Return to classroom based learning for Nambour Christian College - A guide for students and parents from Monday 25 May 2020
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Return to classroom based learning for Nambour Christian College A guide for students and parents from Monday 25 May 2020 21 May 2020
N AMB O UR C HR I STI A N C OL L E G E Mission Statement Mission Statement To provide a secure and supportive Christ-centred learning community where a commitment to excellence, creativity and service is encouraged and modelled. PAGE 2
RETU RN TO CLA SSROOM BA SED LEARNI NG Message from Geoff van der Vliet College Principal Dear Parents, Guardians and Students On behalf of NCC teaching, support and administration staff it is my pleasure to welcome students back to the school and classroom settings from 25th May. We know that learning is built on the foundation of effective relationships. We have all worked hard to keep building community connections and relationships during this period of physical separation so that students and families don’t feel isolated. However, we also know that when we are physically present with someone it allows us to be more attuned to their joy and their needs. And so, as we return to sharing space at school we also look forward to sharing more life- giving joy and care for one another. I acknowledge that there will still be restrictions and challenges, such as teacher-parent interactions, carpark flow and the reduced opportunities for those life-enhancing co-curricular activities. However, it will be wonderful to have the joy and energy of students’ lives filling our spaces again. Thank you to all parents, guardians and students for embracing the challenges and working hard over recent months. I look forward to seeing you very soon! God bless you Geoff van der Vliet College Principal PAGE 3
N AMB O UR C HR I STI A N C OL L E G E Contents PAGE 5 Operational Guidelines for school Return PAGE 7 Cleaning of the school/hygiene Learning mode for recommencement of all classes PAGE 8 Camps Relief/visiting staff Co-curricular programs Uniform Shop PAGE 9 Performance and Instrumental Music School based apprenticeships/traineeships/TAFE/University/Careers/Subject Selection Representative Sport/SCISSA/training/Gym Excursions/Incursions Study Support for Year 12 PAGE 10 Student Protocols Staff Protocols PAGE 4
RETU RN TO CLA SSROOM BA SED LEARNI NG Return to classroom based learning The following guidelines have been developed to assist with the smooth transition back to classroom based teaching and learning and are relevant to our P-12 community. Whilst we are able to be onsite and conduct many of our normal programs, we still need to ensure that social distancing and cleaning protocols are in place to minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission within the school. The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) advises that whilst “physical distancing measures remain an important consideration for schools to reduce transmission and should occur where practical, (the) AHPPC provides guidance that physical distancing is not required for students during classroom activities”. These guidelines have been written with this in mind and will remain in place until further notice. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES FOR SCHOOL RETURN Car-park drop off and pick up (students who do not catch buses) • There are important changes to drop off and pick up routines as a result of adults being restricted from accessing the school grounds. • Bell times have been adjusted to alleviate pressure on carparks. Preps will now finish at 2.30pm (see below). Years 1 to 6 will now finish at 2.40pm (see below). • Increased to three areas: Carpark 1 (behind church) Carpark 2 (top level - “kiss-n-go”) Carpark 3 (bottom level). • Adults are asked to remain at their vehicle or in designated areas during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. ‘Designated Areas’ will be identified by tape markings near top level carpark crossing and on church ramp. • Parents must maintain physical distancing at all times whilst waiting for children in the carparks. Drop-off/Pick-up Flowchart Is your oldest child in Junior All other students (any family Do you ONLY have a Prep child? School? with Middle/Senior students) Yes Yes Yes Families with only a Prep Other ‘Junior School only’ families Drop-off - any of three carparks (no other siblings at NCC) (no other siblings at NCC) (1, 2 or 3) Drop-off - no change Drop-off Pick-up - any three carparks Top level “kiss-n-go” Top level “kiss-n-go” (1,2 or 3) Pick-up - Church carpark (1) Pick-up - Top level carpark (2) 3.05pm (Children will be ‘walked’ to Church 2.40pm carpark waiting area near cafe) (Note: Preps with older siblings will be 2.30pm supervised in Prep playground from 2.30 - 2.40, then walked over to Top level carpark) PAGE 5
