Wood Oaks Junior High - Student Handbook 2013-2014

Page created by Valerie Brown
Wood Oaks Junior High - Student Handbook 2013-2014
Wood Oaks
                          Junior High
                         Student Handbook

Principal: Mr. Rob McElligott
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Cari Beake

                                                                                1250 Sanders Road
                                                                              Northbrook, IL 60062

                                                                         Telephone: 847.272.1900
                                                                                Fax: 847.480.4834
                                                          Activity Hotline: 847.480.4814 ext. 5660


                              THIS BOOK BELONGS TO:





                    To report any student absence, please call 847.480.4814
                      before 7:45 AM and 847.272.1900 after 7:45 AM.
Northbrook School District 27

                                                                                                       Board of Education
                                                                                         Mrs. Debbie Rabishaw, President
   Wood Oaks Junior High                                                                Mrs. Helen Melnick, Vice President
   Mr. Rob McElligott                                                                                         Mr. Ed Feld
   Mrs. Cari Beake, Assistant Principal                                                        Mrs. Laurie Garber-Amram
                                                                                                         Mr. David Nadig
                                                                                                      Dr. Jennifer Warner
                                                                                                     Mrs. Jamie Werhane

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to Wood Oaks! We hope that your years here will be some of the happiest and most
challenging of your life. This handbook has been prepared in order to outline the basic expectations and
responsibilities of students. It also explains school policies, academic programs, discipline procedures,
and citizenship expectations. It has been prepared through a combined effort of parents, students,
teachers, and administrators. Please read it carefully and review the school rules. These rules and
procedures are based upon the following beliefs:

           Self-discipline, which includes being responsible for one's own actions, is an important part of
            good citizenship and an important goal of education.

           Public education is a right of youth; however, it assumes compliance with the laws of the State
            of Illinois and the policy rules and regulations as established by the Board of Education and
            administration of Northbrook School District 27.

           The attainment of good citizenship is a shared responsibility of the school and the home which
            includes parents and students.

If you have any questions concerning this handbook please contact the office. We wish you a successful
and fulfilling school year.


Mr. Rob McElligott                                                         Mrs. Cari Beake
Principal                                                                  Assistant Principal

              Northbrook School District 27 – Wood Oaks Junior High
       1250 Sanders Road ● Northbrook, Illinois 60062 ● (847) 272-1900 ● www.nb27.org


School District 27 Philosophy                               5
     Mission Statement                                 5
     Core Values                                       5
     Key Success Factors                               5
     Wood Oaks Philosophy                              5

School Map                                                  6

Student Schedule                                            7

District Calendar                                           8

Academic Program                                            9
     Grading System                                    9
     Honor Roll                                        9
     Awards                                            10
     Academic Honesty                                  10
     Graduation Requirements                           11
     Academic Progress Reports                         11
     Incomplete Work                                   11
     Homework Guidelines                               11
     Academic Lunch                                    13
     Field Trips                                       13
     Textbooks, Materials, and Other School Property   13
     Assignment Notebooks                              14

Attendance Policies                                         15
     Morning Supervision                               15
     Student Attendance/Absence Policy                 15
     Perfect Attendance                                15
     Absence Policy                                    15
     Extra-Curricular Attendance                       16
     Make-Up and Special Help                          16
     Leaving During the School Day                     16
     Tardiness to School and Late to Class             16
     Hall Passes                                       17

Building Procedures                                         18
     Anti-Bullying Code                                18
     Bags & Backpacks                                  18
     Bicycles                                          19
     Cellular Telephones & Electronic Devices          19
     Change of Address                                 19
     Emergency Health Forms                            19
     Food and Drink                                    19
Gum                                            19
     Inappropriate and Dangerous Materials          19
     Jewelry and Other Valuables                    19
     Lockers                                        20
     Lost & Found                                   20
     Lunches                                        20
     Messages, Notes, and Telephone Calls           20
     Personal Appearances                           20
     Skateboards, Rollerblades, Roller Skates       21
     Visitors                                       21

Extra –Curricular Activities                             22
     Academic Guidelines/Eligibility                22
     Appropriate Behavior                           22
     Participation                                  22
     Physical Examinations                          23

Supportive Services                                      24
     Social Work and Guidance Services              24
     ELL Services                                   24
     Speech & Language Services                     24
     Health Services                                24
     School Psychology Services                     24

Educating students to succeed in a changing world

For students, staff and our community partners, we

* Pursue learning that develops individual growth, potential, and leadership to the fullest of our

* Commit to performance excellence as a learning community;

* Use performance results to honor our accomplishments, determine our needs, and improve learning
experience and achievements;

* Share the responsibility to learn and work in a collaborative environment;

* Adhere to the highest standards and ethical behavior;

* Treat others with respect and value differences.

