WHAT'S ON AT WYNDHAM CITY LIBRARIES - February - March 2017 - Alamanda Online

Page created by Sara Kim
WHAT'S ON AT WYNDHAM CITY LIBRARIES - February - March 2017 - Alamanda Online
                                                         E V EN

                  February - March 2017

   Youth Events   Kids Events             Adult Events
WHAT'S ON AT WYNDHAM CITY LIBRARIES - February - March 2017 - Alamanda Online

Loud in the Library                            1000 Books Before School Launch                Way Out West Youth Photography
Ages 13-19                                     Ages 0-5 years                                 Competition
Get ready for an event just for teens filled   Join us for a special storytime with           Ages 13-25
with fun, food and freebies. Meet YA           Playgroup Victoria’s Literacy Ambassador       Enter the WOW Photo Comp for your
authors Will Kostakis and Lili Wilkinson       Jeanette Rowe, author of popular               chance at glory and awesome prizes!
and join us for our exclusive interview        picture books including the “Whose…”           Enter your photos on Instagram using
with USA author Gena Showalter. With           and “Smarty Cat” series. Jeanette will         the tag #wowwyndham17. Winners
henna, retro games, an escape room, fun        launch 1000 Books Before School, a Read        announced at the Exhibition Opening.
tarot reading and more, this is an event       for Life campaign aimed at developing          Entries open from Tuesday 17 January
not to be missed.                              early literacy skills and a lifelong love of   until Friday 17 March. For more
                                               reading. Bookings required.                    information visit:
Plaza Library
Friday 24 March                                Julia Gillard Library Tarneit                  www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/wayoutwest
6.30pm – 8.30pm                                Wednesday 1 March                              Exhibition Opening: Plaza Library
                                               11am - 12pm                                    Friday 31 March
                                                                                              4pm - 6pm
All branches will be closed on Monday 13 March due to the Labour Day public holiday.
WHAT'S ON AT WYNDHAM CITY LIBRARIES - February - March 2017 - Alamanda Online
  Saturday 18 March – Sunday 26 March
  Wyndham City Libraries will be celebrating Wyndham’s diverse community with a range of activities for
  all ages during Cultural Diversity Week 2017. Activities include Bollywood dancing, rangoli art workshop,
  homemade pasta demonstration, bilingual story times, movies and more.
Pasta Demonstration Ages 15+                 Movie Night Celebrating                       Bollywood Jai Ho! All ages
                                             our Kiwi Community Ages 15+
                                             Laugh like a Kiwi at this hilarious new
                                             release New Zealand comedy /adventure
                                             film. New Zealand’s highest grossing film
                                             ever. PG film.
                                             Plaza Library
                                             Monday 20 March, 5pm

Plaza Library                                Movie Night Celebrating our Chinese
Saturday, 18th March, 11am - 12pm            Community Ages 5-12
                                                                                           To celebrate the end of Cultural Diversity
                                             Disney’s retelling of an ancient Chinese      Week join Jamel Singh with this highly
Rangoli Art Workshop Ages 15+                folk tale. Celebrate Disney’s first Chinese   energetic interactive session. We will
                                             princess warrior.                             learn the history and meaning behind
                                             Point Cook Library                            Bollywood dances while enjoying the
                                             Wednesday 22 March, 6pm                       dances and colourful costumes. Indian
                                                                                           snack food will be provided.
                                             Bilingual Story Times
                                                                                           Julia Gillard Library Tarneit
                                             Celebrate diversity at the library at our
                                                                                           Saturday 25 March, 12pm
                                             bilingual story time sessions in a variety
                                             of languages. See Library Events Calendar     Wyndham Vale Library
Tarneit Community Learning Centre                                                          Saturday 25 March, 2pm
Thursday 23 March, 10am - 1pm                for details.
                                             Saturday 18 March – Sunday 26 March

