Stakeholder Manual ETDP SETA: Skills Indicium: SDF Registration & ATR Forms

Page created by Tracy Osborne
Stakeholder Manual ETDP SETA: Skills Indicium: SDF Registration & ATR Forms
Stakeholder Manual

     Stakeholder Manual
     ETDP SETA: Skills Indicium: SDF Registration &
     ATR Forms
     November 2017

00                                     ETDP SETA: Skills Indicium: Stakeholder Manual
Stakeholder Manual ETDP SETA: Skills Indicium: SDF Registration & ATR Forms
Stakeholder Manual

Table of Contents
1 VERSION CONTROL ..................................................................................... 3

1.1    Document Details ............................................................................................................ 3

1.2    Revision History .............................................................................................................. 3

2 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 3

2.1    Purpose of this document ................................................................................................. 3

2.2    Terms and Definitions ...................................................................................................... 3

3 TECHNICAL INFORMATION ........................................................................... 3

3.1    Browsers ........................................................................................................................ 3

3.2    Minimum Hardware Requirements ..................................................................................... 3

4 PROCESS ................................................................................................... 4

5 NAVIGATION .............................................................................................. 4

6 ACCESSING INDICIUM ................................................................................. 6

6.1    Indicium Landing Page ..................................................................................................... 6

6.2    Forgotten Password ......................................................................................................... 6

7 SDF REGISTRATION .................................................................................... 8

7.1    Application Details ........................................................................................................... 8

7.2    Organisation Details ...................................................................................................... 13

8 ORGANISATION PROFILE ........................................................................... 16

8.1    Organisation Details ...................................................................................................... 16

8.2    Organisation Contacts .................................................................................................... 20

8.3    Organisation Banking Details .......................................................................................... 23

8.4    Organisation Training Committee Details .......................................................................... 27

8.5    Organisation CFO Details ................................................................................................ 30

9 ANNEXURE II WSPR COMPLETION ............................................................... 33

9.1 Navigation .................................................................................................................... 33
  9.1.1 How to get to the forms ............................................................................................ 33
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  9.1.2 Note to SDF ............................................................................................................. 35

9.2 Annual Training Report (ATR) Forms ................................................................................ 37
  9.2.1 Online Capturing ...................................................................................................... 37 Small(Public/Private) ........................................................................................... 37 ............................................................................................................. 37 per form ................................................................................................. 38 Private ............................................................................................................... 39 ............................................................................................................. 39 per form ................................................................................................. 40 Public ................................................................................................................ 43 ............................................................................................................. 43 per form ................................................................................................. 43 PDE ................................................................................................................... 44 ............................................................................................................. 44 per form ................................................................................................. 44

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     1 Version Control
     1.1 Document Details
     Version                               V0.1
     Author                                Alize Groenewald
     Contributors                          ETDP SETA: Skills Team

     1.2 Revision History
 VERSION          DATE              BY WHOM                  CHANGES
 V0.1             February 2017     Alize Groenewald         Original Manual
 V0.2             November 2017     Alize Groenewald         Changes for ATR 2018/2019 incorporated

     2 Introduction
     2.1 Purpose of this document
     The purpose of this document is to ensure that Skills Development Facilitators (SDFs) are equipped with all the
     information pertaining to the ETDP SETA Indicium system. This will therefore permit the facilitator to register as
     an ETDP SETA Indicium SDF and will enable the SDF to comply with the submission of the Annexure II WSP/ATR
     by the legislative due date (30 April 2017).

     2.2 Terms and Definitions
     The following terms are used in this document

     #    Term / Acronym               Definition
     1    Indicium                     Latin for Information – name of the system developed for ETPD SETA.
     2    SDF                          Skills Development Facilitator
     3    WSP                          Workplace Skills Plan
     4    ATR                          Annual Training Report
     5    Lookup Field                 A field containing a set of values to select from, no other values than these
                                       can be used
     6    Free Text Field              This field allows the SDF to enter any text
     7    Numeric Field                This field allows the SDF to enter only numerical values
     9    Alphanumeric Field           This field allows the SDF to enter alphabetical as well as numerical values
     10   Currency Field               This field gets noted in Rand value

     3 Technical Information
     3.1 Browsers
     ETDP SETA Indicium is compatible with the following browsers:
     1. Internet Explorer                2. Google Chrome                        3. Mozilla FireFox

     3.2 Minimum Hardware Requirements
     Minimum requirements for hardware are as follows
          Windows 7 or above
          Service Pack 1
          Intel Celeron minimum but Core i-3 or better suggested
          2GB RAM minimum but 4GB suggested

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Stakeholder Manual ETDP SETA: Skills Indicium: SDF Registration & ATR Forms
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       At least 20GB free hard drive space
       Microsoft Office
       Adobe PDF reader
       ADSL or 3G. Dial-up lines are not recommended.


