St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 February 7, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar

Page created by Vincent Stewart
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 February 7, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish
                    3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032
                                  February 7, 2021
                              Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor
                         Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar

Office: 602.867.9171
Fax: 602.482.7930

SJA PRESCHOOL            602.867.9179
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL      602.867.2288

             OFFICE HOURS
Monday/Thursday: 9:00am/5:00pm
            Closed Noon til 1:00pm
Friday: 9:00am/Noon

           MASS SCHEDULE
DAILY/DIARIO: (Church/Iglesia)
8:30 am (English) Monday/Saturday
6:00 pm (English) Monday
6:00 pm (Español) Wednesday

4:30 pm (English)

 8:30 am (English)
10:30 am (English)
12:30 pm (Español)

              HOLY DAYS
See bulletin week prior to Holy Day.

Monday/Saturday 8:00/8:25am(Eng/Esp)
Monday: 5:30pm-5:55 pm (Eng/Esp)
Wednesday 5:30pm-5:55 pm (Eng/Esp)
Saturday: 9:00am-10:30am (Eng/Esp)
   or by appointment on above
                listed days.

       Uncion a los Enfermos y
        Ultimos Ritos, 24-horas
            (602) 867-9171.
                                          We seek to glorify Jesus Christ by:
          Communion for the                    KNOWING OUR FAITH,
     Hospitalized and Homebound                 LIVING OUR FAITH,
    Comunión para los que estan en             SHARING OUR FAITH.
      Hospital o Imposibilitados
          para salir de Casa
                                                MISSION STATEMENT
        @stjoanofarcphoenix             Courageously following Christ by serving
                                        the community through Catholic liturgy,
                                         gospel values, charity and education.
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 February 7, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                     FEBRUARY 7, 2021

The Pastor’s Corner

Happy Sunday!

We are closing in on the liturgical season of Lent. Ash Wednesday is February 17th. We
will have Mass at 6:30am, 8:30am, and 6pm. There will also be a liturgy of the Word
service at 12:00pm with the distribution of ashes. This year, the Vatican has announced
a different procedure for the distribution of ashes. Robert Cardinal Sarah, the prefect of
the Congregation for Divine Worship, issued the decree that says the prayer, “Repent,
and believe in the Gospel” or “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return” is to
be said once over the entire congregation. Then as people come up in line, ashes are to
be sprinkled on the top of the head without saying anything. This is in fact the custom in
many places in Europe and the Middle East. It is consistent with the biblical teaching
that we hear on Ash Wednesday, “Take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that
people may see them; otherwise you will have no recompense from your heavenly
Father.” (Matthew 6:1). I pray that this celebration of Ash Wednesday will bring us to a
deeper understanding of our own frailty and need for the Lord.

We announced last weekend that our 6:30am Sunday Mass will continue through
February. However, it will be DISCONTINUED in March. Therefore, February 28th will be
the last Sunday that we have the 6:30am Sunday Mass. I am especially grateful for the
many volunteers who have made this Mass a possibility from our sacristans, ushers,
lectors, and altar servers. Thank you to all of you!

I pray that everyone has a wonderful week as we enter our last full week before the
season of Lent begins. God bless you!

In Christ,

Fr. Connealy

                       WELCOME VISITORS                           1. EMPRESS ST.HELENA

                We are happy to have you join us today and every
Sunday. You enrich our Masses by your presence and your participation. We hope
    that you find our liturgies here to be an inspiring celebration of our faith.
                         Please come back again…and often.
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 February 7, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                           FEBRUARY 7, 2021

              PADRE CONNEALY

¡Feliz domingo!

