St. Justin Martyr Parish Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

Page created by Anne Bailey
St. Justin Martyr Parish Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
St. Justin Martyr Parish
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

               Mass Schedule
       8:00 a.m.; 10:00 a.m. in English;   SACRAMENT OF PENANCE
      12:00 p.m. in Vietnamese;
       5:00 p.m. in Spanish                 Saturday: 4:00 - 5:45 p.m.

           Monday and Thursday
            9:00 a.m. (Chapel)              Confession by appointment.
                                              Call the parish office.
          Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
          and Saturday                                  .
             9:00 a.m. (Church)

St. Justin Martyr Parish Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
                                        JANUARY 2, 2022

                             13350 Ashford Point Drive • Houston, TX 77082-5100
                                Telephone: 281-556-5116 • FAX: 281-556-6932
                             E-Mail: • Web page:
                    Fr. Paul Chovanec, Pastor     Fr. Peter Thang Nguyen, Parochial Vicar
                     Deacon Corney Llorens Deacon Nhat Tran Deacon Sean Nguyen

                                      ADULT BAPTISM AND ENTERING THE CATHOLIC CHURCH
       The Rite for the Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process is ongoing. Contact one of the priests in the parish office.
                                        ADULT CONFIRMATION FOR PRACTICING CATHOLICS
                                                     Please phone the parish office.
                                                    SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY
           Please contact Mary Elliott at 281-902-5711 or 6 months to 2 years prior to desired date.
                                               SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM FOR CHILDREN
      Baptism for children through age six is held monthly except during the season of Lent. There are no private baptisms.
     There are required preparation sessions for the parents. At least one parent must be a registered member of the parish
      and a practicing Catholic. Expectant parents are asked to begin this process during the second trimester of pregnancy.
                                                     Please phone the parish office.
                                    SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM FOR CHILDREN SEVEN AND OLDER
                         Please contact the Religious Education office about the RCIA process, 281-902-5701.
                                            SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK
     Please phone the parish office as soon as you or someone in your family schedules surgery/hospitalization or suffers an
         illness or injury. PLEASE DON’T DELAY in this prayer for Christian healing! The Sacrament is celebrated the fourth
                                                 Saturday of the month at 9 a.m. Mass.
                                     Please contact the Religious Education office, 281-902-5701.
                                               YOUTH MINISTRY AT ST. JUSTIN MARTYR
         There are various activities for Middle and High School Youth throughout the year. Youth Nights take place every
             Wednesday 7-8:30 p.m. and are a time for youth to make friends, have fun and learn more about their faith.
                               For more information contact the Youth Ministry Office at 281-902-5710.
                                            ST. JUSTIN MARTYR PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY
     Wednesday - 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Curbside food distribution. Other times, call 281-556-6882. Fax is 281-752-5985.
                                                          BULLETIN DEADLINE
                              10 days prior to date of publication. Bulletin email:
                                                  WELCOME TO ST. JUSTIN MARTYR
       Please let us know you have arrived. We are anxious to meet you. Contact the parish office for a welcoming packet.
                                    ST. JUSTIN MARTYR PARISH BOUNDARIES
Beginning at a point on Barker Reservoir Dam at Briar Forest Street, East on Briar Forest to Dariy Ashford; thence
South on Dairy Ashford to Westheimer Road; thence East on Westheimer Road to Old Westheimer Road; thence
South on Old Westheimer Road, to Alief-Clodine; thence West on Alief-Clodine to Dairy Ashford; thence South on
Dairy Ashford Bellaire Blvd; thence West on Bellaire Blvd. to Eldridge; thence South on to Beechnut; thence West
on Beechnut to Addicks-Howell Road (Hwy 6); thence South on Addicks Howell Road to Keegans Bayou; thence
West on Keegans Bayou to O’Brien Road; thence North on O’Brien Road to Barker Reservoir Dam; thence North-
east along the Dam to the point of beginning at Briar Forest.
St. Justin Martyr Parish Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Pastoral Staff                               Financial Stewardship
                           Karen Rachal                                   Weekend Collection
                        Parish Administrator

                        Jackie Baca                         Collections for December 19, 2021
              Coordinator of Religious Education
                      & Youth Ministry
                                                            Collection                             $ 10,184
                                                            On-line Giving                         $ 5,431
                                                            Received via mail                      $ 3,576
                                                            Total                                  $ 19,191
                  Sunday Reflection                         Required Weekly Budget Amount          $ 16,000
                                                            Building Improvements                  $     10
               JOURNEY TOWARD GOD                           Social Ministry                        $ 500

