Intertidal and subtidal macroinfauna in the Queule River Estuary, South of Chile
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Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 58:127-137,1985 Intertidal and subtidal macroinfauna in the Queule River Estuary, South of Chile Macroinfauna intermareal y submareal en el Estuario del Rio Queule, Sur de Chile EDUARDO JARAMILLO, SANDOR MULSOW and RENE NAVARRO Instituto de Zoologta, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Austral de Chile. Casilla 56 7, Valdivia, Chile ABSTRACT An intertidal and subtidal survey of the soft bottom macroinfauna was conducted in the Queule River Estuary (South of Chile) during January 1981. Samples of 0.0225 m2 were taken from two transects, one located outside the mouth of the estuary (transect A), the other one in the upper part of the estuary (transect B). The sedimentological analyses showed sandy bottoms at both transects, with the content of organic matter being higher in transect B. One way analyses of variance showed that the values of most of the sedimentary parameters (sorting and sand, mud and organic matter percentages) were not significantly different between the intertidal and subtidal zones of transect A. At transect B, significant differences were shown for the values of all the parameters, except for the organic matter content. The ordination of stations by Principal Component Analysis showed results consistent with those obtained by one way analysis of variance. A total of 23 and 21 taxa were obtained from transects A and B, respectively. In both, peracarid crustacea were the most diverse group. At transect A, density and diversity (Shannon-Weaver Index) increased significantly from intertidal to subtidal levels, but not at transect B. At transect A, low tide level separates an intertidal from a subtidal assemblage, while in B separate assemblages were not detected. These results are discussed in relation to feeding types and sedimentological conditions prevalent at both transects. The zonation schemes obtained in this study are compared with those mentioned for other estuarine or sheltered marine beaches adjacent to the Queule River Estuary. Key words: transects, sediments, zonation, benthic fauna. RESUMEN En enero de 1981 se muestreo Ia macroinfauna intermareal y submareal del Estuario del Rio Queule (Sur de Chile). Las muestras (0,0225 m 2 ) se obtuvieron en dos transecciones, una localizada al exterior de Ia boca del estuario (transec- ciyn A), Ia otra en Ia parte superior del mismo (transeccion B). Los analisis granulometricos muestran que am bas ireas estin constituidas por sedimentos arenosos, siendo mayor el contenido de materia orginica en B. Los resultados de los aniOisis de varianza de una via muestran que los valores de Ia mayoria de los parimetrRs sedimentologicos (sorteo y porcentajes de arena, fango y contenido de materia orginica) no fueron significativamente diferentes entre Ia zona in- termareal y submareal de Ia transeccion A. En B, tales analisis muestran diferencias significativas en los valores de todos los parimetrRs, con excepcion del contenido de materia orginica. La ordenacion de las estaciones producida por el Analisis de Componentes Principales muestra resultados consistentes con los obtenidos en los analisis de varianza. En total se colectaron 23 y 21 taxa respectivamente (transecciones A y B). En ambas transecciones, Peracarida (Crustacea) fue el grupo mis diverso. En Ia transeccion A Ia densidad y diversidad (lndice de Shannon-Weaver) aumen- tan significativamente desde Ia zona intermareal a submareal, pero no en B. En Ia transeccion A el nivel de marea baja separa un conjunto faunistico intermareal de otro submareal, a Ia vez que en B nose detectaron conjuntos separados. Estos resultados se discuten en relacion a modalidades alimentarias y condiciones sedimentologicas prevalentes en am- bas transecciones. Los esquemas de zonacion obtenidos en este estudio se comparan con aquellos mencionados para otras playas estuariales o marinas protegidas adyacentes a! Estuario del Rio Queule. Palabras claves: transecciones, sedimentos, zonacion, fauna bentonica. INTRODUCTION Chilean littoral (37-41 S). Studies on the estuarine geological setting and sedimento- Until recently, very little was known of logical facies were reported by Pino and the estuarine soft bottom environment, Mulsow (1983). The intertidal estuarine representing one of the most typical fea- macroinfauna was studied by Bertran tures of the central south area of the (1983) in the Lingue River Estuary and (Recibido el 7 de octubre de 1984. Aceptado el16 de septiembre de 1985 .)
