Rural Waterford Visitor Experience Development Plan 2021-2023

Page created by Norma Hale
Rural Waterford Visitor Experience Development Plan 2021-2023
Rural Waterford
Visitor Experience Development Plan
Rural Waterford Visitor Experience Development Plan 2021-2023
Visitor Experience Development Plan                                                                                                     Visitor Experience Development Plan

Image Credit: Munster Vales           Image Credit: Celtic Routes       Image Credit: WCCC            Image Credit: Munster Vales

Image Credit: Celtic Routes           Image Credit: John Foley Images   Image Credit: Celtic Routes   Image Credit: Celtic Routes

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Rural Waterford Visitor Experience Development Plan 2021-2023
Visitor Experience Development Plan   KPMG Future Analytics   Visitor Experience Development Plan                                                   KPMG Future Analytics

VISITOR EXPERIENCE                                            TABLE
                                                              Table  OF
DEVELOPMENT PLAN                                              CONTENTS

                                                                                                    SECTION ONE     Introduction					                                 13

                                                                                                    SECTION TWO     Destination Analysis 		                           19

                                                                                                    SECTION THREE   Rural Waterford Visitor Experiences					          35

                                                                                                    SECTION FOUR    Visitor Experience Plan   					                   51

                                                                                                    SECTION FIVE    Monitoring and Evaluation   					                 67

                                                                                                    SECTION SIX     Appendix		      			                               69

Image Credit: Celtic Routes                              4                                                                                                              5
Rural Waterford Visitor Experience Development Plan 2021-2023
Visitor Experience Development Plan                                                                                                 Visitor Experience Development Plan

                                      Executive Summary                                                                             Participating
                                                                                                                                    Regions, Project
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Norway                      Finland (FI)

                This Visitor Experience          The objective of the Interreg Local
                                                   Cultural Flavours project is to
                                                                                        Offering specific experiences rooted
                                                                                         in local history and the preserved
                                                                                                                                    Institute of Avanced Studies (HU)
                                                                                                                                    Savonlinna Development Services Ltd. (FI)
           Development Plan (VEDP), has        improve policies supporting smaller,
                                                more rural areas to fully maximise
                                                                                        cultural legacy of communities adds
                                                                                         unique flavours and excitement to
                                                                                                                                    Institute of Tourism (HR)                                     Ireland (IE)

                                                                                                                                    Waterford City and County Council (IE)                                                                                                                      Latvia (LV)
           been funded by the Department        the potential of their unique culture
                                                 and heritage. Attracting tourists to
                                                                                          the experience of the visitor and
                                                                                         positions these areas as authentic         Municipality of Vittorio Veneto (IT)
              of Rural and Community             less recognised places can create      destinations that can simultaneously        Department of cultural heritage, University of Bologna (IT)
                                                a more even distribution of tourism      sustain the local cultural heritage        Piga Planning Region (LV)
             Development and Waterford         while at the same time upgrading the     and create better prospects for local       Municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch (NL)
                                                authentic cultural heritage offering.               communities.                    Harghita County Council (RO)
             City & County Council under                                                                                                                                                                                             Netherlands (NL)

           the Town and Village Renewal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ukraine

            Scheme - Covid 19 Accelerated                                                                                                                                                                                                  Germnay

               Measure, and conducted                                                                                                              The objective of the Interreg                                          Spain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Hungary (HU)
                                                                                                                                                     Local Cultural Flavours
              as part of the INTERREG                                                                                                              project is to improve policies                                                               Italy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Croatia (HR)       Romanio (RO)

             programme Local Flavours.                                                                                                              supporting smaller, more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Black Sea
                                                                                                                                                  rural areas to fully maximise
                                                                                                                                                  the potential of their unique                             France
                                                                                                                                                       culture and heritage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Greece                Turkey

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Rural Waterford Visitor Experience Development Plan 2021-2023
Visitor Experience Development Plan                                                                                                                                        Visitor Experience Development Plan

      The Waterford Visitor Experience               The Waterford Visitor Experience
                                                                                                    “The Waterford
Development Plan aims to identify existing           Development Plan has undergone
   and potential compelling experiences             Appropriate Assessment Screening               Visitor Experience
 that bring rural Waterford to life. It builds     by KPMG Future Analytics which has              Development Plan
    on the Interreg Local Flavours ethos         determined that proposals will not have a
                                                                                                    aims to identify                                                                                                                                   M8
   of delivering memorable moments to                significant environmental impact.
 visitors. The Waterford Visitor Experience                                                           existing and
  Development Plan also aims to increase                                                          potential compelling                                                                                                                                                                                    County Kilkenny
  the dispersion and numbers of visitors                                                                                      The objective of this VEDP is to:                Waterford has an enviable range                                                    N24                                                        M9
      to the towns and villages of rural
                                                                                                                                 » enable rural Waterford                       of tourism resources. There are
  Waterford. It seeks to increase tourism                                                           that bring rural               communities to create and                    world-class visitor attractions in                                                                     Carrick-On-Suir
revenue in the towns, villages, and tourism                                                        Waterford to life.”              promote coherent visitor                    the county’s urban areas with a      M8             County Tipperary
   businesses within rural Waterford in a                                                                                        experiences creating a distinct                growing and exceptional offer in                                                        Comeragh Uplands                                       M9
 sustainable way. It supports a sustainable                                                                                     identity that can be used to drive              Waterford City. The focus of this                                                                                         Portlaw
    rural economy based on low-impact                                                                                             visitor footfall and encourage                visitor experience development                                                                         Waterford Greenway                   Waterford
   activity tourism and the harnessing of                                                                                          visitors to tour the areas of                 plan is upon the rural areas of                                                                                                                          Passage East
   collaborative investment and support.                                                                                       Waterford not typically included in             the county, specifically Waterford
                                                                                                                                        a visitor’s itinerary;                Estuary, Copper Coast, Comeragh                                                                                   Copper Coast
                                                                                                                          »    maximise the touristic potential of            Uplands, Gaeltacht na nDéise, and
                                                                                                                               rural Waterford’s cultural heritage               the Blackwater Valley. Each of                                   N72
                                                                                                                               and assets in a sustainable way to             these areas contains communities                     N72                                                                                                  Estuary
                                                                                                                               increase visitor footfall, dwell time            whose characters and traditions                                                            Dungarvin                                                     Dunmore East
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Blackwater Valley
                                                                                                                                             and spend;                        have evolved from the landscape
                                                                                                                              » find creative and innovative                     within which they are situated,
                                                                                                                                     solutions for delivering                   creating a sense of place unique
                                                                                                                               inspirational and authentic visitor               to the rural areas of Waterford.                                                             Gaeltacht na nDéise
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Cork County
                                                                                                                                experiences that will stand out in
                                                                                                                                         the marketplace.


