Return Service Requested - Menomonie, WI 54751 E5054 490th Ave. The Wisconsin Review - Wisconsin Hereford Association

Return Service Requested - Menomonie, WI 54751 E5054 490th Ave. The Wisconsin Review - Wisconsin Hereford Association
The Wisconsin Review
E5054 490th Ave.
Menomonie, WI 54751
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           Photo by Hillside Oaks Farm, Plain, Wisconsin
Return Service Requested - Menomonie, WI 54751 E5054 490th Ave. The Wisconsin Review - Wisconsin Hereford Association

Owned with Sandhill Farms, Kansas and Sand Rock Ranch, Wisconsin   Steve & Jill Folkman
                                                                   Nicole, Alison, Austin & Curtis
• This curve-bending homozygous Polled bull ranks in the           N250 Highview Rd. • Ixonia, WI 53036
  top 1% for IMF, REA and all three breed indexes.                 Cell: (262) 617-6346
                                                                   Phone: (920) 474-7403
• Calving Ease, Performance, Carcass Merit and Sustained
  Cow Fertility – this young sire has the genetic potential to     Email:
  move a program!                                        
   Thanks to our customers! We appreciate your support
              and confidence in our program.
Return Service Requested - Menomonie, WI 54751 E5054 490th Ave. The Wisconsin Review - Wisconsin Hereford Association
Hereford Association
   2021 Officers...
   President: Jerry Huth | Oakfield, WI
   920-251-0281 |
   Vice President: Steve Folkman | Ixonia, WI
                                                   President Letter
                                                   Are you ready to ride the momentum wave?
                                                   Good day Wisconsin Hereford Breeders,
                                                      For over 60 years, the WHA (formerly WPHA) has sponsored a
   920-474-7403 |
                                                   spring sale. Many times what happens at this sale sets the pace for the
   Secretary: Loxi Smythe | Menomonie, WI          breed for the rest of the year.
                                                      If the 2021 sale is any barometer of what is coming for Wisconsin
   715-505-6510 |
                                                   Herefords, get ready for a tsunami of positive momentum. What a
   Treasurer: Melissa Berggren | Horicon, WI       weekend!! 120 people attended the Friday night pre-sale banquet
                                                   honoring Hall of Fame inductee Harold Lietzau, and the fun’d auction
   414-550-5114 |
                                                   set a record gross led by vintage advertising posters benefiting the
                                                   Queen Endowment fund. Saturday brought a beautiful day and you             By: Jerry Huth
   2021 Board of Directors…
                                                   couldn’t find an empty seat in the Fennimore Livestock Exchange for        WHA    President
   Northeast Region
                                                   the auction. Every animal in the sale found a new home and it was
   Douglas Schulz | Iron Ridge, WI                 one of the best sales WHA had in years. A special thanks to Melissa Berggren and her committee
   262-224-7185 |            for spearheading this event!
                                                      Now the challenge is to keep the momentum going! The WHA board is positioning to keep
   James Wiechert | Iola, WI                       Wisconsin Herefords on the forefront:
   262-388-9987 |           • We have a fresh new logo to give our association a facelift and the Review is under a re-make.
                                                   • The Advertising Committee, Rick Starck, chairman, is developing a comprehensive advertising
   Northwest Region                                   program that is different from the past.
   Fred Larson | Spring Valley, WI                 • Jim Wiechert, County Youth Award Chairman, has a stash of scotch combs that the WHA will be
   715-772-4680 |                  awarding to the top Hereford show person at your county fair.
                                                   • The Communication committee, Fred Larson, chairman, is working on updating our website to
   Richard Starck | Cadott, WI                        give it a fresh new look.
   715-289-3514 |             • Zeb Allen of the Feeder Calf Sale Committee is starting to work on options for marketing your
                                                      feeder calves this fall/winter.
   David Steinhoff | New Lisbon, WI                 • The Northwest sector is preparing a fantastic display for the 2021 Farm Technology Days.
   608-344-0140 |                  But the board needs your help! If you can help any of the committees achieve their goals, please
                                                   contact the chairman and offer your assistance. In the meantime – get your advertising posters up,
   Southeast Region                                help Jim get the scotch combs to your county fair, and talk up Herefords! Let’s keep the
   Holly Paulson | Deerfield, WI                    momentum going!
   608-358-3805 |

