July 4, 2021 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - Wilshire Baptist Church

Page created by Christina Stephens
July 4, 2021 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - Wilshire Baptist Church
July 4, 2021
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
July 4, 2021 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - Wilshire Baptist Church
Preparing for worship
   I’m currently learning how to play the piano.        were building our faith and learning exciting
Our beloved Jeff Brummel has taken up the task          new things.
of teaching me. Jeff says he is in the musical             Like a gentle piano instructor, God sits beside
teaching lineage of Johann Sebastian Bach. As           us and listens to us stumble our way through
someone with no prior music training, I will            challenging new insights. God hears us and en-
claim every bit of that tale with earnest pride.        courages us. God is a masterful musician (even
   Jeff is gracious and encouraging each week as        more impressive than Bach) who is willing to
I come to work on my newest lesson. If I con-           teach us new songs and skills. We practice skills
quer a new song or skill (like playing both hands       like forgiveness, empathy and gratitude. We ap-
at the same time!) I may just get a dinosaur            proach the pew like a piano bench and lean into
sticker unless my younger student colleagues            the practice of faith once again.
have picked all the good ones. From harmonic              We trust that there are many mysterious
intervals to reading lines of music, I am gaining       things about God and our life in Christ together
even more respect for the many musicians in             that we do not yet know and have not yet per-
our congregation.                                       fected. We have much to practice. We are still
   Every Tuesday, we sit down together and Jeff         beginners, even if we have practiced church our
listens to me play. I wonder if worship is a bit        whole life.
like a beginner piano lesson. We think of faith            Begin worship today ready to learn new skills
as something we already know exactly how to             and remember old ones. Join in an ancient prac-
do. But what if it is actually new every time?          tice that might just shape you in ways you never
What if we are learning a new line, practicing          imagined. We’re so glad you are here. Maybe if
old ones and improving our skills each time? I          you do really well today, you will get a dinosaur
wonder what would change about our attitude             sticker. But I can’t make any guarantees.
to worship if we truly felt that each week we                                              —Jenna Sullivan

          4316 Abrams Road ■ Dallas, Texas 75214 ■ 214-452-3100 ■ wilshirebc.org
                    Partnered with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
              Building a Community of Faith Shaped by the Spirit of Jesus Christ

On the cover: Galatians 3:27–28, Pamela Chatterton-Purdy, mixed media, 2017, used by permission
of the artist, chatterton-purdyart.com
July 4, 2021 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - Wilshire Baptist Church
July 4, 2021
                                         9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
                                    Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Chiming of the Hour
             The people of Wilshire gather this morning to worship God. In order for
        this service to be focused upon that purpose, please silence all electronic devices.

Prelude                                    I Come with Joy                           arr. David Cherwien

Opening Sentences                                                       John Parnell / Michael Shepard

What do you bring to worship, to this sacred space today? Hope, faith and love? Despair, doubt or
fear? Whatever you bring, whoever you are — you are a beloved child of God and you are welcome
here. Come, let us join the everlasting song. Come, let us worship the Lord of all.

Anthem                                 Praise We Sing to Thee                            Haydn / Luvaas
                            Sanctuary Choir Ensemble / Sanctuary Choir

                       Praise we sing to thee, thou mighty ruler, king forever,
                      Praise we sing to thee dear Father, we will fail thee never.

                      All the joys of nature tell us ever of thy wond’rous pow’r.
                         Still thy tender grace and mercy keep us ev’ry hour,
                       Praise we sing to thee most holy, praise forever more!

                 Grateful hymns of thanks we raise for all the gifts thou dost ordain.
                  Lord of hosts who o’er the won’drous realm of heav’n doth reign.
                       Praise we sing to thee most holy, praise forever more.
                                        Praise forever more!

Greeting to Worshipers                                              Carolyn Murray / Melissa Atkinson

+Hymn 339                          All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name                        coronation

Epistle Reading — Galatians 3:26–29                                       Diana Early / Christie Michie

In Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith. As many of you as were baptized into
Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave

*9:00 service / **11:00 service
+All congregants who are able are invited to stand.
 Hearing devices are available in the Narthex and South Atrium.
July 4, 2021 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - Wilshire Baptist Church
or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong
to Christ, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to the promise.

                                     This is the word of the Lord.
                                         Thanks be to God.

