SJNCS WEEKLY - St. John Neumann Catholic School

SJNCS WEEKLY - St. John Neumann Catholic School
FEBRUARY 18, 2022

                                       SJNCS WEEKLY
                                       St. John Neumann Catholic School Newsletter
                                       As an authentically Catholic community, we welcome and value each person's giftedness while
                                       inspiring growth in Truth, Wisdom, Faith & Virtue. We exemplify Christ's love in service to others.

Have the kids been talking about all the things they
have seen this week? From the Super Mario Bros. Legos
to the Kate Spade purses, we have been blessed with
amazing donations that will surely translate into
financial support for our students and the mission and
ministry of SJNCS.
The auction will start at 9AM on Wednesday and
conclude at 9PM on Friday. Even if you don't bid on a
single item, you can certainly help the cause by telling
friends and family about the auction and sharing all
posts on social media. We will start previewing items
and baskets daily on Facebook so share those posts with
your network!!
You can also make the most of the fun by hosting your
own watch party next Friday night with your circle of
friends. Go out or stay in, just make sure your phone
battery is fully charged so you can keep hitting "increase
bid" or watch to see what items are caught in fierce
bidding wars!
Let the fun begin! And remember... it's for the kids:)

Peace & Blessings,

                                                                                        Upcoming Events

                                                                         Monday, Feb. 21 - No School (Presidents' Day)
                                                                          Tuesday, Feb. 22 - 7th & 8th Grade Retreat
                                                                             Wednesday, Feb. 23 - All School Mass
                                                                           - Celebrate Community Auction Opens!
                                                                            Friday, Feb. 25 - PTO Candy Sale Starts
                                                                                   -Report Cards come home
                                                                             - Celebrate Community Auction ends
SJNCS WEEKLY - St. John Neumann Catholic School
PTO GERTRUDE HAWK CANDY                                       MARCH & APRIL LUNCH MENUS!
                                                              The March & April lunch menu is available! Please
PTO spearheads lots of other amazing events for all of us     complete this form by Wednesday, February 23rd to
-- Muffins with Mom, Donuts with Dad, May Crowning            order lunches for the next two months.
Reception, Father-Daughter Dance, Back to School
Picnic, end of year treat, and other odds and ends.
The annual PTO Gertrude Hawk candy sale is kicking off
next Friday and information will be included in next
Friday's Friday Folders. In order to ensure that they are
able to make ALL of those events happen, we are
asking each family to participate in the Gertrude Hawk
fundraiser this year. Each family has the option to
either sell $50 worth of candy from the catalog OR send
in a $30 donation. Orders and donations are due
Wednesday, March 9.

                                                             VOLUNTEER SIGN UP GENIUS
                                                             On Wednesday, you received an email from Kyla with

      PTO Mark Your Calendar!                                some volunteer opportunities that need assistance. All
                                                             of them allow folks to help outside of normal school
       Gertrude Hawk Sale Starts - Feb. 25                   hours -- evenings and weekends. They also all involve
      Gertrude Hawk Orders Due - March 9                     your willingness to be part of something that is FUN!
        Candy Delivered - week of April 4                    Opportunities include selling raffle tickets after Mass,
           Donuts with Dad - March 17                        becoming an ambassador for a new family as well as

         Father/Daughter Dance - May 6                       helping to plan some fun school community events -
                                                             the Awesome Sauce Competition & Family Fun Day!
            Tribute to Grads - May 20
                                                             If you are interested in getting involved in the fun, sign
                                                             up here!
                                                             Additional volunteer opportunities are available on pg.
Spring Soccer Registration is now open!!
The plan is to have a U12 girls team that will play in the
LANCO Travel League. We are working on these plans
now and making sure there are enough teams to hold
the league. We will hold tryout for this team for those
interested.                                                  YEARBOOK ORDER FORMS
The registration cost for this team will be higher than      There is a yearbook order form coming home today in
the regular fee and will be applied after the team has       your student's Friday Folder. If you have already ordered
been formed.                                                 your 21-22 yearbook, please disregard the notice. If you
We are using the U12 girls team to pilot the desire to       have not ordered yet, this is a friendly reminder that the
have travel teams at multiple age levels, while also         time to order is now. Any questions contact Mr. Bill
keeping teams in the Lancaster Area Rec Soccer league.       Traphagen,          yearbook           advisor,         at
Girls Spring -
Boys Spring -
SJNCS WEEKLY - St. John Neumann Catholic School
February 23-25, 2022