                                                   Calendar of Events
   Jim Renn | Hartland, WI
   414-217-7366 |
   Southwest Region
   Zeb Allen | Reedsburg, WI
   608-963-9410 |                    June
                                                      5-6  WLBA Spring Preview Show and WJHA Junior Hereford Show, Jefferson
   Charles Baderstcher | Dodgeville, WI
                                                      26   Wisconsin Cattlemen’s Summer Tour, Madison Area
   608-574-2002 |

   Jaclyn Bevan | Platteville, WI
                                                      3-9   Junior National Hereford Expo, Kansas City, Mo.
   608-732-4251 |
                                                      20-22 Farm Technology Days, Huntsinger Farms, Inc., Eau Claire, Wis.

The Wisconsin Review                                  August
                                                      9-12 Wisconsin State Fair Junior Beef Shows, West Allis, Wis.
The official publication of the Wisconsin Hereford
Association welcomes member and non-member            12-14 Wisconsin State Fair Open Beef Shows, West Allis, Wis.
Editor and Ad Sales…
                                                      11-12 Pierce Hereford Haven Open House, Baraboo, Wis.
Jane Adolph | 815-244-5456                            23-26 World Beef Expo, West Allis, Wis.
E-mail:                                                                                                                                       1
Return Service Requested - Menomonie, WI 54751 E5054 490th Ave. The Wisconsin Review - Wisconsin Hereford Association
A.I. Sire
                                                                                                       H B Distinct
      • • • P44184682 • Calved: Feb. 8, 2020 • Tattoo: BE 00049 • • •

             CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X    UPS DOMINO 3027
 NJW 160B 028X HISTORIC 81E ET           CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET
 P43829334   NJW 73S 38W DAYDREAM 160B   NJW 76S P20 BEEF 38W ET
                                         NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S

             LCX PERFECTO 11B ET         NJW 98S RIBEYE 88X ET
 H DS MISS SPICE 8082                    WLL ZOEY 3Z
 P43915164   H BL MISS SPICE 613 ET      PERKS 144U RIGHT TRACK 2040
                                         H AC MARIANNE 231 ET
 • Homozygous polled with pigment!
 • Performance with style!
 • Muscle with marbling!
                                          • • • SEMEN • • •
 • Off the charts maternal traits!    $40/straw; $50/certificate

Polled Herefords
                                                                                    • • • WALKING SIRES • • •
                                                                       Yearling bulls available sired by Huth FTF Torque C002, /S Mandate 66589 ET,
                                                                     Loewen Mendel Frostie B716 3F, KT Built Tuff 1010, Huth 502 Advance D006 F083
Jerry and Maryann Huth
                                                                                   CED    BW    WW    YW    Milk Udder Teat      Marb   $BMI $CHB
W9096 County AS Oakfield, WI 53065
                                                                EPD Average:       5.9    1.7   59    92     27     1.5   1.5    0.27   $401 $129
(920) 251-0281
                                                                Rank in breed:    20% 25% 25% 30% 35%              1%     2%     10%    15% 15%
Return Service Requested - Menomonie, WI 54751 E5054 490th Ave. The Wisconsin Review - Wisconsin Hereford Association
Return Service Requested - Menomonie, WI 54751 E5054 490th Ave. The Wisconsin Review - Wisconsin Hereford Association
Return Service Requested - Menomonie, WI 54751 E5054 490th Ave. The Wisconsin Review - Wisconsin Hereford Association
SSF KKH 26Z Ribeye 801 ET
                          2020 NAILE
                                          Champion Hereford Bull

                                                                    CE 5.0 | BW 2.9 | WW 57 | YW 90 | DMI 0.2 | SC 0.8
  P43928600 — Calved: Jan. 5, 2018 — Tattoo: LE H801
                                                                      SCF 17.6 | MM 27 | M&G 56 | MCE 5.5 | MCW 68
           SHF RIB EYE M326 R117        KCF BENNETT 3008 M326
NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET              HVH MISS HUDSON 83K 8M           UDDR 1.30 | TEAT 1.50 | CW 70 | FAT 0.024
43094146   NJW 9126J DEW DOMINO 98S     CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET
                                        NJW 57G 74G DEW 5M        REA 0.28 | MARB 0.17 | BMI$ 368 | BII$ 447 | CHB$ 120
                                        HARVIE TRAVELER 69T
                                        HARVIE MISS FIREFLY 51F          Semen Packages Available...
                                        SSF KEYSHA 949                 Contact Anna at (715) 410-5238 for more details!