Nos acercamos al tiempo litúrgico de Cuaresma. El Miércoles de Ceniza es el 17 de
febrero este año. Tendremos misa a las 6:30 y 8:30 de la manaña y 6:00 por la tarde.
También habrá un servicio de Liturgia de la Palabra al mediodía con la distribución de
cenizas. Este año, el Vaticano ha anunciado un procedimiento diferente para la
distribución de cenizas. El cardenal Robert Sarah, el prefecto de la Congregación para la
Adoración Divina, emitió el decreto que dice la oración, "Arrepiéntanse y crean en el
Evangelio" o "Recuerda que eres polvo y al polvo volverás”, se debe decir una vez
sobre toda la congregación. Luego, cuando la gente se ponga en línea, las cenizas se
esparcirán en la parte superior de la cabeza sin decir nada. Esta es, de hecho, la
costumbre en muchos lugares de Europa y Oriente Medio. Es consistente con la
enseñanza bíblica que escuchamos el Miércoles de Ceniza: “Cuídate de no realizar
obras justas para que la gente pueda verlas; de lo contrario, no recibirás recompensa de
tu Padre celestial". (Mateo 6:1). Oro para que esta celebración del Miércoles de Ceniza
nos lleve a una comprensión más profunda de nuestra propia fragilidad y necesidad del

Anunciamos el fin de semana pasado que nuestra misa dominical de las 6:30 de la
manaña continuará hasta febrero. Sin embargo, será DISCONTINUADO en marzo. Por lo
tanto, el 28 de febrero será el último domingo que tengamos la Misa dominical de las
6:30 de la manaña. Estoy especialmente agradecido por los muchos voluntarios que han
hecho de esta Misa una posibilidad de parte de nuestros sacristanes, ujieres, lectores y
monaguillos. ¡Gracias a todos ustedes! Oro para que todos tengan una semana
maravillosa al entrar en nuestra última semana completa antes de que comience la
temporada de Cuaresma. ¡Dios te bendiga!

En Cristo,

P. Connealy

                                   Reciben a los visitants
   Estamos encantados de que te unas a nosotros hoy y todos los domingos. A enriquecer
nuestras misas por su presencia y su anticipación. Esperamos que encuentre nuestras liturgias
  aquí para ser una celebración inspiradora de nuestra fe. Por favor, vuelve otra vez ... y con
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 February 7, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                    FEBRUARY 7, 2021

MASS 101...                                                 40DAYS/365
St. Mother Teresa once said that"Jesus has made
Himself the Bread of Life to give us life. Night              40 Days/365 is praying on the walk in front of
and day, He is there. If you really want to grow             the Family Planning Associates, Monday thru
   in love, come back to the Eucharist, come                  Friday 8:00am-4:00pm and on Saturday from
             back to that Adoration."                       8:00am to 1:00pm.. We are witnessing for Life. If
                                                              you are interested in signing up on the Vigil
                                                            Calendar, please call Clarice at 830-377-7718 or
            ADORERS NEEDED:

    MONDAY—10:00AM & 5:00PM
         FRIDAY—11:AM                                                      TV MASS
        SUNDAY—9:00AM                                                 9:00am Every Sunday
                                                                    on CHANNEL 7- KAZT-TV.
Please contact to sign
           up or for more information.
                                                                                            3. STIGMATA
VOCATIONS…                                                     Homecoming for Returning Catholics:
“All this I do for the sake of the gospel.” If you are
seeking greater simplicity of life and a closer following   No matter how long you’ve been away, you can
of the Lord in prayer and action, consider that He may              come home again. Check out
     be calling you to the priesthood, diaconate or      
    consecrated life. Contact the Vocation Office at
     602-354-2005 or email:

                                                            Resilient Arizona Crisis Counseling Program is
                                                            a federally funded, free and confidential
                                                            program that helps people and communities
                                                            recover from the effects of disasters and/or
                                                            pandemics through short-term interventions
The Verso L'alto High School Youth ministry                 that provide emotional support, crisis
will be going on a retreat from March 5th                   counseling, and connection to community
through March 7th at Camp Pinerock in
Prescott. If you are a high schooler interested
in attending the retreat or a parishioner who               In order to help provide as many helpful and
                                                            economical resources to our employees during
would like to sponsor a student to attend the
                                                            these difficult times, we encourage you to
retreat,   please    contact    Mary     Lynch              share this information with your staff.
(, 602-867-9171 ext         