Image Credit: Munster Vales                                                                  Image Credit: Jamie Malone
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Rural Waterford Visitor Experience Development Plan 2021-2023
Visitor Experience Development Plan                                                                                                           Visitor Experience Development Plan

                                                                                                                                               The VEDP for rural Waterford has been informed by
  Analysis of the current situation within
 Section Two provides a range of insights:

 »      Rural Waterford has a diverse range     »  2018 tourism revenue in Waterford       »      Key opportunities include: creation
                                                                                                                                                 extensive consultation and engagement including
           of tourism assets both tangible
            and intangible upon which to
          base existing and potential visitor
                                                        was €163m with total visitor
                                                    numbers of 797,000. Encouraging
                                                  visitors to urban areas of the county
                                                                                                     of new and enhanced cluster of
                                                                                                  engaging experiences in each of the
                                                                                                 five geographic areas; increasing the
                                                                                                                                               strategic conversations with participants detailed in
               experience development.
     » Waterford City and County Council
         have collaborated with a range of
                                                     such as Waterford City, Tramore,
                                                      and Dungarvan to explore more
                                                    of rural Waterford, thus benefiting
                                                                                                  capacity of tourism stakeholders to
                                                                                                 engage in cross selling, collaboration
                                                                                               and promotion of bundled experiences;
                                                                                                                                                Appendix one, and an online survey, with analysis
           key partners playing a lead and
       catalytic role in tourism development
         over the last decade. This includes
                                                  communities around the county, and
                                                  enhancing the visitor experience, is
                                                         a core focus for this plan.
                                                                                                visitors seeking open air destinations
                                                                                                 and experiences in Covid-19 context;
                                                                                                   enhancing Greenway and Blueway
                                                                                                                                                provided in Appendix two. KPMG-Future Analytics
        engagement with Wexford, Wicklow
       and Carmarthenshire local authorities
             in the Celtic Routes project.
                                                » Key challenges for developing and
                                                      enhancing visitor experiences in
                                                       rural Waterford include access
                                                                                               networks; more industry collaboration;
                                                                                                       tapping into Ireland’s Ancient
                                                                                                    East promotion of rural Waterford
                                                                                                                                               would like to thank all those who took part which has
      » Waterford as a destination must
       ensure that it has defined itineraries
       which are saleable experiences to be
                                                     to and ‘visitor readiness’ of some
                                                        attractions; a need for more
                                                      collaboration and cross-selling;
                                                                                                   itineraries as a route to market for
                                                                                                local experiences and maximising the
                                                                                                  potential of the rural Waterford food
                                                                                                                                                contributed to our understanding of the issues and
       promoted both as part of the Ireland’s
       Ancient East regional brand, Munster
        Vales and as part of Visit Waterford,
                                                   lack of accommodation; inadequate
                                                   visitor infrastructure; the impact of
                                                    seasonality as well as the impact
                                                                                                                                                         opportunities for rural Waterford.
         the umbrella destination brand for           of Covid-19 and Brexit on visitor
                      the county.                     revenue and visitor confidence.

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Rural Waterford Visitor Experience Development Plan 2021-2023
Visitor Experience Development Plan                                                                                           Visitor Experience Development Plan

                                                                                        Enhancement and promotion                                                     Destination Enabler one:                   Destination Enabler two:          Destination Enabler three:
    Section three focusses on signature            Section four outlines how the                                               The Waterford VEDP will be delivered
       experiences in each of the five         Waterford VEDP will be delivered with                                            through a series of actions framed     Maximise Destination Potential              Reinforce Industry Foundation     Engaging Visitors and Media

                                                                                        of compelling rural Waterford
 destination clusters in rural Waterford.      a series of recommendations and an                                                under three destination enablers:
 The majority are saleable experiences         associated action plan. The Waterford
    with other experiences included for           VEDP will support the cohesive
 their potential to engage visitors and to      development of tourism in the rural       visitor experiences in each
   increase dwell time. The experiences        areas of the county by identifying the
  include a mix of activities, attractions,
  heritage, food, drink and festivals. The
                                                 opportunities and actions that will
                                               encourage visitors to stay for longer,
                                                                                          character area will deliver                    Together these
                                                                                                                                                                                             Image Credits: Jamie Malone

     emphasis is on those experiences
     that help to bring rural Waterford
                                               spend more in the rural communities
                                               and have an enhanced experience in
                                                                                        memorable and inspirational                   destination enablers
   as a destination to life for the visitor,
  authentic rural experiences. For each
                                                   the rural areas of Waterford.         moments, inspiring visitors                   will maximise the
                                                                                                                                       opportunities that
  of the destination clusters, experience
  development opportunities have been
                                                A vision to guide the development
                                                  of visitor experiences in rural
                                                                                            to not only share their                exist, driving growth in
                                                                                                                                   visitor revenue accruing
    identified. In each case this focuses
  on encouraging visitors into the area
                                                Waterford is articulated, stating:
                                                                                         exceptional experience with                 to rural communities,
 through development or enhancement
    of visitor experiences and access to
                                                                                           others but to return, with              and enabling visitors to
                                                                                                                                    immerse themselves in
    the identified hero product. Section
      three also outlines the significant
                                                                                        positive impacts for both local                 rural Waterford.
  opportunity and innovation of the new
 Explore More Waterford app, developed                                                  communities and businesses.
             alongside this plan.

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Rural Waterford Visitor Experience Development Plan 2021-2023
Visitor Experience Development Plan                                                                                                                               Visitor Experience Development Plan


     Several actions have the potential    1. Work with Fáilte Ireland to create        6. Reinforce tourism networks,
    to act as catalysts to drive greater      a rural Waterford Experience           undertake facilitated discussions, and
  numbers of visitors to the rural parts   Industry Development Programme             work with key tourism businesses in
  of the county. Product and experience        approach for high potential            each of the five destination clusters
    development are prioritised as this    experiences and provide experience        to enhance the experiential offer they
   is considered essential to building a          development support.                               provide.
    strong foundation on which to base
  development and promotion. The ten       2. Develop project proposal concepts      7. Undertake a training needs analysis
          priority actions include:           for visitor attractions across the        for tourism providers within each
                                                    different rural areas.                           cluster.

                                           3. Undertake an audit of current food      8. Promote and support the Explore
                                            experiences to identify year-round         More Waterford app as a means of
                                           saleable rural food experiences with      encouraging visitors to spend longer in
                                                     growth potential.                    the rural parts of the county.

                                           4. Support development of a coastal       9. Organise a series of familiarisation
                                             corridor as part of a collaborative       trips for tourism trade within and
                                           initiative with Co. Wexford, to include      between each destination cluster.
                                            the coast and potential Blackwater
                                            Blueway separately, and as part of           10. Work with All Together Now
                                           a collaborative initiative with County         Festival promotors, and other
                                                           Wexford.                    festival organisers, to promote 1-2
                                                                                        day packages for rural Waterford
                                           5. Support appropriate development        experience associated with the festival.
                                              of coastal and riverside walks.

                                                                                                                                Image Credit: Celtic Routes   9                                         NA NDÉISE   10
Rural Waterford Visitor Experience Development Plan 2021-2023
Visitor Experience Development Plan                                    Visitor Experience Development Plan

                  Several actions have the potential to act
                   as catalysts to drive greater numbers of
                   visitors to the rural parts of the county.
                  Product and experience development are
                 prioritised as this is considered essential to
                  building a strong foundation on which to
                      base development and promotion.
                                                                                             Image Credit: Waterford Garden Trail

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Rural Waterford Visitor Experience Development Plan 2021-2023
Visitor Experience Development Plan        Visitor Experience Development Plan


                                                                                                                                                                             County Kilkenny
                                           This Visitor Experience Development
                                           Plan (VEDP), has been funded by the                                                       N24                                                            M9
                                           Department of Rural and Community
                                           Development and Waterford City &                                                                               Carrick-On-Suir
                                           County Council under the Town and            M8             County Tipperary
                                           Village Renewal Scheme - Covid 19                                                               Comeragh Uplands                                           M9
                                           Accelerated Measure, and as part of the                                                                                           Portlaw
                                           INTERREG programme Local Flavours.                                                                             Waterford Greenway                      Waterford
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Passage East
                                           This initiative (                                                               Kilmacthomas
                                           localflavours) launched on August 1, 2019,
                                                                                                                                                                   Copper Coast
                                           is an INTERREG EUROPE project financed
                                           by the European Union. It is a partnership                                N72
                                           of 9 institutions and local governments                                                                                                                                Estuary
                                           (including Waterford City and County                                                                                 Stradbally
                                           Council) from eight countries, aimed at                                                            Dungarvin                                                             Dunmore East
                                                                                                                 Blackwater Valley
                                           developing and rejuvenating the authentic

Section One
                                           heritage tourism of rural areas.