This statement was developed by a steering committee of parents and teachers and was approved by the
Board of Education in March, 2005.

       Outstanding Student Performance
       Rigorous and Coherent Programs
       Highly Qualified Staff
       Safe, Caring, and Engaged Learning Environment
       Healthy Financial Position

Middle school philosophy is child-centered. It asks teachers to adapt content to the needs of the learner
and to be flexible and sensitive to the interests and abilities of the learner.

Middle school philosophy maintains high expectations while providing support for the learner to be

Middle school philosophy recognizes the uniqueness of the middle level child in order to provide a
quality educational program.

Wood Oaks Junior High Floor Plan

Welcome to Wood Oaks
Student Name__________________________________________________________

     Period            Class           Teacher            Room

    Period 1

    Period 2

    Period 3

    Period 4

    Period 5

    Period 6

    Period 7

    Period 8

    Period 9

    Period 10

Regular Schedule
1st   8:15-8:59
2nd   9:02-9:44
3rd   9:47-10:29
4th   10:32-11:14
5th   11:17-11:52
6th   11:55-12:30
7th   12:33-1:15
8th   1:18-2:00
9th   2:03-2:45
10th 2:48-3:30

Northbrook School District 27
                   School Calendar 2013 – 2014

August      16-20 Teachers’ Institute Days - NO SCHOOL
            21    First Day of School

September 2        Labor Day – NO SCHOOL
          5        District Holiday – NO SCHOOL

October     14     Columbus Day – NO SCHOOL
            17     Parent/Teacher Conferences – NO SCHOOL
            29     End of First Quarter (6th – 8th)

November 1     Professional Development – NO SCHOOL
         11    Veteran’s Day = NO SCHOOL
         19    End of First Trimester (K-5th)
         27-29 Thanksgiving Vacation – NO SCHOOL

December    23     Winter Vacation Begins

January     6      School Resumes
            14     End of Second Quarter (6th -8th)
            20     Martin Luther King’s Birthday – NO SCHOOL
            31     Professional Development – NO SCHOOL

February    17     Presidents’ Day - NO SCHOOL
            20     Parent/Teacher Conferences – NO SCHOOL

March       3      Teachers’ Institute Day – NO SCHOOL
            7      End of Second Trimester (K-5th)
            21     End of Third Quarter (6th – 8th)
            24     Spring Vacation Begins – NO SCHOOL
            31     School Resumes

April       18     District Holiday – NO SCHOOL

May         16     Professional Development – NO SCHOOL
            26     Memorial Day – NO SCHOOL

June        11    Last Day of School*
Includes 5 emergency days. If no emergency days are used, the last day of school will be
June 4, 2014.
Wood Oaks Junior High School is committed to providing each student with opportunities to explore all
academic areas through exciting and enriching courses and to provide guidance for students to extend
their activities and knowledge beyond the classroom.

      The core program includes reading, language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
      Each grade level has groupings in mathematics based upon student performance, test criteria, and
       teacher recommendation.
      The Extended Learning Program (ELP) addresses the areas of reading, language arts, and social
       studies through creative problem solving and higher level thinking skills.
      All students take physical education every day.
      Students may elect to take Spanish, French, or Learning Pathways. Some students may receive
       academic assistance through the resource program instead of taking a foreign language. A
       student may begin study of a foreign language in grades six, seven, or eight.
      All sixth grade students take art, general music, creative dramatics, and technology for one
       quarter each.
      Seventh grade students take art, general music, technology, and health for one quarter each.
      Eighth grade students take art, general music, public speaking, and technology for one quarter
       each or science fair for two quarters.
      All students have an advisory period one day a week.
      All 6th grade students have health class one period a week.

Wood Oaks' grading system is based upon letter grades A, B, C, D, and F issued in all subject areas.
Report cards are issued four times each school year on a quarterly basis. Percentage ranges are used by
teachers. Plus (+) and minus (-) grades are not given. Letter grades report academic achievement.

