St. Andrew - MAY 31, 2020 PENTECOST SUNDAY - DELAVAN, WI - Parishes Online
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ST. ANDREW PARISH MASS INTENTIONS 714 East Walworth Ave. Delavan WI 53115 Join us for Mass! RECTORY/PARISH OFFICE Phone.......................262-728-5922 Saturday, May 30, 2020 4:00 pm Robert Morris Sunday, May 31, 2020 9:00 am Richard Derylak OFFICE HOURS 12:00 pm Todos Fieles Vivos & Difuntos de San Andres Monday-Friday8:00 - 4:00 pm 3:00 pm Todos Fieles Vivos & Difuntos de San Andres MASS SCHEDULE 6:00 pm Living & Deceased Members of St. Andrew Saturday .......................... 4:00 pm (St. Patrick: 5:30 pm) NO WEEKDAY MASSES AT THIS TIME Sunday..9:00 am (ASL Interpreted) (St. Patrick: 7:30 am & 10:30 am) Saturday, June 6, 2020 Misa en español ........... 12:00 pm 4:00 pm Chuck Lenz (San Patricio: 1:30 pm) Sunday, June 7, 2020 Weekday ...Tue. 8am & 7pm Misa 9:00 am Bunny Rizzo C. Services .......... Mon. & Sat. 8 am 12:00 pm Todos Fieles Vivos & Difuntos de San Andres CONFESSIONS 3:00 pm Todos Fieles Vivos & Difuntos de San Andres Tuesday 6 pm, St. Andrew 6:00 pm Phyllis Podraza (Friday 6 pm, St. Patrick) Pentecost Sunday - Gospel Reflection Or by Appointment You can feel so small standing by the seashore. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION The vastness of all that is before you expands Monday ........... 8:30 am - 7:00 pm much farther than your eye can see. What is (St. Patrick Thurs: 8:30 am - 6:30 pm) happening on the other side? As tides continue to ebb and flow, what occurs as they come and SACRAMENTS OF HEALING go remains largely a mystery and the effects of (HOME & HOSPITAL VISITS) their presence unknown in your sight. Yet, things Contact Parish Office 728-5922 are moving and changing as you gaze upon the water, as the thumbprint of their presence is left behind. The greater the wind and BAPTISMS wave, the greater the effect. But even a gentle breeze leaves its humble mark upon Contact Sindy M. 723-5565 #115 the seashore on which you stand. The smallest pebble still makes a ripple in the great WEDDINGS blue expanse of ocean waters. It doesn’t need to be big. Contact Kris P. 723-5565 #110 You never know the full impact of your smallest gesture or simplest of words. A yes or no, agree or disagree, here or there, this or that can influence time and history in ways you may never know. The Holy Spirit is like that: fierce and torrential, and then almost still and silent, creating and recreating nonetheless. Coming as a gentle breeze or a gusty wind, God’s Holy Spirit continues to move over, around, and into the waters of our lives. The Spirit brings fruit and unknown possibilities to what we humbly PARISH SUPPORT bring with us and that same Spirit eventually brings all to fulfillment in Christ. Regular Collections 05/24 The first disciples didn’t have much. They possessed simple faith and a willingness to Regular Collection (43) $5,033.00 go into unchartered territory with a love of their friend-God, humble offerings, and a Electronic Donations (38) $3,375.00 knowledge that they were not alone. This allowed them to do amazing things with Offertory $0 very little. Do you believe that you are being led and that you have a purposeful Total $8,408.00 life? We often do not realize our value because we do not think that the little we have is good enough. How wrong we are! A little flour mixed with water and embraced by a prayer of blessing transforms simple offerings into the magnificent THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Eucharistic presence of God. If the Holy Spirit can do such amazing things with these OF ST. ANDREW MINISTRIES humble gifts of the earth, even more can happen with you. Don’t underestimate the Consider using online banking to make value of the smile you gave a stranger, the door held open for an elderly widow, the your monthly contribution. Simply set listening ear offered to one who was lonely, the tolerance given to the wounded soul up a recurring payment of your pledge who is angry, and the loving shoulder you offered as a cradle under the head of amount to St. Andrew as an automatic someone in pain. Modest gifts offered with love can be transformed by the Spirit into bill to pay. wondrous blessings you may never know. It’s Pentecost. Trust. You are not alone. 2 l St. Andrew Parish • Delavan WI