N AMB O UR C HR I STI A N C OL L E G E Late arrivals and early departures: • Parents are asked to send a note with their child/ren where possible. • When this cannot happen, please call the College Reception and this approval will be passed on to relevant staff. • For Middle and Senior School students, a text message from a parent to a student device that can be presented to relevant staff for approval to sign in late or leave early. Students who are unwell: • Students who are unwell MUST stay at home and not attend school. Please follow normal procedures to inform the school of any absence. • A student who presents unwell whilst at school is to be collected immediately and as advised by First Aid staff. Uniform: • Students are to wear their winter uniform and all existing school rules and expectations will apply. • With increased ventilation in some rooms, students will need to bring warm uniform items for the next few months. • The uniform shop is open on Thursday by appointment. For details on how to make an appointment please refer to information on page 8. Visitors: • Parents are to only come into the school building areas when collecting a sick child or to visit the uniform shop as above. • Parents are to report to the College or Junior School Reception where they will wait for their child to be brought to them or other instructions. Hygiene habits: • Parents should reinforce all established hygiene habits for handwashing, sanitising, coughing/ sneezing into a tissue or into the elbow and tissues to be placed in the bin immediately. • Parents should reinforce that food, drink and other personal items must not be shared. This includes the use of mobile phones whilst at school. • Please provide full drink bottles for your child/ren that can be refilled whilst at school. • Parents who have children with any medical concerns MUST ensure this is communicated with the relevant Head of School. This in turn will be passed on to relevant staff, including First Aid. Busing: • All bus runs and procedures will resume to normal. • Increased control measures have been implemented and include: sweeping and emptying of bins; backs of seats, hand rails and other high contact areas wiped and disinfected, etc. • Bus drivers will be directing students where to sit, where necessary, which may include instructing siblings to sit together. Cafe: • The Junior School will operate online orders only via Flexischools. Orders will be delivered to students at their class eating areas. • Secondary School Cafe will operate as normal. PAGE 6
RETU RN TO CLA SSROOM BA SED LEARNI NG CLEANING OF THE SCHOOL/HYGIENE • Increased cleaning of high ‘touch’ surfaces will continue, including a disinfecting program taking place throughout the College each day. This includes: door handles, light switches, desks, taps and sinks. • All classrooms will have an extensive clean also each day. • Hand sanitiser and tissues are available in each classroom (with teachers), along with other areas within the school e.g. Library, student office, Cafe, etc. Students will be asked to use hand sanitiser when entering class, and following a cough or sneeze. • Toilet blocks will be cleaned after recess and lunch time each day. • Other public items such as computers, photocopiers, music instruments, FTV editing suites and sports equipment will be cleaned and disinfected regularly. • Soap dispensers will be checked and replenished on a regular basis to ensure sufficient supply of soap for students to wash their hands. • Bins will be emptied regularly throughout the day. • The sharing of personal belongings will not be permitted e.g. computers, stationery, pens, mobile phones, etc. • Classrooms will have windows and doors open where possible. LEARNING MODE FOR RECOMMENCEMENT OF ALL CLASSES - MONDAY 25 MAY 2020 It is important to note that all classes across the College will be delivered face to face only from Monday 25 May 2020. Where students are unable to return to school (e.g. compromised immunity or as directed by your doctor), please ensure that contact has been made with the relevant Head of School to discuss avenues of supporting the learning of your child. Middle and Senior Schools daily operation: • The Middle and Senior School will return to the normal bell times for all classes during the day. There have been no timetable changes. • On the first bell on Monday 25 May, all Years 7-11 students will go to Family Group and Year 12 will go to the Lecture Theatre. Further direction will be given to students at these venues. Junior School daily operation: • The Junior School will start at 8:30am each morning. We will have a staggered finish to the school day with Prep students finishing at 2:30pm and Year 1-6 students finishing at 2:40pm. ASSEMBLIES AND CHAPELS: Middle and Senior School Information • Assemblies in the format of Term 1 are not able to happen until further notice. • Middle and Senior School Chapel will continue to occur on Tuesday mornings. The Middle and Senior School Chapel Committees, and relevant staff will administer Chapel, and this will be made available to all Years 7-11 Family Groups in their classrooms. Year 12 will participate in Chapel in the Lecture Theatre. Junior School Information • Junior School Chapel and assemblies will continue online in classrooms during this time. PAGE 7
