Knowledge and management of fever in parents of children under 5 years of age at a children's hospital

Original article                                                                          Arch Argent Pediatr 2020;118(2):89-94 / 89

                            Knowledge and management of fever in parents
                            of children under 5 years of age at a children’s
                            Vanesa E. Castellano, M.D.a, Natalia Talamona, M.D.a, Norberto D. Giglio, M.D.a,
                            Liliana Sabbaj, M.D.b and Ángela Gentile, M.D.a

                            ABSTRACT                                                   INTRODUCTION
                            Introduction. In pediatrics, fever is a common
                                                                                           Fever is one of the most common
                            reason for consultation. The objective was to
                            assess parental knowledge, behaviors, and fears            reasons for consultation in pediatric
                            in the management of fever in their children.              practice. It has been estimated that 20-
                            Materials and methods. Observational,                      40 % of children see a physician due
a. Department of            analytical, cross-sectional study. In 2018, a survey
                                                                                       to a fever, which is more common in
   Health Protection        was administered to the parents of children aged
   and Promotion, Area      6 months to 5 years who attended Hospital de               infants younger than 18 months old.1
   of Epidemiology.         Niños Ricardo Gutiérrez, in the Autonomous                 Most fever episodes are caused by
b. Outpatient Facilities    City of Buenos Aires. The association between              self-limited, benign, viral infections
                            sociodemographic outcome measures and
   of the Department of                                                                that do not require treatment;2
   Pediatrics.              knowledge, behaviors, and fears in cases of fever
                            was analyzed.                                              however, the diagnostic approach
Hospital de Niños
Ricardo Gutiérrez,
                            Results. A total of 201 surveys were completed:            varies depending on the risk for age.
Autonomous City
                            56.7 % of parents considered that fever was bad                Parental knowledge and behaviors
                            for health; 37 % defined fever between 37 °C and
of Buenos Aires,                                                                       when dealing with fever have been
                            37.5 °C, and 59 %, between 38 °C and 38.5 °C.
                            The mean temperature considered severe was                 a topic of interest because they may
                            39.2 °C (standard deviation: 0.69). Physical               affect the care of a fevered child as
E-mail adress:
Vanesa E. Castellano,
                            methods were used by 93 % of caregivers; 97 %              well as their relation to the health care
                            administered antipyretic agents, and 14.5 %
M.D.:                                                                                  system.3,4 Multiple factors related to
                            used alternating agents. Fears of consequences        included seizures in 82 %, dehydration in 41 %,            an unjustified fear of fever, defined
                            brain damage in 18 %, and death in 12 %. Also,             as fever phobia, have been described
Funding:                    86.5 % woke up their children to give them an              in the bibliography and continue
This study was funded       antipyretic agent. Among the higher maternal
by an unrestricted grant
                                                                                       to date. 6,7 Cultural, educational,
                            education level, fear of fever was lower (odds
awarded by Sanofi           ratio: 0.5; 95 % confidence interval: 0.28-0.91).          socioeconomic, and health care system
Aventis, which was          Conclusions. One-third of survey respondents               factors have been associated with fear
used in relation to the     considered low body temperature values as fever.           of fever and fever phobia.3,8-11
survey materials, and       Fear of fever was high, and the level of maternal
                                                                                           Parents’ anxiety due to fear of
an educational grant        education may mitigate it.
awarded to Natalia          Key words: fever, antipyretic agents, parents,             consequences may predispose them
Talamona, M.D.              knowledge, behavior, health practice, surveys and          to an excessive use of antipyretic
                            questionnaires.                                            agents and antibiotics, as well as
Conflict of interest:                                                                  a disproportionate utilization of
The authors       
                                                                                       emergency services.2,9,12 In addition,
V. Castellano, N. Giglio,
L. Sabbaj, and
                                                                                       the increased use of antipyretic agents6
Á. Gentile did not
                            To cite: Castellano VE, Talamona N, Giglio ND, Sabbaj L,   may lead to higher dosing errors in
                            Gentile A. Knowledge and management of fever in
receive any fee for this    parents of children under 5 years of age at a children’s   certain populations.13,14
project.                    hospital. Arch Argent Pediatr 2020;118(2):89-94.               The objective of this study was to
V. Castellano, N. Giglio                                                               assess parental knowledge, behaviors,
and Á. Gentile
were lecturers in a
                                                                                       and fears in the management of fever
conference sponsored                                                                   in their children. These results will
by Sanofi Aventis in the                                                               help to develop educational and care
context of a National                                                                  strategies.
Conference of the
Argentine Society of
                                                                                          This was an observational, cross-
Received: 4-24-2019                                                                    sectional, analytical study carried out
Accepted: 10-3-2019                                                                    between August and October 2018
90 / Arch Argent Pediatr 2020;118(2):89-94 / Original article

