January 2022 Of Christ United Methodist Church - Christ United Methodist Church Newport News ...

Page created by Warren Sharp
January 2022 Of Christ United Methodist Church - Christ United Methodist Church Newport News ...
Of Christ United Methodist Church
                  January 2022

                                   Christmas Caroling

Pastor Matt as an angel speaking   Highlights of Advent
to shepherds about Jesus’ birth

Fun at Family Music Night                    Angel Wings Christmas Party

               Join our services in person,
                online @ ChristLIVE.us or
      Listen to our service live or a replay 24 hours a
              day by calling: 518-906-1420

January 2022 Of Christ United Methodist Church - Christ United Methodist Church Newport News ...
THRIVE Peninsula, committed to assisting Vir-
ginia Peninsula individuals and families
through difficult times.
Food Pantry needs:
 Baked Beans
 Pork N Beans
 Cereal
 Spaghetti
 Crackers
 Ravioli

Do you order from Amazon?
Do you like to donate to im-
portant causes?
Consider ordering from ama-
zon smile (https://
If you do, you can pick a char-
itable cause and Ama-
zonSmile donates 0.5% of
your eligible Charity List pur-
chases to your selected chari-
ty, at no extra cost to you. Not much but it adds up.
Pastor and Marilyn chose the Red Cross. Our church has picked
UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, as our chari-
table cause.
January 2022 Of Christ United Methodist Church - Christ United Methodist Church Newport News ...
Prayers Concerns
                       Call the office at
                   757-930-0945 or email to
     office@christumcnn.org or post in the chat during the
    livestream worship service with your prayer concerns :
            Candy Griffin & family, continued recovery
                       Caregivers of our church
                            Afghan Refugees
Bruce Redman, Betsy, Bruce’s wife, and their daughter, Karen, are
  improving after health issues. Kimberly, another daughter, had
     ongoing issues with her lungs but she is also improving.
          Betsy Guthrie and family - passing Bob Guthrie
                  Scott Paxton’s family and friends
Prayer requests will stay in bulletin for 3 weeks, then updated if re-
quested to do so.

            Happy New Year
    COVID Protocols for Christ UMC Worship
We request the following:
   6 ft social distancing continues
   Everyone please use hand sani-
    tizer when entering the build-
   Everyone wears a mask inside
    the building until seated in the sanctuary,
    then masks can be removed.
   Everyone wear masks while singing.
   Pastor will not wear a mask while in the
January 2022 Of Christ United Methodist Church - Christ United Methodist Church Newport News ...
Help with the Unhanging of
the Greens is needed af-
ter Sunday worship
1/9/2022. This includes tak-
ing down and packing of Christmas trees, greenery, hangings,
candles, in the entire building. In addition to volunteers, some-
one to organize the effort is needed
A Study Group is being started that will probably meet after the
worship service on Sunday mornings. There will be an organiza-
tional meeting o n Su nday, 1/16/2022 at 11:15 a.m. in the Li-
brary (the room directly across the hall from the Sanctuary main
entrance). Things to be discussed include selecting a lay person
to coordinate the class, the meeting time, materials/topics to be
studied, etc. Everyone is welcome to the organizational meeting.
Beginning in January 2022, the worship service on next to last
Sunday of the month will be Contemporary in style. Typically,
that would be the third Sunday of the month. But, in months that
have five Sundays it would the fourth Sunday. 1/23/2022 will be
the first service.
Chili Cook-Off o n Su per B ow l Su nday, Febr u ar y 13, 2022
Our Boy Scout Troop w ill tem por ar ily be m eeting w ith a
different troop because of low participation in both troops. Details
are still being worked out but as numbers grow the long term plan
is for our troop’s meeting place to return to Christ UMC .
New sign-up sheets for var iou s r oles in w or ship leader -
ship are hanging on the side of the Sound Booth in the Sanctuary.
A better plan is in place for tracking who is signed up and enlist-
ing volunteers for empty slots a month in advance. Reminder
calls w ill be m ade each w eek for those signed u p for the
coming Sunday and the Sunday after that.
Acolytes are being enlisted for worship services. There will be an
Acolyte class du r in g Childr en’s time after they leave the
sanctuary during worship on Sunday, dates TBA. Books, for chil-
dren and parents to read together, are available from Pastor Matt.