In our celebration of the Epiphany, two interwoven          Registered Families             1989
themes are present in the readings today. God is begin-
ning something new, and God gathers all of humanity
to participate. For Isaiah, God’s bright light, manifest-
ed in the people of Israel, attracts and summons people     Diocesan Services Fund 2021
from many nations to Jerusalem. In the letter to the        Parish Goal:                           $110,000
Ephesians, God’s grace makes the Gentiles co-heirs          Parish Contributions:                  $111,026
and co-partners in the gospel. Matthew tells the story      Balance Due:                           $ - 1,026
of the fulfillment of God’s promises to Israel through      Number of Participants         313
the birth of Jesus, and simultaneously leading foreign-
ers to share in these same promises. With the birth of      Ignite Campaign
Jesus, God chose a particular people, in a particular       Parish Goal:                           $907,414
time and place, to enter most directly into the human       Parish Amount Pledged:                 $555,647
story. Today’s readings teach that God did this in order    Parish Contributions                   $399,945
to gather all people, all cultures, into unity with God.    Balance Due:                           $507,469
Like the magi, we are drawn into a journey toward
God, becoming co-partners in God’s work.                    Number of Participants          242

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

St. Justin Martyr Parish Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Prayer Needs                                            Parish Events
                 Mass Intentions                          Sunday,        January 2, 2022
                                                          8:00 a.m.       English Mass in the Church
           January 2, 2022-January 9, 2022                                Livestream Mass
                                                          10:00 a.m.      English Mass in the Church
Sun.       Jan. 2nd   8:00 a.m.    People of St. Justin                   Livestream Mass
Sun.       Jan. 2nd   10:00 a.m.   † Sylvia C. Diano
                                                          12:00 p.m.      Vietnamese Mass in the Church
                                                          5:00 p.m.       Spanish Mass in the Church
Sun.       Jan. 2nd   12:00 p.m.   † Phero Tran
                                                          Monday,       January 3, 2022
                                                           9:00 a.m.     Mass in the Chapel
Sun.       Jan. 2nd    5:00 p.m.    Familia Tovar         Tuesday,       January 4, 2022
                                                          9:00 a.m.       Mass in the Church
Mon.       Jan. 3rd    9:00 a.m.   † Phado Tran                           Livestream Mass
Tues.      Jan. 4th    9:00 a.m.   † Edilberto Morales    Wednesday     January 5, 2022
                                   † Cassandra Tac        9:00 a.m.      Mass in the Church
Wed.       Jan. 5th    9:00 a.m.   † Maria Pham                          Livestream Mass
                                                           9:30 a.m.     Adoration
                                   † Toma Minh V. Quang
                                                          Thursday,     January 6, 2022
Thurs      Jan. 6th    9:00 a.m.   † Ana Nguyen             9:00 a.m.    Mass in the Chapel
Fri.       Jan. 7th    9:00 a.m.   † Anton Nguyen         Friday,       January 7, 2022
                       .                                  9:00 a.m.     Mass in the Church
Sat.       Jan. 8th    9:00 a.m.   † Theresa Nguyen                     Livestream Mass
                                                          Saturday,     January 8, 2022
Sun.       Jan. 9th    8:00 a.m.   † Alma Rachal          9:00 a.m.     Mass in the Church
                                                                         Livestream Mass
Sun.       Jan. 9th   10:00 a.m.   † Manrico Thomas       Sunday,       January 9, 2022
                                                          8:00 a.m.     English Mass in the Church
Sun.       Jan. 9th   12:00 p.m.   People of St. Justin                 Livestream Mass
Sun.       Jan. 9th   5:00 p.m.    † Ana Maria Aguado     10:00 a.m.    English Mass in the Church
                                                                         Livestream Mass
                                                          12:00 p.m.    Vietnamese Mass in the Church
___________________________________                       5:00 p.m.       Spanish Mass in the Church


       Monday: 1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6/Mt 4:12-17, 23-25
           Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10/Mk 6:34-44
         Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18/Mk 6:45-52
        Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4/Lk 4:14-22a
            Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13/Lk 5:12-16
           Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21/Jn 3:22-30
         Sunday: Is 40:1-5, 9-11;/Lk 3:15-16, 21-22

St. Justin Martyr Parish Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Parish Life