                                                           Parent/Staff Donations

                                                           A swim lesson package for the British Swim School
                                                           donated by the Reigner Family.
                                                           Intimate Gourmet Dinner prepared in you own
                                                           home for you and your guests (4-6 people) by Chef
                                                           James King. Donated by James King.
                                                           A pottery painting date at Pottery Works and lunch
                                                           at Max's Eatery with Ms. Familetti for an SJNCS
Dueling Happy Hours! Who can raise more money for
                                                           student and a friend.
SJCNS - Father Dan or Kyla? The Happy Hour that
                                                           $50 in gift cards to Stubby's Bar & Grille donated by
receives the largest winning bid will be King (or Queen)
                                                           the Horan Family and Stubby's.
of the Happy Hour! So get your group of friends, pull
                                                           Bakery offering of up to 3 dozen cupcakes or cookies
those funds together and place the biggest bid. There
                                                           or a two layer, 8-inch cake which can be delivered to
will be a winner of each Happy Hour - but this
                                                           school or picked up. Donated by Grandview Bakery
competition is for the Bragging Rights!
                                                           owned by Whitney Marcavage.
                                                           A bottle of wine and a $100 gift card from Thorn Hill
                                                           Vineyards donated by the Newell Family.
     Sponsor Spotlight                                     Two beautiful handmade quilts and a quilted wall
                                                           hanging created by Mrs. Susan Hare, grandmother of
                                                           the Mazurs. Donated by the Mazur Family.
                                                           A $100 gift card to Ciro's Italian Bistro donated by
                                                           Paul Currie, SJNCS Board President.
                                                           Cuisinart Knife set donated by Mrs. Pam Hull,
                                                           grandmother of the Hulls.
                                                           Front Row seats at the SJNCS 2022 Christmas
                                                           Concert. Donated by SJNCS.
                                                           Front Row seats for the 2022 SJNCS Graduation
                                                           donated by SJNCS.
                                                           SJNCS Swag Bag donated by SJNCS.

SJNCS thanks the Knights of Columbus SJN
 Council # for their Bronze Sponsorship &
Conestoga Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery for
     their Community Sponsorship!
SJNCS WEEKLY - St. John Neumann Catholic School
If you are looking for service hours, please consider one of the volunteer opporturnities listed below.
   St. John Neumann Parish Office is looking for 5-10 adult volunteers to help stuff, seal, and label envelopes for a bulk
   mailing. The dates will be February 23 and 24 in the Parish Social Hall from 9:30 am – 2:00 pm. You can come all day or
   let us know how many hours you can give.
   Women's Bible Study is looking for volunteers to provide childcare during our meetings. We meet on Monday
   evenings from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm beginning on February 28. You may bring your kids along if needed. Youth
   Protection Clearances are needed. If you are interested, please contact Melissa at
   SJN Youth Ministry is looking for volunteers to provide dinners during the months of Feb., March and April for 15 teens
   in youth ministry. Dinner is served at 6pm but volunteers can drop off beginning at 5:30. SignUp Genius is located
   here. Contact Nate Gulya at with any questions.
   SJN is requesting two volunteers to man the book table during their Parish Mission, March 6-8, from 6:30 to no later
   than 8:30. Contact Nate Gulya at with any questions.
Don't forget to record your volunteer hours here. And, thank you!

                     Valentines Day Celebrations!
SJNCS WEEKLY - St. John Neumann Catholic School SJNCS WEEKLY - St. John Neumann Catholic School SJNCS WEEKLY - St. John Neumann Catholic School SJNCS WEEKLY - St. John Neumann Catholic School SJNCS WEEKLY - St. John Neumann Catholic School SJNCS WEEKLY - St. John Neumann Catholic School
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