz                                       80 g or 2.8 oz

Edamame                                           120 g or 4.2 oz   150 g or 5.3 oz

                       40 g or 1.4 oz
Lupin flakes/ flour							            55 g or 1.9 oz

Homemade protein powder (see recipes)             See recipe        See recipe

*Optional vegetarian breakfast proteins

   NOTE: On the following page we cover omega 3 to omega 6 ratios. Too much
   omega 6 in the diet increases inflammation and omega 3 counteracts that as long
   as the two are balanced. Modern diets can be as high as 21:1 omega 6 to omega
   3, which is why inflammation is so rampart today.
   Aim to have 3-4 servings of salmon or sardines per week for omega 3 balance.

                                          30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 21
Fat Tips
Fats should be consumed with each meal and should be organic
wherever possible.
Fats lower the glycemic load of carbohydrates. Maintaining a low glycemic load (sugar/

insulin load) in your body is vital for your ketogenic success.

Cooking with fats                                Omega 6:3 ratio
As a rule of thumb, animal fats and              Because maintaining a balanced ratio of

coconut oil are safe for high-heat cooking,      omega 6 to omega 3 is crucial for health,

while cold pressed nut and seed oils             we also recommend you supplement

should be consumed cold only. Olive,             your diet with krill oil which helps reduce

avocado and macadamia oils can be used           inflammation from omega 6.

in low heat cooking. If an oil or fat smokes,

discard it, cool the pan and begin again.

How many fat serves should I have
each day?
As you are easing into the program I

suggest you start with 5 fat servings per day

and see how your weight loss tracks. If you
are choosing to continue exercising then

keep up 5 servings.

This is not a low-fat diet, so reducing fat

servings will NOT improve your results. In

fact sometimes it can slow weight loss.

Don’t go over 5 servings and never go under

3 unless one of my support team have

advised you to. You can seek additional

guidance on the number of fat serves that is

right for you in the Facebook community.

                                         30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 22
Daily allowance: 3 fat serves daily for women; 5 fat portions daily for men. Allowable fats
include those listed below under Oils & Fats, Food Fats and Dairy Fats.

              Fat consumption MUST be spread out evenly across the day.

Oils & Fats
Too much omega 6 in the diet increases inflammation. Omega 3 counteracts that, so
maintaining a balanced ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 is crucial for health.

Cold-Pressed Oils                      Omega 6:3 Ratio*		            Serving Size
Low in omega 6 – use most

Coconut oil                                                        1 tbsp or 0.5 fl oz

Flaxseed oil (refrigerate)                                         1 tbsp or 0.5 fl oz

Hemp oil                                                           1 tbsp or 0.5 fl oz

Macadamia oil (refrigerate)                                        1 tbsp or 0.5 fl oz

Moderate in omega 6

Avocado oil (refrigerate)                                          1 tbsp or 0.5 fl oz

Olive oil                                                          1 tbsp or 0.5 fl oz

Walnut oil                                                         1 tbsp or 0.5 fl oz

High in omega 6 – use

Almond oil                                                         1 tbsp or 0.5 fl oz

Peanut oil                                                         1 tbsp or 0.5 fl oz

Sesame oil                                                         1 tbsp or 0.5 fl oz

Animal Fats

Bacon fat                                                          1 tbsp or 0.5 fl oz

Beef tallow                                                        1 tbsp or 0.5 fl oz

Chicken fat                                                        1 tbsp or 0.5 fl oz

Duck fat                                                           1 tbsp or 0.5 fl oz

Fish oil, cod liver oil (high                                      Free
quality molecular)

Krill oil (distilled, mercury-free)                                Free

                                       30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 23
Food Fats
					                              Serving Size
Alfredo sauce                    ¼ cup or 2 fl oz

Avocado                          100 g or 3.5 oz

Béarnaise sauce                  1½ tbsp or 0.75 fl oz

Blue cheese dressing,            1½ tbsp or 0.75 fl oz

Caesar dressing                  1½ tbsp or 0.75 fl oz

Chia seeds                       40 g or 3 tbsp or 1.5 fl oz (up to 2 serves per

Chocolate, 70%+                  25 g or 0.9 oz (limit 1 serve per day –
                                 counts as one fat plus one fruit)

Cocoa/cacao butter               1 tbsp or 0.5 fl oz

Coconut butter                   2 tbsp or 1 fl oz

Coconut cream/milk, 100%         100 ml or 3.5 fl oz

Coconut flesh, raw and fresh     45 g or 1.6 oz

Coconut flour                    50 g or 1.8 oz (counts as one fat plus one fruit)

Coconut yogurt, natural,         ¼ cup or 2 fl oz
unsweetened, full fat

Deb’s Herby Crackers             70 g or 2.5 oz

Deb’s Keto Chocolates            30 g or 1.1 oz

Flax seeds (linseed)             40 g or 3 tbsp or 1.5 fl oz (up to 2 serves per
Hollandaise sauce,               1 tbsp or 0.5 fl oz

