SPRING HILL MESSENGER - May 2021 - Spring Hill Presbyterian ...

Page created by Ross Jennings
SPRING HILL MESSENGER - May 2021 - Spring Hill Presbyterian ...
                                                             May 2021
Dear Spring Hill Presbyterian Church,
J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy story, The Hobbit, begins when mild-mannered Bilbo Baggins encounters the
wild and wonderous wizard, Gandalf, who utters an invitation that will change Mr. Baggins’s life: “I’m
looking for someone to share in an adventure.” The invitation to transformational, shared adventures
has always been a part of the Church's calling. Jesus extended a life-changing, community-
forming invitation to people, who left their ordinary lives and followed him on an adventure that
transformed all of creation. Christian communities in today’s society (and our congregation in this
particular moment in time) are thrust into a new adventure of seeking to respond to Christ’s invitation
in ways that are different from what we have known for generations. Theologians Stanley Hauerwas
and Will Willimon in their work, Resident Aliens, reflect on the role of the church in this post-
Christendom context: “We American Christians are at last free to be faithful in a way that makes being
a Christian today an exciting adventure…Christians are intentionally made by an adventuresome
church, which has again learned to ask the right questions to which Christ alone supplies the an-
swers.” Likewise, church leadership scholar, Tod Bolsinger, suggests, “This is a moment when most
of our backs are against the wall, and we are unsure if the church will survive to the next generation.
The answer is not to try harder but to start a new adventure…the discovery of a new, uncharted land
beckoning us forward—yes, in the face of uncertainties, fears and potential losses—to learn and to
be transformed. What is needed? An adventure that requires adaptive capacity.”
During the next three months (from May 17-August 15) I will be engaging in an intentional time of
sabbatical after seven and half years of ministry at SHPC. I am so thankful to the church for the great
generosity of this gift and for the foresight of pastor nominating committee to include this planned sab-
batical in my terms of call back in 2013. While I’m looking forward to some time of rest with my family,
I am also ready to plunge deeply into the theme of Adventure in my study and reflections over the
summer. I’ll be honing my lenses on some particular times in the Church’s history when the pivotal
moments of change called forth adventuresome spiritual responses from leaders and teachers. In the
early church under Roman rule, in the rise of the Celtic Church after the fall of the Roman Em-
pire, and in the era of the Protestant Reformation our forebearers discerned new things that
God was doing and sought to faithfully responded in ways that reached forward in hope while
still staying rooted to the gifts of the Christian tradition. As I survey the spiritual landscape of our
world today, I believe we can learn much from these adventurers of the past as we live into who God
is calling us to be now.
As I study and reflect on this them of adventure, I’ll also be journeying on a few small-scale pilgrimag-
es and a large adventure with my family. Our plan for the month of June is to drive from Mobile to
Washington state with stops in as many National Parks along the way. While getting out of my com-
fort zone, I’ll be listening to the wisdom of those voices from the past and how their insight calls us out
into new territories of wonder, service, and reconciliation.
In preparing for this summer, there are a few final reminders I’d like to share with you:
-The sabbatical is NOT a time for me to prepare for leaving our church family. Instead, it IS a time for
me to get new insight and spiritually recharge in preparation for the next chapter of our ministry to-
gether for years to come here at SHPC.
-Our worship on Sunday mornings will include a wonderful sermon series entitle “Always Forward: A
Transforming Journey” led by Dr. Anna Fulmer Duke, Rev. Eugenia Gamble, and Harvie Jordan on
Spring Hill Sunday (July 18).

SPRING HILL MESSENGER - May 2021 - Spring Hill Presbyterian ...
-This theme of Adventure/Journey will further be explored during an outstanding Faith and the
  Arts Summer Sunday School series. Pay special attention to the full page insert in this newslet-
  ter describing the slate of speakers and topics.
  -A special Sabbatical Committee has been created with many leaders in the church to help con-
  nect the dots and ensure things don’t slip through the cracks during the time that I am away. They
  will be working closely with our Coronavirus Commission to carefully navigate the waters of mov-
  ing forward in our Covid protocols as it is deemed safe to do so.
  Finally, friends, before I leave, I want to say “Thank YOU!” Thank you for this gift of sabbath time.
  Thank you for your love and support. Thank you for your faithfulness and dedication to our won-
  derful church family. Thank you for all that you are doing in Christ’s name in our Mobile communi-
  ty and beyond. Thank you!

