Award Winners 2018 - Australian Aged Care Quality Agency

Page created by Ronnie Warner
Award Winners 2018 - Australian Aged Care Quality Agency
Award Winners

			        Better Practice Award winners 2018   1
Award Winners 2018 - Australian Aged Care Quality Agency
Awards 2018
The Australian Aged Care Quality Agency (the Quality Agency) accredits and
monitors Commonwealth-subsidised aged care services and conducts quality
reviews of home care and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flexible care
services. The Quality Agency also promotes consumer-focused quality care
through education and engagement activities and works to promote the best
quality of care and safety for older Australians.

The aged care sector is undergoing a period of significant change. Supporting the
transition to the new Aged Care Quality Standards is a key priority for the Quality
Agency in 2018. The Quality Agency is working with consumers, providers and
other key stakeholders to assist service providers to comply and help consumers
to understand the new Aged Care Quality Standards.

Subject to parliamentary processes, providers will be assessed against the new
Standards from 1 July 2019. The new Standards will make it easier for consumers,
their families and representatives to understand what they can expect from a
service. They will also make regulation simpler for providers and encourage
innovation, excellence and continuous improvement.

The Quality Agency’s vision is for a world-class aged care system driven by
empowered consumers who enjoy the best possible quality of life. The 2018 Better
Practice Awards support this vision by allowing us to recognise and showcase
better practice, innovation and excellence across Australia’s aged care sector with
an increased focus on the consumer.

2 Better Practice Award winners 2018
Award Winners 2018 - Australian Aged Care Quality Agency
About the Better Practice Awards
The Quality Agency’s Better Practice Awards are awarded each year for projects,
initiatives or programs that act as exemplars for other aged care service providers
and encourage continuous improvement. This year’s awards align to our focus on
consumer outcomes and the new Aged Care Quality Standards.

The Awards recognise and disseminate better practice and innovation across
the broad spectrum of aged care services including:
    Commonwealth Home Support Program providers
    Home Care Service providers
    National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible care service
    Residential Aged Care Homes.

Nominations for Better Practice Awards describe projects, initiatives or
programs that relate to a range of areas including:
    Clinical care/ medication management                Leadership and culture
    Enablement and/ or transition care		                Workforce development
    Consumer engagement and/ or co-design               Health and wellbeing
    Social participation and lifestyle		                Dementia care
    Technology and / or social media 		                 Safety
    Living environment and / or sustainability          Diversity

In 2018, 102 nominations for Better Practice Awards were received.

An expert independent panel assessed each nomination that met the eligibility
criteria. Nominations were considered against the selection criteria that included
a focus on quality of care and quality of life outcomes for consumers.

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Award Winners 2018 - Australian Aged Care Quality Agency
Award categories

Better Practice Awards recognise better practice through our “Better Practice
Commendation Awards”. These awards showcase better practice beyond
minimum levels of compliance and focus on quality and safety for consumers.

Better Practice Awards also recognise a smaller number of higher tier “National
Innovation and Excellence in Aged Care Awards”. This award recognises providers
demonstrating leading edge, innovative practices in aged care that represent

Benefits of the Better Practice Awards program
The key benefits of the Better Practice Awards program include:
    gaining recognition through acknowledgement as an ‘exemplar of better
    practice’ or as ‘a leader in innovation and excellence of national or
    international note’
    sharing acknowledgement and celebrating success with consumers,
    managers, staff, visiting health professionals and others involved
    contributing to sector improvement by sharing better practices that can be
    using the award to promote service innovation across the sector and to

Award winners will be promoted on our website, and in our
industry newsletter, the Quality Standard.

4 Better Practice Award winners 2018
Award Winners 2018 - Australian Aged Care Quality Agency
Award Winners 2018
The National Innovation and Excellence in Aged Care Awards

These awards are designed to celebrate those providers who are industry leaders
in aged care and who are worthy of both national and international recognition in
aged care practice.

Up to five of these awards are offered nationally each year, in addition to our
Commendation (exemplar) awards.

