SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS - Annual World Forum on Advanced Materials

Page created by Fernando Parks
Annual World Forum on
Advanced Materials
(POLY-CHAR) 2023
23-26 January 2023
The University of Auckland
With a great pleasure, we would like to invite you to become a sponsor of the Annual World Forum on
Advanced Materials (POLY-CHAR) 2023 meeting, which will take place from 23 - 26 January 2023 at the
University of Auckland, New Zealand.

POLY-CHAR is a nonprofit, non-governmental organisation devoted to creating a friendly environment to
share information, organise student exchange and cooperation, to hold international meetings and to
provide a platform for scientist from all over the word in the field of Materials Science, in particular
Polymer Characterization and Polymer Materials Science and Technology.

An important goal of POLY-CHAR is to offer a forum for PhD students and young researchers to create
their own scientific networks and experience a true scientific community. POLY-CHAR is rooted in
polymer synthesis, characterization, processing, application, recycling, education and its
environmental/social consequences.

The activities and structure of the organisation are determined by the Scientific Committee (SciCom).
This committee is composed of eminent scientists from around the world with an interest in the areas of
activities of the organisation. The members of the committee take an active part in the activities of the
organisation and contribute to the expansion and functioning of the organisation and its meetings.

For further information about the sponsorship and advertising opportunities outlined in this prospectus, or
any queries regarding the conference, please contact polychar2023@auckland.ac.nz
The Annual World Forum on Advanced Materials (POLY-CHAR) 2023 is offering a number of sponsorship
packages designed to provide maximum coverage during the conference and associated activities.

If you would like to discuss any variation of the packages below or further options, please contact

Sponsorship Packages – all prices are in NZD and exclude GST 15%

                     Package                                            Cost
                     Platinum Sponsor
                     (Lanyard and Name badge)                           $12,000
                     One available

                     Gold Sponsor
                     (choose from Conference App or Coffee Cart)        $8,000
                     Two available

                     Silver Sponsor
                     (Welcome reception)

                     Gala Dinner                                        $5,000

                     Conference Satchel                                 $3,500

                     Break sponsor                                      $POA

                     Gift: Keep cup or Water bottle                     $3,500

                     Phone Charging Station                             $1,500

                     Plenary Speaker Sponsor                            $1,000

                     Conference Supporter                               $500

                     Exhibition                                         $3,000
If you would like to discuss any variation of the packages below or further options, please contact

     Platinum Sponsor (exclusive opportunity)
     Sponsorship Benefits and Exposure


          •   Four (4) complimentary registrations
          •   Four (4) complimentary tickets to Gala Dinner
          •   Four (4) complimentary tickets to Welcome Reception


          •   Six booths (3m x 1.2m)


          •   Company logo and profile showcased in an EDM (electronic direct mail) to the
              database pre-event. Provide a promotional advert to be uploaded to your profile on
              the Conference App (pdf document, artwork to be provided by your organisation)
          •   Delegate list provided of all those attending the conference (excluding those who request
          •   Status associated with being a Platinum sponsor of the conference
          •   Acknowledgement of organisation sponsorship in the conference opening and closing
          •   Opportunity to make a short address in the Opening Plenary Session
          •   Organisation logo on the conference website and app, linking to your website
          •   Organisation logo displayed in opening multi-media presentation
          •   Two (2) organizational banners in conference venue (supplied by sponsor)
          •   Opportunity to invite a speaker for a standard oral presentation 30 minutes
              (subject to programme committee approval)
          •   Naming rights for a poster prize
          •   Company logo featured on the name badge (alongside the conference logo)
          •   Opportunity to provide branded lanyards for all delegates to wear (to be
              provided by your organisation)
Gold Sponsor (two opportunities)
Sponsorship Benefits and Exposure


     •    Two (2) complimentary registrations
     •    Two (2) complimentary tickets to Gala Dinner
     •    Two (2) complimentary tickets to Welcome Reception


     •    Four booths (3m x 1.2m)