January 2022 Of Christ United Methodist Church - Christ United Methodist Church Newport News ...
Upcoming Events
                                 Date      Event Info

                                 Jan. 2    Liturgist-Julie Jordan
Cynthia Arias     01/01
                                 Jan. 8    Angels Wings 10 a.m.
Ruby Andrews      01/17
                                 Jan. 9    Liturgist-Kristi Barber
Cindy Arias       01/20
                                 Jan. 9    Un-Hanging of the
Julie Jordan      01/21                    Greens 11 a.m.

Pam Moody         01/29          Jan. 11   Worship Committee

                                 Jan. 13   Leadership Team
                                           6 p.m.—Carter Hall

                                 Jan. 16   Organizational Mtg for
                                           Study Group 11:15 a.m

                                 Jan. 23   Contemporary Worship
                                           Service 10 a.m.
      Usher Schedule
1st Sun   Richard Allen         3rd Sun    Ken Holt
2nd Sun   Bill Ruskey           4th Sun    Jane Whittington
Poinsettia’s ar e available for pick u p at any tim e. Thank
you to everyone who contributed to their purchase.
Members of the Leadership Team for 2022 are: Kristi Barber,
Betty Helm, Kathy Allen, Steve Billiter, Bill Ruskey, Julie
Hancock, Gwen Allen, Richard Allen, Cheryl Morales, Marilyn
Stevens, Darrell Sutton, Julie Jordan.
We have replaced our copier with a lease on a new copier, with
considerable cost savings. In addition, the new machine offers
added functionality, like automatic folding and stapling of the
Chronicle. A date for training in use of the new copier is TBD.

January 2022 Of Christ United Methodist Church - Christ United Methodist Church Newport News ...

Un-Hanging of the
                      Worship Team
Greens 11 a.m.
                      Meeting 12 noon

Study Group Or-
ganization 11:15 am

Worship Service
10 a.m.

January 2022 Of Christ United Methodist Church - Christ United Methodist Church Newport News ...
Angel Wings Mtg
                                       10 a.m. Carter Hall

                  Articles for
Leadership Team   February Chronicle
Meeting 6 pm      Due

January 2022 Of Christ United Methodist Church - Christ United Methodist Church Newport News ...

Christmas Caroling
during Advent

January 2022 Of Christ United Methodist Church - Christ United Methodist Church Newport News ...
Family Music Night

January 2022 Of Christ United Methodist Church - Christ United Methodist Church Newport News ...
Understanding symbols of
Helping Hang Banners in the
                                   Chrismon Tree

Movement as Worship                       Hanging Banners

                              VBS 2.0—Mary’s Story

Acolyte Training                 Bible Study and Crafts


Hanging of
the Greens

Thank You
VBS 2.0
Thanks to :
     Julie Jorden—Bible Story, Craft and Snacks
     Kathy Allen picking up children and other jobs as needed
     Darrell Sutton

Family Music Night
Thanks to :
     Stacey Funkhouser—Harp
     Children’s Hand Chime Choir
     Kristi Barber and assistants for chimes
     Alleynah and Nicole Miller for their song
     Everyone in attendance for participating in games and
            joining in the carols
     Skyla Griffin a.k.a. the Snow Queen and her trusty elf for
            filling in for Santa
     Everyone who brought snacks

Hanging of the Greens
Thanks to :
     All who donated to the cost of getting Poinsettias
     Bill Ruskey for picking and watering Poinsettias
     Sophia Funkhouser and Skyla Griffin for decorating
            Chrismon Tree
     Miller family for adding greenery in the Sanctuary

Thanks to :
     The Handbell Choir for playing for the processionals
     Darrell Millner for reading scripture each week of Advent
     Liturgists who led the services
     Rita Leonardi for her solos
     Connor Auby and friend Regan for their duet
     Studio 133 crew who keep the technology running that
            keeps worship going in person and online
     Susie Dorton for the altar displays.

Christmas Caroling
      Drivers Kathy Allen, Julie Hancock and Nicole Miller
      Angel Wings ladies who put together bags of goodies for
             each home
      Nicole Miller for putting together songbooks
Summary of Worship Committee Meeting
12/7/21 Noon
Items on the agenda included:
Evaluation of recent services and plans
for upcoming events
Discussion of:
    efforts to enlist music leadership
        for worship,
    enlistment and reminder process for liturgist and others help-
        ing with worship,
    technical issues that effect live stream of services and sound in
        the sanctuary,
    legibility of words on various screens in sanctuary, and
    involving more people in preparing and leading worship and
        other roles in the life of church
Decided to experiment with using piano, instead of organ, to ac-
company hymns in worship.