        Weekly Readings for the week of February 7, 2021
                                                                                            Please pray
Monday:    Gn 1:1-19/Ps 104:1-2a, 5-6, 10 and 12, 24 and 35c /                                 for our
                  Mk 6:53-56
Tuesday:   Gn 1:20—2:4a/Ps 8:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 /Mk 7:1-13                                          men &
Wednesday: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17/Ps 104:1-2a, 27-28, 29bc-30/                                     women in
                  Mk 7:14-23                                                         the armed forces
Thursday: Gn 2:18-25/Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5 /Mk 7:24-30                                       and also
Friday:    Gn 3:1-8/Ps 32:1-2, 5, 6, 7/Mk 7:31-37
Saturday:  Gn 3:9-24/Ps 90:2, 3-4abc, 5-6, 12-13/Mk 8:1-10                           for their families.
Sunday:    Lv 13:1-2, 44-46/Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11/1 Cor 10:31—11:1/Mk 1:40-45
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 February 7, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
5° DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO                                                  7 DE FEBRERO 2021

MISA 101 …                                                ADORACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA …
St. La Madre Teresa dijo una vez que "Jesús se ha
                                                                  ADORADORES NECESARIOS:
 hecho a Sí mismo el Pan de Vida para darnos                       LUNES—10:00AM & 5:00PM
   vida. Día y noche, Él está allí. Si realmente                      VIERNES—11:00AM
quieres crecer en el amor, vuelve a la Eucaristía,                    DOMIMGO—9:00AM
            vuelve a esa Adoración".
                                                                 Por favor

VOCACIONES...                                             ADORACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA …
 “Hagan todo por la Gloria de Dios” Tu vocación                     ¿POR QUÉ DEBO SER ADORADOR?
es el llamado a dar gloria a Dios con todo tu ser.         ¡Hay muchas razones! Lo más impovrtante es visitar y
¿Crees que el Señor te ha elegido para ser sacerdote       pasar tiempo con Nuestro Señor Jesucristo que es
o religioso/a? Llama a la Oficina de Vocaciones al (_           siempre. Presente en la Sagrada Eucaristía
602-354-2005, o escribe a:              (también llamado Santísimo Sacramento). Como
                                                             cualquier relación, lo que ponemos en es lo que
BAUTISMO INFANTIL...                                      vamos a volver y nuestro Señor no está superado en
                                                           la generosidad! Como un adorador comprometido
  Póngase en contacto con Maria Diaz para                      también tiene la increíble responsabilidad de
   programar una reunión. La información                   mantener al Señor no sólo compañía sino también
también está disponible en el sitio web y en la           seguro en la Capilla de la Adoración. Los feligreses
              oficina principal.                          y otros generalmente se comprometen a una hora (o
          Teléfono: 480-612-2924.                              más) por semana. Venir a la adoración es una
                                                          manera perfecta de acercarse cada vez más a Jesús
                                                          e intensificar nuestra vida espiritual. ¡Que Cristo sea
                Informacion para                                   siempre Rey de nuestros corazones!
              Quinceaneras y Bodas                                    Para más información, llame a
        Contacte con Luz E Mendoza-Gomez                         Norma Ciani al
          9 meses antes al 480-208-2369 o
                                                                    OPORTUNIDADES ORACIÓN DIARIA
                                                          ·    Misa diaria a las 8:30am
Si necesita información acerca de la Anulación de un      ·    Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento
   Matrimonio, por favor contacte a Jean Green al                  las 24 horas del día en la Capilla de
               602-867-9171 ext.308.o                             Adoración
                     ·      Rezar el Rosario diario
                                                          ·    Siga las nuevas presentaciones religiosas en
                     Por Favor, oremos
                        por nuestros                      OPORTUNIDADES DE SERVICIO…
                  hombres & mujeres en las                      ¿Estás buscando una manera de ser parte de la
                 fuerzas armadas y tambien                    ¿Comunidad de Santa Juana de Arco? Para obtener
                      por sus familias.                           más información, llame a Andy Lambros al
                                                               602.867.9171x307 o