     •    Company logo and profile showcased in an EDM (electronic direct mail) to the
          database pre-event. Provide a promotional advert to be uploaded to your profile on
          the Conference App (pdf document, artwork to be provided by your organisation)
     •    Delegate list provided of all those attending the conference (excluding those who request
     •    Status associated with being a Gold sponsor of the conference
     •    Acknowledgement of organisation sponsorship in the conference opening and closing
     •    Organisation logo on the conference website and app, linking to your website
     •    Organisation logo displayed in opening multi-media presentation
     •    One (1) organizational banners in conference venue (supplied by sponsor)
     •  Opportunity to invite a speaker for a standard oral presentation 15 minutes
        (subject to programme committee approval)
   Coffee Cart (option 1)

     •    Opportunity to brand coffee cart or supply a branded resusable coffee cup (supplied
          by your organization)

     •  One free standing banner to be placed next to the coffee car (to be provided by
        your organisation). Further acknowledgement on conference website and sponosrs
        holding slides as the “Barista Coffee Cart Sponsor”
   Conference App (option 2)

     •    Naming rights to the conference app

     •    Organisation logo to be included on the app introductory screen

     •    One (1) push notification to delegates each day of the conference, maximum 140
          characters (text to be approved in advance and will only be sent during catering
Silver Sponsor
Sponsorship Benefits and Exposure


     •    One (1) complimentary registration
     •    One (1) complimentary ticket to Gala Dinner
     •    One (1) complimentary ticket to Welcome Reception


     •    Two booths (3m x 1.2m)


     •    Company logo and profile showcased in an EDM (electronic direct mail) to the
          database pre-event. Provide a promotional advert to be uploaded to your profile on
          the Conference App (pdf document, artwork to be provided by your organisation)
     •    Delegate list provided of all those attending the conference (excluding those who request
     •    Status associated with being a Silver sponsor of the conference
     •    Acknowledgement of organisation sponsorship in the conference opening and closing
     •    Organisation logo on the conference website and app, linking to your website
     •    Organisation logo displayed in opening multi-media presentation
     •    One (1) organizational banners in conference venue (supplied by sponsor)
     •    Naming rights to the Welcome Reception
     •    Opportunity for an organisation representative to welcome delegates to the
          reception at the end of the conference opening directly prior to the function
          (5minutes max)
     •    Sponsors signage (pop up banner or similar) displaed in the conference foyer and at
          the entry to the welcome reception (supplied by sponsor, location at the discretion
          of the conference organizer)
  Gala Dinner Sponsor
  Sponsorship Benefits and Exposure


      •    Two (2) complimentary registrations
      •    Two (2) complimentary tickets to Gala Dinner
      •    Two(2) complimentary tickets to Welcome Reception


      •    Company logo and profile showcased in an EDM (electronic direct mail) to the
           database pre-event. Provide a promotional advert to be uploaded to your profile on
           the Conference App (pdf document, artwork to be provided by your organisation)
      •    Delegate list provided of all those attending the conference (excluding those who request
      •    Acknowledgement of organisation sponsorship in the conference opening and closing
      •    Organisation logo on the conference website and app, linking to your website
      •    Organisation logo displayed in opening multi-media presentation
      •    Naming rights to the Gala Dinner (including logo printed on the menu and any
           other dinner related collateral)
      •    Opportunity for an organisation representative to welcome delegates to the
           Conference Dinner prior to the function (max 5 min) or run a prize draw
      •    Sponsor’s signage (pop up banner or similar) displayed in the conference foyer and
           at the entry to the Conference Dinner (supplied by sponsor, location at the
           discretion of conference organiser)
Conference Satchel Sponsor
Sponsorship Benefits and Exposure


     •    Company logo and profile showcased in an EDM (electronic direct mail) to the
          database pre-event. Provide a promotional advert to be uploaded to your profile on
          the Conference App (pdf document, artwork to be provided by your organisation)
     •    Delegate list provided of all those attending the conference (excluding those who request
     •    Acknowledgement of organisation sponsorship in the conference opening and closing
     •    Organisation logo on the conference website and app, linking to your website
     •    Organisation logo displayed in opening multi-media presentation
     •    Sponsor and committee to determine the conference satchel product
     •    Organisation logo (one colour) printed on the satchel alongside the conference logo