using a survey administered by health care staff.                 as mean and median values, whereas categorical
The parents or caregivers of healthy children                     outcome measures, as percentages and their
between 6 months old and 5 years old who                          corresponding 95 % confidence intervals (95 %
attended the outpatient offices of Hospital de                    CI). To establish if there was an association
Niños Ricardo Gutiérrez for a health checkup                      between sociodemographic outcome measures
were included. Caregivers with difficulties to                    and behaviors in cases of fear of fever (believing
understand the survey were excluded.                              that fever was bad for health), the odds ratio (OR)
    Sociodemographic data (age, origin,                           and its corresponding 95 % CI were estimated.
socioeconomic level as per Graffar’s modified                        The sample size was estimated based on
method,15 and level of maternal education) and                    the population in the study period, with a
data related to knowledge, behaviors, and fears                   hypothetical frequency of 50 % (±5) believing that
in the management of fever were collected. A                      fever was harmful16 and a 95 % confidence level.
risk behavior was defined as using a mercury                      At least 197 surveys were required. Data were
thermometer to measure temperature, using a                       analyzed using the STATA software, version 13.
cloth with alcohol or giving the child a bath with                   This study was approved by the Research and
cold water to lower the fever. Finally, parents                   Teaching Committee and the Research Ethics
were asked about their expectations in relation to                Committee of Hospital de Niños Dr. Ricardo
the medical consultation.                                         Gutiérrez and, in all cases, a written informed
    Based on a questionnaire about fever, 16 our                  consent was obtained.
version was adapted and new questions were
introduced in relation to the study objectives.                   RESULTS
Then, a pilot test was done in 30 subjects to assess                 A total of 201 surveys were completed.
the questionnaire structure and readability. The                  All survey respondents were mothers; three
questionnaire is shown in Annex 1.                                parents refused to take the survey. No case was
    A descriptive analysis was performed.                         excluded. Sociodemographic outcome measures
Quantitative outcome measures were described                      are described in Table 1.

Table 1: Sociodemographic outcome measures
N = 201 caregivers		                                                                                N (%)
Maternal education                              Incomplete primary education                        6 (3 %)
                                                Complete primary education                        24 (12 %)
                                                Incomplete secondary education                    48 (24 %)
                                                Complete secondary education                      84 (42 %)
                                                Incomplete university education                    16 (8 %)
                                                Complete university education                  23 (11.44 %)
Place of residence                              CABA                                           64 (31.84 %)
                                                Province of Buenos Aires                         137 (68 %)
Nationality                                     Argentinian                                   116 (57.71 %)
                                                Paraguayan                                     33 (16.42 %)
                                                Bolivian                                        25 (12.4 %)
                                                Peruvian                                        16 (7.96 %)
                                                Venezuelan                                         5 (2.5 %)
                                                Colombian                                            2 (1 %)
                                                Nigerian                                           1 (0.5 %)
                                                Chilean                                            1 (0.5 %)
                                                Cameroonian                                        1 (0.5 %)
                                                Chinese                                            1 (0.5 %)
Socioeconomic level                             I                                                  3 (1.5 %)
(Graffar’s modified method)                     II                                                  12 (6 %)
                                                III                                               39 (19 %)
                                                IV                                            135 (67.16 %)
                                                V                                                   12 (6 %)

CABA: Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
Knowledge and management of fever in parents of children under 5 years of age at a children’s hospital / 91