       A =     90 - 100%
       B =     80 - 89%
       C =     70 - 79%
       D =     60 - 69%
       F =     59% and below
       I =     Incomplete

Band and Orchestra Classes are considered academic classes and are graded using the standard letter
grades and are included in the grade point average. All other elective classes are grades as E = Excellent,
S= Satisfactory, F=Fail and are not included in the overall grade point average.

A quarterly Honor Roll is issued from the principal's office based on the grades submitted by the
teachers when the quarter ends.
Qualifications for the honor roll are:
3.70 - 4.0 Grade point average in all daily subject grades.
No grade below a B.
No incomplete grade in any area.
In order to compute the honor roll: A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C = 2.0, D = 1.0.

Students are recognized in multiple ways at Wood Oaks:
     Students are routinely recognized as part of the Positive Behavior Interventions and Support
        program (PBIS).

       Students can be “Caught Being Good” by any adult in the Wood Oaks community. Students are
        given a postcard recognizing their good deed and receive a token of appreciation from the
        assistant principal.

       Each month students are selected by their teachers to be students of the month. Students earn
        this recognition by consistently demonstrating ROAR – Respect, Ownership, Advocacy,
        Responsibility. These students are celebrated at a monthly luncheon with the principal and
        assistant principal.

       Students in 7th and 8th grade are invited to an end of the year honors breakfast. This is for all
        students that were on the honor roll for the previous 3 marking quarters.

       An awards assembly is held at the end of each school year to honor those students who have
        excelled in special activities and academics, as well as those who have given outstanding service
        to the school.

Students at Wood Oaks are expected to conduct themselves honestly and with integrity in their work.
All forms of cheating and plagiarism are prohibited. Behavior that is unacceptable includes, but is not
limited to:
       Working with others on projects that are meant to be done individually;
       Copying another student's work;
       Looking at or copying another student’s test or quiz answers;
       Allowing another student to look at or copy answers from a test or quiz;
       Using any other method to get/give test or quiz answers;
       Taking a test or quiz in part or in whole to use or to give others;
       Copying information from a source without proper attribution;
       Taking papers or portions of papers from other students, publications, or the
       Having someone other than the student prepare the student’s work; and
       Forging an adult signature.

The Academic Honesty policy will be reviewed with students in each class within the first week of
school. Teachers who discover an act of academic dishonesty by one of their students will take the
following actions:
       1. Discuss the incident with the student,
       2. Assign the student a failing grade for the work,
       3. Notify the child’s parent(s),
       4. Notify the building administration of the action(s) taken.
In cases involving repeated or flagrant offenses, the teacher shall follow the above steps and complete a
Disciplinary Form. Additional appropriate consequences may be assigned at the discretion of the
building administration ranging from detention to suspension.

A policy establishing graduation requirements for all students at Wood Oaks Junior High School has
been approved by the Board of Education which lists the following criteria:

      All students at Wood Oaks must earn at least a "D" as a final year-end grade in all courses prior
       to receiving a diploma.

      The year-end grade is the combined total grade for all four quarters and is entered on the
       permanent record.

      Any student receiving a failing year-end grade in an academic or special subject must retake that
       subject in summer school and raise the grade to a passing grade.

      Any student receiving a failing grade in a special subject of the eighth grade year will be
       required to raise that grade to a passing grade within ten days after the last day of school.

Student progress can be monitored on the parent portal of Infinite Campus. The parent portal will be
open continually for viewing following the first four weeks of school. (The parent portal will close at the
end of the quarter for report card processing). Students performing below a grade of “C” in any subject
area at mid-quarter will receive a communication from the classroom teacher.

All incomplete quarter grades must be made up within two (2) weeks of the start of the next quarter.
Any variation from this policy must be cleared through the office of the principal.

Homework is defined as academically related work assignments given to students by classroom teachers
to be completed beyond regular classroom instruction time. The purpose of homework is to provide
students the opportunity for meaningful practice, application, and extension of acquired knowledge.
Some of the types of assignments your child might be asked to work on at home include daily review
such as worksheets or studying vocabulary; independent reading of a textbook, article, or novel;
completing work started in class such as a science lab; long or short term projects; and studying for tests
and quizzes. Time in the classroom may be given to work on these assignments. Regardless of the form
it takes, homework is an important part of the instructional program which warrants clear
communication between school and home.
Homework Practices
Middle school serves as a bridge between elementary and high school. Our homework assignments
reflect this philosophy.
     Homework assignments shall be determined by the developmental level and instructional needs
         of the students in each grade.
     The complexity and quantity of homework shall be based on the needs of the students as
         determined by the professional judgment of the teaching staff.
     Teachers will assign an average of one to two hours of homework per night. (However, multiple
         factors play a part in how much time your child spends at home. If you find that your child is
         struggling to complete homework in the suggested amount of time, please call your child's
         teacher or team coordinator for assistance.)

