Page created by Yolanda Harris
  While COVID-19 remains a serious presence in          first-time voters and those from underrepresented
  daily life, it’s worth noting that conditions have    groups. Despite the tremendous voter registration
  changed drastically since last September, when all    success of 2020 and the many virtual events it
  of us were tasked with navigating National Voter      included, research on voter registration efforts
  Registration Day during the uncertain days of the     shows that new voters registered through field-
  fall and winter wave of cases.                        based efforts are more likely to be on the lower
                                                        end of the income scale, young, and people of
  Between a better understanding of the virus as a      color than individuals who register online.
  whole and the widespread availability of multiple
  vaccines of demonstrable effectiveness, we largely    Although the country has made tremendous
  expect National Voter Registration Day 2021 to be     progress toward fully returning to a pre-COVID
  more similar to pre-2020 holidays as it relates to    level of normal, the Delta-driven rise in infections,
  in-person interactions.                               hospitalizations, and deaths in multiple parts of
                                                        the country makes clear that there remain risks
  That said, the rise of the Delta variant (and the     and challenges related to in-person voter
  potential for additional variants), increasing case   registration drives in 2021. If your group is located
  counts, and the ad hoc return of mask mandates        in an area that has become a COVID hot spot
  and other mitigation measures leaves open the         and you choose to organize an in-person event,
  possibility that partners across the country may be   we encourage you to consider reviewing the tips
  tasked once more to adapt their National Voter        and guidelines below, which were proven in 2020
  Registration Day plans with protocols that keep       to allow for the organization of successful voter
  COVID in mind,                                        registration events.
  After a long year of social distancing and the        In preparing this guide, we are grateful for the
  hefty degree of protection available to those who     contributions of Med Out the Vote, as well as
  have been vaccinated, we know that many of our        Healthy Voting, a project of the American Public
  National Voter Registration Day partners are ready    Health Association, Center for Civic Design,
  to plan in-person and public voter registration       Center for Tech and Civic Life, National Association
  drives on this year’s holiday. In-person drives are   of County and City Health Officials, and
  important and effective, particularly for engaging    We Can Vote.

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Understanding Your Local Conditions                     your voter registration drive, beginning with the
As the last two years have made abundantly clear,       planning phase.
public health conditions are highly variable across
                                                        • Event location: If possible, prioritize outdoor
the country, and can change very quickly. As you
                                                          and walk- or drive-through locations over indoor
begin to think about your National Voter Registration
                                                          locations. If using an indoor location, try and find
Day event, make sure that you’re informed about
                                                          one that is well-ventilated and consider opening
how COVID is impacting your community so that
                                                          windows during your event.
you can plan accordingly.

Consult the Center for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) website for COVID-19 information
and updates (
/2019-ncov/index.html). Also make sure to check
out state and local guidelines to understand public
health conditions specific to where you’re planning
to hold your event. If you’re not sure where to
access this information, we suggest the following
online search phrase: “Coronavirus data and
information for [Insert State/City].”

Planning Your Event
As of this document’s publication, the highly           • Event duration: Consider a longer event so that
infectious Delta variant remains the dominant strain      participants are able to visit throughout the
of COVID-19 in the country and has driven an              day. Encourage staggered arrivals as much as
increase in new infections across the country, with       possible to reduce crowding.
certain areas being particular hot spots. Despite
this rise, the widespread availability of effective     • Explore options for touchless voter registration:
vaccines has allowed a greater degree of openness         You might want to consider touchless voter
than was available last year. However, communities        registration techniques, such as QR codes that
with low vaccination rates in the midst of a period       visitors to your event can scan with their smart-
of rising cases may, for all intents and purposes, be     phones to be directed to a voter registration
just as adversely impacted as they were in 2020.          site. For example, our partners at the League of
                                                          Women Voters have a QR code that you can use
If you live in an area experiencing a surge in cases      for free to direct potential voters to the
but determine that an in-person event is feasible, website, where individuals can
make sure to do your best to incorporate                  register to vote. For the QR code, see here:
precautions and protocols into every aspect of  

