Page created by Laura Carr
Subject Leader Report


Subject Leader: Jessica Shaw     Report Date: 02/09/2020
Overview of Subject
How often is this subject taught?                      Maths is taught daily in every class from Foundation to Year 6.

                                                       In Foundation, Maths is a 30 minutes a day with input and
                                                       independent practice within this time. And maths mash up takes
                                                       place every afternoon 5-10 minutes.

                                                       Y1, Y2 have maths for 55 minutes a day and mash up 10 minutes
                                                       Y 3, 4, 5 and 6 have maths for an hour daily and 15 minutes of mash
                                                       up daily.
Who teaches this subject?                              All class teachers will teach this subject and HLTAs who are covering
                                                       the session. Teaching assistants support groups and may take children
                                                       out for some input or support. Children are taught in mixed ability

Are there schemes of work in place for this subject?   Staff use the White Rose blocks in order to plan their sequence of
                                                       lessons alongside FRP support and worksheets from White Rose.

How is your subject monitored?                         The subject is monitored through drop ins, learning walks,
                                                       observations, peer observations/team teaching, book audits and pupil

                                                       This is done half termly through the QA cycle.
Strengths                                                        Future Planning
TT rock stars put in place and times table intervention to improve        1) To implement new scheme of work and ensure gaps in learning
multiplication knowledge and skills. Times table buddies and weekly           are closed.
tracking used to improve scores over time.                                2) Monitor Mash Up sessions to include recaps from missed
Monitored Mash Ups to ensure children are recapping and imbedding         3) Create interventions to support LAP/EAL and gaps created
previous learning.                                                            from school closure
                                                                          4) Develop diagnostic testing to ensure children are supported
Maths team took part in TfM workgroup and observed mastery                    with gaps created by school closures including pre and post
sessions in a variety of sessions to implement change in school.              assessments.
                                                                          5) Incorporate new DFE guidance and PD materials into scheme of
Planning support done and observations done with all staff to ensure          work to support key concepts for each year group.
secure understanding of SOW and six part lesson.                          6) To ensure scaffold are created for lower attainers and
                                                                              challenge is given through questioning and problem solving
Marking parties done to improve marking and feedback across school.           including non concepts.
Marking and feedback is consistent throughout school: children are        7) Continue to monitor and track multiplication across school and
responding to feedback in reflection time daily and are furthering            ensure progress over time.
                                                                          8) Monitor and evaluate lessons to ensure children are progressing
their understanding whilst addressing misconceptions (green pen and
                                                                              in small steps within each session.
blue pen work)                                                            9) Continue work of Middle Leadership and continue to work with
                                                                              maths team and to include Foundation lead to develop
Homework is given out and done weekly
                                                                              curriculum and implement change across school
CPD delivered around small steps within session to improve                10) Work alongside new Foundation lead to create a mastery
progression within a lesson and block.                                        curriculum and embed this within the foundation stage.
                                                                          11) Monitor support for LAP and SEND children in a mixed ability
WAGOLL learning environment set up for staff to use to improve                setting.
learning environment in classrooms.                                       12) To monitor and develop the use of mental strategies and
                                                                              number facts across school
Maths Mash Ups implemented and WAGOLL lessons observed and                13) Monitor and evaluate implementation of six part lesson
discussed using ‘I noticed’ techniques                                        structure

Brain boxes created for concrete resources to be used in all lessons to
support CPA approach
Planning is consistent with clear objectives, differentiation and