                                           The focus of this visitor experience                    Cork County
                                           development plan is upon the rural areas
                                           of the county, specifically Waterford
                                           Estuary, Copper Coast, Comeragh Uplands,                                   N25
                                           Gaeltacht na nDéise, and the Blackwater
                                           Valley, as indicated in figure 1.                 N25                                                                                Figure 1 VEDP study areas in rural Waterford

Section One
        one                           13   Section one                                                                                                                                                                              14
Visitor Experience Development Plan                                                                                                                      Visitor Experience Development Plan

VISITOR EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                                       VISITOR
PLAN AIMS AND                                                                                                                                            EXPERIENCE
OBJECTIVES                                                                                                                                               DEVELOPMENT
The Waterford Visitor Experience                                                                             Successful implementation of this           Tourism development, marketing and
Development Plan aims to identify                                                                            plan will see increased numbers             promotion has seen a transformation
existing and potential compelling                                                                            of visitors (both international and         in recent years with a trend, in Ireland
experiences that bring rural                                                                                 domestic, staying for longer and            and internationally, towards more                                           Product                                    Service                       Story                  Narration
                                            The VEDP objectives include:
Waterford to life and enable visitors                                             ...identify existing and   spending more in local communities.         experiential tourism, travel motivated                          Core Product e.g. Attraction,              The reason a product can           The story of a place or     Narration is about
to immerse themselves in the                                                                                 The wider objective is to create an         by the desire to connect with a place,                            Activity, Scenic Site etc.               stand out. This can be pre,       people that can make an     communicating the
culture and landscape of the county;          enabling rural Waterford
                                                                                    potential compelling     environment within which it is more         its culture and people. Memorable                                                                             during or post visit.          experience memorable.      identified stories in a
interacting with people, engaging            communities to create and            experiences that bring     viable to establish and continue a          experiences, or the potential for such                                                                                                                                  meaningful, authentic
the senses, and learning its history                                                                         tourism business in rural Waterford,        experiences, can motivate visitors to
                                              promote coherent visitor             rural Waterford to life                                                                                                               Figure 2 Visitor Experience Development Components (Source Fáilte Ireland)                              and memorable way.
and stories of the places. It builds on             experiences;                                             and where rural communities within          decide to go to one place or another, to
the Interreg Local Flavours ethos of                                               and enable visitors to    and between each of the five areas          remember the visit and recommend a            Image Credit: Waterford Garden Trail
delivering memorable moments that
                                               maximising the touristic
                                                                                     immerse themselves      in Figure 1 are working together            visit to others afterwards. A memorable
inspire tourists to not only share                                                                           and cross-promoting for the benefit         tourism experience is inherently
their experience with others but also       potential of rural Waterford’s            in the culture and     of all – one Waterford tourism              personal, engages the senses, makes
makes them want to return.                 cultural heritage and assets in a     landscape of the county;    community under the umbrella                connections on an emotional, physical,
                                                   sustainable way;                                          brand of Visit Waterford.                   spiritual, intellectual or social level and
                                                                                                                                                         creates a lasting memory. Experiences
                                                                                                                                                         can include physical attractions but
                                            finding creative and innovative                                                                              also events and activities. Developing
                                          solutions for delivering inspiration                                                                           experiences is about a combination
                                          and authentic visitor experiences                                                                              of natural landscape assets, tourism
                                               that will stand out in the                                                                                products, customer service, and stories
                                                     marketplace.                                                                                        to create a compelling consumer offer.

                                                                                                                                                         Fáilte Ireland’s National Experience
                                                                                                                                                         Development Framework guide indicates
                                                                                                                                                         that the development of experiences is
                                                                                                                                                         about combining product, service, story
                                                                                                                                                         and narration, as illustrated in Figure 2.

Section one                                                                                                                                         15   Section one                                                                                                                                                                                       16
Visitor Experience Development Plan                                                                                                                              Visitor Experience Development Plan

                                               Hero products or signature experiences
 These components must be delivered                                                                                               Figure 3 Fáilte Ireland
   seamlessly and to a high quality in        are motivational experiences that deliver                                           Experience Development
order to create a memorable experience          on the regional brand proposition and                                             Framework                                                              EXPERIENCE
  for the visitor. The key components
     of the experience development
                                              will encourage international visitors and                                                                                                                  DEVELOPMENT
                                             overnight stays. Generally, these comprise
   framework are shown in Figure 3.                                                                 Destination Promise                                                                                                                             »   Make positive contributions to the
                                              a combination of experiences that can be                                                                           The focus of this VEDP is to identify   In implementing this Framework,
                                               story-based, thematic or geographical.                                                                            a range of signature visitor            Waterford City & County Council will           awareness and conservation of our
  This framework envisages different                                                                                                                                                                                                                    natural and cultural heritage;
                                                                                                                                                                 experiences that can be animated        commit itself to pursuing the principles
experiences fulfilling different purposes.                                                                                                                                                                                                          »   Provide more enjoyable experiences
                                                                                                                                                                 through an optimal mix of hero,         of Responsible Tourism as set out in the
                                                                                                                                                                 supporting and ancillary products,      Cape Town Declaration (2002). In doing         for tourists through more meaningful
                                                                                                                                                                 aligned to the Ireland’s Ancient        so, we will seek to encourage where            connections with local people, and a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Provide more
                                                                                            Key Propositions/Overarching Themes
                                              Supporting experiences are not primary                                                                             East brand proposition, that will       possible:                                      greater understanding of local cultural,           enjoyable
                                             motivators but provide visitors with a wide                                                                         encourage visitors to come to the                                                      social and environmental issues;
                                             range of choices of things to see and do in                                                                                                                                                            »   Encourage tourism businesses to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       experiences for
                                                                                                                                                                 area, stay for longer and spend         »   Minimise negative environmental
                                               an area and will serve to retain visitors                                                                         more while there.                           and social impacts, while                  reduce the amount of energy and               tourists through
                                              in an area for longer. They serve to keep                                                                                                                      maximising positive benefits;              water they use and to reduce the              more meaningful
                                               people in an area once they have visited       Destination Experience Themes                                                                              »   Generate greater economic benefits         amount of waste they generate;
                                               and are expected to also deliver on the                                                                                                                       for local people and enhance the       »   Continually endeavour to ensure that          connections with
                                              regional brand promise. These are key to                                                                                                                       well-being of host communities;            tourism destinations, products and               local people,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         »   Improve training and employment            services are accessible to all people,
                                             immersing the visitor in the Hero Product.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             opportunities within the industry;         regardless of their physical limitations,       and a greater
                                             These could include activities, attractions,
                                                   award-winning restaurants etc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         »   Involve local people in decisions          disabilities or age;                          understanding of
                                                                                                      Hero Products                                                                                          relating to tourism that affect them   »   Engender respect between tourists
                                                                                                                                                                                                             at the destination level;                  and host communities, and work to           local cultural, social
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        build local pride and confidence.            and environmental

                                                                                                  Supporting Experiences
                                             Ancillary Experiences are a range of other
                                               experiences which visitors expect any
                                             high-quality destination to have, including
                                              restaurants, pubs, and accommodation.
                                             These must also deliver a memorable and
                                                      pleasurable experience.
                                                                                                   Ancillary Experiences

Section one                                                                                                                                                 17   Section one                                                                                                                                                 18
Visitor Experience Development Plan   Image Credit: John Foley Images        Visitor Experience Development Plan

                                                                                                                      Destination Analysis
                                                                                    WATERFORD                                                      Rural Waterford can truly be
                                                                                     TOURISM                                                    described as representative of rural
                                                                                    LANDSCAPE                                                           Ireland at its best.