                                                                                                   PAGE 2
• Consider online voter registration as part of         • Have a contingency plan: Be prepared to
  your event: If your state offers online voter           pivot to a different type of event if conditions
  registration (OVR), consider posting the link on        continue to worsen in your area ahead of
  posters so that passers-by can go directly to           September 28 and an in-person event is no
  the site without having to stop by your table.          longer recommended. Determine some
  You could also have a few laptops or tablets            benchmarks to guide your decision-making
  available for visitors that you sanitize between        about how to organize your event.
  use. This will reduce the need for face-to-face
  engagement between your volunteers and                Recruiting and Training Volunteers
  potential voters. You can visit to see
                                                        Making a few tweaks to your plan to recruit and
  if online voter registration is available in your
                                                        train volunteers can go a long way in ensuring that
  state and get redirected to your state’s election
                                                        your voter registration event is health conscious,
                                                        effective, and goes smoothly.
• Get creative to limit contact: Besides looking
  into QR codes and OVR, try and cook up some
  other creative options to get voters registered
  while still taking necessary public health
  precautions. We’ve heard of drive-by voter
  registration caravans where volunteers hand
  forms to people in their cars, or even “virtual
  volunteers” that are placed on a table and
  connected via Zoom to help passers-by answer
  questions about voter registration forms, and
  more. Have ideas? Send them our way
  ( so we
  can share them out with others!

• Plan for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):         • Consider the roles volunteers play: While
  Wearing personal protective equipment (PPE)             vaccination for COVID-19 can often be a divisive
  when out in public can help slow and stop the           topic, overwhelming evidence available makes
  spread of the coronavirus. As of publication, the       clear that vaccination is tremendously effective
  CDC recommends that every adult and child,              at preventing COVID-19 infection, severe illness,
  regardless of vaccination status, wear masks            hospitalization, and death.
  while they’re indoors within areas experiencing          With that in mind, it is recommended that
  coronavirus outbreaks. To make sure your staff           volunteers who will be interacting directly with
  and volunteers have proper protection, budget            the public be vaccinated. You may also want
  for supplies such as masks, hand sanitizer,              to attempt to recruit extra volunteers in the
  gloves, sanitizing wipes, and single-use pens.           event that some are unable to participate due
  If you don’t have sufficient resources for these         to sickness or other reasons. People who have
  unanticipated needs, consider asking a local             been exposed to COVID-19 in the past 14 days,
  business to donate supplies or sponsor your              or who are showing any symptoms of COVID-19,
  community event.                                         should stay home and not attend or volunteer
• Plan for social distancing: Purchase bright tape/        at your event. Consider other ways to engage
  stickers to demonstrate at least six feet of social      would-be volunteers who are unvaccinated, at
  distance, and plan for extra tables to create            higher risk for COVID-19, or who live with
  physical barriers that prevent people from               people at higher risk – can these individuals
  getting too close.                                       help with planning, fundraising, or promoting
                                                           your event instead of attending the actual
                                                           in-person event on National Voter
                                                           Registration Day itself?