Mayonnaise, homemade             1½ tbsp or 0.75 fl oz

Olives                           50 g or 1.8 oz

Thousand island dressing         1½ tbsp or 0.75 fl oz

                               30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 24
Food Fats
Nuts & Seeds 				               Serving Size
Almonds, raw activated         30 g or 1.1 oz

Almond butter                  2 tbsp or 1 fl oz

Brazil nuts, raw activated     30 g or 1.1 oz

Hazelnuts, raw activated       30 g or 1.1 oz

LSA (ground linseed,           2 tbsp or 1 fl oz
sunflower seed, almond)

Macadamia, raw                 30 g or 1.1 oz

Macadamia butter               2 tbsp or 1 fl oz

Nut milk, homemade (1 cup      200 ml or 7 fl oz
nuts making 1 liter)

Pecans, raw activated          30 g or 1.1 oz

Peanut butter                  2 tbsp or 1 fl oz (limit 1 serve daily)

Pumpkin seeds                  2 tbsp or 1 fl oz

Sesame seeds                   2 tbsp or 1 fl oz

Tahini, hulled                 2 tbsp or 1 fl oz

Walnuts, raw activated         30 g or 1.1 oz

Watermelon seeds, raw          50 g or 1.8 oz

                             30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 25
Dairy Fats
					                                 Serving Size
Butter                               1 tbsp or 0.5 fl oz

Buttermilk                           ½ cup or 4 fl oz

Cultured cream, homemade             3 tbsp or 1.5 fl oz

Full-fat heavy cream 2 tbsp          2 tbsp or 1 fl oz

Ghee (clarified butter)              1 tbsp or 0.5 fl oz

Milk, full fat, silver top (non-     200 ml or 7 fl oz

Milk kefir, homemade                 200 ml or 7 fl oz

Ricotta, whole milk, full fat        ¼ cup or 2 fl oz

Sour cream, full fat                 4 tbsp or 2 fl oz

Yogurt, full fat, Greek              ¾ cup or 150g or 5.3 oz


Blue cheese                          40 g or 1.4 oz

Brie                                 40 g or 1.4 oz

Camembert                            40 g or 1.4 oz

Cottage cheese, full fat             100 g or 3.5 oz

Cream cheese, full fat               2 tbsp or 1 fl oz

Feta                                 50 g or 1.8 oz

Mascarpone                           30 g or 1.1 oz

Parmesan                             35 g or 1.2 oz

                                   30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 26
Include					 Limit

Water                                            Soda water

Drink at least 6–8 glasses of water              Coffee without milk (optional)
                                                 If you choose to drink coffee, have it
                                                 black or with cream, and count the
                                                 cream as a fat serve. Do not add milk.
Bone broth
                                                 as this is higher in carbohydrates. If
Bone broth can be very soothing for              having decaffeinated coffee, choose the
people with sensitive stomachs, joint            chemical-free Swiss water process decaf.
pain or any inflammatory condition.              We recommend limiting coffee intake to
The broth should be organic, and                 one cup per day for optimal results.
preferably homemade (see recipes in
the Facebook group). Drink 1–2 cups
per day or you could use the broth as            Alcohol
a soup base.
                                                 Avoid all alcohol. It’s only 30 days! In
                                                 excess, alcohol is inflammatory and can
                                                 therefore prevent weight loss. Alcohol
                                                 can also lower your resolve and after a
Enjoy a wide range of normal and                 few drinks you may be tempted to go off
herbal teas with no sweeteners or                plan!
artificial additives. Some fruit teas are
high in carbs, so check the label for
those with less than 1g of carb per              Soda
serve. Herbal teas can contribute to
                                                 Avoid all sodas, including soda water and
your water intake.
                                                 sparkling water, as these are highly acidic
                                                 to the body.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV)

1 tbsp into hot water is a good                  Fruit juices
digestive aid and helps alkalize
                                                 These are too high in sugar and can
the body. We recommend Braggs
                                                 seriously affect weight loss.
Apple Cider Vinegar, with the
Mother Culture, available at many
supermarkets and wholefood stores.
                                                    Avoid ALL artificial sweeteners
                                                    (e.g. Aspartame, Splenda, Nutrasweet,
                                                    saccharin, 921). These are neurotoxic,
                                                    pro-inflammatory and have been
                                                    proven to stimulate insulin levels and
                                                    weight gain. They have also been
                                                    linked to cancers.

                                            30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 28
Herbs & Spices
Use Freely                                     Superfoods
Fresh basil, parsley, cilantro (coriander      These can be added to your smoothies,
leaves), mint, marjoram, sage, rosemary,
                                               snacks, or meals in moderation. We
thyme, oregano, etc.
                                               recommend the following:
Fresh garlic, ginger, tumeric,
galangal, etc.
Chilies, chili powder/flakes,
cayenne pepper, etc.                           Camu

Paprika, cumin, coriander, garam
masala, turmeric, etc.                         Lucuma

Spice and curry mixes – ensure these           Fine kelp powder
are free of flavorings, colorings,
sweeteners, oils, flavor enhancers, MSG,
and preservatives.