128 JARAMILLO ET AL. by Turner (1984) in the Queule River Es- The Study Area tuary. More recently, the subtidal macro- The Queule River Estuary is located infauna has been analyzed by Jaramillo in the south part of Queule Bay (39°24'S, et al. (1984, in press) and Bravo (1984). 73013'W) (Fig. 1). Transect areas chosen Bravo (1984) has also described the subtid- for this study were located on the south al community from shallow waters of side of the estuary. One of them (A) was Queule Bay, close to the outlet of the located outside the mouth of the estuary, Queule River Estuary. Until now however, the other (B) in the upper part of the there has been no attempt to describe estuary (Fig. 1). Unpublished data, indicate coincidentally a broad or general scheme that the bottom water temperature ranged of community structure for both the from 1oo to 14.50C in the area adjacent intertidal and subtidal zones. to transect A, while the values of salinity This study was planned for the Queule varied between 25.4 and 35.2°/oo (October River Estuary to find answers to the 1980 to April 1981). No significant diffe- following main questions: (1) Are there rences were detected between high and tidal patterns of density and diversity low tides. In the upper part of the estuary, in different intertidal and subtidal areas the bottom water temperature ranged of the estuary? (2) Can distinct intertidal from 10.0 to 16.80C at high tide (mean = and subtidal assemblages be detected? 12.50C) and between 9.4 and 21.ooc To answer these questions, the intertidal at low tide (mean = 14.6°C). Bottom and subtidal zones were sampled in two water salinity ranged from 0.1 to 31.6/oo transects located in areas sufficiently at high tide (mean = 23 .0Å) and between separated so as to cover the widest possible 0.1 to 18.0Å at low tide (mean = 6.2/oo) range of environmental conditions. March 1980 to February 1982). Fig. 1: Queule River Estuary. Location of transects A and B in the area of study. Estuario del Rio Queule. Ubicaci6n de las transecciones A y Ben el irea de estudio. MATERIAL AND METHODS 5 em. The same number of replicates was obtained in the subtidal zone by using an The intertidal and subtidal macroinfauna Emery grab. A sixth sample for sedimento- was sampled during January 1981. Stations logical analyses (percentage of gravel, were ordered on a perpendicular transect sand, mud, organic matter content, mean in relation to low tide line, 5 meters apart size and sorting) was obtained at each in the intertidal and 1 meter depth apart station. For mean size and sorting McBri- in the subtidal zone. de's ( 1971) method of moments was used. Five replicates of 0.0225 m 2 area were The organic matter content was calculated obtained at each of the intertidal stations as the loss in weight of dried sediment using a brass bucket buried to a depth of (60C, 96h) after combustion (550°C,
MACROINFAUNA IN A CHILEAN ESTUARY 129 6h). Comparison of sedimentological va- and subtidal zone were carried out with riables between intertidal (including low the Wilcoxon Test (Wilcoxon U test, tide level) and subtidal zones at each Sokal & Rohlf 1979). The biocenotic transect was accomplished by using a similarity between pairs of stations was one-way analysis of variance (Sokal & calculated with Winer's Index (Saiz 1980). Rohlf 1979). The values of sedimentologic- The similarity values were used for Cluster al variables from each station were used Analysis. A dendrogram was obtained for Principal Component Analysis to group after the Weighed Pair Group Method samples with similar bottom characteristics. (Sokal & Sneath 1973). The program For this purpose, the program 4M-BMDP- ACOM, elaborated in Basic Language 79 (University of California Press, Ber- by Navarro ( 1984 ), was used for the di- keley) was used. versity and similarity indices. The former Samples for macroinfauna were sieved analyses, beside the Principal Component (0.5 mm net), preserved with I , buffered Analysis were perfomed on a DECSYS- formalin, identified and counted. Compa- TEM-2020 computer at the Centro de risons of the total density per m 2 between Informatica y Computaci6n, Universidad the intertidal and subtidal zones of each Austral de Chile. transect