                                                                                                  PAGE 3

• Adapt trainings to include COVID precautions             stickers on the ground (National Voter Registration
  first! Do your best to incorporate COVID                 Day stickers, for example!) to demonstrate
  protocols into volunteer trainings, which will           social distancing.
  help everyone be on the same page about the
  importance of following these protocols closely.         An extra table can be used to provide a physical
  Print out pocket guides for your staff and               barrier that maintains social distance, or set up
  volunteers to refer to throughout the day if they        tables with plexiglass shields or plastic sheeting
  need an in-the-moment refresher.                         to create a barrier between people. Maintain
                                                           distance when sharing forms with voters by
• Try to relieve volunteers of some of the                 placing forms on a clipboard or tablet and
  compliance burden: Prepare clear and visible             stepping back. Registrants can then step
  signage to put up at your event to help                  forward to fill out their form. Or, once paper
  participants adhere to public health regulations.        forms have been completed, you could have
  Consider designating one staff person who is             individuals place their forms in a box to avoid
  responsible for monitoring adherence to the              having to hand it back to an event organizer
  protocols you put in place at your event, and/or         or volunteer.
  have volunteers role play how they would
  politely initiate a conversation on this topic        • Mask up! As with all things COVID-19, best
  during their training session.                          practices for masking continue to adapt to new
                                                          data and changing conditions on the ground. As
                                                          of publication, CDC guidelines recommend that
During Your Event                                         each person, regardless of vaccination status,
It’s the big day! While you’re registering voters         wear a mask or other face covering indoors
in record numbers along with thousands of other           located in communities that are experiencing
partners on and offline across the country, don’t         coronavirus outbreaks. If you’re in one of these
forget these simple tips to make sure everyone            communities, remind volunteers and visitors that
feels prepared. Today is the day to put into practice     they should refrain from touching their faces or
the careful plans you’ve laid to make the day a           masks. If you can, provide disposable masks to
success on all levels.                                    people who do not have one. Put one of your
                                                          National Voter Registration Day stickers on your
• Implement social distancing: Attempt to                 mask and you have a custom branded facemask!
  maintain at least six feet of distance between
  volunteers at a registration table and between        • Sanitize, sanitize, sanitize: We know you’ll be
  volunteers and registrants. This should include a       busy registering voters left and right! But do
  place for registrants to fill out forms while being     your best to regularly sanitize all equipment,
  assisted by volunteers and enough space to              especially high-touch areas such as phone
  wait in line while social distancing. Put tape or       /tablet/computer screens if you are
                                                          offering online voter registration, table
                                                          tops, and clipboards.

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   Set up a sanitizer or hand-washing station, and       After Your Event
   have anti-bacterial wipes available for wiping        Congratulations! In addition to registering voters
   down clipboards and other places that have            and hopefully having lots of fun while doing so, you
   high touch volume.                                    also did your very best to keep everyone healthy.
                                                         As with 2020, deviations from the pre-COVID voter
   Encourage regular use of these stations. If
                                                         registration norm means going the extra mile to
   available, individuals should wash their hands
                                                         get voters registered is more important than ever
   with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
                                                         and it’s going to take all kinds of innovative efforts
   regularly. If using hand sanitizer, make sure it is
                                                         to help Americans get registered and ready to vote
   one with at least 60% alcohol.
                                                         in their next election. Thanks for doing your part!
• Make your event BYO-Pen: If you’re having              Remember to report back your voter registration
  visitors to your event register to vote using          results to us, send us pictures, and to also take a
  paper forms, or having them use paper forms            few additional precautions given the challenges the
  for other purposes, ask them to use their own          nation continues to face.
  pens. If they don’t have one, let them take one        • Get tested! If your staff and volunteers were
  of yours home as a souvenir. If that’s not in the        involved in a sustained period of public
  cards for you, either sanitize pens after each use,      interaction during your event, they should get
  allowing them to full dry before the next person         tested for COVID-19 three to five days after the
  uses them, or have people using shared pens              event. While waiting for results, they should
  wear gloves.                                             self-isolate.
• Take advantage of online options: If you’ve            • Report any positive test results: Ask
  chosen to use online registration as part of your        volunteers, staff, and attendees at your event to
  event, encourage this option for as many visitors        report any positive COVID-19 test results back
  to your event as possible to minimize contact            to you ASAP for contact tracing.
  between people. Make sure that any URLs or
  QR codes are displayed in large-type, easy to          • See a doctor if in doubt: If volunteers, staff, or
  read fonts for passers-by to see and use without         attendees at your event exhibit any symptoms
  needing to come very close to your event.                of sickness afterwards, encourage them to stay
                                                           home and get in contact with their primary
                                                           care physician.

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