Homework Responsibilities
Successful homework completion is the joint responsibility of students, teachers, and parents. The
responsibilities of each party are described below:

Student Responsibilities
      Students are personally responsible for the timely completion of all homework assignments,
       including those missed due to absence from class.
      Students are expected to listen carefully, follow directions for all assignments, and record them
       in their assignment notebooks. Students are responsible for bringing home all necessary
      Students should plan ahead, use time efficiently, and work consistently on long-range
      Assignments should be completed in a distraction-free environment.
      Students should speak with teachers and parents if there is a consistent homework completion
      Each student will be an equal participant in group projects.
      Students are expected to produce quality work which reflects their personal best on all

Teacher Responsibilities
      The scheduling of homework, which includes completing written work and projects and studying
       for tests and quizzes, will be communicated among teachers at each grade level.
      The assigned homework will expand upon class work.
      Teachers will monitor the progress and completion of short and long term homework
       assignments and contact parents when necessary.
      Grade and course level of the students will be taken into consideration when assignments are
      Teachers will guide students in studying independently, organizing their time, and applying
       appropriate study skills.
      Assignments will be thoroughly explained to students.

Parent Responsibilities
      Parents will provide a well-lit, distraction-free study area where the child can comfortably read
       and write.
      Parents will be positive and provide encouragement for their child.
      Parents will monitor homework completion and assist the child with budgeting his or her time as
      Parents will communicate with teachers about concerns regarding homework.
      Parents should encourage their child to take responsibility for keeping track of school materials
       and assignments.
      Parents will participate in assignments designed with interactions between parent and child in
      Parents will help their child manage his or her time and activities in a manner that allows for
       optimal success in school.

Homework over Holidays
Homework is not assigned for completion over District’s Thanksgiving, Winter or Spring Breaks, or on
the “District Holidays” indicated on the District Calendar. If you observe a religious holiday other than
these, please contact your child’s teacher so he/she knows to make accommodations for homework.
Long term projects may be assigned over these breaks if students are also given enough school nights to
complete the assignments adequately.
Homework on Weekends
Teachers may assign the same amount of homework on weekends as they would on one school night.

Group Projects as Homework
When group projects are assigned as homework, students will be given the option of completing the
project independently.

Late Procedures for Homework
Late procedures for homework are to be determined at the teacher's discretion taking into account the
type and weight of the homework and in keeping with the goal of student success.

Homework for Absences
All students will have the option of requesting homework on the first day of absence due to illness if the
parents perceive that this is in the best interests of their child and if the request is made to the school
secretary or automated attendant by 8:30 AM. Most homework assignments are available on-line.
Teachers will provide handouts and other worksheets not available on-line in the main office for pick-up
after school between 3:45-4:30pm.

Academic Lunch provides students with an opportunity to complete homework in a quiet setting during
the lunch period. Teachers may also request students to attend Academic Lunch to make up missed
work, quizzes, and/or tests. In order to maintain an environment that is conducive to study, certain
procedures will be enforced, such as the following:
     Students are expected to arrive on time.
     Students should go to their lockers to get necessary materials before arriving at Academic Lunch.
       Passes will not be issued.
     Students are expected to work individually.
     Students will be expected to stay for the entire period. Students should bring an independent
       reading book in the event that written work is completed.
     Students who are not able to work quietly will be asked to leave.

In addition to the educational benefits, field trips offer the students opportunities for improvement in
self-discipline, self-control, consideration of others, and the experience of learning to behave in a variety
of new situations. Parents are notified of all field trips as to location, time, method of transportation, etc.
A permission slip, signed by the parent, is necessary for participation on all field trips. Field trip
participation is contingent on good citizenship and appropriate behavior. The administration and/or
team members may place a restriction upon a student's participation in an out-of-school activity when
doing so is in the best interest of all students.

When textbooks are issued, students should write their names in ink on the slip in the front of the book.
Books must be turned in at the end of the year or upon withdrawal from school. It is important for
students to understand that fines are levied when textbooks are lost or damaged beyond ordinary wear,
such as torn bindings, damaged covers, ink spots, etc. All fines and fees for damaged or lost textbooks,
materials, equipment, and other school property must be paid promptly.

