Scotland Islands Yoga Retreat Spring & Fall 2022

Page created by Willie Castillo
Scotland Islands Yoga Retreat Spring & Fall 2022
Scotland Islands Yoga Retreat
                             Spring & Fall 2022
       Join Melanie for her most exciting Yoga Retreat in Scotland yet.
Seek the beautiful balance in mind, body and spirit while surrounded by some
 of Scotland’s most breathtaking views. Stand where the Vikings first landed
 on Orkney. Experience the profound wonder, calm and solitude of Shetland.
                        Feel the magic of Edinburgh.
Once again our fabulous Scottish guide Gail Williams will be touring us daily;
 taking us to amazing “off of the beaten track” locations that only the locals
                                 know about.

                            Day 1 & 2 Edinburgh
 We begin our journey in Edinburgh,
one of the most beautiful cities in the
world! Rest, practice yoga and explore
many of the historical sites (free) with
 your Historic Explorer’s Pass. Our
hotel is located right on the Royal Mile
  in Old Town. Go left to Holyrood
 Palace or right to Edinburgh Castle!

                      Day 3 ~ St. Andrews & Aberdeen
                                    Today we depart from beautiful Edinburgh
                                    to begin our journey towards the northern
                                    islands. Enroute, we will stop in the
                                    famous town of St. Andrews the birthplace
                                    of golf but also home to the ancient St.
                                    Andrews Cathedral and Castle.
Scotland Islands Yoga Retreat Spring & Fall 2022
In Aberdeen we will be catching
our first ferry to Shetland. This is
an overnight ferry sailing out in the
North Sea and arriving in Shetland
at 7:30 am. We will have cabin
accommodation on the ferry.

                      Day 4 & 5 ~ The Shetland Islands
We arrive bright and early in Lerwick, well known as the filming location of
the UK’s hit detective series “Shetland”. This will be our home base for the
next two nights giving us ample time to explore the Island.
                                  The beauty of a small group is that we
                                  choose together what we get to see. Our
                                  schedule is flexible so if something peaks our
                                  interest, we just go for it! Some of the sites
                                  we may choose to see include Sumburgh
                                  Head’s Bird Reserve where we can go
                                  looking for puffins, a walk to the Sumburgh
                                  Lighthouse, Jarlshof, an ancient settlement
                                  of both Neolithic and Viking Shetlanders.
Scotland Islands Yoga Retreat Spring & Fall 2022
Our second day on Shetland will take
us to the northern islands of Yell and
Unst. See beautiful beaches and travel
to the most northerly point of the
British Isles.

                                               Viking Longhouse, Unst

Day 6 Shetland & Orkney
Today we check out of our accommodation but will still have a full day of
exploring on Shetland. We will take in sites such as Clickimin Broch,
Lerwick Museum and St. Ninians Isle.

Tonight we catch our second ferry to Orkney. Three nights and two full
glorious days in Orkney!!
Scotland Islands Yoga Retreat Spring & Fall 2022
Day 7 Exploring Orkney

Today we will travel back in time
5000 years visiting the ancient
and mysterious sites of the
Stones of Stenness and the
Ring of Brodgar. (Perfect
meditation locations!

                                                         Take the afternoon to
                                                         visit the town of
                                                         Stromness and the
                                                         clifftops of Yesnabay.

Day 8 ~ Skara Brae
                                    For our second day on the Orkney Islands,
                                    we can visit Skara Brae, the best preserved
                                    Stone Age village found anywhere in Europe.

We can also tour inside the Neolithic
burial chamber of Maeshowe.
Scotland Islands Yoga Retreat Spring & Fall 2022
Orkney (cont’d)
For the afternoon, we can head into the town of
Kirkwall where we can visit the St. Magnus
Cathedral, built by the Vikings

…or perhaps enjoy a wee dram at the Highland Park Whisky Distillery!!

Day 9 ~ Mainland Scotland
Today we catch our last ferry back to the
north coast of the Scottish mainland.
Throughout the day, we can visit the
enchanting ruins of Sinclair Girnigoe Castle
and walk along the coasts of Caithness. In
the afternoon we will make a stop at the
ancestral home of the Dukes of Sutherland
at Dunrobin Castle.
Our evening will be spent in the Highland
City of Inverness.
Scotland Islands Yoga Retreat Spring & Fall 2022
Day 10 ~ Culloden & Edinburgh
This morning we travel to Culloden
Battlefield where the Jacobites fought
in their last battle on British Soil. We
will spend a few mindful hours here
walking the battlefield and taking in
the highly informative Visitors Centre.
For “Outlander” fans, this will be extra
exciting. Be sure to look for the Clan
Fraser and Clan MacKenzie Memorial
                                           On our way back to Edinburgh, we
                                           will be travelling through the
                                           breathtaking Cairngorms National
                                           Enjoy our last evening together in
                                           Edinburgh back on the Royal Mile in
                                           the same hotel/home base where we
                                           started out.
Scotland Islands Yoga Retreat Spring & Fall 2022
Yoga Retreat in Scotland ~ April 10 – 20, 2022

What’s included?
   •   Yoga for 6 days
   •   Meditation everyday
   •   All land & water transportation during the group portion of the trip (excluding airport
       transportation to and from Edinburgh)
   •   Breakfast daily (excluding our overnight on the ferry)
   •   Shared accommodation for 10 nights
   •   Private local tour guide with us 24/7 from the time we leave Edinburgh
   •   Historic Explorers Pass to gain entrance in up to 75 venues valid for 14 days
   •   Entrance to Culloden Visitors Centre

What’s not included?
   •   flight
   •   travel insurance
   •   meals not listed above
   •   alcoholic beverages

Cost per person for April 2022 Retreat: $ 3695.00 CAD

                 Dates and Cost for the Fall 2022 Retreat to be determined.

Deposit of $1000 due immediately to confirm your space.

Price is based on shared occupancy in all hotels. Roommates will change with each hotel so that we
all have a chance to get to know one another (unless you are travelling with a spouse).

Price is also based on 7 guests signing up for the trip. Please confirm with me before booking
your flight.


When booking flights, we will be departing from Toronto on Saturday, May 2nd
arriving in Edinburgh on the 3rd.
Scotland Islands Yoga Retreat Spring & Fall 2022 Scotland Islands Yoga Retreat Spring & Fall 2022 Scotland Islands Yoga Retreat Spring & Fall 2022
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