  Grace and Peace,

Dear Friends,
        The month of May in the life of the church is full of milestones. One of my favorite moments each
year is celebrating graduation with our high school seniors. I love hearing the blessings by families,
watching the slideshow with photos through the years. May 2 will be our End-of-the-Year Vespers, a
service that celebrates milestones. We will honor our high school seniors, commission our youth at-
tending Montreat, listen to our children’s choir sing for the final time this year, and more. May 16 marks
another milestone: it will be Buz’s last week with us before his Sabbatical. I am so grateful that we as a
church family get to celebrate this milestone in Buz’s ministry with us. The next week, May 23 kicks off
another milestone, our summer series: Always Forward: A Transforming Journey.
        In this season where things are returning to more normal, rates of COVID are lessening in our
community’ and the vaccine is more widely accessible, many of us are thinking about the future. Things
are different; we are different. As much as we might long for things to be exactly like they used to be,
we know that we have grown and changed in this year. We must move forward. This summer, we will
explore the journeys of our forebearers, milestones in Scripture, and how they continued to move for-
ward following God. We will be looking at stories from Genesis and Exodus exploring how God moved
God’s people forward, even when there looked to be no way through.
        I believe God created us to continually change and grow. Just look at a baby—they are con-
stantly developing; they are persistently moving forward: rolling, crawling, walking, running. With time, I
think we can forget what we were born doing—moving forward. Change grows harder some times with
age. I love routine personally, and this past year, has been discombobulating. Instead of moving for-
ward, we can simply stop. We can become stuck in discord, denial, fear, security, and jealousy. Even
when we know that God plans a future of hope for us, it is easy to long for what is familiar. Yet, God
refuses to leave us in our suffering and bondage. God calls us again and again to move forward, to
keep trying, to trust God, to grow in our love and faith.
        This summer, I hope you will join me and Rev. Eugenia Gamble as we continue always forward,
following the one, our Lord who walks before, behind, above, and below.
        Grace and Peace,

SPRING HILL MESSENGER - May 2021 - Spring Hill Presbyterian ...
An Invitation to All Women of the Church:
                                                    Let’s Celebrate!
               What: Presbyterian Women are hosting a double celebration:
               Our annual PW Birthday, combined with…
               A special “Sip and See” to honor Anna Fulmer Duke and son Anders.
               (You remember the “baby shower” that COVID canceled last spring? A year
               late…we celebrate!)
 When: Wednesday, May 12th, beginning at 10:00 a.m.
    First in the Sanctuary for a Bible Study Lesson led by Buz Wilcoxon, followed by Buz and
        Anna leading the installation of our PW Officers for 2021—2023.
    Second in the Memorial Garden area outside for cupcakes, ice cream, and iced tea – and
        to “meet” Anders and honor Anna.
 What to bring:
 Wear a mask, and if you would like to have a chair when we’re outside, please bring a chair
 to set up near the Memorial Garden before we begin in the sanctuary.

                                                            End of the Year Vespers

     Adult Education News                                        Sunday, May 2 at 4:00 pm
Current Issues Class:                                 May 2 is our End of the Year Vespers celebration at
As a lead-in to our Summer Arts Series theme of       4:00 pm! We will be honoring our High School seniors
“Journey,” two Current Issues class members           and hearing their families give them blessings. Our
will share highlights of their own life and faith     Children’s Choirs will sing for the final time this
journey, under the heading “Tell Me Your Sto-         spring. We will be commissioning our youth for their
ry.” This class will continue to meet virtually
                                                      Montreat trips. Afterwards, come inside the sanctu-
through May.
                                                      ary to see our High School Senior slideshow! It will be
May 9: Lynn Flanagan
                                                      a fun time as we remember the courage, resilience,
May 16: Royce Ray
May 23: Wrap-up and sharing; looking ahead to         and faith we have had in this unusual year!