Todos ustedes son hijos de Dios mediante la fe en Cristo Jesús, porque todos los que han sido ba-
utizados en Cristo se han revestido de Cristo. Ya no hay judío ni griego, esclavo ni libre, hombre ni
mujer, sino que todos ustedes son uno solo en Cristo Jesús. Y, si ustedes pertenecen a Cristo, son la
descendencia de Abraham y herederos según la promesa.

                                      Esta es la palabra del Señor.
                                            Gracias a Dios.

Prayers of the People                                                                  Heather Mustain

                     Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
                 Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
                    Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our sins,
                            As we forgive those who sin against us;
                   And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,
                           For thine is the kingdom, and the power,
                                  and the glory forever. Amen.

Solo                                       This Is My Song                                    finlandia
                                           Candy McComb

                             This is my song, O God of all the nations,
                              A song of peace for lands afar and mine.
                          This is my home, the country where my heart is;
                          Here are my hopes, my dreams, my holy shrine;
                            But other hearts in other lands are beating
                          With hopes and dreams as true and high as mine.

                            My country’s skies are bluer than the ocean,
                             And sunlight beams on cloverleaf and pine;
                            But other lands have sunlight too, and clover,
                              And skies are everywhere as blue as mine.
                            Oh hear my song, thou God of all the nations,
                             A song of peace for their land and for mine.

July 4, 2021 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - Wilshire Baptist Church
This is my prayer, O ruler of all nations:
                           Let thy reign come; on earth thy will be done.
                           In peace may all earth’s people draw together,
                               And hearts united learn to live as one.
                           O hear my prayer, thou God of all the nations;
                               Myself I give thee; let thy will be done.

+Gospel Reading — Mark 6:1–6                                           Bob Coleman / Mary Lu Hare

[Jesus] left that place and came to his hometown, and his disciples followed him. On the sabbath
he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astounded. They said, “Where
did this man get all this? What is this wisdom that has been given to him? What deeds of power are
being done by his hands! Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses
and Judas and Simon, and are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him. Then Jesus
said to them, “Prophets are not without honor, except in their hometown, and among their own kin,
and in their own house.” And he could do no deed of power there, except that he laid his hands on a
few sick people and cured them. And he was amazed at their unbelief.

                                    This is the word of the Lord.
                                        Thanks be to God.

Salió Jesús de allí y fue a su tierra, en compañía de sus discípulos. Cuando llegó el sábado, comenzó
a enseñar en la sinagoga.—¿De dónde sacó este tales cosas? —decían maravillados muchos de los
que le oían—. ¿Qué sabiduría es esta que se le ha dado? ¿Cómo se explican estos milagros que vienen
de sus manos? ¿No es acaso el carpintero, el hijo de María y hermano de Jacobo, de José, de Judas y
de Simón? ¿No están sus hermanas aquí con nosotros? Y se escandalizaban a causa de él. Por tanto,
Jesús les dijo: —En todas partes se honra a un profeta, menos en su tierra, entre sus familiares y en
su propia casa. En efecto, no pudo hacer allí ningún milagro, excepto sanar a unos pocos enfermos al
imponerles las manos. Y él se quedó asombrado por la incredulidad de ellos.

                                    Esta es la palabra del Señor.
                                          Gracias a Dios.

Message                                “That Carpenter Boy”                           Jenna Sullivan

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper                                                       Jenna Sullivan
            All followers of Christ are invited to partake of the Lord’s Supper, whether
          you are a Wilshire member or not. The bread used this morning is gluten free.

Passing of the Bread                 Grace Greater Than Our Sin                     arr. James Pethel

Passing of the Cup                        We Walk by Faith                       arr. Raymond Haan

Passing of the Peace
                           May the peace of the Lord be always with you.
                                       And also with you.
July 4, 2021 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - Wilshire Baptist Church
+Hymn 456                                          I Come with Joy                               dove of peace
   6                          j                                                              j
&b 8 j           œ           œ œ                j                  j           j            œ œ               œ
     œ                                         œ         œ        œ œ         œ œ                             J
       1. I    come   with joy,       a   child   of God,                    for - giv - en, loved        and
       2. I    come   with Chris - tians   far   and near                     to   find,  as all          are
       3. To - geth - er met,        to - geth - er bound                    by     all  that God         has
                                      œ              œ                                                     j
& b œ.               œ         œ
                               J                     J       œ    œ    œ      œ       œ
                                                                                      J      œ            œ
      free,                   the    life            of   Je  -        sus    to       re - call,          in
      fed,                    the    new            com - mu    -       ni - ty        of love             in
      done,                  we’ll    go            with joy,           to   give     the world           the
&b œ           œ œ œ œ                    œ.         œ
                                                                 œ œ        j œ œ œ              œ.       œ
    love     laid down   for              me,                 in love     laid down   for        me.
    Christ’s com - mun - ion              bread,              in Christ’s com - mun - ion        bread.
    love     that makes   us              one,               the love     that makes us          one.

