TRAINING CATALOG - Harbor Regional Center

Page created by Rebecca Alvarado
TRAINING CATALOG - Harbor Regional Center

TRAINING CATALOG - Harbor Regional Center
     Come and enjoy informative community building and good conversation.
     Share resources and information. Enlarge your circle of support. Join us!!!
                        GROUP                                                      CONTACT INFO
PARENTING CONNECTIONS SUPPORT GROUP                              Maria Elena Walsh, Facilitator
For parents of HRC clients of all ages                           (310) 543-0611
and all diagnoses.                                     

CHINESE FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP                                     Tian Chiang, Facilitator
For parents of HRC clients who want to                           (310) 543-7951
connect with other parents who speak Mandarin.         
Open to families with children of all ages
and diagnoses                                                    Harry Zhang, Facilitator
                                                                 (310) 792-4520

UJIMA FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP                                       Bre’Anna Winston, Facilitator
For parents of HRC clients who want to connect                   (310) 792-4555
with other African American families. Open to          
families with children of all ages and diagnoses

KOREAN PARENT GROUP                                              Taejong Min, Facilitator
For parents of HRC clients who speak Korean.                     (310) 792-4542
Open to families with children of all ages             
and diagnoses

TOGETHER, NOT ALONE                                              Minsun Kim, Facilitator
For parents of HRC clients who speak Korean.                     (310) 792-1797
If you have not been a part of a support group         
or are new to HRC this is a great group for you!

SIBLING CLUB                                                     For more information please contact
for siblings of HRC clients ages                                 Maria Elena Walsh
6-16 years.                                                      (310) 543-0611
CURRENTLY Suspended due to COVID                       

                                   HRC also has a Parent Support Specialist Program
             Parents are paired with a trained parent support specialist to provide insight from their experiences,
                advice and support. Contact your Service Coordinator or Maria Elena Walsh at (310) 543-0611
      or for more information or to be matched with a trained parent support specialist.
          Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, trainings and events will be offered by webinar, until it becomes safe to
          meet in groups. It’s important to always pre-register for classes you wish to attend. That way, we will be
                              able to provide you with up to date information for participation.
TRAINING CATALOG - Harbor Regional Center
D           I          R           E           C           T          O            R            Y

  Parent and Family Support Groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  i
  Behavior Services and Supports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
  Classes for Parents in Early Childhood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
  Classes for Transition-Aged Clients and Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
  Classes for All Ages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

  Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

  Servicios y Apoyos de Comportamiento. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
  Primera Infancia: Juntos desde el Principio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
  Otros Tallares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
  Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, trainings and events will be offered virtu-
  ally, unless otherwise indicated, until it becomes safe to meet in groups.
  It’s important to always register for classes you wish to attend so that we
  are able to provide you with updates.

Watercolors by                 Cover: Catalina on the boat dock
                               Back Cover: Catalina with a deer friend
Ron Libbrecht                  Page i: Catalina town from the Pier
                               Page 2: Follow the Beach to the Casino
                               Page 4: Catalina on the boat dock
                               Page 5: Catalina "Live" from the bench
                               Page 6: Catalina town from the Pier
                               Page 7: Hotel Catalina Hillside
                               Page 8: Catalina by the Casino looking across
                               Page 10: Catalina overlook the boat dock
                               Page 11: Beach to Pier Catalina
                               Page 12: Avalon from Above Catalina
                               Page 12: Catalina Casino and Flag above the trees
Acrylic Paintings by           Page 13: Holly Hill House-Avalon-Catalina
                               Page 14: Welcome to Catalina
Ron Squared
Hust/Libbrecht                 Page 16 &17: Avalon Evening
                               Page 18: Beach view to the Catalina Hotel
                               Page 19: Catalina Hills
                               Page 20: Night Catalina
TRAINING CATALOG - Harbor Regional Center
           Does your son/daughter demonstrate challenging behaviors like tantrums, aggression, or have trouble cooperating? Do you
           have concerns regarding safety when you go out in the community? Do you have questions about how to teach your son/
           daughter about puberty or sexuality? Are you unsure about how to access behavior services and supports?
           HRC offers behavior workshops and classes that are facilitated by Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) who introduce
           caregivers to principles of behavior and help families learn how to teach new skills using practical and individualized examples.
           Please contact your HRC Service Coordinator for more information and to enroll.

           Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, trainings and events will be               Please contact your service coordinator to enroll in a class
           offered virtually, until it becomes safe to meet in groups. It’s         and to request child care, if needed. Childcare for in-per-
           important to always register for classes you wish to attend so           son meetings and interpretation are available by advance
           we will be able to provide you with up to date information               reservation, at least five (5) or more business days prior to
           for participation.                                                       the event and at the time of RSVP.

                CLASS                  AUDIENCE                 LENGTH                                               TO P I C S
                                                            Behavior Services and Supports
           Orientation to              Caregivers of all       Single session:          • Overview of behavior services and supports offered by       .
           Behavior Services           HRC clients             2 hours long               HRC, including how to obtain ABA services
                                                                                        • Discussion of HRC behavior classes and workshops

                                                                                        • Why tantrums, aggression, and other undesired/unsafe
           Understanding               Caregivers of all       Six sessions
           Behavior                    HRC clients             Once a week                behaviors occur
                                                                                        • How to respond to these behaviors
                                                               2 hours each session
                                                                                        • How to reinforce desired behaviors and teach new behaviors

           Understanding               Caregivers of all       Single session - 2       This two-hour presentation will help caregivers better under-
           ABA Reports                 HRC clients             hours long               stand the reports prepared by their Applied Behavior Analysis
                                                                                        (ABA) providers, including why FBAs are important, who con-
                                                                                        ducts them, what are the components of an FBA, and the role
                                                                                        of caregivers in the development of a FBA
                                                   Routines, Self – Care, and Social Development
                                                                                        • Client/caregiver readiness for toilet training
           Toilet Training             Caregivers of all       Single session:
                                                                                        • Common barriers to toilet trainings
                                       HRC clients             2 hours long
                                                                                        • Techniques to increase successful toilet
                                                                                          practices, like wiping
                                                                                        • Client/caregiver readiness for social skills groups
           Promoting Social            Caregivers of all       Single session:
                                                                                        • How to support client’s success in participating
           Interactions                HRC clients             2 hours long
                                                                                          in a social skills group
                                                                                        • How to support client’s ability to make friends and
                                                                                         develop positive relationships outside of social skills group
                                                                                        • How to help caregivers reduce prompts for client to
           Increasing                  Caregivers of all       Single session:
                                                                                         complete tasks and activities
           Independence                HRC clients             2 hours long
                                                                                        • How to create opportunities for client to practice skills
                                                                                          more independently
page ONE

