Christ Church, Church of England Primary School - Christ Church CE ...

Christ Church, Church of England Primary School - Christ Church CE ...
Christ Church, Church of England
                                 Primary School
           Through God’s love, we learn, aspire and achieve; we flourish.

Newsletter Issue 239               12th March 2021
                                                          Acts of Kindness
Welcome Back                                              This week the children have been returning their
What a lovely week we have had! It was so good to         decorated paper hands with their suggestions of how
have all our children return and to watch them in their   to be kind. This whole school thread has supported
classrooms, and outside, enjoying being with their        our values of compassion and wisdom and has
friends and teachers, and clearly very pleased to be      reminded us all that it is the small things that can
back. They have been sorely missed and we look            make a big difference.
forward with anticipation to the term ahead and the
many learning opportunities it will bring.

The Return of our Daily 1 km
Coming back to school one of the activities that the
children had missed was our daily 1km run and so we
have given it renewed vigour. All the classes, from
Nursery to Y6 are now building up their stamina with
this fantastic opportunity for fitness and exercise.

                                                          Back to Work
                                                          The children have returned to some inspiring new

                                                          The Nursery are learning about Humpty Dumpty and
                                                          are solving the mystery of who pushed him off the

                                                          The Reception children have been thinking about
                                                          their mummies and sharing why they love them in
                                                          preparation for a special day on Sunday.

Back together                                             Year 1 are learning about the Natural world and have
Our Nursery and Reception children finally cut the        been talking about flowers and plants.
ribbon between their outdoor learning play areas and
were able to explore and play together                    Year 2 have started their topic all about Materials and
                                                          have produced some fabulous charcoal drawings of

             Respect, compassion, service, wisdom, perseverance, trust
Christ Church, Church of England Primary School - Christ Church CE ...
Christ Church, Church of England
                                 Primary School
           Through God’s love, we learn, aspire and achieve; we flourish.

Year 3 have been finishing their topic about rivers and   Our Stars of the Week
are learning about the Water Cycle.                       Well done to the children below who have impressed
                                                          their teachers this week with their attitude and hard
Year 4 concluded their topic about the Amazon with        work on return to school. They have managed the
an exciting online visit from an Animal Man who spoke     settle back very well and have proven to be excellent
to them about Amazon reptile species.                     role models to their peers.

Madeline: “It was an extraordinary experience to see
the creatures that we wouldn’t have been able to see
otherwise. I liked the snake the best because it was
was very chilled.”
                                                              Isabelle                        Emre
William: “I liked the tarantula because it was calm and        Tishe                         Tarajhi
people think they are vicious but they are actually the
opposite and are scared of us.”


Year 5 have started their topic on Materials and are
learning about changes of states. They also enjoyed
an inspirational presentation all about Space.

                                                             Freddie S                       Vishu
                                                              Aryash                        Chezney

Year 6 have been enjoying their new literacy text
“Way Home” by Libby Hathorn and have produced
poems and mystery writing. They have also been
learning about Banksy and having a go themselves.         Self Awareness Competiton

                                                          “This above all, to thine own self be true...”
                                                          What does this quote mean to you?
                                                          "It’s not always easy being ourselves and sometimes
                                                          we’re afraid to be who we are in case others judge us.
                                                          But being true to ourselves is important for our
                                                          wellbeing and self-esteem. This Shakespeare Week
                                                          we’re inviting you to explore your identity and be
                                                          proud of yourself!"

             Respect, compassion, service, wisdom, perseverance, trust
Christ Church, Church of England Primary School - Christ Church CE ...
Christ Church, Church of England
                                 Primary School
          Through God’s love, we learn, aspire and achieve; we flourish.

If you would like to find out more please click on the   COVID-19
link above. There is a short video from CBBC's Ben       Please can we remind parents that if you or a member
explaining the competition and reading a thoughtful      of your family are displaying any symptoms of COVID-
poem he wrote. The entries can be in any form so if      cough, fever, loss of taste or smell and possibly
you would rather draw or make something then The         diarrhoea or vomiting in children that you all remain at
Shakespeare Birthplace Trust are welcoming children      home to self-isolate and take a test. It is essential
to be creative.                                          that if anyone in your household is going for a
                                                         COVID19 test that the children stay at home until
Although we are not running this competiton as a         the test result is returned and a negative result is
school, we know that some of our children would be       received.
keen to take part and individual entries can be sent.    Do not send your child to school until you are sure
The deadline is the 31st March.                          that s/he is COVID free.
                                                         We are more than happy to advise you on the phone
Start and Finish Times                                   if you need further clarification.
A reminder of our start and finish times. Thank you to
                                                                               Child Protection
parents for your cooperation with this, it is really      We take children’s safety very seriously and all information
helping to reduce congestion and ensure families are      regarding safeguarding is on our website and also available
kept safe.                                                                  from the school office.
                                                         Please contact Mrs Print or Mrs Harry immediately should you
                                                           have any concerns regarding children or adults at school.
Class     Times                   Place
Nursery   9.00am    3.30pm        YR field door         
YR        8.50am    3.20pm        YR field door
Y1        8.40am    3.10pm        Main gate
Y2        8.40am    3.15pm        Main gate                        Wishing you all a
Y3        8.50am    3.20pm        Main gate                       good weekend and a
Y4        8.55am    3.25pm        Main gate
Y5        9.00am    3.30pm        Main gate                   Happy Mother’s Day to all our
Y6        8.50am    3.20pm        Main gate                            mothers
                                  th                           Mrs Print and Mrs Harry
Friends Meeting - Wednesday 17 March at 8pm
The Friends are meeting next week and would love to
have more join them for a catch up and to discuss
some fun events to raise funds for the school. Please
send them an email for
Zoom joining info.

The Elms Holiday Club
See attached leaftlet - book by 19.3.21 for Early Bird

             Respect, compassion, service, wisdom, perseverance, trust
Christ Church, Church of England Primary School - Christ Church CE ...
Christ Church, Church of England
                          Primary School
      Through God’s love, we learn, aspire and achieve; we flourish.

                                 DIARY DATES


Wednesday 31st          Last day of term


Monday 19th             Summer Term begins
Mon 19th - Fri 23rd     Big Pedal Week
Wednesday 28th          Happy School Bag collection


Monday 3rd              May Day Bank Holiday
Friday 7th              Number Day
Tuesday 18th            Class Photos
Friday 28th             INSET Day
31st May - 4th June     Half Term


Monday 7th              2nd half Summer Term begins


Friday 23rd             Last day of term

        Respect, compassion, service, wisdom, perseverance, trust
Christ Church, Church of England Primary School - Christ Church CE ... Christ Church, Church of England Primary School - Christ Church CE ... Christ Church, Church of England Primary School - Christ Church CE ... Christ Church, Church of England Primary School - Christ Church CE ... Christ Church, Church of England Primary School - Christ Church CE ... Christ Church, Church of England Primary School - Christ Church CE ...
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