Sharing of Decisions                                                                             Jenna Sullivan

Benediction                                                                                      Jenna Sullivan

Postlude                                    Sortie on national hymn                           arr. Lani Smith

              Connect with Wilshire. Scan this code to make a financial contribution,
                         fill out our online guest card or submit a prayer request.

       Secure offering boxes are located near the front Sanctuary doors and in the Narthex.
July 4, 2021 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - Wilshire Baptist Church
Meet today’s worship leaders
■ Melissa Atkinson and her husband, Hugh,                 Wilshire’s children’s choir coordinator and also
joined Wilshire in 1995. They are the parents of an       sings in Sanctuary Choir.
adult daughter, Macy, and attend Epiphany Class.          ■ Christie Michie and her husband, Iain, came
Melissa is vice president of strategic development        to Wilshire in 2007 and are members of Seekers
for the Parkland Foundation.                              Class. They are the parents of Duncan, 16, Finn, 12,
■ Bob Coleman and his wife, Judy, have been at            and Claire, 12. Christie teaches preschool Sunday
Wilshire since 1975. They both are deacons and            School and serves on the Preschool Education
attend Compass Class. Bob is an attorney, a past          Committee. She teaches at Mountainview College.
chair of deacons and now serves on the Personnel          ■ Carolyn Murray grew up at Wilshire and joined
Committee. He and Judy have two adult children.           the church staff in 2020. As coordinator of con-
■ Diana Early joined Wilshire in 2001. She is a           gregational life, she leads efforts in guest outreach
deacon, assistant director of Foundations of Faith        and new member assimilation. She has an adult
Class, works with children’s choirs and recently          son, Mason, and a 16-year-old daughter, Lucy Kate.
taught VBS. Diana is a physical therapist at Chil-        Carolyn’s parents are Bob and Charlene Law.
dren’s Health.                                            ■ John Parnell came to Wilshire in 2011. He
■ Mary Lu Hare grew up at Wilshire and is mar-            teaches history at Bishop Lynch High School. At
ried to Thomas. Mary Lu teaches in youth Sunday           Wilshire, John is a deacon, teaches Genesis Class
School and is a member of Ithaka Class. She works         and plays percussion in Wilshire Winds.
as professional education manager for scientific          ■ Michael Shepard joined Wilshire in 2016 and
sessions at the American Heart Association.               is married to Molly. They are members of Ithaka
■ Candy McComb joined Wilshire in 2017 with               Class. Michael serves on the Christian Advocacy
her husband, Vic Henry. They direct and teach the         Committee, sings in Sanctuary Choir and works as
Odyssey Class and have two adult sons. Candy is           a technical solutions specialist for IBM.

Staff contacts
George A. Mason           Jeff Brummel                    Ashley Robinson             Lori Gooden
Senior Pastor             Associate Minister              Pastoral Resident           Director of Finance
gmason@wilshirebc.org     of Music/Organist               arobinson@wilshirebc.org    lgooden@wilshirebc.org
214-452-3132              jbrummel@wilshirebc.org         214-452-3153                214-452-3131
Heather Mustain                                           Jenna Sullivan              Geri McKenzie
Associate Pastor          Jessica Capps                   Pastoral Resident           Associate Director for
hmustain@wilshirebc.org   Minister to Senior Adults       jsullivan@wilshirebc.org    Pathways to Ministry
214-452-3110              jcapps@wilshirebc.org           214-452-3155                gmckenzie@wilshirebc.org
                          214-452-3129                                                214-452-3159
Darren DeMent                                             Preston Bright
Associate Pastor          Julie Girards                   Associate Pastor Emeritus   Carolyn Murray
ddement@wilshirebc.org    Minister to Children                                        Coordinator of
214-452-3102              jgirards@wilshirebc.org         Randy Crosland              Congregational Life
                          214-452-3104                    Director of Operations      cmurray@wilshirebc.org
Doug Haney                                                rcrosland@wilshirebc.org    214-452-3170
Associate Pastor          Joan Hammons                    214-452-3146
dhaney@wilshirebc.org     Minister to Preschoolers                                    Dale Pride
214-452-3123              jhammons@wilshirebc.org         Linda Garner                Facilities Manager
                          214-452-3141                    Parish Nurse                dpride@wilshirebc.org
                                                          lgarner@wilshirebc.org      214-452-3101
July 4, 2021 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - Wilshire Baptist Church
Tapestry                                                                       News & Announcements
                                                                               July 4, 2021