                                                  Progeny of SSF KKH 26Z Ribeye 801 ET…

                        Golden Maples Polled Hereford Haven
                       — Deer Park, Wisconsin | Leo and Sally • TJ and Anna: (715) 410-5238 —
Return Service Requested - Menomonie, WI 54751 E5054 490th Ave. The Wisconsin Review - Wisconsin Hereford Association
WHA News      Connie and Harold Lietzau Inducted into WHA Hall of Fame
                            In July 1979, Harold and Connie Lietzau moved to Sparta,
                         Wis. and by 1983 the first Polled Herefords were purchased,
                         officially marking the beginning of Lietzau Polled Herefords.
                         Harold and Connie Lietzau have been an active participant in the
                         Wisconsin Hereford Association ever since.
                            Their children, Tammy, Troy, and Taylor Lietzau, grew up
                         showing Herefords. The family has actively exhibited cattle at the
                         local, county, state, and national level. Herefords are simply a
                         part of life to the Lietzau family.                                            The 2021 Wisconsin Hereford Association Hall of Fame Award was awarded
                            Harold and Connie have been blessed with many                            to Lietzau Hereford Farm, Harold & Connie Lietzau & Family, Sparta, Wisconsin.
                         grandchildren. Kiera, Austin, Ty, Jaydon, Devon, Josie and                                    The award was presented by Joe Starr (left).
                         Elliot. A special angel, Riley, watches over the entire Lietzau
                         clan in heaven.
                                                                                                 cattle, participate in 4H and FFA events, wrestling, football,
                            Throughout the years many great Hereford females have been
                                                                                                 basketball, and gymnastics.
                         displayed by Lietzau Polled Herefords. In 2000, KJ JPH Gemini
                                                                                                    Harold have been active on local town and county boards as
                         was named Reserve Division Champion for Taylor. Taylor’s son,
                                                                                                 well as numerous civic organization. He retired as a long time
                         Ty, showed LPH Ms. Durango 57Z (Gemini’s calf) to Reserve
                                                                                                 loan officer at the Union National Bank in Sparta, WI after 20
                         Division Champion at the Junior National in Pennsylvania in
                                                                                                 years in 2010.
                                                                                                    Connie is a fantastic cook and is always willing to lend a hand,
                            Lietzau Polled Herefords sells progeny through private treaty
                                                                                                 no matter what the project. Connie retired from the Sparta School
                         and consignment sales, including the Black Hills Stock Show in
                                                                                                 District after 29 years in 2018.
                         Rapid City, SD, WI Hereford Assoc. Spring Sale and the Iowa
                                                                                                    This past October, Harold and Connie celebrated their 50th
                         Beef Expo in Des Moines, Iowa.
                                                                                                 wedding anniversary – and yes, Connie is somehow still putting
                            Connie and Harold have both been active in the community
                                                                                                 up with Harold!
                         and give their time to many youth organizations. They are first in
                                                                                                    The Hereford breed has been part of the Lietzau family for
                         line to transport their grandchildren to various activities, and they
                                                                                                 many years and will continue with the next generation.
                         can be found in the front row watching those grandkids show

                                   2021-2022 WHA Board of Directors
                                    Pictured Left to right: Jeb Allen, Jim
                                    Renn, Jim Wiechert, Holly Paulson,
                                    Dave Steinhoff, Jackie Bevan, Rick
                                    Starck, Melissa Bergeron, Treasurer,

                                  Jerry Huth, President, Doug Schulz, Loxi
                                   Smythe, Secretary, Chuck Badertscher
                                    and Steve Folkman, Vice-President.
                                         Not Pictured: Fred Larson

Return Service Requested - Menomonie, WI 54751 E5054 490th Ave. The Wisconsin Review - Wisconsin Hereford Association
Thank You
Edwin Woolever and Family of
J-ME-J Farms, Wonewoc, Wis.
     for purchasing Lot 34,
 GAF Unique Lady D 1256H,
 in the 2021 WHA State Sale.