      Bible Discovery Class
                  This class is meeting in
                  person again as they
                  continue around the
                  theme of                            STAFF APPRECIATION AT MARY B AUSTIN
                  HOLY – God Revealed.               Help us salute our partner in education teachers and
Welcome back all who have missed                     staff at Mary B. Austin with a treat breakfast on May
that personal touch and fellow-                      4th. If you would like to help by supplying a casserole
ship! Fellowship Hall @ 9:15 a.m.                    or some sweet pastries please contact Buddy Porter at
                                                     cporter43@mchsi.com and let him know.
SPRING HILL MESSENGER - May 2021 - Spring Hill Presbyterian ...
                 Dave Fulgham Bobby Gewin Neal Howell Carla Krause
                 Mack McInnis Nancy Sims Elise Thompson Dudley Wilson
                     Jim & Nancy Adams                                            Dr. & Mrs. Russell March
                  Mr. & Mrs. George Arras                                            Jacqueline Marrero
                    Jim & Barbara Beach                                            Norman McCrummen
                    Buddy & Kay Braswell                                          Ceil & Tommy McGehee
                     Carter & Kay Bryars                                        Dr. Bill & Ann Carwie Mosley
                   Frank & Jane Callahan                                                  Joan Myers
                                                                                    Dr. Allen & Kimi Oaks
                      Mitch & Sally Cobb
                                                                               Nancy & William Oppenheimer
                    B.B. & Glenda Coker                                                  Marion Overby
                    Frank & Cathi Dagley                                               Nancy Patterson
                    Hal & Lynn Daugherty                                           Dick & Lila Pennington
                    Ann & Wade Faulkner                                                   Royce Ray
                   Billie & Russell Goodloe                                    Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin T. Rowe
                   Richard & Paula Henry                                          Lewis & Barkley Shreve
                   Dan & Rochelle Herring                                                  Jane Sims
                  Jacquelyn & Andrew Hill                                            Mary Hunter Slaton
                          Bonney Irwin                                            John & Tiny Spottswood
                           Sue Jardine                                           Jack & Carol Stephenson
                          Jain Ann Lain                                          Riggs & Carol Stephenson
                  Charles & Linda Langston                                         Beth & Bobby Thomas
                   Gage & Shelley Logan                                                  Patsy Torbert
                            Sara Long                                             Bruce & Sylvia Weinard