                                                                                        • How to support client’s efforts to be more independent

                                                                                        • How to create schedules and routines
           Using Visual                Caregivers of all       Single session:
                                                                                        • How to offer choices and increase compliance
           Supports                    HRC clients             2 hours long
                                                                                        with non-preferred activities
                             Registration is required for all classes. Please contact your service coordinator to enroll in a class.
TRAINING CATALOG - Harbor Regional Center
CLASS                 AUDIENCE                  LENGTH                                                 TO P I C S
                                   Boundaries, Puberty, Sexual Development and Safety
Orientation to             Caregivers of HRC       Six sessions:               • Review of Puberty Talk curriculum, developed by Health
Puberty Talk               clients age 10 - 13     2 hours each,                Connected in accordance with CA Education Code and
                           (Mandatory for          (Including mandatory     CA Healthy Youth Act
                           class enrollment)       Orientation to Puberty • Caregivers must consent to client enrollment prior
                                                   Talk for caregivers)     to client being allowed to attend Puberty Talk
Puberty Talk               HRC Clients age         Six sessions:               • Establishes a foundation and common language for

                           10 - 13                 2 hours each,                communicating about sexual health with parents/
                                                   (Including mandatory     trusted adults
                                                   Orientation to Puberty • Includes intentional engagement with clients age 10-13
                                                   Talk for caregivers)    and their trusted adults to help families share their values
                                                                                regarding the content
Orientation to             Caregivers of HRC       Six sessions:               • Review of Teen Talk curriculum, developed by Health
Teen Talk                  clients age 14 - 17     2 hours each,                Connected in accordance with CA Education Code
                                                   (Including mandatory         and CA Healthy Youth Act
                           (Mandatory for
                                                   Orientation to Teen         • Caregivers must consent to client enrollment prior
                           class enrollment)       Talk for caregivers)
                                                                                to client being allowed to attend Teen Talk
                                                  Six sessions:                • Provides 14 – 17 year olds with information and skills they
Teen Talk                  HRC Clients age
                           14 - 17                2 hours each,                  need to make informed decisions about sexual health and
                                                  (Including mandatory           relationships throughout their lives
                                                  Orientation to Teen          • Includes intentional engagement with clients and their trusted .
                                                  Talk for caregivers)
                                                                                 adults to help families share their values regarding the content

Orientation to             Clients age 18 and     Six sessions:                • Review of Elevatus Sexual Education curriculum

Elevatus Sexual            over (optional for     2 hours each,                • Question and answer period for clients and caregivers        .
                                                  Including mandatory           about curriculum and instruction format
Education                  caregivers)            Orientation to
                                                  Elevatus for clients
                                                  (optional for caregivers)

Elevatus Sexual            HRC Clients age         Six sessions:               • Provides adult clients with information about relationships, .
Education                  18 and over             2 hours each,                identity, expression, sexual health and behaviors, and
                                                   Including mandatory          decision making along with safe use of social media
                                                   Orientation to
                                                   Elevatus for clients
                                                   (optional for caregivers)

                 Registration is required for all classes. Please contact your service coordinator to enroll in a class.

                                                                                                                                                    page TWO
TRAINING CATALOG - Harbor Regional Center
             Orientation for Early Start Parents

             Join us for this Four Part Series:
                    New Family Orientation                                                 Introduction to Social
                                                                                           Emotional Development

             1       January 5, 2022
                     February 2, 2022
                     March 2, 2022
                                               10:00 am – 11:00 am
                                               6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
                                               10:00 am – 11:00 am
                                                                                 2        January 13, 2022
                                                                                          February 10, 2022
                                                                                          March 10, 2022
                                                                                                                     9:30 am – 11:00 am
                                                                                                                     5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
                                                                                                                     9:30 am – 11:00 am
                     April 6, 2022		           6:00 pm – 7:00 pm                          April 14, 2022		           5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
                     May 4, 2022		             10:00 am – 11:00 pm                        May 12, 2022		             9:30 am – 11:00 am
                     June 1, 2022		            6:00 pm – 7:00 pm                          June 9, 2022		             5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
                     These presentations will be held via Zoom.                           These presentations will be held via Zoom.
                     To register contact Karina Duran at (310) 543-7980.                  To register contact Karina Duran at (310) 543-7980.

                    Strategies for Speech and                                             Introduction for Occupational Therapy
                    Language Therapy

             3      January 20, 2022
                    February 17, 2022
                    March 17, 2022
                                               6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
                                               6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
                                               6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
                                                                                 4       January 27, 2022
                                                                                         February 24, 2022
                                                                                         March 24, 2022
                                                                                                                    10:00 am – 11:30 am
                                                                                                                    6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
                                                                                                                    10:00 am – 11:30 am
                    April 21, 2022		           6:00 pm – 7:30 pm                         April 28, 2022		           6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
                    May 19, 2022		             6:00 pm – 7:30 pm                         May 26, 2022		             10:00 am – 11:30 am
                    June 16, 2022		            6:00 pm – 7:30 pm                         June 23, 2022		            6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

                    These presentations will be held via Zoom.                           These presentations will be held via Zoom.
                    To register contact Karina Duran at (310) 543-7980.                  To register contact Karina Duran at (310) 543-7980.

             EARLY START                                                    Friday, January 28, 2022     1st Ceremony - 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
             TRANSITION CEREMONY                                            HRC Long Beach               2nd Ceremony - 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

             Join us for a graduation ceremony as we celebrate your child’s transition from the Early Start Program into the next phase of their
             lives. Come hear from our guest speakers who are experts in the field on what you can expect after your child turns three. Follow-
             ing the celebration, you will have the opportunity to get your questions answered by visiting community resource tables including
             representatives from various school districts.

                                 For more information and to pre-register, please contact Aurora Estrada 310-543-7969.
               Interpretation services are available upon request by advance reservation only, at least five (5) or more business days prior
                                                          to the event and at the time of RSVP..