5 Navigation
To following will assist to navigate the system

#    Navigation              Screenshot                  Explanation
1    Dashboard Menu                                      Clicking „Dashboard‟ will return you to the
     Item                                                SDF Dashboard with the list of organisations
                                                         linked to the SDF profile.
2    Skills Menu Item                                    Clicking „Skills‟ will navigate to the submenu
                                                               Organisation
                                                               SDF
3    View                                                Clicking „View‟ next to the company name
                                                         will open the company profile.
4    Organisation Details                                Clicking „Organisation Details‟ will navigate
                                                         to the selected company details, allowing
                                                         the SDF to update the company details.
5    Organisation Contact                                Clicking „Organisation Contact‟ will navigate
                                                         to the section allowing the SDF to add
                                                         contact information from the company.
6    Organisation Bank                                   Clicking „Organisation Bank Details‟ will
     Details                                             navigate to the section allowing the SDF to
                                                         add update and confirm the banking details
                                                         of the company.
7    Child Organisations                                 Clicking „Child Organisations will navigate to
                                                         the section, allowing the SDF to view the

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#    Navigation           Screenshot   Explanation
                                       details of the organisations linked to the
8    Training Committee                Clicking „Training Committee‟ will navigate
                                       to the section of selected company allowing
                                       the SDF to add the details of the members
                                       of the companies training committee.
9    Organisation CFO                  Clicking „Organisation CFO Details‟ will
     Details                           navigate to the section allowing the SDF to
                                       add and update the details of the members
                                       of the companies training committee.
10   Annexure 2 WSPR                   Clicking „Annexure 2 WSPR‟ will navigate to
                                       the Annexure 2 WSP forms, allowing the
                                       SDF to complete the forms.
11   Annexure 2 WSPR                   Clicking „Annexure 2 WSPR Document
     Document Uploads                  Uploads‟ will navigate to the section that will
                                       allow the SDF to upload all necessary and
                                       compulsory documentation needed for the
                                       submission of the Annexure 2 WSPR.
12   Grants and Levies                 Clicking „Grants and Levies‟ will navigate to
                                       the section that will allow the SDF to view
                                       Levies contributed, Grants received and
                                       print remittances.
13   Edit                              Clicking „Edit‟ will make certain fields
                                       available to the SDF to edit and update.
14   Save                              Clicking „Save‟ will save the information that
                                       the SDF changed / updated.
15   Cancel                            Clicking „Cancel‟ will navigate back to the
                                       page before it was edited. Changes made
                                       by the SDF will not be saved.
16   Create                            Clicking „Create‟ will allow the SDF to create
                                       new records for contacts.
17   Remove                            Clicking „Remove‟ will remove the selected
                                       record. Once removed the record will be
                                       available anymore, nor will the user be able
                                       to restore the removed record.
18   Update                            Clicking „Update‟ will allow the SDF to
                                       update a selected field.

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6 Accessing Indicium
6.1 Indicium Landing Page
The ETDP SETA Indicium system can be accessed via the ETDP SETA website                     The
Annexure II WSPR link will navigate to the ETDP SETA Indicium Landing Page

6.2 Forgotten Password
Once the SDF is registered on the system, it is possible to forget one‟s password therefore Indicium has an
online „forgot password‟ functionality. Please follow the following steps if you have forgotten your password.

Step    Action / Screenshot
1       The SDF navigates to the ETDP SETA Indicium Seta Management System page.

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Step    Action / Screenshot
2       The SDF clicks on the Forgot Password link and add their username. The system will generate an e-
        mail with a temporary password when the SDF clicks on the „Request Password‟ button.

2       Use the username and temporary password on the logon page.

3       Indicium will revert the Change Password page for the SDF to update the password to a new

        Please note the following rules on Creating of Passwords:

         #    Rule
         1    The length of the password must be at least 8 characters long
         2    Your password must contain one capital/upper case letter
         3    Your password must at least contain one digit number
         4    Your password must at least contain a symbol “{\*&%$#@
         5    The password expires after 30 days, and the SDF will be required to enter a new password –
              each 30 days.

        The SDF then clicks on the Change Password button to save the password. Indicium will navigate to
        the logon screen once the password has been successfully changed.

4       Indicium will navigate back to the logon page where the SDF now needs to use the changed password to
        logon to the ETDP SETA Indicium system

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       7 SDF Registration
       This section outlines the registration steps to be followed by the SDF.
       7.1 Application Details
       The first phase of the registration is for the SDF to complete their details.