All nominations apply using the same application form and all must first meet the
‘all nominations’ selection criteria. Those nominations the expert industry panel
considered are ‘outstanding’ examples of better practice are then considered
against the additional tier of selection criteria for this higher award category.

The 2018 winners of the National Innovation and Excellence in Aged care
Awards include:
    City of Boroondara (Vic)
    Creating an Age-Friendly Community
    Fresh Fields Aged Care Pty Ltd (WA)
    Back to Country
    The Whiddon Group (NSW)
    Embedding relationship-based care

			                                              Better Practice Award winners 2018   5
Award Winners 2018 - Australian Aged Care Quality Agency
City of Boroondara (Vic)

Creating an Age-Friendly Community
Commonwealth Home Support Program providers – Inner regional

Award descriptors:
    Community engagement and/or co-design
    Health and wellbeing
    Social participation and lifestyle

In 2012, the City of Boroondara was recognised by the World Health Organisation
(WHO) as an age-friendly city; a place where older people live safely, enjoy good
health and stay involved. The City of Boroondara was one of only six Australian
cities to have received this recognition at that time.

The development of age-friendly places is a process that actively incorporates
older people in decision making, implementation and evaluation of plans of action
to bring sustainable change.

The City of Boroondara’s Creating an Age-friendly Strategy 2014-19 fulfils the
organisation’s commitment to the Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and
Communities, which has enabled the organisation to deliver a series of actions
that develop and maintain the functional ability enabling wellbeing in older age.
Some of the key outcomes and achievements resulting from the Creating an
Age-friendly Strategy and associated plans include:

Some of the key outcomes and achievements resulting from the Creating an
Age-friendly Strategy and associated plans include:
    Casserole Club – a meal sharing and community strengthening project.
    Telling Tales – interviews with seniors about memories and experiences which
    led to the development of a theatrical presentation.
    Walk, Rest and Talk – a map/brochure series offering seniors a safe and easy
    walking route with information about available amenities.
    Adult outdoor fitness – outdoor fitness equipment supported by a local YMCA
    fitness program.

6 Better Practice Award winners 2018
Award Winners 2018 - Australian Aged Care Quality Agency
Share Care and Connect – a toolkit which assists individuals, community
 groups and local organisations to support community sharing groups, projects
 or activities.
 Active Ageing Hub – a digital directory of programs and activities for over 55’s.
 Dementia Friendly Community – to help people remain independent for longer.
 Annual Age-friendly Forum – an annual forum with a different theme each year
 held during the Victorian Seniors Festival.

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Award Winners 2018 - Australian Aged Care Quality Agency
Fresh Fields Aged Care Pty Ltd (WA)
Windsor Park Nursing Home

Back to Country
Residential aged care homes – Major cities

Award descriptors:
    Health and wellbeing
    Consumer engagement and/or co-design
    Enablement and/or transition care

The aim of the Back to Country program is to provide a social connection and
hope for Aboriginal care recipients and to inspire positive mental health well-being
outcomes with the promise of sending them home to their traditional land.

This program has many benefits for our care recipients and their communities. Due
to the urban location, our home has care recipients with high-level care needs.
Many of these people identify as Aboriginal and are traditional land owners from
remote areas of the state who have been transferred to the city for medical care.

The Back to Country program consists of evaluating whether the person’s health
condition can be stabilised and rehabilitated to a level of fitness and independence
where they would be able to return to their home. The program includes a
schedule of structured and unstructured activities facilitated by the Aboriginal
Health Coordinator and the home’s clinical team who work together on a plan for
the person to get to our health and wellbeing goal for their return to country.

Driving this commitment, is our recognition that Aboriginal people have a link to
the land. For traditional people the land encompasses kinship, community, history,
spirituality, and family. We work with many agencies, both government and non-
government to assist people to return to their traditional lands.