Bookings required: www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/libraries or call your local branch
WHAT'S ON AT WYNDHAM CITY LIBRARIES - February - March 2017 - Alamanda Online
Read With Me                       1000 Books Before School
                                                         Primary school aged children       Launch
                                                                                            Ages 0-5 years
                                                         Does your child need help
                                                         with their reading or are they

                                                         having trouble completing
                                                         their required reading at
                                                         home? Why not drop in for a
                                                         15 minute session with one of
                                                         our Reading Buddies. Contact
                                                         one of the Children’s Librarians
                                                         at the Plaza Library for more
                                                         details. No bookings required.
                                                         Plaza Library
                                                         Mondays, Tuesdays &
                                                         Thursdays (during school
                                                         terms)                             Enjoy quality time with your
                                                         4pm - 5pm                          child and give them a head
                                                                                            start at school by joining us
                                                         Imagination Creation               in our 1000 Books Before
                                                         Writing Competition                School, an ongoing campaign
                                                         Ages 5-18                          throughout 2017. For more
                                                         Young writers, submit your         information visit www.
                                                         creative writing to the            wyndham.vic.gov.au/libraries
                                                         Imagination Creation Writing       Register at your Local Branch.
                                                         Competition 2017 for the           From Wednesday 1 March
                                                         opportunity to win. There are
                                                         prizes for the best stories and
                                                         poems in each age group.
                                                         Submit your entry online or at
                                                         any library branch
                                                         Competition runs Wednesday
                                                         1 March - Wednesday 31 May
Bookings: www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/libraries or call your local branch
WHAT'S ON AT WYNDHAM CITY LIBRARIES - February - March 2017 - Alamanda Online
Special Story Time with a          Whizz Kids
Local School Principal             Ages 8-12
Come along to this special         Explore the mysteries of

                                                                      FREE KIDS ACTIVITIES
Story Time and meet Laban          science and technology during
Toose, Principal of Wyndham        this awesome fortnightly
Park Primary School. Laban will    activity just for kids! Discover
read some stories and share        the fun of robotics, create
tips for helping your child to     incredible science experiments
get the most out of school.        and so much more. Bookings
Plaza Library
Monday 20 February                 Plaza Library
10.30am                            Tuesdays (fortnightly, during
                                   school terms)
Kids Corner                        5.30pm - 6.30pm
Ages 5-12
                                   Lego Robotics Ages 10-13
Come and join in a different
activity every week. Make new      Dive into the amazing world
friends and have lots of fun.      of LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3.
                                   Build and program a Lego
Plaza Library
                                   Robot to walk, talk, and much
Tuesdays (during school terms)
                                   more! Places limited. Bookings
4pm - 5pm
Movie Night Celebrating            Wyndham Vale Library
our Chinese Community              Tuesdays, from
Ages 5-12                          7 February – 28 March
Disney’s retelling of an ancient   4pm - 5pm
Chinese folk tale. Celebrate
Disney’s first Chinese princess
Point Cook Library
Wednesday 22 March, 6pm
WHAT'S ON AT WYNDHAM CITY LIBRARIES - February - March 2017 - Alamanda Online
Bollywood Jai Ho!
                                                                                           All Ages
                                                                                           To celebrate the end of
                                                                                           Cultural Diversity Week join