    Out of all survey respondents, 114 (56.7 %;                                 Among assessed behaviors that may be
95 % CI: 49.8-63.4) indicated that they believed                            related to the fear of fever, 174 caregivers (86.5 %;
fever was bad for health. Figure 1 shows the                                95 % CI: 81.3-90.8) woke up their children at night
proportion by level of maternal education. Table 2                          to give them an antipyretic agent, and 69 (43.9 %;
describes the answers to the questionnaire in                               95 % CI: 36.3-51.8) implemented co-sleeping
relation to knowledge of and behaviors toward                               when their children had a fever, except for those
fever. When asked if they had consulted a                                   who practiced co-sleeping routinely (n = 44).
physician for the most recent fever episode,                                In relation to survey respondents’ expectations
146 parents (72.6 %; 95 % CI: 66.2-78.5) said yes.                          during the medical consultation, it was observed
    The mean temperature parents considered                                 that 185 (92 %; 95 % CI: 87.7-95.2) expected
severe was 39.2 °C (standard deviation                                      the pediatrician to do a physical examination;
[SD]: 0.69). The fears of parents in relation to fever                      21 (10.45 %; 95 % CI: 6.7-15.2), to order tests;
consequences are described in Table 3.                                      and 11 (5.47 %; 95 % CI: 5.5-9.3), to prescribe
    A total of 197 parents (98 %; 95 % CI: 95.3-                            antibiotics.
99.4) used antipyretic agents to manage fever.                                  Among studied associations, it was observed
Table 4 shows the pattern of antipyretic agent                              that a higher level of maternal education
distribution and the dose interval. Among the                               (complete secondary or higher education) was
parents who used alternating antipyretic agents,                            associated with a lower fear of fever (OR: 0.5;
26 (89.6 %) stated that this had been an indication                         95 % CI: 0.28-0.91). Other outcome measures,
of their pediatrician.                                                      such as number of children and parents’ age and

Table 2. Knowledge of and behaviors toward fever

N = 201 caregivers		                                                                                                           N (%)
Definition of fever (lowest threshold)                      37-37.5 °C                                           73 (36 %; 95 % CI: 29.9-43.1)
                                                            38-38.5 °C                                          118 (59 %; 95 % CI: 51.8-65.4)
                                                            ≥39 °C                                                   10 (5 %; 95 % CI: 2.6-8.7)
Method used to measure temperature                          Thermometer                                         195 (97 %; 95 % CI: 93.9-98.8)
                                                            Touch                                                    6 (3 %; 95 % CI: 1.2-6.18)
Type of thermometer used                                    Digital                                             167 (83 %; 95 % CI: 77.4-87.8)
                                                            Mercury                                            34 (16.9 %; 95 % CI: 12.2-22.6)
Body site for temperature measurement                       Armpit                                            194 (96.5 %; 95 % CI: 93.2-98.5)
                                                            Ear                                                    1 (0.5 %; 95 % CI: 0.02-2.4)
Initial behaviors in the case of fever*                     Remove clothes and offer liquids                    105 (52 %; 95 % CI: 45.3-59.1)
                                                            Visit the ER immediately                             88 (43.8 %; 95 % CI: 37-50.7)
                                                            Visit the pediatrician immediately                   30 (15 %; 95 % CI: 10.5-20.4)
                                                            Wait and see                                       81 (40.3 %; 95 % CI: 33.7-47.2)
Waiting time until first consultation (n = 81)              24 hours                                           46 (56.8 %; 95 % CI: 45.9-67.2)
                                                            48 hours                                           21 (25.9 %; 95 % CI: 17.3-36.3)
                                                            72 hours                                           14 (17.3 %; 95 % CI: 10.2-26.7)
Use of physical methods*                                    No                                                       14 (7 %; 95 % CI: 4-11.1)
                                                            A cloth with water                                119 (59.2 %; 95 % CI: 52.3-65.8)
                                                            A bath with lukewarm water                        121 (60.2 %; 95 % CI: 53.3-66.8)
                                                            A bath with cold water                                    8 (4 %; 95 % CI: 1.9-7.4)
                                                            Alcohol                                                 5 (2.5 %; 95 % CI: 0.9-5.4)

* Multiple-choice question.