 The Prayers and sympathy of the congregation go out to Norma Baymiller on the death of her
 sister, Helen Cullen in San Antonio, TX.
                                                         Statement as of March 31, 2021
                              Prayer List                                      Total Annual Budgeted
Kaye Bradshaw, Chandler Bramlett, Edith Cox, Lauren Henson, Burton             Revenue               $      825,987
Hoitt, Kay Korb, Norma Magee, Sue McLean, Marilyn Michel, Margaret
Miller, Betty Minto, Bill Rawson, Cort Schlichting, William Shreve, Gladys     Year-to-date Received $      233,532
Sheets, Ransome Sheets, Janie Sims, Gayle Underwood, Nicholas
Vrakelos, Helen Wells all our military members: Haley Harrell, Susanna         Other Receipts        $        7,980
Hedrick, Stuart Rubio; The children in our Big Brother/Big Sister               Total Receipts       $      241,511
program: Krystyn, Maylasia, Makenzie, Milaishia, Morgan, Taliah &
                                                                               Benevolences             $    17,093
                         Our Nursery is Open!
                                                                               Salaries and Services    $   116,875
 Our nursery is back open! As more people begin to worship in-person, we       Programs                 $     3,011
 also want to make sure that our children and families feel fully welcomed.    Office Expenses          $     5,911
 We have some special COVID guidelines our nursery workers will follow         General and Plant Ser-
 which include wearing masks, temperature checks, cleaning the nursery         vices                    $    50,854
 before and after, closing the nursery for two weeks if a child or nursery     Other                    $     8,861
 worker did test positive for COVID-19. We do ask that families take precau-     Total Expenses         $   202,604
 tions with any children with underlying health conditions or if they have
 family members who they live with who have risk factors. Children are al-       Excess Receipts over
 ways welcome in our worship services no matter their age; however, we are     (under )Expenses       $        38,908
 excited to have the nursery available for those parents who might desire it
 in order to fully engage in worship.
SPRING HILL MESSENGER - May 2021 - Spring Hill Presbyterian ...
Vacation Bible School Update                             YOUTH MISSION CAMP
                      Vacation Bible School will be                             Because we will not have
                      Sunday-Wednesday, June 27-30                              Tribe Leaders and small
                      from 5:00-6:00 pm in the evening                          groups, you might be wonder-
                      outside. We are asking children                           ing can youth volunteer?
                      who attend to bring an adult with                         While VBS is happening June
                      them to help them with the activi-                        27-30 from 5:00-6:00 pm, we
                      ties. Because each child will                             will have our youth participat-
                      have an adult attending too, we                           ing in Mission Camp. We will
are opening VBS to children grades K3-5th grade            have our youth completed grades 5-12 work on
(children must be 3 years old). Vacation Bible School      mission projects outside and masked while our
will be very similar to our BLAST (Bible Learning and      children are participating in VBS. Mission pro-
Sharing Time) program. Children will have a towel to       jects will include cleaning up Langam Park, mak-
sit on along with a bag of supplies for the night. We      ing cards, cleaning up our church property, and
will have 15 minutes of a story, music, art, and recre-    more. This will be a great way for youth to get
ation during our hour together. Sign-up using our          service hours (up to 6)! Sign-up using our Google
Google Form: https://                                      Form: https://forms.gle/wkK9pCWbB33JxsPb7

A Star is Born!!
(or more than one)
Dust off your best talent for SHPC first annual Talent Show,
coming in July! Stay tuned for more information!

                       Montreat Trip Meetings
       Montreat High School: Youth (and parents of youth
attending) and chaperones attending Montreat High
School, join us May 23 after church in the Fellowship Hall.
Government Street Presbyterian Church’s youth will also be joining us as
we go over last minute details for our trip.

     Montreat Middle School: Youth (and parents of youth attending) and
chaperones attending Montreat Middle School, join us July 11 after church
in the Fellowship Hall. Government Street Presbyterian Church’s youth will
also be joining us as we go over last minute details for our trip.

SPRING HILL MESSENGER - May 2021 - Spring Hill Presbyterian ...
May 2021
SUN               MON              TUE         WED           THU         FRI   SAT

    *Church office is closed on Fridays
    *Worship is at 10:30 am                                                    Back Pack for
    * Vespers is at 4:00 pm                                                    Kids-packing
    *Sunday School is at 9:15 am
2-Worship-        3                4            5            6           7     8
Communion                          MBA-Teacher PWCT
Graduation Sunday                  Appreciation
Youth Group                        Breakfast
VESPERS                            Committees
9 Mother’s Day    10               11          12 PW May     13          14    15
Sunday School                                  Birthday
Worship           Coronavirus      Session     Celebration
                  Committee        Diaconate
                                               SIP & SEE–

16-               17               18          19            20          21    22
Sunday School
Worship           Buz’s

23                24               25          26            27          28    29
Sunday School
                  Coronavirus                  Last Day of   Spiritual
                  Commission                   Public School Writing
                  Newsletter                                 Group
30                 31-Memorial
Worship            Day
(No Sunday School)
                   Church Office

SPRING HILL MESSENGER - May 2021 - Spring Hill Presbyterian ...
Moving from Step Two to Step Three in our 4-Step Plan

