St. Alphonsus Hopewell, NJ - St. George -

Page created by Jeremy Blair
St. Alphonsus Hopewell, NJ - St. George -
St. Alphonsus   St. George              St. James
Hopewell, NJ    Titusville, NJ          Pennington, NJ

St. Alphonsus Hopewell, NJ - St. George -
                                                                                          Bi h David
                                                                                          Bishop  D id MM. O'C
                                     St. Alphonsus in Hopewell, St. George in
                                                                                          Pastor - Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Walsh
                                     Titusville, and St. James in Pennington              (609)737-0122 Ext. 801
                                     invite you to be a part of The Catholic    
                                     Community of Hopewell Valley.                        Parochial Vicar - Fr. Stephen Sansevere
                                                                                          609-737-0122 ext. 802
                                                                                          Deacon Pat Brannigan, Ext. 813
                                                                                          Deacon Dick Currie, Ext. 812
    Dear Parishioners,
                                                                                          Deacon Larry Gallagher
    I am sure many of you know from Bishop’s announcement, that I have          
    submi ed my le er of request for re rement and it has been granted. In                Deacon Moore Hank, Ext. 810
    2012, I joined you in the first of our three parishes in Hopewell Valley, and
    subsequently, in the other two. The process of linking parishes has been a            Deacon Rich Hobson, Ext. 814
    wonderful experience for me because of your efforts to promote a spirit of   
    connec on to one another as parishes and to build a sense of belonging to
                                                                                          Deacon Mike Riley
    one another. One of the main reasons for linking has centered around a
    growing shortage of priests. It is wonderful that the Bishop has appointed Fr.
                                                                                          Parish Cateche cal Leader
    Steve as my successor beginning July 1st. He will be joined by Fr. Jean Felicien
                                                                                          Lisa Limongello, Ext. 820
    who has been comple ng his Doctorate studies at Catholic University in
    Washington, DC. These two very fine priests from our Diocese are ready to
                                                                                          Music Director - Fred Proulx
    con nue the journey with you into the future.
    Thank you for being such a wonderful example to me over the past several    
    years. You have truly lived the mission, and it has been a great source of hope       Publicity - Michelle Galik
    in my heart, to have had the privilege of being with you. I will be living at Villa
    Vianney, which is our re rement home, and will serve in our Diocese. The plan
    for that part of my mission is s ll unfolding, but I am sure the Lord has a place
    for me to be of service to the people of our Diocese. It is also my hope to be        Parish Office (609)466-0332
    able to visit my family in Ireland for longer periods of me.                          Eileen Zysk
    The journey of change in the structures of Church is not easy. Everyone has 
    been so good about working together. The Linked Leadership Council has                Office of Faith Forma on
    been consistent in fostering that spirit of promo ng connec on and my hope            Lisa Ann Limongello
    is that you will con nue together to build Church among you. I have no doubt          faithforma
    that your spirit of being able to adapt will be a great support to Fr. Steve and
    Fr. Jean as they minister among you.
                                                                                          Parish Office (609)737-2015
    This weekend and next are such beau ful mes as our younger members                    Judy Petrangeli
    approach the Altar and begin receiving the Eucharist. It is the beginning of the
    next stage of their Ini a on as Catholics. May God bless them and their
    families.                                                                             Office of Faith Forma on
                                                                                          Lisa Ann Limongello
    God bless,                                                                            faithforma