22The   steadfast love of the LORD never ceases,
    his mercies never come to an end;
23 they are new every morning;

    great is your faithfulness.
24 “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul,

    “therefore I will hope in him.”

The Good News: God's love towards us is as certain as the ar-
rival of a new day, and because He is unwavering even in the
face of change, we can always rely on His mercy.
Summary of Leadership Team Meetings in
December 2021
12/5/21 - 2 p.m.
A called meeting held at the direction of the York River District Su-
perintendent to deal with the potential impact on United Method-
ist Churches (Churches) related to Boy Scouts of America (BSA)
bankruptcy case.
A proposed settlement in the class action suit against BSA left
Churches who chartered Boy Scout Troops exposed to future legal
The meeting was to discuss a legal response, recommended by the
Virginia United Methodist Conference, to the settlement. The goal
was to give input to the decision makers in the suit by submitting a
ballot and voting against approval of the proposed settlement.
This required a called meeting of
the Leadership Team and a called
Charge Conference.
        The Leadership Team met
    at 2 p.m. and, after discus-
    sion, voted to submit a ballot
    against the proposed settle-
        At 3 p.m., in a Charge Con-
    ference led by our District Superintendent, the Team took the
    legal action to submit the ballot.
**Update on the BSA bankruptcy suit. Through negotiation, a
new settlement has been reached that protects United Methodist
Churches from future legal action, which is very good news.
However, as part of the agreement, our denomination will con-
tribute a significant amount of money to BSA settlement.

12/9/21 6 p.m.
In the regular Leadership Team Meeting reports were given on the
status of maintenance on the church building and parsonage. Ad-
ditional quotes were requested for parsonage maintenance. Pay-
ment for tree removal on church property was approved. Updating
of invoices for other tree work was requested. A delay in repair of a
pump on one of the boilers on the church system was reported.
The report from the Worship Committee reaffirmed the need to
have church members in leadership roles in all phases of church
life to reduce Pastor Matt’s administrative duties and improve his
work/life balance. Wednesday afternoons the church office will be
closed. Pastor Matt will be available by phone if needed.
The Team also began the required annual Appointment Review.
The purpose is to discuss with Pastor Matt:
(1.) needed ministries and priorities for Christ UMC for 2022 and
(2.) our church’s strengths and areas that need development; and
(3.) the pastoral skills needed to achieve those goals and
(4.) how his skill set matches up with the needs of Christ UMC.
Open and frank conversation about the match of church and pas-
tor helps the church move forward in ministry. The end-result is
to submit the required paperwork to District to request retaining
the current pastor or to request a change.
The Appointment Review will be completed during the January
meeting of the Leadership Team, 1/13/22.

                   Tithes and Offerings
Income               January 2021                 $ 6,642
Income               February 2021                $ 6,630
Income               March 2021                   $11,121
Income               April 2021                   $ 9,950
Income               May 2021                     $10.518
Income               June 2021                    $ 9,358
Income               July 2021                    $ 7,850
Income               August 2021                  $11,233
Income               September 2021               $ 8,395
Income               October 2021                 $ 9,722
Income               November 2021                $ 6,950
Income               December 2021                $13,480
Total for 2021                                   $111,849
Budgeted Expenses                              $ 2,900/wk

 You can drop off your tithes and offerings through the mail slot, send
              them via mail, or online through PayPal.

Watch our services via your
      computer, smartphone or
         tablet by going to:
  If you experience technical difficulties during the worship service
  please contact us by using the chat window or by exiting the ser-
     vice and clicking on Tech Support or by calling 757-525-9345.
   You can also watch the service beginning a 3:00 p.m. on Sunday
                     or another time as listed below:
              Service repeats at:
                  3:00 p.m.                  12:00 a.m.
                  6:00 p.m.                   (midnight)
                  9:00 p.m                    6:00 a.m.

                     ——— or ———
  You can listen to our service live and it
    repeats 24 hours a day by calling:
Church Phone:                (757) 930-0945
Church E-mail:               office@christumcnn.org
Pastor’s Phone :             (757) 504-0355
Pastor’s E-mail:             mattstevens@vaumc.org
Web site                     ChristLIVE.us
Facebook:                    facebook.com/ChristUMCNN
Address                      133 Deep Creek Road,
                             Newport News, VA 23606
Office Hours:                (Mon.-Thur.) 9 AM—2 PM
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