Community Bankers for Compliance - The SAR, Cyber Events, Marijuana, Hemp and It's Impacts - Day 1 June 4, 2020 (9 AM Noon) Day 2 June 5 ...

Page created by Dorothy Myers
Community Bankers for Compliance - The SAR, Cyber Events, Marijuana, Hemp and It's Impacts - Day 1 June 4, 2020 (9 AM Noon) Day 2 June 5 ...
Community Bankers for Compliance

                 The SAR, Cyber Events, Marijuana,
                      Hemp and It's Impacts

                      LIVE VIRTUAL PRESENTATION:
                  Day 1 ‐ June 4, 2020 (9 AM ‐ Noon)
                  Day 2 ‐ June 5, 2020 (9AM ‐ Noon)

 Sponsored By:
                                         Presented By:
Community Bankers for Compliance - The SAR, Cyber Events, Marijuana, Hemp and It's Impacts - Day 1 June 4, 2020 (9 AM Noon) Day 2 June 5 ...
Community Bankers for Compliance
         The SAR, Cyber Events, Marijuana, Hemp and It's Impacts
The second quarter CBC subject will discuss the issues
regarding the BSA Suspicious Ac vity Report (SAR). We will
discuss the requirements and the form in detail. We will
include all of the latest comple on instruc ons.
Our primary focus will be the “newer” issues surrounding
the form ‐ cyber event repor ng and Marijuana / Cannabis /
Marijuana Related Businesses. We will discuss their impacts
on the form.
We will also discuss the decision process that needs to take place regarding these new businesses, and
the impact these new businesses may have on your bank, both opera onally and for BSA.
While no longer illegal, we will also discuss issues that are important to review surrounding the
propaga on of hemp. As hemp farming grows, we need to be prepared to handle the issues that
have impacts for the bank, both for compliance and safety and soundness.
                           These subjects were suggested by several CBC members when we requested
                           poten al topics for 2020.
                           The subjects for the regulatory update will be determined by circumstances
                           and releases from the various agencies.

Who Should A end
BSA Officers and employees, as well as BSA Auditors should a end this session. In addi on, all
personnel with responsibili es for the BSA decision process regarding what businesses to bank or not
bank will find the presenta on helpful, including senior management, deposit, and loan personnel.

                                IMPORTANT INFORMATION!
                           As you well know, in‐person gatherings are not possible at the present
                            me. Community Bankers of Michigan and Young & Associates, Inc.
                           remain commi ed to assuring that your compliance educa on needs
                           are met.
  The upcoming CBC seminar will be presented via electronic means. The pla orm that will be
  used will be GoToWebinar. It will allow you to see the presenter and the slides. You will be
  able to “raise your hand” and ask a ques on. Once the presenter sees your hand raised,
  you will be able to ask a ques on and receive an answer.
  Because staring at a computer screen for hours is asking a great deal, the normal CBC full‐
  day seminar will be split into 2 shorter days.
  The dates for the CBC presenta on are Thursday, June 4 (9 AM – Noon) and Friday,
  June 5 (9 AM – Noon). Registra on informa on will be sent to you 1 week prior to
  seminar date. NOTE: A separate registration link will be sent for each day of the
  virtual seminar.
                       Day 1 ‐ Thursday, June 4, 2020 (9AM ‐ Noon)
                        Day 2 ‐ Friday, June 5, 2020 (9AM ‐ Noon)
Community Bankers for Compliance - The SAR, Cyber Events, Marijuana, Hemp and It's Impacts - Day 1 June 4, 2020 (9 AM Noon) Day 2 June 5 ...
Community Bankers for Compliance
Future Presenta ons
 Subjects for future seminars will be shaped by regulatory events as they unfold. The CBC quarterly com‐
 pliance program remains commi ed to providing as much up‐to‐the‐minute informa on as possible.
 The program will closely monitor releases from the CFPB and other agencies to assure that you have
 the most up‐to‐date and accurate informa on possible.
 Although we do not generally “plan ahead” regarding topics, as new and/or changed regula ons are
 always discussed first in the CBC, it does not appear that there are likely to be many changes this year
 that cannot be handled during the “Regulatory Update” sec on of our presenta ons.
 The planned August subject is an cipated to be the issue of new account opening online. All poten al issues
 will be addressed, for all the different regula ons – for deposits and loans. We will discuss what each dis‐
 closure has to include, and how to deliver it legally to the applicant/customer. And, as always, we need
 to address risk ra ng customers, CIP, and CDD as part of this process. Even if you have no immediate
 interest in online account opening, to stay compe ve in the marketplace you will have to consider the
 possibility soon.
 The November topic has not been determined.
 Subjects may change based on the ac vi es of the CFPB – so stay tuned.

          Regulatory Update
             Subjects as released by the CFPB and other federal agencies.
          Main Subject
             The SAR – the latest instruc ons
             The impacts of Cyber Events on the SAR process
             The impacts of Marijuana and Cannabis business on the SAR process
             Management of Marijuana and Cannabis businesses and the unintended
               consequences for the bank
             Determining what kinds of Marijuana and Cannabis businesses to bank
             Issues that need to be considered regarding the propaga on of hemp

CBC Program Presenter
Bill Ellio , CRCM, Senior Consultant and Director of Compliance Educa on
With over 40 years of banking experience, Bill Ellio leads the compliance department at Young & Associates,
Inc. where he conducts compliance reviews, leads compliance seminars, conducts in‐house training, and
writes compliance ar cles and training materials. During his career as a banker, Bill spent 15 years as a
compliance officer in a large community bank. He has also been a lender for consumer, commercial, and
mortgage loans, and has managed a variety of bank departments including loan review, consumer /
commercial loan processing, mortgage loan processing, loan and credit administra on, collec ons,
and commercial loan workout.
Community Bankers for Compliance - The SAR, Cyber Events, Marijuana, Hemp and It's Impacts - Day 1 June 4, 2020 (9 AM Noon) Day 2 June 5 ...
Community Bankers for Compliance
 CBC Program Member Fees:                       Designated Banker:
   No charge for current CBC Program            Name: ______________________________________
   members (based on individual bank
   membership).                                 Bank: _______________________________________
   $240 for each addi onal person from
   a CBC Program member who is not a            E‐Mail: ______________________________________
   member of Community Bankers of
   Michigan (CBM).                              Addi onal Delegates and E-Mails:
 Individual Session Fees:
  $425 for the first person for CBM            ____________________________________________
  $375 for each addi onal person for           Please select your payment method:
  CBM members.
                                                __ Payment Enclosed __Bill Me __Credit Card
  $550 for the first person from non‐
  CBM members.
                                                Name on card:________________________________
  $330 for each addi onal person
  from non‐CBM members.                         Card No: ____________________________________

                                                Expira on Date: __________ SEC CODE #: _______

                                                Total Amount: $ ______________
  The next CBC seminar will be pre‐
  sented virtually and will be divided
  into 2 half days instead of 1 full
   Day 1 ‐ June 4, 2020 (9 AM ‐ Noon)
   Day 2 ‐ June 5, 2020 (9AM ‐ Noon)

  Informa on regarding the pla orm
  used and steps to take to a end
  the CBC virtual seminar will be sent
  at 1 week prior to Day 1.

CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellations must be received within 3 or more business
days prior to the day of this educational program to receive 100% credit. Refunds are
not provided for cancellations or absences which occur on the day of the program. Attendee
substitutions are always welcome at any time.

For addi onal informa on:
                   830 W. Lake Lansing Road, Suite 250, East Lansing, MI 48823
                                Sarah Cook:
                             You can also register at:
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