SJNCS WEEKLY - St. John Neumann ...

Page created by Douglas Baldwin
SJNCS WEEKLY - St. John Neumann ...
AUGUST 27, 2021 |

                                        SJNCS WEEKLY
                                        St. John Neumann Catholic School Newsletter

       | As an authentically Catholic community, we welcome and value each person's giftedness while inspiring
               growth in Truth, Wisdom, Faith & Virtue. We exemplify Christ's love in service to others. |

If you've ever purchased furniture from IKEA, you know
what this week has felt like at SJNCS! Heading into
Monday I felt like I was looking at a million pieces that I
knew had to fit together in some way, a few pictures in
my mind of what the finished product would look like,
and a mix of dread and anticipation for the building
Our faculty meetings this week focused on our mission
and ministry to you - our families - here at St. John
Neumann Catholic School. We believe that each of us -
faculty, students, parents - are here in this moment
because God has a plan for us as a community!
As we talked about schedules, routines, expectations,
and goals, we acknowledged that everything we do is a
work in progress and we may need to adjust along the
way. So, too, our work with our students is a work in
progress as we navigate challenges, unearth gifts, and
keep our eyes focused on the ultimate goal: growth!
Growth will look different for each student and is not
limited to academics. Ultimately, our goal is to help each
student grow in their understanding that they are
uniquely gifted and loved by God, and that they are an
essential member of our community. When we are able
to achieve that goal, we will have built something far
greater than the most exquisite IKEA furniture -- we will
have built the Kingdom of God here in the SJNCS
Looking forward to filling our classrooms with students                 Upcoming Events
so the work of growing and building can begin!                     Mon., August 30 - Gr.1 through Gr. 8
                                                                              First Day of School
Peace & Blessings,                                              Mon., Aug. 30 - Kindergarten Screenings
                                                                Tues., Aug. 31 - Kindergarten Screenings
Kyla                                                          Wed., Sept. 1 - Kindergarten First Day of School
                                                                      Wed., Sept. 1 - All School Mass
                                                                          Thurs., Sept. 2 - PK Visit
                                                                 Fri., Sept. 3 & Mon., Sept. 6 - No School
                                                                                  (Labor Day)
SJNCS WEEKLY - St. John Neumann ...
                                                                 If you have ordered your uniform polo's and found that
                                                                 unless there is a miracle, they will not be arriving this
                                                                 weekend, your student may wear a plain white or red polo
                                                                 until your order arrives. We do understand that our
                                                                 uniform suppliers have been inundated and are running
                                                                 behind. We are also aware that our uniform exchange
                                                                 supply of polos is nearly depleted. For these reasons, we
In keeping with tradition, parents will be welcome to            will start the year allowing non-logo'ed polos.

gather together on Monday (1st through 8th) and                  To our current families, when sorting through your

Wednesday (Kindergarten) to watch our students start             uniforms remember that last year's uniform is still

their first day of school. If you intend to stay, please enter   allowed. Those uniforms have been grandfathered in for

according to the normal flow of traffic and park in front of     two years. However, if you find that your child has

the church. You will then carefully cross the driveway and       outgrown last year's uniform and it is still in good shape,

bring your child over to line up in front of the school.         please donate it today! There are many families who

Parents are asked to remain behind the orange cones. We          might be in need of it given some of the delays being

will have tissues available for those who need them.             experienced through Lands' End and FlynnO'Hara.

Public embarrassment of children with extra hugs and
kisses is done at each parent's own risk