were made by using a one-way analysis of variance. The mean data of RESULTS specific abundance were used for calcula- tions of indices of diversity and similarity. The bottom Diversity was analyzed by using the Shan- The sedimentological analyses indicate that non-Wearer Index according to Brower sand was the dominant fraction in both & Zar ( 1977). Comparisons of the mean transects, intertidal and subtidal zones diversity values between the intertidal (Table I). Mean size values were in the TABLE 1 Queule River Estuary. Sedimentary parameters from the stations at transects A and B. 1 For the intertidal zone the reference is according to methodology of Emery (1961). ð = -log2 of particle diameter in mm. +low tide level. Estuario del Rio Queule. Parimetros sedimentologicos en las estaciones de las transecciones A y B. 1 Para Ia zona intermarealla referenda es seg~n metodologia de Emery (1961). = -log2 del diimetro de Ia particula en mm. + nivel de marea baja. st. tidal reference mean phi phi of sorting gravel sand mud organic matter incm A 1 184 2.13 99.99 1.48 2 146 2.13 99.99 3 2.12 99.99 4 1.95 99.97 5 34 1.88 99.98 +6 1.73 99.98 7 1.73 99.99 8 1.53 99.75 9 1.57 99.93 1.83 99.99 1.89 11 1.95 99.78 B 1 1.33 99.99 3.62 2 62 99.99 3 45 1.68 99.97 4.71 4 25 1.77 99.98 1.91 +5 1.25 99.96 1.64 6 1.98 1.29 85.52 14.44 7 1.77 1.52 91.35 8.11 2.55 8 94.29 5.57 7.71 9 1.73 1.25 92.69 6.49 2.29 1.75 1.31 4.54 89.98 5.48 1.48
130 JARAMILLO ET AL. range of medium sand (1-2 or 250-500 significant differences were detected in microns), except for some upper intertidal values of mean size, sorting and percentages levels of transect A and one subtidal level of sand and mud, but not in the organic from B, corresponding to fine sand (2-3 matter content. or 125-250 microns) (after Folk 1974 ). In the Principal Component Analysis, In general, stations of transect A were the first two components accounted in the range of well sorted (0.35-0.50 ) for (I:60.3; II:20.3) of the total or moderately well sorted sediments variance in the correlation matrix obtained (0.50-0.70 while stations of B were for transect A. In component I, percentages moderately sorted (0.70-1.0 or poorly of sand and mud have the major load, sorted (1.0-2.0 (after Folk, 1974). while in component II, the organic matter Only in subtidal levels of transect B (poorly content has the major load. Ordination sorted) were detected particles larger of stations as projections on the first two than 2,000 microns, which were represent- components (Fig. 2) shows no clear sepa- ing broken shells of the barnacle Elminius ration between intertidal and subtidal kingii, an inhabitant of intertidal and sub- levels. In transect B, the first two compo- tidal hard bottoms (sandstone) of the nents accounted for (I: 53.2, II: upper part of the estuary. 28.3) of the total variance. As in transect One way analysis of variance test indi- A, sand and mud percentages have the ma- cates that mean size was significantly jor load in component I and the organic different (P < 0.05) between intertidal matter content in component II. Ordina- and subtidal zones in transect A, but not tion of stations over these two components sorting or percentages of sand, mud and (Fig. 3) show a clear gap between intertidal organic matter content. In transect B, and subtidal levels. 1 11 2 8 2 3 9 4 6 7 5 intertidal stations subtidal stations Fig. 2: Queule River Estuary. Principal component ordination of sedimentological samples from transect A. I. first Principal Component. II. second Principal Component. Estuario del Rio Queule. Ordenaciyn de las muestras sedimentologicas de Ia transecci6n A, seg~n el aniOisis de Compo- nentes Principales. 1: primer Componente Principal, II: segundo Componente Principal.
MACROINFAUNA IN A CHILEAN ESTUARY 131 ® 6 3 . . I 1 7 2 9 5 - intertidal stations subtidal stations Fig. 3: Queule River Estuary. Principal Compo- Estuario del Rio Queule. Ordenaciyn de las muestras nent ordination of sedimentological samples from sedimentologicas de Ia transeccion B, seg~n el aniOLsis de Componentes Principales. I: primer Componente Prin- transect B. 1: first Principal Component. II: second cipal, II: segundo Componente Principal. Principal Component.
