SPRING/SUMMER 2022 ST. LUKE'S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - St. Luke's United Methodist Church

Page created by Tim Ramsey
SPRING/SUMMER 2022 ST. LUKE'S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - St. Luke's United Methodist Church

S T. L U K E ’ S U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H
SPRING/SUMMER 2022 ST. LUKE'S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - St. Luke's United Methodist Church
What is the essence of the Christian life? If one could distill “living and
loving like Jesus” down to just one simple concept, what would it be? I
think it would be this: he laid down his life. St. Paul used different words to
describe Jesus’ life: “he emptied himself, taking the form of a servant.” Paul
said his own life was “poured out like a drink offering.”

At St. Luke’s, we say we give ourselves away. Everyone is different, has a
different capacity for serving, and different gifts to use in service. But we
hope that for those of us who follow Jesus as part of St. Luke’s, service is a
way of life. This book is full of ideas, but there are others as well.

One of my favorite sermons was by Fred Craddock, the late great
preacher and professor of homiletics at Emory University. He said:

“To pour myself out for others, to pay the ultimate price of martyrdom, I’ll
do it. I’m ready, Lord, to go out in a blaze of glory. Most of us think giving
our all to the Lord is like taking a $1,000 bill and laying it on the table.
‘Here is my life, Lord. I’m giving it all.’ But the reality for most of us is that
he sends us to the bank and has us cash in the $1,000 bill for quarters. We
go through life putting out twenty-five cents here and fifty cents there. We
listen to the neighbor kid’s troubles instead of saying ‘get lost.’ Twenty-five
cents. We go to a committee meeting. Twenty-five cents. Give a cup of
water to a shaky old man in a nursing home. Fifty cents. Usually giving our
life to Christ isn’t glorious. It’s done in those little acts of love. Twenty-five
cents at a time. It would be easy to go out in a flash of glory, it is harder to
live the Christian life little by little over the long haul.”

Here at St. Luke’s, let’s give ourselves away, one act of service at a time.
SPRING/SUMMER 2022 ST. LUKE'S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - St. Luke's United Methodist Church

Our hope is that you will use this book to help guide you through
service opportunities throughout the city of Houston. We would love     TABLE OF CONTENTS
for every person and family to find new and impactful ways to serve
others. Here are a few helpful hints:

  » Do whatever you can – There is not a number we are trying            4 Community partners
    to achieve nor a certain amount of hours expected. We simply
    want to encourage everyone to do more while exploring all of         6 the color key
    the incredible things happening in our city.
  » Lots of options – We have worked hard to include a wide
                                                                         9 Ways to serve from a to z
    range of opportunities, but this is not an exhaustive list. We      serve categories
    know many of you are involved in multiple organizations
                                                                        15 St. Luke’s and Gethsemane
    outside of here, and that’s wonderful!
  » Contact the organization – Once you identify the                    16 Kid-friendly
    organization with which you would like to serve, find the
    contact information listed and let them know you would like to
                                                                        19 Low Impact
    help. They will be ready for you!
  » Let us know – If you have pictures or stories as you go along,      20 great for Groups
    please send them to us at any time:
  » Things may change – We have done our best to list events            22 websites
    and dates we think will happen, but that might change over
    time. Continue to check the St. Luke’s website for the most up to
    date event information.
SPRING/SUMMER 2022 ST. LUKE'S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - St. Luke's United Methodist Church
The Restoration Team (TRT) is a             The mission of the Christian
network of churches dedicated               Community Service Center
to assisting families whose                 (CCSC) is to serve the
homes were damaged from                     poor, hungry, disabled,
flooding during Hurricane                   and otherwise needy while
Harvey in 2017 and Tropical                 respecting their religious,
Storm Imelda in 2019.                       ethnic or cultural differences.