                                                           Fɠ. Mɵȴɏ
                                                                                          Parish Office (609)737-0122
                                                                                          Diane McGowan, Ext. 805
                                                                                          Office of Faith Forma on
                                                                                          Lisa Ann Limongello,, Ext. 820
Bulle n submissions should be sent to                  faithforma
Deadline for submissions is noon on the Monday prior.                                     Be y Malkiewicz, Ext. 821
St. Alphonsus Hopewell, NJ - St. George -
St. Alphonsus
                  us                            St. George
                                                        ge                               St. James
           Mass Times                           Mass Times                               Mass Times
Saturday: 4:00pm                     Saturday: 5:30pm                         Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 8:00 10:30am                 Sunday: 9:00, 11:00am                    Sunday: 8:00, 10:00, 11:30am
Weekday Mass: Wed, Fri 7:00am        Weekday Mass: T, W, Th 7:30am            Weekday Mass: M, T, Th, F 9:00am
Rosary: Fri 7:30pm                   Eucharis c Service: Friday 7:30am        Eucharis c Service: Wed. 9:00am
Confession: Saturday 3:15-3:45pm     Rosary: Thursday, 8:00am Chapel          Rosary: A er 9am Masses
                                     Confession: Saturday, 4:30-5:10pm        Confession: Saturday 11am-12pm
        Church Support
        April 24/25: $3,986                   Church Support                           Church Support
           THANK YOU!                         April 24/25: $6,132                     April 24/25: $7,078
           Online Giving                         THANK YOU!                              THANK YOU!
    h ps://                  Online Giving                          Online Giving
       Default.aspx?cid=1514     h ps://
        Mass Intentions                       Mass Intentions
Saturday, 5/1, 4:00pm                                                                 Mass Intentions
                                     Saturday, 5/1,
The People of Our Parishes           First Holy Communion, 5:30pm             Saturday, 5/1, 8:00pm
Sunday, 5/2, 8:00am                  Ken Wesolowski                           Brynlee Rose Ru er
Joseph Guerino (Columbie es)         (Wesolowski Family)                      (Pa y & Vince Lauricella)
10:30am The People of Our Parishes   Elsie Delano (Family)                    Sunday, 5/2, 8:00am
Wednesday, 5/5, 7:00am               Sunday, 5/2, 9:00am                      Ma hew Klypka
Living inten on of Tony Garcia       Philomena & Marius Bonacci               (Chuck & Peggy Noona)
(Bill & Diane Allen)                 (Family)                                 10:00am Larry Rothwell
                                     Dan Sawula                               (The Rothwell Family)
Friday, 5/7, 7:00am
                                     (Gertraud Sawula)                        11:30am Andy Liput
Living inten on of Marc Dumoulin
                                     11:00am Rev. Msgr. George A. Ardos       (Knight of Columbus Council 7103)
& family (Bill & Diane Allen)
                                     Frances Biddle (Tyson Family)            Monday, 5/3, 9:00am
Saturday, 5/8, 4:00pm
                                     Tuesday, 5/4, 7:30am                     Dr. Neil Campbell
Mother's Day Inten ons
                                     Helen Wikoff                              (Carmen Lynch)
Sunday, 5/9, 8:00am
                                     (Maryanne & Bill Wagner)                 Tuesday, 5/4, 9:00am
Mother's Day Inten ons
                                     Wednesday, 5/5, 7:30am                   Joann Fraytak (Dana Troiano)
10:30am Mother's Day Inten ons
                                     Frank Doyle, Jr.                         Wednesday, 5/5, 9:00am
                                     (Petrangeli Family)                      Eucharis c Prayer Service
                                     Thursday, 5/6, 7:30am                    Thursday, 5/6, 9:00am
                                     Joseph M. DeFreytas                      Sharon Zuccarello
                                     (Family)                                 (Kris & Tom Palombo)
                                     FFriday, 5/7, 7:30am                     Friday, 5/7, 9:00am
                                      EEucharis c Service                     Mar n Manning
                                                                              (Tomas & Courtney Manning)
                                       Saturday, 5/8, 5:30pm
 We have 2 live-streamed Masses        Rev. Msgr. George A. Ardos             Saturday, 5/8, 5:00pm
  on Sundays, 8am, no music and        Joseph Delano                          Mother's Day Inten ons
      10:30am with music on            (Family)                               Sunday, 5/9, 8:00am
 YouTube and Facebook accessed                                                Mother's Day Inten ons
                                       Sunday, 5/9, 9:00am
       through our website                                                    10:00am Mother's Day Inten ons
                                       Mother's Day Inten ons
    TheCatholicCommunityof-                                                   11:30am Mother's Day Inten ons
                                       11:00am Mother's Day Inten ons

St. Alphonsus Hopewell, NJ - St. George -
Update on the New Jersey The Reproduc ve Freedom Act:
Our mission is to foster the deepest apprecia on for the           Our New Jersey State Legislators have halted the vote on
sanc ty of human life from concep on to natural death              the Reproduc ve Freedom Act. Please visit for
through prayer, educa on and pro-ac ve support of all life         more informa on and ac on.
issues. Contact Kris Khan
During this Easter season, what should I do? Con nue to
pray in a special way for women in a current or past Crisis
The sufferings they face are a parallel to the sufferings with-
in Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. When joined with
Christ, all wounds can be healed.