132 JARAMILLO ET AL. The macroinfauna low tide level (Table 2). In transect B, Twenty-three and 21 taxa were counted high values of density were found in both from transects A and B, respectively. zones, with the low tide level station show- In both transects, Peracarid crustaceans ing the highest value (Table 2). One-way (isopods, amphipods, cumaceans) were the analysis of variance indicates significant most diverse group with 13 and 11 species differences (P < 0.05) between the inter- respectively. Macroinfauna density increas- tidal and subtidal zones of A (excluding ed in transect A from intertidal to subtidal low tide level from the analysis because stations, with the highest value found at of its high density), but not in B. TABLE 2 Queule River Estuary. Macroinfaunal density, number of species and diversity per station at transects A and B.+ low tide level. Estuario del Rio Queule. Densidad de la macroinfauna, numero de especies y diversidad en cada estacion de las transecciones A y B. +nivel de marea baja. transect A 2 3 4 5 +6 7 8 9 11 density per m2 32 96 16 128 296 6,368 424 944 952 752 528 number of species 2 1 1 3 8 9 13 14 11 diversity index 1.2 2.4 2.8 3.2 2.4 2.3 transect B 2 3 4 +5 6 7 8 9 density per m2 16 288 37,472 11,584 number of species 7 9 8 8 9 9 7 7 9 diversity index 2.6 1.6 1.1 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.7 In transect A, there was a tendency of species (12 out of 21 taxa), while poly- increasing number of species and diversity chaetes (Hemipodus sp., Glyceridae) were from low intertidal to subtidal levels, while the most abundant organisms in the subtid- in transect B . the number of species and al faunal assemblage. This distinct break values of diversity were similar in both between intertidal and subtidal assemblages levels (Table 2). Significant differences is also shown by the dendrogram produced of diversity on both levels < with Winer's Index (Fig. 6). Intertidal and Wilcoxon test) were found only in subtidal stations are arranged in two transect A. In this transect, intertidal distinct groups linked at a very low value stations 2, 3 and 4 have a 0 diversity of similarity (0.08). Station 6 (the low value, due to the presence of only one tide level) is not included in any of the species, the isopod Excirolana hirsuticau- two groups because of its high abundance da (Fig. 4 ). A similar situation was detected (given by Euzonus sp. and the bivalve in the high intertidal of transect B (station Mesodesma donacium) in relation to the 1) where a single species was collected, the other intertidal or subtidal stations. dipterous Limonia sp. In transect A, the low tide level clearly In transect B (Fig. 5), on the other separated an intertidal faunal assemblage hand, there is no marked faunal break from a subtidal one (Fig. 4). Cirolanid between the intertidal and subtidal zones. isopods (Excirolana hirsuticauda and Exci- Three of the most abundant species (Mi- rolana monodi) were the most characte- nuspio chilensis, Spionidae; Perinereis gual- ristic taxa of upper and middle intertidal, pensis, Nereidae (Polychaeta) and Paraco- while the polychaete Euzonus sp. (Ophe- rophium chilensis Corophiidae (Amphi- liidae) was the most abundant species at poda)) inhabited both zones and showed the lower intertidal. Peracarids were the their highest abundance in the upper levels organisms with the highest number of of their distribution (Fig. 5). Other taxa,
MACROINFAUNA IN A CHILEAN ESTUARY 133 A Excirolana hirsuticauda (I) Excirolana monodi (I) Euzonus s p. ( P) donacium ( 8) - - ChHXV sp. (A) Macrochiridothea mehuinensis (I) Polychaeta A ( P) EdoWea dahli ( I ) Phoxocephalopsis mehuinensis (A) magellanicus (A) Mulinia (B) sp. ( P ) NephWys impressa ( P) lsopoda sp. (I ) ChaetiOia paucidens (I ) Sera/is gaudichaudii (I J Polychaeta 8 ( P) Polychaeta C ( P) Oedicerotidae sp. (A) Diaslylis s p. ( C ) Boccardia sp. ( P) Gammaridae A (A) Gammaridae 8 (A) LT l l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 stat ions Fig. 4: Queule River Estuary. Transversal distri- Estuario del Rto Queule. Distribucion transversal de Ia bution of the macroinfauna at transect A: (I) macroinfauna en Ia transeccion A: (I) lsopoda, (A) Anfipoda, (C) Cumacea, (B) Bivalvia y (P) Polichaeta. Isopoda, (A) Amphipoda, (C) Cumacea, (B) LT: nivel de marea baja. Escala: numero de animales por Bivalvia and (P) Polychaeta. LT: low tide level. m2. Scale: number of animals per m2 .
134 JARAMILLO ET AL. B Anlocha sp.( In l Staphyllinidae sp. (In l Limonia (In) Collembola sp.(ln) i lsopoda sp. (I) Exciro/ana hirsulicauda (I) Paracorophium (A) sp. (A ) Corophidae sp.(A) gua/pensis ( P) Minuspio chi/ensis ( P) sp. sp.(P) Mulinia edu/is ( B) Kingie/la chilenica (8) Ostracoda sp sp. (A) dicerotidae sp. (A) Gammaridae C (A) Gammaridae (A ) Gamm aridae E (A) LT ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 stations FIG. 5: Queule River Estuary. Transversal distri- Estuario del Rio Queule. Distribucion transversal de Ia bution of the macroinfauna at transect B: (I) macroinfauna en Ia transeccion B: (I) Isopoda, (A) Anfipoda, (C) Cumacea, (B) Bivalvia y (P) Polichaeta. lsopoda, (A) Amphipoda, (B) LT: nivel de marea baja. Escala: numero de animales Bivalvia and (P) Polychaeta. LT: low tide level. por m2. Scale: number of animals perm 2 .
