Prediction of the distribution of shrimp species found in southern Benin through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex

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Prediction of the distribution of shrimp species found in southern Benin through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex
                                                                                          DOI: 10.37722/JAMBE.2022201

              Prediction of the distribution of shrimp species found in southern Benin
                              through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex
                  Sèlomè Wilfried Sintondji1, 3*, Amoussou Sylvain Gozingan2, 3, Zacharie Sohou1, 3, Matthieu
                          Taymans4, Katrijn Baetens4, Geneviève Lacroix4 & Emile Didier Fiogbé1
                Laboratoire de Recherche sur les Zones Humides, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université
                                   d’Abomey-Calavi, 01 BP 526 Cotonou, République du Bénin
                    ICMPA - UNESCO CHAIR, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université d’Abomey-Calavi
                 Institut de Recherches Halieutiques et Océanologiques du Benin (IRHOB), 03 BP 1665 Cotonou,
                                                       République du Bénin
               Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment, 29 Rue
                                                 Vautier, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

 Received Date: May 11, 2022; Accepted Date: May 21, 2022; Published Date: June 09, 2022;
  Corresponding author : Sèlomè Wilfried Sintondji, Laboratoire de Recherche sur les Zones Humides, Faculté des
 Sciences et Techniques, Université d’Abomey-Calavi, 01 BP 526 Cotonou, République du Bénin.
 Email :

Abstract                                                              have a favorable environment in Lake Nokoué from December
                                                                      to June but their larvae can only survive in the sea. Species of
     The export of shrimps to the European Union was one of           the genus Caridina (freshwater) and Palaemon (estuary and
the mainstays of the Beninese economy. It is an income-               marine) belonging to the family Palaemonidae can however be
generating activity for the populations living along Lake             found in Lake Nokoué because of their wide distribution on the
Nokoué. The lack of a fisheries management strategy has               West African coast although they are not reported in Benin.
caused a drastic decline in shrimp’s production in Lake Nokoué        This research makes it possible to predict the presence or
since 2003. To remedy this problem, it is necessary to hypothesize    absence of shrimp genera in a lake system, based on their life
on their spatial-temporal dynamics in the Lake Nokoué-                cycle. Based on the results obtained, we suggest a ban on
Cotonou channel complex. This is investigated by combining a          fishing in Lake Nokoué between December and February and a
literature review on their life cycles and habitat suitability with   ban on shrimp fishing in the Cotonou canal for a good
spatial-temporal evolution of salinity obtained from in-situ          management of the shrimp stock in Benin.
observations. The literature review reported four (04) potential
families of shrimp species whose part of their life cycle is          Keywords: Caridea; Crustacea; Habitat Map; Habitat Suitability
common to the ecology of Lake Nokoué: Penaeidae (Penaeus);            Study; Migration Season; Penaeoidea; Salinity
Palaemonidae (Macrobrachium); Atyidae (Atya) and
Desmocarididae (Desmocaris). The overall results in relation to       Introduction
the life cycle of the shrimp species indicate that adults of the
Macrobrachium, Atya species have a favorable environment in               The shrimps industry has an important place in the world
Lake Nokoué from August to November and their larvae must             because of its high commercial value. The shrimps occupies on
remain in the lake from December to June to ensure their              the market 70.5 % of the world production of crustaceans and
survival. The species of the genus Desmocaris, which carry out        15.3% of the world halieutic production. These crustaceans
their entire life cycle in fresh water, can stay in Lake Nokoué       dominated by shrimps are marketed in the world and occupy the
from August to November. The species of the genus Penaeus             second rank after fish, representing 21.7% of the total sales of

                     1 | Journal of Aquaculture, Marine Biology & Ecology, Volume 2022, Issue 02
Prediction of the distribution of shrimp species found in southern Benin through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex
Prediction of the distribution of shrimp species found in                                               Copyright: ©
southern Benin through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex                                                    2022 Sèlomè Wilfried Sintondji*