    Mark Your Calendars…
      October 2, 2021
Cattlemen’s Delight Hereford Sale
at the Juneau County Fairgrounds      GARI-ALAN FARM
         in Mauston, WI.                             Nathan and Olivia Reinke
                                          N6060 Hilltop Lane Johnson Creek, WI 53038
 Offering females straight from the   Nathan: (920) 988-3631 • Email:
  heart of our program and ready       Visit us online at
       to be added to yours!
                                              or check us out on Facebook!


Return Service Requested - Menomonie, WI 54751 E5054 490th Ave. The Wisconsin Review - Wisconsin Hereford Association
WHA News    David “Dave” E. Bevan,
                                                                      2021 WHA Committees
                                                                      Executive Committee: Jerry Huth, President; Steve Folkman, Vice-President; Loxi
                                David “Dave” E. Bevan, 69, of         Smythe, Secretary; Melissa Berggren, Treasurer
                             Platteville, Wisconsin, died on          Finance Committee/Audit/By-Laws/Hall of Fame: Holly Paulson, Chair, Dave
                             Monday, March 8, 2021 at UW-             Steinhoff. In charge of assisting Melissa in carrying out these functions and assist
                             Hospital Madison. Dave was born on       Melissa with any finance concerns. Melissa ex-officio.
                             November 17, 1951 in Platteville, the
                                                                      Communications Committee: Fred Larson, Chair, Dave Steinhoff, Jackie Bevan
                             son of Donald and Jeanette (Butson)
                                                                      (Zoom/Facebook), Janet Wiechert (Website). This is a far reaching committee with a
                             Bevan. He graduated from Platteville
                                                                      number of sub-committees—zoom meeting coordinator, Facebook, web-site, mailings,
                             High School, Class of '69 and later
                                                                      annual meeting, and any other communication that is necessary. Loxi ex-officio.
                             from Southwest Tech, Fennimore.
                             Dave was united in marriage to Joyce     Advertising/Promotions: Rick Starck, Chair, Doug Schulz. In charge of promoting
                             Monson on October 25, 1975 at the        the WHA to the world. Explore advertising options, develop press releases and outlets
                             West Wiota Lutheran Church. Dave         for these press releases, and start to look at options for future opportunities (ie:
                             was a lifelong farmer, where he took     Driftless Region Beef Conference, WPS Farm Show, Grassworks Conference, WCA
                             great pride in his farm, Bacon Branch    Conference, cultivating relationship with UW-Extension, regional and county farm
                             Beef, named for the stream that ran      shows, etc.). Budget is $3,000 and this committee has to get up and running quickly.
                             through their pasture. He was proud      Loxi ex-officio.
                             of his Hereford cattle and enjoyed       State Sale & Banquet: Melissa Berggren, chair, Dan Irwin, John Dalton, Chuck
                             traveling with the family to cattle      Badertscher, Loxi Smythe. This committee is in place for 2021. Need to formulate
                             shows across the country. He was         plan for 2022 sale. Obviously, Melissa ex-officio.
                             very proud to have been able to
                                                                      WJHA Liaison: Jerry Huth, Chair, Jackie Bevan, Jim Renn. Work with B. J. Jones
                             exhibit at the National Western Stock
                                                                      (WJHA advisor). Formulate a model on how the two organizations can be most
                             Show in Denver in 2017. He enjoyed
                                                                      efficient in working together in promoting the Hereford breed in Wisconsin. Jerry also
                             fishing, and was an avid hunter. He
                             took many hunting trips out west. For
                             over 30 years he was an active           State Fair Liaison: Doug Schulz, chair, Kermit Rhiner, WJHA advisor/officers.
                             member of Tri-County Archers, where      Coordinate between State Fair and WHA/WJHA the happenings at State Fair and the
                             he served in many capacities. His        Jackpot Steer Show. Jerry ex-offico.
                             greatest love was being with his         Feeder Calf Sale Opportunities: Zeb Allen Chair. Explore marketing options for
                             family, especially his granddaughters,   Wisconsin Hereford based feeder calves. Both sale and retained ownership options.
                             Mya and Bianca.                          Jerry ex-officio
                                Dave is survived by his wife of 45
                                                                      Queen Program: Jackie Bevan, chair; Jim Renn, Nicky Folkman.. Keep on working
                             years, Joyce; three children, Shawn
                                                                      on funding the present program, build the endowment, and analyze the structure and
                             Bevan, Jason (Jaclyn) Bevan, and
                                                                      opportunities for the program. Jerry ex-officio.
                             Darcy Bevan; two granddaughters,
                             Mya and Bianca Bevan; parents,           World Beef Expo Liaison: Holly Paulson, chair Jim Renn. Keep the WHA informed
                             Donald and Jeanette Bevan; brother,      on the happenings of the WBE. Jerry ex-officio.
                             Jeff (Peggi) Bevan, sister, Sue (Dave)   WCA Liaison: Jerry Huth, Zeb Allen: These people will be the contact people for
                             Hanson; brother-in-law, Gayle            coordinating with Wisconsin Cattlemens Association.
                             Monson; and many nieces and
                                                                      Review/Directory Committee: Steve Folkman, chair Jim Wiechert, Chuck
                             nephews. He was preceded in death
                                                                      Baderscher, BJ & Kim Jones. This committee is set for 2021. This committee charge
                             by his father and mother-in-law, Paul
                                                                      is to get the Review profitable and distributed, cultivate advertiser relationships,