Mire la Santa Misa en el                     Las lecturas de la 7 de febrero de 2021:
 canal de YouTube de
         nuestro                    Lunes:     Gn 1, 1-19/Sal 103, 1-2. 5-6. 10 y 12. 24 y 35/                                       Mc 6, 53-56
   PhoenixDiocese                   Martes:    Gn 1, 20—2, 4/Sal 8, 4-5. 6-7. 8-9/Mc 7, 1-13
                                    Miércoles: Gn 2, 4-9. 15-17/Sal 103, 1-2. 27-28. 29-30/Mc 7, 14-23
                                    Jueves: Gn 2, 18-25/Sal 127, 1-2. 3. 4-5/Mc 7, 24-30
       RADIO CATOLICA               Viernes: Gn 3, 1-8/Sal 31, 1-2. 5. 6. 7/Mc 7, 31-37
 EnFamlia Radio sintonícela en el   Sá bado: Gn 3, 9-24/Sal 89, 2. 3-4. 5-6. 12-13/Mc 8, 1-10
             740 AM                 Domingo: Lv 13, 1-2. 44-46/Sal 31, 1-2. 5. 11/1 Cor 10, 31—11, 1/
    de su radio o también por                            Mc 1, 40-45
internet en www.enfae
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 February 7, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                        FEBRUARY 7, 2021

                                          KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
                                          COUNCIL 14357
 February 8, 2021—February 14, 2021         We are looking for Catholic men with a
MONDAY/LUNES                               passion for service and supporting our Parish and
8:30am—Fr. Daniel Cruz                          community. Please contact Grand Knight
6:00pm—Walter Jones†                                 Terry Garrison at 480-848-2499
TUESDAY/MARTES                              or for more information.
8:30am—Jack Jensen
8:30am—Barbara McLeod†                    LEGION OF MARY...
6:00pm—Kate Leonow                        Praying the rosary is a beautiful work. The Legion of
                                          Mary needs more members to go out and say the
                                          rosary in our Care Homes. Please call or text
8:30am—The Makonnen Children              Rosemary Rosenberger 602-690-7702 or email
FRIDAY/VIERNES                   if you are willing and able to pray the
8:30am—Fr.Joseph McGaffin†                rosary with others.
                                          Rosaries are said in 20 minutes! Travel may take 20
8:30am—Peter Corrado†                     minutes total.
4:30pm—Deceased Members/Maugeri Family†
8:30am—Barbara Harnden†
10:30am—Margo & Victor Gonzalez                              The Thursday morning winter
                                                             session bible study with Kevin
              40th Wedding Anniversary
                                                             Saunders has begun on Thursdays
12:30pm—SJA Parishioners                                     at 10:00am Weidner Hall.

                                                            We are working on the gospel of
              ADORATION CHAPEL
                                                            Luke which is perfect for our holiday
               CANDLE SPONSOR                               season. Kevin shares not only a
                                                            literal interpretation of the Scriptures
            PRISCILLA & ALBERT            but adds ancient local history, and facts which make
               STIERSTOFER                the printed pages speak volumes.

            In memory of                  It is an opportunity to share Scripture and community.
                                          We do honor space distancing.
                                          Join us for a wonderful experience!
                                                                REST IN PEACE
           STIERSTOFER                                        JAMES LEVINS
 **********************************                           NIEVES RIVERA
      Week of February 7, 2021                             LIDIA SALAZAR
                                                          ANGELA CARRIER
                                                     DECEASED VICTIMS OF THE
                                          “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes
                                            in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever
                                                  lives and believes in me will not die.”