             Harbor Early Start Partnership (HESP)
page THREE

                                                                                             Saturday, March 19, 2022
             CONFERENCE                                                                      9:00 am – 12:00 pm

             The Harbor Early Start Partnership presents an annual speaker event that focuses on topics for children ages 0-3 years old.
             Please call 310-543-7904 or email to receive link to event and for topic information.
TRAINING CATALOG - Harbor Regional Center
Classes for Families of Infants and Toddlers Birth to 36 Months
Join our parent education classes facilitated by HRC therapists and specialists who are knowledgeable in infant and toddler develop-
ment. Together From the Start classes (TFS) are classes offered as supplemental support classes to all HRC clients (birth –36 months)
and their families. They concentrate on specific areas of development and interest, such as; Language, fine and gross motor skills,
cognition, and social/emotional development. Each class may not be appropriate for all children. The Early Childhood Specialist
and/or therapist may provide suggestions on which class is the best fit for your child.

                                                     Our Trainings Are:
  • Offered   in HRC’s Long Beach and Torrance sites or via Zoom    • Open   to parents, grandparents and caregivers
  • Available
            to any child 0-3 years of age who is a client of the    • Offeredat multiple times, both in the morning
   Harbor Regional Center.                                           and in the afternoon, and some Saturdays.

  *Request a Together From the Start calendar from your Service Coordinator or a contact person below, or pick-up in the HRC
                            Resource Center for specific times of classes and additional details.*

                                        Always register for classes by contacting:
                                   Erica Duran                       Hilda Bracamontes-Colon
                                   (310) 792-4721                    (310) 543-0631
                               Classes may change due to holidays. Please check the TFS calendar or
                               call your service coordinator if you have a question regarding classes.

                                                                                                                                        page FOUR
TRAINING CATALOG - Harbor Regional Center
Mommy/Daddy and Me Mondays (12 to 36 months): Babies and                 Small Talk (Advanced) (18-36 months): Parents will learn strat-
            toddlers love to socialize while playing! Come enjoy a playtime          egies to facilitate their child’s communication through this play
            that includes songs, music and movement, books, and play. These          based class. This class emphasizes rich language activities: puz-
            activities will stimulate your child’s development. Increase your        zles, books, matching games and sensory exploration, while en-
            understanding of your child’s unique abilities, while having fun.        couraging imitation of sounds and gestures, pointing, attending.
            Ideal first class to try! (Offered 6 times per month via zoom and        (Offered four times per month via zoom and in-person)
                                                                                     Make it and Take It (Advanced) (18- 36 months): Art plays an im-
            Wee Ones (3-12 months): A class for little ones under 12 months          portant role in your child’s development. It promotes visual, mo-
            or not yet walking. In this class, we use music and movement that        tor, and language development. In this class, parent and child cre-
            emphasizes on fine and gross motor development, read a book,             ate artwork using recycled materials, paint, playdough, and have
            and have fun activities for your child to explore during tummy time      opportunities to experiment with other art tools. (Offered once a
            or while crawling around! (Offered twice per month via zoom)             month via zoom)

            Infant Massage (birth - 8 months): This series includes an intro-        Let’s Move together (18-36 months): Let’s get moving! This
            ductory class, then weekly sessions for 4 weeks. The series covers       class emphasizes on gross motor development and coordination
            massage techniques for legs and feet, abdomen, chest, arms and           through simple exercise, dance, ball play, and bubble play. (Of-
            hands, face, and back. Benefits include stimulation, relaxation,         fered once a month in-person)
            interaction and relief from discomfort. Most importantly, it is a
            great time to bond with your baby and learn about non-verbal             Topsy Turvy: a sensory movement class (24-36 months): This ac-
            cues. A certified instructor of infant massage facilitates this Class.   tive class will provide insight and teach parents ways to expose
            (Series offered at least four times a year via zoom)                     their children to proprioceptive (sense of body awareness) and
                                                                                     vestibular (sense of spatial orientation) input in order to promote
            Child’s Play (18-36 months): Come see how you can capture your           improved body awareness, self-regulation, balance and creative
            child’s attention thru play! This class offers you and your child the    play. (Offered once a month)
            opportunity to engage in many concept-building activities like
            sorting and matching, sensory experiences, felt board stories, and       High 5 Fine Motor (24-36 months): Getting your child’s fingers
page FIVE

            rhymes. Art activities are always a part of the fun! As always,          and hands strong is an important part of building confidence and
            there will be many ideas and activities to take home and use to          independence with self-care tasks. In this class we frequently use
            encourage your child’s development (Offered twice per month via          crayons, pom poms, small food items and more to work on acti-
            zoom and in-person)                                                      vating and coordinating the small muscles in your child’s hands.
                                                                                     (Offered once a month)
TRAINING CATALOG - Harbor Regional Center
                                                                   Potty Training:
“Positive Parenting”
                                                                   This training is designed for parents of HRC clients who
This training is for parents of HRC clients who are 0-5 years
                                                                   are 2-5 years old. In this training you will learn how to:
old. The four week series teaches discipline techniques, de-
                                                                     • Look for signals that your child is ready
velopmental stages, brain development, parenting styles,
                                                                     • Prepare your home
self-care, and ages and stages. This training series is offered
                                                                     • Use strategies for you and your child to succeed
four times a year via Zoom.
                                                                   (Offered every 4th Tuesday of the month)

Learning Café: Parents, please come, relax, and enjoy a cup       Please refer to the monthly Together from the
of coffee while discussing important parenting topics with        Start Calendar for specific class dates and times.
speakers and most importantly with each other.

                                                                                                                                page SIX
TRAINING CATALOG - Harbor Regional Center
             COLLEGE 2 CAREER:
             An Orientation for Clients Considering College
             The College 2 Career (C2C) Program is an innovative post-sec-       receive support and training in the development of skills needed
             ondary program for adults with developmental disabilities           to live independently in the community. Career supports will be
             served by the Regional Center. C2C offers an exciting opportunity   provided to students prior to graduation in order to assist them
             to experience community college, student housing and college        with obtaining gainful employment within their field of training.
             life. The College 2 Career Program provides extra educational
             coaching support not otherwise available through the College        The College 2 Career Program is accepting applications through-
             for selected students who are clients of a regional center. The     out the year. All interested applicants and parents must attend a
             program has a residential component in which the students also      C2C orientation prior to applying.