Step     Procedure
1        Navigate to the ETDP SETA website
2        Click on the Stakeholder Login link
3        The system will navigate to the ETDP SETA Indicium landing page

4        The user clicks on the SDF Registration link

5        The system presents a Registration window

6        The user confirms that the registration is for a SDF by selecting the SDF option

7        The user clicks on the Registration button

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Step     Procedure
8        The user completes the Applicant Details screen by completing the following

          #      Field               Comment                                           The system completes the Birth Date and Gender once a South African ID is
          1      ID No               Alpha-numeric                                     entered.
          2      Alternate ID Type   The alternate ID Number is compulsory only
                                     when the ID No added is not a South African ID
                                     Number. The user will select one of the

                                      1    Birth Certificate Number
                                      2    Employee Number
                                      3    None
                                      4    Passport Number
                                      5    Student Number
          3      Title               The user will select one of the following:

                                      1    Adv
                                      2    Dr
                                      3    Miss
                                      4    Mr
                                      5    Mrs
                                      6    Ms
                                      7    Prof
                                                                                       Where an ID is entered that is not South African the user will need to indicate
          4      First Name          Text Field                                        the alternate ID Type
          5      Middle Name         Text Field
          6      Surname             Text field
          7      Initials            Populated Field
          8      Date of Birth       This field populates from the South African ID
                                     Where the ID Number is not a South African ID
                                     Number, the user needs to select the date of
          9      Gender              The user will select one of the following:

                                      1    Male                                        The system populates the Initials once the First Name and Middle Name is
                                      2    Female                                      populated

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Step     Procedure
          10   Equity                The user will select one of the following:

                                      1    Black: African
                                      2    Black: Coloured
                                      3    Black: Indian/Asian
                                      4    White
          11     Disability Status   The user will select one of the following:

                                      1    Communication (talking, listening)
                                      2    Disabled but unspecified
                                      3    Emotional (behavioral or psychological            The system also allows for Alternate ID Numbers to be captured. The system
                                      4    Hearing (even with a hearing aid)                 changes the format of the ID Number field to alpha-numeric once the user
                                      5    Intellectual (difficulties in learning);          selects and alternate ID, allowing the user to enter an identification number.
                                      6    Multiple
                                      7    None
                                      8    Physical (moving, standing, grasping)
                                      9    Sight (even with glasses)

          12     Home Language       The user will select one of the following:

                                      1    Afrikaans
                                      2    English
                                      3    isiNdebele
                                      4    isiXhosa
                                      5    isiZulu
                                      6    Other
                                      7    sePedi (also known as Northern Sotho /
                                           Sesotho sa Lebowa)
                                       8   seSotho
                                       9   seTswana
                                       10 siSwati                                            The system populates the Municipality, Density and Province based on the
                                       11 South African Sign Language                        Code entered.
                                       12 tshiVenda
                                       13 xiTsonga                                           The user can populate the postal address with the physical address details by
          13     Nationality         The user will select one nationalities listed in this   selecting the „Use Physical Address for Postal Address option

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Step     Procedure
          14   Citizen Residential   The user will select one of the following:
                                      1    Dual (SA plus other)
                                      2    Other
                                      3    Permanent Resident
                                      4    South Africa
                                      5    Unknown

          15     Socio Economic      The user will select one of the following:
                                      1    Employed
                                      2    Unemployed
          16     Telephone           Numeric Field
          17     Cell Phone          Numeric Field
          18     Fax Number          Numeric Field
          19     E Mail              Valid email address
          20     Physical Address    The Postal Code must be populated in order for
                                     the system to auto populate the Municipality,
                                     Density and Province for the physical address
          21     Postal Address      The Postal Code must be populated in order for
                                     the system to auto populate the Municipality,
                                     Density and Province for the postal address

                                                                                      As per the UAT on 25 January, the Unit Standards Completed is now a lookup
                                                                                      field, allowing the SDF to select the Unit Standards completed.

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Step     Procedure
          22   Highest Education     The user will select one of the following:

                                      1     Advanced Certificate
                                      2     Advanced Diploma
                                      3     Apprenticeship / Trade Cert
                                      4     Diploma
                                      5     Further Diploma
                                      6     Further Education and Training Certificate
                                      7     Higher Certificate
                                      8     Honours Degree
                                      9     Masters Degree
                                      10    National First Degree (min 480)
                                      11    National Higher Certificate
                                      12    National Higher Diploma
                                      13    National Masters Degree
                                      14    PG B Deg
                                      15    Post Dip Diploma
                                      16    Post Graduate Diploma
                                      17    Post Basic Diploma
                                      18    Professional Diploma
                                      19    Qual at Nat Sen Cert Level
                                      20    Schl below SenC: not full qual
                                      21    Senior Certificate

          23     Current             Alpha-numeric field
          24     Years in            Numeric field
          25     Experience (SDF     Text
                 Work Experience
          26     Unit standards      Lookup Field:

                                      1     115759
                                      2     115753
                                      3     15191
                                      4     12544

9        Click on the Save and Proceed button to proceed to the next step.               The system test that all compulsory fields are populated and will indicate
                                                                                         where compulsory information is missing.

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       7.2 Organisation Details
       The second phase is for the SDF to link the organisations they are completing and submitting Annexure II WSPRs

Step     Procedure
1        Once the SDF saves their applicant / personal details will the
         system navigate to the Organisation details page.