           The Epiphany of the Lord
              O God, Who on this day
  revealed Your Only Begotten Son to the nations
              by the guidance of a star,
                grant in Your mercy
     that we, who know You already by faith,
    may be brought to behold the beauty of Your
                   sublime glory.
     Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
          who lives and reigns with You                              PRO-LIFE EVENT
           in the unity of the Holy Spirit,           Travelling to DC for the March for Life? Start the day
               God, for ever and ever.                at the National Prayer Service! We will honor Texas
_________________________________________             for its Heartbeat Law and Mississippi, who pro-life law
                                                      led to the Supreme Court case that could reverse Roe
       ***General Dispensation***                     vs. Wade! Please join Bishop Joseph Coffey, Auxiliary
                from the                              Bishop, Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA,
                                                      Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life, the National Pro-
    Sunday & Holy Day Mass Obligation                 Life Religious Council, and Faith and Liberty at the
                                                      27th annual national memorial for the Pre-Born and
This dispensation is removed for all Catholics        Their Mothers and Fathers, the morning of the March,
within the Archdiocese of Galveston Houston. The      Friday, January 21, 2022 at DAR Constitution Hall,
faithful should fulfill their Sunday and Holy Day     Washington, DC, from 8:30-10:30 a.m. It will be a
obligations joyfully and conscientiously. This will   time of prayer, praise, music and inspiring speakers
take effect on Sunday, January 2, 2022, the Solem-    and will be the premier prayer event marking the tragic
nity of the Epiphany of the Lord.                     commemoration of Roe vs. Wade. Danielle D’Souza
                                                      Gill will be the emcee for the event. Admission is free.

_____________________________________________             For more information of this and other events
                                                                 surrounding the March, go to
       EVANGELIZATION COMMITTEE                      
        ST. JUSTIN MARTYR PARISH                      ___________________________________________
The ministry of the Evangelization Committee is (1)
to cultivate the evangelical spirit of the parish com-            Liturgical Ministry Sunday
munity, (2) to devise ways of reaching out to lapsed
Catholics, and (3) to invite non-Catholics to em- St. Justin Martyr Parish will be celebrating Liturgical
brace Christ and the Catholic Faith.                   Ministry Sunday on January 16th. All parishioners are
                                                       invited. We are in need of volunteers for all of the
Those who would like to become an Evangelization ministries (i.e. art & environment, altar servers, lectors,
Committee Member, please contact Fr. Paul at 281- Eucharistic ministers) within our Parish. This is part of
556-5116. The next meeting will be on Thursday, getting back to normal. So come one and come all!
January 13th at 7:00 p.m. in the Sunday sacristy.
Psalm — Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the
face of the earth (Psalm 104).

St. Justin Martyr Parish Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Parish Life
          MAVERICK ACTIVITIES                                            The Epiphany of the Lord
                                                                   TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION
January 7 – Friday – 9:00 a.m. – First Friday Mass
followed by a continental breakfast in parish hall.           This week Christmas Day is observed in Russia and
                                                              in much of the Orthodox world. This curious differ-
January 15 – Saturday – 1:00 p.m. – Monthly                   ence in schedule has a lot to do with how calendars
meeting in parish hall.                                       have been developed and changed over the years. In
                                                              the year 45 B.C. Julius Caesar gave the empire his
                                                              Julian Calendar, with the winter solstice on January
                                                              6. This put an end to a system in which officials
                                                              called “pontiffs” were able to tweak the calendar by
                                                              adding extra days in as needed. He invented two
                                                              new months at that time, December and January;
                                                              and in order to correct the mess the pontiffs had
                                                              made, forced a year of 445 days on the empire in
                                                              what he named “The Last Year of Confusion.” The
                                                              new months varied in number of days according to a
                                                              complex schedule, but the calendar was still off by
         Happy New Year Everyone!                             nearly twelve minutes a year, and lost a full day eve-
__________________________________________                    ry 130 days.
                                                              Pope Gregory XIII reformed the calendar in 1583,
      STAMPS FOR JAIL MINISTRY                                but not everyone appreciated his efforts. England
                                                              held out for two hundred years. The year 1700 was a
It’s time for the Mercy Festival! We’ll collect post-         leap year in England, but not in France; they were
age stamps for the use of the staff of priests, dea-          eleven days apart! George Washington was really
cons, and lay minsters who work in the Archdiocesan           born on February 11; when the Gregorian calendar
Office of Ministry to the Incarcerated in the jails and       was finally adopted in the English colonies shortly
prisons of the Archdiocese of Galveston-                      before the Revolution, he had to move his birthday
Houston. The stamps may also be used to help in-              to February 22. Now the calendars are thirteen days
mates stay in contact by mail with their families rela-       apart, which accounts for Russia’s Julian calendar
tives and friends in the free world. Please drop              Christmas. And Caesar thought he had brought con-
books or rolls of the US Flag Stamps into the col-            fusion to an end!
lection at Mass. The stamps will be presented to the          —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Office of Ministry to the Incarcerated at the Mercy           _________________________________________
Festival in late January, date to be determined.
                                                                Please welcome our newest members that
                                                                             baptized on
                                                                              December 19, 2021

