What's New interRAI software upgrade - Version 1.3

Page created by Russell Norton
What's New interRAI software upgrade - Version 1.3

What’s New
interRAI software upgrade
June 2021
Version 4.00.0137.0038

Version 1.3
What's New interRAI software upgrade - Version 1.3

1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 3
2. Client Side Certificate Update...................................................................... 3
3. New features for this upgrade ..................................................................... 4
   3.1    Changes that affect all users .................................................................................................... 4
     3.1.1    COVID-19 Vaccination Question ...................................................................................... 4
     3.1.2    Online Section Help updated for falls questions ............................................................. 4
     3.1.3    Wound Assessments now able to be printed .................................................................. 4
     3.1.4    Disease codes are no longer cleared in I2 ...................................................................... 5
     3.1.5    Automatic discontinuation of care plans in Home Care and LTCF ................................. 5
     3.1.6    Change to entering notes for overview items ................................................................. 6
     3.1.7    User Reports now limited to 90 days .............................................................................. 7
   3.2    Changes that affect Home Care (HC) and Community Health Assessment (CHA) users ......... 8
     3.2.1    New Outcome Scale – Fracture Risk Scale (Home Care only) ......................................... 8
     3.2.2    Change to entering the ‘Presenting Situation’ in the community care plan ................... 8
   3.3    Changes that affect Contact Assessment (CA) users ............................................................. 10
     3.3.1    New Outcome Scores – CHESS Scale and Personal Support Algorithm ........................ 10
     3.3.2    Changes to the COVID Outcome Scales ......................................................................... 10
     3.3.3    Change to entering the ‘Presenting Situation’ in the community care plan ................. 11
   3.4    Changes that affect Palliative Care users ............................................................................... 11
     3.4.1    New Outcome Scales – Functional Hierarchy Scale and IADL Performance Hierarchy . 11
4. Known Issues to be Corrected in the Future .............................................. 12
   4.1       Addendums not able to be added to active community care plans ...................................... 12
5. Appendix 1 – Momentum Convergence Technical Updates ...................... 13
   5.1    SQL support ............................................................................................................................ 13
   5.2    ASP .NET upgrade ................................................................................................................... 13
   5.3    Browsers and devices supported ........................................................................................... 13
     5.3.1     Support Schedules ......................................................................................................... 13
     5.3.2     Microsoft Windows and SQL support schedule ............................................................ 14
6. Appendix 2 – Hardware and Device Specifications .................................... 15
   6.1    Standard Workstation ............................................................................................................ 15
     6.1.1     Hardware requirements ................................................................................................ 15
     6.1.2     Software requirements.................................................................................................. 15
     6.1.3     Tablets ........................................................................................................................... 15
   6.2    Mobile Workstation ............................................................................................................... 16
     6.2.1     Hardware requirements ................................................................................................ 16
     6.2.2     Software requirements.................................................................................................. 16
     6.2.3     Tablets ........................................................................................................................... 16

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What's New interRAI software upgrade - Version 1.3

1. Introduction
This document outlines the new and updated features for the upgrade of the National interRAI platform from
version 4.00.0133.0026 to version 4.00.0137.0038. The upgrade will occur in June 2021.

    Please note: This document is subject to change up to and immediately post the upgrade. If you have
         saved or printed a copy, please check that you are referring to the most recent version on

2. Client Side Certificate Update
As part of the major software upgrade scheduled for June 2021, you must renew your interRAI security certificate
for continued access to the Momentum software system, and in order to complete interRAI assessments.

Information on the certificate renewal would have been received by your IT support, or the person nominated to
receive these updates.

If you need more information please contact the CDHB Service Desk
Ring: 0800 10 80 44 (Option 1)
Email: interrai.servicedesk@cdhb.health.nz

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What's New interRAI software upgrade - Version 1.3

3. New features for this upgrade
3.1 Changes that affect all users
3.1.1 COVID-19 Vaccination Question
       A COVID-19 vaccination question has now been added to the following assessments:

          ▪   Home Care (item N1i)
          ▪   Long Term Care Facility Assessment (item O1i)
          ▪   Community Health Assessment (item N1i)
          ▪   Contact Assessment (item B13)
          ▪   ED Screener (item H7)
          ▪   Palliative Care Assessment (item M4)

       Please note: The COVID-19 vaccination does not appear in PDF/print versions of the assessments.

3.1.2 Online Section Help updated for falls questions
       Assessment Section Help information pertaining to Falls questions been updated for Home Care,
       Community Health Assessment, Long Term Care Facility and Palliative Care assessments.