  the major fishery groups [1]. It now represents 84.1% of the live     water in Benin [19]. The lake is in direct communication with
  weight of all crustaceans in the world [2]. In Benin, inland          the sea through the channel and has two main contributary
  fishing accounts for 80% of the national fishery and is one of        rivers (Ouémé River and the Sô River), this results in a
  the main income-generating activities for the populations living      circulation whose direction alternates with the seasons. The
  along the water bodies and rivers [3]. The main source of             exchange of water between Lake Nokoué and the sea gives raise
  fishing is Lake Nokoué, which until 2003 provided more than           to significant variations in certain parameters, in particular the
  80% of the total fisheries production (29,734 tons) of the water      salinity of the lake [20, 21]. The seasonal variation in the
  bodies of the three departments of southern Benin [4]. The share      salinity of Lake Nokoué alternately confers a favourable
  of the shrimp’s fishery from Lake Nokoué is estimated at two-         environment for Penaeus (saltwater shrimp) and certain
  thirds of the total shrimp’s supply, the share from Lake Ahémé        Caridean freshwater shrimp [22]. The main scientific question
  and the Porto Novo lagoon combined was one-sixth, and the             we are trying to solve in this study is: What should be the
  remaining one-sixth came from other small lakes in Benin [5].         potential spatio-temporal distribution of these different shrimp
  The literature has reported in Benin the presence of four (04)        species in Lake Nokoué and the Cotonou channel? To answer
  families whose part of their life cycle is common to the              this question, we first present a review of the literature on the
  environment of Lake Nokoué. These are potentially: Penaeidae          shrimp species found in southern Benin and their life cycle in
  (Penaeus); Palaemonidae (Macrobrachium); Atyidae (Atya)               the natural environment. Secondly, we will evaluate their
  and Desmocarididae (Desmocaris) [6-9]. The main shrimp’s              potential spatio-temporal distribution in the Lake Nokoué-
  species caught in lake Nokoué is Penaeus notialis followed by         Cotonou channel complex, by comparing the evolution of the
  Penaeus monodon, Penaeus kerathurus and some freshwater               salinity of this complex with their affinity to live in a more or
  shrimp’s species such as those of the genus Macrobrachium             less saline environment. This work aims to complete the
  [4,8,10]. The species Penaeus notialis accounted for more than        information related to the distribution of shrimp found in
  97% of the total shrimp’s production in the country. It is also       southern Benin, in order to propose avenues for their
  caught in other West African countries such as Ivory Coast,           management for the Lake Nokoué-Ocean system.
  Senegal, Madagascar, Cameroon and Nigeria [10, 11]. On the
  economic level, shrimp fishing in Benin has appeared in several       Material and methods
  studies among the six best sectors, presenting assets for
  economic growth [12]. From the start of shrimp exports around         Study area
  1993, until 2002 when shrimp fishing reached its peak, shrimp
  fishery production was about 7,000 tons for a value of 3.2                The study setting in this work is the entire Lake Nokoué-
  billion CFA francs, or about 49 million euros [13, 14]. Shrimps       Ocean system (Figure 1). Located in south-eastern Benin
  had become the second most important export product after             between 6° 22′ N and 6° 30′ N and 2° 20′ E to 2° 35′ E, the Lake
  cotton by 2002 [10]. The shrimp sector provided income to             Nokoué covers an area of 150 km2. This lake is located in a sub-
  45,000 fishermen, 18,500 women intermediate traders, 150              equatorial climate characterized by a long rainy season
  collectors recognized by exporting companies, 50 permanent            concentrated between mid-March and mid-July, a short dry
  employees and 1,200 seasonal employees (mainly women) of              season observed between mid-July and mid-September, a short
  exporting companies: DIAX, CRUSTAMER, SOBEP and FSG                   rainy season between mid-September and mid-November, and
  [10, 15, 17]. In total, the shrimp sector has created nearly 65,000   long dry season between mid-November and mid-March [23].
  jobs [17]. When dependents are included, then this sector             The average annual water temperature is 27-29 °C and the
  contributed to the livelihoods of about 250,000 people in Benin       average annual rainfall is 900-1100 mm [19, 24]. Lake Nokoué
  or 4% of the Beninese population [10]. Shrimp exports declined        is mainly fed with freshwater by tributaries (Ouémé River and
  rapidly since 2003 due to poor management and lack of                 Sô River) and it is connected to the brackish ecosystem of
  regulation of exporting companies (reasons highlighted by the         Porto-Novo lagoon via the “Totchè” canal to the Atlantic
  Food and Veterinary Office/EU in 2002). Thus, Benin launched          Ocean, via the artificial channel that is the Cotonou channel
  a self-suspension of shrimp exports to the European Union in          [25]. The Cotonou channel contributes mainly to the
  June 2003. Despite the lifting of this self-suspension in 2005,       hydrological and environmental fluctuations of the lake. The
  the shrimp export sector is struggling to resume. Indeed,             main tributaries of Lake Nokoué are:
  statistical data clearly show that the quantity of shrimps
  exported from Benin has dropped from 630 tons in 2002 to 1.5             The Ouémé, with a catchment area of 46,500 km2 and a
  tons in 2009 [10]. Recent investigations have shown a lack of             length of 523 km, crosses the country from north to south.
  monitoring of shrimp exports from Benin with strong pressure              In terms of fresh water supply, it is largely influenced by
  from local fishermen on Lake Nokoué throughout the year [13,              the rainfall of its upper basin (Upper Ouémé);
  14, 18]. It is therefore imperative to improve our knowledge on          The Sô, with a catchment area of 1,000 km2 and a length of
  the seasonal distribution of shrimps between the tributaries (So;         70 km, is connected to the Ouémé River in high water and
  Ouémé) of Lake Nokoué and the sea for action planning of good             maintains a good level of flow in the dry season;
  management of the shrimp industry in Benin. Located in                   The Cotonou channel is 4.5 km long, 300 m wide and
  southeastern Benin, the lake Nokoué, which is the subject of              between 5 and 10 m deep. It is the sea water tributary of
  this study, represents the largest area (150 km2) of brackish             Lake Nokoué.

