SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - Inaugural Annual Conference 2 -5 February 2023 | University of California, San Diego WWW.ISCRCONFERENCE.ORG - Squarespace

Page created by Edna Fernandez
SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - Inaugural Annual Conference 2 -5 February 2023 | University of California, San Diego WWW.ISCRCONFERENCE.ORG - Squarespace
Inaugural Annual Conference
2 -5 February 2023 | University of California, San Diego

SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - Inaugural Annual Conference 2 -5 February 2023 | University of California, San Diego WWW.ISCRCONFERENCE.ORG - Squarespace
Inaugural Annual Conference
         2 -5 February 2023 | University of California, San Diego

   We invite support of the 2023 Inaugural Annual
      Conference for the International Society for
                 Contemplative Research (ISCR).

SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - Inaugural Annual Conference 2 -5 February 2023 | University of California, San Diego WWW.ISCRCONFERENCE.ORG - Squarespace
Inaugural Annual Conference
                                          2 -5 February 2023 | University of California, San Diego

  The Conference Organizing Committee invites your support of the
        ISCR Inaugural Annual Conference through one of several
sponsorships, exhibition or promotional opportunities detailed on the
                                                    following pages.       The Mission of the
    The Conference will be promoted to as diverse an audience as
                                                                           International Society for
          possible through various social media, marketing at other        Contemplative Research is
  conferences and listings in journals and newsletters as well as on       to support the independent
   relevant web lists. There will be many opportunities to recognize       and collaborative work of
                                       sponsors in prominent ways.
                                                                           scholars, scientists,
    On the following pages the benefits associated with the various        clinicians, and practitioners
 sponsorship packages are set out. Early application is advisable to       who are engaged in the
ensure that your company’s marketing goals are realized — as soon          rigorous investigation of
    as sponsorship is confirmed, your company will be listed on the
          website and in print material as a supporter of ISCR 2023.
                                                                           traditional and modern
                                                                           forms of contemplative and
 If you wish to discuss options that are not currently listed, we would    other mind-body practices.
     be pleased to explore these with you and cater to your individual
    requirements. Further information about the exhibition and a floor
                                  plan will be distributed in late 2022.

                     SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS
SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - Inaugural Annual Conference 2 -5 February 2023 | University of California, San Diego WWW.ISCRCONFERENCE.ORG - Squarespace
Inaugural Annual Conference
                              2 -5 February 2023 | University of California, San Diego

                                                    Industry sponsorship has always been a key feature
               Confirm your Sponsorship:
                                                    of the success of conferences and that remains true
    To confirm your sponsorship, or request         not only for the ISCR Conference, but also the
                                                    organization as a whole. Sponsorship is more
     additional details or information, please
                                                    important than ever as it enables us to invite the pre-
                                      contact:      eminent thought leaders in contemplative research.

                                                    Also, sponsorships allow us to offer numerous
                            Graham Hauck            opportunities for all attendees to interact while
                                                    keeping down the cost of meeting registration – a
            ISCR Director of Administration
                                                    particularly important benefit in view of the emphasis
       graham@contemplativeresearch.org             placed on the encouragement given to researchers at
                                                    the start of their careers.

                         Important Dates:           Apart from the invitations to submit work for
                                                    presentation, a significant number of free
      Upon receipt of payment you will have
                                                    registrations are awarded to student members and
         confirmation of sponsorship rights.        members from historically challenged socio-
                                                    economic backgrounds. This combined with the
                                                    opportunity to apply for travel awards and to win
Please confirm your sponsorship as soon as          significant prizes for the best presentation.
   possible to be included in the conference
                                                    All this support could not be achieved without
    promotion and other conference related          significant financial sponsorship from industry,
                                                    academia and government.
SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - Inaugural Annual Conference 2 -5 February 2023 | University of California, San Diego WWW.ISCRCONFERENCE.ORG - Squarespace
Inaugural Annual Conference
                                     2 -5 February 2023 | University of California, San Diego

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2                              SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4
AM Pre-Conference Workshops                       AM Opening Keynote
PM Pre-Conference Workshops                            Invited Symposia
Evening Welcome Event at                               Mind & Life Kerr Award Luncheon
Scripps Seaside Forum                             PM Invited Symposia
                                                       Concurrent Sessions, Symposia
                                                  Evening Event
AM Opening Keynote
     Invited Symposia                             SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5
PM Invited Symposia                               AM   Pre-Conference Workshops
     Concurrent Sessions, Symposia                Noon Adjourn
Evening Event
                                                  FOR THE LATEST PROGRAM SCHEDULE
                                                  PLEASE VISIT: www.iscrconference.org
SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - Inaugural Annual Conference 2 -5 February 2023 | University of California, San Diego WWW.ISCRCONFERENCE.ORG - Squarespace
Inaugural Annual Conference
                                              2 -5 February 2023 | University of California, San Diego

PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP                                  USD 15,000
• Recognition on all ISCR 2023 publications (print and electronic) as a
Platinum Sponsor and your logo on:
    Powerpoint slide at the start of plenary sessions
    Conference Program
    ISCR 2023 Website
• Inclusion of your logo on the welcome message displayed on the stage
screen in both the plenary and breakout conference rooms
• Daily verbal individual acknowledgement of sponsorship during the
conference program
• Up to a two page insert or small promotional item in delegate
• One full page COLOR advertisement in the Conference Program (artwork
to be supplied by sponsor)
• Three full registrations (including entry to all program sessions, lunch and
morning and afternoon coffee breaks, the Welcome Reception and Closing
• Opportunity to direct-mail participants prior to the Conference(to be
organized through the conference planner with postage and handling costs
to be paid by the sponsor)
• Participant list 30 days in advance of the Conference
SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - Inaugural Annual Conference 2 -5 February 2023 | University of California, San Diego WWW.ISCRCONFERENCE.ORG - Squarespace
Inaugural Annual Conference
                                             2 -5 February 2023 | University of California, San Diego

GOLD SPONSORSHIP                            USD 10,000
• Recognition on all ISCR 2023 publications (print and electronic) as a
Platinum Sponsor and your logo on:
    Powerpoint slide at the start of plenary sessions
    Conference Program
    ISCR 2023 Website
• Inclusion of your logo on the welcome message displayed on the stage
screen in both the plenary and breakout conference rooms
• Daily verbal individual acknowledgement of sponsorship during the
conference program
• One page insert or small promotional item in delegate bags/handouts
• One half-page COLOR advertisement in the Conference Program
(artwork to be supplied by sponsor)
• Two full registrations (including entry to all program sessions, lunch and
morning and afternoon coffee breaks, the Welcome Reception and Closing
• Opportunity to direct-mail participants prior to the Conference(to be
organized through the conference planner with postage and handling costs
to be paid by the sponsor)
• Participant list 30 days in advance of the Conference
SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - Inaugural Annual Conference 2 -5 February 2023 | University of California, San Diego WWW.ISCRCONFERENCE.ORG - Squarespace
Inaugural Annual Conference
                                              2 -5 February 2023 | University of California, San Diego

SILVER SPONSORSHIP                               USD 5,000
• Recognition on all ISCR 2023 publications (print and electronic) as a
Silver Sponsor and your logo on:
    Powerpoint slide at the start of plenary sessions
    Conference Program
    ISCR 2023 Website
• Inclusion of your logo on the welcome message displayed on the stage
screen in both the plenary and breakout conference rooms
• Two full registrations (including entry to all program sessions, lunch and
morning and afternoon coffee breaks, the Welcome Reception and Closing
• Participant list 30 days in advance of the Conference

OPENING RECEPTION                            USD 12,500
• Recognition on all ISCR 2023 publications (print and electronic) as the
exclusive Reception Sponsor and your logo on:
    Powerpoint slide at the start of plenary sessions
    Conference Program
    ISCR 2023 Website
• Inclusion of your logo on the welcome message displayed on the stage
screen in both the plenary and breakout conference rooms
• Three full registrations (including entry to all program sessions, lunch and
morning and afternoon coffee breaks, the Welcome Reception and Closing
• Participant list 30 days in advance of the Conference
Inaugural Annual Conference
                                              2 -5 February 2023 | University of California, San Diego

EARLY CAREER AWARDS                                USD 12,500
• Recognition on ISCR 2023 publications (print and electronic) as the
exclusive awards sponsor for new/early career presenters & your logo on:
    Powerpoint slide at the start of plenary sessions
    Conference Program
    ISCR 2023 Website
• Inclusion of your logo on the welcome message displayed on the stage
screen in both the plenary and breakout conference rooms
• Three full registrations (including entry to all program sessions, lunch and
morning and afternoon coffee breaks, the Welcome Reception and Closing
• Participant list 30 days in advance of the Conference

• Recognition on all ISCR 2023 publications (print and electronic) as a wifi
or coffee break sponsor and your logo on:
    Powerpoint slide at the start of plenary sessions
    Conference Program
    ISCR 2023 Website
• Inclusion of your logo on the welcome message displayed on the stage
screen in both the plenary and breakout conference rooms
• Choice of daily wifi access for attendees and/or daily AM or PM Coffee
• Participant list 30 days in advance of the Conference
Inaugural Annual Conference
                                         2 -5 February 2023 | University of California, San Diego

                          TO CONFIRM YOUR SPONSORSHIP:

                      Please go to our sponsor registration page at:

Select and pay for your sponsorship and we will confirm additional details (such as
         a logo, company description, etc.) of your sponsorship with you.

                                    CONTACT INFORMATION:
Please contact Graham Hauck at ISCR if you have any questions about the conference or sponsorship
 opportunities. We are open for discussion of other unique opportunities tailored to meet your needs.

              4301 50TH STREET NW, SUITE 300 | WASHINGTON, DC 20016 | USA
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