Spring Classes/Clases de Primavera: April 18 - June 18, 2022 18 de Abril - 18 de Junio, 2022

Page created by Sidney Mejia
Spring Classes/Clases de Primavera: April 18 - June 18, 2022 18 de Abril - 18 de Junio, 2022
Spring Classes/Clases de Primavera:
      April 18 - June 18, 2022
   18 de Abril - 18 de Junio, 2022
Spring Classes/Clases de Primavera: April 18 - June 18, 2022 18 de Abril - 18 de Junio, 2022
join our team!
                Visual arts/social media Getty Marrow
                summer internship at plaza de la Raza
         Are you passionate about the arts and helping people? PAID Summer Internships at Plaza de la Raza provide
           a unique opportunity to work behind-the-scenes with seasoned cultural workers, committed to community-
          based arts and human services at the longest-running multidisciplinary Latinx arts center in the US! We are
         currently looking for one Getty Marrow Intern to assist with our Visual Arts programming and Social Media this
         summer. The Getty Marrow internship at Plaza de la Raza will be a full-time 40 hours/week for 10 weeks and
                              made up of onsite work at our center between June and August 2022.
          Undergraduates are considered for this Getty Marrow Internship opportunity. Interested applicants must be
        undergraduate students who reside or attend college within LA County. Students must have completed at least
         one semester or two quarters of college by June 2022. Students who graduated after April 1, 2022, are also
                      Send your resume and a brief cover letter directly to maria.jimenez@plazadelaraza.org
                                                 Detailed information available:
                                                     Deadline: April 22, 2022

                         Youth Theater
                        Summer Intensive
                           Attention Los Angeles Youth between the ages 14–18 years!
 Are you interested in the performing arts? Acting, music, or dance? Are you an aspiring poet or writer with a story to
 tell? Do you have an appreciation for visual arts and want to learn more about world cultures? Do you want to spend
  your summer as a paid artist, explore and create art, meet new friends, and visit the Getty Villa Museum in Malibu?
                                Then our Youth Theater Summer Intensive is for you!
 This June 14 through July 22, 2022, the critically acclaimed About…Productions theater company and their Young
 Theater work educational program, in partnership with Plaza de la Raza and the Getty Museum, presents a 6-week
 youth theater intensive, where we will explore performing art forms and storytelling through a world culture lens and
                                  collaboratively creating an original performance.

             Through theater games and exercises, improvisation, music, movement, and creative
            writing, participants will learn how to create together and share their stories and talent.
   The 6-week workshop will culminate with two public performances, one at the Getty Villa Museum in Malibu on
   Saturday, July 16, 2022, at 2:00 pm and the second at About…Productions summer base, Plaza de la Raza, on
   Friday, July 22, 2022, at 7:00 pm. This program is FREE and participants will be paid a STIPEND. Classes run
Tuesday through Thursday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Plaza de la Raza; with additional Friday field trips to the Getty
   Villa in Malibu, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm (transportation provided). No class Friday, July 1. Apply by MAY 20 for this
                           exciting program either in person at Plaza de la Raza or online at
                                    www. aboutpd.org/summer or plazadelaraza.org.
                                Accepted applicants will be notified by JUNE 1, 2022.
Spring Classes/Clases de Primavera: April 18 - June 18, 2022 18 de Abril - 18 de Junio, 2022
PLAZa         de   la     raza
                                       school of performing and visual arts
                                              Spring 2022 / Primavera 2022
                                                 April 18 - June 18, 2022
                                              18 de Abril - 18 de Junio, 2022
                              Please bring proof of full vaccination and photo ID when registering.
  If the child and parent are not vaccinated be prepared to show us a recent (at least 72 hours) negative antigen/PCR test.
                      Por favor traiga comprobante de vacunación y una identificación con foto al registrars
Si el niño y el padre no están vacunados, prepárese para mostrarnos un antígeno/PCR negativo reciente (al menos 72 horas).

                             who are we?                                                       Quienes somos?
         Plaza de la Raza is a cultural oasis in the Lincoln                Plaza de la Raza es un oasis cultural en el vecindario
        Heights neighborhood of East Los Angeles. Since                     de Lincoln Heights en el este de Los Angeles. Desde
       1970, we have offered quality, affordable art classes.               1970, hemos ofrecido clases de arte de calidad y de
           Our classes, art exhibits, and cultural events                    bajo costo. Nuestras clases, exhibiciones de arte y
         celebrate the Latinx Heritage by and for the local                    eventos culturales celebran nuestro patrimonio
                            community!                                          cultural Latinx para y por la comunidad local!