2        Search for the organisation by clicking on the magnifying
3        The user will add the L Number for the company that you are
         searching for

4        The user will click on the Search button for the system to
         search for the company
5a       Where the company does not exist the system will display a
         message of „No records found’

5b       The user will need to add a new / correct L number and
         search again

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Step     Procedure
6a       The system will return the results should the company exist
         for the search criteria used

6b       The user will click on the company name

7        The user will click on the Select button to add the company

8        The user will indicate whether the user is acting for the
         employer by clicking the tick box
9        The user will not tick the tick box if they do not acting for the
10       The user will select the function that they are performing for
         the Employer
         The user will select one of the following:

          1    Group of Organisations
          2    Single establishment
11       The user will indicate the method of appointment                    The „Self Employed‟ option is removed:

          1    Appointed by Employer
          2    Other, If Other, please specify
          3    Self-appointed

12       Where the user selects option 2, the user will need to
         complete the „Other method of appointment‟ text box

13       The user will click on the Choose file to upload the signed
         Letter of appointment that will be viewed by ETDP in order to
         approve or reject the SDF registration

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Step     Procedure
14       The user will click on the Upload button to save the letter
         that needs to be uploaded
15       The system will show a green line once the document has
         been upload

16       The user needs to click on the upload button again to save
         all information captured and uploaded on the system
17       The system will the reflect the organisation name, SDL
         number and letter uploaded

18       The user will repeat step 3 to 17 in the case where the user
         needs to be linked to more than one company
19       The user will click on Finalise Application button to finalise
         the SDF registration process

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       8 Organisation Profile
       Once a SDF has access to the Organisation Profile, the SDF will be expected to update the details and ensure that the details on Indicium is correct and current

       8.1 Organisation Details
Step      Procedure                                                                         Screenshots
1         Access Indicium system
2         Click on the Skills menu option

3         Click on the Organisation

4         Complete on of the Search criteria

           1   Legal Name
           2   Trade Name
           3   SDL Number
           4   SIC Code

5         Click on the Search button
6a        The system must return the search results for the search criteria used

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Step      Procedure                                                                    Screenshots
6b        Where the system does not find data, the system must display a message „No
          records found for the search criteria used‟

7         Select the company, the system will highlight the record selected

8         Click on the action button
9         The system must navigate to the Organisation Details

10        To user will click on the Edit button to update Organisation Details

11        The following fields can be updated:

           #    Field                             Type
           1    Legal Name                        Text
           2    Trade Name                        Text
           3    Organisation Registration         Lookup
                Number Type
                                                   1    Cipro
                                                   2    Company Registration
                                                   3    Department of Social

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Step      Procedure                                                           Screenshots

           4    Organisation Registration       Alpha-numeric
           5    Type of Organisation            Lookup

                                                 1    Private Offering FET
                                                 2    Private Offering FET
                                                      and HET
                                                 3    Private Offering HET

           6    Legal Status / Type of Entity   Lookup

                                                 1       Close Corporation
                                                 2       CBO
                                                 3       NGO
                                                 4       Other
                                                 5       Partnership
                                                 6       Pty/Ltd
                                                 7       Section 21 Company
                                                 8       Sole Proprietor
                                                 9       Public Benefit
                                                         Organisation (PBO)
                                                 10      Non-Profit
                                                         Organisation (NPO)
                                                 11      Trust

           7    Partnership                     Lookup

                                                 1    Private
                                                 2    Private / Public
                                                 3    Public

           8    Phone Number                    Numeric
           9    Fax Number                      Numeric

                                                                              System validate rules

                                                                              The system populates the Municipality, Density and Province based on the
                                                                              Code entered.

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Step      Procedure                                                         Screenshots
           10 Current SETA Region               Lookup
                                                                            The user can populate the postal address with the physical address details by
                                                 1   Eastern Cape           selecting the „Use Physical Address for Postal Address option
                                                 2   Freestate
                                                 3   Gauteng
                                                 4   Kwa-Zulu-Natal
                                                 5   Limpopo
                                                 6   Mpumalanga
                                                 7   North West
                                                 8   Northern Cape
                                                 9   Western Cape

           11   Sic Code Description            Lookup
           12   Chambers                        Lookup

                                                 1   ECD & AETA
                                                 2   Research and HET
                                                 3   Schooling and
                                                 4   TVET
           13   Number of Employees             Numeric
           14   Number of Employees             Populated
                (Employment Profile)
           15   Total Annual Payroll for the    Numeric
                end of the Previous Financial
                year (Subject to SDL)
           16   SARS Number                     Numeric
           17   Cipro Number                    Numeric
           18   GPS Coordinates                 Numeric
           19   Physical Address                                            The user confirms the Organisation details
           20   Postal Address
           21   Use Physical Address for        Select
                Postal Address
           22   Confirm Details                 Select

12        The user must click on the Save button to save the changes made

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       8.2 Organisation Contacts
       The SDF will be able to update the Organisation Contacts following the next steps:

Step       Procedure                                                            Screenshots
1          Access Indicium system
2          Click on the Skills menu option

3          Click on the Organisation

4          Complete on of the Search criteria

            1   Legal Name
            2   Trade Name
            3   SDL Number
            4   SIC Code

5          Click on the Search button
6a         The system must return the search results for the search criteria

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Step       Procedure                                                           Screenshots
6b         Where the system does not find data, the system must display a
           message „No records found for the search criteria used‟

7          Select the company, the system will highlight the record selected

8          Click on the action button
9          The system must navigate to the Organisation Details

10         The user will select the Organisation Contact sub menu option

11         The system will navigate to the Organisation Contact page

12         The user will click on the Create button to add a new contact

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Step       Procedure                                                             Screenshots
13         The user will complete the following fields:

            #     Field                   Type
            1     Title                   Lookup
            2     First Name              Text
            3     Surname                 Text
            4     Initials                Populate
            5     Designation             Lookup

                                           1     CEO
                                           2     COO
                                           3     Financial Manager
                                           4     HR Manager
                                           5     Other
                                           6     Training Manager

            6     Telephone Number        Numeric
            7     Cell phone Number       Numeric
            8     Fax Number              Numeric
            9     E Mail                  Alpha-numeric
            10    Postal Address
14         To save the information the user will click on the Save button

15         To edit information of a contact already added the user will select
           the contact

16         The user will then click on the Edit button

17         The user will update the information and click on the Save button
           to save the information.
18         To remove a contact that is already on the contact details pate the
           user will select the contact

19         The user will click on the Remove button

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       8.3 Organisation Banking Details
       The SDF will be required to confirm the banking details of the organisation by following the next steps:

Step       Procedure                                                             Screenshots
1          Access Indicium system
2          Click on the Skills menu option

3          Click on the Organisation

4          Complete on of the Search criteria

            1   Legal Name
            2   Trade Name
            3   SDL Number
            4   SIC Code

5          Click on the Search button
6a         The system must return the search results for the search criteria

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Step       Procedure                                                           Screenshots
6b         Where the system does not find data, the system must display a
           message „No records found for the search criteria used‟

7          Select the company, the system will highlight the record selected

8          Click on the action button
9          The system must navigate to the Organisation Details

10         The user will select the Organisation Bank Details sub menu

11         The system will navigate to the Organisation Bank Details page

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Step       Procedure                                                          Screenshots
13         The user will complete the following fields:

            #     Field                       Type
            1     Banking Details Upload      Choose File
            2     Bank Name                   Lookup

                                               1     ABSA
                                               2     Bank of Athens
                                               3     BOE
                                               4     Boland PKS
                                               5     Capitec
                                               6     City Bank
                                               7     First National
                                               8     First Rand
                                               9     HBZ Bank
                                               10    HSBC
                                               11    Investec
                                               12    MEEG / ABSA
                                               13    Mercantile Lisbon
                                               14    NBS
                                               15    Nedbank
                                               16    Rand Mercantile
                                               17    Reserve Bank
                                               18    Standard Bank

            3     Account Number              Numeric
            4     Account Holder              Text
            5     Account Type                Lookup

                                               1     Credit
                                               2     Current
                                               3     Savings
                                               4     Transmission

            6    Branch Name                  Text
            7    Branch Code                  Numeric
            8    Status                       Numeric
            9    Declaration                  Check box
14         To save the information the user   will click on the Save button

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Step       Procedure                                                            Screenshots
15         To view the uploaded document the user will click on the hyperlink
           saved in the Latest Banking Details Document Uploaded

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       8.4 Organisation Training Committee Details
       The SDF for organisation with 50 + employees will be required to capture Training Committee details – this is however not a compulsory requirement to submit
       Annexure II WSPR

Step       Procedure                                                           Screenshots
1          Access Indicium system
2          Click on the Skills menu option

3          Click on the Organisation

4          Complete on of the Search criteria

            1   Legal Name
            2   Trade Name
            3   SDL Number
            4   SIC Code

5          Click on the Search button
6a         The system must return the search results for the search criteria

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Step       Procedure                                                           Screenshots
6b         Where the system does not find data, the system must display a
           message „No records found for the search criteria used‟

7          Select the company, the system will highlight the record selected

8          Click on the action button
9          The system must navigate to the Organisation Details

10         The user will select the Child Organisations sub menu option

11         The system will navigate to the Training Committee page

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Step       Procedure                                                          Screenshots
13         The user will add a new training committee member by clicking on
           the Add Training Committee Members button

14         The user will complete the following fields:

            #      Field                        Type
            1      Title                        Lookup
            2      First Name                   Text
            3      Surname                      Text
            4      Initials                     Populated
            5      Designation                  Lookup