                                        30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 29
Condiments and Pantry Items,                                 Limited quantities of:
use in moderation.                                           Capers
Apple cider vinegar, other natural vinegars
                                                             Pickled artichoke, sugar free
Balsamic vinegar (limit 2 tsp per day)
                                                             Pickled gherkins, sugar free
Broths, stocks and bouillon (MSG and
                                                             Pickled onions, sugar free
additive free)

Fish sauce


Gelatin (we recommend Great Lakes brand)


Lemon and lime juice

Mustards, sugar free

Tamari (naturally fermented soy sauce)


Miso paste

Kelp (sea tangle) noodles, unlimited

Protein powder (see recipes)

Shirataki (konjac yam) noodles and pasta

Up to 2 servings per day. Note that these can throw you out of ketosis. We recommend

avoiding sweeteners until week 3 when you have achieved a stable state of ketosis.

					                                         Serving Size
Stevia, natural green leaf                    Unlimited

Erythritol or xylitol                         2 tsp

Coconut sugar - 1 tsp per day                 1 tsp

Maple syrup                                   1 tsp

Yacon syrup                                   2 tbsp

                                           30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 30
This food list is designed to print off and stick to your fridge, and can be used as an easy access guide
         to be used in conjunction with your Weight Loss Tracker and Food Diary when planning meals.

             VEGETABLES                                    FRUIT                                  RED MEAT
     All vegetables are weighed raw                  Apricots - 2 small                         Eye fillet steak
      Mixed vegetable portion size:              Blackberries - 100g/3.5oz                    Porterhouse steak
         100g/3.5oz for women                    Blueberries - 100g/3.5oz                  Lean beef steak, any cut
          150g/5.3oz for men                    Boysenberries - 100g/3.5oz                 Mince (ground beef), lean
       observe quantity limits on                       Cherries - 6                     Mince (ground beef), regular -
        vegetables where noted                      Feijoas - 2 medium               80g/2.8oz (women) - 100g/3.5oz (men)
               Artichoke                    Fig, fresh or dried, unsweetened - 1                  Beef Jerky -
               Asparagus                            Grapes - 30g/1.1oz               50g/1.8oz (women - 70g/2.5oz (men)
                Broccoli                            Grapefruit - 85g/3oz                       Lean lamb steak
            Brussels Sprouts                  Honeydew melon - 100g/3.5oz                       Lean lamb loin
                Cabbage                     Lemon/Lime - 1 medium/130g/4.6oz                    Pork tenderloin
         Capsicum/Bell pepper                 Kiwifruit, green only - 75g/2.6oz                Free-range pork
         Carrot (limit 30g/1.1oz)                 Mandarin - 1 medium                          Free-range bacon
               Cauliflower                          Nectarine - 1 small                             Venison
                 Celery                            Orange - 100g/3.5oz                            Wild game
           Chili peppers (hot)                     Papaya - 100g/3.5oz                               Liver -
               Cucumber                           Paw paw - 100g/3.5oz               80g/2.8oz (women) - 100g/3.50z (men)
            Edamame beans                      Pineapple, natural - 80g/2.8g
          Eggplant/aubergine                          Plum - 2 small                              SEAFOOD
                 Fennel                          Raspberries - 100g/3.5oz                           Mussels
                 Gourds                     Rock melon/cantaloupe - 100g/3.5oz                Oysters, Pacific, raw
     Green beans (limit 50g/1.8oz)               Strawberries - 100g/3.5oz                      Prawns/shrimp
                Kohlrabi                           Tangerine 90g/3.2oz                           Salmon, pink
                  Leek                             Tomato - 100g/3.5oz                       Salmon, cold smoked
              Mushrooms                                                                     Salmon, hot smoked -
                  Okra                        Skip a fruit serve when adding         80g/2.8oz (women) - 100g/3.5oz (men)
          Onion, red or white                     the following fat serves:                        Scallops -
             Pumpkin, raw                        Coconut flour - 50g/1.8oz           60g/2.1oz (women) - 80g/2.8oz (men)
                 Radish                         Chocolate 70%+ - 25g/0.9oz            Tinned salmon, sardines, anchovies
                Shallots                                                                        White fish, any
              Spring onion                               DRINKS
             Sea vegetables                                Water                         VEGETARIAN PROTEIN
 Sweet potato/kumera (limit 60g/2.1oz)                  Bone Broth                          *breakfast options
                 Turnip                                  Herbal Teas                          *Eggs, whole -
        Tomato (limit 30g/1.1oz)                Coffee, without milk (limit)               2 (women) - 3 (men)
     Tomato paste (limit 10g/0.4oz)                  Soda water (limit)                          *Tempeh
Tomato sauce, low sugar (limit 25g/0.9oz)                                                   *Cottage cheese -
           Zucchini/courgette                            PROTEIN                  80g/2.8oz (women) - 100g/3.5oz (men)
                Wombok                         All proteins are weighed raw                      Paneer -
                                                    Protein portion size:         80g/2.8oz (women) - 100g/3.5oz (men)
         FREE VEGETABLES                           100g/3.5oz for women                       Hemp Seeds -
                Bok Choy                            150g/5.3oz for men            60g/2.1oz (women) - 80g/2.8oz (men)
                  Kale                            unless otherwise stated                      Edamame -
             Kai-lan/Gai-lan                                                              120g/4.2oz (women) -
                 Lettuce                                  POULTRY                           150g/5.3oz (men)
              Microgreens                           preferably free range                   Lupin flakes/flour -
                Pak Choi                               Chicken Breast             40g/1.4oz (women) - 55g/1.9oz (men)
             Rocket/aragula                            Chicken thigh                  Homemade protein powder -
Silverbeet/Swiss Chard/Spinach Sprouts              Duck breast, skinless                       see recipes
             Water Spinach                            30  DAYS    ONE
                                                        Turkey breast   DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE      | 2020 31
This food list is designed to print off and stick to your fridge, and can be used as an easy access guide
         to be used in conjunction with your Weight Loss Tracker and Food Diary when planning meals.

