St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 January 31, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar

Page created by Clifford Fleming
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 January 31, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish
                    3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032
                                  January 31, 2021
                              Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor
                         Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar

Office: 602.867.9171
Fax: 602.482.7930

SJA PRESCHOOL            602.867.9179
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL      602.867.2288

             OFFICE HOURS
Monday/Thursday: 9:00am/5:00pm
            Closed Noon til 1:00pm
Friday: 9:00am/Noon

           MASS SCHEDULE
DAILY/DIARIO: (Church/Iglesia)
8:30 am (English) Monday/Saturday
6:00 pm (English) Monday
6:00 pm (Español) Wednesday

4:30 pm (English)

 8:30 am (English)
10:30 am (English)
12:30 pm (Español)

              HOLY DAYS
See bulletin week prior to Holy Day.

Monday/Saturday 8:00/8:25am(Eng/Esp)
Monday: 5:30pm-5:55 pm (Eng/Esp)
Wednesday 5:30pm-5:55 pm (Eng/Esp)
Saturday: 9:00am-10:30am (Eng/Esp)
   or by appointment on above
                listed days.

       Uncion a los Enfermos y
        Ultimos Ritos, 24-horas
            (602) 867-9171.
                                          We seek to glorify Jesus Christ by:
          Communion for the                    KNOWING OUR FAITH,
     Hospitalized and Homebound                 LIVING OUR FAITH,
    Comunión para los que estan en             SHARING OUR FAITH.
      Hospital o Imposibilitados
          para salir de Casa
                                                MISSION STATEMENT
        @stjoanofarcphoenix             Courageously following Christ by serving
                                        the community through Catholic liturgy,
                                         gospel values, charity and education.
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 January 31, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                            JANUARY 31, 2021

The Pastor’s Corner

Happy Sunday!

Every now and then people ask me about books I’ve mentioned or what I’m reading. There’s so
much good literature out there I thought I’d make a list of a few different works that have been in
my book pile or rattling around my brain. Without further ado…

“From Christendom to Apostolic Mission” by University of Mary: This is easily one of the most
important books I’ve been reading recently. It’s a 90 page essay assessing our current time and
discussing strategies to engage a culture that has become disengaged with Christianity. One of
the principal points in the book is the need to “awaken the Catholic imaginative vision”, or we
might say, to recapture a Sacramental vision of the world. This is to say, to truly look at the
world we live in with the eyes of faith, to see the Church as a divine institution that has the
solution to human ills and not as another political institution in need of keeping up with the

“Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl: Written in nine days in October of 1945, Frankl’s
memoirs from his time at Auschwitz are incredibly powerful and relevant to our own time. A
Jewish psychologist from Vienna, he was sent to the concentration camps with his family and
was the only one to survive. He writes that while the Nazis were able to strip him of many
freedoms, they could never control his attitude. He could always choose how to see the world
and live with purpose, even in the darkest situations.

“Fire of Mercy, Heart of the Word” by Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis: This three volume commentary
on the Gospel according to St. Matthew is the best I know. You’ve likely heard me mention this
tongue twister of a name. Each volume is over 700 pages but filled with great depth and
richness. It has helped to deepen my own spiritual life and relationship with Jesus Christ. Each
section of the book is punctuated with the Hebrew letter aleph in order to remind the reader to
pause and reflect more deeply on the Word of God.

I pray everyone has a great week. Know of my prayers for you and your families.

Christ’s peace,

Fr. Connealy

                                       WELCOME VISITORS

                We are happy to have you join us today and every
Sunday. You enrich our Masses by your presence and your participation. We hope
    that you find our liturgies here to be an inspiring celebration of our faith.
                         Please come back again…and often.
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 January 31, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                JANUARY 31, 2021

              PADRE CONNEALY

Feliz domingo!