All students at Wood Oaks Junior High School are required to maintain an assignment notebook. This
notebook is supplied by the school. Replacement copies may be obtained from the school store at a cost
of $8.00. Smaller versions of this handbook are for eighth graders only.

Students who are not involved in before-school activities or do not have a pass from a teacher are not to
enter the building before 7:45 AM. At 7:45 AM, students may request a pass from the supervisor in the
front foyer to go to the Library to study or to the computer lab. Otherwise, 7th and 8th grade students
are to report to the Big Gym while 6th grade students report to the Small Gym. Appropriate supervision
will be provided. Please do not send your child to school prior to 7:55 AM unless arrangements have
been made with a teacher or your child is participating in an activity.

The habit of regular and faithful attendance is a prerequisite to successful school life. Students should
be absent only in cases of illness or emergency. The Board of Education directs the school
administration and staff to enforce, on a consistent basis, all school regulations relative to school
attendance. These regulations shall require that all absences shall be verified by phone by the student's
parents or legal guardian. When a student is ill and will be absent, parents are asked to call the school
office that morning (847-480-4814 or 847- 272-1900) by 7:45 AM to report the absence. Students
absent for 3 or more consecutive days due to illness will be required to submit a written statement from
a physician which includes the diagnosis for the extended absence.

Perfect attendance is defined as when a student does not have any absences or tardies during the course
of the academic school year.

Board of Education policy requires all students to be in full attendance for the entire school day. State
attendance reporting regulations require a student be in attendance 2.5 hours in both the AM and PM or
be reported absent for the respective half day. Students arriving late but within the 2.5 hour limit shall
be considered tardy.

For example:
       1. Student arrives at 9:30 AM.
           attending less than 2.5 hours in AM between 8:15 AM and 12:00 PM
           considered absent half day AM

       2. Student arrives at 9:00 AM.
           attending more than 2.5 hours in AM between 8:15 AM and 12:00 PM
           considered tardy

       3. Student leaves at 2:00 PM.
           attending less than 2.5 hours between 12:00 PM and 3:30 PM
           considered absent half day PM

       4. Student present until 3:05 PM.
           attending more than 2.5 hours in AM and PM
           considered an early dismissal with written parent authorization

Excused Absences - Reasons for an excused absence shall include illness of the student or family
emergency such as a death in the family or a religious holiday. All other absences including weather
and traffic are considered unexcused.

If a student is not in attendance by 9:30 AM or leaves before the end of the school day, he/she will not
be permitted to participate in any extracurricular activities unless special arrangements have been
approved by the administration. If a student does not participate during P.E. due to a medical reason, the
student cannot participate in athletic practices or games on that day.

Arrangements must be made with each teacher in making up work missed as a result of any absence.
The responsibility of completing and submitting the assignments rests solely with the student. When a
student returns from any absence, he/she must turn in work assigned during the absence within a time
frame equal to the number of school days absent if credit is to be received. As an example, if a student
misses three days of school he/she has three days’ time upon returning to school in which to complete all
required work that has been missed.

The following procedures should be followed if it is necessary for a student to leave the school during
the day:
Parents should write a note requesting an early dismissal for a student who needs to leave school during
the day. The note should indicate who will be picking the child up. Before the start of the school day,
the student should bring the note to the school secretary who will issue an early dismissal slip.
The person who is to pick up the child must report to the school office and sign the child out of school.
Parents should not go to a classroom to pick up a student. No teacher may dismiss a child from class
without first receiving an appropriate notice.

Every student must be signed out in the office by a parent, guardian, or person who has been authorized
by the parent before leaving the building with that person.
If a child is to be picked up at school during the time that he/she may be at lunch, the person must sign
the child out in the office and wait for the child to report to the office. Under no circumstances may an
unauthorized adult who is not a staff member approach the lunch area.

There are two major reasons for our emphasis on punctuality: concern over work missed and elimination
of discourteous behavior. A tardy student to school or to class will miss critical instruction. If tardiness
becomes chronic, the missed work may impair the student's academic success. In addition, a student
coming late to school or class distracts both the teacher and the other students.