                                                 1    CEO
                                                 2    COO
                                                 3    Financial Manager
                                                 4    HR Manager
                                                 5    Other
                                                 6    Training Manager
            6      Telephone Number             Numeric
            7      Cell Phone Number            Numeric
            8      Fax Number                   Numeric
            9      Email                        Alpha-numeric
            10     Name of Union                Text
            11     Position in Union            Text
15         The user will click on the Save button to save the Training
           Committee Member
16         To update a Training Committee Members Details, the user will
           highlight the member

17         The user will click on the Update button

18         The user will update the necessary details and click on the Save
           button to save the updated information
19         To Remove a captured committee member the user will highlight
           the member

20         The user will click on the Remove button

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       8.5 Organisation CFO Details
       The SDF will be required to provide the CFO details of the organisation by following the next steps:

Step       Procedure                                                             Screenshots
1          Access Indicium system
2          Click on the Skills menu option

3          Click on the Organisation

4          Complete on of the Search criteria

            1   Legal Name
            2   Trade Name
            3   SDL Number
            4   SIC Code

5          Click on the Search button
6a         The system must return the search results for the search criteria

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Step       Procedure                                                           Screenshots
6b         Where the system does not find data, the system must display a
           message „No records found for the search criteria used‟

7          Select the company, the system will highlight the record selected

8          Click on the action button
9          The system must navigate to the Organisation Details

10         The user will select the Organisation CFO Details sub menu

11         The system will navigate to the Organisation CFO Details page

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Step       Procedure                                                         Screenshots
13         The user updates the CFO Details by clicking on the Edit button

14         The user will complete the following fields:

            #      Field                        Type
            1      First Name                   Text
            2      Surname                      Text
            3      Cell Phone Number            Numeric
            4      Direct Telephone Number      Numeric
            5      Fax Number                   Numeric
            6      Email                        Alpha-numeric

15         The user will click on the Save button to save the CFO Details

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9 Annexure II WSPR Completion
This section assists the SDF with the completion and submission of the Annexure II WSPR – Annual Reports.

9.1 Navigation
To navigate to the Annexure II WSPR forms the steps set out below must be followed:

9.1.1   How to get to the forms

Step    Procedure
1       Navigate to the ETDP SETA website
2       Click on the Stakeholder Login link
3       The system will navigate to the ETDP SETA Indicium landing page

4       Enter your user credentials and click on the „Login’ button

5       The system will open the SDF dashboard

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Step    Procedure
6       Click on the „view‟ link next to the company that needs a Annexure II WSPR

7       Follow the steps in section 8.1 to confirm the organisation details. This is a
        requirement in order for the system to create the Annexure II WSPR forms

8       Click on the „Annexure II WSPR‟ menu option once the organisation details are

9       The system will open the Annexure II WSPR dashboard

         #    Field Name        Field Description
         1    Page Heading
         2    Hyperlinks        Authorization pages
         3    Financial Year    Lookup Values

                                 1    01 April 2016 – 31 March 2017
                                 2    01 April 2017 – 31 March 2018
                                 3    01 April 2018 – 31 March 2019

         4    Form Type         Prepopulated according to the 01 April
                                2017 – 31 March 2018 submission

10      Select „01 April 2018 – 31 March 2019‟ as the Financial year

11      The system pre-populates the Form type according to the 01 April 2017 – 31
        March 2018 submission

12      Click on the „Create‟ button to create the forms for Small Company

13      The system will create a record

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Step     Procedure
14       Click on the „View‟ button to open the forms created for the company

15       The system will open the forms, there is a „Select‟ button to access each forms‟

                                                                                                The system will create the ATR forms based on the WSP
                                                                                                submssion of 2017/2018.

9.1.2     Note to SDF

1      Click on the „Select’ button next to each form to open the form
2      Click on the „Main Page‟ button to navigate to the Annexure II WSPR dashboard

3      Click on the „Submit WSP/ATR‟ button once the information is captured and information is ready to be submitted.
           -   The system will display a Submit Notification. Pay attention to this notification as this will inform you of any forms still outstanding for
           -   The Grant status will be updated to „Submitted „once this button is clicked
           -   The Submitted date will be populated by the system with the date on which the Annexure II WSPR is submitted
           -   In order for the SETA to recognised this as a submission the SDF MUST click on the Submit WSP/ATR button.

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     Click on the “OK” button to return to the list of forms.

4    It is important to save the information on the forms – click on the „Add‟ or „Save‟ button to save your information
5    The „Edit‟ button on the forms will assist you to make changes to a record that exists – click on the record, click on the „Edit‟ button, make the changes and
     click on the „Save’ button to save your changes
6    The „Remove’ button on the forms will allow you to remove a record - click on the record, click on the „Remove‟ button, the system will remove the record
7    The „remove All’ button will remove all the records for this form.
8    IMPORTANT: You will NOT be able to recover a record(s) removed.
9    Click on the ‘Print’ button to download the report in PDF format.
10   Click on the „Print Authorisation‟ hyperlink to only download the Authorisation page. Note that there is a specific Authorisation age per form type. Please
     ensure that you select the correct one for the forms that was created.