           2 | Journal of Aquaculture, Marine Biology & Ecology, Volume 2022, Issue 02
Prediction of the distribution of shrimp species found in southern Benin through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex
Prediction of the distribution of shrimp species found in                                               Copyright: ©
southern Benin through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex                                                    2022 Sèlomè Wilfried Sintondji*

  Review of the literature                                     was used to update the data related to
                                                                        the classification of shrimp species. A total of 105 theses, 375
  The objectives of the literature review were:                         scientific articles and 80 technical reports were consulted,
                                                                        whose only 12, 44 and 20 respectively were used. The choice
     To list the shrimp species that are present in the southern       to use them or not was guided by the relevance of the documents
      Benin region and in Lake Nokoué.                                  that address the topic.
     To synthesize the available knowledge on the life cycle of
      these different species.                                          In-situ data and analysis
     To evaluate the influence of chemical and physical
      parameters such as salinity, hydrology and bathymetry                 Salinity and bathymetry data of the Lake Nokoué - Cotonou
      on the distribution of shrimp throughout the Lake Nokoué          channel complex was obtained during monthly campaigns
      - Ocean complex.                                                  carried out at 54 sampling stations (Figure 1) by the “Institut
                                                                        de Recherche Halieutiques et Océanologiques du Bénin”
  Information related to shrimp species life cycles, breeding           (IRHOB) in collaboration with the “Institut de Recherches et de
  seasons, migrations and affinities were obtained from the             Développement” (IRD) between November 2017 and August
  databases;;            2018       (;;           Vertical profiles were conducted each month to determine
  with the combination of the following keywords: Caridea,              depth and salinity using a CTD (Conductivity-Temperature-
  Penaeoidea, Penaeidae, Palaemonoidea, Atyidae, Macrobrachium,         Depth) probe at each of the 54 stations using a motorized boat.
  Desmocaris,       Atya,    Penaeus,     migration,    reproduction,   A GPS was used to acquire the geographic coordinates of all
  classification, distribution, ecology, shrimp, fresh, water, salt,    sampling stations. For the analysis, monthly surface and bottom
  cycle, annual, salinity, biology, West, African, coast, Benin. In     salinity data have been interpolated over a 1 km x 1 km grid.
  addition, reports, dissertations and theses were also consulted       Monthly depth data were averaged to obtain the average depth
  in the libraries of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Universities   of each station, and then interpolated on the same grid. The
  and the Directorate of Fisheries of Benin and, the World              Matlab software was used to produce the salinity and bathymetry
  Register of Marine Species Database (WoRMS 2022,                      maps.

         Figure 1: Map of the area of interest and position of the sampling stations on Lake Nokoué and in the Cotonou channel.

  Results                                                               migration linked to their reproductive cycle (Figure 2, left). On
                                                                        the other hand, others carry out their complete cycle at sea [26].
  Shrimp species present in southern Benin and their life cycle         Two groups of species of Penaeidae are reported from Benin:
                                                                        deepwater shrimp: Parapenaeus longirostris and coastal shrimp:
  Penaeidae                                                             Penaeus notialis, Penaeus kerathurus Penaeus monodon,
                                                                        Holthuispenaeopsis atlantica, Metapenaeopsis miersi [7, 8, 9,
      The Penaeidae of the genus Penaeus adopt an anadromous            27, 28].

            3 | Journal of Aquaculture, Marine Biology & Ecology, Volume 2022, Issue 02
Prediction of the distribution of shrimp species found in southern Benin through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex
Prediction of the distribution of shrimp species found in                                              Copyright: ©
southern Benin through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex                                                   2022 Sèlomè Wilfried Sintondji*

                    PROTOZOE                                                                   ADULT
                                                                                                                     Rest & Laying
     MYSIS                 DEEP SEA
                                                          EGGS        JUVENILE
                                                                                                WATER                           EGGS

     POST-                                               BEGETTER
    LARVAE                                                                                    BRACKISH
                                                                                                                                ZOEA I
                          BRACKISH                                        POST-
                           (Estuary)                     ADULT           LARVAE

         JUVENILE                                                                                                   ZOEA II
         S                                                                                    ZOEA
                                    SUBADULT                                                  III to

      Figure 2: Modified life history diagram of Penaeus (left) [7, 26, 29] and diagram of most freshwater shrimp such as the genus
                                              Macrobrachium and Atya (right) [22, 30, 31].