                                                      All Orientation times are 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm.
              Choose from the following dates:
                                                      Orientations will be held via Zoom until further notice.
              January 10, 2022                        To register for the session of your choice,
              March 14, 2022                          please contact the C2C Information Line at (310) 792-4528.
              May 9, 2022                             Interpretation services are available upon request by advance reservation only,
                                                      at least five (5) or more business days prior to the event and at the time of RSVP.
page SEVEN
New Family Orientation
We want to welcome you to the Harbor Regional Center and assure you that we are here to support you. We look forward to meeting
you at our New Family Orientation to help you learn more about our role and how we can support you.

    You can expect to:
   • Learn how HRC staff will support you in navigating            Wednesday, January 19, 2022         10:00am
     the Regional Center system                                    Wednesday, February 16, 2022        6:00 pm
   • Learn what HRC services and supports are available            Wednesday, March 16, 2022           6:00 pm
     to help you and your family
                                                                   Wednesday, April 20, 2022           10:00 am
   • Obtain answers to your questions about HRC,
                                                                   Wednesday, May 18, 2022             6:00 pm
     our staff and our services
                                                                   Wednesday, June 15, 2025            10:00am

                                             These presentations will be held via Zoom
                                                                                                                                  page EIGHT

                        For more information and to pre-register, contact Jessica Ponce at (310) 792-4712.
                  Interpretation services are available upon request by advance reservation only, at least five (5)
                                 or more business days prior to the event and at the time of RSVP.
                                                                                Monday, January 24, 2022            Monday, May 23 2022
            An Orientation to Alternative                                       6:00 pm – 8:00 pm		                 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
            Living Arrangements                                                              Presentations will be held via Zoom

            This orientation is intended for families of regional center clients (of all ages) who are considering moving out of the family
            home into a different kind of living arrangement. We present this session as the first formal step towards that move.
                   In this orientation, we will:
                   ·     Give you information about the options that exist for family members who
                         need or want to move out of the family home.
                   ·     Give you information about what you and your family member can expect
                         when he or she moves into one of these options.
                   ·     Answer any questions you may have about these living arrangements.

                            For further information or to register, please contact Maria Carmen Garibay at (310) 543-0620.
              When registering please provide the name of the client, name of family member attending, name of service coordinator,
                                                       phone number and email address.
                                           The Zoom link will be sent the week before the orientation date.
                            Interpretation services are available upon request by advance reservation only, at least five (5)
                                           or more business days prior to the event and at the time of RSVP.

            SENSORY MILESTONES AND                                                          Saturday, January 27, 2022
            OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY                                                            10:00 am – 11:30 am
                                                                                            This presentation will be held via Zoom
            Presented by Seka Metran, OTR/L
            Just as important as developmental milestones are sensory milestones. Creating a nurturing environment for children to
            improve their sensory processing skills allows them to have a better foundation in learning new skills and exploring the world
            around them. Sensory skills are foundational in many areas of our lives from making new friends, trying out new foods and be-
            ing able to regulate our emotions. Come and learn not only about our five most common senses but be introduced to senses
            you may not formally know (vestibular and proprioception). This class will also go over fun sensory activities for you to try out
            with your child.

                   To pre-register or for more information, please contact Maria Elena Walsh at
                           Interpretation services are available upon request by advance reservation only, at least five (5)
                                          or more business days prior to the event and at the time of RSVP.

                                                                                            Saturday, February 26, 2022
            INCREASING INDEPENDENCE                                                         10:00 am – 11:30 am
                                                                                            This presentation will be held via Zoom

            Presented by Mary Bel Gutierrez, M.S., BCBA, HRC Behavior Analysis Consultant
            The objective of this workshop is to discuss what a prompt is, the different types of prompts, how prompt dependency is cre-
            ated and how to minimize it. Strategies to increase independence that are commonly used in the field will be discussed and
page NINE

            examples of how to apply strategies will also be provided.

                   To pre-register or for more information, please contact Maria Elena Walsh at
                           Interpretation services are available upon request by advance reservation only, at least five (5)
                                          or more business days prior to the event and at the time of RSVP.

Alternatives to Conservatorship                                                 Wednesday, March 2, 2022 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Supported Decision-Making (SDM) is when you use trusted friends, family and professionals to help you understand situations and
choices in your life. It is a way to increase your indepedence. It encourages you and gives you the power to make decisions about
your life as much as posible. SDM is how most adults make daily decisions.
SDM is a model for assisting people with intellectual and other disabilities to make significant decisions about their lives, while
drawing on the support of trusted friends and family. Johnanthony will discuss how supported decision making is used to support
and empower individuals with developmental disabilities.

         DISABILITY RIGHTS CALIFORNIA              This presentation will be held via Zoom
       Presented by Johnanthony Alaimo,            RSVP by calling Grace Paez at (310) 792-4548.
        Clients’ Rights Advocate/Attorney          Interpretation services are available upon request by advance
    In the Office of Clients’ Rights Advocacy      reservation only, at least five (5) or more business days prior
                                                   to the event and at the time of RSVP.

                                                                           Thursday, March 10, 2022      6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
                                                                           This presentation will be held via Zoom.

Presented by Elizabeth Garcia-Moya, Manager of Vendorization and Resource Development
& Brent Fryhoff, Client Services Manager
This presentation offers ideas about the possible options for your adult child or client when looking into day and work programs.
You will have the opportunity to learn about programs that may be new to you and ask HRC professionals direct questions re-
garding the options presented.
                                                                                                                                      page TEN

    If interested in attending or for more information, please      Interpretation services are available upon request by
    contact Geomara Cross at (310) 792-4717                         advance reservation only, at least five (5) or more business
                                                                    days prior to the event and at the time of RSVP.
SAVING MONEY WITHOUT LOSING BENEFITS:                                          Thursday, March 24, 2022      2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
              The ABLE Act and CalABLE                                                       This presentation will be held via Zoom

               Presented by CalABLE and HRC’s Benefits Specialist, this workshop will include the following information:

               • Background: Why ABLE was created                                    • How CalABLE works with Special Needs Trusts
               • Review of the CalABLE program, including how accounts               • Other Benefits (eGifting, Pre-paid Card)
                 work and the eligibility requirements                               • How to open an account
               • An overview of investment options and fees for CalABLE accounts     • Q&A

               For more information or to pre-register please contact          Interpretation services are available upon request by
               Geomara Cross at (310) 792-4717 or by email: geomara.           advance reservation only, at least five (5) or more business
                                                   days prior to the event and at the time of RSVP.

