Saint David's United Church Strategic Plan 2018 2020 - Saint David's United ...
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3 History ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 Mission .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Vision............................................................................................................................................................. 4 Governance ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Purpose of the Strategic Plan........................................................................................................................ 4 Our Environment .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Strategic Themes (5) ..................................................................................................................................... 7 1. Extended Hours - Seven Days, not just Sunday ............................................................................ 7 2. Radically Welcoming ..................................................................................................................... 7 3. Community Stewards .................................................................................................................... 8 4. Focused on Growth ....................................................................................................................... 8 5. Sharing Leadership ........................................................................................................................ 8 Risks and Mitigation ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Strategic Operating Plan ............................................................................................................................. 10 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 11 STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 - 2020/SAINT DAVID’S CHURCH P a g e 2| 12
INTRODUCTION The Board of directors and members of the congregation of Saint David’s United Church (otherwise referred to as the Strategic Planning Group) developed this Strategic Plan after considerable examination and analysis of strengths, environmental trends, and risks. This document represents an intention to develop goals and measurements that are ambitious but attainable, are fiscally responsible yet continue to improve on quality of service to the Saint David’s community. The strategic priorities contemplated herein will be developed within the capacity and capability available currently within the organization and, as required, using outside resources. The document provides guidance on the implementation and management of the strategy using action planning and risk mitigation techniques to achieve the overarching Vision and stay true to the Mission. This strategic plan has the support of the Board, Ministerial Team and Members of the Congregation regarding these goals and strategies to advance Saint David’s over the coming three-year period. HISTORY What is now known as Saint David’s United Church has a long and interesting history, and had its humble beginnings in the waiting room of the local railway station in 1860, where everyone met for worship. The small congregation of 1860, over the years, grew to the point that in 1951, it became the Rothesay/Quispamsis Pastoral Charge. They worshipped together with one minister until 1979. At that time, growth was such that Quispamsis and Saint David’s became separate charges, each with their own minister. Also, in 1951, extensive renovations were required to improve the original structure that was built in 1888. The improvements included a concrete basement and completion of the chapel which transformed a hall into the church of its present New England style. Later, in 1960, the year of the 100th anniversary, construction begun for a Christian Education building. In 1988 the two buildings, the church sanctuary and the Christian Education building were connected, and what you see now is the result of that ambitious project. STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 - 2020/SAINT DAVID’S CHURCH P a g e 3| 12
MISSION Build on the present and grow our ministry through diversity, progressiveness and by being active in the community. VISION Saint David’s strives to be a caring and mutually supportive community where everyone is welcome to explore what it means to be a beloved child of God and a committed follower of Jesus, the Christ. GOVERNANCE Church business and worship affairs are governed by an Official Board comprised of officers and committee chairs. PURPOSE OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN The purpose of this strategic plan is to guide efforts in the growth and development of Saint David’s by setting clearly defined goals and measurements, with a focus on achieving these goals while staying true to the guiding mission and values. Recognizing the need to live our Vision and Mission with constraints of decreased attendance and an aging population, the Board of Saint David’s United Church along with members of the congregation have developed a three year strategic action plan. The risk mitigation strategy is built to anticipate and respond to environmental forces and seize opportunities to advance Saint David’s Church beyond today’s challenges and continue to serve its community to its fullest. This process began with surveying the congregation using a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWAT) analysis which led to the decision by the Board to hold a more fulsome strategic planning session. The day-long event included discussions with the Board and members of the congregation, who identified priorities and key areas that may impact Saint David’s in the coming three-years. The team participated in facilitated exercises, a SOAR analysis (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results), Environmental Scan, Scenario Planning, Risk Mitigation and Action Planning, that led to the development of a strategic plan centered on the following five strategic themes: 1. Seven Days, not just Sunday 2. Radically Welcoming 3. Community Stewardship 4. Focused on Growth STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 - 2020/SAINT DAVID’S CHURCH P a g e 4| 12