                                                                                      Waterford has an enviable        Picturesque towns and   Welcoming and friendly          The spectacular              Stunning coastline      Two of Irelands largest
                                                                                    and diverse range of tourism              villages                people                 Comeragh mountains           including the Copper      rivers, the Blackwater
                                                                                 resources and associated visitor                                                                                        Coast UNESCO Geopark            and the Suir
                                                                                   experiences. There are world-
                                                                                   class visitor attractions in the
                                                                                  urban areas of the county with
                                                                                  a growing and exceptional offer
                                                                                  in Waterford City. This VEDP is

Section Two
                                                                                   focused on the rural areas of
                                                                                     the county, which includes:       World-class visitor       A wealth of history       Vibrant festivals including         An exceptional         Activities on land
                                                                                                                        attractions such as    and culture – including        the Comeraghs Wild             food offering with     and sea including the
                                                                                                                         Mount Congreve        one of Ireland’s earliest      Festival; the Copper          Waterford awarded       increasingly popular
                                                                                                                         Gardens and the         known settlements         Coast Festival, Blue Grass     ‘Ireland’s No. 1 Foodie   Waterford Greenway,
                                                                                                                       Waterford Greenway                                  Festival at Dunmore East,        Destination’ in 2019     walking trails and
                                                                                                                                                                            Blackwater Valley Opera          by the Restaurants      adventure activity
                                                                                                                                                                             Festival and the music       Association of Ireland         companies.
                                                                                                                                                                           festival All Together Now

Section two                                                             19   Section two                                                                                                                                                                      20
Visitor Experience Development Plan                                                                                                                                                 Visitor  Experience
                                                                                                                                                                                     Image Credit:          Development Plan
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Munster Vales

Waterford City and County Council               Viking         Waterford         Waterford       Waterford        The Apple       Waterford          Dungarvan      Lismore
have collaborated with a range                 Triangle        Greenway          City Urban    Crystal Visitor     Market         Treasures           Smarter       Heritage
of key partners playing a lead                                                    Renewal       Centre and                                          Travel/Public    Centre
and catalytic role in tourism                                                       Works       Showrooms                                              Realm
development over the last decade.
This includes strategic investment in
product and experience development,
marketing and infrastructure.
Funding has been gained for many
key projects in the county, including:

          “Waterford City
                                         In addition, €1.2m is invested in             peoples imagination; with 284,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               “Waterford City and County Council
       and County Council
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               have collaborated with a range of key
                                         festivals annually, making the county         visitors a year at the last count; Mount
        have collaborated                a more animated place to visit.               Congreve has also recently received
                                         The focus of this plan is on those            significant investment with Waterford
       with a range of key               rural areas outside of the key urban          City and County Council and Fáilte
       partners playing a
        lead and catalytic
                                         centres of Waterford City, Dungarvan
                                         and Tramore; the less visited places
                                         that in themselves encapsulate much
                                                                                       Ireland, as joint funding partners,
                                                                                       successful in an application for funding
                                                                                       of €3,726,000 for the development of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               partners playing a lead and catalytic
           role in tourism
         development over
                                         of the essence of the county. While
                                         the Waterford Greenway is a Hero
                                         product that has captured many
                                                                                       Mount Congreve house and gardens
                                                                                       under the Rural Regeneration and
                                                                                       Development Fund 2019.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               role in tourism development over the
         the last decade.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            last decade.”
                                                                                                                                    Image Credit: Celtic Routes
Section two                                                                                                                                                                    21   Section two                                                                        22
Visitor Experience Development Plan                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Visitor Experience Development Plan
                                                                                                                              THE WATERFORD

         IRELAND’S                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         MUNSTER                                                                                VISIT
        ANCIENT EAST                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        VALES                                                                               WATERFORD
 Waterford sits within the Ireland’s Ancient                                            There are several themes under                                               Bringing the vision and themes to life will    The brand is primarily designed to appeal          Visitor attractions, activities and     these ranges. A new five-year strategic        Promotion of tourism in the county        Visit Waterford, which is a membership
 East (IAE) regional brand destination. The                                          development for IAE storytelling and                                              be new and improved experiences with             to the Culturally Curious and Great          experiences are promoted as part of       tourism development plan, launched in            is undertaken by Visit Waterford          organisation, have already identified
   visitor experience is based on Ireland’s                                       interpretation, some more advanced than                                             a focus on memory making, storytelling          Escaper customer segments. Despite           the wider Munster Vales regional brand    2020, is intended to guide the development   (, a stakeholder group    several campaigns to target International
    rich built, natural and cultural legacy,                                      others. Some are being re-evaluated, with                                             and experience. National investment           the volume of potential visitors within       which includes West Waterford, North        of Munster Vales as a destination and      with a mission to promote Waterford to     and domestic visitors to stay in Waterford
  made accessible and delivered through                                           changes expected 2021. Themes currently                                              in IAE development and marketing is a         the Great Escaper segments, Culturally       Cork, South Tipperary and East Limerick.       support the development of existing       the domestic and international market.      and created a content bank for members,
 stories and interpretation at key historical                                      relevant to rural Waterford and the wider                                           significant opportunity for Waterford to      Curious visitors are identified as having    Munster Vales was established in 2017 as        and new visitor experiences within          Visit Waterford work with both local    which includes new images of the city and
  sites. The vision for IAE is that “Ireland’s                                      South East include Vikings, Castles and                                          harness; with many tourism products and        more potential to deliver for the Ireland’s    a destination to encourage and support     communities that align with the Munster      and national stakeholders for the long-    county, along with social and promotional
      Ancient East will be an immersive                                           Conquests, Tales of Two Worlds, Maritime                                           experiences in the county aligned with the     Ancient East region. To grow international      growth and economic development in        Vales brand and encourage more visitors       term strategic development of tourism        videos. A new website has also been
 experience of living culture, breath-taking                                             Gateway, and Sacred Ireland.                                                 vision and themes for the IAE brand. The      visitors, Waterford as a destination must     this rural and mountainous region, which                to stay in the area.                 in Waterford. The objectives of the     developed with the support of Waterford
     landscape and hidden history made                                                                                                                               goal of the investment will be to transition      ensure that it has defined itineraries     encompasses parts of counties Tipperary,                                                 group include activating the ‘Waterford,   City & County Council and can be viewed at
 remarkable by vibrant communities, local                                                                                                                              the south and east of the country from       which are saleable experiences1, a tourist     Waterford, Cork and Limerick, including                                                   Where Ireland Begins’ brand, building   
   lore and the authentic character of the                                                                                                                            a transit and day-tripping destination to      product that is market ready to include       the Comeragh, Knockmealdown, Galtee,                                                   awareness of Waterford as a destination,
                  real Ireland”.                                                                                                                                       one that attracts increased numbers of        attractions and a tourism offering ready      Ballyhoura and Nagles mountain ranges                                                  creating targeted promotional marketing
                                                                                                                                                                           international overnight visitors.                  for promotion overseas.               and the communities between each of                                                      material, implementing a three-year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                implementation plan, as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          encouraging and developing collaborative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  links with tourism providers.

1. A saleable experience is a tourism experience that has gone through a Fáilte Ireland process, which makes it fit for purpose for B2B in the international and national marketplaces.