8 Better Practice Award winners 2018
Award Winners 2018 - Australian Aged Care Quality Agency
We have evaluated the effects of the program by conducting informal qualitative
interviews post-transfer. The benefits have been very clear and positive, with the
people benefiting from social inclusion, and an increased sense of community,
however the most remarkable benefit has been the sense of being ‘back in

			                                              Better Practice Award winners 2018   9
Award Winners 2018 - Australian Aged Care Quality Agency
The Whiddon Group (NSW)
Easton Park | Glenfield – Arthur Webb | Belmont | Grafton | Maclean | Hornsby | Kyogle |
Laurieton | Redhead | Wingham | Largs

Embedding relationships based care
Residential Care – Major cities, Inner regional

Award descriptors:
    Leadership and culture
    Health and wellbeing
    Workforce development

Our care philosophy has always been based on a belief that personal growth and
meaningful activity can be possible regardless of age and frailty. The launch of our
new MyLife model of care - which integrates care for social, emotional and physical
needs - provided us with the opportunity to consider how best to ensure
a consistent and holistic approach to care and create true cultural change.

Through implementing the MyLife model of care, we have empowered clients and
families to be true partners in their care and give permission and the right skills to
staff to deliver relationship based care.

We identified 3 key elements to implementing relationship based care – continuity
of staffing, greater personal connection and meaningful activity. We established
a dedicated rostering model and partnered with University of Sydney for training,
new processes and the evaluation. In addition, a new Program Manager role was
created to work alongside University of Sydney and drove both the trial program
and the subsequent 3 year roll out across all 27 of our residential and community
care services.

Through the MyLife program, MyLife Buddies (focus carers), were allocated to
each resident to develop the relationship, partner with family and advocate for the
resident to other staff.

10 Better Practice Award winners 2018
The new program also introduced 2 new tools/processes:
   All About Me, conducted at the outset of the program where the MyLife Buddy
   spends one on one time with the client and family discussing past, present and
   future interests and goals.
   Best Week is introduced as a Handover tool, where each client experiences
   the best possible week for them approximately every quarter. Activities can be
   big or small, but are tailored to that individual.

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Award Winners 2018
The Better Practice Commendation Awards

The Better Practice Commendation Awards represent exemplars of good practice.
These awards retain a clear focus on quality and safety for consumers and are
central to the Quality Agency’s role in promoting consumer focused, high quality
aged care and services throughout Australia.

Nominations come from a range of service types, locations and sizes, covering the
breadth and diversity of providers in Australia.

The 2018 winners of the Commendation Awards include:
    ECH Incorporated (SA)
    ECH LGBTI Connect Service
    Feros Care (Qld)
    Grow Bold – Independent Fulfilled Lives
    Feros Care (NSW)
    Trials to Smiles – Sunbeam Legacy
    Resthaven Incorporated
    Restoring Older People’s Lives
    Sacred Heart Community (Vic)
    My Community My Way
    Montefiore (NSW)
    Integrated Cognitive and Sensory Program
    Yackandandah Bush Nursing Hospital (Vic)
    Let’s Grow Old Together

12 Better Practice Award winners 2018
ECH Incorporated (SA)
ECH North | ECH South | ECH West

ECH LGBTI Connect Service
Commonwealth Home Support Program providers – Home care services –
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flexible care service providers – Inner
regional – Major cities

Award descriptors:
    Consumer engagement and/or co-design
    Health and wellbeing

This project ensured access, service delivery and employment experiences
for people from LGBTI communities was positive and welcoming. Through
co-designing services for older LGBTI people, a LGBTI Connect Service was
developed. This service works with potential clients to understand their
requirements and incorporates a social program element to facilitate social
connections and mutual support. The program has also supported the delivery
of extensive staff training leading to new and updated policies to guide culturally
sensitive support for clients from the LGBTI community.