                                                                                           Jamel Singh with this highly
                                                                                           energetic interactive session.
                                                                                           We will learn the history
                                                         Pasta Demonstration               behind Bollywood dances
                                                         Ages 15+                          while enjoying the dances and
                                                         Come and meet Hilda and           colourful costumes. Indian
                                                         Laurie, authors of Wow! It’s      snack food provided.
                                                         Italian Cook Book and learn       Julia Gillard Library Tarneit
                                                         how to make perfect pasta.        Saturday 25 March
                                                         As first generation Italians      12pm
                                                         they are passionate about the
                                                         traditional cooking style that    Wyndham Vale Library
                                                         makes the food delicious.         Saturday 25 March
                                                         Plaza Library
                                                         Saturday 18 March                 Wyndham Star Weaving
                                                         11am – 12pm                       Finale
 Heroes and Happy Endings                                                                  If you wove stars with us,
                                                         Rangoli Art Workshop
 Whatever your preference in romance genres              Learn how to design, pour
                                                                                           come along to a celebratory
                                                                                           final weave, with light
 there will be something for everyone at our             and colour beautiful Rangoli      refreshments. We wove
 author panel talk featuring Delwyn Jenkins,             (or Kolam) patterns and about     10,000 stars, as symbols of
                                                         the living traditional role of
 Alli Sinclair, Nicki Edwards and Lisa Ireland           this folk art in Hindu culture.
                                                                                           light, courage and solidarity
 discussing all the romance you can handle!                                                to end all forms of violence
                                                         Bookings required.                including violence against
 Plaza Library                                           Tarneit Community Learning        women, racism and bullying.
 Thursday 16 February                                    Centre                            Plaza Library
                                                         Thursday 23 March
 6.30pm – 7.30pm                                         10am – 1pm
                                                                                           Tuesday 7 February
                                                                                           2pm – 3pm
Bookings: www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/libraries or call your local branch
WHAT'S ON AT WYNDHAM CITY LIBRARIES - February - March 2017 - Alamanda Online
Board Game Night - NEW!                                              Genealogy Tours
Come along to our monthly                                            Book into one of our Gene
board game night at the Plaza                                        tours and find out about

                                                                                                        FREE ADULT ACTIVITIES
Library. We have a collection                                        our Family and Local History
of games to choose from or                                           Room. Learn what resources
you can bring your own! Join                                         we have to help you on your
in on the fun playing classic                                        journey.
and more recent board games.
                                                                     Plaza Library
Suitable for ages 15+
                                                                     Mondays, 11am – 12pm
Plaza Library                                                        Thursdays, 2pm – 3pm
Wednesday 1 February
Wednesday 1 March                                                    Help your kids settle
5pm-8pm                             Dr Kristy Goodwin – Raising      into high school
                                    Your Child in a Digital World    Come along to Plaza Library
Storytime for Grown-Ups                                              to hear a professional from
                                    Are you worried about how
Join us for a night of laughter     much time your child spends      Drummond Street Services talk
and relaxation at this storytime    plugged in to digital devices?   about how you can support
just for adults! This interactive   Dr Kristy Goodwin, one of        your child starting high school.
storytelling session will feature   Australia’s leading children’s   Bookings required.
short stories, poetry, humour       technology, learning and         Plaza Library
and songs.                          development experts, takes       Wednesday 8 March
Werribee Library                    the guesswork out of raising     6.30pm – 8.00pm
Thursday 2 February                 kids in a digital world. Books
Thursday 2 March                    available for purchase at the    Language Café in
6.30pm – 7.30pm                     event. Bookings required.        partnership with AMES
                                    Point Cook Library               Come and enjoy tea and coffee
                                    Wednesday 15 February            while practising your English
                                    6.30pm-8pm                       language speaking skills
                                                                     through conversation with
                                                                     others each week.
                                                                     Sessions coming soon to
                                                                     Werribee Library
WHAT'S ON AT WYNDHAM CITY LIBRARIES - February - March 2017 - Alamanda Online
Résumé Workshops                  Keep in touch with Skype
                                                           Learn how to create the           Learn how to set up a Skype
                                                           perfect résumé and cover          account and use it to contact
                                                           letter, discover some essential   friends and family all over the