N AMB O UR C HR I STI A N C OL L E G E CAMPS The College will follow closely guidelines and health directives which affect the planned camping program. Where the planned camps cannot run the College will search for opportunities to run special activities to cover important learning that normally occurs. RELIEF/VISITING STAFF Any relief/visiting staff working with students are required to follow all directions from the College Principal and comply with these guidelines. CO-CURRICULAR PROGRAMS • The College will follow closely guidelines and health directives which affect co-curricular activities. • As conditions change, leaders of these activities will give notice of programs. UNIFORM SHOP The purchasing of uniform items will continue to be made on Flexischools with items being delivered to the students through our usual methods. • If fittings are required, a prior appointment is to be made and parents report to the College Reception to sign in before being directed to the Uniform Shop. • Appointments are to be made through the parent portal. Please access the parent portal then click on ‘Uniform Shop Appointments’ as pictured and highlighted below. • Physical distancing guidelines apply inside the room and may require parents to wait outside for their appointment. • Please contact the uniform shop on 54513333 or via email with any questions or for assistance. PAGE 8
RETU RN TO CLA SSROOM BA SED LEARNI NG PERFORMANCE AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC • Instrumental music lessons will continue as per the existing timetable. The requirements regarding hygiene and physical distancing will be followed. • Pair/ Group Lessons will be held in larger areas, please go to your usual lesson room first. • Students must use their own sheet music and instrument (or the loan/hire instrument allocated exclusively to them) – there is to be no sharing or loaning of instruments. • Bands and Choirs cannot resume until further notice, sorry! We miss them too! • Small Ensembles may resume later this term, subject to size and type of group. • Zoom lessons will still be available for self-isolating students, please contact your teacher to organise. SCHOOL BASED APPRENTICESHIPS/TRAINEESHIPS/TAFE/UNIVERSITY/CAREERS/SUBJECT SELECTION • Students have already been informed of details relating to ANY studies/pathways that are not conducted at NCC e.g. Traineeships, TAFE, Headstart, etc. • Students requiring advice on subject choice/changes are to make bookings with Mrs Stirling as soon as possible. • All enquiries are to be directed to or phone 5451 3373. REPRESENTATIVE SPORT/SCISSA/TRAINING/GYM • As for other co-curricular activities and school sport programs we will respond to directives and Heads of Sport will provide necessary information. • The gym will reopen for Physical Education and Recreation classes as required. EXCURSIONS/INCURSIONS • Excursions and incursions have been postponed for the remainder of this term unless necessary for senior assessment and learning. • Parent permission will be required in the event that this may be required. • There will be no Junior School excursions or incursions until further notice. STUDY SUPPORT FOR YEAR 12 • Study Support is on offer to all Year 12s Monday – Wednesday afternoons from 3:15pm – 5:15pm in the Secondary Library. • Students need to register each Friday for the following week of Study Support sessions. • Study Support School Officers are former alumni of our College. • Study Support is structured in small groups. Students can ask questions and gain assistance relating to class work, revision, assessment, exam preparation, and feedback on rough draft work. PAGE 9
N AMB O UR C HR I STI A N C OL L E G E STUDENTS ARE REMINDED OF THE FOLLOWING - STUDENT PROTOCOLS • If you feel unwell, you must stay at home and have your parents inform the school of your absence. • Please maintain social distancing wherever possible and avoid close proximity whilst queuing e.g. Cafe. • Remember to wash and sanitise your hands frequently. • Dress warmly (winter uniform items) as classrooms will have windows and doors open to promote air flow. • Do not share food or drinks. Bring your own water bottle (named) to school every day. These can be refilled at bubblers. • Practise non-contact greetings. • Cough and sneeze into your elbow or a tissue. Place tissues straight into the bin. STAFF PROTOCOLS • Staff who are unwell must stay at home and relief teachers will be employed where required. • Staff are expected to maintain social distancing by maintaining 1.5 metres distance from colleagues and adhering to the 4 square metres per adult in enclosed spaces. • Staff are required to sanitise their hands frequently. • If a staff member believes a student is unwell, the student must be directed to the First Aid room immediately. First Aid staff will then assess the student and advise parents to collect the student if required. • Middle and Senior School teachers will mark class rolls for all lessons. • Junior School teachers will mark attendance roll at the beginning of each day as usual. PAGE 10
Nambour Christian College Ltd 2 McKenzie Road Woombye PO Box 500 Nambour Qld 4560 Phone: (07) 5451 3333 Fax: (07) 5335 1624 Email: Web: ACN 106 434 511 Cricos Provider No. 01461G
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