De vez en cuando, la gente me pregunta sobre los libros que he mencionado o lo que estoy leyendo.
Hay tanta buena literatura por ahí que pensé en hacer una lista de algunas obras diferentes que han
estado en mi pila de libros o dando vueltas por mi cerebro. Sin más preámbulos…

"De la cristiandad a la misión apostólica" por la Universidad de María: este es fácilmente uno de los
libros más importantes que he estado leyendo recientemente. Es un ensayo de 90 páginas que
evalúa nuestro tiempo actual y discute estrategias para involucrar a una cultura que se ha
desvinculado de El cristianismo. Uno de los puntos principales del libro es la necesidad de
"despertar la visión imaginativa católica", o podríamos decir, de recuperar una visión sacramental
del mundo. Es decir, mirar verdaderamente el mundo en que vivimos. con los ojos de la fe, ver a la
Iglesia como una institución divina que tiene la solución a los males humanos y no como una
institución política más que necesita adaptarse a los tiempos.

"La búsqueda del hombre por el significado" de Viktor Frankl: Escrito en nueve días en octubre de
1945, las memorias de Frankl de su tiempo en Auschwitz son increíblemente poderosas y relevantes
para nuestro propio tiempo. Un psicólogo judío de Viena, fue enviado a los campos de
concentración con su familia y fue el único que sobrevivió. Escribe que si bien los nazis pudieron
despojarlo de muchas libertades, nunca pudieron controlar su actitud. Siempre podía elegir cómo
ver el mundo y vivir con un propósito, incluso en las situaciones más oscuras.

“Fuego de misericordia, corazón de la palabra” de Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis: Este comentario de tres
volúmenes sobre el Evangelio según San Mateo es lo mejor que conozco. Es probable que me hayas
escuchado mencionar este trabalenguas de un nombre. Cada volumen tiene más de 700 páginas,
pero está lleno de gran profundidad y riqueza. Ha ayudado a profundizar mi propia vida espiritual y
mi relación con Jesucristo. Cada sección del libro está marcada con la letra hebrea aleph para
recordarle al lector que haga una pausa y reflexione más profundamente en la Palabra de Dios.

Oro para que todos tengan una gran semana. Conozca mis oraciones por usted y su familia.

La paz de Cristo,

P. Connealy

                                   Reciben a los visitants
   Estamos encantados de que te unas a nosotros hoy y todos los domingos. A enriquecer
nuestras misas por su presencia y su anticipación. Esperamos que encuentre nuestras liturgias
  aquí para ser una celebración inspiradora de nuestra fe. Por favor, vuelve otra vez ... y con
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 January 31, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                 JANUARY 31, 2021

MASS 101...
  St. Alphonsus Liguori once said that "Of all
   devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the               Starting after January 2, 40 Days for Life will be
 Blessed Sacrament is the greatest after the                 praying on the walk in front of the Family
 sacraments, the one dearest to God and the              Planning Associates, for Thursdays 8:00 AM to
           one most helpful to us."
                                                         4:00 PM and Saturday 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. We
                                                         are witnessing for Life. If you are interested in
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION…                                     signing up on the Vigil Calendar, please call
            ADORERS NEEDED:                                         Clarice at 830-377-7718 or
    MONDAY—10:00AM & 5:00PM
        SUNDAY—9:00AM                                                  TV MASS
Please contact to sign
                                                                  9:00am Every Sunday
           up or for more information.                          on CHANNEL 7- KAZT-TV.

VOCATIONS…                                                 Homecoming for Returning Catholics:
“I will raise up for them a prophet like you.” If you
think that you may be set apart by the Lord to serve    No matter how long you’ve been away, you can
Him as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life,             come home again. Check out
contact the Vocation Office at 602-354-2005 or       
email at
                                        2. GOOD NEWS
                                                         EUCHARISTIC ADORATION….
                                                                 WHY SHOULD I BE AN ADORER
                                                         There are many reasons! Most importantly is
                                                          to visit and spend time with Our Lord Jesus
                                                              Christ who is ever present in the Holy
                                                                Eucharist (also called the Blessed
                                                           Sacrament). Like any relationship, what we
                                                         put in is what we will get back and our Lord is
                                                           not outdone in generosity! As a committed
                                                                adorer you also have the amazing
The Verso L'alto High School Youth ministry                  responsibility to keep the Lord not only
will be going on a retreat from March 5th                    company but also safe in the Adoration
through March 7th at Camp Pinerock in                    Chapel Coming to adoration is a perfect way
Prescott. If you are a high schooler interested           to draw ever closer to Jesus and to intensify
in attending the retreat or a parishioner who                            our spiritual life.
would like to sponsor a student to attend the               For more information, please call Desiree
retreat,   please    contact    Mary     Lynch                     Schlangen at 763.807.7015 or
(, 602-867-9171 ext             