Men’s Group: Back Inside!
Our men's group has returned to gathering on the first and
third Saturday mornings of each month from 8 to 9 am,             My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy
now again inside the St. Ma hew & Mark room at the Fami-          Sacrament. I love You above all things, And I desire to re-
ly Center of St James Church in Pennington. We are follow-        ceive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment re-
ing all the guidelines for indoor mee ngs: masks, social dis-     ceive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my
tancing, no served food or hand-outs, and so on. We are           heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite
happy to be back and welcome any men that are in need of          myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated
a li le faith sharing and conversa on in a safe, confiden al      from You. Amen.
and welcoming environment. Come join us!

Join us on St James lawn, Thursday, May 6..
As we knit & crochet baby blankets & prayer
shawls. Bring a chair! In case of inclement weather, we will      During this me, the deacons will be available by phone
have our regular Zoom mee ng. Contact Mary Baird                  every Wednesday from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. Deacon Moore                                             Hank will be available Wednesday, May 5 at 609-737-0122
                                                                  Ext 810 We’ll be happy to talk with you, answer ques ons,
                                                                  or just listen.

Hope is a ministry offering spiritual support to those whose
lives have been affected by the disease of addic on. We
                                                                  Our mission is to provide handmade baby blankets and
are here to pray with you, to listen to your concerns, pro-
                                                                  Rosaries to each newly bap zed child in all three parishes
vide a safe and confiden al support network, and, if need-
                                                                  on their Christening Day. If you are able to sew, knit, or
ed, offer referrals to a variety of resources. Contact Moore
                                                                  crochet a 30" baby blanket to welcome our newest church
or Theresa Hank, 267-573-4287, or Dan McCarron                    members, we would love your help! Please
609-933-9443, or Jim Haggerty 609-333-8572.                       email: ska

OUR PROMISE TO PROTECT The Diocese of Trenton is commi ed to the ini a ves outlined in the U.S. Bishop's Charter for the
Protec on of Children and Young People in regard to the repor ng and inves ga on of sexual abuse allega ons involving minors. If
you have been sexually abused as a minor by a member of the clergy or anyone represen ng the Catholic Church, or if you know of
someone who was, you can report that abuse through the diocesan Abuse Hotline: 1-888-296- 2965 or abuseline@ dioceseo ren- The Diocese of Trenton reports any allega ons of sexual abuse to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. Anyone with
an allega on is also encouraged to provide that informa on to local law enforcement authori es.
St. Alphonsus Hopewell, NJ - St. George -
                                                                  Remember  err
                                                                            e                    Cheryl Allen
                                                                                                 Kate Blisard
                                                                  Thosse W
                                                                         Who o                   Ma hew Bunsa
                                                                  Havee                          Thomas Penner
Sunday, May 9, 2021                                               Sacrificed
                                                                     rificed on
                                                                     rifice     n                Maryann Eleuteri
First Reading                                                     Memorial Day  ay               Joanne Estok
Acts of the Apostles 10:25-                                                                      Kim Evans
26,34-35,44-48                                                                                   Melissa Evert
The gi of the Holy Spirit                                                                        Frank
comes to Cornelius and his                                                                       Stephen Gallagher
household, and they are bap-                                                                     Thomas & Barbara
 zed.                                                                                             Goymm
Responsorial Psalm                                9:00am, Monday, May 31                         Mary Heupel
Psalm 98:1,2-3,3-4                                                                               Alice Howie
                                                 St. Alphonsus Cemetery                          Robert Hutchinson
A song of praise for God’s
                                                       Please join us                            Kimberly Jackson
salva on
                                                    in commemora ng                              Tommy K.
Second Reading                                                                                   Nancy Kenworthy
                                                   the men and women
1 John 4:7-10 God is love.                                                                       Ta ana L
                                          who died while in service to our country.
Gospel Reading                                                                                   Jo-ann Lambert
John 15:9-17                                                                                     Bob O’Boyle
Jesus commands his disciples                                                                     Rob Osborne
to love one another.                                                                             Maura Grace Owen-
                                                                                                 Ed Panacek
                                                                                                 Bob Pluta
                                                                                                 Gianna Grace Rodriguez
                Lord Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father and Mary Immaculate, give to our
                                                                                                 Joe Sabol
                young people the generosity necessary to follow Your call and the cour-          Jeane e Seamon
                age required to overcome all obstacles to their voca on. Give to parents         Gerry Sellner
                that faith, love and spirit of sacrifice which will inspire them to offer their   Kathy Sipple
                children to God's service and to rejoice whenever one of their children is       David Sison
                called to the priesthood or religious life. May Your example and that of         Byron Sullivan
                Your Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph encourage both young people and             Robert Swanson
                parents and let Your grace sustain them. Amen.                                   Edmund Trumpovicz
                                                                                                 Ellie Trumpovicz
                                                                                                 Brent Zajac
                St. Alphonsus - Sunday, May 30 following the 10:30am Mass un l 1:30pm            Karl Zajac
                St. George - Thursdays 8am - 12noon
                St. James - Fridays following the 9am Mass -1pm                                  Our Deceased
                (First Friday of the month following the 9am Mass - 8pm, in church).             Sandra Fouts
                                                                                                 George Harabin
                                                                                                 Andrew Liput
                St. Alphonsus - Rosary is recited Fridays, 7:30pm, in the Church                 John Pollack
                St. George - Rosary is recited Thursdays, 8:00am in the Chapel                   James Poinse
                St. James - Rosary is recited a er daily 9:00am Mass