Teachers all teaching in mixed ability and teaching at same pace
Maths Priorities
                                                           The Big 3 Priorities for Maths
Priority Area and Overview                                                           Outcomes
Priority 1                                           1.1      Implement new scheme of work based on gaps in learning and to incorporate new DFE maths guidance to
Learning, Teaching and Assessment                    ensure children consolidate key knowledge.
                                                     1.2      Develop Maths Mash Ups to include keep up sessions to address gaps in learning due to school closures.
                                                     1.3      To ensure LAP and SEND children are supported appropriately within a mixed ability session and create
                                                     interventions to support gaps in learning for LAP, SEN and EAL due to school closures.
                                                     1.4       Work alongside new Foundation lead to create a mastery curriculum and embed this within the foundation
                                                     1.5     To develop use of pre and post assessment as well as light touch testing to ensure gap analysis is monitored
                                                     1.6    To develop the use of scaffolding for lower attainers and challenge for quick graspers to ensure children are
                                                     supported and challenged appropriately.
                                                     1.7    Online portal developed to ensure children can keep up with math curriculum with math videos and
                                                     worksheets to keep up at home.

Priority 2                                           2.1     Continue to track monitor and deliver interventions to children across school around times tables
Monitoring and evaluation of initiatives and         2.2     Continue to track monitor and deliver interventions to children across school around number facts.
curriculum content                                   2.3     Implement progression of skills for number facts and mental strategies across school
                                                     2.4     Monitor and evaluate new scheme of work and six part lesson to ensure appropriate for staff – use
                                                         observation cycle to support key year groups.
                                                     2.5     Review cross-curricular links between Geography/History/Art and maths and how this can be evidenced.

Priority 3                                           3.1     To meet with maths team half termly to review action plan and discuss priorities
Promoting Leadership and Management                  3.2     Take part in monitoring and evaluation activities alongside team
Create maths team across school to further upskill   3.3     Maths team to take part in training to develop subject knowledge of maths leadership
middle leaders                                       3.4     Maths team to deliver staff training or briefings to support subject
                                                     3.5     Plan and deliver maths week alongside team to promote maths across school.
Action Plan for maths 2020-21
Subject/Department Leader:

     Staff     Time Scales        Actions/Milestones                      Outcomes                           Review
JS and IT    September 2020    Staff to be given training    Staff to have secure           Review October 2020
             first training    around new scheme of work,    understanding of new
             around new        progression of skills and     curriculum and how to address
             scheme or work,   progression of vocabulary.    gaps in learning. Staff have a
             progression of    Children to be given          clear understanding of the
             skills and        opportunity to address gaps   progression of skills and
             vocabulary.       in learning due to school     vocabulary needed in each
                               closures.                     year group.
             Spring and                                      Staff training on DFE guidance
             Summer training   Staff training on new DFE     around:
             to be given as    guidance to ensure key           1) Number and place
             issues arise.     knowledge is consolidated            value
                               from previous year group         2) Number facts
                               and used to assess               3) Addition and
                               knowledge within new year            Subtraction
                               group.                           4) Multiplication and
                                                                5) Fractions
                                                                6) Geometry

                                                             Priority 1
JS           Ongoing – half    Maths Mash Up edited to       Children’s gaps in learning will Review half termly
             termly            address gaps in learning      be filled where possible and
                               from school closures. This    children will be taught within
                               time used to recap learning   lessons pitched at their
                               from previous year group.     current year group.

                                                             Priority 1
JS          Ongoing – half     To ensure LAP and SEND           All children will be taught      Review half termly
            termly             children are supported           lessons pitched at the same
                               appropriately within a mixed     pace. Provision provided to
                               ability session. Interventions   support LAPs to be exposed to
                               implemented to ensure keep       most of lesson content. Extra
                               up not catch sessions            provision monitored for those
                               support children and             with additional needs to
                               decrease gaps in learning.       ensure they are exposed to
                                                                the appropriate curriculum.

                                                                Intervention plan used to
                                                                ensure all children are taught
                                                                objectives missed from
                                                                previous year.