5. Sharing Leadership The strategic planning process allowed for an opportunity to assess the fit and value of the Mission Statement. The Mission is rooted in history, Christian values, and community. Ministerial staff, board members and the congregation live and feel the mission intensely throughout their work and interactions at Saint David’s United Church. OUR ENVIRONMENT The "environment" includes the physical, social, cultural, and spiritual factors which surround a person. It includes all parts of the society in which a person lives, works, and worships. The physical environment includes the visible material things which surround a human. It refers to the country, city, or village in which they live. It refers to all that can be seen with the natural eye such as buildings, land, animals, trees, mountains, material possessions, etc. The social environment refers to the people who live in any physical environment. The social environment is the people among whom we live, work, and worship. The ministry landscape has experienced significant change in recent years due to changes in social, cultural and spiritual trends and will continue to change given decreased attendance and an ever-increasing aging population. To ensure a sustainable future that maintains the high quality of services the congregation has come to expect, Saint David’s must continually scan the environment to respond to the changes within their congregation and the community. The many changes in the demographics of Rothesay, the economy and society will continue to present certain challenges for the congregation of Saint David’s. The following was flagged as current challenges by the Strategic Planning Group: Physical Assets Parking lot Accessibility issues Worship space cannot be multi-purpose due to set up Available spaces are not technologically supportive Kitchen is outdated, lack of Stewardship Demographics Mature (aging) congregation Missing generations of 20’s, 30’s, 40’s STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 - 2020/SAINT DAVID’S CHURCH P a g e 5| 12
Demographics – increased average age of membership Perception of affluence Organizational Trends Re-organization with more emphasis on regions Fewer ministers to serve pastoral charges Decreased attendance Typically focused on Sunday, not 7 days Societal Trends Texting (pain & useful); Smart phones & social media No day of rest, Entertainment Family time is scarce Need for immediacy Lack of family time together, gatherings Lack of perceived importance of Church for many people Overly automated Instances of harm from Church (abuse, etc.) You can learn everything with Google, YouTube Less social interaction in person Constantly changing trends Prevalence of Sunday activities competing for church time Complex family dynamics; smaller families Both parents working full-time and hours Increase in contract workers therefore more transient families Technology Social media presence (visible on the web) – promotional tool Streaming capability and live-stream Change in communication methods Technology updates are constant Audio visual screens More personal technology - hard of hearing aids / headphones Closed-caption / tablets STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 - 2020/SAINT DAVID’S CHURCH P a g e 6| 12
STRATEGIC THEMES (5) The Strategic planning session, discussions with the ministerial staff and youth helped the Strategic Planning Group to surface five key themes through theses facilitated discussions. These key priorities form the base by which the strategic operating planand corresponding implementation actions will be developed. 1. Extended Hours - Seven Days, not just Sunday The ability to reach congregation members and potential members on their terms and on their schedule is required as part of responding in a proactive way to the changing environment. Implementing creative ways to reach the community through technology, scheduling, outreach and unique offerings will be paramount to the success of Saint David’s in the future. 2. Radically Welcoming It is recognized as an opportunity to be more welcoming and forward thinking when it comes to diversity, bringing the community into Saint David’s, and becoming a viable option for more segments of the surrounding communities for ALL demographics. This would be part of Saint David’s signature differentiator in the community – to be THE most welcoming organization in the Valley by creating an experience that is all about developing a sense of belonging and family. The youth group particularly emphasized this strategic pillar. STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 - 2020/SAINT DAVID’S CHURCH P a g e 7| 12