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9.2 Annual Training Report (ATR) Forms
9.2.1 Online Capturing
Submission of the Annexure II WSP 2017/2018 requires online capturing of the required forms.
Once the forms are created the information will look as follows for the different form types: Small(Public/Private) Forms

#   Section              Form Name                                       Form Completion
1   Section A            Administrative                                  Compulsory
2   Section D1           ATR: Training Done                              Compulsory

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#   Section                Form Name            Comments
1   Section A              Administrative       1   Ensure that all fields are completed
                                                2   Ensure that banking details are uploaded

2   Section D1             ATR: Training Done   1 The system will populate this form with the information that was submitted on
                                                  the WSP form for 2017/2018
                                                2 The SDF have the following options:
                                                   i.  Each row can be updated by selecting the row, click on the Edit button,
                                                       apply changes and Save the Changes

                                                    ii.  The SDF can delete the row by selecting the row and click on the
                                                         Remove button. NOTE: this will permanently remove the information
                                                         for that specific row
                                                    iii. The SDF will be able to delete all information by clicking on the Remove
                                                         All button. NOTE: this action will remove ALL of the information
                                                    iv. The normal process of uploading data through the bulk import
                                                         functionality is available for the SDF to re-upload data.
                                                3 Use the 2015 Version OFO Code
                                                4 Populate the Occupational Name when OFO code is selected
                                                5 Populate the Specialization. Alternative Title when OFO code is selected
                                                6 The race / gender breakdown fields are conditional as the user needs to
                                                   complete at least one of the fields before the system allows the user to save
                                                   the information.
                                                7 Total Male = [African Male] + [Coloured Male] + [Indian/Asian Male] + [White
                                                8 Total Female = [African Female] + [Coloured Female] + [Indian/Asian
                                                   Female] + [White Female]
                                                9 Combined Male and Female Total = [Total Male] + [Total Female]
                                                10 Age Groups are conditional as at least one of the fields must be populated
                                                11 Combined Male and Female Total must equal the total of the Age Groups
                                                12 Occupational Name + Specialization / Alternative Title must be unique

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#       Secom          Form Name                                  Form Completion
1       Section   A    Administrative                             Compulsory
2       Section   F1   ATR: Total Training Report                 Compulsory
3       Section   F2   ATR: Training Report - NQF level           Compulsory
4       Section   F3   ATR: AET Trained                           Not compulsory
5       Section   F4   Report on Impact                           Not compulsory
6       Section   G1   ATR: Pivotal Report                        Not compulsory
7       Section   G2   ATR: Pivotal Training Report - NQF level   NOT COMPULSORY FOR MEDIUM BUT COMPULSORY FOR LARGE
8       Section   G3   Pivotal Report Impact                      Not compulsory

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#      Section             Form Name                          Rules
1      Section A           Administrative                     1   Where information is incorrect, allow to update on page
                                                              2   Add a „Browse‟ field called „Proof of banking details‟ with a button to allow the
                                                                  user to upload the banking details.
2      Section F1 ATR      ATR: Total Training Report         1 The system will populate this form with the information that was submitted on
                                                                the WSP form for 2017/2018
                                                              2 The SDF have the following options:
                                                                 i.   Each row can be updated by selecting the row, click on the Edit button,
                                                                      apply changes and Save the Changes

                                                                  ii.  The SDF can delete the row by selecting the row and click on the
                                                                       Remove button. NOTE: this will permanently remove the information
                                                                       for that specific row
                                                                  iii. The SDF will be able to delete all information by clicking on the Remove
                                                                       All button. NOTE: this action will remove ALL of the information
                                                                  iv. The normal process of uploading data through the bulk import
                                                                       functionality is available for the SDF to re-upload data.
                                                              3 Use the 2015 Version OFO Code
                                                              4 Populate the Occupational Name when OFO code is selected
                                                              5 Populate the Specialization. Alternative Title when OFO code is selected
                                                              6 The race / gender breakdown fields are conditional as the user needs to
                                                                 complete at least one of the fields before the system allows the user to save
                                                                 the information.
                                                              7 Total Male = [African Male] + [Coloured Male] + [Indian/Asian Male] +
                                                                 [White Male]
                                                              8 Total Female = [African Female] + [Coloured Female] + [Indian/Asian
                                                                 Female] + [White Female]
                                                              9 Combined Male and Female Total = [Total Male] + [Total Female]
                                                              10 Age Groups are conditional as at least one of the fields must be populated
                                                              11 Combined Male and Female Total must equal the total of the Age Groups
                                                              12 Occupational Name + Specialization / Alternative Title must be unique
                                                              13 The system to populate this form with the information that the SDF captured
                                                                 on the Section B - Employment Summary
                                                              14 The system must allow the users to edit, delete, add new information
3      Section F2          ATR: Training Report - NQF level   1 Use the 2015 Version OFO Code
                                                              2 Populate the Occupational Name when OFO code is selected