                                                                Priority 1
JS and AW   September 2020     JS to work alongside AW to       To implement mastery             Review half termly
            and then ongoing   implement mastery                curriculum in the foundation
                               curriculum. JS to create         stage and ensure clear
                               SOW/progression of skills        progression of skills.
                               alongside AW to support
                               staff.                           Priority 1

JS          September 2020     To develop use of pre and        Teachers to have in depth        Review October 2020
            and ongoing        post assessment as well as       knowledge of whether
                               light touch testing to ensure    children have recovered lost
                               gap analysis is monitored        learning using light touch
                               continuously                     testing throughout Autumn
                                                                term. This to be collated and
                                                                monitored through spread
JS   January 2020       To develop the use of           Lower attainers will be able to March 2020
                        scaffolding for lower           keep up with curriculum
                        attainers and challenge for     though resources used to
                        quick graspers to ensure        support them within sessions.
                        children are supported and      Quick graspers given
                        challenged appropriately.       questioning and non-concepts
                                                        and problems to ensure they
                                                        are challenged in every
JS   September 2020     Online portal developed to      Children will able to use       October 2020 and continuously
                        ensure children can keep up     blended learning approach to
                        with math curriculum with       access learning at home
                        math videos and worksheets      through online portal.
                        to keep up at home.             Worksheets and videos will
                                                        given for each objective
                                                        covered in class so that
                                                        children can keep up if self-
                                                        isolating or if their bubble is
JS   September 2020     Continue to track monitor       Staff to be supported in        Review termly December, May and July
     and then ongoing   and deliver interventions to    ensuring rapid progress in
                        children across school          made for children with their
                        around times tables             multiplication knowledge.

                        Year 3 and 4 to deliver
                        weekly interventions with       Priority 2
                        key children identified by JS
                        – times tables not known to
                        be tracked. Children to
                        practice using Maths Frame
                        and TT Rockstars. Baselines
                        and trackers to be
                        monitored and reported by

                        Times Tables buddies to be
                        implemented and parent
support if possible.

JS          September 2020     Continue to track monitor      Children have a secure           Review termly December, May and July
            and then ongoing   and deliver interventions to   number fact knowledge when
                               children across school         they come to more formal         See above
                               around number facts.           abstract methods as they
                                                              move up school.
                               Y1 and 2 staff to test and
                               track children in number       Priority 2

                               Y3 staff to also continue to
                               test and support number
                               facts for those who need
                               further support from

JS          Jan 2020           Implement progression of       Children to have secure          Review termly December, May and July
                               skills for number facts and    understanding of mental
                               mental strategies across       strategies so they can use the
                               school                         most efficient method when
                                                              dealing with calculations
                               Use DFE guidance to support
                               children’s understanding of
                               number facts and mastery
                               PD materials.

JS and IT   September 2020     Monitor and evaluate new       Staff will have a secure         Review termly December, May and July
                               scheme of work to ensure       understanding of the
                               appropriate for staff – use    progression of skills needed
                               observation cycle to support   within each block.
                               key year groups.
                                                              Ensure new curriculum allows
                               Also monitor use of 6 part     children to close gaps and
lesson through observations     embed learning appropriately.
                                and questionnaires – is this
                                the best way to support our
                                children? What needs            Priority 2

                                Start with training and
                                delivering of new scheme of
                                work to ensure staff are
                                secure with using this. Use
                                drop ins and moderation to
                                ensure these are being used
                                appropriately as well as
                                book looks and observations.
JS, IT, JB, EG   January 2020   Review cross-curricular links   To ensure children are          Review Feb 2020
and EM                          between                         exposed to maths curriculum
                                Geography/History/Art and       outside of maths sessions and
                                maths and how this can be       understand how they link to
                                evidenced.                      key skills

                                                                Priority 2
JS, AW, HH and Oct 2020    Meet with maths team half-    To enhance leadership for   Review Nov 2020
ZP             Dec 2020    termly and deliver            maths middle leaders
               Feb 2021    monitoring and evaluation
               May 2021    alongside them.               Priority 3
               June 2021
                           Including: drop ins,
                           observations, book audits,
                           planning audit and data

JS, HH and ZP   Feb 2021   Plan and deliver maths week   To enhance leadership for   March 2020
                           alongside team to promote     maths middle leaders and
                           maths across school.          support subject knowledge

                                                         Priority 3
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