                   FATS                        Hollandaise sauce, homemade -                          CHEESE
                                                         1 tbsp/0.5 fl oz                     Blue cheese - 40g/1.4oz
                   OILS                            Mayonnaise, homemade -                          Brie- 40g/1.4oz
         1 tablespoon per serve                       1 1/2 tbsp/0.75 fl oz                   Camembert - 40g/1.4oz
                Almond oil                             Olives - 50g/1.8 oz               Cottage cheese, full fat 100g/3.5oz
               Avocado oil                        Thousand Island Dressing -           Cream cheese, full fat - 2 tbsp/1 fl oz
               Coconut oil                            1 1/2 tbsp/0.75 fl oz                        Feta - 50g/1.8oz
               Flaxseed oil                                                                   Mascarpone - 30g/1.1oz
                 Hemp oil                             NUTS AND SEEDS                           Parmesan - 35g/1.2oz
              Macadamia oil                           30g/1.1oz per serve,
                 Olive oil                          unless otherwise stated                      HERBS & SPICES
                Peanut oil                          Almonds, raw activated                            use freely
                Sesame oil                         Brazil nuts, raw activated               Example: fresh basil, parsley,
                Walnut oil                   Flaxseeds/linseed - 40g/3tbsp/1.5 fl oz    coriander/cilantro, mint, marjoram,
                                                    Hazelnuts, raw activated              sage, rosemary, thyme, oregano,
             ANIMAL FATS                     LSA (ground linseed, sunflower seed,       garlic, ginger, chili, turmeric root etc
         1 tablespoon per serve,                    almond) - 2 tbsp/1 fl oz
         unless otherwise stated                        Macadamia, raw                 Dried spices & mixes (pure spices only)
                 Bacon fat                    Nut milk, homemade - 200ml/7fl oz
                Beef tallow                          Pecans, raw activated                  CONDIMENTS & PANTRY
          Chicken fat/schmalz                    Sesame seeds - 2 tbsp/1 fl oz              Apple cider vinegar & other
                 Duck fat                        Tahini, hulled - 2 tbsp/1 fl oz                   natural vinegars
    Fish oil, cod liver oil (high quality            Walnuts, raw activated            Balsamic vinegar (limit, 2 tsp per day)
          molecular distilled) -              Watermelon seeds, raw activated -                Broths, stocks, bouillon
       standard high dose is ‘free’                        50g/1.8 oz                            (MSG additive free)
    Krill oil (distilled, mercury free) -                                                             Fish sauce
       standard high dose is ‘free’                        Nut butters                                  Gelatin
                                              e.g. almond, macadamia, peanut -                   Lemon & lime juice
               FOOD FATS                                  2 tbsp/1 fl oz                        Mustards, sugar free
     Alfredo sauce - 1/4 cup/2fl oz         limit peanut butter to one serve per day                    Tamari
          Avocado - 100g/3.5oz                                                                       Horseradish
 Bearnaise sauce - 1 1/2 tbsp/0.75fl oz                   DAIRY FATS                         Miso paste, unpasteurized
  Blue cheese dressing, homemade -                 portion sizes listed below                 Kelp noodles - unlimited
           1 1/2 tbsp/0.75fl oz                     Butter - 1 tbsp/0.5 fl oz              Shirataki/konjac yam noodles
 Caesar dressing - 1 1/2 tbsp/0.75 fl oz          Buttermilk - 1/2 cup/4 fl oz
    Chia seeds - 40g/3tbsp/1.5 fl oz           Cultured cream - 3 tbsp/1.5 fl oz                limited quantities of:
     Chocolate, 70%+ - 25g/0.9oz -            Full-fat heavy cream - 2 tbsp/1 fl oz                     Capers
      counts as 1 fruit + 1 fat serve                Ghee - 1 tbsp/0.5 fl oz                Pickled artichoke, sugar free
     Cocao butter - 1 tbsp/0.5 fl oz           Milk, full fat, non-homogenized -            Pickled gherkins, sugar free
     Coconut butter - 2 tbsp/1 fl oz                      200ml/7fl oz                       Pickled onions, sugar free
       Coconut cream/milk, 100%              Milk kefir, homemade - 200ml/7 fl oz
         natural -100ml/3.5fl oz                Ricotta, full fat - 1/4 cup/2 fl oz              SWEETENERS
Coconut flesh, raw and fresh - 45g/1.6 oz      Sour cream, full fat - 4 tbsp/2 fl oz        Up to 2 servings per day,
      Coconut flour - 50g/1.8 oz -                   Yogurt, full fat, Greek -                avoid until week 3
      counts as 1 fruit + 1 fat serve                 3/4 cup/150g/5.3 oz
        Coconut yogurt, natural,                                              Stevia, natural green leaf - unlimited
              unsweetened,                             SUPERFOODS                   Erythritol or xylitol - 2 tsp
         full fat - 1/4 cup/2 fl oz                     in moderation            Coconut sugar - 1 tsp per day
Deb’s Herby Vege Crackers - 70g/2.5 oz          Maca, Colostrum, Camu, Cacao,           Maple syrup - 1 tsp
   Deb’s Keto Chocolates - 30g/1.1 oz            Lucuma, Fine kelp powder              Yacon syrup - 2 tbsp
                                                       30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 32
Your Progress
Download your Weight Loss Tracker and Food Diary from the link in your Welcome Email.