Gift: Keep cup or Water Bottle Sponsor
Sponsorship Benefits and Exposure


     •    Company logo and profile showcased in an EDM (electronic direct mail) to the
          database pre-event. Provide a promotional advert to be uploaded to your profile on
          the Conference App (pdf document, artwork to be provided by your organisation)
     •    Delegate list provided of all those attending the conference (excluding those who request
     •    Acknowledgement of organisation sponsorship in the conference opening and closing
     •    Organisation logo on the conference website and app, linking to your website
     •    Organisation logo displayed in opening multi-media presentation
     •    Sponsor and committee to determine the conference gift product
     •    Organisation logo (one colour) printed on the gift alongside the conference logo
Phone Charging Station Sponsor
Sponsorship Benefits and Exposure


     •    Company logo and profile showcased in an EDM (electronic direct mail) to the
          database pre-event. Provide a promotional advert to be uploaded to your profile on
          the Conference App (pdf document, artwork to be provided by your organisation)
     •    Delegate list provided of all those attending the conference (excluding those who request
     •    Acknowledgement of organisation sponsorship in the conference opening and closing
     •    Organisation logo on the conference website and app, linking to your website
     •    Organisation logo displayed in opening multi-media presentation
     •    One (1) Branded charging station displayed in the exhibition/catering area

Plenary Speaker Sponsor
Sponsorship Benefits and Exposure


     •    Company logo and profile showcased in an EDM (electronic direct mail) to the
          database pre-event. Provide a promotional advert to be uploaded to your profile on
          the Conference App (pdf document, artwork to be provided by your organisation)
     •    Delegate list provided of all those attending the conference (excluding those who request
     •    Acknowledgement of organisation sponsorship in the conference opening and closing
     •    Organisation logo on the conference website and app, linking to your website
     •    Organisation logo displayed in opening multi-media presentation
     •    Exclusive sponsorship of one plenary speaker presentation at the conference
     •    Organisation logo will be displayed at the commencement and conclusion of the
     •    Option to have a organisation member introduce the speaker
Break Sponsor
Sponsorship Benefits and Exposure


     •    Company logo and profile showcased in an EDM (electronic direct mail) to the
          database pre-event. Provide a promotional advert to be uploaded to your profile on
          the Conference App (pdf document, artwork to be provided by your organisation)
     •    Delegate list provided of all those attending the conference (excluding those who request
     •    Acknowledgement of organisation sponsorship in the conference opening and closing
     •    Organisation logo on the conference website and app, linking to your website
     •    Organisation logo displayed in opening multi-media presentation
     •    Company logo featured on the catering cards placed amongst the catering stations
          during your sponsored catering breaks
     •    Further acknowledgement on the conference website, app and sponsors holding
          slides as the ‘Catering sponsor – (Day one, or two, or three or four)

Conference Supporter
Sponsorship Benefits and Exposure

     •    Organisation logo on the conference website and app, linking to your website
     •    Organisation logo displayed in opening multi-media presentation
     •    Delegate list provided of all those attending the conference (excluding those who request

       •    One (1) complimentary exhibitor registration
       •    One (1) complimentary ticket to Gala Dinner
       •    One (1) complimentary ticket to Welcome Reception


       •    Hyperlinked logo and 50-100 word organization profile on the conference website
            and app

       •    Provide a promotional advert to be uploaded to your profile on the Conference App
            (pdf document, artwork to be provided by your organization)

       •    Pre-fabricated stands are 3m wide x 1.2m deep x 2.3 high

       •    Partitioning will be supplied for two or three sides of the stand, depending upon
            individual requirements.