              ACCESSING SERVICES THAT SUPPORT MENTAL                                               Saturday, March 26, 2022
                                                                                                   10:00 am – 11:30 am
                                                                                                   This presentation will be held via Zoom
              Presented by Owen Fudim, Ph.D., HRC Consulting Psychologist

              We will cover the basic tools needed to assemble a comprehensive package of services related to mental health, for your child.
              Topics will include: Children with neurodevelopmental issues typically benefit from a package of services from different types

              of providers? Which services work well in combination? What are some non-mental health services that have mental health
              benefits for our children? Expanding our skills and flexibility in working with different systems of care.

                 To pre-register or for more information, please contact   Interpretation services are available upon request by advance
                 Maria Elena Walsh at        reservation only, at least five (5) or more business days prior to the
                                                                           event and at the time of RSVP.
SOCIAL, RECREATION AND FITNESS                                           Saturday, April 23, 2022             10:00 am – 12:00 pm
OPPORTUNITIES EVENT                                                       This presentation will be held via Zoom.

Presented by Kerry Ryerson, HRC Public Information Specialist
Join us as we discuss a variety of virtual opportunities that HRC clients can participate in from their home. We will explore informa-
tion related to social, recreation and fitness links that could be appropriate for clients of all age groups.

    To pre-register or for more information, please contact         Interpretation services are available upon request by
    Maria Elena Walsh at              advance reservation only, at least five (5) or more business
                                                                    days prior to the event and at the time of RSVP.

LEARNING ABOUT BENEFITS:                     Wednesday, May 18, 2022             3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
                                             This presentation will be held via Zoom.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for
Children and Adults with Developmental Disabilities
Presented by HRC’s Benefits Specialist, this workshop will focus on an important financial support for HRC clients,
Supplemental Security Income, or SSI. The presentation will include information about the SSI program, eligibility criteria
                                                                                                                                         page TWELVE

and benefits. Disability benefits, survivor’s benefits and dependent benefits and their effect on SSI will also be discussed.

 Contact person and phone/email address:         Interpretation services are available upon request by advance reservation
 Geomara Cross (310) 792-4717                    only, at least five (5) or more business days prior to the event and at the time                      of RSVP.
UNDERSTANDING YOUR CHILD’S ADHD AND                                            Saturday, May 21, 2022         10:00 am –11:30 am
                HOW IT RELATES TO DEVELOPMENTAL                                                This presentation will be held via Zoom.

                Presented by Juan Carlos Aguila, Ph.D, HRC Psychologist
                There are few topics that have received as much attention as ADHD in recent years and are still not well understood. The picture
                becomes even murkier when we consider developmental disabilities, especially Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This presenta-
                tion strives to provide a basic understanding of what is known about ADHD, how it is associated with developmental disabilities
                and what treatment considerations are currently available. The presentation itself will focus on attentional problems more so
                than issues related to hyperactivity because of their prevalence in developmental disorders and their pervasive ability to disrupt
                basic life functions. Join us as we together explore the ADHD developmental disorder connection and what you can do about it.

                To pre-register or for more information, please contact           Interpretation services are available upon request by advance
                Maria Elena Walsh at                reservation only, at least five (5) or more business days prior to
                                                                                  the event and at the time of RSVP.

                NEW PARENT SUPPORT                                                          Thursday, June 9, 2022 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
                SPECIALIST TRAINING                                                         This presentation will be held via Zoom
                Presented by Denise Godfrey-Pinn, Ph.D & Maria Elena Walsh, Resource Center Manager
                If you would like to support other parents in situations similar to your own, and are available on an as needed basis to provide
                peer support, we don’t just want you, WE NEED YOU! Your expertise may be just what makes the difference for a new HRC
                parent. Explore your strengths and how you can best use them to support other parents of HRC clients. Harbor Regional Cen-
                ter offers a training that covers topics such as active listening skills, confidentiality, and offering peer support.
                      For more information please contact Maria Elena Walsh at (319) 543-0611 or
                             Interpretation services are available upon request by advance reservation only, at least five (5)
                                            or more business days prior to the event and at the time of RSVP.

                 OPTIONS FOR ADULTS                                                         Saturday, June 25, 2022         10:00 am – 12:00 pm
                                                                                            This presentation will be held via Zoom
                Presented by Elizabeth Garcia-Moya, Manager of Vendorization and ResourceWednesday,
                                                                                         DevelopmentSeptember         Client3:00
                                                                                                               22, 2021
                                                                                                     & Brent Fryhoff,            pm –Manager
                                                                                                                             Services 5:00 pm

                This presentation offers ideas about the possible options for your adult child or client when looking into day and work programs.
                You will have the opportunity to learn about programs that may be new to you and ask HRC professionals direct questions re-
                garding the options presented.

                       To pre-register or for more information, please contact Maria Elena Walsh at
                               Interpretation services are available upon request by advance reservation only, at least five (5)
                                              or more business days prior to the event and at the time of RSVP.
LEARNING ABOUT BENEFITS:                                                  Wednesday, June 29, 2022           3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
 In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS)                                        This presentation will be held via Zoom.

 Presented by HRC’s Benefits Specialist, this workshop will focus on an important in-home support for HRC clients, available
 through the Medi-Cal program and run by Los Angeles County. Learn about IHSS eligibility, how support hours are determined,
 how to prepare for an appointment with your IHSS worker, who may become a certified IHSS provider, and what to do if you do
 not agree with an IHSS decision.

 Contact person and phone/email address:        Interpretation services are available upon request by advance reservation
 Geomara Cross (310) 792-4717                   only, at least five (5) or more business days prior to the event and at the time                     of RSVP.

                                                                         Thursday, April 14, 2022          6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
FINDING A JOB:                                                           This presentation will be held via Zoom
HRC’s Employment Orientation
                                                                                                                                     page FOURTEEN

Are you interested in employment? Join us in learning about the supports that HRC can offer at our Employment Orientation. You’ll
learn about our job preparation courses and the supported employment process which includes working with Department of Re-
habilitation. The Employment Orientation is recommended (not mandatory) in preparation of completing your schooling and/or
entering the workforce for the first time. You and your family will have the opportunity to have your questions answered regarding
the supported employment process.