                    Keep in your prayers the men and women serving in our military at home and abroad;
           2nd Lt. Alison Castoro Dellinger -SRA Zachary DiMaio—Sgt. Kenneth Dziminski—2nd Lt. Jonathan Grubb
            Capt. Patrick. M Kerins -PFC Andrew Lauricella—Lt. Daniel S. Quinlan—Specialist Shannon Stradling
                   Pvt. 2nd Class William Smith—LCpl . Mark Thompson—E4 Specialist Christopher Winters
St. Alphonsus Hopewell, NJ - St. George -
Religious Educa on                                                                    Interested in Garden Club?
                                                                                      “There are more and more signs of
                     This Fi h Sunday of Easter we reflect on how difficult it is       spring around us, and so our Garden
                      some mes to say “no” to something that is clearly good for      Clubs are beginning to get back into
                      us or for the common good. However, if we are to grow into      ac on. If you are willing to help,
                     happy and healthy individuals, we must learn that we can         contact Lola through St. Alphonsus,
                    not possibly do everything we want to. This is the prac cal       Kris through St. James and Mark
                  wisdom we receive in today’s Gospel. Jesus notes that even the      through St. George. The parish offic-
fruit-bearing branches must be pruned so that they can produce even more fruit.       es will provide you with contact in-
Some mes we need to make room in our lives to priori ze the best of ourselves.        forma on and you can join these
What are some of the barren and the frui ul branches in your life that Jesus may      great leaders in our parishes.”
be calling you to prune so that you can grow even more.                                                           - Fr Mike
    Registra ons for 2021-2022 Religious Educa on is LIVE!
We have launched our registra on form on the website for all Religious Educa-
  on programs this upcoming year! As a reminder, our Summer At-Home Study is
available for grades 3rd-7th and all grades from 1st-8th can par cipate in the full
academic year program. We are planning to come back in-person this Fall with
social distancing in place. We cannot wait to welcome your kids back to the par-
ish! You can visit www.thecatholiccommunityo for more in-
                                                                                      The success of the Annual Catholic
forma on and to register. Our Religious Educa on and Faith Forma on office is
                                                                                      Appeal will help us to con nue to
available to answer ques ons at faithforma or call
                                                                                      build on the wonderful heritage of
609-737-0122 x 821.
                                                                                      our Catholic faith and prepare the
                                                                                      way of the future. Please prayerful-
Communion Celebra ons!
                                                                                      ly consider making a contribu on.
This weekend begins the First Communion celebra ons at all three of our parish-
es! We are so thrilled to welcome our Sacramental Prep students into the Eucha-
rist. I ask that you keep each of them and their families in your prayers as they
experience Jesus’ sacrifice in the Mass for the first me this weekend and next.