Section two                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 23    Section two                                                                                                                                                                 24
Visitor Experience Development Plan                                                                                                                                                                                    Visitor Experience Development Plan

2.3                                       2.4
VISITOR                                   STRATEGIES                                                                     VEDP, are aligned with and supported by
                                                                                                                         national policy.
                                                                                                                                                                       At a county and sub-county level relevant
                                                                                                                                                                       strategy includes:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Areas of
MARKET AND                                AND PLANS                                                                      The Government recently unveiled              Waterford City and County Council’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       are deemed
PROFILE REVIEW                            REVIEW                                                                         its blueprint to transform rural areas
                                                                                                                         across the country entitled “Our Rural
                                                                                                                                                                       Tourism Statement of Strategy and Work
                                                                                                                                                                       Plan 2017-2022.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to be:

                                                                                                                         Future”. The policy acknowledges the                                                                             Vibrant             Natural            Heritage           Activities               Food and         Arts and     Hospitality with      Distinctive
In 2018, Waterford welcomed 3%            Relevant strategies and plans at a                                             significant impact rural tourism has on       The Tourism Statement of Strategy                                  city and        environment        including towns/           and                  beverage        culture, in   a variety of guest   destinations
of the 9.6 million overseas tourists      national, regional and local level                                             rural communities and economies and           highlights the transformation that has                            associated        ranging from         villages and        adventure               including a     contemporary   accommodations,          such as
who came to Ireland (288,000              including current strategic tourism                                            includes measures aimed at helping            taken place in tourism in the county over                        attractions        mountains to      large houses and        including           vibrant artisan     venues and       restaurants,       Dungarvan,
approximately), spending 1% of            planning and marketing plans, were                                             the tourism and hospitality sectors           the previous ten years. This includes                            including the       countryside,      gardens, with a         walking,           food production      galleries.   cafes, bars, pubs,      Tramore,
the €5.2 billion overseas tourism         reviewed as part of background                                                 recover after the pandemic. The policy        investment in several flagship attractions                         Waterford        coastline and       specific action:       sailing,            industry, with                    entertainment       Ardmore and
expenditure in Ireland (€52m              research for this study.                                                       recognises that tourism growth must           in the city as well as the Waterford                            Viking Triangle.    beaches, with        “to Identify         kayaking,             good quality                      and shopping       Dunmore East
                                                                                                                         be environmentally, commercially and          Greenway and flagship festivals                                                    specific actions    suitable projects    hill walking,           food service                      opportunities.      and Lismore.
                                                                                                                         socially sustainable in rural areas, and      including the West Waterford Festival                                                to: “Harness     within Waterford     fishing, horse-           outlets, two
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             potential of      which have the     riding, cycling            significant
Irish residents took 509,000 trips        At a national level the National Planning                                      include community and visitor awareness       of Food. Amalgamation of the two local
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the UNESCO          potential to         and golf.            food festivals,
to Waterford (5% of the 10.9 million      Framework 2040 recognises the                                                  and involvement. Waterford City & County      authorities in Waterford in 2014 presented
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Geopark” and       complement the                                and several
domestic trips in 2018) spending €111     importance of rural tourism stating                                            Council’s participation in the INTERREG       the opportunity to create a unifying                                                 “Develop the      existing tourism                           award-winning
million (6% of domestic tourism spend).   “Rural areas make a major contribution                                         Local Flavours project is based on such       destination brand ‘Visit Waterford, Where                                          activity tourism        offering”.                               restaurants.
                                          to Ireland’s identity and to overall national                                  principles. The two key projects, this plan   Ireland Begins’, launched in 2015. A key                                              potential of
Together this means in 2018 tourism       development in economic, social, cultural                                      the ‘explore more Waterford’ app projects,    focus of the strategy is to build on existing                                       the Comeragh
revenue in Waterford was €163m with       and environmental terms. Rural areas,                                          are well placed to help sustainable           co-operation between public and private                                            Mountains and
total visitor numbers of 797,000.         including Gaeltacht regions and Ireland’s                                      rural tourism growth in Waterford when        sectors to arrive at a ‘whole-of-sector’                                           Munster Peaks”.
                                          inhabited offshore islands, hold much of                                       combined with the “Our Rural Future”          approach to tourism. It is also considered
Encouraging visitors to urban areas       Ireland’s natural resources, biodiversity,                                     rural development policy.                     important that Waterford City & County
of the county such as Waterford           environmental qualities and landscape                                                                                        Council recognise and prioritise the
City, Tramore, Dungarvan, Waterford       and contribute in a unique way to Ireland’s                                                                                  development of those places in Waterford
Greenway to also visit more rural         culture.”2; and “Tourism has the capacity to                                                                                 that have the potential to deliver best
locations, and thus benefiting            directly and indirectly sustain communities,                                                                                 economic return on investment. This
communities around the county, and        create employment and deliver real social                                                                                    ensures the best use of resources and
enhancing visitor experience is a core    benefits for rural Ireland”.3 Initiatives to                                                                                 encourages visitors to come to the county.
focus for this plan.                      reinforce rural economies, such as this

                                          2. Project Ireland 2040: National Planning Framework, Government of Ireland, 2018, page 68                                                                                                                                                                        Image Credit: Celtic Routes
Section two                               3. Ibid, page 77                                                                                                                                                        25                                                                                                                                                                      26
Visitor Experience Development Plan                                                                                                                                              Visitor Experience Development Plan

Key product development                     Regional collaboration and bespoke         »   Lismore Heritage Centre, new              Opportunity Studies for Blackwater          Each study appraises the current
opportunities include further               initiatives include Visit Waterford,           Lismore Castle Experience allows          River Valley, Copper Coast and              baseline and context for tourism,
attractions in the Viking Triangle and      Munster Vales, Celtic Routes, Blue Way         visitors to see inside the Castle and     Waterford Estuary                           recreation and amenity development
the Waterford Greenway. Experiences         Development, Destination Training,             the lives of the famous people who                                                    for the subject area, is a framework
being developed at the time of the          Welcome Ambassadors, and Support               lived there through virtual reality.      Tourism studies have been                   to define community led actions, and
plan included Mount Congreve                of Local Tourism Information Offices. A    »   South East Greenway, €8m funding          commissioned by Waterford City and          is grounded in extensive stakeholder
Estate, St. Declan’s Way Pilgrim Path,      long-term objective is to develop, brand       from Department of Transport,             County Council for three of the five        and community engagement. Each
Munster Vales, Celtic Routes; North         and market the South-East coastline as         Tourism & Sport for a state-of-the-       study areas for this VEDP. These in-        describes the development and
Quays Development, O’Connell Street,        a series of themed on or near water-           art 24km cycling and walking route        depth opportunity studies include:          policy context and provides an
Tramore regeneration, and a cliff walk      based activities.                              linking New Ross, County Wexford with                                                 overview of the tourism context and
in Dunmore East. Specific actions                                                          Ferrybank, County Waterford through                                                   importance; a detailed socio-economic
identified include “Develop a suite of      Key rural tourism initiatives, relevant        South Kilkenny.                                                                       profile; description of transport &
experiential themes that reflect existing   for this study include:                    »   Trails Waterford, an umbrella brand                                                   communications infrastructure;
                                                                                                                                              Blackwater River
tourism bundles”. This is also applicable                                                  for a broad range of trails and outdoor                                               and analysis of social, economic,
                                                                                                                                            Valley Tourism Action
to the rural Waterford area.                »   Waterford Greenway, potential              recreational opportunities with over                                                  environmental, political, demographic,
                                                                                                                                               Plan 2018-2023;
                                                for further experiences such as            30 accredited or approved recreational                                                technological and behavioural
With regards to marketing and                   The Famine Workhouse tour, an              trails and trail networks to choose                                                   information and trends.
promotion, Waterford’s Tourism                  interactive museum of the rail             from across a variety of landscapes
Statement of Strategy and Work Plan             heritage at the train station in           and terrain types.                                                                    The three studies enable a valuable
will align with Fáilte Ireland’s regional       Kilmacthomas. Connection of the        »   Blackwater Blueway feasibility                Copper Coast Opportunity                assessment of the issues and
brand of Ireland’s Ancient East whilst          Greenway to the heart of Waterford         analysis, consisting of a linear trail,           Study 2020-2024;                    opportunities for each of the areas,
continuing to promote the unique and            City is another key project with           approximately 40km in length, linking                                                 which, combined with research and
distinct Waterford offering under the           €2.65m funding secured.                    trail head facilities at nine towns and                                               engagement undertaken to inform
brand of ‘Visit Waterford, Where Ireland    »   Mount Congreve, which was                  villages in the Blackwater valley.                                                    this study, provide insights for the
Begins’.                                        successful in gaining RRDF funding                                                           Waterford Estuary                   SWOT analysis in section 6 and action
                                                of €3,726,000 November 2019 and                                                              Opportunity Study                   plan in section 4.0. This VEDP seeks
                                                projected (pre-Covid) to attract                                                                 2020-2024;                      to complement these studies and the
                                                150,000 visitors each year.                                                                                                      proposed Comeragh Opportunity Study
                                            »   Copper Coast Geopark:                                                                                                            in the enhancement of existing and
                                                enhancement of visitor experience                                                                                                development of new and compelling
                                                and product offer.                                                                                                               visitor experiences.
                                                                                                                                          Similar studies are to be
                                                                                                                                             progressed for the
                                                                                                                                          Comeragh Uplands area.