                                            HOLY CATHOLIC MARRIAGE MENTORING

                                                By Alberta & Gary Pizzitola, PhD
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 February 7, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                              FEBRUARY 7, 2021

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION….                                            Vocation of Marriage and the Myth of
          WHY SHOULD I BE AN ADORER                                          Divorce (Part 3)
                                                                               Brian Hanson
There are many reasons! Most importantly is to visit
  and spend time with Our Lord Jesus Christ who is              In parts 1 and 2 we addressed the value and
  ever present in the Holy Eucharist (also called the           vocation of marriage face-to-face with the de-
Blessed Sacrament). Like any relationship, what we              Christianized forms our contemporary cultural
  put in is what we will get back and our Lord is not           climate takes, among which we find the wound of
                                                                divorce. In this third part we’ll briefly touch upon
 outdone in generosity! As a committed adorer you
                                                                the meaning of the indissolubility of marriage.
also have the amazing responsibility to keep the Lord
   not only company but also safe in the Adoration              Marriage of its very nature is indissoluble, both as
Chapel Coming to adoration is a perfect way to draw             a natural institution created by God, and as a
ever closer to Jesus and to intensify our spiritual life.       sacrament raised by Christ and participated in
For more information, please call Desiree Schlangen             among      the     baptized.    For   the    baptized,
 at 763.807.7015 or                 indissolubility takes on the specific form of being a
                                                                vocation -- i.e. a calling from the Lord; but even for
                                                                unbaptized persons, the logic of indissolubility is
                                                                naturally reasonable for any couple who exchange
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL…                                            marriage vows. In light of this, we come to
                                                                understand that divorce is not only a moral and
            FRYS DONATIONS                                      social evil that affects families and society; from a
                                                                deeper     level,    divorce    is   an    ontological
If you shop at Frys and use a Fry’s card                        impossibility, a thing that doesn’t actually exist in
to make your purchases, click on REWARDS and                    and of itself. When asked about divorce, the Lord
COMMUNITY AWARDS. ENTER THE CODE GG384                          Jesus himself affirms that it was never part of the
AND OUR ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PANTRY WILL                         structure of marriage which God created (see Mark
SHOW UP. After you do this, Frys will donate a                  10:5-9).
percentage of your future purchases to our pantry.
                                                                In the civic sphere, a divorce can have public
Please purchase ONE BOX OF CEREAL for our                       effects for persons, but those effects remain
pantry next week.                                               extrinsic to the interior nature of a person's state of
                                   2. PONTIUS PILATE            being. On a deeper level, the inner structure of
Just a reminder that we are currently providing                 marriage, which is not something “added” to a
food to all people who drive their car to our pantry            person but interiorly defines his state of being in
entrance. You do not have to get out of your car to             the world, remains unchanged for those who
get this food. We are giving out food during the
following times.                                                The ideal of indissolubility is not some high
                                                                standard that the Church places on married
           ---Mondays - 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM                      couples only to abandon them to meet it of their
       ---Wednesdays – 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM                      own power. As something that actually upholds
         ---Saturdays – 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM                      and defends the dignity of human love,
                                                                indissolubility is possible because God, who
Thank you and God bless...                                      always intended to unite himself to his creatures,
                                                                does so indissolubly through his son Jesus Christ.
                                                                When spouses exchange vows, they can know that
                                                                their words are true -- because Christ is the one
                                                                who loved both spouses “to the end” from the
                RELEVANT RADIO                                  Cross (see John 13:1), who fully assumed the risk
                  1310AM KIHP                                   of love, and gave his love to the spouses to
                                                                participate in. In this way, the indissolubility of
                                                                marriage, which draws upon the indissolubility of
                 ESTO VIR                                       Christ’s love for us, witnesses to the dignity and
       For information on ESTO VIR                              vocation of marriage more generally.
    St. Joan of Arc Mens’ Fellowship,
         please go to the website                               We’ll continue this theme in Part 4