                                  ST. LUKE’S

Connect Community is working
to raise the quality of life for
all residents in the Gethsemane
area of Gulfton/Sharpstown.
Founding members are KIPP
Charter Schools, YMCA, Legacy
Community Health and St. Luke’s
United Methodist Church.
SPRING/SUMMER 2022 ST. LUKE'S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - St. Luke's United Methodist Church

                                         PX Project is a workforce
                                         development program in a culinary
                                         setting. Their mission is to use
                                         community and opportunity as
                                         pathways to success. With the
                                         kitchen as the vehicle, PX focuses on
                                         a wide range of employability skills
                                         as well as social/emotional health.

    To provide an exemplary early childhood program to instill and
    foster the social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual
    growth of economically at risk children and their families.

            AMAZING PLACE                                                            reVISION

Amazing Place works to empower lives disrupted                      reVision works to break the cycle of isolation
by dementia. The Day Program enriches the lives of                  among the most profoundly disconnected youth,
participants on a daily basis, while the Connections                most of whom are caught up in the juvenile justice
Program provides essential knowledge, tools and                     system. By connecting one kid at a time to caring
support for families, caregivers, health professionals,             adults, positive peers and a program that works,
congregations and the community at large.                           we offer disconnected youth the opportunity to
                                                                    revision hopeful pathways.
SPRING/SUMMER 2022 ST. LUKE'S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - St. Luke's United Methodist Church

      St. Luke’s and Gethsemane
      held at one of our two campuses

      wonderful for all ages

      Low Impact
      no heavy lifting required

      Great for Groups
      gather your Sunday School class,
      small group, or favorite friends

      activities with specific dates
SPRING/SUMMER 2022 ST. LUKE'S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - St. Luke's United Methodist Church
St. Luke’s is proud to be a founding member of
our Community Partners. These are organizations
established through St. Luke’s.

Community Neighbors are organizations with
whom we have worked closely over the years.
Their missions and values are helping transform
the city of Houston and we are proud to call them
SPRING/SUMMER 2022 ST. LUKE'S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - St. Luke's United Methodist Church
SPRING/SUMMER 2022 ST. LUKE'S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - St. Luke's United Methodist Church
Blessings in a Backpack stuff backpacks                   CCSC food pantry
Sort and organize donated food for                        Help organize and bag non-perishable food
students in need. Volunteers may set up a                 items for CCSC food pantry clients.
stuffing party.                                           Contact | Kelli Luce
Contact | Clair Silliman                                  volunteer@ccschouston.org
                                                          CCSC garden
CCSC back to school table volunteer                       Tend and care for the CCSC vegetable
Help collect monetary donations at the Back               garden which provides fresh produce to
to School table. These donations will help                CCSC food pantry clients.
provide school uniforms and supplies for                  Contact | Kelli Luce
children in need.                                         volunteer@ccschouston.org
Contact | Karen McCarver
                                                          Crossroads serve a meal
                                                          Tuesdays and Thursdays
CCSC back to school donation                              Help run showers, serve breakfast and lunch,
Donate to the Back to School drive which                  clean parish hall following meals, manage
helps provide school uniforms and supplies                and distribute hygiene products, and assist
for children in need.                                     clients as needed.
Contact | Kelli Luce                                      Contact | Doug Fortner
volunteer@ccschouston.org                                 doug@crossroadsatparkplace.org

CCSC back to school sorting and distribution              Dress for Success donate/sort/tag
Help sort and distribute backpacks and                    Help Dress for Success prepare for clients
supplies at the CCSC Back to School event.                by organizing, sorting, and tagging donated
Contact | Kelli Luce                                      clothing and suits.
volunteer@ccschouston.org                                 Contact | Ashley Werner
CCSC greeter and intake
Greet clients and help gather intake
information as they arrive at one of the
CCSC locations.
Contact | Kelli Luce