3.1.3 Wound Assessments now able to be printed
       Wound assessments can now be printed in PDF format. There is the option to print all of the assessment
       for a wound, or just a selected assessment. Each PDF contains the wound detail information, and then the
       To print all assessments:

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What's New interRAI software upgrade - Version 1.3

       To print a selected assessment:

3.1.4 Disease codes are no longer cleared in I2 after updating the diagnoses from the overview
       This error has now been corrected.

3.1.5 Automatic discontinuation of care plans in Home Care and LTCF no longer hides objectives
       This error has now been corrected and care plans no longer need to be discontinued prior to the new care
       plan being made active or the client being made inactive.

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What's New interRAI software upgrade - Version 1.3

3.1.6 Change to entering notes for overview items
      How notes are entered and how the notes history appears has been changed. They now function in the
      same way as the Progress/Continuation Notes. This applies to all notes sections that are accessed from
      the overview eg. Advance Directives, Worker Safety Concerns etc.

      The appearance of these notes on the Overview Page remains the same, and they still function in the
      same way ie: those items where a new note replaced a previous note still do, and items that added to the
      previous information also continue to do this.

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What's New interRAI software upgrade - Version 1.3

3.1.7 User Reports now limited to 90 days
         Time frames for user reports (ie Audit Report by User, Audit Report by Client) are now limited to 90
         days. An error message will appear if the time period selected exceeds 90 days.

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What's New interRAI software upgrade - Version 1.3

3.2 Changes that affect Home Care (HC) and Community Health Assessment
    (CHA) users
3.2.1 New Outcome Scale – Fracture Risk Scale (Home Care only)

       For more information on the new outcome score visit www.interrai.co.nz

       Please note: The new outcome score will appear in the outcomes list in Momentum for assessments prior
       to the upgrade, however the result will be blank, and when opened to view triggers the following message
       will be displayed.

3.2.2 Change to entering the ‘Presenting Situation’ in the community care plan
       The ‘Presenting Situation’ is now formatted in the same way as continuation notes.

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What's New interRAI software upgrade - Version 1.3

For copied care plans a list will appear with the previous notes entered, for a new care plan the list will be

Important: Only the most recent note will appear as the ‘Presenting Situation’ on the care plan so ensure
that all information required is included. Please see the information in Known Issues below regarding
addendums to active care plans.

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What's New interRAI software upgrade - Version 1.3

3.3 Changes that affect Contact Assessment (CA) users
3.3.1 New Outcome Scores – CHESS Scale and Personal Support Algorithm

      For more information on the new outcome score visit www.interrai.co.nz

      Please note: The new outcome scores will appear in the outcomes list in Momentum for assessments prior
      to the upgrade, however the result will be blank, and when opened to view triggers the following message
      will be displayed.

3.3.2 Changes to the COVID Outcome Scales
          a. The ‘COVID Major Comorbidity Count’ outcome scale has been added to the Contact Assessment
             + COVID-19 Vulnerability Screener.

          b. The ‘COVID Emergency Care Count’ has been removed.

      For more information on the new outcome score visit www.interrai.co.nz
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3.3.3 Change to entering the ‘Presenting Situation’ in the community care plan
       Follow this link to section 3.3.2 of this document to see the changes to the community care plan

3.4 Changes that affect Palliative Care users
3.4.1 New Outcome Scales – Functional Hierarchy Scale and IADL Performance Hierarchy

       For more information on the new outcome score visit www.interrai.co.nz

       Please note: The new outcome scores will appear in the outcomes list in Momentum for assessments prior
       to the upgrade, however the result will be blank, and when opened to view triggers the following message
       will be displayed.

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4. Known Issues to be Corrected in the Future

4.1 Addendums not able to be added to active community care plans
    The addendums function in the ‘Presenting Situations’ for community care plans is not able to be used.

    Users will need to copy the current care plan, go the presenting situation, copy the last note and add the
    required text and then save and return. Then make the new care plan active.

    Adding a new comment will overwrite the previous one, so to ensure the rest of the presenting situation
    text is included in the update the previous comment must be copied.

    Refer to Change to entering the ‘Presenting Situation’ in the community care plan for more information.

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5. Appendix 1 – Momentum Convergence Technical

5.1 SQL support
Implemented support for SQL Server versions 2017 and 2019. The default version has also changed from SQL
Server 2012 to SQL Server 2016.

5.2 ASP .NET upgrade
ASP.NET 4.8 is required for this release. ASP.Net 4.5.2 or a newer version of ASP.Net that includes ASP.Net 4.5.2 is
also required for this release.

5.3 Browsers and devices supported
5.3.1 Support Schedules
The following support schedules detail the timing and the prospective schedule for the supported systems.

The table below outlines Momentum Convergence’s product support status related to the existing and future
internet browsers support.