       •    2x 150 watt spotlights

       •    1x 10 amp power supply with 4 piun multi-box power point

       •    Company name on fascia board (max 20 characters on black and white board)
       •    Delegate list provided of all those attending the conference (excluding those who request
TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                               You assume entire responsibility and hereby agree to protect, indemnify,
                                                                                   defend and hold Us harmless against all claims, losses and damages to
The following terms and conditions apply to Your application to sponsor
and/or exhibit:                                                                    persons or property, government charges, or fines and legal fees arising from
                                                                                   or caused by Your installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy or use of
You/Your – Sponsoring / Exhibition company/organisation.                           the event venue or a part thereof, except to the extent that such liability is
We/Us/Our – Event Services, The University of Auckland (acting as agent for        caused by the negligence of the event venue, its employees and agents.
the event local organising committee (the "Principal")).                           Without limiting the above provision, You are responsible for any reasonable
                                                                                   costs of repairing Your designated exhibition space or the event venue
By returning the completed and signed Application to Sponsor or Exhibit
form (the "Application Form") you agree to be a sponsor of Poly Char 2023          should You paint, mark or damage any fixtures or fabric.
hosted by The University of Auckland and being held at the University of           You are also solely responsible for any physical loss or damage to Your own
Auckland from 23 – 26 January 2023 (the "Event Period") on the terms and           property while that is located at the event.
conditions set out below, from the date that the Application Form is signed
by You until the end of the Event Period.                                          We will not be liable for and make no guarantee of the number of visitors to
                                                                                   the event.
We reserve the right to refuse or deny any application. When Your
application has been received and is accepted by Us, We will send You email        We will not be accountable for the level of commercial activity generated for
confirmation and attach an invoice for the total payment amount (as                You or any other person.
recorded on the Application Form). Our confirmation email amounts to an            You acknowledge that the University of Auckland is acting as agent for the
acceptance by Us of Your offer to sponsor. Once We confirm acceptance of           Principal and that these terms and conditions are for the benefit of and
Your application, there is a binding agreement between You and Us unless           enforceable by the University of Auckland and the Principal.
cancelled in accordance with these terms and conditions.
Your requested category of sponsorship may be limited to a certain number
of sponsors and preference will be determined in order of receipt of the           You must only exhibit products sold or supplied, or services rendered by You.
signed Application Form and payment. The event secretariat will notify You if      You may not assign, share, sub-let, or grant licences for the whole or part of
You are unable to participate in Your requested category.                          Your designated exhibition space without prior approval from Us.