Confirma on Name Correc on
Last week we misprinted the names of three of our Confirma on students and
we would like to correct our mistake and properly celebrate these three teens as
they become fully ini ated into the Church. Congratula ons to Brendan
SebasƟan Riewe, Sophia Mary Rodefeld and Gabriel “Rhys” SebasƟan Rosko for                        ON THE
receiving the Gi s of the Holy Spirit! And a huge congratula ons to our en re
Class of 2021 Confirmandi – May God con nue to bless you all!
Teen Youth Group
We are beginning to rebuild our Teen Youth Group in 2021! If you are in 8th-12th                 Coming soon…..
grade and would like to be a part of this new Teen Youth Group, please email Lisa               Mass on the Grass
Limongello at We are changing things up                    Wednesday, May 26th
and would love fresh faces across all three parishes, and schools from all around,          7:30pm on the grounds of
to join us! All Are Welcome!                                                                    St George Church.
                                                                                                   Rain or shine
                                                                                          (Mass held indoors if raining).
                                                                                           Please bring your own lawn
Picks of the Week: Never Alone: Life with the Holy Spirit (Part 3)                              chairs or blankets.
The Miracle at Every Mass (for Kids!)
Both on Not signed up for FORMED yet? Register here:
St. Alphonsus Hopewell, NJ - St. George -
The Knights of Columbus Council
                                               will be selling roses to benefit
                                               Right to Life a er Masses on
                                               Mother's Day weekend,
                                               May 8 & 9. Your support is always
                                               appreciated. Ques ons?
  In honor of our Blessed Mother     
the Catholic Community of Hopewell
        Valley is celebra ng

           Sunday, May 16
    St. George Church at 3:00 pm
Terry Evanko at 609-730-9364 for info

                        American Flag Fundraiser
 The Columbie es are holding an American Flag fundraiser just in me to brighten
    your home for Memorial Day! Full size flags, flag display kits, lawn flags and
   bun ngs are available! Please see a ached form with further details. If you
   need help re ring your old flags we will accept them at pickup and dispose of
       properly. Orders due by May 9th! Ques ons, call Mary Jane Kent at
                  609-273-3337 or email:

                             THE COLUMBIETTES

                         Are You Tech Savvy??
 Our Communica ons Team is looking for volunteers to help bring the weekly
 livestreamed Masses to our parishioners on Sunday mornings. If you have
 this skill set and feel like you are being called to help us, please reach out to Thank you for your service!
                                                                                     Pictures from St. George Feast Day
St. Alphonsus Hopewell, NJ - St. George -
Celebra on of Life

                                                                                            St George
                                                                                        The St. George Scholarship

                                                                                     Founda on has announced that
                                                                                      applica ons for the 2021-2022
                                                                                     school year are now available on
                                                                                   the parish website or here. Deadline
                                                                                     for submission of applica ons is
                                                                                             Sunday, May 9th.

                Respect Life Ministry’s Annual
                        Baby Shower
                       will take place the weekends of
                       May 8th and May 15th
                           at all three churches.                                 Catholic Chari es provides assistance
                                                                                   with food, housing, drug addic on,
                                                                                   domes c violence and immigra on
                                                                                    services. If you need help, please
                                                                                                 contact us:
                                                                                            800-360-7711 or

                       All proceeds go to Legacy of Life,
                           a Crisis Pregnancy Center
               which provides resources and living arrangements
                            for pregnant moms in need.                                   New Parishioners
                                                                                   St. George Church welcomes new
          As you leave church, look for the bassinet outside with                  parishioners, Kathleen and Daniel
          Legacy of LIfe brochures, use the enclosed envelope to                   Gribbin. Kathleen and Daniel have
          make a dona on in lieu of shower gi s.                                   two daughters, Delaney and
                                                                                   Makenna. May God bless the
          Plan to return your dona on in the designated box on the                 Gribbin family and all our parish
          weekend of May 15th & 16th.                                              families.