  Palaemonidae                                                          catadromous life cycle similar to that carried out by most
                                                                        shrimp of the genus Macrobrachium (Figure 2, right) [39,40].
     Belonging to the superfamily Palaemonoidea, the Palaemonidae       The genus Atya has fourteen described species, four of which
  Rafinesque, 1815 represents one of the few groups of decapods         inhabit West African freshwaters: A. africana; A. gabonensis;
  that have colonized estuaries and rivers in subtropical and           A. intermedia and A. scabra [35, 41]. Two of them have been
  tropical regions. Some species of the family Palaemonidae             reported in Beninese Rivers: A. africana, A. gabonensis [6]. The
  perform a catadromous migration (Figure 2, right) [22]. Others        genus Caridina is represented today in the world with 332
  perform an anadromous migration, however some species of the          species ( The genus Caridina could
  same family as Palaemonidae make their complete life cycle in         be found in Lake Nokoué, particularly the species C. togoensis
  the sea and others entirely in fresh water. Moreover, the genus       which is more widespread in Africa but not specifically in
  Macrobrachium is the most diverse of the family Palaemonidae          Benin [42].
  [32, 33] with currently 256 species described worldwide. In
  West Africa, there are eleven (11) described species: These are       Desmocarididae
  M. chevalieri Roux, 1935; M. dux Lenz, 1910); M. felicinum;
  M. macrobrachion; M. raridens, M. rosenbergii; M. sollaudii;              The Desmocarididae family is characterized by a life cycle
  M. thysi; M. vollenhovenii; M. equidens and M. zariquieyi [9,         exclusively in freshwater, i.e., in an environment favourable to
  34-36]. Its distribution is pantropical, covering the lowlands of     the plant Eichhornia crassipes. According to [33], the
  Africa, Asia, Oceania, North, Central and South America.              Desmocarididae are found in freshwater. This family contains
  Seven species have been reported from Beninese waters: M. dux         only the genus Desmocaris with currently two species (D.
  Lenz, 1910; M. felicinum; M. vollenhovenii; M. macrobrachion;         bislineata and D. trispinosa) including one found in Benin,
  M. raridens; M. sp1 and M. sp2 [6, 9, 37]. Other species of the       which is D. trispinosa [6].
  family Palaemonidae such as Palaemon maculatus have also
  been reported along the West African coast but not specifically       Life cycle of each shrimp species found in southern Benin
  in Benin [9, 38].
                                                                        Table 1 presents a general summary of the life cycle of shrimp
  Atyidae                                                               species found in southern Benin. This review was made on the
                                                                        basis of available information along the West African coast
      Belonging to the superfamily Atyoidea, the Atyidae now            from Sierra Leone to Angola.
  includes 46 genera. The genus Atya is characterized by a

            4 | Journal of Aquaculture, Marine Biology & Ecology, Volume 2022, Issue 02
Prediction of the distribution of shrimp species found in southern Benin through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex
Prediction of the distribution of shrimp species found in                                                 Copyright: ©
southern Benin through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex                                                      2022 Sèlomè Wilfried Sintondji*

                             Areas and periods of                      Larval         Affinity of                            Preferred
 Species                                                                                               Adult Affinity
                             reproduction                           requirement       juveniles                                depth
 Penaeus monodon             In the sea; continuous             Sea water [7,44]      Brackish water Sea water [7]       Can exceed 30m
                             reproduction with a peak                                 [7]                                [7]
                             between July and March [43]

 Penaeus kerathurus          In the sea; continuous              Sea water [7]        Brackish water Sea water [7,44]     5-50m
                             reproduction with a peak from                            [7,44]                              [7]
                             May to mid-November
                             Novembre [7]
 Penaeus notialis            In the sea; continuous              Sea water [7,44]     Brackish water Sea water [7] (      10 – 75m [7]
                             reproduction with a peak                                 [7]                                 2011)
                             between July and December
 Parapenaeus longirostris    Offshore; Continuous breeding       Sea water [7,9]      Sea water [7,9] Sea water [7,9]     100 – 400m
                             with a peak from November-                                                                   [7,9]
                             April [7,9]
 Holthuispenaeopsis          Offshore; Almost continuous         Sea water [7,9,44]   Sea water [7,9] Sea water [7,9]     10 – 40m [7,9]
 atlantica                   all year l’année [9,43,50,51]
 Metapenaeopsis miersi
                             Lake, lagoon, river or estuary;     Brackish water       Fresh water      Fresh water
 M. dux; M. felicinum; M.
                             with a peak during the rainy        Eau saumâtre         [30,52]          [30,52]
 vollenhovenii; M.
                             season pluies [22,30,52,53]         [30,52,54]                                                    ___
 macrobrachion; M.
 raridens; M. sp1 and M.
 Palaemon maculatus          Offshore; Almost continuous         Sea water, [9]       Brackish water Brackish water       Coastal water
                             all year [9]                                             or Sea water   or Sea water         Up to 50 m [9]
 Atya gabonensis;            Lake, lagoon, river or estuary;     Brackish water       Fresh water      Fresh water
 Atya africana               with a peak during the rainy        [39,40,55]           [39,50,55]       [39,40,50,55]           ___
                             season [39,40,50,55]
 Desmocaris trispinosa       River, lake or other freshwater. Fresh water             Fresh water      Fresh water
                             [50,55]                          [50,55]                 [50,55]          [50,55]