                   Spring quarter classes                                     CLASES DEL TRIMESTRE DE primavera
                FROM APRIL 18 - JUNE 18, 2022                                   DESDE 18 DE ABRIL - 18 DE JUNIO, 2022
          Each student pays an annual $35 enrollment                            Cada estudiante paga una cuota anual de
                 fee. This fee is nonrefundable.                                   $35. Esta cuota no es reembolsable.
          Our affordable classes in visual and media art,                   Clases accesibles en artes visuales, danza, música y
                         dance, music, and                                       teatro se ofrecen para todas las edades y
              theatre is offered for all ages and skills!                                       habilidades.
           Try our popular Folklórico & Mariachi classes!                     Pruebe nuestras clases populares en Folklórico y
              Classes are $70 - $190 for 9 weeks                                 Clases son $70 - $190 por 9 semanas
           Private lessons are also offered for some                          Se ofrecen lecciones privadas para algunas
                           classes!                                                              clases!

                             family plan                                                          plan familiar
           Five conservatory classes per family! (Mariachi,                  Cinco clases conservatorias por familia! (Mariachi, talleres
         intensive art workshops, and folklórico classes are                intensivos de arte, o clases de folklórico no están incluidos.
           not included. Only one piano class per student.)                     Se permite solo una clase de piano por estudiante).
                    $190 for five 9-week classes                                      $190 por cinco clases de 9 semanas

         free classes for qualifying families                               CLASES GRATUITAS PARA FAMILIAS QUE CALIFICAN
         Our partnership with The FamilySource Center is                     Nuestra asociación con The FamilySource Center fue
       designed to address the multiple needs and barriers                    diseñado para lidiar con la multitud de necesidades y
       that low income families and youth face in becoming                       barreras que las familias de bajos recursos y la
        economically and academically self-sufficient. This                  juventud enfrentan en el proceso de la independencia
        program is funded by the Los Angeles Housing and                            económica y académica. Este programa es
               Community Investment Department.                                  patrocinado por el Departamento de Vivienda e
       Our special services include financial counseling, tax                   Inversiones de Los Ángeles. Servicios especiales
          preparation, ESL classes, food distribution, and                        incluyen consejería financiera, preparación de
                   disaster preparation training.                            impuestos, clases de inglés, y distribución de comida.
           To participate, parents must provide proof of                       Para participar, los padres deben de comprobar su
             address, proof of income, and must live in                        domicilio, mostrar prueba de ingresos, y deben vivir
                      the City of Los Angeles.                                             en la cuidad de Los Ángeles.

                          registration policy                                                  POLISA DE INSCRIPCIÓN
                                                                             Los padres deben de registrar a sus hijos(as) en persona a partir
         Parents must register their children in person during the posted   de la fecha y hora indicadas. Los estudiantes menores de 18 años
        dates and hours. Students under 18 must be accompanied by an        deben de ser acompañados por un adulto. Todas las clases deben
         adult. All fees are due at registration. We accept checks, money    de ser pagadas al momento de inscripción. Aceptamos cheques,
              orders, and credit/debit cards. A class may close when            giros postales, y tarjetas de débito/crédito. Una clase puede
         enrollment falls below seven (7) students at any time during the    cerrarse cuando hay menos de siete (7) estudiantes matriculados
        term. All piano classes require two books that may be purchased      en cualquier momento del termino del trimestre. Todas las clases
        on the first day of class. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS. CREDITS,           de piano requieren dos libros de instruccion que estan disponibles
                                 OR EXTENSIONS                                       para la compra el primer día de clase. NO HABRA
                                                                                       REEMBOLSOS, CRÉDITOS, O PRÓRROGAS
Spring Classes/Clases de Primavera: April 18 - June 18, 2022 18 de Abril - 18 de Junio, 2022
Plaza Spring Quarter Registration
                                                                        events                  About Productions presents Adobe Punk
                           April 5,6, & 7, 2022                                                       A theatrical zine with Music
                        Thrive Through Literacy!                                                         March 19 - April 3, 2022
                              April 2, 2022                                                 Remembrance & Reflections at the Boathouse Gallery
Theatre and Exercise for Cognitive Health in the Aging Latino Community                                  March 11 - April 2, 2022
                              April 18, 2022                                                    The Tapitalists presents Hotel California-
                      Plaza Spring Quarter Begins                                                          Tap Dance Mystery
                              April 19, 2022                                                          April 23,24,30 & May 1, 2022
                       Plaza Spring Quarter Ends                                                    Getty25 Community Arts Festival
                             June 18. 2022                                                                  May 21 & 22, 2022