New online giving
platform coming soon
W       ilshire’s online giving platform will have
        a new look and a friendlier, more mod-
ern user interface when the church transitions
its member database from ACS/Access to a
new system called Realm. The conversion is
planned for the week of July 19.
  If you are already set up with online giving,
you do not need to take any action. Your infor-
mation should transfer seamlessly and securely
to Realm, and recurring contributions will                 we roll out more features in the coming weeks
continue uninterrupted. When the transition is             and months. If you have questions, reach out to
complete, you’ll receive an email inviting you to          Director of Finance Lori Gooden at 214-452-3131
log in to the new system.                                  or lgooden@wilshirebc.org.
  With Realm, users will easily be able to:
   ■ Review giving history.                                Online giving encouraged
   ■ Make a new one-time gift.                             Wilshire’s financial office reports that, for
   ■ Set up a recurring donation.                          unknown reasons, some contributions sent
   ■ Look over year-to-date giving.                        through the mail are not arriving at the church
   ■ Print or save contribution statements.                until several weeks after being postmarked.
  And Realm isn’t just about giving. While it              That’s just one more reason you are encouraged
primarily serves the administrative needs of our           to set up secure online giving charged to a debit
staff, it will also offer exciting opportunities for       or credit card or as an automatic payment di-
Wilshire members and groups to connect with                rectly from your checking account (ACH). If you
the church and each other. For example, event              need help moving to an online payment, con-
registration will be greatly improved in Realm.            tact Lori Gooden at 214-452-3131 or lgooden@
  Watch for more information about Realm as                wilshirebc.org.

                        Summer 2021 schedule: Worship at 9 and 11 a.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m.
                        The 11 a.m. service is livestreamed at youtube.com/wilshirebaptist. Keep up with all
                        the Wilshire news at wilshirebc.org or on social media.
Summer KEYS
            Sunday, July 11 ■ 6:30 p.m. ■ Sanctuary
              Plus reception with free shaved ice

  Don’t miss Wilshire’s first live music
event since returning to the building.
Summer Keys: A Concert of Organ-Piano
Duets will be held in the Sanctuary on
Sunday, July 11, at 6:30 p.m.
  Associate Minister of Music and
Organist Jeff Brummel will be joined
for the concert by Jonathan K. Merritt,
organist at Pulaski Heights Baptist
                                                Jeff Brummel        Jonathan K. Merritt
Church in Little Rock, where former
pastoral resident Matt Dodrill is pastor.       a free shaved-ice treat from the Big D
Wilshire member Amy Pottkotter will             Kona Ice food truck and enjoy a set
also sing.                                      of live music from Al and Brian —
  Stick around after the concert for a          Wilshire’s own Brian Stinecipher and
social event on the church grounds. Get         musical partner Al Peterson.