                                  Table 1: Life history of shrimp species reported in southern Benin.

  Relationship between the life cycle of shrimps and the                   centre of the lake. The depth of the lake varies between 1 m and
  geochemical characteristics of Lake Nokoué.                              2 m to the east and west of the lake. In the north, the depth is
                                                                           between 1 m and 1.6 m, whereas it is close to 3 m in the centre
  Bathymetry of Lake Nokoué - Cotonou channel                              of the lake and in the south of Lake Nokoué near the Cotonou
                                                                           channel. The depth in the Cotonou channel varies between 4 m
     The depth data allowed us to produce a bathymetric map of             and 6 m on average (Figure 3). In general, Lake Nokoué has a
  Lake Nokoué which showed that the relative elevation of the              fairly flat bottom with a very shallow depth. Shrimps are
  water level varies between 2 m and 3.2 m on average in the               benthic already from the juvenile stages [26, 29, 43, 57].

           5 | Journal of Aquaculture, Marine Biology & Ecology, Volume 2022, Issue 02
Prediction of the distribution of shrimp species found in                                                Copyright: ©
southern Benin through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex                                                     2022 Sèlomè Wilfried Sintondji*

  Therefore, the bathymetric characteristics of Lake Nokoué are          relatively flat bottom should not favour a strong accumulation
  suitable for a homogeneous distribution of shrimps because the         of organic debris in a deeper zone.

                                   Figure 3: Bathymetry of Lake Nokoué (a) and the Cotonou channel (b).

  Seasonal evolution of salinity in Lake Nokoué-Cotonou                  as well as on the bottom (salinity > 30 PSU). Lake Nokoué is
  channel                                                                then more subject to tidal currents than to the low flow of the
                                                                         lake's tributaries, notably the Sô and Ouémé rivers (Figure 4,
      The interpolated data allowed to generate maps of the              5). During the rainy season mid-April to mid-August (Figure
  spatio-temporal distribution of salinity in the basin of the Lake      7), there is a significant increase in the flow of the rivers
  Nokoué-Cotonou channel complex (Figure 4, 5). These maps               flowing into Lake Nokoué, and the surface salinity of the lake
  showed in December the beginning of saline intrusion from the          and the channel begins to fall from May to reach very low
  Atlantic Ocean via the Cotonou channel, on both surface                values between July and August. This desalination of the lake
  (Figure 4) and bottom (Figure 5). This entry of sea water into         occurs more rapidly on the northeast side than on the southwest
  Lake Nokoué is progressively increasing from the southern part         side of the basin where a portion of the water on the west side
  (entrance to the channel) and progressively extending to the           and in the channel remains slightly salty in July. Maps of spatial
  northern side of the basin. This saline intrusion continues to         distributions of salinity show that, overall, the bottom of the
  reach the western side first, then progressively the northern and      lake is proportionally saltier than the surface (Figure 5). During
  eastern sides of the basin, during the month of January, due to        the December-January period, the salinity of the lake increases
  the flow of the Sô River and the Ouémé River. The highest              with the exception of the areas located at the mouth of the Sô
  salinity level of the lake is observed in April. During this period,   and Ouémé rivers which continue to have a low flow into the
  the salinity values of the lake are almost oceanic on the surface      lake, despite the end of the rains (Figure 7).

           6 | Journal of Aquaculture, Marine Biology & Ecology, Volume 2022, Issue 02
Prediction of the distribution of shrimp species found in                                          Copyright: ©
southern Benin through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex                                               2022 Sèlomè Wilfried Sintondji*

                    Figure 4: Seasonal distribution of surface salinity in Lake Nokoué and the Cotonou channel

                    Figure 5: Seasonal distribution of bottom salinity in Lake Nokoué and the Cotonou channel.