MACROINFAUNA IN A CHILEAN ESTUARY 135 such as the bivalve Kingiella chilenica, stations, including both intertidal and and one species of Capitellidae (Polychae- subtidal levels and linked at a value of ta), also occupied intertidal and subtidal 0.51. Station 1, with only one species levels (Fig. 5). The dendrogram for this (Limonia sp.) is separated from the rest transect (Fig. 6) shows two groups of of the stations. ® + + 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 8 11 6 1 3 2 6 7 8 9 5 4 Sw o.5 intertidal stations + low tide level subtidal stations Fig. 6: Queule River Estuary. Dendrograms of transects A and B and produced by weighed pair group method with Winer's Similarity Index. Estuario del Rto Queule. Dendrograma de las transecciones A y B producidos por el pair group y basado en el Indice de Similitud de Winer. The distribution and abundance of the soft bottom macroinfauna has been related Results show a distinct difference in com- to the quality of the substrate (see reviews munity structure of intertidal and subtidal from Gray 1974, 1981). In this study, zones near the mouth of the Queule River the species discontinuity between the Estuary, while in the upper estuary, many intertidal and subtidal zones of transect of the numerically dominant species A, was not correlated to sedimentary (Minuspio chilensis, Perinereis gualpensis parameters whose values did not show and Paracorophium chilensis) were found significant differences between both zones. in both zones. Persistent abundances of The latter situation was also reflected in those species, together with similar di- the results of the Principal Component versity values through transect B, show Analysis, which did not show a clear se- that intertidal and subtidal zones of the paration between stations of the intertidal upper part of the estuary have similar and subtidal zone. An alternative expla- species composition, as has been shown nation for that discontinuity is submer- in certain sandy bottoms of the northern gence and its control over the length of hemisphere (Croker 1977, Croker et al. time available for feeding (Newell 1979). 1975, Fincham 1971, Knott et al. 1983 For example, the upper limit of distri- and Mc,ntyre & Eleftheriou 1968). bution of suspension feeders on transect
136 JARAMILLO ET AL. A may be determined by that tide level south Chilean coast has been characterized at which sufficient food can be obtained as dominated by peracarid crustaceans: for growth and reproduction (Newell cirolanid isopods and talitrid amphipods 1979). On the other hand, variations of (Bertran 1983, Jaramillo 1978, 1982). physical factors in the intertidal zone In this study, cirolanids were found in the (e.g. temperature and water content of upper, middle and lower levels of transect the sediment) may also be important A (Fig. 4) as mentioned by Bertran (1983) for determining the upper limit at which and by Jaramillo (1978), for the sandy subtidal species can survive. A search for habitats located in the outlet of the Lingue the causative mechanisms explaining the River Estuary (6 km south of Queule restriction of cirolanid isopods (and also River Estuary). The talitrid amphipod talitrid amphipods) to the intertidal zone Orchestoidea tuberculata, inhabitant of of transect A (as is typical of Chilean the upper levels of sandy areas adjacent sandy beaches where they occur, E. J ara- to transect A was not detected in this millo, personal observation) is more dif- study. Similarly to what was found by ficult. Biological interactions of intertidal Bertran (1983) at the outlet of the Lingue species with animals living near the low River Estuary, in the lower levels of tran- tide level and/or shallow subtidal depths sect A the decapod Emerita analoga charac- may be involved. teristic of such levels in exposed and semi- At transect B, significant differences exposed sandy beaches (Jaramillo 1978, were detected and supported by Principal 1982) was lacking. Concerning the inhabi- Component Analysis for most of the se- tants of the low tide and subtidal levels, dimentary parameters (except organic mat- a general coincidence of some amphipods ter) between intertidal and subtidal zones. present (Cheus sp., Phoxocephalopsis me- Yet the species composition was similar. huinensis and Bathyporeiapus magellani- For this area of the estuary, two hypothe- cus ), was found with the schemes of Ber- ses are suggested to explain the macroin- trin (1983) and Jaramillo (1978, 1982). faunal continuity between these zones. The intertidal of the upper part of the The first is related to the amount of estuary (transect B) resembles the protect- food available for these (primarily) deposit ed beaches studied by Bertran (1983) feeders. The similar amount of organic in the middle and upper part of the Lingue matter along