        Weekly Readings for the week of January 31, 2021
                                                                                         Please pray
Monday:    Heb 11:32-40/Ps 31:20, 21, 22, 23, 24/Mk 5:1-20                                  for our
Tuesday:   Mal 3:1-4/Ps 24:7, 8, 9, 10/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40                               men &
Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15/Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18a/Mk 6:1-6
Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24/Ps 48:2-3ab, 3cd-4, 9, 10-11/Mk 6:7-13                      women in
Friday:    Heb 13:1-8/Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9abc/Mk 6:14-29                           the armed forces
Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6/Mk 6:30-34                        and also
Sunday:   Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/Ps 147:1-2, 3-4, 5-6/1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23/Mk 1:29-39
                                                                                  for their families.
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 January 31, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
4° DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO                                                  31 DE ENERO 2021

MISA 101 …                                                ADORACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA …
St. Alphonsus Liguori dijo una vez que "De todas las
                                                                ADORADORES NECESARIOS:
devociones, la de adorar a Jesús en el Santísimo                 LUNES—10:00AM & 5:00PM
  Sacramento es la más grande después de los                        VIERNES—11:00AM
 sacramentos, la más querida por Dios y la más                      DOMIMGO—9:00AM
                útil para nosotros"
                                                               Por favor

VOCACIONES...                                             ADORACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA …
  “Todos te andan buscando” Si tu búsqueda del                      ¿POR QUÉ DEBO SER ADORADOR?
  Señor te está llevando a descubrir la vocación al        ¡Hay muchas razones! Lo más impovrtante es visitar y
 sacerdocio o la vida consagrada, llama a la Oficina       pasar tiempo con Nuestro Señor Jesucristo que es
    de Vocaciones al 602-354-2005 o escribe a:                  siempre. Presente en la Sagrada Eucaristía
                                (también llamado Santísimo Sacramento). Como
                                                             cualquier relación, lo que ponemos en es lo que
BAUTISMO INFANTIL...                                      vamos a volver y nuestro Señor no está superado en
                                                           la generosidad! Como un adorador comprometido
  Póngase en contacto con Maria Diaz para                      también tiene la increíble responsabilidad de
   programar una reunión. La información                   mantener al Señor no sólo compañía sino también
también está disponible en el sitio web y en la           seguro en la Capilla de la Adoración. Los feligreses
              oficina principal.                          y otros generalmente se comprometen a una hora (o
          Teléfono: 480-612-2924.                              más) por semana. Venir a la adoración es una
                                                          manera perfecta de acercarse cada vez más a Jesús
                                                          e intensificar nuestra vida espiritual. ¡Que Cristo sea
                Informacion para                                   siempre Rey de nuestros corazones!
              Quinceaneras y Bodas                                    Para más información, llame a
        Contacte con Luz E Mendoza-Gomez                         Norma Ciani al
          9 meses antes al 480-208-2369 o
                                                          Si es un Adulto que desea recibir Sacramentos de
Si necesita información acerca de la Anulación de un      Bautismo, Confirmacion, y Primera Comunion,
   Matrimonio, por favor contacte a Jean Green al         estamos cada Domingo de 10:30 a 12:00 en el
               602-867-9171 ext.308.o                     salon de Los Caballeros de Colon. Todos son
                     bienvenidos, comenzando el Domingo 3 de
                                                          Octubre. Communicate con Juanita (602-518-2970)
                                                          Josefina (602-688-1772) Ivonne (