Section two                                                                                                                                                                 27   Section two                              Image Credit: Celtic Routes   28
Visitor Experience Development Plan                                                                                                                          Visitor Experience Development Plan

OPPORTUNITIES                                                     STRENGTHS                                                                                                                                                          WEAKNESSES
     Authentic local food story with       Diverse geography across the          Heritage towns such as Lismore,       Irish language and cultural                 Visitors mostly focused on                   Tourism industry in rural               Lack of visible accommodation in            Issues of seasonality (in tandem
      strong food offers, tours and        county ranging from dramatic           Cappoquin, Ardmore, Portlaw.          tradition in the Gaeltacht                Waterford City & larger urban               Waterford not responding to                rural areas meaning overnight              with Covid and Brexit) impacts on
    festivals, and Food the Waterford      Comeragh mountains, to coast,                                                        na nDéise.                        areas meaning a lack of rural              visitor demand for experiential            spend opportunity not maximised.                 viability of businesses.
               Way network.               rivers (Blackwater to the west                                                                                                   dwell time.                                   tourism.
                                         and Suir to the north), Waterford
                                         Estuary and countryside; unspoilt
                                                natural landscapes.                                                                                               Natural assets of the area not          Inconsistent level of quality of visitor   Difficult to attract small tour groups       Need for more local stakeholders to
                                                                                                                                                               entirely accessible or presented in a        experiences in terms of how visitor       to include the coastal route in their                drive development.
    UNESCO Geopark designation for        Scenic drives including the Copper      Range of big houses and gardens       Range of outdoor activities            visitor focussed way e.g. parts of the                ready they are.                                itinerary.
    Copper Coast Geopark providing        Coast and Blackwater Valley Drive     including Mount Congreve Gardens,      including a significant water-                river shore and coastline.
      networking and promotional           acting as a motivator to increase     Lismore Castle Gardens, Cappoquin    based activity offer in Dunmore
    opportunities and recognition of                  dwell time.                 House and Gardens, Curraghmore                    East
         geological importance.                                                 House and Gardens, Dromana House                                              Rural Waterford not maximising economic       Lack of diverse visitor attractions.          Perceived lack of funding for           Farmers deterred from allowing more
                                                                                           and Gardens.                                                          value of major attractions such as                                                   experience development amongst local          access for walking routes due to
                                                                                                                                                              Waterford Greenway and River Blackwater                                                             stakeholders.                           insurance concerns.
                                                                                                                                                               to increase dwell time and dispersion of
      Promotion of rural Waterford         Development of the Waterford            Range of walks which enable           Accommodation providers                     visitors throughout the area.
     experiences as part of Ireland’s     Greenway a nationally significant       access to the scenery including      which offer a range of visitor
     Ancient East and Munster Vales           recreation facility which            mountain walks (Nire Valley,       experiences working with local             Low levels of cross selling and             Lack of joint ticketing or cross        Competition with neighbouring counties        Impact of development diluting the
     encouraging regional dispersion,     encourages visitors to leave the           Mahon Falls), cliff walks                   partners.                       industry collaboration between            selling of attractions, activities, and             promoting day trips.              traditional culture in the Gaeltacht na
      tapping into key Fáilte Ireland      urban areas of the county and         (Ardmore and Dunmore East) and                                                         geographic areas.                             accommodation.                                                                             nDéise.
                objectives.                    access the countryside.             St Declan’s Way Pilgrim Path.

     Accessibility with proximity to       High quality festival and events        Villierstown Quay providing       The people of Waterford; their                                                       Lack of cohesive journeys – few routes       Inadequate visitor infrastructure
    Rosslare ferry port, and urban      delivered throughout the destination     access to Blackwater River and       pride in place and welcoming                                                                  around the county.               e.g. condition of roads, lack of toilets,
    centres of Waterford, Wexford,       e.g. Comeraghs Wild Festival, Copper    water-based activities including     manner making visitors feel                                                                                                                 parking, cafes.
    Kilkenny and Cork; N25 providing      Coast Festival, Blackwater Valley      canoeing, kayaking, and angling.              comfortable.
     east west access to the county.      Opera Festival, All Together Now,
                                          Dunmore East Bluegrass Festival.
Section one                                                                                                                                             29   Section two                                                                                                                                                                30
Visitor Experience Development Plan                                                                                                                     Visitor Experience Development Plan


     Creation of new and enhanced            Maximising stakeholder          Engagement with Munster Vales       Availability of Fáilte Ireland                 Range of funding schemes         Development of linked network of      New ways for visitors to engage    Highlighting the cultural offer
    cluster of engaging experiences     engagement in the development of    for promotion and development of     Covid-19 Safety Charter and                  available for capital projects      Blueways e.g. linking Waterford      with the Irish language such as    through a West Waterford Music
      in the five geographic areas.     any relevant Fáilte Ireland VEDPs     rural Waterford experiences.           associated supports.                        which could be used for           to Wexford and Wicklow, and          day courses, an Irish language               Festival.
                                        focussing on coastal experiences,                                                                                   experience development initiatives         Blackwater Blueway.                 walking tour, and musical
                                                  Blueways etc.                                                                                              including Leader, Fáilte Ireland,                                        concerts with Irish dance lessons
                                                                                                                                                               RRDF, FLAG, Town and Village                                               in the Gaeltacht na nDéise.
                                                                                                                                                              Funding, Údarás na Gaeltachta.

    Maximise the offer in destination       Increasing and promoting        Collaboration with neighbouring      Engage tourism stakeholders                   Creation of more river and             Consideration of new and        Seeking designation of Comeragh        More spurs from the West
    towns such as Lismore, Ardmore      environmental enhancement and       counties accommodation centres,       in on-going development and                        coastal walks.                  enhanced immersive visitor        Mountains as a national park.      Waterford Greenway e.g. linking
        and Dunmore East with a          community engagement through          activities and experiences.      promotion of the Explore More                                                       experiences such as ways to                                            to Lismore and west to County
        distinctive visitor offer.       a sustainable and regenerative                                          Waterford visitor app to raise                                                   engage with the hero product in                                         Cork, link to Kilmeaden, Portlaw
                                                tourism approach.                                              awareness of the rural Waterford                                                  each destination cluster, and ways                                             and Carrick-on-Suir.
                                                                                                                             offer.                                                              to better access the hero product
                                                                                                                                                                                                           for the visitor.