the transect would provide River Estuary. Perinereis gualpensis and enough food to support high populations Paracorophium chilensis stand out among of such deposit feeders at both zones. the most abundant and characteristic taxa Therefore, the limit between the intertidal of the intertidal in Bertran' as well as in and subtidal zone would not present a this study. However, Bertran (1983) did food barrier in the distribution of the not report the presence of Minuspio chi- species as suggested for the subtidal animals lensis, the most abundant species in the living outside the mouth of the estuary. transect B and also present as an abundant The second hypothesis is related to the taxon in other intertidal areas of the mid- physical characteristic of the intertidal dle part of the Queule River Estuary zone. The distribution of the macroinfauna (Turner 1984 ). would not be affected by the harshness The intertidal zonation schemes discuss- of the intertidal zone, due to the fact ed here could undergo temporal modifi- that in this area of the estuary the water- cations related to physical or biological table is at the surface of the beach. This disturbances. Jaramillo (1982) has found fact is due to the flat profile of the inter- evidences of variations to the scheme tidal zone and the amount of organic proposed in 1978 for exposed sandy beach- detritus which tend to clog the interstices es of southern Chile. Variations were con- and slow down drainage, a situation which temporaneous with changes in the topo- graphy of the beach and seasonal fluctua- is different in the intertidal of transect tions of physical factors, e.g. temperature A where the water table is deeper. In this and water content of the substrate. Even way, wide variations in the physical con- though the topographic dynamics in the ditions of the sediment (e.g. temperature intertidal of transect A is not as strong and water content) can be avoided. as that observed in the exposed beaches The intertidal macroinfauna of exposed studied by Jaramillo (1982), sediment and semiexposed sandy beaches of the erosion and deposition and contempora-
MACROINFAUNA IN A CHILEAN ESTUARY 137 neous macroinfaunal changes are obser- EMERY KO (1961) A simple method of measuring vable. For example, we can mention the beach profiles. Limnology and Oceanography effect of the sand movement during depo- 6:90-93. FINCHAM AA (1971) Ecology and population studies sition months (January to April) on the of some intertidal and sublitoral sand-dwelling population of the bivalve, Mesodesma amphipods. Journal of the Marine Biological donacium, an inhabitant of the low tide Association of the United Kingdom 51:471-488. and shallow subtidal levels of this area FOLK RL (1974) Petrology of Sedimentary Rocks. Hemphill Publishing Co., Austin, Texas. (Fig. 4 ). During these months, significant GRAY JS (1974) Animal-sediment relationships. Oceano- numbers of the bivalve are stranded and graphy Marine Biology Annual Review 12:223- reburied in the middle and lower levels 261. of the intertidal zone yielding a zonation GRAY JS (1981) The ecology of marine sediments. An introduction to the structure and function scheme different from the one mentioned of benthic communities. Cambridge Studies in before. Similar topographic changes (ero- Modern Biology 2. Cambridge University Press. sion-deposition) have not been observed JARAMILLO E (1978) Zonación y estructura de Ia co- in the intertidal of the transect B. In this munidad macrofaunistica en playas de arena del Sur de Chile (Mehuin, Valdivia). Studies on Neo- area of the estuary, biological disturbances tropical Fauna and Environment 13:71-92. may be more important as causes of tem- JARAMILLO E (1982) Esquema de zonacion de Ia ma- poral variations in the zonation schemes croinfauna de crustaceos en una playa arenosa and community structure. Tidal flats of expuesta del sur de Chile: su dinamica estacional. the middle and upper part of the estuary In: Salinas, J. (ed.), Aetas VIII Congreso Latino- americano de Zoologia, Merida, Venezuela: 1147- represent important feeding and resting 1162. areas for wading birds such as plovers JARAMILLO E, S MULSOW, M PINO & H FIGUEROA (Charadriidae) and sandpipers (Scolopaci- (1984) Subtidal Benthic Macroinfauna in an Es- dae), species that prey over the whole tuary of South of Chile: distribution pattern in relation to sediment types. Marine Ecology. intertidal zone (unpublished data). Also, PSZNI 5:119-133. predation by demersal fishes and crabs JARAMILLO E, C BERTRAN, G AGUILAR, A TUR- appears to be important in determin- NER & M PINO (in press) Annual fluctuations ing the pattern of abundance of some of the subtidal macroinfauna in an estuary of of the macroinfaunal species living in this south of Chile. 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