Table 3. Parental beliefs about the risks of fever
N = 201 caregivers		                                                                                                            N (%)
Fear of consequences*                                       Seizures                                           165 (82.1 %; 95 % CI: 76.3-86.9)
                                                            Dehydration                                         84 (41.8 %; 95 % CI: 35.1-48.7)
                                                            Brain damage                                        36 (17.9 %; 95 % CI: 13.1-23.7)
                                                            Death                                                    24 (11.9 %; 95 % CI: 8-17)

* Multiple-choice question.
92 / Arch Argent Pediatr 2020;118(2):89-94 / Original article

nationality, did not show statistically significant                series, more than half of survey respondents
differences. No differences were observed either                   considered that fever was bad for health, which
in relation to behaviors (alternating antipyretic                  was consistent with the regional data obtained
agents, medical consultation, co-sleeping, waking                  by Ugarte et al.19 Other studies have also shown
up children) and their association with fear of                    similar data and have described, in addition,
fever.                                                             an association between the level of maternal
                                                                   education and fear of fever.16,20
DISCUSSION                                                             Cohee et al., observed cultural differences
   In our study, the entire population                             regarding fear of fever among survey
corresponded to mothers, and 64 % had                              respondents. 8 In our series, no difference was
completed secondary or higher education. Half of                   observed between Argentinian and foreigner
survey respondents were Argentinian, followed                      survey respondents. Initial hypotheses proposed
by other Latin American nationalities, making this                 that an older parental age and a higher number
a heterogeneous hospital population. It is worth                   of children may reduce fear of fever; however, no
noting that most of them had a high education                      differences were observed when these outcome
level compared to their low socioeconomic level.                   measures were analyzed. The lack of evidence for
   Although there is evidence about the beneficial                 the studied associations may be due to the small
effects of mild and moderate fever, 17,18 in our                   sample size for such analysis.

Figure 1. Proportion of survey respondents who expressed fear of fever in their children, by level of education

                100 %

                90 %

                80 %

                70 %

                60 %

                50 %

                40 %

                30 %






Table 4. Use of antipyretic agents
N = 197 caregivers		                                                                                      N (%)
Antipyretic agents used*                               Ibuprofen                              166 (84.3 %; 95 % CI: 78.7-88.9)
                                                       Acetaminophen                           60 (30.5 %; 95 % CI: 24.3-37.1)
                                                       Dipyrone                                 23 (11.6 %; 95 % CI: 7.7-16.7)
                                                       ASA                                                              None
Dosing                                                 3-5 h                                        9 (4.6 %; 95 % CI: 2.2-8.2)
                                                       6h                                     101 (51.2 %; 95 % CI: 44.3-58.2)
                                                       8h                                      86 (43.6 %; 95 % CI: 36.8-50.6)
Alternate use                                          Never                                  172 (87.3 %; 95 % CI: 82.1-91.4)
                                                       Sometimes                                24 (12.2 %; 95 % CI: 8.1-17.3)
                                                       Always                                       5 (2.5 %; 95 % CI: 0.9-5.5)

* Multiple-choice question.
ASA: acetylsalicylic acid.
Knowledge and management of fever in parents of children under 5 years of age at a children’s hospital / 93

     In relation to knowledge about fever                          received instructions at a teaching hospital.
management, one-third of survey respondents                            Like in the study by Crocetti et al.,6 86 % of
considered fever values that were below the                        parents woke up their children to give them
definition of fever, similar to what has been                      antipyretic agents and less than half practiced co-
described by other authors, 3,21 and this may                      sleeping during the fever episode, which suggests
predispose to an inadequate antipyretic agent                      that our population has a fear of fever, like in
use and an overburden on the health care system.                   other regions.7
Among thermometer use, the digital type                                Our study has certain weaknesses because
prevailed, as observed in other populations.3,6,16,22              it was developed at a teaching hospital in the
It is worth noting that part of our sample used                    Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, so our
a mercury thermometer, and that there were                         findings may differ in other settings.
differences compared to other studies, which                           Being aware of parents’ treatment
showed a greater3 or smaller use.19 The preferred                  expectations, fears, and perceptions during a
site to measure body temperature was the armpit                    medical consultation due to a fever episode is
in most cases, which is consistent with current                    useful to prevent unnecessary procedures and
recommendations.23-25                                              tests. Future studies to better understand the
     Although most fever episodes were benign                      influence of health education would be useful to
and self-limited, the time between fever onset                     mitigate parental anxiety in relation to fever.
and the medical consultation was very short.26 In
our series, 43 % decided to visit the Emergency                    CONCLUSION
Department immediately. When asked about                              Approximately one-third of survey
the most recent fever episode, approximately                       respondents considered that fever was present in
70 % had made a medical consultation, which                        spite of low body temperature values, and more
reinforced the idea that fever was a reason for                    than half of them believed that fever was bad
consultation at the health care system. Such                       for health. The fear of consequences was high,
situation poses a dual interpretation: on the one                  although risk behaviors were low in our setting.
side, the need of parents to see a physician and                   The level of maternal education may mitigate the
rule out severe conditions and, on the other side,                 fear of fever. n
the importance of a rational resource use.
     In the past 30 years, the recommendations                     REFERENCES
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Knowledge and management of fever in parents of children under 5 years of age at a children’s hospital / I