Please ensure the latest version of the supported browsers is installed.

 Internet Browsers                 Support Status                    Support ends

 Microsoft Internet Explorer 11    No                                May 2020

 Microsoft Edge                    Supported                         TBD

 Google Chrome                     Supported                         TBD

 Mozilla Firefox                   Supported                         TBD

 Apple Safari (Mac)                Supported                         TBD

 Apple Safari (10” iPad)           Supported                         TBD

 Android Chrome (10” Android       Supported                         TBD

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5.3.2 Microsoft Windows and SQL support schedule

Client Operating System     Support status                   Support ends
(Discontinued Use)

Microsoft Windows 7         No                               May 2020

Microsoft Windows 8.1       No                               May 2020

Microsoft Windows 10        No                               May 2020

Server Operating System     Support status                   Support ends

Microsoft Windows 2012      No                               May 2020

Microsoft Windows 2012      No                               May 2020
Server R2

Microsoft Windows 2016      Supported                        TBD

Microsoft Windows 2016      Supported                        TBD

Database Server System      Support status                   Support ends

Microsoft SQL Server 2012   No                               May 2020

Microsoft SQL Server 2014   No                               May 2020

Microsoft SQL Server 2016   Supported                        TBD

Microsoft SQL Server 2017   Supported                        TBD

Microsoft SQL Server 2019   Supported                        TBD

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6. Appendix 2 – Hardware and Device Specifications
6.1 Standard Workstation
These minimum recommendations are for a standard client to install the Momentum Healthware software (for
Check-in and Check-out (CICO)) and to access the software through the World Wide Web page.

For those workstations that will always be connected to the central server, the minimum recommendations are
those minimally required to run Microsoft Edge, Chrome or Firefox.

6.1.1 Hardware requirements

Item                  Requirements                        Notes

Processors             Workstation class Dual Core
                      Processors - Intel or AMD - 2.0
                      GHz or better

RAM                    4 GB                              We recommend that your workstation
                                                          be scaleable to increase RAM if needed

Video                  Widescreen 1366 x 768 or 1920 Using Microsoft recommended scale
                      x 1080 or better.               and layout settings. Smaller resolutions
                                                      may work depending upon scaling and
                                                      browser zoom setting.

6.1.2 Software requirements

Item                  Requirements                        Notes

Operating Systems      Windows 7 or Windows 10*

Other Software        • Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox
                      • Adobe Reader 10 or greater
*Note: Ensure all latest service packs and updates are implemented.

6.1.3 Tablets
Momentum Healthware supports the use of the following tablets while network connected:

   •    Android (i.e. Samsung and Google Nexus) 10"+ tablets accessing the solution while network connected
        running the most recent version of the Android Chrome browser.
   •    Apple iPad 10"+ tablets running most recent version of O/S using Safari browser.
   •    Microsoft tablets 10"+ accessing the solution while network connected running Microsoft Edge, Chrome
        or Firefox.

Note: the Momentum Data Analysis module is not supported on Android or Apple tablets. Local installation of the
Convergence application for mobile use is not supported on Android or Apple tablets.

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6.2 Mobile Workstation
6.2.1 Hardware requirements
These minimum recommendations are for a typical laptop able to check records out for disconnected/offline use.
We recommend higher CPU speeds and more memory for better performance, although the application is quite
acceptable at these specifications.

 Item                  Requirements                           Notes

 Processors            Workstation class Dual Core            64 bit recommended
                       Processors - Intel or AMD - 2.0
                       GHz or better

 RAM                   4GB                                    Ideally 8GB. We recommend that your
                                                              workstation be scaled to increase RAM if

 Hard drive            2GB available

 Video                 Widescreen 1366 x 768 or 1920 x        Using Microsoft recommended scale
                       1080 or better.                        and layout settings. Smaller resolutions
                                                              may work depending upon scaling and
                                                              browser zoom setting.

6.2.2 Software requirements
These minimum recommendations are for a typical client/server install for a laptop that is capable of checking
records out for disconnected use.

 Item                  Requirements                            Notes

 Operating Systems     Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise           64 bit recommended
                       editions.                               Home Editions not supported

 Other Software        • Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox  Edge version 80+
                       • SQL Server 2014, 2016, 2017,
                       2019 Express Edition with
                       Advanced Services.
                       • IIS (comes with Windows)
                       • Microsoft .Net framework version

Note: Ensure all latest service packs and updates are implemented.

6.2.3 Tablets
Momentum Convergence supports the use of the following tablets for mobile:

• Microsoft tablets that run Windows 10 (not “RT” version).

Note: local installation of the Convergence application for mobile use is not supported on Android or Apple tablets

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