Monitoring your weight loss                       Chest: around the nipple line

On day 1 of the challenge weigh                   Underarm: underneath the armpits and
yourself and record your weight on the            on top of the breast
first page of your Weight Loss Tracker
and Food Diary. The best time to weigh            Arms: both arms, wrist and midway
yourself is first things in the morning,          between shoulder and elbow
naked, straight after you have used the
toilet! If a daily weigh in does not work         Keeping a food diary is essential
for you, then you can just weigh in weekly.       with this program.
                                                  We recommend you use the weight loss
Measurements                                      tracker and food diary provided in your
Take your measurements on Day 1                   welcome email to ensure you remain
and record them in the Weight Loss                conscious of what you eat each day,
Tracker and Food Diary. Record your
progress weekly throughout the                    Not only does keeping a diary help you
Challenge and then on the 30-day                  to stay motivated and ensure you stick to
mark.                                             the plan, if for some reason things aren’t
                                                  going as well as they should be, your diary
Measure:                                          can provide clues for what changes can
                                                  be made to optimize your results, see the
Legs: both side, ankles, knees and thighs
                                                  troubleshooting chapter in this guide.
Hips: around your hip bones
                                                  Remember, during this challenge every
Waist: the smallest part of your waist
                                                  mouthful is a nourishing act of self-love.
Stomach: the widest part of your stomach

                                           30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 35
Weight Loss & Exercise

After years of clinical study, I observed that    the body and lead to inflammation.

my clients who exercised during active
                                                  Exercise also places your body under
weight loss did not get the same weight
                                                  stress and causes fluid build up and
loss results as those who didn’t.
                                                  bloating. While this is temporary, it can

This led me to research the effect of             interfere with your daily results and be

exercise on weight loss and based on my           quite disheartening.

observation and over 60 independent
                                                  Cortisol levels also rise during hard
scientific studies, I found that exercise can
                                                  exercise causing your body to go into
actually negatively affect active weight
                                                  a type of ‘lock down mode’ and that
                                                  may result in an inability to shed the

Unless you are already exercising regularly,      maximum pounds, as well as stimulating

I strongly recommend you do not start. If         hunger and cravings, two things you don’t

you are already exercising I recommend            want on a diet.

gentle activities like yoga, walking, or
                                                  I recommend you use this time instead to
                                                  re-connect with your body.

Activities like gym workouts, running,
cycling etc can add additional stress to

                                           30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 36
Argument Against Breakfast
Why the science of intermittent fasting makes sense

One way to further increase the amount          a practice known as Intermittent Fasting

of weight loss on this challenge is to try      or IF.

intermittent fasting. I know this concept
                                                With IF, daily meals are consumed within
scares a lot of people, so let me explain
                                                a 6-8 hour eating period across 24 hours.
what it is all about and why you should
                                                IF is usually practised two or more times
even consider it beyond the weight loss
                                                a week, but benefits can increase if it is
                                                practised more regularly.

Most of us have been raised believing
                                                A scientific review in the British Journal of
that ‘breakfast is the most important
                                                Diabetes and Vascular Disease published
meal of the day’. However new science is
                                                by SAGE, concluded that intermittent
emerging which completely contradicts
                                                fasting offers the potential to improve
the concept of a morning breakfast.
                                                weight loss and enhance cardiovascular

In particular, research has found that the      health of overweight and obese

wrong kind of breakfast could cause more        individuals with Type 2 diabetes, as well as

harm than good.                                 reduce cardiovascular risk.