                                                 Annex 1. Survey

1. Age of father/mother/legal guardian: ________ years old.
2. Level of maternal education:
    1. Incomplete primary education/ 2. Complete primary education/ 3. Incomplete secondary
    education/ 4. Complete secondary education./5. Incomplete tertiary or university education/
    6. Complete tertiary or university education.
3. Number of children: __________
4. Age of child(ren):
    1. __________ (y.o./m.o.).      2. __________ (y.o./m.o.).   3. __________ (y.o./m.o.).
    4. __________ (y.o./m.o.).      5. __________ (y.o./m.o.).
5. Place of residence:
    1. Aut. City of Buenos Aires. 2. Province of Buenos Aires.   3. Other.
6. Nationality:
    1. Argentine.          2. Other:
7. Socioeconomic level:
    1. I. 2. II. 3. III. 4. IV. 5. V.
8. Do you think fever is bad for health?
    1. Yes. 2. No.         3. I do not know.
9. Do you use a thermometer to measure body temperature?
    1. Yes. 2. No.
10. If you use a thermometer, what type is it?
    1. Ear.   2. Forehead.           3. Digital.    4. Mercury.* 5. Other.
11. If you use a thermometer, in what part of the body do you take the temperature?
    1. Armpit. 2. Rectum.           3. Forehead.    4. Mouth.    5. Ear.
12. If you do not use a thermometer, what method do you use?
13. What temperature do you consider fever?
    1. 37. 		 2. 37.5.       3. 38.       4. 38.5.     5. >39.
14. What fever value do you consider severe?
15. Do you think fever may cause any of the following?
    1. Brain damage.        2. Seizures.           3. Death.       4. Dehydration.          5. None.
16. What is the first thing you do when your child has a fever?
   I remove their clothes and give them liquids.
   I give them anti-fever agents.
   I take them to their pediatrician.
   I take them to the Emergency Department.
   I wait until the fever goes down on its own (if this is the case, how long
   do you wait before seeing a physician?).
17. Do you use any of the following to lower the fever? You can select more than one.
    1. A cloth with alcohol.*   2. A cloth with lukewarm water. 3. A shower or bath with lukewarm water.
    4. A bath with cold water.* 5. Other:                       6. No.
18. Did you see a doctor during the most recent fever episode?
    1. Yes. 2. No.
19. Do you use any drug to lower the fever?
    1. Yes. 2. No.
II / Arch Argent Pediatr 2020;118(2):89-94 / Original article

20. Which drug(s) do you usually use?
    1. Acetaminophen. 2. Ibuprofen.         3. Dipyrone.    4. Other: ____________
21. How often do you give it to your child?
    Every________ h.
22. Do you alternate between several anti-fever drugs?
    1. Sometimes.         2. Never.          3. Always.
23. If you do so, who gave you the indication?
    1. Family/friends.     2. Pharmacist. 3. Pediatrician. 4. Label.
24. Do you wake up your child during the night to give them the anti-fever drug?
    1. Yes. 2. No.
25. When your child has a fever, do you take them to bed with you?
    1. Yes.		 2. No.       3. They always sleep with me.
26. When you see a physician due to a fever episode, what do you expect during the visit?
    1. An indication for anti-fever agents.		       2. An indication for antibiotics.
    3. A physical examination. 4. Tests.

* Please explain this is risky or dangerous.
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