			                                               Better Practice Award winners 2018   13
Feros Care (Qld)
Wommin Bay | Byron Bay | Bangalow

Grow Bold – Independent Fulfilled Lives
Commonwealth Home Support Program providers – Home care services –
Residential aged care homes – Inner regional – Major cities – Outer regional

Award descriptors:
    Health and wellbeing
    Social participation and lifestyle
    Technology and/or social media

This national program helps Seniors live a healthy, fulfilling life by building stronger
connections with the broader community and promoting the message that even
as we reach our Senior years, there is opportunity for us all to set and achieve our
goals and dreams. Through an ambitious multi-media marketing campaign “Grow
Bold”, Feros Care started community conversations which have raised awareness
of the value of Seniors in the community, normalised the ageing process, reduced
Aged Discrimination - enabling “Bold Lives”.

14 Better Practice Award winners 2018
Feros Care (NSW)
Wommin Bay | Byron Bay

Trials to Smiles – Sunbeam Legacy
Commonwealth Home Support Program providers – Home care services –
Residential aged care homes – Inner regional – Major cities – Outer regional

Award descriptors:
    Health and wellbeing
    Social participation and lifestyle
    Enablement and/or transition care

In an environment typically associated with keeping people comfortable and
preventing decline, Feros Trials to Smiles is a first of a kind solution to providing
evidence based fully integrated clinical and lifestyle therapy for Seniors in
residential care; personalised restorative programs provide a sustainable way of
helping residents get stronger through therapy, at the same time supporting them
to live “their best life” and achieve their lifestyle dreams.

			                                               Better Practice Award winners 2018    15
Resthaven Incorporated (SA)
Resthaven Marion Community Services

Restoring Older People’s Lives
Commonwealth Home Support Program providers – Home care services –
Residential aged care homes – Inner regional – Major cities – Outer regional

Award descriptors:
    Health and wellbeing
    Enablement and/or transition care
    Consumer engagement and/or co-design

In 2017, Resthaven was allocated 17 ‘places’ of the new Commonwealth
Government service, Short Term Restorative Care (STRC). A working group
developed an action plan to implement Resthaven’s restorative care program,
using a nurse-led multidisciplinary team approach, and building on existing
organisational experience, capacity and capability in wellness, reablement and
restorative care services. An evaluation in May 2018 demonstrated the program
is achieving quality outcomes for consumers through tailored assistance, aimed
at supporting individuals to regain physical and emotional functional capacity;
restoring their lives following “setbacks”; and postponing the need for higher level

16 Better Practice Award winners 2018
Sacred Heart Mission (Vic)
Sacred Heart Community

My Community My Way
Residential aged care homes – Major cities

Award descriptors:
    Health and wellbeing
    Social participation and lifestyle
The Sacred Heart Community provides a special place for residents who have
a history of homelessness and disadvantage. This initiative takes its lead from
residents and is guided by trauma informed care. The model encompasses every
aspect of services provided to residents by staff, allied health practitioners and

			                                             Better Practice Award winners 2018   17
Montefiore (NSW)

Integrated Cognitive and Sensory Program
Residential aged care homes – Major cities

Award descriptors:
    Dementia care
    Clinical care/medication
    Health and wellbeing

This program improved interventions, staff skills and knowledge to better support
residents with dementia experiencing changed behaviours, or behavioural
and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD). The program involved three
core components including: multifaceted specialist assessment; environmental
assessment and enhancements; and staff training.

18 Better Practice Award winners 2018
Yackandandah Bush Nursing Hospital (Vic)
Yackandandah Health Residential Aged Care

Let’s Grow Old Together
Residential aged care homes – Inner regional

Award descriptors:
    Consumer engagement and/or co-design
    Social participation and lifestyle
    Leadership and culture

The Let’s Grow Old Together project was aimed at breaking down perceived
barriers and reconnecting services to the community. This project changed
community perceptions of the organisation and embedded the home as an integral
part of the community. The project has led to the development of a website and
social media plan to engage with the community. It has also supported the creation
of community spaces, and a collection of monologues entitled ‘Living Memory’.

			                                            Better Practice Award winners 2018   19
to all our 2018 Better Practice Award winners

                                             For more information about the
                                            Better Practice Awards program
                                        visit our

                                                  Contact us: 1800 728 589

20 Better Practice Award winners 2018
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