                     Por Favor, oremos
                        por nuestros                      OPORTUNIDADES DE SERVICIO…
                  hombres & mujeres en las                    ¿Estás buscando una manera de ser parte de la
                 fuerzas armadas y tambien                  ¿Comunidad de Santa Juana de Arco? Para obtener
                      por sus familias.                         más información, llame a Andy Lambros al
                                                             602.867.9171x307 o

Mire la Santa Misa en el                      Las lecturas de la 31 de enerp de 2021:
 canal de YouTube de
         nuestro                    Lunes:     Heb 11, 32-40/Sal 30, 20. 21. 22. 23. 24/Mc 5, 1-20                  Martes:    Mal 3, 1-4/Sal 23, 7. 8. 9. 10/Heb 2, 14-18/
   PhoenixDiocese                                                Lc 2, 22-40
                                    Miércoles: Heb 12, 4-7. 11-15/Sal 102, 1-2. 13-14. 17-18/Mc 6, 1-6
                                    Jueves:    Heb 12, 18-19. 21-24/Sal 47, 2-3. 3-4. 9. 10-11/Mc 6, 7-13
       RADIO CATOLICA               Viernes: Heb 13, 1-8/Sal 26, 1. 3. 5. 8-9/Mc 6, 14-29
 EnFamlia Radio sintonícela en el   Sábado: Heb 13, 15-17. 20-21/Sal 22, 1-3. 3-4. 5. 6/Mc 6, 30-34
             740 AM                 Domingo: Job 7, 1-4. 6-7/Sal 146, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6/1 Cor 9, 16-19. 22-23/
    de su radio o también por                                    Mc 1, 29-39
internet en www.enfae
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 January 31, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                 JANUARY 31, 2021

                                                  KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
                                                  COUNCIL 14357
                                                  January Challenge by Supreme           Chaplain
 February 1, 2021—February 7, 2021                Archbishop William E. Lori:
8:30am—John Palumbo†                                “I challenge you to take a concrete, tangible action to
                                                  support the cause for life in your community, by donating
6:00pm—Margarita Avila†                              money or supplies to a pregnancy resource center,
TUESDAY/MARTES                                        praying outside an abortion facility or joining your
8:30am—Barbara & Antone Newman                        parish’s pro-life group. Second, I challenge you to
WEDNESDAY/MIERCOLES                               participate with your brother Knights in the Faith in Action
                                                  Novena for Life program or, if possible, the March for Life
8:30am—Jack Crosson†                                                       program.”
6:00pm—Maxine Ross†
THURSDAY/JUEVES                                   Our next Council meeting will be on Thursday, February,
8:30am—Melania Trump                              4 @ 7:00 PM – Instructions for the virtual meeting will be
                                                                    sent out this week.
8:30am—Maria Valenzano†                               We are looking for Catholic men with a passion for
SATURDAY/SABADO                                            service and supporting our Parish and
                                                          community. Please contact Grand Knight
8:30am—Joanie Porro
                                                               Terry Garrison at 480-848-2499
4:30pm—Stew Stofflet†                                 or for more information.
8:30am—Bonnie Godfrey†
10:30am—SJA Parishioners                          LEGION OF MARY...
12:30pm—Hector Chacon†                            Praying the rosary is a beautiful work. The Legion of
                                                  Mary needs more members to go out and say the
                                                  rosary in our Care Homes. Please call or text
                                                  Rosemary Rosenberger 602-690-7702 or email
                                         if you are willing and able to pray the
                                                  rosary with others.
                                                  Rosaries are said in 20 minutes! Travel may take 20

               CANDLE SPONSOR                             DAILY PRAYER OPPORTUNITIES
        LORRAINE & TONY DE RISO                   ·   Daily Mass at 8:30a in the main Church
                                                  ·   Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 24/7
                  In Memory of                        in the St. Katharine Drexel Chapel
                                                  ·   Pray the Rosary Daily.
             JACK CROSSON                         ·   Follow the religious presentation on EWTN