St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 February 7, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                             FEBRUARY 7, 2021

                                                                SJA GIFT SHOP
 WEEK-END/JANUARY 309/31, 2021
     FIN DE SEMANA 30/31 DE ENERO 2021
Plate/Plato             $15,953.00                          Gift Shop CLOSED...but

                                                      2021 St. Joseph Sunday Missals
             Thank you/Gracias
***********************************************                 Magnificat
              ONLINE GIVING
                 By WeShare                                        Bibles
      Questions: Contact Andy Lambros                          Prayer Cards
                                                              Adoration Pins
 *********************************************                   Crucifixes
   Support St. Joan of Arc when you shop on by choosing                              Statues
    "St. Joan of Arc Roman Catholic Parish
                    Phoenix".                                      Books
  When you do this, St. Joan of Arc receives a              And much more….
        portion of the proceeds directly.
          Thank you for supporting us!
 ********************************************         are available in the Parish Office
                                                               Mon thru Thurs
  In addition to the Sunday Regular Collection,          9:00a-12:00p,—1:00p-5:00p
    We Share Online Giving Opportunities are                  Fri 9:00a-12:00p.
                   available for:                        See a statue you like in the
                   Save Our Parish                 Gift Shop window, please contact the
                   Youth Ministry                      Parish Office at 602-867-9171.
               Campus Improvement
    Thank you for your continued generosity.
                                                  The Catholic Schools Office is now accepting
         END OF YEAR                              applications for the Diocesan School
     DONATIONS STATEMENTS                         Board. All registered practicing Catholics are
                                                  eligible. You do not need to have children
                                                  currently enrolled in Catholic schools to
                                                  qualify, though familiarity with the Diocese of
For those of you that need a copy                 Phoenix Catholic Schools is preferred. For
                                                  information and an application, please e-
 of your 2020 tithing contributions               mail            Jennifer              Shumway
                                                  at or call (602) 354-
 for tax purposes, please call the                2137.

                                                  Application deadline is May 22, 2021.
   parish office at 602-867-9171.

  You have a choice of having it
                                                  CATHOLIC TRIVIA…
                                                  1. Who found relics of the true
  mailed to your inbox, mailed to                      cross?
                                                  2. Who sentenced Christ to death?
your home or you can pick it up in                3. What is the name given to the
                                                       wounds resembling those of Christ?
                 the office.
                                                    The answers to these trivia qyestons are in this
                                                                  GO FIND THEM!!!
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 February 7, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                  FEBRUARY 7, 2021

