St. Mark's United Church - Friday Update Oct 9, 2020

Page created by Robin Burgess
St. Mark's United Church - Friday Update Oct 9, 2020
St. Mark's United Church
                          Friday Update
                           Oct 9, 2020

                    Photo from Hello Magazine
The phenomenon of watching worship on-line....we are not alone!

         Join Us for Worship this week on YouTube
Unfortunately, worship this week will not take place in person. However,
worship will be live streamed to our YouTube Channel at 10:30 a.m.

Please join us for worship!

There is a copy of the order of service available by clicking on the button
below. This link will bring you to the words for the prayers and hymns.
Currently, we do not have the technology to allow us to put the words for
hymns on the screen during a live-stream event easily.
St. Mark's United Church - Friday Update Oct 9, 2020
Link to our YouTube Channel

                       Order of Service for Oct 4, 2020

   Please check our website regularly for updates
           regarding in Church worship.

We are working hard to ensure that when we return to worship in the
sanctuary that we are all safe. We will be making a decision early next
week in regards to whether or not worship can be held in the sanctuary
on Sunday, October 11th. We will send out an email to let you all know
the decision.

We will be following provincial guidelines which means that all who
attend worship must wear masks, maintain social distancing and take a
screening test before entering the church building.

When we do open, we will also be required to pre-register for worship
each week, as there is a maximum of 50 people allowed in the sanctuary
at one time.

Please call the church office or send an email by the Thursday morning
prior to 12 p.m. if you wish to attend that upcoming Sunday. It is
important that we know how many will be attending so we can figure out
a seating plan that maintains the 6 ft distance that is required between
individuals and those outside their social bubble.

Due to space restrictions and the 6 ft social distancing mandate please be
prepared to sit anywhere in the sanctuary. We cannot guarantee that
your favourite seat will be available and so we ask for your patience and
understanding during this time.

                      Office phone: (905) 627-9251
             Office e-mail:

                              Visit our website
Caring Corner
Please continue sending your love, support and prayers for:

The Lee Family: Dan and his wife Theresa have both been admitted the Emmanuel House
where they are receiving the kind support of the staff.

Al Shupe: Al is at home now where he continues to recover from surgery with the help of
his family and friends.

                                 Photos of the Week

Please continue to send your pictures to the Newsletter. People are enjoying receiving
photo memories of their church family.

                 Please email them to:

          Help Wanted: Pilots and Crew for "Flight 2020"
Any one wishing to have conversation and reflection on how we might get "Flight 2020"
out of the hanger and up into the sky, please call or email Rev. Peg.
The hope is that we come up with a clear destination, mission, for St. Mark's to focus on
for the next couple years.
Come help us pilot this church into the future!

                   Update from the Finance Committee
St. Mark’s was able to take advantage of two of the government’s assistance
programmes this year.
The Covid Emergency Wage Assistance has allowed us to reclaim about $4,000
of our payroll expenses.
The Covid Emergency Business Assistance programme allowed us to take out an
interest free loan of $40,000. The purpose of the loan is to cover expenses that
cannot be deferred. As long as we repay the loan by the end of December 2022,
$10,000 of the loan will be forgiven and no interest will be charged. We have set
up a repayment schedule of $1,000 per month for the thirty months from July
2020 to December 2022. When the $30,000 has been repaid, we will take the
balance of $10,000 into income.
In spite of these programmes, we are still in a deficit position of $46,000 as of
August 31st.
Please bring your givings up to date. In order to avoid handling currency and
cheques as much as possible, please consider e-transfers (email is or contact Jennifer to set up PAR givings.

                         Children's Time on Sundays

On Sunday mornings there will be a Children’s Time during the service.
As a way to engage our kids in the stories and conversation, you may
register to receive a package of material before Sunday worship. This
will include activities for individual and family time at home.
If your name and address is on our Church Directory please watch your
front door/mailbox, later this coming week, for your special trial pack of
our Sunday Morning Children's program.

                                Upcoming Events
Sunday, October 11th
Worship will be Live-Streamed to our YouTube Channel.

Tuesday, October 13th
Team Time: 10:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room

Friday, October 16th
Jr. Youth Event: 5:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m. in the Courtyard at St. Mark's
(please come dressed for weather)

Tuesday October 20th
Team Time: 10:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room
Board Meeting: 7:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Things Going on in the Community
Beginning October 15th St. James Anglican Church will begin their Winter Boot and Coat

 Please drop off any coats and boots you won't be needing this year and they will ensure
 they are taken proper care of and delivered to those in the wider community that need
                                    them this winter.

                           Thanks for your generous support!
Do you have any scrap metal or empty bottles (liquor or beer) lurking in your garage or closet?
      If so, pack up these recyclables and head to the Westoby Arena on October 17th
                            - and support local youth in the process.

                                      ROUTES YOUTH CENTRE
                                 SCRAP METAL AND BOTTLE DRIVE
                                WESTOBY ARENA (OLYMPIC DRIVE)
                                    SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17TH
                                        9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Here's what they are collecting:
§ iron, steel, aluminum, copper, brass, exotic metals
§ motors, batteries, and electrical products such as TVs, computers and cell phones
§ empty liquor and beer bottles, and beer cans

        For more information, phone 905-929-0572 or go to

Routes Wing Night, previously scheduled for October 23rd has been CANCELLED.

This weekly update of news, views and upcoming events is brought to you by
Rev. Peg, Alison Slaats, Ruth Lee and Dorothy Bartalos. We would be glad to
hear your comments. If you want us to include an item, please be in touch by
  12 noon on Wednesday ( or 905-627-7977). To have
      something put up on our website, contact Webmaster Phil Wood

                                         Contact us
                               Rev. Peg's Cell: 905-577-3348
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