      Week of January 31, 2021

                  REST IN PEACE

                     FLO DAVIS                                        FEBRUARY 2

                CORONAVIRUS                       HOLY CATHOLIC MARRIAGE MENTORING
  “I am the resurrection and the life. He who         WWW.HOLYCATHOLICMARRIAGE.COM
 believes in me will live, even though he dies,         By Alberta & Gary Pizzitola, PhD
 and whoever lives and believes in me will not                   602-743-4303
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 January 31, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                                  JANUARY 31, 2021

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION….                                                The Vocation of Marriage and the Myth of Divorce
              WHY SHOULD I BE AN ADORER                                                 (Part 2) Brian Hanson
                                                                    In Part 1, we mentioned the disappearance of marriage
                                                                    from society as a substantial thing that exists and makes
    There are many reasons! Most importantly is to visit            up its essence. The corruption of our society has taken
      and spend time with Our Lord Jesus Christ who is              many de-Christianized forms, among which we find
      ever present in the Holy Eucharist (also called the           divorce; and marriage and family has without a doubt paid
    Blessed Sacrament). Like any relationship, what we              the heaviest price. Yet while marriages may suffer from
      put in is what we will get back and our Lord is not           ideologies that seek its disappearance, we as Catholics
     outdone in generosity! As a committed adorer you               have an obligation to view the marriage bond itself as the
    also have the amazing responsibility to keep the Lord           primary source for God’s healing and mercy. In other
       not only company but also safe in the Adoration              words, pastoral care for marriage does not seek to turn
    Chapel Coming to adoration is a perfect way to draw             away from the marriage, or worse: to attempt to cancel out
                                                                    its reality altogether. Rather, it sees the marriage itself as
    ever closer to Jesus and to intensify our spiritual life.
                                                                    the first and most essential source for encountering
    For more information, please call Desiree Schlangen             healing and forgiveness.
     at 763.807.7015 or
                                                                    In our contemporary cultural climate, the Church has
                                                                    increasingly drawn particular attention to certain issues
                                                                    that are considered “non-negotiable”. Among them are the
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL…                                                protection of human life as well as the protection of
We want to share with you the pantry                                marriage and the family. Upholding the sanctity of
statistics for the 4th Quarter of 2020.                             marriage is something that we are obliged to do at all
                                                                    costs; we can better understand this when we see an
·     Number of Families Provided Food                              analogy it bears with another non-negotiable: the
                                                                    protection of human life.
        Boxes = 471
·     Number of People Provided Food = 2,081                        Just as the dignity of human life demands its defense from
·     Number of Food Boxes = 1,335                                  conception to natural death, so too does the dignity of
·     Number of Referrals = 467                                     marriage demand its defense from all that comes against
·     Number of Home Visits = 14                                    it. Even under the most traumatic circumstances, the
                                                                    goodness of life must be protected from all temptations to
If you remember, please buy ONE CAN OF                              erradicate it (e.g. abortion). It is the goodness of the life
TOMATOES for our pantry next week.                                  itself that is the first and most essential source of healing.
                                                                    Likewise for marriage: even the most traumatic and
                                                                    painful situations that can afflict a couple or one or the
Just a reminder that we are currently providing                     other spouse, the goodness of the marriage bond itself
food to all people who drive their car to our pantry                must be protected and upheld.
entrance. You do not have to get out of your car to
get this food. We are giving out food during the                    Someone who says, “I believe in preserving human life
following times.                                                    except in certain situations (e.g. a pregnancy from a
                                                                    rape),” demonstrates that they do not know what it means
·     Mondays - 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM                                  to uphold the dignity of human life. Similarly, someone
                                                                    who says, “I believe in upholding the dignity of marriage
·     Wednesdays – 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM                              except in certain situations (e.g. adultery or abuse),”
·     Saturdays – 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM                                demonstrates that they do not know what it means to
                                                                    uphold the dignity of marriage. The dignity of human life
Thank you and God bless…                                            can be upheld even if the natural circumstances may need
                                                                    some modification (e.g. considering adoption); likewise,
                                                                    the dignity of marriage can be upheld even if the natural
                                                                    environment for marriage may need to be modified (e.g.
                                                                    the separation of spouses). This approach is radically
                    RELEVANT RADIO                                  different from the one we typically find in our world today
                   1310AM KIHP                          3. 46       (e.g. advocating divorce) -- but as Catholics, we are
                                                                    obliged to take the non-negotiable position. Like the
                                                                    existence of human life itself, marriage is not merely a
                     ESTO VIR                                       private prerogative -- it also has real consequences that
           For information on ESTO VIR                              bear on both the existence and stability of society as a
        St. Joan of Arc Mens’ Fellowship,                           whole.
             please go to the website                               We’ll continue this theme in light of marriage as a
                                      sacramental vocation in Part 3.