This harm stems from stimulation of our         Humans have actually evolved practising

hunger hormone (ghrelin) leading to             IF. It is only in the past 150 years, once

over-eating and weight gain, as well as         food become more abundant, that

the reduction of Human Growth Hormone           breakfast really arrived on the scene and

(HGH) which helps build muscle and              so did the global obesity epidemic.

keeps us young. Breakfast may even lead
                                                Previously, our ancestors ate one to two
to a desensitisation to insulin, which
                                                main meals a day. This fluctuated over
contributes to myriad of chronic diseases
                                                famine and feast months. Humans are
including diabetes, some cancers and
                                                designed by nature to have fluctuations in
cardiovascular disease.
                                                caloric intake. In fact when we are fasting

Scientific evidence now points towards          our body sets about repairing and healing

the health benefits of skipping breakfast,      itself. Your body was built for periodic

                                                cycles of feast and famine.

                                         30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 37
Some of the demonstrated health                 leading to a more productive workout. It

benefits of IF include:                         can also slow the ageing process and HGH

                                                itself is a fat-burning hormone, so higher
1) It normalises fat hormones such as
                                                levels result in more fat loss.
ghrelin, the hunger hormone. Ghrelin is

stimulated in the stomach to signal the         3) IF can improve cardiovascular health. In

brain to eat and remind you that you are        fact, IF could be as beneficial as exercise

hungry, so if ghrelin is out of balance you     for improving cardiovascular biomarkers

might be hungry a lot!                          by normalising blood pressure, heart rate,

                                                and cholesterol ratios.
What’s really interesting about ghrelin is

that it changes its circadian rhythm (its       4) IF restores leptin and insulin sensitivity.

naturally fluctuating levels) dependant         This can be useful for those struggling

on your eating habits. If you are used to       with weight or blood sugar issues such as

eating six meals a day, ghrelin will alert      diabetes.

you if you skip a meal by telling you that
                                                5) IF reduces oxidative stress, slowing
you’re hungry.
                                                ageing. Fasting decreases the

If you are used to eating breakfast, then       accumulation of oxidative radicals in

you will be hungry at breakfast time.           the cell, and thereby prevents oxidative

                                                damage to the cellular proteins, lipids and
However it only takes a few days to
                                                nucleic acids associated with ageing and
change the rhythm of ghrelin, meaning
it’s easy to change eating habits over just

a few days.
                                                How to practice IF
2) IF increases levels of Human Growth          The best way to practise intermittent
Hormone (HGH), also known as the Youth          fasting is restrict eating hours to a six
Hormone.                                        to eight hour period over 24 hours. An

                                                example of this would be having your first
HGH helps repair the body and build
                                                meal at noon and the last meal before
muscle, both important for athletes and
                                                6pm or 8pm. This is how I eat most days.
those of us who want to stay youthful.

                                                It is recommended to practise IF at least
So one argument for skipping breakfast,
                                                twice a week.
especially before your morning workout,

is that it will result in higher HGH levels,

                                         30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 38
Here are some common ‘breakfast’ myths           This is why people with diabetes report

written in Q & A style if you are still unsure   better management of blood sugar

about trying IF:                                 levels when using Intermittent Fasting

Q/ But isn’t breakfast the most important

meal of the day?                                 Q/ But doesn’t breakfast prevent muscle

                                                 loss, while fasting burns muscle?
A/ That quote actually came from a

breakfast cereal company as part of a            A/ This is the starvation myth. Eating

marketing campaign, not a nutritional            every three hours has not shown to

guideline (in case you were wondering, it        increase muscle mass or prevent muscle

was Kellogg’s).                                  loss. Eating protein around your training

                                                 appears to have more effect on muscle
So despite what you may have heard
                                                 mass than your total protein intake
to support this clever marketing slogan,
                                                 across the day. In other words it’s when
skipping breakfast doesn’t mess with your
                                                 you eat in relation to your exercise that
                                                 matters, not drinking a protein shake with
Humans need to fast for more than 72             breakfast.
hours/3 days before a slight (10 percent)
                                                 Q/ Doesn’t breakfast make us smarter?
drop in our metabolism is induced. IF

or skipping meals does not negatively            A/ Eating breakfast before work does

impact metabolism.                               not increase our level of concentration.

                                                 In fact studies have shown that fasting
Q/ Won’t my blood sugar levels drop if I
                                                 in the morning may increase mental
skip breakfast?
                                                 alertness, and people report feeling more
A/ Common advice is that breakfast better        productive and motivated across the day
controls blood sugar and insulin levels.         when they skip breakfast.
This would depend entirely on what
                                                 It’s important to note that this may not
you eat, not only at breakfast but across
                                                 apply to children, as their brains are still
the day. Insulin is important for muscle
                                                 growing and they tend to eat a more
growth; however, it is also responsible for
                                                 carbohydrate rich diet, which in itself calls
fat storage. Fasting reduces insulin levels
                                                 for more regular meals and snacks.
and increases insulin sensitivity, reversing

insulin resistance which can lead to

metabolic syndrome.