     St.Luke’s and Gethsemane          Kid-Friendly   Low Impact       Great for Groups        events
SPRING/SUMMER 2022 ST. LUKE'S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - St. Luke's United Methodist Church
     Food Drive donate                                         Gethsemane mercy closet donations
     Second Saturday of every month                            Donate clothes and basic need supplies to
     We continue to help Christian Community                   Gethsemane’s Mercy Closet.
     Service Center (CCSC) keep full shelves! Pull             Contact | Sean Archibong
     up to the Main Entrance porte-cochere on                  sarchibong@stlukesmethodist.org
     the south side of the St. Luke’s campus. No
     need to get of your car!
     Contact | Karen McCarver                                  Gethsemane mercy closet sorting
     kmccarver@stlukesmethodist.org                            Help organize clothing and basic need items for
                                                               those in the Gethsemane community.
                                                               Contact | Sean Archibong
     Food Drive volunteer                                      sarchibong@stlukesmethodist.org
     Second Saturday of every month
     Join us Saturday mornings to collect food for
     CCSC in our drive thru food drive!                        Gethsemane college care package
     Contact | Karen McCarver                                  Put together a care package of goodies for our
     kmccarver@stlukesmethodist.org                            Gethsemane students that are attending college.
                                                               Contact | Sean Archibong
     Friends at Home deliver Lenten plant
     Deliver a plant to our St. Luke’s Friends at
     Home, members of our congregation that are                Gethsemane WNF cook and serve
     either homebound or ill.                                  Prepare and serve a meal to the attendees of
     Contact | Shelley Quillin                                 Wednesday Night Fellowship at Gethsemane.
     squillin@stlukesmethodist.org                             Contact| Sean Archibong

     friends at home greeting cards
     Help brighten the day of a St. Luke’s Friend at           Gethsemane WNF sponsor
     Home by sending a greeting card in the mail.              Offer to sponsor a Wednesday Night Fellowship
     Contact | Karen McCarver                                  meal at Gethsemane.
     kmccarver@stlukesmethodist.org                            Contact | Sean Archibong

     Freewheels bike repair
     Assist in repairing bikes for refugees and                Gethsemane summer clubhouse snacks
     immigrants in need of transportation.                     Help provide snacks for the 80+ children that
     Contact | Bill Mintz                                      participate in Gethsemane’s Summer Clubhouse.
     info@freewheelhouston.corg                                Contact | Juana Chavez

      St.Luke’s and Gethsemane          Kid-Friendly   Low Impact      Great for Groups         events
Gethsemane summer clubhouse                                His Grace Foundation shop for a family
Volunteer to lead a class during                           Shop for groceries and other basic need
Gethsemane’s Summer Clubhouse.                             supplies for children and families receiving
Contact | Juana Chavez                                     treatment in the Bone Marrow Transplant
jchavez@stlukesmethodist.org                               Unit of Texas Children’s Hospital.
                                                           Contact | Val Anderson
Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center donate
March 26, May 21, July 16
Give the gift of life through the Gulf Coast               Hospitality Apartments front desk
Regional Blood Center bus on designated                    Be a greeter at Hospitality Apartments
Saturdays at St. Luke’s. Registration is                   by answering the phone and welcoming
preferred but not required.                                families as they arrive.
Contact | Karen McCarver                                   Contact | Rocky Forshey
kmccarver@stlukesmethodist.org                             info@hospitalityapartments.org

Have Shears Will Travel donate supplies                    Interfaith Ministries aniMeals
Donate grooming supplies to the Have                       Help package pet food for Meals on
Shears Will Travel mobile salon.                           Wheels recipients who have furry
Contact | Barbara Goodson                                  friends at home.
barbara@haveshearswilltravel.org                           Contact | Jodie Bernstein
His Grace Foundation make a basket
Put together a basket of goodies for the                   Interfaith Ministries Meals on Wheels
children and families in long-term care at the             Volunteer to deliver food to Meals on
Bone Marrow Transplant Unit of                             Wheels recipients.
Texas Children’s Hospital.                                 Contact | Jodie Bernstein
Contact | Val Anderson                                     jbernstein@imgh.org