                                                    For Returning from a Season of Separation

                                                     (Approved by Session on March 16, 2021)
Why are we ready to move to Step Three now? Our gathering together is safer due to… • A continuing decline in new cases of COVID in
Mobile County;
  A Mobile rating in the Low-Moderate Risk Level from the Alabama Department of Public Health;
  Three approved vaccines and more people receiving vaccines.
What are the key differences in Step Two and Step Three?
                                                                       Step 2                                                     Step 3
                                                                                                       Hybrid Worship with up to 100 people in the
                Worship                                                                                   sanctuary and 50 in Fellowship Hall.
                                            Hybrid Worship with up to 50 people in                     If the Bullard Gym is used for worship, in
                                            the sanctuary and 25 in
                                                                                                          case of rain, 100 are allowed.
                                            Fellowship Hall
                                                                                                       Consider modifying procedures for in-
                 Category                          Step 2 – Oct. 2020 to Mar. 2021                       Step 3 – Begins Mar. 16, 2021
                                                                                                          person communion with safety protocols.
                                                                                                  Hybrid Worship with up to 100 people in the sanc-
                                                                                                       tuary and 50 in Fellowship Hall.
                 Worship                   Hybrid Worship with up to 50 people in the sanctuary
                                                                                                  If the Bullard Gym is used for worship, in case of
                                           and 25 in
                                                                                                       rain, 100 are allowed.
                                           Fellowship Hall
                                                                                                  Consider modifying procedures for in-person
                                                                                                       communion with safety protocols.
                                                                                                       Up to 30 people allowed in Fellowship Hall
                                                                                                         and 30 in the Bullard Gym. (masks and
       Adult Sunday School                  Virtual via Zoom, or                                         distancing)
      Presbyterian Women –                  Groups of 10 or fewer in person in Fel-                    Schedule in advance.
      Coordinating Team &                      lowship Hall (masks & distancing)                       Explore hybrid approach with some in per-
                Circles                                                                                  son and some via Zoom.
            Bible Study                                                                           Up to 30 people allowed in Fellowship Hall and 30
                                                                                                     in the Bullard Gym. (masks and distancing)
          Adult Sunday Session,
                       School   &          Virtual via Zoom, or
                                                                                                  Schedule in advance.
         Presbyterian Women –              Groups of 10 or fewer in person in Fellowship Hall
         Coordinating Team &                   (masks & distancing)
                                                                                                  Explore hybrid approach with some in person and
                                                                                                     some via Zoom.
                  Circles                                                                           Scouts and other external groups can also
               Bible Study
      Committees, Session, & Diaconate                                                              request use of Fellowship Hall or Bullard
          External Groups                   AA and Mobile’s Singing Children have Gym.
                                            special permission to use the chapel, as **Up to 30 people in Fellowship Hall and 30
                                            designated.                                             in the Bullard Gym.
                                                                                                     See the Wedding Policy Addendum for de-
                                                                                              Scouts and other external groups can also request
                                                                                                         tails. Hall or Bullard Gym.
                                                                                              use of Fellowship
        Weddings;   Funerals
          External Groups                   Weddings
                                           AA and Mobile’s&   funerals
                                                           Singing Childreninside   the church**Up toFunerals
                                                                             have special              30 people inare the same
                                                                                                                    Fellowship      as worship:
                                                                                                                               Hall and  30 in the 100 in the
                                                                  fewer.as designated.        Bullard Gym.
                                                                                                         sanctuary, and 50 in Fellowship Hall.
                                            Outside space as alternative.
                                                                                                     No church receptions or visitations after
                                                                                                         weddings or funerals.
                                                                                                  See the Wedding Policy Addendum for details.
                                                                                                  Funerals are the same as worship: 100 in the sanc-
            Weddings; Funerals             Weddings & funerals inside the church limited to 10
                                                                                                      tuary, and 50 in
                                                                                                        Outside        Fellowship
                                                                                                                     only:   No Hall.
                                                                                                                                   inside eating
                                           or fewer.
                                           Outside space as alternative.                          No church receptions or visitations after weddings
                                                                                                      or funerals.Individual      portions,
                                                                                                                                          boxedsuch as
   Food/Beverages at Church                 No food served either indoors or outside.                       sandwiches or cupcakes or popsicles.

SPRING HILL MESSENGER - May 2021 - Spring Hill Presbyterian ...
Beginning in
 May we will
  return to
  hymns in
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