                                        30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 39
Q/ So is skipping breakfast and IF for             More than a decade later after my

everyone?                                          lifestyle change, I have a BMI of 21

                                                   and a biological age of a woman 10
A/ While fasting is generally safe, it is
                                                   years younger. All my biomarkers have
not recommended for those who suffer
                                                   normalised and for a woman in her mid
with hypoglycaemia, so it’s important to
                                                   40s, my weight hasn’t fluctuated more
ensure you have healthy blood glucose
                                                   than a few kilos in years.
levels to start with. Likewise, if you have

adrenal fatigue or are living with chronic         So if you are struggling to maintain your

stress then it is best to avoid fasting. And       energy levels across the day, or struggling

naturally if you are pregnant or breast            with your weight, consider IF. After

feeding then fasting is not recommended.           coaching thousands of people through

                                                   these types of programmes, I personally
Q/ So has this style of eating worked for
                                                   believe this approach to eating is worth
                                                   investigating to see if it’s right for you.
A/ When I started fasting I was Insulin

Resistant with high LDL cholesterol,

chronically high cortisol and my weight

constantly fluctuated. I craved sugars

and carbs and would fall asleep mid-


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          30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 41
Cooking Measurement
Conversion Charts
Cup (cup)           Fluid Ounces (oz)   Millilitres (ml)        Tablespoons (tbsp)
                                        5 ml                    1 teaspoon (tsp)

1/16 cup            ½ fl oz             15 ml                   1 tbsp

1/8 cup             1 fl oz             30 ml                   3 tbsp

1/4 cup             2 fl oz             59 ml                   4 tbsp

1/3 cup             2.5 fl oz           79 ml                   5.5 tbsp

3/8 cup             3 fl oz             90 ml                   6 tbsp

1/2 cup             4 fl oz             118 ml                  8 tbsp

2/3 cup             5 fl oz             158 ml                  11 tbsp

3/4 cup             6 fl oz             177 ml                  12 tbsp

1 cups              8 fl oz             240 ml                  16 tbsp

2 cups              16 fl oz            480 ml                  32 tbsp

4 cups              32 fl oz            960 ml                  64 tbsp

5 cups              40 fl oz            1180 ml                 80 tbsp

6 cups              48 fl oz            1420 ml                 96 tbsp

8 cups              64 fl oz            1895 ml                 128 tbsp

              Temperature                                      Weight
Fahrenheit (°F)     Celsius (°C)               Imperial (oz)         Metric (g)

100 °F              37 °C                      ½ oz                  15 g

150 °F              65 °C                      1 oz                  29 g

200 °F              93 °C                      2 oz                  57 g

250 °F              121 °C                     3 oz                  85 g

300 °F              150 °C                     4 oz                  113 g

325 °F              160 °C                     5 oz                  141 g

350 °F              180 °C                     6 oz                  170 g

375 °F              190 °C                     8 oz                  227 g

400 °F              200 °C                     10 oz                 283 g

425 °F              220 °C                     12 oz                 340 g

450 °F              230 °C                     13 oz                 369 g

500 °F              260 °C                     14 oz                 397 g

525 °F              274 °C                     15 oz                 425 g

550 °F              288 °C                     1 lb                  453 g

                                    30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 42
Deb’s Fabulous Kick-Start Waffles (serves 6)
Per serve: 0.5 protein serve | 1 fat serve | best as an occasional breakfast treat

These are really delicious and so good the entire family will love them. It’s hard to
believe these are gluten and grain free. I’ve experimented over the years and this is by
far the best waffle I’ve created! These are light and fluffy when made with a little extra
care. They are so popular in our home that even the girls know the recipe by heart.

If you don’t have a waffle maker, you can make these as pancakes.

• 6 eggs, separated

• ½ cup melted butter

• ½ cup full fat non homogenised milk

• 1 tsp vanilla

• ½ cup coconut flour

• 2 tbsp tapioca flour/starch

• 2 tbsp eyrithitol or nativa sugar

• 2 tsp baking powder

• pinch Himalayan salt

1. Add the egg yolk and milk to a blender with the vanilla extract and blend while
drizzling in the melted butter. Make sure it’s not hot or you’ll cook the egg!

2. In a mixing bowl beat the egg whites until they reach soft peak. You are better to
over beat them than under beat them as they make your waffles light and fluffy.

3. In another bowl mix together your coconut flour, tapioca and baking powder.

4. Gently mix together the dry ingredients with egg yolk, butter, and milk mix. If it’s too
dry add a little extra milk.

5. Gently fold in the egg whites spoonful at a time. Try to keep as much air in them as

6. Cook in your waffle maker or fry as pancakes in your pan!

7. Serve with a little dollop of whipped cream and a few fresh berries.

Stick to ONE serve! These will reheat nicely in your toaster!