St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 January 31, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                              JANUARY 31, 2021

                                                                 SJA GIFT SHOP
       WEEK-END/JANUARY 16/17, 2021                          Gift Shop CLOSED...but
     FIN DE SEMANA 16/17 DE ENERO 2021
Plate                  $21,007                        2021 St. Joseph Sunday Missals
Campus Improvement     $ 2,018
        WEEK-END/JANUARY 23/24, 2021                              Rosaries
     FIN DE SEMANA 23/24 DE ENERO 2021
Plate/Plato             $15,563.00                                 Bibles
             Thank you/Gracias                                 Prayer Cards
***********************************************               Adoration Pins
              ONLINE GIVING                                      Crucifixes
                 By WeShare                                       Statues
      Questions: Contact Andy Lambros
             602-867-9171x307                                      Books
                                                            And much more….
   Support St. Joan of Arc when you shop on by choosing                  are available in the Parish Office
    "St. Joan of Arc Roman Catholic Parish                     Mon thru Thurs
                    Phoenix".                            9:00a-12:00p,—1:00p-5:00p
  When you do this, St. Joan of Arc receives a
        portion of the proceeds directly.                     Fri 9:00a-12:00p.
          Thank you for supporting us!                   See a statue you like in the
 ********************************************      Gift Shop window, please contact the
                                                       Parish Office at 602-867-9171.
  In addition to the Sunday Regular Collection,
    We Share Online Giving Opportunities are                                               1. FEBRUARY
                   available for:                 BIBLE STUDY…
                   Save Our Parish                The Thursday morning winter session bible study
                   Youth Ministry                 with Kevin Saunders has begun on Thursdays at
               Campus Improvement                 10:00am Weidner Hall.
    Thank you for your continued generosity.
                                                  We are working on the gospel of Luke which is
                                                  perfect for our holiday season. Kevin shares not
          END OF YEAR                             only a literal interpretation of the Scriptures
    DONATIONS STATEMENTS                          but adds ancient local history, and facts which
For those of you that need a copy                 make the printed pages speak volumes.

                                                  It is an opportunity to share Scripture and
 of your 2020 tithing contributions               community. We do honor space distancing.
                                                  Join us for a wonderful experience!
 for tax purposes, please call the

   parish office at 602-867-9171.
                                                  CATHOLIC TRIVIA…
  You have a choice of having it                  1. What month is considered the month
                                                              of the Passion?
                                                  2. “GOSPEL” means what in English?
  mailed to your inbox, mailed to                 3. How many books in the Old

your home or you can pick it up in                   The answers to these trivia qyestons are in this
                                                                   GO FIND THEM!!!
                 the office.
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 January 31, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                               JANUARY 31, 2021