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#      Section       Form Name             Rules
                                           3 Populate the Specialization. Alternative Title when OFO code is selected
4      Section F3    ATR: AET Trained      1 The system will populate this form with the information that was submitted on
                                             the WSP form for 2017/2018
                                           2 The SDF have the following options:
                                              i.  Each row can be updated by selecting the row, click on the Edit button,
                                                  apply changes and Save the Changes

                                              ii.    The SDF can delete the row by selecting the row and click on the
                                                     Remove button. NOTE: this will permanently remove the information
                                                     for that specific row
                                              iii.   The SDF will be able to delete all information by clicking on the Remove
                                                     All button. NOTE: this action will remove ALL of the information
                                              iv.    The normal process of uploading data through the bulk import
                                                     functionality is available for the SDF to re-upload data.
5      Section F4    Report on Impact
6      Section G1    ATR: Pivotal Report   1 The system will populate this form with the information that was submitted on
       PIVOT                                 the WSP form for 2017/2018
                                           2 The SDF have the following options:
                                              i.  Each row can be updated by selecting the row, click on the Edit button,
                                                  apply changes and Save the Changes

                                              ii.    The SDF can delete the row by selecting the row and click on the
                                                     Remove button. NOTE: this will permanently remove the information
                                                     for that specific row
                                              iii.   The SDF will be able to delete all information by clicking on the Remove
                                                     All button. NOTE: this action will remove ALL of the information
                                              iv.    The normal process of uploading data through the bulk import
                                                     functionality is available for the SDF to re-upload data.

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#      Section       Form Name                                  Rules
                                                                3  Use the 2015 Version OFO Code
                                                                4  Populate the Occupational Name when OFO code is selected
                                                                5  Populate the Specialization. Alternative Title when OFO code is selected
                                                                6  The race / gender breakdown fields are conditional as the user needs to
                                                                   complete at least one of the fields before the system allows the user to save
                                                                   the information.
                                                                7 Total Male = [African Male] + [Coloured Male] + [Indian/Asian Male] +
                                                                   [White Male]
                                                                8 Total Female = [African Female] + [Coloured Female] + [Indian/Asian
                                                                   Female] + [White Female]
                                                                9 Combined Male and Female Total = [Total Male] + [Total Female]
                                                                10 Age Groups are conditional as at least one of the fields must be populated
                                                                11 Combined Male and Female Total must equal the total of the Age Groups
                                                                12 Occupational Name + Specialization / Alternative Title must be unique
                                                                13 The system to populate this form with the information that the SDF captured
                                                                   on the Section B - Employment Summary
                                                                14 The system must allow the users to edit, delete, add new information
7      Section G2    ATR: Pivotal Training Report - NQF level   1 Use the 2015 Version OFO Code
                                                                2 Populate the Occupational Name when OFO code is selected
                                                                3 Populate the Specialization. Alternative Title when OFO code is selected
8      Section G3    Pivotal Report Impact

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Stakeholder Manual Public Forms

#            Section                   Form Name                                    Form Completion
1            Section A                 Administrative                               Compulsory
2            Section G1                ATR: Total Training Report                   Compulsory
3            Section G2                ATR: Training Report - NQF level             Compulsory
4            Section G3                ATR: AET Trained                             Not Compulsory
5            Section G4                ATR: Report on Training Budget               Compulsory
6            Section G5                ATR: Report on Additional Training Budget    Compulsory
7            Section G6                Impact Report                                Not Compulsory
8            Section H1                ATR: Pivotal Report                          Compulsory
9            Section H2                ATR: Pivotal Training Report - NQF level     Compulsory
10           Section H3                ATR: Pivotal Expenditure Report              Compulsory
11           Section H4                ATR: Pivotal Additional Expenditure Report   Compulsory
12           Section H5                Impact Analysis                              Not Compulsory Rules per form
Kindly refer to section for the detailed form rules
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#        Section                        Form name                                    Form Completion
         Section A                      Administrative                               Compulsory
         Section G1                     ATR: Total Training Report                   Compulsory
         Section G2                     ATR: Training Report - NQF level             Compulsory
         Section G3                     ATR: AET Trained                             Not Compulsory
         Section G4                     ATR: Report on Training Budget               Compulsory
         Section G5                     ATR: Report on Additional Training Budget    Compulsory
         Section G6                     Impact Report                                Not Compulsory
         Section H1                     ATR: Pivotal Report                          Compulsory
         Section H2                     ATR: Pivotal Training Report - NQF level     Compulsory
         Section H3                     ATR: Pivotal Expenditure Report              Compulsory
         Section H4                     ATR: Pivotal Additional Expenditure Report   Compulsory
         Section H5                     Impact Analysis                              Not Compulsory Rules per form
Kindly refer to section for the detailed form rules

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