                                                                              Diego Leonel Acosta
                                                                                 Noah Martinez
                                                                               Eiden Matias Perez
                                                                               Isabella Rodriguez
                                                                               Katheryn Lily Ruiz

St. Justin Martyr Parish Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Parish Life                                                Parish Life

                                                                       ATTENTION LADIES!
                                                            The 2022 Women's Adoration, Community, Theol-
                                                            ogy and Service (ACTS) Retreat Team is now form-
                                                            ing and all Women who have attended an ACTS Re-
                                                            treat, are eligible to team!
Curious about the Catholic faith?         Are you           The first team meeting is Tuesday, January 11,
unbaptized? Or were you baptized in another faith?          2022 at 7:00pm., in the Parish Hall. Dinner at
RCIA is the program for you? Please call the Church         6:30pm.
office and leave your name and a contact phone              This year’s Retreat Theme, …”not as I will, but
number, and someone from the RCIA Team will call            Your will be done.” Matthew 26:39b, and 26:42b
you to give you more information.
__________________________________________                  __________________________________________
         SOCIAL MINISTRY NEWS                                              RESPECT LIFE
      Happy New Years’ to the Parishioners of               The following supplies were delivered to Casa Juan
             St. Justin Martyr Parish                       Diego (The Houston Catholic Worker) will distribute
                                                            the supplies to the homeless and those in need.
With the beginning of 2022, it is a perfect time to
start with new habits and serve Christ through our                          62 sleeping bags
Baptism. We are obliged through our receiving of                            23 blankets
the Eucharist to reach out to our fellow man in need.                       19 stocking caps
Here are a few ideas:                                                      240 lbs. of frozen chicken
                                                                           500 snack bars
   a. Visit the lonely, sick or someone in the              Louise Zwick of Casa Juan Diego sent her heartfelt
       nursing home.                                        thanks and appreciation to the people of St. Justin
   b. Clean out your closet and donate gently used          Martyr Parish. These supplies were much needed as
       clothes and toys.                                    Casa Juan Diego is overwhelmed with people in
                                                            need. The donated food items came from the St.
                    Reminder:                               Justin Social Ministry food pantry.
 St. Justin Martyr does have a drop off bin on the
Westside parking lot and donations are picked up on         __________________________________________
                                                                    WINE & HOST DONATION
  Thank you St. Justin Martyr Parish for supporting         In January a donation for the Wine & Hosts has been
   the Social Ministry during 2021 and we pray for          made in the memory of:
   your continued support during the coming year.

      May God bless you and keep you safe!                               MARGARET TANGU

St. Justin Martyr Parish Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Jackie Baca                  Perla Galvan
                                 Coordinator of Religious

CCE & Youth News       Contact
                                 Education & Youth Ministry
                                                              CCE Assistant

St. Justin Martyr Parish Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

Church name & address
St. Justin Martyr #515169
13350 Ashford Point Drive
Houston, Texas 77082

Contact person: Donna Groves @ 281-556-5116

Software used:
Win 10, MSPub 2016, AA-9

Date of publication: January 2, 2022
(Sunday’s date)

Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 7 text pages + this page = 9 (2 ad pages)

Special instructions for Production: Please send us 400 Bulletins

FedEx shipping address: 13350 Ashford Point Drive, Houston, Texas 77082

Special instructions for FedEx delivery: Special instructions for FedEx delivery Please leave box on the West
side of the building at the “double door” at the Main Office., even if no one is available. We close at 5:00
p.m. Monday-Thursday and 12:00 p.m. on Friday.

FedEx tracking e-mail:

St. Justin Martyr Parish Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
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