                                                                   DE LA ESCRITURA
                  January 31, 2021
            4th Sunday in Ordinary Time                              31 de enero de 2021
                                                               4º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Most of us are quiet people who desire to live a
good and holy life, promote the values and mission      En el Evangelio de este domingo, Marcos
of the Gospel as best we can and desire to one day      presenta algo como la jornada de Jesús.
inherit the surprise of life eternal God promises to    Primero, él está en la sinagoga enseñando
us. We are not trail blazers. We are simple people      con autoridad, no como los maestros de la
who want to do the simple things of life well. But
there are others who left a more profound impact
                                                        ley que repiten e interpretan la misma. Su
along the way of the paths they walked. Folks like      autoridad se presenta al ordenar salir al
Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King, Thomas Merton,         espíritu impuro del hombre que entró a la
Gandhi, St. Teresa of Calcutta, and many others left    sinagoga, y comienza a gritar a Jesús. “Yo
lasting impacts and legacies. Like Moses, they show     sé que tú eres el Santo de Dios”. Jesús le
us by word and deed who God is and what integrity       ordena: “¡Cállate y sal de ese hombre!
and a purpose driven life look like. They show us       (Marcos 1:26). Nos dice el Evangelio que a
how to be holy. We need Moses people like these to      causa de ese milagro su fama se extendía
give us inspiration, hope and an example of holy        por todo el territorio de Galilea.
                                                        Jesús tenía autoridad porque hablaba con
We do not need to do what they did or even mirror
their relationship with God. Each one of us is God’s
                                                        la verdad, lo que proclamaba de justicia, lo
special creation, with a purpose and soul known         hacia él mismo, no tenía doblez, era la
only to us. We need to learn how to open up and         bondad misma de Dios en el mundo. La
bring, without compromise, our soul-ness to life. We    autoridad de Jesús es más fuerte que el
know when someone is authentic and centered             mal. Lo decimos al final del Padrenuestro:
because they always point to truth, even though         “No nos dejes caer en tentación y líbranos
they struggle and sin themselves, and they embody       del mal”. Sí, Señor, líbranos como al
an unspoken timeless wisdom that just sounds and        hombre endemoniado de tu tiempo, de los
feels right. Jesus taught with this same type of        males    que    nos aquejan hoy         día,
authority and it astonished many who listened. We       enfermedad, hambre, e injusticia. Además,
do not need to move mountains, advance a cause,         danos una ayudadita, con los líderes del
write books or become notable. All we have to do is
become credible witnesses of the faith we profess.
                                                        mundo con respecto a la autoridad. Que
Moses people can teach us how to do this.               sean respetuosos, leales al pueblo, que
                                                        hagan leyes justas que protejan a todos. La
St. Oscar Romero was an amazing man and a Moses         sociedad de hoy necesita palabras con
figure for sure. He saw God in the burning bush and     autoridad que erradiquen el mal.
brought the flame of Gospel faith to the poorest of
the poor, challenging the evils of the society in        ¿Crees tú que Jesús puede liberar en este
which he lived. He was tireless and persistent. He      tiempo? ¿En quién está la autoridad que
must have gotten very close to the problem because      libera? No tenemos que pensarlo mucho. La
it cost him his life. He suspected it would. St.        autoridad está en cada uno de nosotros. Se
Romero said, “When we leave Mass, we ought to go        nota en la justicia y el trabajo por la paz que
out the way Moses descended Mt Sinai: with his
face shining, with his heart brave and strong to face
                                                        llevemos a cabo en la familia, la sociedad y
the world’s difficulties.” We can learn from this       en el mundo.
wisdom. If we allow the power of the Mass to truly
transform us, we will leave that holy encounter
changed. Our face will shine, and we will have
courage. We can then bring what we have received
to life’s challenges. That sounds doable, doesn’t it?
Because of the example of our simple holiness,
people will be amazed.
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 January 31, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
Staff at St. Joan of Arc—                               ST. JOAN OF ARC MINISTRIES
                                                   ALTAR SERVER MINISTRY: Coordinator Tracy Stofflet,
      Parish Office: 602.867.9171                         at
     Office Hours: Mon/Thurs: 9:00a/5:00p          ESTO VIR: SJA Mens’ Fellowship. For information, go to
              Closed Noon-1:00p                           www,
              Friday: 9:00a/Noon                   EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS/USHERS: Jean Green at
                                                          602.867.9171x308 or
Rev. Dan Connealy, Pastor                          FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION: Every First Friday of each
                                                   Month after the 8:30a daily Mass until 6:00p ending with
Rev. Oliver Vietor, Parochial Vicar                Benediction.
                Ext.302                            HEALING PRAYER AND DELIVERANCE MINISTRY;
Dcn. Andy Lambros,                                        This Ministry is on hold until further notice. For
        Coordinator of Stewardship
                Ext. 307                                  more info, please call Mary Jo Orkild at
Dcn. Mark Salvato                                         602.956.6107.
                Ext. 300                           HOSPITALITY; Arleen Clark/Barbara Matthews.
Julie Flanigan, Finance Manager                           Please call the church office at 602.867.9171.
                Ext. 314                           INTERCESSORY PRAYER GROUP: Mary Jo Orkild at
Christine Johnson, Finance Assistant                      602.956.6107. Meets 2nd/4th Thursday after 8:30
                Ext. 314
                                                          Mass in the Church.
Lakin Fuentes, Receptionist
                Ext. 300                           KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: or
Jeffrey Morse, Director of Sacred Music                   480-848-2499.
                Ext. 326                           LECTORS: Brian Foley at or
Betsy Donovan, Coordinator of Music                       862.246.5116.
                Ext. 326                           LEGION OF MARY: Rosemary Rosenberger at
Brian Hanson, Coord/Evangelization/Catechists             602-690-7702 or
                Ext. 311                           MUSIC MINISTRY: Parish musical opportunities, please
Mary Lynch, Coord/RE & Youth Evangelization               contact Jeffrey Morse at
                Ext. 309                           PADRE PIO PRAYER GROUP: Please contact
Jean Green                                                Josie Savino at 602-996-3887.                PASTORAL CARE: Jean Green at
        Marriage Coordinator                       PERPETUAL ADORATION: Desiree Schlangen(English) at
        Nullity Minister                         or Norma Ciani
        Funeral Coordinator                               (Spanish) at
                Ext. 308                           RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY; Linda Rizzo at
Luz Mendoza                                                       ST. DAMIEN’S HELPERS: email
        Marriage Coordinator/Espanol               SJA PRAYER LINE:
        Quinceaneras/Espanol                       SENIOR MINISTRY: Barbara Matthews at
                Ext. 340                                  602.867.9171x312 or
Debbie Hilliard. Preschool Director                UNION WITH CHRIST: Please call 602.312.3246.
                 602.867.9179                      ST. VINCENT DE PAUL: Please call 602.867.2288.
Jessica Espinoza                                   SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES (SCC): We have adult
        Preschool Administrative Asst.             prayer meetings on Wednesdays at 9:30am in the Senior
                 602.867.9179                      Lounge at which we prepare for the next Sunday's Mass
Ron Hartmann                                       Scripture readings and homily. We welcome new
                Ext.333                            members.