Students who are late to school are to report to the office for a "tardy slip" before going to class. An
excused tardy to school may be given for any written verification for medical purposes or family
emergencies. Excused tardies will also be given for late buses. Unexcused tardies are defined as all
other reasons including weather and traffic. Students have three minutes to pass from class to class.
They are to be in their proper seats or locker room before the bell rings at the beginning of each class
period. If not, they can expect to be issued a tardy slip. Teachers will use discretion when assigning
tardies. Passes are not issued in the office for being late to class.

If a student receives three unexcused tardies to school or to class during a year, a warning will be issued.
If a student receives 4, 5, or 6 unexcused tardies to school or class, a lunch detention will be assigned.
Students will not be able to read or do any type of work while in lunch detention, but they will be able to
eat their lunch. If a student receives 7, 8, or 9 unexcused tardies to school or class, an after school
detention will be assigned. After school detentions are held between 3:30 – 4:30 PM. Students will be
given an assignment to complete during detention and are not allowed to work on homework. Detentions
will be held in a designated room monitored by a faculty member. Students that receive 10 or more
unexcused tardies to school or class may be given an in-school suspension. Chronic tardiness will result
in a conference with the parent, the student, and a representative of the school and may result in
additional disciplinary action or legal action. Tardies are cumulative over the school year.

A student must have a written hall pass issued by a teacher any time the student is out of any classroom.

Wood Oaks Junior High School is committed to providing each student with a safe and secure
environment where they will feel free to learn and express themselves.
Anti-bullying Code of conduct for all students:
                       FREE OF BULLYING AND HARASSMENT.

You have the right to be treated with respect, kindness and trust.
You have the right to be accepted and included in the Wood Oaks Community.
You have the right to say no, when you are not comfortable with a situation.
You have the right not to have your physical space violated.
You have the right to know that your personal property will not be damaged or taken by your peers.


When an incident of bullying is reported to staff, either electronically, verbally or in writing, the
following steps will be taken to address the issue:
      The bullying form is submitted to the school guidance counselor for review. The guidance
        counselor will meet with the victim and discuss the issue. Possible steps that may be taken
        include--mediation between victim and bully, problem-solving strategies, on-going counseling
        services, and/or a referral to the assistant principal for further processing or disciplinary action.

       If the bullying form is submitted to the assistant principal, possible steps that may be taken
        include--mediation between bully and victim, problem-solving strategies, and/or disciplinary
        consequences for the bully.

       With any reported incident, either the school guidance counselor and/or the assistant principal
        will make arrangements to check-in with the victim within a reasonable time following the
        reported incident to ensure that the situation has been resolved satisfactorily. If it is determined
        that the situation has not been adequately resolved, further action will be taken on the part of the
        guidance counselor and/or the assistant principal to attempt to remedy the situation.

Bags and backpacks that are too large and/or heavy are both a safety and health hazard. The Wood Oaks
policy regarding bags and backpacks in the classroom is as follows:
    1. Students are expected to store materials in their lockers, exchanging out materials 2-3 times
        throughout the day.
    2. Backpacks MUST be small enough to fit easily UNDER the student’s desk.
    3. Students that arrive to class with a backpack too large will be asked to go to their locker and
        reorganize materials so their bag will fit under the desk. This will result in the student getting a
        tardy for that class period.
    4. Students are to leave coats and after school materials in their locker until 3:30PM.
Any student in need of assistance organizing materials or figuring out when the best time to visit their
locker, can work with their homeroom teacher.

Bicycles are considered vehicles of transportation. The following rules, as well as all "Illinois Rules of
the Road," are to be followed:
     Bicycles are to be parked in the assigned area as soon as students arrive at school.
     The bicycle area is off-limits at all times, except when students are parking or leaving the school
     It is recommended that students lock their bicycles with a strong cable and lock and to wear a
     Students are expected to obey all traffic signs and signals.
     Students should never carry a passenger on their bicycles.
     Bicyclists always yield the right-of-way to pedestrians.

Student use of a cellular telephone or any other non-school issues electronic device is not allowed during
the school day. Infractions will result in disciplinary action.

Any student whose home address and/or phone number has changed should immediately report the
change to the Wood Oaks office.

The emergency health form is extremely important since it serves as the school district's primary source
of information. This information is critical when an injury occurs or a student becomes ill at school.
The emergency health form is to be completed and returned to the school nurse by the first day of
school. Any changes should be made as soon as possible.

Food and drink are restricted in the building to lunch, prearranged snack times approved by a teacher, or
other special activities approved by a teacher. Teacher approval of food for special activities requires at
least five days advance notice. BIRTHDAY TREATS ARE NOT ALLOWED AT WOOD OAKS.