PARISH NEWS An Act of Spiritual Communion My Jesus, I believe that You are PLEASE PRAY FOR… present in the Most Holy Remember in your prayers all parish members and friends who are ill, Sacrament. I love You above all in nursing homes, home-bound or hospitalized. May they continue to things, and I desire to receive You receive the Lord’s blessings. into my soul. Since I cannot at this Christie Maass J. Edward Clair Stephanie Harvey Barbara Ritchie moment receive You sacramentally, Alida Johnson Jane Barry Joe Jedlicka Matthew Burghgraef come at least spiritually into my Carolyn Valent Fr. David Zampino heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit We are a faith community, a family. Remember, you are part of our me to be separated from You. St. Andrew’s family. Please, tell us how can we pray for you. Email Amen. us at or call our prayer line at 262-728-5922. You can use your name or it can be anonymous, but let us pray with you. The power of prayer cannot be overstated. Lord, also hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Scripture for the week of May 31 (Lecturas de la semana 31 de mayo) Welcome back to this your parish, St. Andrew. Sunday: Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl We are blessed to have you here! We thank you 3:1-5/Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-28, 29, 30 [cf. 30]/Rom 8:22-27/Jn for your patients during these new times at the 7:37-39. parish. Extended Vigil: Gn 11:1-9/Ps 33:10-11, 12-13, 14-15/Ex 19:3-8a, 16- 20b/Dn 3:52, 53, 55, 56 [52b] or Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11/Ez 37:1-14/Ps 107:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [1]/Jl 3:1-5/Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-28, 29, 30 [cf. 30]/Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39. Day: Acts 2:1-11/Ps 104:1, 24, 29- 30, 31, 34 [cf. 30]/1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13/Jn 20:19-23 Monday: Gn 3:9-15, 20 or Acts 1:12-14/Ps 87:1-2, 3 and 5, 6-7/Jn 19:25-34 Tuesday: 2 Pt 3:12-15a, 17-18/Ps 90:2, 3-4, 10, 14 and 16 [1]/Mk 12:13-17 Wednesday: 2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12/Ps 123:1b-2ab, 2cdef [1b]/Mk 12:18- 27 Thursday: 2 Tm 2:8-15/Ps 4-5ab, 8-9, 10 and 14 [4]/Mk 12:28-34 Friday: 2 Tm 3:10-17/Ps 119:157, 160, 161, 165, 166, 168 [165a]/ Mk 12:35-37 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:1-8/Ps 71:8-9, 14-15ab, 16-17, 22 [cf. 15ab]/Mk 12:38-44 Next Sunday: Ex 34:4b-6, 8-9/Dn 3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56 [52b]/2 Cor 13:11-13/Jn 3:16-18 You Belong Here To Pray, To Grow, To Serve l 3
PARISH NEWS Don’t forget we have a beautiful Blessing Box located by the “Senior Parking” in our rectory patio!! You may take what you need and leave what you can! No cost, no paperwork necessary, no line forming just a box filled with blessings!! If you would like to donate, please do so by placing food in the bar- rel located in church entrance. You Belong Here To Pray, To Grow, To Serve l 5
El Espíritu Santo, Nuestro SAN ANDRÉS (MINISTERIO HISPANO) “Defensor” Cuando Jesús vivía con sus HISTORIA DEL SANTO ROSARIO (parte 2) discípulos Él era su Paráclito: les apoyaba, les cuidaba, les Siglos XIX y XX. En Lourdes (Francia), en defendía. “Cuando yo estaba con 1858, la Virgen María se aparecería en ellos yo cuidaba en tu nombre a dieciocho ocasiones ante Santa Bernardette los que tú me diste” (Jn.17,12). Soubirous,llamándola al rezo y a la Cuando Cristo se ausenta, el difusión del Rosario. En las apariciones de Espíritu Santo ocupará su lugar. Fátima (Portugal), en 1917, la Virgen Puede afirmarse que lo que fue volvería a aparecerse con el Rosario en sus Jesús para sus discípulos manos y se presentaría como la Virgen del inmediatos eso es el Espíritu Santo Rosario. A los tres niños, testigos de estos hechos, los ya Beatos Jacinto y para la Iglesia. Y la tarea del Francisca, y la monja Carmelita descalza Sor Lucía, fallecida en el mes de Espíritu Santo es hacer de cada febrero de 2006, les recomendó el rezo y su divulgación a favor de la salvación cristiano “otro Cristo”. del mundo. Unos de los Apóstoles más destacados de