                                                      Theatre/teatro                                                                 9-week fee/
      class/clase             age/edad        day-time/día-hora                     bldg/edificio            teacher/maestro(a) cuota para 9 semanas
Theatre for Social Justice       13-18      Tue & Thur, 5:00PM 7:00PM                    Theatre                   Tomas Benitez          FREE
     Intro to Acting              8-12     Wednesday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM                    Theatre                      BJ Dodge             $70
    Acting for Teens             13-18     Wednesday, 7:00PM - 8:00PM                    Theatre                      BJ Dodge             $70

                                                                   mariachi                                                             9-week fee/
   class/clase               age/edad       day-time/día-hora                    bldg/edificio             teacher/maestro(a)      cuota para 9 semanas
Mariachi Ensemble              12-18     Tue & Wed, 6:00PM - 8:00PM                    Music                      Irineo Yañez             $90
   Violin (Beg.)               7-18       Thursday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM                    Music                     Yesenia Lopez             $90
       Vihuela                7-Adult    Thursday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM                     Music                    Mario Hernandez            $90
      Guitarron               7-Adult    Thursday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM                     Music                    Mario Hernandez            $90

                                            *FSC- free for qualifying students - gratis para estudiantes que califiquen                 9-week fee/
   class/clase               age/edad       day-time/día-hora                    bldg/edificio             teacher/maestro(a)      cuota para 9 semanas
     Pre-Ballet                 5-6       Tuesday, 4:30PM - 5:00PM                 Dance Studio                Jennifer Sanchez            $70*
                               7-11       Tuesday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM                 Dance Studio                Jennifer Sanchez            $70*
    Aztec Ballet              All Ages    Tuesday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM                 Dance Studio                Jennifer Sanchez            $70
Jazz/Hip-Hop (Beg.)            13-18      Tuesday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM                     Music                   Jose Jesus Mejia            $70*
 Hip-Hop (Beg./Int.)           8-17       Tuesday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM                     Music                   Jose Jesus Mejia            $70*
    Aztec Ballet              All Ages   Wednesday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM                Dance Studio                Jennifer Sanchez            $70
     Folklorico                 2-3      Wednesday, 5:00PM - 5:30PM                    Music                    Denise Gonzalez            $70
     Folklorico                 4-6      Wednesday, 5:30PM - 6:30PM                    Music                    Denise Gonzalez            $70
     Folklorico                7-11      Thursday, 4:00PM - 5:00PM                     Music                     Juanita Lopez             $70*
     Folklorico                12-18     Thursday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM                     Music                     Juanita Lopez             $70*
Spring Classes/Clases de Primavera: April 18 - June 18, 2022 18 de Abril - 18 de Junio, 2022
Music/música                                                                 9-week fee/
     class/clase            age/edad        day-time/día-hora                    bldg/edificio             teacher/maestro(a)     cuota para 9 semanas
        Ukelele               7-18        Tuesday, 4:00PM - 5:00PM                     Music                     Joshua Duron             $70*
        Guitar                7-18        Tuesday, 5:00 PM - 6:00PM                    Music                     Joshua Duron             $70
        Guitar                7-18        Tuesday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM                     Music                     Joshua Duron             $70
         Piano                7-18        Tuesday, 4:00PM - 5:00PM                     Music                     Onier Bacallad           $70
         Piano                7-18        Tuesday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM                     Music                     Onier Bacallad           $70
         Piano                7-18        Tuesday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM                     Music                     Onier Bacallad           $70
         Piano                7-18        Tuesday, 7:00PM - 8:00PM                     Music                     Onier Bacallad           $70
        Piano                 7-18       Wednesday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM                    Music                     Joshua Duron              $70
        Piano                 7-18       Wednesday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM                    Music                     Joshua Duron             $70
        Piano                 7-18        Thursday, 4:00PM - 5:00PM                    Music                     Pablo Leñero             $70
        Piano                 7-18        Thursday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM                    Music                     Pablo Leñero             $70
        Piano                 7-18        Thursday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM                    Music                     Pablo Leñero             $70
  Canciones Juveniles          4-6        Thursday, 4:00PM - 5:00PM                    Music                     Yesenia Lopez            $70*
  Canciones Juveniles          7-9        Thursday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM                    Music                     Yesenia Lopez            $70*
         Piano                7-18       Saturday, 11:00AM - 12:00PM                   Music                      Pablo Leñero            $70
         Piano                7-18       Saturday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM                    Music                      Pablo Leñero            $70