                                                           Interfaith Ministries welcome baskets
His Grace Foundation donate blankets                       Make a basket full of basic need items
Make and/or donate blankets for the                        to welcome those that are coming out of
children receiving treatment in the Bone                   homelessness into a place of their own.
Marrow Transplant Unit of                                  Contact | Jodie Bernstein
Texas Children’s Hospital.                                 jbernstein@imgh.org
Contact | Val Anderson
                                                           Justice for all immigrants volunteer
                                                           Help greet and intake information during
                                                           our monthly JFAI clinics at Gethsemane.
                                                           Contact | Marci Pampe

     St.Luke’s and Gethsemane           Kid-Friendly   Low Impact        Great for Groups          events
     KIDS HOPE USA bake cookies for teachers                  Living Waters make Blessing Bags
     Bake cookies for the teachers and staff of               Gather and make Blessing Bags to be
     our two KIDS HOPE schools, Briarmeadow                   distributed on the Living Waters
     Charter and Sutton Elementary.                           mobile showers.
     Contact | Marci Pampe                                    Contact | Jennifer Park
     mpampe@stlukesmethodist.org                              jenniferpark@movingwaters-houston.org

     Kids’ Meals decorate lunch bags                          Manna Bags delivery
     Decorate lunch sacks for the preschool                   Deliver manna bags to those in need as you
     recipients of the Kids’ Meals lunch program.             drive your daily route.
     Contact | Monique Saldana                                Contact | Karen McCarver
     volunteer@kidsmealsinc.org                               kmccarver@stlukesmethodist.org

     Kids’ Meals make sandwiches                              Manna Bags make and donate
     Every Sunday                                             Assemble manna bags which provide meals
     Work with others to prepare, bag and pack                to walk-in guests at both St. Luke’s and
     over 600 sandwiches for underserved                      Gethsemane campuses.
     preschool children in Houston.                           Contact | Karen McCarver
     Contact | Charity Autry                                  kmccarver@stlukesmethodist.org

                                                              Meet the neighbors lunch delivery
     Kids’ Meals volunteer at headquaters                     March 5, April 2, May 7, June 4, July 2,
     Assemble lunches at the Kids’ Meals                      August 6
     headquarters in preparation for distribution             Deliver lunches around multiple apartments in
     to underserved children in Houston.                      the Gulfton/Sharpstown area while getting to
     Contact | Monique Saldana                                know our neighbors in the community.
     volunteer@kidsmealsinc.org                               Contact | Sean Archibong

     Legacy Community Health book drive
     Gather your family, friends, and neighbors               Meet the neighbors make sandwiches
     to host a book drive benefiting Legacy                   March 5, April 2, May 7, June 4, July 2,
     Community Health.                                        August 6
     Contact | Jessica Perez                                  Prepare sandwiches to be delivered to
     jperez2@legacycommunityhealth.org                        families at multiple apartment complexes in
                                                              the Sharpstown/Gulfton area.
                                                              Contact | Sean Archibong

      St.Luke’s and Gethsemane         Kid-Friendly   Low Impact       Great for Groups        events
Mission of Yahweh donate masks                             The Restoration Team feed volunteers
Donate masks for women and children at                     Provide meals for teams coming from all
Mission of Yahweh.                                         over the country to help with Harvey and
Contact | Tammie Jeffers                                   Imelda relief work.
tammie.jeffers@missionofyahweh.org                         Contact | Carson Tucker
Saturday Serve Sole Hope
March 26                                                   The Restoration Team build and repair
Join us as the entire St. Luke’s community is              Volunteer to work on homes with The
invited to help turn donated blue jeans into               Restoration Team as we continue to rebuild
shoes for children in Uganda.                              after Harvey and Imelda.
Contact | Karen McCarver                                   Contact | Carson Tucker
kmccarver@stlukesmethodist.org                             ctucker@therestorationteam.org