la promoción del rezo del Cada cristiano está llamado a ser rosario en el corazón del siglo XX fue el norteamericano PadrePatrick Pey- “morada de Dios”. “Templo vivo ton, quien afirmaba que «la familia que reza unida el rosario permanece unida». del Espíritu Santo” y está Realizó numerosas campañas de difusión del Rosario y editó unas películas sobre llamado a difundir esta llama de los misterios del Rosario, que se emitieron en el mundo entero. amor hasta convertir nuestro mundo en una GRAN HOGUERA. «El rosario es mi oración preferida». Ha entrado ya las páginas de la historia FELIZ DIA DE PENTECOSTES!! del Rosario el Papa Juan Pablo II (1978-2005). Poco después de su elección pontificia, el 16 de octubre de 1978, en el corazón del mes de rosario, el Papa Wojtyla afirmó que «el rosario es mi oración preferida». Y son numerosas las imágenes y los testimonios de Juan Pablo II rezando el Rosario. Pero, si lo anterior fuera insuficiente para entrar en la historia del Rosario, el Papa Juan Pablo II dedicada el año 2002-2003 (de octubre a octubre) al Rosario, escribe la bellísima Carta apostólica «El Rosario de la Virgen María» y crea cinco nuevos misterios, los misterios de la luz o luminosos o de la vida pública del Señor, situando rezo semanal para los jueves, reordenando la distribución semanal de los otros misterios: Gozosos, los lunes y los sábados; dolorosos, los martes y los viernes; gloriosos, los miércoles y los domingos; y luminosos, los jueves. Siglos XIX y XX. En Lourdes (Francia), en 1858, la Virgen María se aparecería en dieciocho ocasiones ante Santa Bernardette Soubirous,llamándola al rezo y a la difusión del Rosario. En las apariciones de Fátima (Portugal), en 1917, la Virgen volvería a aparecerse con el Rosario en sus manos y se presentaría como Oración del Papa Francisco en la Virgen del Rosario. A los tres niños, testigos de estos hechos, los ya época de Pandemia Beatos Jacinto y Francisca, y la monja Carmelita descalza Sor Lucía, fallecida en “Oh María, tú resplandeces el mes de febrero de 2006, les recomendó el rezo y su divulgación a favor de la siempre en nuestro camino como salvación del mundo. Unos de los Apóstoles más destacados de la promoción del rezo del signo de salvación y de rosario en el corazón del siglo XX fue el norteamericano Padre Patrick esperanza. Nosotros nos confiamos Peyton, quien afirmaba que «la familia que reza unida el rosario permanece a ti, Salud de los enfermos, que unida». Realizó numerosas campañas de difusión del Rosario y editó unas bajo la cruz estuviste asociada al películas sobre los misterios del Rosario, que se emitieron en el mundo entero. dolor de Jesús, manteniendo firme tu fe. Bajo tu protección buscamos refugio, Santa Madre de Dios. No desprecies nuestras súplicas que estamos en la prueba y libéranos de todo pecado, o Virgen gloriosa y bendita”. Amen. 6 l St. Andrew Parish • Delavan WI
PARISH DIRECTORY— ST. ANDREW OFFICE 262-728-5922 CLERGY PARISH COUNCIL Rev. Oriol Regales, Pastor ……..…….………. Paul Schmelzer, Chair………… Rev. Jose Zapata, Associate…… Jackie O'Neill, Vice Chair & School Advisory Deacon Phil Kilkenny……………….…….……...(262) 903-4263 Lauren Bandler, Secretary PARISH OFFICE Patty Brahm, Faith Formation DAS, Becky Baker………………… Oscar Rodriguez, Arturo Soto & Laura Ortiz, Hispanic Ministry DRE, Ray Henderson………..……… Kathleen Kilkenny & Allison Woss, Parish Life, Deaf Ministry, Jennifer Paul….… Kyle Janssen (youth) & Eli Stickney (youth) Stewardship, Shelley Koch……… TRUSTEES Parish Accountant, Ann Paulsen… Tom Bertrand ………… …………………..262-728-2510 Min. Hisp.,Sr.Monica Semper, Mfj- Greg Kostechka ……………………………262-728-9751 Bulletin, Sindy Morales ….………..… Finance Council Debra Alder (Chair) ……………………..262-728-5215 PARISH SCHOOL Fran Schmidt, Tim O’Grady, Albert Zambito, Dan Hartogh, Principal, Randy Green…..… Mike Heindselman School Office, Jacki & Mirium………..………………...728-6211 LAKE GENEVA BABCOCK ORAL & Services REAL MAXILLOFACIAL • Snow Plowing • Landscaping ESTATE Chimney Repair SURGERY, LTD. • Topsoil • Mulch SALES, INC. Masonry Repair • Gravel • Sand Sorgs Packing, Inc. Tuckpointing 312 Center Street FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED 24 Years web: Lake Geneva, WI 53147 Contact Ken at Darien, WI 53114 262-820-3030 262-949-5154 • 262-742-5380 (262) 724-5554 (262) 724-3364 262-248-8766 (262) 728-5382 Korey’s CLAIR LAW Everyone has Auto Kare J. EDWARD CLAIR (Retired) ED THOMPSON a role to play in Korey Kuehni, Owner CHARLES W. POLLARD IV ADAM J. JOHNSON 262-728-2886 Hours: Mon-Fri 8a.m.