                                                                        DE LA ESCRITURA
                    February 7, 2021
              5th Sunday in Ordinary Time                               7 de febrero de 2021
If I only knew then what I know now, how different life
would be. This sentiment, expressed in myriad ways, is            5º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
found on every human being’s lips at one point or
another. Life may have brought us to a vulnerable place      Quizá ha tenido la experiencia de ser
where we see some of the poor choices we made and the        ministro de Eucaristía y llevar la comunión
effects they are having. Perhaps we fell into some           a los enfermos en su casa. Ha visto el
destructive and dysfunctional relationships or behaviors     dolor de cerca y su deseo es darles la
and are finding how they held us captive. Our zeal and
passion for life may have drifted away and we are waking
                                                             mano y que se levanten de su lecho. Sí,
up to the reasons apathy has taken hold. Life can be         ahora nos duele el no poder llevar la
hard. In fact, some would describe their lives as a          comunión por razón de la pandemia, aún
drudgery. They walk through each day with an anxious         existen    muchas      restricciones.   Sin
unsettledness, wondering when their restlessness will        embargo, el Evangelio narra cómo Jesús
cease. There is a temptation to believe that what I see is   visita a la suegra de Pedro que estaba
all I will get. Mortality and hopelessness await the dawn.   enferma. Jesús le da la mano, la cura y ella
If I could only have known what would come in the
future, I could have made better choices and avoided all
                                                             se levanta y se dice que de inmediato se
of this misery!                                              puso a servir. Claramente, se ve que
                                                             enfermos no podemos hacer ministerio.
Really? While we can certainly give into weakness, sin,      Sanar, para servir.
impulsiveness, and idiosyncrasies that cause us to
stumble over ourselves, life is really a journey. If we      Jesús se presenta públicamente como
don’t make the mistake of wallowing in the mire of self-
pity and realize the new life God is calling us to, then
                                                             alguien que lucha contra la enfermedad y
there are thrills, adventures, surprises, and soul-          que vino para sanar al hombre de todo
searching graces we can surely miss. We are not              mal: el mal del espíritu y el mal del cuerpo.
tethered to our past nor are we bound to the ills life can   Es de verdad conmovedora la escena
bring upon us. We are never hopeless or helpless. The        evangélica a la que acaba de hacer
problem is that our myopic vision only allows us to see      referencia el Evangelio de san Marcos.
the misery and misfortune that is before us, not the         Dice así: Si pienso en las grandes
potential that can come from choosing healthier and
more life-giving options. Jesus came that we might have
                                                             ciudades contemporáneas, me pregunto
fullness of life. We need to learn how to reach for Jesus’   dónde están las puertas ante las cuales
hand and let him help us to our feet.                        llevar a los enfermos para que sean
                                                             curados. Jesús nunca se negó a curarlos.
We need to allow God into our pain and heal our past.        Nunca siguió de largo, nunca giró la cara
We have to wrestle with our histories, agonize and           hacia otro lado. Y cuando un padre o una
search and cry out for the Divine healing we need to         madre, o incluso sencillamente personas
restore our faith, hope, and love. Job could not see how
his story would end or trust the guidance of the God who
                                                             amigas le llevaban un enfermo para que lo
called him. We live in that same blindness and suffer        tocase y lo curase, no se entretenía con
from the same lack of confidence. Once we allow              otras cosas; la curación estaba antes que
ourselves to be touched by God’s healing power, we           la ley, incluso una tan sagrada como el
begin to see that all of the pieces of our lives are         descanso del sábado”. (Extracto tomado
necessary parts of a greater whole. Along the way of our     de la Catequesis del Papa Francisco 10 de
lives, God uses our omissions and failures to create new     Junio de 2015). ¡Así era Jesús! ¿Tú cómo
things and possibilities. When doors close, others open
and we can be amazed by the joyful and unexpected
surprises we receive. Once we know the power of God’s
creative, healing, life-giving, forgiving, and dynamic
presence, it is no wonder we want to put ourselves at the
service of others and show them what life can be
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Parish 3801 E. Greenway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85032 February 7, 2021 Fr. Dan Connealy, Pastor Fr. Oliver Vietor, Pariochial Vicar
Staff at St. Joan of Arc—                               ST. JOAN OF ARC MINISTRIES
                                                   ALTAR SERVER MINISTRY: Coordinator Tracy Stofflet,
      Parish Office: 602.867.9171                         at
     Office Hours: Mon/Thurs: 9:00a/5:00p          ESTO VIR: SJA Mens’ Fellowship. For information, go to
              Closed Noon-1:00p                           www,
              Friday: 9:00a/Noon                   EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS/USHERS: Jean Green at
                                                          602.867.9171x308 or
Rev. Dan Connealy, Pastor                          FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION: Every First Friday of each
                                                   Month after the 8:30a daily Mass until 6:00p ending with
Rev. Oliver Vietor, Parochial Vicar                Benediction.
                Ext.302                            HEALING PRAYER AND DELIVERANCE MINISTRY;
Dcn. Andy Lambros,                                        This Ministry is on hold until further notice. For
        Coordinator of Stewardship
                Ext. 307                                  more info, please call Mary Jo Orkild at
Dcn. Mark Salvato                                         602.956.6107.
                Ext. 300                           HOSPITALITY; Arleen Clark/Barbara Matthews.
Julie Flanigan, Finance Manager                           Please call the church office at 602.867.9171.
                Ext. 314                           INTERCESSORY PRAYER GROUP: Mary Jo Orkild at
Christine Johnson, Finance Assistant                      602.956.6107. Meets 2nd/4th Thursday after 8:30
                Ext. 314
                                                          Mass in the Church.
Lakin Fuentes, Receptionist
                Ext. 300                           KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: or
Jeffrey Morse, Director of Sacred Music                   480-848-2499.
                Ext. 326                           LECTORS: Brian Foley at or
Betsy Donovan, Coordinator of Music                       862.246.5116.
                Ext. 326                           LEGION OF MARY: Rosemary Rosenberger at
Brian Hanson, Coord/Evangelization/Catechists             602-690-7702 or
                Ext. 311                           MUSIC MINISTRY: Parish musical opportunities, please
Mary Lynch, Coord/RE & Youth Evangelization               contact Jeffrey Morse at
                Ext. 309                           PADRE PIO PRAYER GROUP: Please contact
Jean Green                                                Josie Savino at 602-996-3887.                PASTORAL CARE: Jean Green at
        Marriage Coordinator                       PERPETUAL ADORATION: Desiree Schlangen(English) at
        Nullity Minister                         or Norma Ciani
        Funeral Coordinator                               (Spanish) at
                Ext. 308                           RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY; Linda Rizzo at
Luz Mendoza                                                       ST. DAMIEN’S HELPERS: email
        Marriage Coordinator/Espanol               SJA PRAYER LINE:
        Quinceaneras/Espanol                       SENIOR MINISTRY: Barbara Matthews at
                Ext. 340                                  602.867.9171x312 or
Debbie Hilliard. Preschool Director                UNION WITH CHRIST: Please call 602.312.3246.
                 602.867.9179                      ST. VINCENT DE PAUL: Please call 602.867.2288.
Jessica Espinoza                                   SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES (SCC): We have adult
        Preschool Administrative Asst.             prayer meetings on Wednesdays at 9:30am in the Senior
                 602.867.9179                      Lounge at which we prepare for the next Sunday's Mass
Ron Hartmann                                       Scripture readings and homily. We welcome new
                Ext.333                            members.