         7 | Journal of Aquaculture, Marine Biology & Ecology, Volume 2022, Issue 02
Prediction of the distribution of shrimp species found in                                                                 Copyright: ©
southern Benin through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex                                                                      2022 Sèlomè Wilfried Sintondji*

  Evaluation of the spatio-temporal distribution of different                        of the genus Macrobrachium (M. dux; M. felicinum; M.
  shrimp species according to the bottom salinity in the                             vollenhovenii; M. macrobrachion; M. raridens; M. sp) and
  complex composed of Lake Nokoué and the Cotonou                                    those of the genus Atya (A. africana and A. gabonensis) that are
  channel                                                                            entering their reproductive period to lake Nokoué (Figure 2
                                                                                     right, 5, and 6). Adults of the genera Macrobrachium and Atya
      The spatio-temporal distribution of salinity is a determining                  have an affinity with the fresh water of Lake Nokoué during the
  factor in the spatio-temporal distribution of species in the lake-                 months of August to November and begin their migration from
  channel complex. From knowledge about life cycle of the                            Lake Nokoué to the Ouémé River in December (Figure 2 right,
  shrimp species, and especially on their affinity for salinity, it                  5, and 6). The larvae of the Macrobrachium and Atya species
  appears that the bottom salinity of Lake Nokoué remains                            are forced to remain in the brackish waters of Lake Nokoué
  favourable for species of the genus Penaeus during the months                      from December to June, until they reach the post-larval stage to
  of December to June (Figure 2 left, 5, and 6). The appearance                      have a chance to survive (Figure 2 right and 5). As for the
  of juvenile Penaeus (Penaeus notialis, Penaeus kerathurus and                      Desmocaris species (D. trispinosa), which carries out its entire
  Penaeus monodon) and possible species Palaemon maculatus                           life cycle in the freshwater tributaries of Lake Nokoué and can
  in the channel and Lake Nokoué can already start in December                       only pass-through Lake Nokoué during the period from August
  when the salinity of the bottom is higher than 20 PSU in some                      to November when the environment is favourable for the
  places. The return to the sea of these species should start in June                development of the Eichhornia crassipes plant (freshwater).
  with the decrease of the salinity of the lake and that of the                      Tables 1 and 2 and Figure 6 summarises the annual migration
  channel of Cotonou, following the strong entry of fresh water                      of shrimp species through the tributaries, Lake Nokoué and the
  from the Ouémé and Sô rivers. This massive inflow of fresh                         Cotonou channel in Benin.
  water into lake Nokoué should lead to the migration of species

               Espèces                    Stades          Jan     Feb      Mar      Apr May Jun             Jul     Aug     Sept      Oct        Nov   Dec
    Penaeus monodon; Penaeus Larvae                      +S       +S      +S       +S      +S      +S      +S      +S      +S        +S          +S    +S
    kerathurus; Penaeus      Juveniles
                                                         +Ln      +Ln     +Ln      +Ln     +Ln     +Ln     ±Ln     -Ln     -Ln       -Ln         -Ln   +Ln
    notialis                 & Subdults
                             Adults                      +S       +S   +S    +S   +S +S +S +S +S                                     +S          +S    +S
    M. dux; M. felicinum; M.          Larvae              +Ln     +Ln +Ln +Ln +Ln +Ln ±Ln -Ln  -Ln                                    -Ln        -Ln   ±Ln
    vollenhovenii; M.
    macrobrachion; M.                 Juveniles &         -Ln      -Ln     -Ln      -Ln     -Ln     -Ln     ±Ln     +Ln      +Ln      +Ln        +Ln   ±Ln
    raridens; M. sp1 & M. sp2         Adults
    Atya gabonensis;                  Larvae              +Ln     +Ln      +Ln +Ln          +Ln     +Ln     ±Ln     -Ln      -Ln      -Ln        -Ln   ±Ln
    Atya africana                     Juveniles &         -Ln      -Ln     -Ln      -Ln     -Ln     -Ln     ±Ln     +Ln      +Ln      +Ln        +Ln   ±Ln

    Desmocaris trispinosa             Larvae              -Ln      -Ln     -Ln      -Ln     -Ln     -Ln     -Ln     ±Ln      +Ln      +Ln        ±Ln   -Ln
                                      Juveniles &         -Ln      -Ln     -Ln      -Ln     -Ln     -Ln     -Ln     ±Ln      +Ln      +Ln        ±Ln   -Ln
                  Note: +S = Present at sea; +Ln = Present in lake Nokoué; -Ln = Absent in lake Nokoué; ±Ln = Present or absent in lake Nokoué

     Table 2: Life cycle assessment of shrimp species reported in southern Benin through the lake Nokoué - Ocean complex in Benin.

