Roadrunner Express Friday, January 29, 2021

Page created by Kristen Bowers
Roadrunner Express Friday, January 29, 2021
Roadrunner Express
                                   Friday, January 29, 2021

News from SVUSD

              The School Choice Intra-District Transfer Window is Open
                        Now through Friday, February 12th

The Secondary (incoming 7th - 12th grade) School Choice application window is open January 25,
2021 - February 12, 2021. This process is for SVUSD residents who want to transfer their student in
the 2021-2022 school year to another school within SVUSD. Please note that this is the only time
families can apply for the transfer.

More information can be found on the District Website or by contacting our Counseling Office at 949-

ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee) Meeting
You are invited! Please join us to our second virtual ELAC meeting of the 2020-2021 school year on
Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021 at 11:00 am. We will have an election to select a President, Vice
President and Secretary. If you are interested in becoming an ELAC committee member, please
contact Teresa Rivas at 949-459-8253 ext 243365 or at

Please check out our latest KRSM morning show!

Upcoming Special Schedules
Week of 02/08 - Friday Off - Intermediate Hybrid Learning Schedule 2020/21
Week of 02/15 - Monday Holiday - Intermediate Hybrid Learning Schedule 2020/21
Trimester 2 Finals Schedule

Advance Math 8 Sessions on Thursdays
Is your Math 8 student looking for ways to push their mathematical knowledge? Each Thursday from
1:30-2:00PM, Mrs. Courtney will present students with advanced Math 8 problems pertaining to
number sense, algebra and geometry concepts. These sessions are for students to further develop
their understanding of math concepts with rigorous, complex problems. Students will join the
enrichment session via Zoom and receive the problems in a separate Google Classroom.
If your student is interested in attending, please email Mrs.
Courtney at and she will send you the sign-up sheet, Zoom link, and
Google Classroom code.
Roadrunner Express Friday, January 29, 2021
Library Dates & Links
February Book Club: Wednesday, February 17th at 12:40 pm
We have 3 books to choose from in February:
No Summit Out of Sight, Jordan Romero
I Am Malala, Malala Yousafzai
A Long Walk to Water, Linda Sue Park
Book Club Google Classroom Code: p5qiadz
Please go to our Library Webpage for all information regarding Book Club. Students may also go to
the webpage to look through our book catalog and check out books. (Books are placed at the front
office door for pick-up.

COVID-19: Testing - Know your status! Free Testing!
The County of Orange is offering free at home Covid-19 testing kits. If you live in Orange County and
you are asymptomatic, click on the link below to go to the OC Health Care Agency page to order your
test kit.

ASB (Associated Student Body) News
Want to stay up to date with all that is ASB on campus? You may use the following QR code to follow
our student run ASB Instagram page.

                             Now taking orders for your RSM Yearbook! Please go to the RSM Web
                             Store: to reserve your copy
                             Cost is $65 for yearbook and year-end highlight video code.
                             Yearbook would love to include your photos from any school activities:
                             students working at home, fundraisers, PTSO activities, book club,
                             RSM Idol, etc. To upload photos, go to
                   , and enter our school code 16718.

8th Grade Yearbook Dedication Ads:
Ad discount deadline extended through 2/15/2021!
Congratulate, celebrate and commemorate your 8th grade student with an ad in the 2021 yearbook!
                                 Create and pay for your ad online at:
Remember to enter our school’s order number 16718 to start creating your ad. 3 ad sizes available
with prices ranging from $50 - $135. Prices increase after Feb. 15th, with the final submission
deadline on March 1st.
Roadrunner Express Friday, January 29, 2021
Picture Pick-Up
School pictures have arrived! Hybrid students will receive their pictures in their period 1 classes. On-
line students may pick-up their school pictures at the front office Monday-Friday 7:30am -3:00 pm.

RSM Custom Face Masks
$7 ea. (New low price)
    • One size fits most
    • Adjustable ear loops
    • Fitted nose
    • Filter pocket
Click HERE to access the online store and see the mask. Orders available for pick up at the
attendance window or front office.

Water Bottles
Please remind your students to bring water bottles to campus each day. Water faucets are turned off
due to Covid. However, we have water filling stations throughout campus that students may use to fill
their water bottles.

Guidance News
Having trouble reviewing your report card? Please use this link for assistance reviewing report

A Message from our Counselors:
If your student currently has a D or an F in a class, please make sure they are attending Academic
Support for those classes (Tues-Fri from 12:45 pm – 2:00 pm). As a parent, you may make this
mandatory for your student! The subjects listed take priority, however, ALL teachers are available to
assist for their subjects at this time.
Please contact the counseling office if you have questions.

Counseling Assistance
Our school counselors, Ms. Blake and Mrs. Bills, are available to support students during this time
with academics, social-emotional concerns and college & career planning during regular school
business hours. If your student would like to connect with a counselor, please encourage him/her to
complete the Student-School Counselor Check In Form .
If further assistance is needed, please refer to our counseling page on the RSM website or you may
contact our counselors directly via email.
7th grade counselor, Miss Karley Blake,
8th grade counselor, Mrs. Lynnette Bills,

Technology Assistance
Students who need to borrow a Chromebook for distance learning, or are needing technological
support with the Chromebook they received from the district may e-mail or
call the SVUSD help desk at 949-855-4357. The help desk is open from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm.

General Assistance
You may visit our school website at for detailed information on distant
learning and all that is RSM. You may also contact our school office from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm
Monday – Friday at (949) 459-8253 to speak with a staff member. Lori and Maria in the front office
are very helpful with Zoom and internet login issues as well!
Attendance Assistance
If your student was marked absent please email or call our attendance clerk with the reason for the
absence or 949-459-8253 x243352.
Please state reason for absence in order for attendance to be marked correctly.
    • Internet connection issue
    • Not feeling well
    • Doctor’s appointment
    • Student chose not to log-in
    • Out of town without internet access-please provide dates of travel
    • Other/Personal

News from Mission Viejo High School
Would you like to learn more about the International Baccalaureate Programme at Mission Viejo High
School? Come to a virtual information night on March 2nd at 5:00pm to learn all about it. Please open
the link below for specific details and the zoom link. Hope to see you then!
   MVHS IB Program Information
   Sandy Hanneman, IB Coordinator-Mission Viejo HS.

                                       IMPORTANT DATES
              For specific times and details for events, please see our School Calendar
Feb 3        ETHS Showcase
Feb 12       No School - February Recess
Feb 15       No School - President’s Day
Feb 17       Book Club
Feb 25-26    Trimester 2 Finals

                                 GENERAL INFORMATION
RSM Intermediate School Address
  21931 Alma Aldea, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
RSM Main Office 949-459-8253
24 Hour Attendance Line 949-459-8257
RSM Fax Number 949-459-8258
RSM Website
RSM School Calendar
SVUSD Main Office 949-586-1234
SVUSD Website

RSM has a program that allows students to confidentially inform our School Resource Officer and
Principals about various concerns and/or problems on our campus by simply texting your message to
(949) 424-3776 (4243 RSM).
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