Saturday Serve Kids’ Meals                                 Undies For Everyone volunteer
June 4                                                     Help sort and pack underwear at
Join us as the entire St. Luke’s community                 Undies for Everyone.
is invited to prepare, bag, and pack                       Contact | Amy Weiss
over 4,000 sandwiches for underserved                      aweiss@undiesforeveryone.org
preschool children in Houston.
Contact | Karen McCarver
kmccarver@stlukesmethodist.org                             VBS volunteer
                                                           Volunteer to help make VBS happen
                                                           by becoming a greeter, teacher helper,
Small Steps host a book drive                              volunteer lounge coordinator, or snack
Host a book drive to support our upcoming                  provider.
Small Steps program at Gethsemane.                         Contact | Julie Ellerbrock
Contact | Sean Archibong                                   jellerbrock@stlukesmethodist.org

                                                           Vita Living donate games
Sutton elementary garden volunteer                         Donate games for the residents of
Volunteer to help prepare the Sutton                       Vita Living.
Elementary School garden for harvest!                      Contact | Joe Cooper
Contact | Marci Pampe                                      jcooper@vitaliving.org

                                                           Woodshop volunteer
                                                           Volunteer in our Woodshop as we
                                                           make thousands of wooden toys for
                                                           underprivileged children all over the world.
                                                           Contact | Karen McCarver

     St.Luke’s and Gethsemane           Kid-Friendly   Low Impact       Great for Groups          events
st. lu

                        AT ST. LUKE’S AND GETHSEMANE CAMPUSES

                        at st. luke’s                                              at gethsemane
                        food drive volunteer                                       CCSC food pantry
                        gulf coast regional blood center donor                     CCSC garden
                        Kids’ Meals decorate lunch bags                            Gethsemane mercy closet donation
                        Kids’ Meals make sandwiches                                Gethsemane mercy closet sorting
                        Pumpkin patch unloading                                    Gethsemane Summer Clubhouse
                        Saturday Serve Sole Hope                                   Gethsemane WNF cook & serve
                        Saturday Serve Kids’ Meals                                 Gethsemane WNF sponsor
                        vbs volunteer                                              Justice For all immigrants volunteer
                        Woodshop volunteer

uke’s and gethsemane • st. luke’s and gethsemane • st. luke’s and gethsemane • st. luke’s and gethsemane • st. luke’s and gethsemane • st. luke’s a

              CCSC garden                                                  Manna bags delivery
              food drive volunteer                                         Manna bags make and donate
              friends at home deliver Lenten plants                        Mission of Yahweh donate masks
              friends at home greeting cards                               Pumpkin patch unloading
              Gethsemane mercy closet donation                             Saturday Serve Sole Hope
              Gethsemane mercy closet sorting                              Saturday Serve Kids’ Meals
              Gethsemane college care package                              Small Steps host a book drive
              Have Shears will travel donate supplies                      Sutton elementary garden volunteer
              His Grace make a basket                                      The Restoration Team feed volunteers
              His Grace donate blankets                                    Undies for everyone volunteer
              His Grace shop for a family                                  Vita Living donate games
              Interfaith ministries aniMeals
              Interfaith minsitries Meals on Wheels
              Interfaith Ministries welcome baskets
              Kids Hope usa bake cookies for teachers
              Kids’ Meals decorate lunch bags
              Kids’ Meals volunteer at headquarters
              Kids’ Meals make sandwiches
              Legacy community health book drive

•kid-friendly• kid-friendly•kid-friendly• kid-friendly•kid-friendly• kid-friendly•kid-friendly• kid-friendly•kid-friendly• kid-friendly•kid-friendly•

