July 2021 - Brand Guidelines tsl.ac.uk - The Sainsbury Laboratory

Page created by Nathan Page
July 2021 - Brand Guidelines tsl.ac.uk - The Sainsbury Laboratory
July 2021

Brand Guidelines
July 2021 - Brand Guidelines tsl.ac.uk - The Sainsbury Laboratory

The Sainsbury Laboratory is committed to the highest standard of fundamental
   and applied scientific research into molecular plant-microbe interactions.

   We favour daring, collaborative, long-term research and value scientific
    integrity through open science and transparency. We deploy the latest
       technologies to combat plant diseases and accelerate breeding.

Our discoveries translate to scientific solutions that tackle crop losses caused
by existing and emerging plant diseases, particularly in low-income countries.

 The Sainsbury Laboratory provides an outstanding training environment that
 prepares talented postgraduate students, postdoctoral scientists, and early
                career group leaders to excel in their careers.

          Our alumni continue to make ground-breaking discoveries
                      that address real-world challenges.

July 2021 - Brand Guidelines tsl.ac.uk - The Sainsbury Laboratory

 Why do we need these brand guidelines?

  --- To express our unique identity and values ---
--- To ensure a consistent and reliable message ---
--- To help our partners accurately represent us ---

    The intention is to allow flexibility around our
    main components and not restrict creativity.

      For any questions, please contact:
   Mia Cerfonteyn, Communications Officer

July 2021 - Brand Guidelines tsl.ac.uk - The Sainsbury Laboratory
Logo                                                                           Brand
                                                                               Brand Guidelines

               Min. 40 mm

                                                                                     White logo
            Enhanced logo                                               For use with dark backgrounds.
 Preferred version for general audiences.                                Avoid complex backgrounds.

                                Min. 25 mm

               Core logo                                                             Black logo
          For familiar audiences or                           For use where the TSL blue conflicts with the
for layouts where a smaller logo is needed.                           colour scheme of the design.

               Min. 70 mm

            Landscape logo                                                       Exclusion Zone
     For use when size and/or size of                            A space the width of ‘The’ should be kept
             space dictates.                                               free around the logo.

                   Logos are available in png and jpg for all three colours at tsl.ac.uk/tsl-logos/

Preferences                                      Brand Guidelines

      Avoid using TSL in isolation.       Don’t scale components individually.

           Don’t outline logo.
 Avoid placing on non-prefered colours.            Don’t rotate logo.

         Plant Health Discov-
          ery for a Sustaina-
               ble Future

   Don’t use logo as the background
          without permission.               Don’t stretch or compress logo.

                                               The Sainsbury Laboratory
                                           is always written with a capital ‘T’.

                                             Thereafter it can be referred to
                                              as ‘TSL’ or the ‘Laboratory’.

                                                      Don’t use:
                                               the Sainsbury Laboratory
                                                Sainsbury’s Laboratory
     Don’t recolour or add effects.                 Sainsbury Lab

Preferred Colours                                       Brand Guidelines

  TSL Blue
  Pantone 7686C
  RGB 42 83 149
                    Pantone 447C
                    RGB 60 60 60
                                      Pantone 646C
                                      RGB 88 132 187      Knowledge
                    CMYK 0 0 0 76     CMYK 53 29 0 27
  CMYK 72 44 0 42

  Pantone 134C
  RGB 242 200 121
                    Pantone 7401C
                    RGB 242 219 174
                                      Pantone 142C
                                      RGB 242 183 73
                    CMYK 0 10 28 5    CMYK 0 24 70 5
  CMYK 0 17 50 5

 Pantone 370C
 RGB 100 140 39
                    Pantone 367C
                    RGB 151 191 90
                    CMYK 21 0 53 25
                                      Pantone 350C
                                      RGB 17 64 10             Health
                                      CMYK 73 0 84 75
 CMYK 29 0 72 45

  Pantone 4975C     Pantone 488C      Pantone 168C
  RGB 71 17 0       RGB 245 181 165
                    CMYK 0 26 33 4
                                      RGB 115 51 24
                                      CMYK 0 56 79 55
  CMYK 0 76 100

Typeface                                  Brand Guidelines

                                     Nimbus Sans Regular
                                        Nimbus Sans Light
                                   Nimbus Sans Light Italic

                             Nimbus Sans Becker D Regular
                               Nimbus Sans Becker D Italic

                      Nimbus Sans Becker DExt
              Nimbus Sans Becker DBlaExt

               or other geometric sans-serif fonts such as:

  serif fonts like Times

  chunky fonts like Impact

  script fonts like Bradley Hand

  playful fonts like Comic Sans

Photos   Brand Guidelines

         Ensure you have the appropriate
         permission from individuals before
         using their photos.

         For TSL members, contact the Data
         Protection Officer, Dr Simon Foster.

         Capture authentic scenes and
         avoid posed shots and eye contact
         with the camera (except for staff
         galleries and features).

         Health and Safety
         Ensure participants in the
         photo are reflecting best practice in
         Health and Safety before using the

         Try to avoid photos of people to
         prevent unintended
         misunderstandings about our

         Use scenes consistent with the
         Healthy Plants, Healthy
         People,Healthy Planet vision.

         Use scientific images that are easy
         to explain and that are an
         accurate representation of the re-
         search done at TSL.


                      About The Sainsbury Laboratory
The Sainsbury Laboratory (tsl.ac.uk) is an independent research institute that focuses on
plant health for a sustainable future. It makes fundamental scientific discoveries in molecular
plant-microbe interactions and applies these to reduce crop losses caused by plant diseases,
particularly in low-income countries. Around one hundred and twenty staff and students work
and study at the Laboratory which is located on the Norwich Research Park, United Kingdom.
The Laboratory is generously supported by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation and by the
University of East Anglia, wins competitive grants from the BBSRC, ERC and other
research grant funding bodies and, for some research programmes, is funded by commercial
companies. Established in 1987, highlights of The Sainsbury Laboratory include: discovery of
RNA interference in plants by Prof. Sir David Baulcombe FRS as recognised by the Lasker Award
and the Wolf Prize in Agriculture, discovery of the first immune receptor in plants by Prof. Jonathan
Jones FRS, three current Group Leaders are Fellows of the Royal Society, and five researchers
have been on the Highly Cited Researchers list of top 1% scientists in the world since 2018.

                    For any questions, please contact:
                 Mia Cerfonteyn, Communications Officer

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