Sprocket - New Bern Breakfast Rotary Club

Page created by Hazel Reese
Sprocket - New Bern Breakfast Rotary Club
                        Breakfast Rotary Club of New Bern
                             Chartered May 9, 1985
                            Meets Thursday 7:30 a.m.
                                  Bakers Kitchen
District Governor:                                                   2021-22 President: Barry Lutz
Lewis Hoggard                    February 10, 2022                         BarryjLutz@yahoo.com

                                                  Jennifer Wilson-Mathis
                                                  Canines for Service
                                      Jen was born and raised in Westchester County, NY and has lived
                              in North Carolina since 1999. She is a communications, marketing, fund-
                              raising professional with over twenty years experience in brand manage-
                              ment, media, PR, event planning, project management, and fundraising.
                              She is a proud fireman's daughter, sister, and aunt and have been married
                              to a native North Carolinian for 20 years. We have three daughters.
                                      The Program Director for training, David McConnell, who has been
                              with the program since 2018 and a current student, “Tabatha” are with
                              Originally they used mainly shelter dogs. With the onset of COVID and
people staying home many thought it would be a good time to get a dog. Shelter dogs were almost
non-existent. While they continue to take shelter dogs they now also take dogs who come from
breeders that specialize in providing dogs to be working dogs.
        Canines for Service has been solely serving veterans since 2018. They serve those who were in
any of the conflicts and many physical or emotional difficulties. There are some “career change” dogs
who don’t work out for veterans but go with police and sheriff depart-
ments to be support for children they encounter and for the officers who
need comfort. The VA recognizes mobility service dogs as a medical device
and will cover expenses for those dogs. They do not offer any compensa-
tion for PTSD. The PAWS Act was passed in August but it is stalled at the
VA level. NC Senator Tillis is working with the group to give it a nudge.
They expect 20 new puppies this year. In March there will be an auction
style naming on their Facebook page.
        Click here: https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=canines%
20for%20service or here: https://caninesforservice.org/ to see more of
what they do and some of the veterans they have served. They are always
looking for foster families for the dogs.
Sprocket - New Bern Breakfast Rotary Club
President’s Message

                                  Barry for Jeff and Charlene

CART                                    The board will be con-
                       John     sidering several grant applica-
        Help us help Alz-       tions at the upcoming meet-
heimer’s research. We are       ing.
one of the clubs in the dis-                                                Please notice the slide
trict that supports this vol-                                       that has been added to the
untarily. Please bring          Foundation                          rotation. Keep track of your
your United States coins,                             Paul          volunteer hours.
paper money, and even                 Several attended the mid
checks made out to New          -year conference. Barry gave
Bern Breakfast Rotary           a presentation during which
Charities.                      he announced that we have           Membership
                                given the most to the founda-                           Deedra
                                tion in our district. There are a
Highway CleanUp                 couple of clubs coming close               The board will be
                      Dick      so keep giving.                     given an application for their
        Bill Stafford has               He gave out the re-         approval at the meeting on
been requesting we do this      maining three PolioPlus coins       Monday.
during the week. A show         to Tom Gingrich, Andy Gar-
of hands shows many to          lick, and Bobbi Garlick.
be in favor so Dick will                Ed Moore was also
set one up!                     presented with his Paul Harris       Bridge Run
                                +2. See page 4.                                           Ed
                                        Every one club, as
                                well as the club, has recogni-               This year’s date is
                                tion points. Those points can        April 9. We will be man-
RCS                             be given to anyone you feel          ning our usual water station
                      Cinda     deserves recognition to use          at the corner of Pollock and
                                towards their next Paul Har-         Eden. Sign the volunteer
       Two more people
                                ris.                                 sheet being circulated or
are needed for March 4
                                                                     give Ed a call at 252-626-
from 8 to 10 am or 10 to
11:30 am.
Sprocket - New Bern Breakfast Rotary Club
Dwight— $1 Guest Jeff          Paul— $1 to remember           Bob— $1 for all of the
Haddock’s wife, the            Jim Kahl’s father who          members here. It is great
leader of Epiphany’s           passed away this past          to see so many in atten-
Global Studies Program,        week.                          dance. Let’s keep it up!
is in Puerto Rico with 10th
graders for their first out-
                               Barry— $2 for guest and        Ed—$1
ing since Covid. Next
                               speakers. $1 for invoca-
week the 8th graders are                                               There was a meet-
                               tion by Deedra; $1 Paul
going to DC and 9th grad-                                     ing of poultry producers in
                               leading the pledge; $1
ers going to Puerto Rico.                                     Atlanta last week. One of
                               John for handling happy
                               dollars. Rest $ for Paul,      the featured presenters at
                               Andy, Deedra, Barbara,         the conference was a Dr.
Deedra— $5 because she
                               and Bobbi who attended         Cameron Ellington. Why
is buying breakfast for
                               the mid-year assembly.         is that of interest? Dr. El-
Bob Rigg. Deedra at-
                               The club presidents were       lington is the Moore’s old-
tended the Clean Sweep
                               given 5 minutes to tell        est granddaughter. She is
event to do Simmons St.
                               what the club as been do-      finishing her research fel-
Bob showed up to help
                               ing. He learned that most      lowship at UNC.
her. She had only brought
                               presidents do not know
2 bags which were not
                               what 5 minutes is. He          Barton— $1 He’s happy
enough and she promises
                               was proud to be well-          to be here!
to finish it next time. She
                               represented in the room.
promised to buy Bob
                               And was most interested        Clifton— $1 He ran into
breakfast for helping her.
                               in the small clubs who         Gene Foster, former mem-
$1 for Norman’s birthday
                               are doing so much. The         ber, and they cooked up a
on 2/14 $1 for the speak-
                               highlight was our very         golf tournament featuring
ers getting up in the mid-
                               own Deedra being intro-        the two clubs. Open to
dle of the night to be here
                               duced as next year’s As-       all. Details to follow.
from Wilmington for our
                               sistant District Governor.
early meeting. $1 she was
the first speaker at the new                                  Cinda— $6 For the crew
Ephiphany Future Busi-         David — $1 February is         that feeds RCS. George
ness Leaders meeting.          National Heart Month.          Brake and Mitch Khoury
                               Almost 700,000 people in       make the most delicious
                               America, one every 36          salads. Bette made won-
Mitch—$1 for the excel-        seconds, die every year        derful roasted potatoes.
lent program $1 for the        from heart disease. Listen     Jeff Opel was in charge of
early hour and long drive      to your body. If some-         the chickens. Bob and
it took the speakers to get    thing just feels odd or dif-   Brant came to help serve.
here.                          ferent….go get checked         $4 because she only had a
                               out.                           ten.
Sprocket - New Bern Breakfast Rotary Club
Our Rotary Club
                               Janet for Joe

       Member Birthdays
       2/11 Drew D’Angelo
       Partner Birthday
       2/14 Norman Durocher

                                       So there’s this thing I have to tell
                                       you before you go into the kitchen

Ed Moore receives his Paul
Harris +2                                  I love you SOOOO MUCH !!!
Sprocket - New Bern Breakfast Rotary Club
Jen draws
the card for
last week’s

After much
 the queen
 once more
avoided her
demise and
holds $279
Sprocket - New Bern Breakfast Rotary Club Sprocket - New Bern Breakfast Rotary Club Sprocket - New Bern Breakfast Rotary Club Sprocket - New Bern Breakfast Rotary Club Sprocket - New Bern Breakfast Rotary Club
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