                                                   INFANT BAPTISM
                                                      If you are interested in having your child baptized or
                                                     simply have questions about the process, please call
                                                               602-867-9171, ext. 115 or email us at
FINANCE COMMITTEE                                    "
           Grant Getman, Chair
              Leanne Krush
              Mark McGaffin                        PERPETUAL ADORATION/PRO-LIFE CANDLES
           Carter Smitherman                         Our Adoration Chapel/Pro-Life Shrine Candle program
               Rob Stofflet                         allows parishioners to honor/memorialize family/friends
                                                    with lighted candles on the altar in the Adoration Chapel
                                                    or at the shrine. Names of the sponsors and those being
HALL USAGE…                                         remembered will be in the weekly bulletin. Please come
 St. Joan of Arc Parish has two halls available.    to the parish office to set up your sponsorship of a $10/
 For more information, please contact Andy in               candle. Each sponsorship is for one week.
      the Parish Office at 602.867.9171x307.                            (Sunday/Saturday).
Pest Control Specialist

                         License 9118
General Pest, Termites, Weeds, Rodents, and Bedbugs
Tony Ordonez
Direct: 602-903-3375
Email: •

                                                           •   RE FRIG E RATION
                                                           •   AIR CONDITIONING
                                                           •   RE S IDE NTIAL
                                                           •   COM M E RCIAL


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