          If interested in attending or for more information, please contact Maria Carmen Garibay at (310) 543-0620.
                Interpretation services are available upon request by advance reservation only, at least five (5)
                               or more business days prior to the event and at the time of RSVP.
               ¿Su hijo/a tiene comportamientos problemáticos como berrinches, agresividad o desobediencia? ¿Le preocupa la seguridad cuan-
               do sale a la comunidad? ¿Tiene preguntas sobre cómo enseñarle a su hijo/a sobre la pubertad o la sexualidad? ¿No está seguro de
               cómo acceder a los servicios y apoyos para el comportamiento del HRC?
               El HRC ofrece talleres y clases sobre comportamiento que son impartidos por analistas del comportamiento certificados por la
               junta (Board Certified Behavior Analysts, BCBA) que introducen a los cuidadores a los principios del comportamiento y ayudan a
               las familias a aprender cómo enseñar nuevas habilidades mediante el uso de ejemplos prácticos e individualizados. Póngase en
               contacto con su coordinador de servicios del HRC para obtener más información y para inscribirse.
               Debido a la pandemia por COVID-19, las capacitaciones y          Póngase en contacto con su coordinador de servicios para
               eventos se ofrecerán de forma virtual hasta que sea seguro       inscribirse en una clase y solicitar cuidado infantil, si es nece-
               reunirse en grupos. Es importante que siempre se inscriba        sario. El cuidado infantil para las reuniones presenciales y la
               previamente en las clases a las que desee asistir. De este       interpretación están disponibles mediante reserva anticipa-
               modo, podremos proporcionarle información actualizada            da al menos cinco (5) o más días hábiles antes del evento y en
               para su participación.                                           el momento de la confirmación de su asistencia.

                    CLASE             AUDIENCIA             D U R AC I Ó N                                   TEMAS
                                                     Servicios y apoyos para el comportamiento
               Orientación a                                                     • Resumen de los servicios y apoyos para el comportamiento
                                 Cuidadores de todos Sesión única:                 que ofrece el HRC, incluido cómo conseguir el servicio de ABA
               los servicios
               relacionados con  los clientes del HRC 2 horas de duración        • Exposición de las clases y los talleres sobre
               el comportamiento                                                   comportamiento del HRC
                                                                                 • Por qué se producen los berrinches, la agresividad,
               Cómo entender     Cuidadores de todos Seis sesiones una             la desobediencia y otros comportamientos no deseados
               el comportamiento los clientes del HRC vez a la semana:             o inseguros
                                                                                 • Cómo responder a estos comportamientos
                                                      2 horas por sesión         • Cómo reforzar los comportamientos deseados y enseñar
                                                                                   nuevos comportamientos
                                                                                 • Esta presentación de dos horas ayudará a los cuidadores a
               Comprensión de        Cuidadores de todos Sesión única: 2         comprender mejor los reportes preparados por sus proveedores
               los Reportes de       los clientes del HRC horas de duración      de Análisis de Comportamiento Aplicado (ABA), incluyendo por
                                                                                 qué son importantes las FBAs, quién las lleva a cabo, cuáles son
               ABA                                                               los componentes de una FBA y el rollo de los cuidadores en el
                                                                                 desarrollo de servicios
                                                    Rutinas, cuidado personal y desarrollo social
                                                                                 • Preparación del cliente o cuidador para el entrenamiento
               Entrenamiento         Cuidadores de todos Sesión única:
                                                                                   para ir al baño
               para ir al baño       los clientes del HRC 2 horas de duración    • Obstáculos comunes al entrenamiento para ir al baño
                                                                                 • Técnicas para aumentar las prácticas de aseo exitosas,
                                                                                   como la limpieza
                                                                                 • Preparación del cliente o cuidador para los grupos de
               Cómo promover         Cuidadores de todos Sesión única:
                                                                                   habilidades sociales
               las interacciones     los clientes del HRC 2 horas de duración
                                                                                 • Cómo apoyar el éxito del cliente en su participación en un
               sociales                                                            grupo de habilidades sociales
                                                                                 • Cómo apoyar la capacidad del cliente para hacer amigos
                                                                                   y desarrollar relaciones positivas fuera del grupo
                                                                                   de habilidades sociales
                                                                                 • Cómo ayudar a los cuidadores a reducir las indicaciones para
               Cómo aumentar         Cuidadores de todos Sesión única:

               la independencia                                                    que el cliente lleve a cabo tareas y actividades
                                     los clientes del HRC 2 horas de duración
                                                                                 • Cómo crear oportunidades para que el cliente practique
                                                                                   las habilidades de forma más independiente
                                                                                 • Cómo apoyar los esfuerzos del cliente para ser más independiente
                                                                                 • Cómo crear horarios y rutinas
               Cómo usar los         Cuidadores de todos Sesión única:
               apoyos visuales       los clientes del HRC 2 horas de duración • Cómo ofrecer opciones y aumentar la obediencia de
                                                                                   las actividades no preferidas
               Es necesario inscribirse en todas las clases. Póngase en contacto con su coordinador de servicios para inscribirse en una clase.
CLASE           AUDIENCIA                   D U R AC I Ó N                                     TEMAS
                                       Límites, pubertad, desarrollo sexual y seguridad
Orientación a        Cuidadores de                                        • Revisión del programa de la Charla sobre la Pubertad,
la Charla sobre      clientes del HRC                                      desarrollado por Health Connected de conformidad con el
la Pubertad          de 10 a 13 años            Seis sesiones:             Código de Educación del estado de CA (CA Education Code)
(Puberty Talk)       (obligatorio para la       2 horas cada una,          y la Ley de Juventud Saludable del estado de CA (CA Healthy
                     inscripción en la clase)                              Youth Act)
                                                incluida la orientación   • Los cuidadores deben consentir la inscripción del cliente antes
                                                obligatoria a la Charla     de que se le permita asistir a la Charla sobre la Pubertad
                                                sobre la Pubertad         • Establece una base y un lenguaje común para la comunicación
Charla sobre         Clientes del HRC           para los cuidadores
la Pubertad          de 10 a 13 años                                       sobre la salud sexual con los padres/adultos de confianza
                                                                           Incluye el compromiso intencional con los clientes de 10 a
                                                                           13 años y sus adultos de confianza para ayudar a las familias
                                                                           a compartir sus valores con respecto al contenido
                                                                          • Revisión del programa de la Charla sobre la Adolescencia,
Orientación a la     Cuidadores de            Seis sesiones: 2 horas        desarrollado por Health Connected de conformidad con
Charla sobre la      clientes del HRC         cada una, incluida la         el Código de Educación del estado de CA y la Ley de Juventud .
Adolescencia         de 14 a 17 años          orientación obligatoria       Saludable del estado de CA
(Teen Talk)          (obligatorio para la                                 • Los cuidadores deben consentir la inscripción del cliente antes .
                     inscripción en la clase) a la Charla sobre la
                                              Adolescencia para los        de que se le permita asistir a la Charla sobre la Adolescencia
                                              cuidadores                  • Proporciona a los jóvenes de 14 a 17 años la información y
Charla sobre         Clientes del HRC                                       las habilidades que necesitan para tomar decisiones
la Adolescencia      de 14 a 17 años                                        informadas sobre la salud sexual y las relaciones a lo largo
                                                                            de su vida
                                                                          • Incluye el compromiso intencional con los clientes y sus
                                                                            adultos de confianza para ayudar a las familias a compartir
                                                                            sus valores con respecto al contenido