                                             *FSC- free for qualifying students - gratis para estudiantes que califiquen

                                        visual arts/artes visuales                                                                     9-week fee/
     class/clase            age/edad        day-time/día-hora                    bldg/edificio             teacher/maestro(a)     cuota para 9 semanas
   Drawing & Painting          6-10       Tuesday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM                       Art                       Emilia Cruz            $70*
   Drawing & Painting         11-14       Tuesday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM                       Art                       Emilia Cruz            $70

       Tactile Art            8-13        Tuesday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM                       Art                  Andrew Cervantes            $70*
       Tactile Art          14-Adults     Tuesday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM                       Art                  Andrew Cervantes            $70
      Papel Picado            10-12      Wednesday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM                      Art                     Maricela Sosa            $70*
      Papel Picado          13-Adults    Wednesday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM                      Art                     Maricela Sosa            $70

   Charcoal Drawing           10-17      Wednesday, 5:30PM - 6:30PM                      Art                       David Flury            $70*
      Chalk Pastel            10-17      Wednesday, 6:30PM - 7:30PM                      Art                       David Flury            $70*

   Intro Digital Photo        8-11       Wednesday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM                      Art                      Julia Chavez           FREE
Through The Lens: Digital     12-18      Wednesday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM                      Art                      Julia Chavez           FREE
   Computer Literacy         Adults      Wednesday, 7:00PM - 8:00PM                      Art                      Julia Chavez           FREE
      Mixed Media              6-10      Wednesday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM                      Art                     Anissa Orozco            $70*
      Mixed Media             11-14      Wednesday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM                      Art                     Anissa Orozco            $70*
      Mixed Media              6-10       Thursday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM                      Art                     Anissa Orozco            $70*
      Mixed Media             11-14       Thursday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM                      Art                     Anissa Orozco            $70*
 Intro to 2D Animation        13-18       Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM                      Art                    Javier Barboza            $100
 Oil Painting Workshop      13-Adults    Saturday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM                     Art                    Margaret Garcia           $100
       Ceramics             13-Adults     Saturday, 1:00PM - 2:00PM                      Art                     Frank Romero             $125
                                            *FSC- free for qualifying students - gratis para estudiantes que califiquen
Spring Classes/Clases de Primavera: April 18 - June 18, 2022 18 de Abril - 18 de Junio, 2022
PLAZa         de   la     raza
                                school of performing and visual arts
                Spring 2022 Registration/Registración de Primavera 2022
                         April 5 - April 7, 2022 4:00pm - 7:00pm
                      5 de Abril - 7 de Abril, 2022 4:00pm - 7:00pm
                               Please bring proof of full vaccination and photo ID when registering.
   If the child and parent is not vaccinated be prepared to show us a recent (at least 72 hours) negative antigen/PCR test
                      Por favor traiga comprobante de vacunación y una identificación con foto al registrars
Si el niño y el padre no están vacunados, prepárese para mostrarnos un antígeno/PCR negativo reciente (al menos 72 horas).

                         required safety measures
                      medidas de seguridad necesarias
         Do not enter if you've been sick                                     Wash your hands
         No entres si has estado enfermo                                      Lávese las manos

                  Wear a face mask                                         Take your temperature
                  Usa una mascarilla                                       Tómate la temperatura

           Maintain a safe disatance                               Sneeze/cough into your elbow or tissue
         Mantenga una distancia segura                             Estornudar/toser en el codo o pañuelo
Spring Classes/Clases de Primavera: April 18 - June 18, 2022 18 de Abril - 18 de Junio, 2022 Spring Classes/Clases de Primavera: April 18 - June 18, 2022 18 de Abril - 18 de Junio, 2022 Spring Classes/Clases de Primavera: April 18 - June 18, 2022 18 de Abril - 18 de Junio, 2022 Spring Classes/Clases de Primavera: April 18 - June 18, 2022 18 de Abril - 18 de Junio, 2022
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