The Principal shall have control over selecting the invitees to the event and      We reserve the right to rearrange the floor plan and/or relocate any exhibit
the selection of any speakers, presenters or authors.                              without notice. We will not discount or refund for any facilities not used or
Details of the event may change without notice. Please refer to the event
website for the latest information.                                                The general exhibition space will have a surface that allows for velcro
                                                                                   fastenings. No cementing, nailing, tacking, taping or attaching of any
                                                                                   material to the floor, walls or columns is permitted.
General                                                                            We reserve the right to ask You to remove any display items We deem as
You will be informed of all deadlines for the provision of information or          unacceptable, and if We do so You agree to promptly comply with Our
materials by way of email updates and updates to the event website. The            request.
deadlines for delivery or supply of materials, information or artwork are not      During the event hours, a representative from Your company/organisation
negotiable. If materials, information or artwork required from You are not         must staff Your exhibit at all times.
received by Us by the designated due date, their use for their intended
purpose cannot be guaranteed. The value of these entitlements will not be          You must conduct business only from within the confines of Your designated
refunded in this circumstance.                                                     exhibition space and must ensure that Your representatives and employees
                                                                                   do not tout, or place any material, outside of Your designated exhibition
Due to privacy legislation, We cannot guarantee the inclusion of all event         space in a manner that obstructs the aisles. You must ensure that You and
participants’ details on any delegate list.                                        Your representatives comply with all relevant laws and with all policies
Sponsors and exhibitors are not entitled to entry into the event sessions or       relating to the event.
social events, unless the relevant tickets are offered as part of the particular   All material used in the event venue and/or exhibitor’s space must conform
sponsorship package. Sponsors and exhibitors who do not hold tickets as            to all appropriate regulations that We notify to You.
part of their sponsorship package and who wish to attend the event as a
delegate must complete the appropriate registration form online and pay            You shall not commence dismantling or packing product before the end of
the applicable registration fee.                                                   the final coffee break on the last day of the event. We will not be held
                                                                                   responsible for any items left behind, including where remaining items are
Finance                                                                            discarded by Us or any other person.
All prices exclude GST and are quoted in New Zealand Dollars.                      You hereby waive and abandon any right to claim specific performance of
                                                                                   any obligation of Us now or henceforth.
The total payment must be made in full within thirty (30) working days of the
date of our invoice.                                                               Print entitlements
Sponsorship entitlements as set out in the relevant sponsorship prospectus         Your logos and/or company/organisation name will be reproduced in the
will not commence until the total payment has been received in full.               event colour/s, full colour, or mono, at our discretion. All logos must be at
If the total payment is not received within thirty (30) working days of the        least 300 DPI at 100% in EPS (preferred for print) and JPEG (preferred for
date of our invoice, We reserve the right to cancel the application and the        website) format.
designated sponsorship/exhibition space may be reassigned.                         No print or web recognition will be given unless payment terms have been
If You pay by electronic funds transfer or an international cheque You agree       met.
to pay any bank charges and must include these in the amount You transfer.         No animals
Cancellation                                                                       No animals are permitted within University of Auckland buildings. Guide
You may only cancel the sponsorship arrangement within the period of five          dogs for the visually impaired are the only exception.
(5) days of receiving confirmation from Us. Cancellations may only be made         Privacy statement
in writing and must be forwarded to Event Services, The University of
Auckland. In the event of cancellation by You, You agree to pay an                 Your name and contact information, including electronic address, may be
administration fee of $250. For the avoidance of doubt, if You cancel the          used by parties directly related to the event (such as the Principal, other
sponsorship arrangement, We will not be obliged to provide any of the              organisers, and approved stakeholders) for related purposes such as
sponsorship entitlements to You, and no refunds of sponsorship will be made        promotion, networking, and administration related to this event and future
by Us for cancellations received by Us outside of the above permitted              events of this type. You may decide the extent of any personal information
cancellation period.                                                               disclosed to Us but Our ability to provide the sponsorship entitlements may
                                                                                   be limited if You withhold requested information.
We have the right to postpone or cancel the event and cancel this
sponsorship agreement and shall not in any circumstances be liable for costs
or losses resulting from such delay or cancellation.

Contact Name                                                                I/We accept the terms and conditions of undertaking
                                                                            a sponsorship and or exhibition package.

Billing Address                                                             I/We understand that the sponsorship level or
                                                                            exhibition will be distributed according to
                                                                            interest and strictly in order of application and

City                               Country                                  Signed

Phone                              Fax

                                                                           Payment Details

                                                                             Total to pay $
    Package preference requested
        I/we would like to take up the following:

        Platinum Sponsorship
                                                                                     Please send me a tax invoice for direct credit
                                                                 $8,000              payment
        Gold Sponsorship – Conference App
                                                                 $8,000              I wish to pay with credit card please send me an
        Gold Sponsorship – Coffee Cart
                                                                                     invoice and contact me at the listed phone
                                                                 $6,000              number
        Silver Sponsorship
        Gala Dinner
                                                                                 Please return completed forms to:
        Conference Satchel
                                                                                 Isobel Adamson
                                                                 $POA            Sponsorship and Exhibition Manager
        Break sponsor
                                                                                 Event Services – The University of Auckland
                                                                 $3,500          Email: polychar2023@auckland.ac.nz
        Gift: Keep cup or Water Bottle

        Phone Charging Station
        Plenary Speaker Sponsor

        Conference Supporter

        Exhibition Stand

 All prices exclude GST and are quoted in New Zealand Dollars.
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