Orientación a        Clientes de                Siete sesiones:           • Revisión del programa de Educación Sexual de Elevatus
la Educación         18 años y más              2 horas cada una,          Período de preguntas y respuestas para clientes y cuidadores       .
Sexual de Elevatus   (opcional para                                        sobre el programa y el formato de instrucción
                                                incluida la orientación
                                                                                                                                              page SIXTEEN

(Elevatus Sexual     los cuidadores)
Education)                                      obligatoria a Eleva-
                                                tus para los clientes
                                                (opcional para los        • Proporciona a los clientes adultos información sobre
Educación            Clientes del HRC
                                                cuidadores)                las relaciones, la identidad, la expresión, la salud y
Sexual de            de 18 años y más                                      los comportamientos sexuales, y la toma de decisiones
                                                                           junto con el uso seguro de los medios sociales

Es necesario inscribirse en todas las clases. Póngase en contacto con su coordinador de servicios para inscribirse en una clase.
                 Orientación para los Padres de Comienzo Temprano
                 Esta serie introductoria de cuatro partes proporciona información y recursos para apoyar mejor a
                 los clientes y familias de Primeros Comienzos.
                           Nueva Orientación Familiar                                         Introducción al Desarrollo Socioemocional

                   1       Miércoles, 5 de enero, 2022
                           Miercoles, 2 de febrero, 2022
                           Miercoles, 2 de marzo, 2022
                                                           10:00 am - 11:00 am
                                                            6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
                                                           10:00 am – 11:00 am
                                                                                       2      Jueves, 13 de enero, 2022
                                                                                              Jueves, 10 de febrero, 2022
                                                                                              Jueves, 10 de marzo, 2022
                                                                                                                            9:30 am – 11:00 am
                                                                                                                            5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
                                                                                                                            9:30 am – 11:00 am
                           Miercoles, 6 de abril, 2022      6:00 pm - 7:00 pm                 Jueves, 14 de abril, 2022     5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
                           Miercoles, 4 de mayo, 2022      10:00 am – 11:00 am                Jueves, 12 de mayo, 2022      9:30 am – 11:00 am
                           Miercoles, 1 de junio, 2022      6:00 pm – 7:00 pm                 Jueves, 9 de junio, 2022      5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

                           Estrategias para la Terapia del Habla y el Lenguaje                Introduccion a la Terapia Ocupacional

                   3                                                                   4
                           Jueves, 20 de enero, 2022        6:00 pm – 7:30 pm                 Jueves, 27 de enero, 2022        10:00 am - 11:30 am
                           Jueves, 17 de febrero, 2022      6:00 pm – 7:30 pm                 Jueves, 24 de febrero, 2022       6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
                           Jueves, 17 de marzo, 2022        6:00 pm – 7:30 pm                 Jueves, 24 de marzo, 2022       10:00 am – 11:30 am
                           Jueves, 21 de abril, 2022         6:00 pm – 7:30 pm                Jueves, 28 de abril, 2022         6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
                           Jueves, 19 de mayo, 2022         6:00 pm – 7:30 pm                 Jueves, 26 de mayo, 2022        10:00 am – 11:30 am
                           Jueves, 16 de junio, 2022        6:00 pm – 7:30 pm                 Jueves, 23 de junio, 2022         6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

                                                                   Las sesiones se ofrecen en Zoom.
                   Por favor preinscríbase para confirmar si este orientación se     La interpretación están disponibles mediante reserva anticipa-
                   llevará a cabo en persona o mediante un seminario web. Por        da al menos cinco (5) o más días hábiles antes del evento y en
                   favor confirme su asistencia a Karina Duran al (310) 543-7980.    el momento de la confirmación de su asistencia.


                   Únase a nosotros para una ceremonia de graduación mientras celebramos
                                                                                                  Viernes, 28 de enero, 2022
                   la transición de su hijo del Programa Early Start a la siguiente fase de sus
                                                                                                  Localización: Oficina de Long Beach
                   vidas. Venga a escuchar a expertos en el campo sobre lo que puede esperar

                   después de que su hijo cumpla tres años. Después de la celebración, tendrá
                   la oportunidad de obtener respuestas a sus preguntas visitando mesas           Primer ceremonia          11:00 am to 1:00 pm
                   de recursos comunitarios que incluyen representantes de varios distritos       Segunda ceremonia         2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
                   Estaremos dos ceremonia una por la mañana y la segunda por la tarde, por favor confirme la hora a la que podrá asistir.