Unified Budget Update                                              pandemic, ECLC is reopening and will begin on
                                                                   August 16. We have openings for children from
                                                                   3 months through Pre-K and would be glad to
                $1,584,672                                         have your family as part of our program. Fam-
                                                                   ilies from the community are welcome. Our
                                                                   program is available Monday through Thursday
                                                                   and runs from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. If you
                                                                   would like a tour, please call Kelly Akins at 214
                                                                   452-3139 or email kakins@wilshirebc.org. For
                                                                   more information, visit wilshirebc.org/eclc.
YTD Budgeted       Actual    YTD Budgeted       Actual
   Income         Income       Expense         Expense
                                                                   Parenting & Peacemaking Course
Pathways Endowment YTD Gifts ..................... $417,016
                                                                   Starting July
Pathways Endowment June balance ...........$8,058,916
                                                                   7, join Wilshire
                                                                   missions partner
                                                                   Preemptive Love
New members:                                                       for a four-week
Jacob and Stephanie Glidewell with Cadence                         online work-
and Alianna                                                        shop geared toward families and cultivating
                                                                   a peacemaking posture in your home. Learn
Condolences to:                                                    what it means to teach children how to create
Lisa Harris-Jones on the death of her father,                      peace in our world today. The course will help
Jim Harris, June 24. Grandson is Jett Jones.                       you define peacemaking and the actions and
                                                                   position of peacemakers, bridge divides and
Zoom class launches July 4                                         hold others’ pain so we can truly heal together,
with Marv Knox as guest speaker                                    integrate anti-prejudice and pro-dignity pos-
             Love Your Neighbor, a new                             tures into the fabric of our families, and build
             Zoom-based Sunday School class,                       community and trust. Visit preemptivelove.
             will launch on July 4. The class is                   org/parent-workshops to sign up.
             aimed at long-distance Wilshire
             members, but anyone is welcome.                       Collin Yarbrough to discuss
             The class will meet at 1 p.m. the                     new book on July 15
             first and third Sundays each                                        The Anti-Racism Book Club
month and is directed by Shelly and David                                        welcomes Wilshire’s own Collin
Beck. Marv Knox, executive director of Fellow-                                  Yarbrough to its next meeting
ship Southwest, will speak on July 4. For the                                    for a discussion of his new book,
Zoom link or more information, email                                             Paved a Way: Infrastructure, Policy
loveyourneighbor@wilshirebc.org.                                                 and Racism in an American City.
                                                                                 The meeting will take place
ECLC reopening in August                                           Thursday, July 15, at 7 p.m. on Zoom. In Paved
Did you know that Wilshire’s Early Childhood                       a Way, Collin tells the stories of five neigh-
Learning Center (ECLC) has provided a quality                      borhoods in Dallas and how they were shaped
preschool education for young children and has                     by racism and economic oppression. Sign up
been part of Wilshire for over 40 years? After                     for the Zoom link and purchase the book at
being closed for the last school year due to the                   wilshirebc.org/registration.
 Reminders                                        CHILDREN & PRESCHOOLERS
                                                  CREATIVE ARTS CAMP
                                                  Wilshire’s Creative Arts Camp for kinder-
                                                  garten through grade 6 is already at capaci-
                                                  ty enrollment, but you can join a wait list at
   9 and 11 a.m. Worship                          wilshirebc.org/registration. The camp, led
  10 a.m. Sunday School                           by Candy McComb and themed Listen to
                                                  Your Art, is set for July 12–16 and will
                                                  feature music, drama, dance, visual art,
                                                  video production and more.

                                                  PRETEEN CAMP
                                                  Passport Kids! Camp is for kids who have
                                                  completed grades 3–6. We’ll depart by bus
                                                  at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 24, and will
      Vaccinated?                                 stay at the Heart of Texas Baptist Camp and
    Mask not required                             Conference Center in Brownwood. Stu-
                                                  dents will participate in worship, Bible
   UPDATE: It is no longer necessary
  for vaccinated individuals to wear a            study, creative recreation, missions and
 mask when moving between spaces in               other activities. Activities will be led by
 the building as previously suggested.            Passport staff; we will provide one chaper-
                                                  one for every five campers. Chaperones are
     Unvaccinated?                                needed. We’ll return to Wilshire around
                                                  4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 27.
   Please wear a mask                             Dates: July 24–27
  Masks are required for children 2 to 11.
                                                  PRESCHOOL FRIENDS CAMP
       Worship livestream                         This year’s theme is “I Can Care About
 We will livestream the 11 a.m. service           Others.” This camp is open to preschoolers
   weekly on our YouTube channel                  who turned 3 years old through 5 years old
   at youtube.com/wilshirebaptist.                by Sept. 1, 2020, but have not completed
Ushers and greeters needed                        Dates: Monday–Friday, July 19–23,
      Contact Barbara Clayton at                  9 a.m.–noon.
bclayton@wilshirebc.org if you can help.          Registration Deadline: July 12

 wilshirebc.org/reopening                         Register at wilshirebc.org/registration.
                                                  All camps are open to the community.

Photo: Drone to Fly
                     July 7-10, 2021
   Join us online for the first virtual Baptist World Congress and help
                                                                                   Rangers game outing, August 1
make history Together as part of the world's largest gathering of Baptists.        Join us for a churchwide outing to the new
                                                                                   Globe Life Field to see our Texas Rangers play
                                                                                   the Seattle Mariners on Sunday, August 1, at
                                                                                   1:35 p.m. We’ll leave Wilshire around 12:15
                                                                                   p.m. on a charter bus and return after the game.
                                                                                   Our group seats are located in the Upper Box
                                                                                   section. Don’t worry about the heat; this new
                                                                                   state-of-the-art venue is fully enclosed and
                                                                                   air-conditioned. Tickets cost $20 per person.
                                                                                   Sign up to attend at wilshirebc.org/registration.