At this moment, the Diocese has not made any changes to
our reopening framework. That said, please know that the
diocesan committee that reviews the framework is                 SNYDER VS. WOLFE
                                                                 With so many new families this year, we thought it might
engaged in ongoing conversation with doctors, parents,
                                                                 be helpful to identify "who does what" in the school office.
and principals, while also keeping an eye to data within
                                                                 Both Mrs. Snyder and Mrs. Wolfe will do their best to help
our Catholic schools and in surrounding public districts. If
                                                                 you with any question, but they do have their separate
updates are made, they will be communicated to you
                                                                 areas of expertise.
                                                                 Mrs. Snyder is our school secretary and the heart and soul
                                                                 of our school. She is typically the person who answers the
                                                                 phone when you call, and handles almost every situation
                                                                 that comes through the office door. She is your "go to
                                                                 person" for:
DUCKS IN A ROW                                                   Attendance Issues (Coming in Late/Leaving Early/Medical
Parents, we need your help to get our ducks in a row... or       Appointments/Dismissal Changes)
something close to a row... for the first few days of school.    School Payments & Billing (Tuition/ Extended Care/ Lunch)
Please complete this quick survey so we can make plans           Health & Safety (Medications/Injuries/Sickness)
accordingly. You will need to click "next" through six           Extended Care
sections and hit SUBMIT or we will not receive your              District Transportation
responses.                                                       Uniforms
                                                                 Mrs. Wolfe is our Director of AAC (Admissions,
                                                                 Advancement and Communications) a "lots of hats" title
Boys in Kindergarten through Grade 4 are invited to              made up just for her. She is typically behind the scenes
attend the Manheim Township Cub Scout Pack 93                    and behind the camera when it comes to promoting our
Recruitment & Kick Off Meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 7th at          school. She is your "go to person" for:
the Overlook Park Playground Pavilion                            Admissions (New Family Referrals)
    6-7 pm | Drop In Information Session & activities for        Advancement (Business Sponsorships/EITC &
                  boys interested in joining                     SPE/Celebrate Auction/Golf Outing/SJN Annual
 7-8 pm | Kick Off Pack Meeting for new & existing scouts.       Fund/School Donations)
*Please note: boys must be accompanied by an adult &             Communications (SJNCS Weekly Newsletter/Social Media
siblings are welcome!                                            Volunteer Opportunities
SJNCS WEEKLY - St. John Neumann ...
Thank you to all of our parents who have inquired about
getting their Diocesan clearances. To make things easier,
we are providing the clearance requirements here.
All of the information you will need to complete your
clearances is found on the Diocese of Harrisburg website.
There are four items you will need to complete. (Five if you
have not lived in the State of Pennsylvania for the last ten
years). They are:
   PA State Police Criminal History Check
   PA Child Abuse History Check –Childline/DHS                 LUNCH UPDATE
   FBI Report – (Only required for School Adult Volunteers     We are very excited to partner with Lancaster Catholic
   who have not been continuous residents of                   High School this year to offer hot lunches two days a
   Pennsylvania for the past ten (10) years) (Please use       week. Next week, you will receive a form to allow you to
   service code 1KG6Y3)                                        select your student/s meals for Sept. and Oct.
   Adult Unpaid Position Disclosure Statement                     Parents will pre-order and pre-pay for meals by the
   Certificate of Completion of Mandated Reporter                 month.
   Training (Online Training Course)                              Students in PreK through 2nd grade will have small
The first thing you will need to do is to create an account       portion sizes and therefore will be charged less.
with the Diocese. If you click on this link, the directions       The cost for meals will be $4 for grades PreK-2 and $5
will walk you through how to do so. This is also the link         for grades 3-8.
used to obtain your Mandated Reporter Training and                LCHS meals will be served on Monday and
there is additional information about it on this page. It         Wednesday.
takes approximately 3 hours to complete.                          All lunches will include either milk or water.
This link provides you with all of the information on how         We are exploring an option to serve pizza on
to obtain each item in the above list which are the               Thursdays, providing a third day each week for a hot
requirements for an Adult School Volunteer.                       lunch.
When you have completed all of the requirements and            Lunch service will not start until the week of September
have certificates in hand, please send them to the office      20th, so we have a few more weeks of packing every day.
to the attention of Janice Wolfe. She will process them        We can do it!! The end is in sight!!
and let you know when you are good to volunteer!
If you have any questions along the way, contact Mrs.
Wolfe at 717-844-6100 or

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED                                              VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                               The Parish Women's Study is looking for volunteers to
SJNCS is excited to welcome back volunteers and to
                                                               provide child care for their attendees during their
have our classes use the cafeteria for lunches! Our
                                                               meetings. The group meets on most Monday evenings of
students and teachers would love the help of volunteers
                                                               the year from 6-7:30pm in the Parish Social Hall. If you
at recess and in the cafeteria. If you are interested in
                                                               would be interested in volunteering every week, or a few
helping us, please sign up here. Diocesan clearances are
                                                               weeks of the year, please contact Melissa Steffy, SJN
required for those who wish to volunteer. If you do not
                                                               Assistant to the DRE, at
have yours, no problem! We will help you get your
clearances so you can help us!
SJNCS WEEKLY - St. John Neumann ...
New SJNCS Faculty | 21-22
   This week we are introducing the last of our new teachers for the 21-22 school year.
                 They will complete our team of passionate educators
                           committed to Catholic education!

Second Grade Teacher                                    Instructional Support Teacher
We welcome Mrs. Caitlyn Dusablon to her new             We welcome Mrs. Jodi Brill to SJNCS! Mrs. Brill is
role at SJNCS! Mrs. Dusablon is a graduate of St.       originally from York County but has lived in
Anne School. And so was her mother. And so was          Lancaster for the last 34 years. She received her BS
her grandmother. And now, her children are the          and MS in Education from Millersville University.
fourth generation to attend our school! She is also     Mrs. Brill started her college career as a Music
a graduate of Mount St. Mary's University where         Education major thinking she would go on to
she received a BA in Elementary and Special             Performance. But as she spent time with students
Education and last year, Mrs. Dusablon was our          she realized that she loved teaching and
Instructional Support Teacher. Mrs. Dusablon            particularly teaching Elementary Students, so she
loves children and has always wanted to be a            changed her path. She loves the moment when a
teacher. She chose Saint Faustina as her favorite       student says "OH I GET IT NOW"! It is pure joy for
saint because she loves how Jesus chose an              her! Her favorite saint is St Francis of Assisi, the
ordinary, barely educated nun with an abundant          Patron Saint of Animals and Environment. He is
and steadfast faith to reveal his beautiful             dear to her heart due to her love of animals and
message of Divine Mercy. Mrs. Dusablon is               the beauty she sees in all of nature. In her free time
committed to Catholic Educaiton because she             she enjoys cooking and playing with her cats. She
knows how important it is to help form disciples        loves trying new foods both at home and in fun
who will live their faith well, and make the world      restaurants, and loves watching cooking shows,
a better place because of it. Plus, being a part of a   reading cookbooks and creating new recipes! A
Catholic community helps her to learn and grow          true foodie! The best advice anyone ever gave her
as well! The quote that she strives to live by is       was to always try your best! She says we see hear it
from Mother Theresa. "If you want to change the         all the time but is so true! It is all anyone can ask of
world, go home and love your family."                   you!
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