Chewing gum during the school day will be left to the discretion of classroom teachers. Students are
expected to follow all teacher directions. Gum is not allowed in either gymnasium at anytime.

Any type of guns, explosives, caps, firecrackers, knives, laser pens, matches and lighters are examples
of materials which must not be brought to school. These materials will be confiscated by school
personnel and disciplinary action will occur.

Parents and students should carefully consider the appropriateness of students attending school with
valuable watches, rings, necklaces, large sums of money, etc. Staff members including coaches will not
assume any liability for such items. Students should not ask staff members to hold such valuables, nor
should staff members be expected to do so. Students should take care to lock all valuables in their hall
or gym locker. Wood Oaks staff will accept no responsibility for student valuables.

Students will be assigned a book/coat locker and a physical education locker. Each student will be
issued a combination lock. Replacement locks can be purchased from the Wood Oaks office for $10.00.
It is the student's responsibility to safeguard his/her locker combinations. Students should keep only
appropriate material in the lockers in accord with the District 27 Rules of Conduct. Lockers may not be
decorated for birthdays. Students are not allowed to have open pop bottles or cans in their lockers.

Lockers are school property and may be entered by faculty members at any time. They may be searched
by school officials with or without the student's permission when the administrators believe an illegal
and/or dangerous substance or anything that would disrupt the educational process may be in the locker.

Any lost and found articles are to be placed in the lost and found box which is located downstairs in the
Commons. Valuables such as jewelry and watches should be brought to the school office; however,
school personnel will not assume responsibility for lost or misplaced valuables.

Wood Oaks does not have a hot lunch program. Students should bring a bag lunch. It is the school
policy that parents do not bring pizza or other foods for students that would create an undue disturbance
in the lunchroom. Students are to report to the Commons immediately at the beginning of the lunch
period with all items they wish to have during that period. Late arrival to the lunch period will result in
a tardy. Lockers, halls, and classrooms are off-limits to students during the lunch period unless students
have a pass from a teacher. Food is to be eaten only in the Commons. If a student has forgotten his/her
lunch it is the student's responsibility to check the lunch cart on the way to the Commons. Students will
not be called out of class to retrieve their lunches.

Wood Oaks staff will do their best to ensure that students receive their messages by 3:30 PM. We will
not interrupt classes to give messages to students. Parents should not call or text a student on their
cellular phone during the school day.

Students are expected to dress appropriately and exercise good personal hygiene in respect to their daily
appearance. School personnel may regulate dress and hair styles when such styles present a health or
safety hazard or disrupt the educational programs. Students will not be allowed to dress in a manner that
is unsafe or allowed to go barefoot. Students are also asked to comply with the following guidelines
with respect to appropriate dress:
        1. Student clothing must cover undergarments and midriffs. Clothing which is
               see-through or too revealing in nature is not allowed.
        2. Tube tops and spaghetti strap tops are not acceptable.
        3. Skirts and shorts should be of a reasonable length. This is defined as mid-thigh in length.
        4. Pants and shorts should fit appropriately and be worn at the hip.
        5. Garments depicting tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs are not permitted.
        6. Garments with messages or symbols that include inappropriate language,
               violence, sexual action or innuendo are not to be worn at school.

If a student fails to comply, he/she will be asked to change clothing or will be sent home to change
clothing. Hats, hoods, or other outdoor clothing (e.g., jackets, coats, etc.) should not be worn in the
building unless it is a designated "hat day" as directed by the school administration.

Skateboards, roller blades, and roller skates are not permitted on school property. Students are not
permitted to enter the parking lot or school grounds on skateboards, roller blades, or roller skates. The
reason for this rule is strictly for the safety of the student. Violation of this rule could result in
disciplinary action.

Parents and other members of the community are welcome to visit Wood Oaks. However, all visitors
are asked to observe the following procedures when they visit:
      All persons who visit the school between 7:45 AM and 3:30 PM must register at the principal's
        office. A daily log which shows the time of arrival and reason for visiting the school will be
        maintained for visitors.
      Badges will be issued to all visitors who visit any area of the school other than the principal's
        office. Badges are provided for visitors in exchange for a driver’s license or other state-issued
        identification. That identification will be kept secure in the office until the visitor checks out
        with an office staff member. At that time, the badge will be exchanged for the visitor’s
      Student visitations from other schools are prohibited. They are only granted under
        extraordinary circumstances and with the advance approval of the principal.