                                                                                  "Holy Communion is the shortest and
                                                                                  safest way to Heaven. There are
                                                                                  others: innocence, but that is for li le
Some examples of work by Council 7103 include providing booklets and rosaries     children; penance, but we are afraid of
to First Holy Communion candidates; the sponsorship of a Shield Award dinner to   it; generous endurance of the trials in
honor local police, firefighters, and EMTs; support of the Send Our Heroes Home   life, but when they come we weep
for the Holidays program to help pay for service men and women to return home     and ask for relief. The surest, easiest,
at Christmas; and yearly support of the Special Olympics. Please contact Grand    shortest way to Heaven is the
Knight Al Ambrose: GK7103@KOFC7103.ORG                                            Eucharist." - Pope Pius X
St. Alphonsus Hopewell, NJ - St. George -
                                      Juliet Brito              Gerise Gering        Noelle McFarlane
                                      Lyla Callihan             Alison Glover        Anna Mesuda
                                      Daniel Clarke             Carter Goodall       Antonio Milinowicz
                                      Chris an Croat            Daniel Guarino       Layla Ponzo
                                      William Dang              Benjamin Heady       Sophie Prusan
                                      Maxwell Demant            Sebas an Heiss       Ava Quick
                                      Eliza Devine              Lyla Illumina        Alessandra Rinaldi
                                      Allen Devine              Isabella Kampe       Maley Rooke
 We ask that you keep our
                                      Connor Donohue            Julie e Kelly        Eva Rossy
 young parishioners in your
                                      James Eigenbauer          Pearl Kennedy        Michael Rotondo
 prayers as they meet Jesus for
                                      Graham Etchberger         Ashley Kurian        Quinn Ryan
 the first me at the Table of
                                      Grace Evans               Lana Lee             Savannah Sager
 the Lord.
                                      Molly Farmer              Margaret Long        George Schafer
 Emelia Batcha                        Luke Fereshteh            Jack Lorenz          Palmer Sgro
 Charles Belli                        Bronwen Flannery          Colin Mann           Ryan Sheehan
 Luca Brenner                         Paige Flannery            James McFarlane      Jane Slotman
 Ryan Brenner                         Hannah Garber             Lauren McFarlane     Ilyana Ward

                                                                                          Our Community
                           Music Notes
Happy Easter Season (s ll)! The joy of the Jesus’ triumph con nues as the
Church celebrates the 5th Sunday of Easter within a fi y-day season of re-
joicing and grace that finishes with Pentecost. “We are an Easter people and
alleluia is our song!”, St. Augus ne reminds us. But it might not be so easy to
believe that we are an Easter people during this unparalleled experience of
                                                                                           For Each Other
the present pandemic, never mind sing about it. The reality of our daily rou-
  ne challenges us to overcome physical isola on to live out the joy that is       We would like to thank all of our
Church where we are, the joy of finding the presence God in ourselves that         weekly bulle n adver sers. When
gives meaning and direc on to our lives, even in the me of COVID-19.               you find yourself in need of goods
In his recently issued Pastoral Le er on the Presence of God                       and services, please consider our
(, Bishop O’Connell captures the essence of what it              sponsors. Tell them you saw their
means to live in God’s presence through the eyes of a Carmelite, Brother           ad in the weekly bulle n. Also, ask
Lawrence (1614-1691). Quo ng Brother Lawrence, Bishop O’Connell writes:            if they can be found on the
“The most holy and necessary pracƟce in the spiritual life is the presence of      FinderFABERTM app. Adver sers on
God – that is, every moment to take great pleasure that God is with you.           our weekly bulle n are automa -
That means finding constant pleasure in His divine company, speaking hum-          cally en tled free access to their
bly and lovingly with him in all seasons, at every moment, without limiƟng         personal FindingFABERTM account
the conversaƟon in any way.” During this me of transi on, let us con nue           in order to offer our parishioners
to seek God out in our churches and in our hearts, knowing that God is here        and the en re community real me
and will never abandon us.                                                         promo ons, flash deals, and infor-
                                                                                   ma on! Thank you so much for
Please con nue stay tuned to our websites, bulle n and Facebook pages for
                                                                                   your con nued support to our lo-
these and other important ways to stay connected to our faith community.
                                                                                   cal parish community! JPPC
Also, our Communica on Team sends out a weekly email blast with many
details on current events. If you would like to subscribe, please visit our
homepage at h ps://thecatholiccommunityo and sign

Mount Carmel Guild
     Serving Mercer County
     With the support of our parish-
     ioners, along with others
     throughout the community, The
     Guild distributed 286 Easter
     Baskets this holiday season.
     Each day, The Guild strives to
     provide enough groceries for a 3
     day period. These groceries es -
     mated value is approximately
     $30 per bag. With your con n-
     ued support, The Guild is able to
     provide nutri ous op ons for
     the families and individuals that
     visit their pantry. Many of these
     individuals are among the work-
     ing poor. Thank you for sup-
     por ng our parish collec on
     drives, that benefit Mount
     Carmel Guild.

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547 The Catholic Community of Hopewell Valley (B)                                                                     John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 •
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