   Increasing the capacity of tourism    Tapping into Ireland’s Ancient         Visitors seeking open air         Development of a business                                                         Maximising the potential of the   Twinning towns and villages with
    stakeholders to engage in cross         East promotion of rural          destinations and experiences in       network amongst tourism                                                            rural Waterford food offer           European equivalents.
       selling, collaboration and       Waterford itineraries as a route            Covid-19 context.               stakeholders including                                                           including on-farm food tours,
   promotion of bundled experiences.    to market for local experiences                                        representation on Visit Waterford                                                   more visitor experiences in each
                                         and to maximise national spend                                          with sub-group for experience                                                    cluster, development of a network
                                                  opportunity.                                                           development.                                                            of food offers along the Waterford
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Greenway and combining experiences
                                                                                                                                                                                                 e.g. Blackwater Gin and Knockanore
Section two                                                                                                                                        31   Section two                                                                                                                                          32
Visitor Experience Development Plan                                                                                                                                        Visitor Experience Development Plan



     Lack of co-ordination between                Overseas visitors lacking                   Activity providers facing                 Lack of signage and visitor
     stakeholders could mean that                   confidence to travel.                   insurance cost challenges.                   facilities in some areas.
     opportunities are being missed.                                                                                                                                          Rural Waterford         Waterford City        Waterford as a          2018 tourism       Dispersing visitors            Key challenges for         Key opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                has a diverse           and County        destination must           revenue in           from honeypot                 developing and          include: creation of
                                                                                                                                                                              range of tourism         Council have       ensure that it has       Waterford was          locations such               enhancing visitor        new and enhanced
                                                                                                                                                                                 assets both           collaborated       defined itineraries    €163m with total          as Waterford              experiences in rural       cluster of engaging
                                                                                                                                                                                tangible and           with a range       which are saleable     visitor numbers of       City, Tramore,              Waterford include         experiences in each
                                                                                                                                                                              intangible upon         of key partners      experiences to be          797,000.             Dungarvan,               access to and ‘visitor    of the five geographic
                                                                                                                                                                                which to base         playing a lead      promoted both as                            Waterford Greenway              readiness’ of some          areas; increasing
                                                                                                                                                                                existing and           and catalytic     part of the Ireland’s                         and thus benefiting           attractions; a need           the capacity of
                                                                                                                                                                              potential visitor       role in tourism   Ancient East regional                         communities around           for more collaboration      tourism stakeholders
                           Pace of international tourism            Impact of Brexit on numbers of                Lack of awareness among                                        experience            development         brand, Munster                                the county, and           and cross-selling; lack       to engage in cross
                          recovery due to Covid-19 crisis             visitors from Great Britain.               domestic and international                                     development.           over the last    Vales and as part of                            enhancing visitor            of accommodation;         selling, collaboration
                          and ongoing threat to domestic                                                        visitors of the wider offer in                                                            decade.        Visit Waterford, the                          experience is a core           inadequate visitor         and promotion of
                         tourism from national lockdowns.                                                      rural Waterford apart from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        umbrella destination                           focus for this plan.        infrastructure; impact      bundled experiences;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        brand for the county.                                                       of seasonality as well     visitors seeking open
                                                                                                                     Waterford Greenway.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      as impact of Covid       air destinations and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and Brexit on visitor    experiences in Covid-19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           revenue.             context; enhancing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Greenway and Blueway
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   networks; more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Image Credit: Celtic Routes                industry collaboration;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              tapping into Ireland’s
                                                                                                                                 Image Credit: Celtic Routes                                                                                                                                                                        Ancient East
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                promotion of rural
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Waterford itineraries
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               as a route to market
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               for local experiences;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and maximising the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               potential of the rural
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Waterford food offer.

Section two                                                                                                                                                           33   Section one                                                                                                                                                            34
Visitor Experience Development Plan   Image Credit: Waterford Garden Trail   Visitor Experience Development Plan

                                                                                                              Rural Waterford Visitor
                                                                                                3.1                                M8

                                                                               EXPERIENCES BY                                                                                           County Kilkenny
                                                                                  CLUSTER                                                       N24                                                        M9

                                                                              This section focuses on                                                                                                                                  For each of the
                                                                              signature experiences in each                                           Comeragh Uplands                                       M9                        destination clusters
                                                                              of the five destination clusters                                                                          Portlaw                                        experience development
                                                                              in rural Waterford. The majority                                                       Waterford Greenway                                                opportunities have
                                                                              are saleable experiences with                                                                                                             Passage East   been identified. In each
                                                                              other experiences included for                                                Kilmacthomas                                                               case this focuses on
                                                                              their potential to engage visitors                                                              Copper Coast                                             encouraging visitors
                                                                              and to increase dwell time. The                                                                                                                          into the area through
                                                                              experiences include a mix of                      N72                                                                                                    development or
                                                                              activities, attractions, heritage,      N72                                                                                             Estuary          enhancement of visitor

Section Three
                                                                              food & drink and festivals                                                 Dungarvin                                                     Dunmore East    experiences, and access
                                                                                                                            Blackwater Valley
                                                                              with an emphasis on those                                                                                                                                to the identified hero
                                                                              experiences that help to bring                                                                                                                           product. Actions to
                                                                              rural Waterford as a destination                                                                                                                         develop and enhance the
                                                                              to life for the visitor, authentic                                            Gaeltacht                                                                  experience offer in each
                                                                              rural experiences                                                                                                                                        destination cluster are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       outlined in section 4.0

Section three
        one                                                            35    Section three                                                                                                                                                                    36
Visitor Experience Development Plan                                                                                                                                                                   Visitor Experience Development Plan

                                                                                Rural Waterford Experiences                                                                                                                                                                    Rural Waterford Experiences

            COPPER COAST                        COMERAGH UPLANDS                         WATERFORD ESTUARY                      BLACKWATER VALLEY                     GAELTACHT NA NDÉISE                       COPPER COAST                      COMERAGH UPLANDS                      WATERFORD ESTUARY                    BLACKWATER VALLEY                   GAELTACHT NA NDÉISE
                                                                                          Hero Product                                                                                                                                                                             Signature Experiences
      Beaches, coves and cliffs               Comeragh Mountains                            Dunmore East                         Blackwater River                          Irish culture

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Be immersed in nature on the       Take in the spectacular views on      Go forest bathing on Dunmore        Walk in the footsteps of pilgrims      Take in majestic views of
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Anne Valley Nature and Wildlife      the Mahon Falls and the Nire        East Woodland Walk or stroll the    on St. Declan’s Way Pilgrim Path        Dungarvan Bay and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Walk and take time out on the                Valley Trails              beautiful Dunmore East Coastal      from Ardmore to Cahir and on to      Comeragh Mountains on the An
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Annestown Heritage e-trail                                               Cliff Walk with views to Hook                   Cashel                        Coinigéar Walk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Head, followed by one of the best
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 fish and chips in the South East
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          in Dunmore East