             LOW IMPACT
             CCSC greeter and intake                                Justice for all immigrants volunteer
             CCSC food pantry                                       Kids Hope usa bake cookies for teachers
             CCSC garden                                            Kids’ Meals decorate lunch bags
             Crossroads hand out clothes                            Kids’ Meals volunteer at headquarters
             Crossroads serve a meal                                Legacy community health book drive
             Dress for Success donate/sort/tag                      Manna bags delivery
             food drive volunteer                                   Manna bags make and donate
             friends at home greeting cards                         Mission of Yahweh donate masks
             Gethsemane mercy closet donation                       Saturday Serve Sole Hope
             Gethsemane Summer Clubhouse                            Saturday Serve Kids’ Meals
             Gethsemane college care package                        Small Steps host a book drive
             Gethsemane WNF sponsor                                 The restoration team feed volunteers
             Have Shears will travel donate supplies                Undies for everyone volunteer
             His Grace foundation make a basket                     Vita Living donate games
             His Grace foundation donate blankets                   Woodshop volunteer
             His Grace foundation shop for a family
             Hospitality Apartments front desk
             Interfaith ministries Meals on Wheels
             Interfaith Ministries welcome baskets

low impact• low impact• low impact• low impact• low impact• low impact• low impact• low impact• low impact• low impact• low impact• low im

              GREAT FOR GROUPS
              CCSC food pantry                                        Interfaith Ministries welcome baskets
              CCSC garden                                             Kids Hope usa bake cookies for teachers
              Crossroads hand out clothes                             Kids’ Meals decorate lunch bags
              Crossroads serve a meal                                 Kids’ Meals volunteer at headquarters
              Dress for Success donate/sort/tag                       Kids’ Meals make sandwiches
              food drive volunteer                                    Legacy community health book drive
              Freewheels bike repair                                  Manna bags make and donate
              friends at home greeting cards                          Mission of Yahweh donate masks
              Gethsemane mercy closet donations                       PM Pals serve a meal
              Gethsemane mercy closet sorting                         Small Steps host a book drive
              Gethsemane college care package                         Sutton elementary garden volunteer
              Gethsemane WNF cook and serve                           The restoration team feed volunteers
              Gethsemane WNF sponsor                                  The restoration team build and repair
              Have Shears will travel donate supplies                 Undies for everyone volunteer
              His Grace foundation make a basket                      Vita Living donate games
              His Grace foundation donate blankets
              His Grace foundation shop for a family
              Interfaith ministries aniMeals
              Interfaith ministries Meals on Wheels

reat for groups• great for groups• great for groups• great for groups• great for groups• great for groups• great for groups• great for groups
s• great for groups• great for groups• great for groups• great for groups• great for groups• great for groups• great for groups• great for gr


     St Luke’s UMC                        Justice for all immigrants
     www.stlukesmethodist.org             www.justiceforallimmigrants.org
     Gethsemane                           KIDS HOPE USA
     www.gethchurch.org                   www.kidshopeusa.org
     Briarmeadow Charter School           Kids’ Meals
     www.houstonisd.org/briarmeadow       www.kidsmealsinc.org
     Christian community service center   Legacy Community Health
     www.ccschouston.org                  www.legacycommunityhealth.org
     Connect Community                    Mission of Yahweh
     www.myconnectcommunity.org           www.missionofyahweh.org
     Crossroads                           The Restoration Team
     www.crossroadsatparkplace.org        www.therestorationteam.org
     Dress for Success                    Small Steps
     www.dfshouston.org                   www.ssnc.org
     Freewheels Houston                   Sole Hope
     www.freewheelshouston.org            www.solehope.org
     Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center     Sutton Elementary school
     www.giveblood.org                    www.houstonisd.org/sutton
     Have Shears Will Travel              Undies for Everyone
     www.haveshearswilltravel.org         www.undiesforeveryone.org
     His Grace Foundation                 Vita Living
     www.hisgracefoundation.org           www.vitaliving.org
     Hospitality Apartments

     Interfaith Ministries
3471 Westheimer Road    6856 Bellaire Blvd
  Houston, TX 77027     Houston, TX 77074
 StLukesMethodist.org    GethChurch.org
    713-622-5710         713-622-5710
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