NOTE: Tapioca flour is for use in this recipe only, and not suggested for regular use on
this plan.

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2 Minute French Omelette (serves 1)
Per serve: 1 protein serve | breakfast option or vegetarian main

This is a fast and simple omelette even a child can make! You can turn this into a meal
by stuffing it with vegetables and additional protein if you like.

• 2 eggs

• 1 tbsp water

• A pinch of Himalayan salt & pepper

• 1 tsp butter

1. Mix the eggs, water, salt and pepper together but don’t over mix.

2. Add the butter to a pan and heat until it begins to turn brown.

3. Add the egg mixture to the pan and cook for one minute before flipping over.

4. Cook an additional 30 seconds to 1 minute until just cooked.

Don’t over cook your omelette or it will become dry! You are best to leave it a little
under cooked as it will continue cooking.

When you flip it out of the pan, fold it in half.
Serve immediately and enjoy!

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Berry Hormone Balancer Protein Powder (serves 22g per serve)
Per Serve: 1 Protein | Best for Vegetarian Plan

• 1 cup chia seeds
• 1 cup flaxseeds
• 50g blueberry powder
• 50g maqui powder
• 50g maca powder

   1. Grind chia & flaxseeds to a powder in a high powered blender,
     taking care not to heat.
   2. Pour into a bowl and whisk through blueberry, maqui & maca powder.

Store in an airtight container in the freezer.

To serve, combine protein powder with leafy greens, an allowed fat serve such as
avocado or coconut cream/milk, and water to thin to desired consistency, then blend
until smooth. Serve with a side salad with 100g vegetables to make a complete meal.

Chia Cacao Protein Powder (serves 36g per serve)
Per Serve: 1 Protein | Best for Vegetarian Plan

• 1 cup activated almonds
• 1 cup chia seeds
• 1 cup raw cacao powder
• 50g lucuma (optional)

   1. Grind almonds into a powder with a high speed blender, taking care not to
     blend to almond butter, pour into a large mixing bowl.
   2. Grind chia seeds to a powder & add to almond powder.
   3. Add all other ingredients & whisk together.

Store in an airtight container in the freezer.

To serve, combine protein powder with leafy greens, an allowed fat serve such as
avocado or coconut cream/milk, and water to thin to desired consistency, then blend
until smooth. Serve with a side salad with 100g vegetables to make a complete meal.

       The powder is a protein serve. The nuts in the recipe do not count as a fat
       serve. Any added milk or fruit would be the fat and fruit serve.

                                        30 DAYS ONE DRESS SIZE CHALLENGE | 2020 46
Berry Keto-Muffins (Plus Chocolate Variation)
Per muffin: 1 fruit serve

These are a really simple and quick muffin you can store in the freezer and take one out each day.
I am sure these will become your new favourite muffin. Nutritionally these muffins are 31% low GI
carb, 53% fat & 16% protein. Each muffin contains 8 grams of protein, 11 grams of good fats and
6 grams of net carbs. So you can enjoy one each day, but I advise you to leave them until week 3
when your body is in a more stable ketogenic state.

• ½ cup coconut flour
• 1 good cup of ground almond
• 12 large frozen blackberries or boysenberries
• 1 ½ cups culture buttermilk (or yoghurt)
• ½ cup erythritol or nativa sugar
• 2 tsp baking powder
• 25 drops of Nu Naturals Orange Nu-Stevia or a few drops orange essential oil (edible), optional
• ¼ cup chia seed
• 3 eggs
• 1 tsp vanilla
• 1-2 tsp Plum or Raspberry freeze dried Fresh-As powder for antioxidants (optional)
• Olive oil cooking spray (optional)

1. Preheat your oven to fan-bake 170°C / 338°F

2. In a mixing bowl whisk together your eggs, Orange Nu-Stevia, vanilla and cultured buttermilk.

3. Whisk in your sifted coconut flour, baking powder and almond flour until smooth.

4. Add chia seeds and your Fresh-As powder if using.

5. Place 12 cupcake cases into a muffin pan and spray with olive oil cooking spray.

6. Fill your cases with even amounts of mixture and place one frozen berry on top of each muffin.

7. Bake for 25 mins.

8. Enjoy fresh or you can freeze!

Variation: Chocolate muffins. Reduce coconut flour by 1 tbsp and add 2 rounded tbsp cocoa
powder. Instead of the blackberries/boysenberries, use 1 piece dark (70 to 90%) chocolate for each

Vegan variation: Replace eggs with flax ‘eggs’ by combining 1 tbsp flaxseed meal with
2 ½ tbsp water per egg and replace buttermilk with coconut yoghurt.

NOTE: Coconut flour is for use in this recipe only, and not suggested for regular
use on this plan.

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