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Experience lush green landscapes    Challenge yourself and your bike         Thrills on the water with       Take in breathtaking views of the     Soak it up at Solas na Mara
                                                                                                                                                                                                         and sea views on the Waterford      on the Nire Valley Drop race         Dunmore East Adventure Centre      coast and discover history on the            Seaweed Baths
   Credit: Patrick Browne Photography    Image Credit: Waterford Garden Trail             Image Credit: WCCC                  Image Credit: Munster Vales            Image Credit: Celtic Routes        Greenway with local bike hire too                                                                             Ardmore Cliff Walk followed by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      dinner at the Cliff House Hotel
     The stunning Copper Coast             The diverse Comeragh Uplands              Waterford Estuary, a serene        The tranquil and scenic Blackwater      Gaeltacht na nDéise is the only
  coastline is home to the UNESCO         has something for everyone with               and peaceful part of the             Valley area stretches from the    Irish-speaking region in Ireland’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Discover your inner adventurer      Take a hike to Mahon Falls in        Sail the Estuary in the wake of     Seek your adventure along the       Learn cúpla focal at Coláiste na
      Geopark with diverse rock           some of Ireland’s most dramatic,         county, includes historic fishing      Knockmealdown Mountains past         south-east. Here time moves at a
                                                                                                                                                                                                         with a sea-kayaking trip with      the Comeragh Mountains with            generations with Traditional        coast or along the beautiful       Rinne Irish classes and courses
  formations, and some of the most          wild and beautiful accredited         communities such as Cheekpoint             Mount Mellary and heritage         different pace, with magnificent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Pure Adventure                    Muddy Boots tours               Boat Charters from Waterford         Blackwater with a sea kayak
     beautiful beaches in Ireland,        upland walks with jaw-dropping          overlooking the Suir and Barrow       villages of Cappoquin, Lismore and     views of Dungarvan Bay and the                                                                                          City to Dunmore East             or SUP trip with Ardmore
   with secret coves and mysterious        views. For those seeking gentler        rivers confluence near Faithlegg      Villierstown, all on the Blackwater    dramatic Comeragh Mountains.                                                                                                                           Adventures or even go whale
  standing stones. The area is also     pursuits, Mount Congreve Gardens           House Hotel, and Passage East            River where several companies        Visitors can connect with Irish                                                                                                                                watching!
   host to picturesque villages and         offers one of the world’s finest          with its Wexford ferry link.          offer boat and kayak trips. The    culture in the villages of An Rinn
  the popular Waterford Greenway           collections and the Waterford &            Creadon Head, home to an           historic town of Ardmore is host to  and An Sean Phobal with Coláiste           Get your Vitamin Sea along           Get hooked on angling with           Stroll with a picnic along the        Explore the stunning and         Visit the uniquely located Joan
 which runs through the lush green       Suir Valley Railway offers a range        early human settlement history       adventure companies, the renowned na Rinne, an Irish language college,           the 2.5km Bunmahon Beach              Clonanav Fly Fishing and            expanse of sandy Woodstown         historic river with Blackwater      Clancy Art Gallery overlooking
    countryside south of the N25,        of tours. For something livelier the       and strong maritime heritage,       Cliff House Hotel, and the Ardmore     offering short courses as Gaeilge.       walk and take to the waves with             Angling Centre                             Beach                 Ecotours or Blackwater Boating               Dungarvan Bay
  where the Copper Coast meets the        vibrant Comeraghs Wild Festival            overlooks the sandy expanse          Cliff Walk, one of the most scenic  For those seeking a truly immersive           Bunmahon Surf School                                                                                     followed by afternoon tea and a
    Comeragh Uplands. There are             showcases the mountain offer,           of Woodstown Strand. Further           coastal walks in the country. As      experience, Sólás na Mara, in                                                                                                                       garden tour at Dromana, Tourin
  opportunities for foraging on the        while Curraghmore House, the             south, Dunmore East has been        well as natural beauty and heritage    the fishing port of Heilbhic, gives                                                                                                                    or Cappoquin House & Gardens
coast with the Sea Gardener and for     largest private demesne in Ireland,         creating life-long memories for       including Lismore Castle and the     relaxing seaweed baths. For local
 freeing your creative spirit making     provides the venue for the annual        generations of visitors who return     Lismore Heritage Centre, the area       Waterford crystal, Criostal na
 sand art with the Art Hand on the        All Together Now music festival.         for the family-friendly beaches,      is famous for its food offering with  Rinne offers free tours, while Joan
    beautiful beaches of the coast.                                                seafood, water-based adventure      Dungarvan’s West Waterford Festival Clancy’s art gallery has spectacular
                                                                                   activities and exhilarating cliff   of Food showcasing many Blackwater                 coastal views.
Section three                                                                          top and woodland walks.              Valley artisan food producers.                                       37   Section three                                                                                                                                                                          38
Visitor Experience Development Plan                                                                                                                                                        Visitor Experience Development Plan

                                                                          Rural Waterford Experiences                                                                                                                                                                Rural Waterford Experiences

          COPPER COAST                      COMERAGH UPLANDS                       WATERFORD ESTUARY                    BLACKWATER VALLEY                  GAELTACHT NA NDÉISE                       COPPER COAST                     COMERAGH UPLANDS                        WATERFORD ESTUARY                      BLACKWATER VALLEY                    GAELTACHT NA NDÉISE
                                                                              Signature Experiences                                                                                                                                                                      Signature Experiences

   Free your artistic spirit taking   Take time for peace and serenity       Get an insight into Estuary way      Take an immersive VR tour of      Immerse yourself in heritage at            See the mysterious standing       Meet the rulers of the sky at            Enjoy the Minaun and Hurt          Relax on the safe and sandy Blue
   a course with the Art Hand in         at Mount Mellary Abbey              of life with Waterford Harbour        the private Lismore castle at     the An Sean Phobal an early                 stone on Trá na mBó and        Mayfield Birds of Prey Falconry         Hill walks along the estuary and     Flag Ardmore Beach, perfect for
  Bunmahon, Sand Art with Sean                                                         Tides & Tales            Lismore Heritage Centre followed    Bronze Age court cairn and the            view 460 million year old rock              at Portlaw                     between the villages of Passage                 families.
   Corcaran and at Adrian Cooke                                                                                  by a trip to the historic Castle   only example of its kind in the            formations and cliff walls at                                                  East and Cheekpoint
        Classical Art Atelier                                                                                    Gardens and to Lismore Castle                southeast.                        Kilfarrassy cove and beach
                                                                                                                           Arts gallery

      Purchase a gift from the          Explore culture heritage and          Experience live music at the         Tour artisan food and drink       Enjoy the scenic beauty on the                                                                          Experience Development Opportunities
   talented artists and designers     activities at the Comeraghs Wild      Dunmore East Bluegrass Festival       producers including Baldwins      Cliff Walk from An Rinn and An
      at Workhouse Studios in                       Festival                                                          Farmhouse Ice-cream,          Sean Phobal Cliff Walk/Helvick
           Kilmacthomas                                                                                          Knockanore Farmhouse Cheese,                     Head
                                                                                                                     Barrons Bakery and the                                                       Feasibility assessment of          Feasibility assessment of              Feasibility assessment of          Feasibility assessment of the        Support Údarás na Gaeltachta
                                                                                                                      Blackwater Distillery                                                   enhanced visitor experiences at   biodiversity and activity tourism       Waterford Estuary maritime and       Blackwater Blueway as an on and      development of a cultural centre/
                                                                                                                                                                                             the Copper Coast Geopark Visitor   experiences along with enhanced         early human settlement heritage      off water activity route along the      hub to include a craft/food
   Discover history at the Copper     Visit one of the great gardens of        Take the family on a whale        Come to one of Ireland’s most       Visit the local shops and bars             Centre that includes activity   visitor facilities to the Comeragh      as interpretive visitor experience           Blackwater River.            outlet, Irish language classrooms,
   Coast Geopark Visitor Centre       the world at the unique Mount          watching trip of a lifetime with   captivating events at Blackwater     and listen to the local people             based and/or virtual reality           Uplands attractions.                      and attraction.                                                   interpretative history, café and
                                             Congreve Gardens                Dunmore Boat Trips or try your       Valley Opera Festival in the              speaking in Irish                 access to the underground mine                                                                                                                       potential for hostel style visitor
                                                                            luck with Dunmore East Angling                 grounds of                                                         experience at the Tankardstown                                                                                                                                accommodation.
                                                                                        Charters                                                                                              site and development of coastal
                                                                                                                                                                                                path connectivity along the
  Discover a community of artisan      Tour the largest private demesne         Go for a trek with Pallas         Tour at your own pace on the      Enjoy the peace and serenity of                 Copper Coast stretch.
   food producers at Dunhill Eco      in Ireland at Curraghmore House        Equestrian through countryside     beautiful Blackwater Valley Drive    this quiet part of the county
               Park                     and Gardens in Portlaw which         and even on Woodstown Strand
                                       also hosts the All Together Now                                                                                                                                               Development of Blueways, Greenways, themed trails, itineraries connecting each of the five destination clusters.
                                                Music Festival

  Go wild swimming at your choice          Take to the saddle with           Take a leisurely cruise or hone        Take your pick of beautiful
        of beautiful beaches                 Cullenagh Stables                your skills with South Coast       walks at Glenshelane Woods at
                                                                             Sailing aboard the ‘Riptide’ in      Cappoquin, The Towers Walk
                                                                                     Dunmore East                 at Ballysaggartmore, and the
                                                                                                                 riverside Lady Louisa’s Walk at
Section three                                                                                                                                                                         39   Section three                                                                                                                                                                            40
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