           8 | Journal of Aquaculture, Marine Biology & Ecology, Volume 2022, Issue 02
Prediction of the distribution of shrimp species found in                                             Copyright: ©
southern Benin through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex                                                  2022 Sèlomè Wilfried Sintondji*

      Figure 6: Seasonal distribution of shrimp according to bottom salinity in Lake Nokoué and the Cotonou Channel. (Penaeus)+;
                                                 (Macrobrachium, Atya, Desmocaris) *

  Discussion                                                           notialis and possible species Nematopalaemon hastatus,
                                                                       Palaemon elegans and Palaemon maculatus, but also an
      The bathymetry of Lake Nokoué is rather shallow and              essential environment for the survival and development of
  doesn’t show a lot of variation. These results are consistent with   larvae of the Macrobrachium species: M. dux, M. felicinum, M.
  those of [58, 59]. The depth of the lake is not expected to          vollenhovenii, M. macrobrachion, M. raridens, M. sp; and of
  influence the distribution of shrimps because, according to the      the genus Atya: Atya gabonensis; Atya africana (Table 1) [7,
  work of [60], it is the nature of the area substrate (dead wood      22, 40, 54]. These results are confirmed by the results of four
  and leaves, invertebrates, and other organic matter) that attracts   months of sampling of Penaeidae conducted by [8] on Lake
  shrimp and not the depth, even though in deep areas, more            Nokoué. Juvenile Penaeus are, moreover, abundantly caught in
  debris is present. The shallow depth gives Lake Nokoué the           Lake Nokoué from December onwards, as soon as the period of
  characteristics of a polymictic lake. Thus, Lake Nokoué should       saline intrusion starts [8]. As for the hatching of the eggs of
  regularly undergo mixing. This would prevent any kind of             these Penaeus (reproduction), it must therefore take place at sea
  temperature or salinity stratification. However, maps of spatial     a few weeks before. On this basis, we estimated that the period
  distributions of salinity in lake Nokoué and the Cotonou             of peak reproduction of Penaeus would extend from August to
  channel showed that the bottom of the lake is proportionally         November. Comparing these results with other studies [62-64],
  more saline over time than the surface of the lake (Figure 4 and     it is concluded that the same species of the family Penaeidae
  5). These results could be explained by the tidal pressure on        could have different reproduction periods in different
  Lake Nokoué at the time of saline intrusion. This tidal pressure     geographical areas. [65], who studied the biology, reproduction
  affects the bottom water compartment before rising to the            and population dynamics of the deep-water shrimp
  surface with time [61]. The results of this study allowed us to      Parapenaeus longirostris at the level of the Algerian west coast
  evaluate the period of shrimp settlement in the lake. Indeed,        (port of Oran and Arzew), showed that the period of strong
  from December to June, the salinity of lake Nokoué increases,        reproduction observed in Parapenaeus longirostris extends
  which indicates a favourable environment for Penaeus                 from May to June. This same period has been widely described
  juveniles: Penaeus monodon, Penaeus kerathurus, Penaeus              for P. longirostris in the western Mediterranean, suggesting a
                                                                       minimal reduction mechanism of intra-specific competition

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Prediction of the distribution of shrimp species found in                                                Copyright: ©
southern Benin through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex                                                     2022 Sèlomè Wilfried Sintondji*