                                  Por favor de confirmar su asistencia poniéndose en contacto con Aurora Estrada 310-543-7969.
Las clases Juntos desde el principio son clases que se ofrecen como clases de apoyo suplementario para todos los clientes de
HRC (desde el nacimiento hasta los 36 meses) y sus familias. Se concentran en áreas específicas de desarrollo e interés, tales
como; Lenguaje, motricidad fina y gruesa, cognición y desarrollo social / emocional. Es posible que cada clase no sea apropi-
ada para todos los niños. El especialista y / o el terapeuta en primera infancia pueden brindar sugerencias sobre qué clase es
la más adecuada para su hijo.
Masaje Infantil (nacimiento-8 meses) :         Mamá/Papá y Yo (12-36 meses):                Pequeñito Habla (18-36 meses):
Esta serie incluye una clase introducto-       Buena primera clase para tratar. El padre    Esta clase trabaja en habilidades previas
ria, luego sesiones semanales durante          y el niño participan en canciones, cuen-     al lenguaje. Los padres aprenderán es-
4 semanas. La serie cubre técnicas de          tos, y actividades que apoyan el desar-      trategias para facilitar la comunicación
masaje para piernas y pies, abdomen,           rollo del lenguaje. Los padres aprenden      de su hijo. Esta clase enfatiza en activi-
pecho, brazos y manos, cara y espalda.                                                      dades del lenguaje tales como, fomentar
                                               estrategias en como apoyar el desarrollo
Los beneficios incluyen: estimulación, re-
                                               de su hijo. (Ofrecido una vece por mes       la imitación de sonidos y gestos, señalar,
lajación, interacción y alivio del malestar.
Es un buen momento para establecer             en-persona)                                  prestar atención. (Ofrecido cuatro ves
lazos afectivos con su bebé. La clase es                                                    por mes en-persona y vía zoom)
facilitada por una instructora certifica-
da de masaje infantil. (Serie ofrecida al      “Crianza Positiva”
menos cuatro veces al año a través de          Técnicas efectivas para los padres de niños de 1 a 5 años de edad
zoom)                                          En cuatro sesiones utilizando el programa ¡1,2,3,4 Padres! ustedes pueden aprender
                                               las técnicas que necesitan para enfrentarse al reto de criar a sus niños de uno a cinco
ENTRENAMIENTO DE INODORO:                      años de edad. A través de estas cuatro sesiones ustedes aprenderán cómo acercarse
(2 años-5 años): En este entrenamiento         más a su niño, las etapas de desarrollo, estilos de crianza, maneras cómo jugar con
aprenderán cómo Identificar el momen-          su niño para estimular el desarrollo y técnicas disciplinarias que no son violentas.
to apropiado para entrenar a su hijo/a         (Ofrecido cuatro ves por año vía zoom)
usar el inodoro, Estrategias sobre cómo
entrenar a su hijo/a usar el inodoro Y Lo
que se debe y no se debe hacer cuando                     Para inscribirse por favor llame a Erica Duran (310) 792-4721
entrenado su hijo/a. (seis veces por año                             o a Hilda Bracamontes (310) 543-0631.
vía zoom)

                                                                                                                                         page EIGHTEEN
                APRENDIENDO SOBRE NUESTROS SERVICIOS: 3 Años y Majores
                Orientación de Nuevas Familias
                Queremos darle la bienvenida al Centro Regional Harbor y asegurarle que estamos aquí para apoyarlos. Esperamos verlos en nuestra
                Orientación de Nuevas Familias para que pueda aprender más sobre nuestro servicios y como los podemos apoyar.
                    Usted puede esperar:                                              Miércoles, 19 de enero, 2022         10:00 am
                    • Aprender como el personal de HRC le ayudara a navegar .         Miércoles, 16 de febrero, 2022       6:00 pm
                     por el Sistema del Centro Regional                               Miércoles, 16 de marzo, 2022         6:00 pm
                    • Aprender que servicios y apoyos de HRC están disponibles .      Miércoles, 20 de abril 2022          10:00 am
                     para ayudarle a usted y a su familia                             Miércoless, 18 de mayo, 2022         6:00 pm
                    • Recibir respuestas sobre HRC, nuestro personal y servicio       Miércoles, 15 de junio, 2022         10:00 am
                                                                                      Las sesiones se ofrecen en Zoom.
                        Debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, se ofrecerán entrenamientos y eventos virtualmente, hasta que sea seguro que nos
                           reunamos en grupos. Es importante preinscribirse siempre para las clases a las que desea asistir. De esa manera,
                                                 podremos proporcionarle información actualizada para participar.
                           Por favor de confirmar su asistencia     La interpretación están disponibles mediante reserva anticipada al
                           poniéndose en contacto con               menos cinco (5) o más días hábiles antes del evento y en el momento
                           Jessica Ponce a (310) 792-4712.          de la confirmación de su asistencia.

                  ORIENTACIÓN A LOS SERVICIOS                           Jueves, Mayo 19, 2022       6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
                  DE EMPLEO                                             Via Zoom

                  Orientación a los Servicios de Empleo es una sesión para proporcionar información sobre los tipos de

                  servicios que ofrece el Centro Regional de Harbor a nuestros clientes adultos que estan interesados en
                  obtener oportunidades de empleo. Hablaremos sobre los diferentes programas de empleo disponible y
                  nuestra colaboración con el Departmento de Rehabilitación.
                  Por favor confirme su asistencia a
                  Maria Carmen Garibay at (310) 543-0620.
                  La interpretación están disponibles mediante reserva anticipada al menos cinco (5) o más días
                  hábiles antes del evento y en el momento de la confirmación de su asistencia
Harbor Regional Center
21231 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance (310) 540-1711
                                                    Artesia Freeway (91 West)
                                                    Take the 91 West to the 110 South and exit Torrance Blvd.,
                                                    make a left. At the first traffic light make a right (Torrance Blvd.)
                                                    Proceed about 5 miles and make a left on Village Lane. Our
                                                    building is on your left hand side across from the restaurants.
                                                    San Diego Freeway (405) Traveling North
                                                    Exit Hawthorne Blvd. and make a left. Proceed about 4 miles
                                                    and make a right on Torrance Blvd. The first traffic light is Village
                                                    Lane, make a left. Our building is on your left hand side across
                                                    from the restaurants.
                                                    San Diego Freeway (405) Traveling South
                                                    Exit Hawthorne Blvd. and make a right. Proceed about 4 miles
                                                    and make a right on Torrance Blvd. The first traffic light is Village
                                                    Lane, make a left. Our building is on your left hand side across
                                                    from the restaurants.

 Harbor Regional Center
 1155 E. San Antonio Drive, Long Beach, Ca. 90807

                                                     San Diego Freeway
                                                     (405) Traveling North
                                                     Exit on Atlantic Avenue. Turn Right on Atlantic Ave.
                                                     and proceed to San Antonio Drive. Turn right on
                                                     San Antonio Drive to 1155 E. San Antonio Dr.
                                                                                                                            page TWENTY

                                                     San Diego Freeway
                                                     (405) Traveling South
                                                     Exit on Atlantic Avenue, turn Left and proceed
                                                     to San Antonio Drive. Turn right on San Antonio Drive
                                                     to 1155 E. San Antonio Dr.
Non-Profit Org.
                                                        U.S. POSTAGE
                                                         Torrance, CA
                                                        Permit No. 28
Harbor Developmental Disabilities Foundation, Inc.
21231 Hawthorne Boulevard, Torrance, California 90503
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