Please do not be offended by these procedures as they are for the safety and welfare of the students.

In keeping with middle school philosophy in developing the unique talents of all students, Wood Oaks
offers a variety of extracurricular activities such as:
        Students Offering Support               Drama Club       Student Council
        Spirit Squad                            Yearbook         Go Green Club
        Debate Club                             Art Club         Instrumental Music
        Foreign Language Clubs                  Honor Choir      Math Club

Wood Oaks Junior High School's administration and teaching staff places a high priority on students'
academic achievement and learning. Academic competency is a prerequisite for participation in any
extracurricular activity, sport, or other related event. Students are expected to maintain a "C" average or
better in all of their classes throughout the duration of the extracurricular activity. If a student's average
in any class drops below the "C" level, he or she will not be permitted to continue in any extracurricular
activity. The suspension will result in full removal from all extracurricular activities or events. For
example, athletes will not be allowed to practice or travel with the team while on academic suspension.
The sponsor/coach, administration, and/or teachers will notify parents and students if a grade drops
below the "C" guideline. Extracurricular activity lists will be checked by the staff every Friday. If a
student's grade falls below a "C" in any class at the end of that week, he or she will not be eligible to
participate in the extracurricular activity for the entire following week, beginning on Monday. This list
will only be checked on Friday and eligibility will be determined on a week by week basis. There shall
be no probationary period. It is the student's responsibility to maintain grades that will enable him or her
to remain eligible for participation each week. Students may continue to try out for any sport or activity,
regardless of their academic status.

Appropriate behavior is expected during all extracurricular activities. Student behavior on the bus, in
the locker room, on the court/field, on the stage, etc., should promote a positive image of Wood Oaks.
Inappropriate behavior will not be accepted or tolerated. All extracurricular activities are extensions of
the school day, so inappropriate behavior during the school day will affect participation in the before
and after-school programs. The school administration will be directly involved in all disciplinary
matters and will ultimately make decisions regarding unacceptable student actions during the school
day. All District 27 due process procedures will be followed as outlined in the Board of Education
Rules of Conduct.

If a student is not in attendance by 9:30 AM or leaves before the end of the school day, he/she will not
be permitted to participate in any extracurricular activities unless special arrangements have been
approved by the administration. If a student does not participate during P.E. due to a medical reason, the
student cannot participate in athletic practices or games on that day.

Students are expected to attend all clinics, tryouts, practices, games, performances, meetings, meets, etc.
Good attendance allows the team/group to reach its full potential.

All students who will be participating in any interscholastic sport are required to have a sports physical
exam by a licensed physician annually. The physical exam is good for only one year from the date of
the exam and must be on file in the nurse's office prior to the first sports clinic or tryout. Wood Oaks
complies with the health and physical examination guidelines established by the Illinois High School

Wood Oaks offers a variety of supportive services to students. Supportive services help students make
the best possible adjustment to school.

These staff members administer tests and interpret test results through individual conferences with
students and/or parents. The social worker and guidance counselor help students to solve problems that
may be affecting their school performance. Students may refer themselves to these staff members or
may be referred by their parents or a teacher.

The ELL specialist provides various types of special instruction programs for students who speak
English as a second language.

The speech and language pathologist works with students to assess, diagnose and treat speech and
language disorders that impact educational achievement. Speech and language disorders can be in the
areas of: articulation and phonology, expressive and receptive language, pragmatics, fluency, and voice.
Depending on the needs of the individual, students receive services individually, in a small group, and/or
within a small classroom. Generalization of skills is monitored through classroom observation.

The school nurse is involved in a variety of functions designed to assist in protecting or improving
student health and to secure information needed to assist the teaching staff in developing school
programs to meet the mental and physical abilities and needs of adolescent students. These functions
are designed to serve the following purposes:

        To counsel students, parents, and staff personnel in health matters.
        To encourage the correction of remediable defects.
        To help prevent or control the spread of communicable diseases.
        To provide emergency care for sick or injured students.
        To provide a vision and hearing screening program.

The school psychologist works with students to assess and determine the need for intervention strategies
to students who have difficulties with learning. This includes difficulties with reading, writing, math,
attention, autism, and other difficulties related to health, behavior and emotional problems. School
psychology services may be accessed through a request to a teacher, the principal, the Special Education
office, or by directly contacting the school psychologist.

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