-5p.m. Delavan, WI. preventing 416 S. 7th St. Delavan, WI 53115 728-9196 child abuse! HUNTER’S SERVICE 235 S. 7th St., Delavan, WI Call the TOM PURCELL 262-728-5788 Parkside Village Tune ups Exhausts CAP Fund Senior Apartments Lifetime Mufflers & Brakes Large Range Passenger Tires 317 S. Main St. Delavan Automatic Transmission Service Contact Ruth at 262/728-9948 24 Hour Towing: Purcell’s (262-728-9522) 414-266-6300 BIGELOW SEYMOUR KREMER KOCH LLP Lake Geneva Pie Co. Pies • Soups LANDSCAPING LLC Parishioners Sandwiches • Quiche Attorneys At Law Complete Service Company 150 E. Geneva Square 23 N. Wisconsin Street Elkhorn, WI 53121-0470 262-882-5038 262-723-5003 Open Mon - Sat. Closed Sundays Just Talk To Mr Big (262) 248-5100 Leticia Nuñez LOANS TO FIT YOUR NEEDS Ketterhagen Memorials The flexibility you need and the cash you want. Sales Associate • Loans from approximately $175 to $7,150* 415 Getzen St. • Elkhorn, WI Cell: 262.515.4075 Email: • Affordable repayment terms • Most loans are approved within one hour 5506 State Road 11 262-723-7784 PARA LA COMPRA Y • Professional Tax Preparation Elkhorn, WI 53121 VENTA DE SU CASA • Referral incentives (as allowed by applicable state law) Hableme, estoy para servirles *All loans subject to our usual credit underwriting policies. (262) 723-3291 “Cremation Services” Open Tues & Thur 9am - 4pm Lake Geneva Office Bobby Betzer - Parish Member Custom Design & Installation • Experienced • Honest 623 Main St. 218 E Walworth Ave • Delavan, WI 53115 Grave Stones & Engraving • Professional • Affordable Lake Geneva, WI 53147 (262) 728-0735 | Burlington - Elkhorn 262-949-8989 Specializing in Domestic Fax: 262.782.5307 Apply by visiting, calling the branch above or by EHO starting your application online at and Foreign Auto Repair For ad info. call at 1-800-950-9952 • St. Andrew, Delavan, WI B 4C 01-0474
A.O Bauer Glass, Inc. Serving SE 905 East Geneva Street Wisconsin Delavan, WI 53115 • Complete Graphic Design & Pre-Press Services 262-728-2638 Since 1958 Tel: 262-728-6319 • Professional Full Color Fax: 262-728-6693 Printing & Bindery Services • Digital Color Copies 1414 E. Geneva Street 262-728-4262 Leslie Roanhouse, Market Liaison 903 E Geneva St. • Delavan Cell: 262-374-2514 Delavan, WI 53115 309 Wright Street • Delevan, WI 53115 Check us out on Facebook John Callahan RIDGESTONE THE FARMSTEAD Lonze & Johnny ASSISTED on the Spot LIVING COMMUNITIES Associates Custom Painting • All Phases Delavan Elkhorn Insurance Interior & Exterior (262) 728-2960 (262) 743-2960 N5109 County P • Delavan WI RONALD A. LONZE Quality Work & Customer Satisfaction Parishioner Free Estimates • Insured Family and Locally Owned (608) 393-4024 POWER WASHING 125 N. Second S The Gardens at RidgeStone CBRF/ Delavan, WI 53115 (262) 374-1736 we also offer Memory Care "HOST YOUR SPECIAL EVENT AT THE FARMSTEAD" (262) 728-6540 “Come Experience RidgeStone” - Parish Member - 262-728-2682 Our Local Catholic Schools: Bloomfield — TIRE & AUTO — Saint Francis, Lake Geneva Your One Stop Local Shop Complete Tire Service & Auto Repair Saint Andrew, Delavan P L AY • L E A R N • G R O W 3 Year Old Preschool • 4 Year Old Kindergarten N1238 Park Rd. Saint Joseph, Harvard Privately Owned Pre-School• State Licensed Facility Qualified Licensed Staff Members Genoa City, WI 53128 Accepting Children Ages Three to Five 115 S. 7th Street (262) 279-3707 Faith in every student. Call Sue Lefel at 728-5288 Depot Lane Storage "Proud to 2 locations within the work for you." City of Elkhorn Sizes from 5x10 to 10x40 Self storage units, 24 hour access Michael Gasser Parish Member Competitive rates mgasser@keeferealestate call 262-723-7000 608-393-4024 Water Softeners Iron Filters Salt & Water Delivery Contact Rich Clark to place an ad today! Delavan (262) 728-4474 or (800) 950-9952 x2571 St. Andrew Parish For ad info. call at 1-800-950-9952 • St. Andrew, Delavan, WI A 4C 01-0474
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