                                                                                   Book clubs
                                                                                   ■ The WOW! Brown Bag Book Club meets
  PRAY • WORSHIP • LEARN • CONNECT                                                 one Thursday a month at noon in Room 1205-L.
                        BWA2021.org                                                On July 8 the group will discuss Graeme Sim-
                                                                                   sion’s The Rosie Project. Contact Abbey Adcox
                                                                                   at aadcox@wilshirebc.org or Carolyn Murray at
The Baptist World Congress is a unique op-                                         cmurray@wilshirebc.org to sign up.
portunity for Baptists worldwide to stand                                          ■ The WOW! Tuesday Evening Book Club
together across borders, languages and                                             meets on Zoom monthly at 7 p.m. On July 13
ethnicities. The virtual event will include:                                       the group will discuss I Think You’re Wrong
■ Daily sessions with worship, fellowship,                                         (But I’m Listening) by Beth Silvers and Sarah
prayer and spiritual challenge.                                                    Stuart-Holland. To sign up, contact Debby
■ Breakout sessions, including live Q&A,                                           Burton at dburton@wilshirebc.org.
with recognized ministry experts.
■ Virtual roundtables focused on worship,
mission, aid, religious freedom and trans-
formational leadership.
■ An easy-access virtual platform with the
ability to facilitate networking and commu-
nity building by region or ministry focus.
The Baptist World Congress is presented by the
Baptist World Alliance, a global network of 47
million Baptists in 126 countries and territories.

Wilshire history book available
                     Blest Be the Tie, a hardcover
                     book covering the history
                     of Wilshire, is available
                     free of charge. Copies can
                     be found in high-traffic
                     areas of the building, and
                     you are free to take one if                             JULY 7
                     you don’t already have it.
                     The book contains infor-                    Chicken Fried Chicken (cream gravy on
mative text and hundreds of photos covering                       the side), Macaroni & Cheese, Mixed
Wilshire’s history from its 1951 founding until                    Summer Veggies, Fresh Bread, $12
the 2011 publication of the book.                               Mixed Salad Greens w/ Buffalo Chicken,
                                                                 Fresh Veggies, Blue Cheese & Herbed
Enroll for summer piano lessons                                 Ranch, Macaroni Salad, Fresh Bread, $12
Wilshire’s Academy of Fine Arts is enrolling                         Honey Ham, Bacon, Havarti &
piano students for the summer. The cost is $40                     Caramelized Onions on Kaiser Roll,
per 30-minute lesson. To sign up, contact Jeff                     Macaroni Salad, Potato Chips, $10
Brummel at jbrummel@wilshirebc.org.                                 Double Chocolate Brownie, $1.25
                                                                     Cherry-Pecan Cobbler, $2.50

   Midweek                                                Contact Elizabeth at eferguson@wilshirebc.org
                                                          for information about meatless meal options.

  Bible Study                                             Eat in James Gallery
                                                          Koinonia Café To Go patrons have the option
                                                          to enjoy their meal with friends in James Gal-
    Wednesdays at noon                                    lery. When ordering, indicate your intention to
                                                          dine on the premises. An opportunity to heat
     in the Sanctuary                                     your meal will be provided.
      Join us in person for a weekly time                 Summer schedule
      of announcements, prayer, singing                   This summer, Koinonia Café To Go will have
    and Bible study. Or catch the livestream              one pickup time, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
        at youtube.com/wilshirebaptist.
                                                          ■ Takeout meals from Wilshire’s kitchen are
                                                          offered for curbside pickup each Wednesday.
                                                          ■ Ordering for July 7 is open now on the church
                                                          website. Order and pay by end of day Tuesday,
                                                          July 6, then pick up your food on Wednesday.
                                                          ■ Full instructions at ordering link.