                                                           interview and key selection       world with voice and video
                                                           criteria tips and much more.      calls.
                                                           Bookings required.
                                                                                             Point Cook Library
                                                           Julia Gillard Library Tarneit     Wednesday 15 March
                                                           Tuesday 7 February                1pm – 3pm
                                                           Tuesday 21 March
                                                                                             Wyndham Vale Library
                                                           12.30pm – 2.30pm
                                                                                             Thursday 9 February
                                                           Plaza Library                     12.30pm – 2.30pm
                                                           Wednesday 22 February
                                                           Wednesday 29 March                Beginners Computer Class
                                                           5.30pm – 7.30pm                   Little to no experience with
                                                           Point Cook Library                computers? Come along to
                                                           Friday 31 March                   this five week course to learn
                                                           12.30pm – 2.30pm                  some of the basics; from using
                                                                                             the keyboard and mouse, to
                                                           Getting to know Facebook          sending emails, navigating the
                                                                                             internet and searching Google.
                                                           This one hour seminar will
                                                           walk you through some of the      Point Cook Library
                                                           basic operations and features     Wednesday 1 February
                                                           of Facebook, and explore some     (Week One)
                                                           of the privacy and security       1pm – 3pm
                                                           settings of the world’s most
                                                                                             Wyndham Vale Library
                                                           popular social media website.
                                                                                             Thursday 23 February
                                                           Point Cook Library                (Week One)
                                                           Wednesday 8 March                 12.30pm – 2.30pm
                                                           1pm – 2pm

Bookings: www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/libraries or call your local branch
Beyond the Basics:               One-on-One IT help                5000 Poppies – Craft Group
Microsoft Word                   Do you need some focused          Join the poppy craze as we
Come along to this two hour      support with computers or         create beautiful handmade

                                                                                                   FREE ADULT ACTIVITIES
intermediate level session       technology? Do you have           poppies for this wonderful
to learn some tips and tricks    a new computer or mobile          Australia-wide project.
to help you get more out of      device and want to learn how      Crochet, knit or make a
Microsoft Word. Learn about      to use it? Do you want a hand     felted poppy at these weekly
formatting and styles, tables    with eBooks, eMagazines and       sessions. Materials and
and lots more!                   eAudio? Book a one-on-one         patterns provided.
                                 session, and our friendly staff
Julia Gillard Library Tarneit                                      Point Cook Library
                                 will help you (please note that
Monday 20 February                                                 Thursdays (Starts 2 Feb)
                                 this is not a class).
Monday 27 March                                                    2pm – 3pm
1pm – 2.30pm                     All Branches
                                                                   Julia Gillard Library Tarneit
                                                                   Mondays (Starts 6 Feb)
Beginners iPad Training          Family History Group              11am – 12pm
Just bought an iPad? Or maybe    Come along to our Family
you’ve owned one for a while     History Groups and meet           Plaza Library
and would like to know more?     others researching their Family   Mondays (Starts 6 Feb)
This beginners class will take   History. These groups are run     2pm – 3pm
you through some of the          by an experienced facilitator.    Werribee Library
basics operations, and teach                                       Wednesdays (Starts 2 Feb)
                                 Wyndham Vale Library
you some helpful tips!                                             10am – 11am
                                 Monday 6 February
Julia Gillard Library Tarneit    Monday 6 March
Thursday 16 February             1.30pm – 3pm                      Introduction to MS Word
1.30pm – 3pm                                                       In this introductory session
                                 Plaza Library
                                                                   you’ll learn how to create
Monday 20 March                  Saturday 25 February
                                                                   and edit text and images in a
1pm – 2.30pm                     Saturday 25 March
                                                                   simple word document, using
                                 10am - 12pm
                                                                   Microsoft Word.
                                                                   Wyndham Vale Library
                                                                   Thursday 30 March
                                                                   12.30pm – 2.30pm
LOUD in the Library                Way Out West Youth
                                                         Ages 13-19                         Photography Competition
                                                         Get ready for an event just        Ages 13-25
                                                         for teens filled with fun, food    Enter the WOW Photo Comp