                                                   INFANT BAPTISM
                                                      If you are interested in having your child baptized or
                                                     simply have questions about the process, please call
                                                               602-867-9171, ext. 115 or email us at
FINANCE COMMITTEE                                    "
           Grant Getman, Chair
              Leanne Krush
              Mark McGaffin                        PERPETUAL ADORATION/PRO-LIFE CANDLES
           Carter Smitherman                         Our Adoration Chapel/Pro-Life Shrine Candle program
               Rob Stofflet                         allows parishioners to honor/memorialize family/friends
                                                    with lighted candles on the altar in the Adoration Chapel
                                                    or at the shrine. Names of the sponsors and those being
HALL USAGE…                                         remembered will be in the weekly bulletin. Please come
 St. Joan of Arc Parish has two halls available.    to the parish office to set up your sponsorship of a $10/
 For more information, please contact Andy in               candle. Each sponsorship is for one week.
      the Parish Office at 602.867.9171x307.                            (Sunday/Saturday).
Pest Control Specialist

                         License 9118
General Pest, Termites, Weeds, Rodents, and Bedbugs
Tony Ordonez
Direct: 602-903-3375
Email: •

                                                           •   RE FRIG E RATION
                                                           •   AIR CONDITIONING
                                                           •   RE S IDE NTIAL
                                                           •   COM M E RCIAL


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