                                                          Find ordering link at

         LOW BACK
     You may be eligible for a
           free clinical study
   examining the use of music
  and other audio recordings
     for reducing chronic low
        back pain in adults 50
              years or older!
No In-Person Sessions Required and Compensation Available
 Wilshire Parish Nurse Linda Garner says, “Chronic low back pain is a very common
 problem and is often difficult to manage. I would encourage you to participate in
 this study if you qualify. It’s one way you can contribute not only to yourself but also
 to others.” There are no in-person sessions required and compensation is available.
 To find out more, contact Baylor at 254-296-0824 or mindbody@baylor.edu.

Wilshire Welcome
Meet & Greet
                                                  This Week
9:15 – 10:45 A.M.                                 Sunday, July 4
                                                  ■ Morning Worship, Sanctuary, 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.
Are you a guest or new member? Maybe              ■ Sunday School, 10 a.m.
you joined during the pandemic and don’t          ■ Love Your Neighbor Class with Marv Knox,
yet have a full picture of everything               Zoom, 1 p.m.
Wilshire has to offer. Mark your calendar
for our Wilshire Welcome Meet & Greet             Monday, July 5
                                                  ■ WSM Youth Camp departure, north
on July 25 in Community Hall. This
                                                    parking lot, 7 a.m.
informal session will help you learn about        ■ Church office closed for Independence Day
Wilshire, with topics ranging from Sunday
morning options to volunteer and advoca-          Tuesday, July 6
cy opportunities, plus a Q&A time with            ■ WSM Youth Camp
Senior Pastor George Mason. The Wilshire          ■ New Song Singalong, Choral Hall, 9:30 a.m.
Welcome Class will meet weekly this fall.         ■ Stephen Ministry Supervision, Zoom, 6:30 p.m.
Questions? Contact Carolyn Murray at
cmurray@wilshirebc.org.                           Wednesday, July 7
                                                  ■ WSM Youth Camp
                                                  ■ Koinonia Café To Go order pickups,
                                                    south parking lot, 11 a.m.
                                                  ■ Midweek Bible Study, Sanctuary, noon

Someone                                           ■ Adventurers Meeting, 1205-L, 1:15 p.m.
                                                  ■ COVID-19 Advisory Task Force, Zoom,

to talk with.                                       5:30 p.m.
                                                  ■ Sanctuary Choir, Choral Hall, 7 p.m.

If you are facing a life challenge and            Thursday, July 8
                                                  ■ WSM Youth Camp
would like to have a spiritual friend             ■ WOW! Brown Bag Book Club, 1205-L, noon
to walk alongside you for a season
                                                  Friday, July 9
of healing, perhaps you would                     ■ WSM Youth Camp
benefit from a Stephen Minister.
                                                  Saturday, July 10
Learn more at wilshirebc.org or                   ■ WSM Youth Camp
contact Linda Garner at 214-452-
                                                  Sunday, July 11
3151 or lgarner@wilshirebc.org.                   ■ Morning Worship, Sanctuary, 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.
                                                  ■ Sunday School, 10 a.m.
                                                  ■ Summer Keys: A Concert of Organ-Piano
                                                    Duets, Sanctuary, 6:30 p.m.

At Wilshire, we only have
the church we decide
to have by our own giving.
Here are several giving methods you can use to help us in
our mission of building a community of faith shaped by the
Spirit of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your generosity.

ONLINE. Schedule a recurring or one-time            WILSHIRE APP. Download our app from
gift charged to your debit or credit card or        the App Store or Google Play to make gifts
directly as an ACH from your checking               easily from your mobile device.
account. Visit wilshirebc.org/give (enable
cookies on your phone or tablet).                   DONATE STOCKS. Contact Lori Gooden
                                                    for information on how to donate appreci-
AUTOMATIC BANK PAY. At your bank’s                  ated stocks.
website, log in to your account and follow
instructions to set up Wilshire as a new            FROM YOUR IRA. For those over 70.5
payee. The bank will print and cut a check.         years old, tax-free IRA gifts offer a huge
                                                    financial benefit. They reduce your future
MAIL. Send to Lori Gooden’s attention at            tax burden and can fulfill your Required
the church. Please write on your check if it        Minimum Distribution for 2021.
is intended for the Unified Budget or
another purpose.
TEXT. Text WILSHIRE and a dollar amount
(example: WILSHIRE 50) to 73256, and                                   Scan code with
follow the link that pops up. The first time                           your smartphone
you do this, you will need to enter credit                             camera to make
card and contact information. All text gifts                           an electronic
will be applied to the Unified Budget.                                 contribution now.

Get started or manage your giving at wilshirebc.org/give

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