  [63, 66]. The reproductive period observed for P. longirostris         eggs and those with large and few eggs. He placed M. dux in
  in the waters of the Algerian western coast coincides with other       the category of species with large and few eggs, as is the case
  studies carried out in the western Mediterranean (Merbah,              with M. potiuna according to [36, 73] observed that species
  2002) as well as in Italy and Portugal [63, 67]. In contrast, in       with small and numerous eggs, such as Macrobrachium
  Senegal, the egg-laying period in P. longirostris is spread over       vollenhovenii according to [54], have a much wider distribution
  the whole year with two distinct peaks: the most important in          than those with large and few eggs. [74] Reports many M. dux
  winter (February-March) and the second in autumn, October-             far inland from the sea in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  November [64]. For [68], oviposition in P. longirostris occurs         He also mentions the large size of the eggs in these species. It
  between December and January, with the months of June to               is difficult to imagine that these shrimps could make migrations
  August corresponding to the sexual rest period with a                  of several hundred kilometers to the sea and one must therefore
  resumption of ovarian maturation in September. These                   assume that their development is entirely in fresh water.
  differences in the observation of the reproductive period of the       Authors like [75] indicate that the species genera
  same species could be explained by the inequality of climate           Macrobrachium with large and numerous eggs have a
  observed between the West African side and the Algerian west           shortened development taking place entirely in fresh water and
  coast. Thus, the high temperature highlighted as a factor              is met far from the estuaries, while the species with small and
  influencing reproduction by [69], indicates that spawning takes        numerous eggs have a long larval development taking place in
  place in P. longirostris in the cold season and in the warm            estuarine medium. In addition, species of the genus Caridina,
  season. In the context of this study, as the Lake Nokoué               which is a freshwater shrimp with a life cycle similar to that of
  temperature varies only little (27° C - 29° C), the impact of          Macrobrachium, could also be found in Lake Nokoué, in
  temperature on the seasonal dynamics of shrimp reproduction            particular the species C. togoensis. But this rather difficult
  has not been taken into account. In the framework of this work,        genus continues to create confusion on the systematic level.
  the salinity maps of the basin indicate that freshwater shrimp of      Indeed, eighteen species of Caridina have been described by
  the genus Macrobrachium, Atya and Desmocaris have an                   [42]. According to the same author, only C. togoensis is more
  affinity for Lake Nokoué during the months of August to                widespread in Africa and could be found in Benin while C.
  November. This period of flooding of Lake Nokoué (August to            africana has a limited distribution in South Africa. However,
  November) marks the end of the rainy seasons in Benin. Since           [76] recently revealed that all of these descriptions by [42], are
  the arrival of freshwater shrimp in Lake Nokoué coincides with         nothing more than subspecies of C. africana because of the
  their reproduction, it is likely that the rainy season influences or   representativeness of the samples described. We believe in this
  contributes to initiate the gonad maturation period in freshwater      work that there is a real need for signalling of Caridina in Benin
  shrimp. These results are consistent with those obtained by            before any suggestions. Rainfall also seems to have a
  several researchers [52, 70, 71], who have located the period of       determining role in the beginning and end of saline intrusion
  egg laying and reproduction during these months based on the           through the tributary - Lake Nokoué - ocean complex (Figure
  study of the ovarian cycle in some freshwater shrimps.                 7). Indeed, the beginning of the saline intrusion indicates,
  According to these authors, the adults Macrobrachium live in           according to Météo-Benin data, the end of the short rainy
  the fresh waters of the rivers where the fertilization takes place,    season in Cotonou (December 2017) (Figure 4, 5 and 7). The
  especially during the rainy season. Vitellogenesis, according to       salinity of Lake Nokoué reaches its peak in April, (period
  these authors, is linked to the rainy season and their migration       corresponding to the beginning of the long rainy season in
  to brackish waters. However, the species belonging to the genus        Cotonou). We note that during the long rainy season (May
  Macrobrachium seem to have two different life cycles because,          2018), the salinity of Lake Nokoué begins to decrease
  [72] observed that West African Macrobrachium can be                   progressively and practically drops to zero during the short dry
  divided into two categories: those with small and numerous             season (August 2018).

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Prediction of the distribution of shrimp species found in                                                          Copyright: ©
southern Benin through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex                                                               2022 Sèlomè Wilfried Sintondji*

                                               Average rainfall from November 2017 to October 2018 in Cotonou

                     Q-Rain (mm)   250





                                         Nov    Dec    Jan    Feb    Mar    Apr        May    Jun     Jul    Aug    Sep     Oct

                                   Figure 7: Rainfall in Cotonou from November 2017 to October 2018 (METEO-Bénin).

  Conclusion                                                                      Acknowledgement

      By combining information on the life cycle of shrimps                       The authors wish to express their gratitude to Professor Cedric
  found in southern Benin, from the literature, with the spatio-                  d'Udekem d'Acoz, specialist in crustaceans at RBINS for their
  temporal distribution of salinity in the Lake Nokoué-Cotonou                    advice.
  channel complex, the evolution of the potential distribution of
  shrimp species in this complex could be established. The                        Funding
  present work has shown that the salinity of Lake Nokoué
  increases from December to reach a peak in April. The period                    This work was funded by the CEBioS program (funded by the
  (December-June) of high salinity in the lake indicates a                        Belgian Development Cooperation, DGD).
  favourable environment for Penaeus and freshwater shrimp
  larvae such as Macrobrachium and Atya. Furthermore, the                                                   References
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           11 | Journal of Aquaculture, Marine Biology & Ecology, Volume 2022, Issue 02
Prediction of the distribution of shrimp species found in                                            Copyright: ©
southern Benin through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex                                                 2022 Sèlomè Wilfried Sintondji*

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            13 | Journal of Aquaculture, Marine Biology & Ecology, Volume 2022, Issue 02
Prediction of the distribution of shrimp species found in                                         Copyright: ©
southern Benin through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex                                              2022 Sèlomè Wilfried Sintondji*

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    Citation: Sintondji S W, Gozingan A S, Sohou Z, Taymans M, Baetens K, et al. (2022) Prediction of the distribution of
    shrimp species found in southern Benin through the lake Nokoué-Ocean complex. Jr Aqua Mar Bio Eco: JAMBE-116.

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