                                                         and freebies. Meet YA authors      for your chance at glory and
                                                         Will Kostakis and Lili Wilkinson   awesome prizes! Enter your
                                                         and join us for our exclusive      photos on Instagram using
                                                         interview with USA author          the tag #wowwyndham17.
                                                         Gena Showalter. With henna,        Winners announced at the
                                                         retro games, an escape room,       Exhibition Opening. Entries
                                                         fun tarot reading and more,        open January 17-March 17.
                                                         this is an event not to be         For more information visit:
                                                         missed.                            www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/
                                                         Plaza Library
                                                         Friday 24 March                    Plaza Library: Exhibition
                                                         6:30pm – 8:30pm                    Friday 31 March
                                                                                            4pm - 6pm
                                                         Score Your First Job
                                                         Ages 14-25
                                                         Need some advice on finding
                                                         and applying for jobs? The
                                                         library’s got you covered. Get
                                                         tips on where to look for a
                                                         job, how to write a resume
                                                         and cover letter, and what to
                                                         do in interviews. Snacks and
                                                         beverages provided.

                                                         Julia Gillard Library Tarneit
                                                         Thursday 23 February

Bookings: www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/libraries or call your local branch
Bollywood Jai Ho!                                                  Book Drop – Friday Night
All Ages                                                           Fiction Launch
To celebrate the end of                                            Ages 12-19

                                                                                                     FREE YOUTH ACTIVITIES
Cultural Diversity Week join                                       To celebrate the launch of
Jamel Singh with this highly                                       Friday Night Fiction, our new
energetic interactive session.                                     bookclub for teens, we’re
We will learn the history and                                      inviting you to help choose
meaning behind Bollywood                                           new Young Adult books for
dances while enjoying                                              the library! Plus chat with
the dances and colourful         YA Book to Movie Club             Kate from The Younger Sun
costumes. Indian snack food      Ages 12-19                        Bookshop and learn about the
will be provided.                Come along to our just for        latest YA literature trends. If
                                 teens Book to Movie Club. See     you love books, then join in
Julia Gillard Library Tarneit    all of your favourite YA titles   and invite your friends! Snacks
Saturday 25 March                on the big screen and discover    and beverages provided.
12pm                             movies that you never knew        Bookings required.
Wyndham Vale Library             began their lives as books.
                                                                   Point Cook Library
Saturday 25 March                Wyndham Vale Library              Friday 3 February
2pm                              2nd Tuesday of every month        4.30pm-5.30pm
                                 Begins Tuesday 14 February
Movie Night Celebrating          3.30pm-5pm
our Kiwi Community
Ages 15+
Laugh like a Kiwi at this
hilarious new release New
Zealand comedy /adventure
film. New Zealand’s highest
grossing film ever.
Plaza Library
Monday 20 March
PLAZA                               WERRIBEE                           JULIA GILLARD LIBRARY TARNEIT
Pacific Werribee Shopping Centre    177 Watton Street                  150 Sunset Views Boulevard
Shop MM11, Level 1, Derrimut Road   Werribee                           Tarneit
                                    Mon, Tues,                         Mon to Thur     9am - 8pm
Mon to Thur   10am - 8pm            Wed & Fri       10am - 6pm         Friday          9am - 6pm
Friday        10am - 6pm            Thursday        10am - 8pm         Saturday        10am - 4pm
Saturday      10am - 4pm            Saturday        10am - 4pm         Sunday          1.30pm - 5pm
Sunday        1.30pm - 5pm          Sunday          Closed
                                                                       Ph: 8734 0200
Ph: 8734 2600		                     Ph: 9742 7999

POINT COOK                          WYNDHAM VALE                           eLIBRARY
1-21 Cheetham Street                86 Manor Lakes Boulevard
Point Cook                          Manor Lakes                        Your library everywhere
                                                                       Access your library 24/7
Mon to Thur   10am - 8pm            Mon, Tues,
Friday        10am - 6pm            Thur & Fri      10am - 6pm
Saturday      10am - 4pm            Wednesday       10am - 8pm
Sunday        1.30pm - 5pm          Saturday        10am - 4pm
                                    Sunday          Closed
Ph: 9395 7966
                                    Ph: 8734 8930                      JOIN NOW - FREE
    wyndham.vic.gov.au/libraries     facebook.com/librariesinwyndham     www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/enewsletters

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