3. Community Stewards The backbone of Saint David’s is its role as a steward in the community and living its mission to provide a destination guided by Christian values. The theme of building relationships was a constant and focussed on the need to leverage the relationships that Saint David’s has with its members, local schools, and their community neighbors. Opportunities to expand into the community through increased community services such as offering programs to the younger demographic (age 20-40), offering out the facilities for group functions, better engaging shut- ins by providing live stream options were examples. Developing partnerships with like-minded individuals or organizations will create awareness for the quality work that Saint David’s facilitates and can lead to opportunities to gain further outreach into the community. 4. Focused on Growth The financial stability for Saint David’s is of the outmost importance, and this requires a bias toward growth. This includes growth of the congregation, growth of income, growth of attendance, growth of offerings and endowments. The important role Saint David’s plays in the community will only be sustained by building and growing a strong,viable and relevant church. Over the next three years, a consistent and intentional focus on growth will be a priority. 5. Sharing Leadership A more inclusive approach to church and community leadership is required to increase engagement within the church and among other churches. This strategic priority requires Saint David’s to identify and take advantage of opportunities to work with other organizations and churches within our community, build engagement internally by providing opportunities for youth and others to lead, and create a sense of responsibility for leadership for every individual involved with Saint David’s. RISKS AND MITIGATION There are potential areas of risk that may impede the achievement of the strategic priorities set forth in this report. The following is a summary of those risks and potential mitigation approaches to alleviate the impact of the risks. Risk Details Mitigation Approach • Fear of change, resistance toward change • Fast moving search committee • Fear of making a mistake • Clear view of the strategic plan communicated to the • Conflict search committee and the congregation • Competition of opinions/ traditions btw existing • Execute on strategic plan and new members • More support for Minister so she can support us • Clear milestones in the strategic plan • Discussions with ministerial staff to accept help STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 - 2020/SAINT DAVID’S CHURCH P a g e 8| 12
• If we are more inclusive we may lose some of our • Communication and education senior membership • Parking • Talk to Bell Aliant about their parking lot • Look at expanding in some way • Ministry team and all volunteers role clarity • Educate the board and congregation • Clear roles, hold people accountable, communicate • If we stick with only Sunday worship we won’t • Look at alternate worship times and opportunities grow • Look at alternate ways of worshipping • Community outreach fails, lose vision • Strengthen programs we have and develop new programs • Lack of funds • Endowment program • Stewardship – UCC • Increased attendance • Legacy funds • Increased communication to congregation • No membership growth • Best practices of UCC • Attract youth and families • Lack of volunteers • Better sales and recruit • Avoid burnout • Lose members to other churches • Keep current with communication and programming • Unwillingness to change; complacency and lack • Communicate advert and risk of adaption • Show possible results – get buy-in • Have a realistic plan • Staff burnout • Volunteers to step up • Support STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 - 2020/SAINT DAVID’S CHURCH P a g e 9| 12
STRATEGIC OPERATING PLAN Building on recent accomplishments and beginning to think forward into the future of Saint David’s United Church, a strategic operating plan will be developed for implementation over the next three years. The following is the outline of the plan, which is designed to guide leadership through the first few steps in achieving their goals. Strategic 2018 – Q1 2018 – Q2 2018 – Q3 + Q4 Theme (Jan-Mar) (Apr-Jun) (Jul-Dec) Extended Plan for flexible worship Implement plan and Hours program measure success Radically Build a welcoming moment External Welcoming into the services, meetings communication and community events strategy including welcoming advertising Implement quarterly special invite services Implement church directory Internal communication strategy and plan Community Community Stewardship outreach plan Focused on Strike a Search Committee Plan for new faces and New Minister Growth for Second Minister new families orientation Physical Asset plan (kitchen Reinstate membership update, accessibility) committee Endowment and legacy planning plan Share Create a volunteer plan Program developed Leadership with clear roles for 20’s-40’s, seniors Themed Sundays Determine opportunities to collaborate with Quispamsis STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 - 2020/SAINT DAVID’S CHURCH P a g e 10| 12
CONCLUSION The Strategic Planning sessions consisted of a series of meetings with the Minister, Board, Congregation Members and Youth. There is a pride among the Saint David’s Community that is abundantly clear and is communicated in how the members live their Mission every day. The Strategic Plan focuses on the next three-years and incorporates the major themes that were identified throughout the process as priorities to continuing the growth and sustainability of the church. Execution of this plan will be a coordinated two-pronged approach with actions to be facilitated by the Board as well as those facilitated by the Ministerial Team . Critical to the success of this plan will be the accountability process (follow-up and follow through), the transparency of communication, and the celebration of success by the entire team as goals are achieved and results are realized. STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 - 2020/SAINT DAVID’S CHURCH P a g e 11| 12
STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 - 2020/SAINT DAVID’S CHURCH P a g e 12| 12
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