                             and Bernice Monson, brothers-in-law,
                                                                      explore bundling advertising, and assist with the development of the 2022-2023
                             Gary, David, Donny and Phil
                                                                      directory. Jerry ex-officio.
                             Monson, and sisters-in-law, Libby
                             and Kate Monson.                         County Youth Awards: Jim Wiechert, chair. Diana Wiechert, Janet Wiechert.
                                Memorials may be made to the          Distribute scotch combs to top Hereford show person at county fairs. Loxi ex-officio
                             David E. Bevan Memorial Fund, PO         Farm Tech Days: Loxi Smythe, Chair, Rick Starck, Fred Larson and Northwest
                             Box 245, Platteville, WI 53818.          district in charge. Have a presence at the Farm Tech days. This is well underway. Loxi
                             Online condolences can be made at        ex-officio.
                                                                      Tour: Southeast district. Senior Director, Chair. The directors from the southeast
                                                                      district are in charge. Steve ex-officio.
Minute with Meents
                             Congratulations to all the members of the Wisconsin Hereford
                                                                                                                     Sale Results
                             Association who participated in the 2021 Wisconsin State
                                                                                                                      2021 Wisconsin Hereford
                             Sale on March 6th in Fennimore. The consignors brought a                                 Association Spring Sale
                             top set of Hereford cattle to the event and were rewarded with
                             a strong price. The 11 bulls averaged $3,844 with a top of
                                                                                                                      March 6, 2021 | Fennimore, Wis.
                             $6,000, the 5 pairs averaged $3,424 with a top of $6,300, the                            44 Total Lots . . . . . . .Average $3092.05
                             7 bred females averaged, $3,329 with a $4,100 top, and 21                                11 Bulls . . . . . . . . . . .Average $3854.55
                             open heifers averaged $2,583 with a $4,000 top. Thanks to                                5 Cow-calf Pairs . . .Average $3420.00
                             Melissa Berggren for managing the sale, Greg Miller for                                  7 Bred Heifers . . . . .Average $3328.57
                             screening the cattle, and the Wisconsin Hereford                                         21 Open Heifers . . . .Average $2535.71
                                                                                                By: John Meents,
                             Association Board of Directors for moving forward with a            AHA Field Staff      1 Semen Lot . . . . . . . . .Average $60.00
                             sale in challenging times.                                           419-306-7480
                                                                                        Top Selling Bull
                             AHA UPDATE – On April 7, 2021, the American Hereford                                     Lot 13 Wildcat LMAY James Bond 007
                             Association Board of Directors voted on the 2021 and 2022                                a March 5, 2020 son of
                             National Shows and judges. January 5-8, 2022, the Cattlemen Congress in Oklahoma         CHEZ/PUGH/HARA Logic 8815F ET.
                             City, Okla. will be hosting the National Show and Sale along with the National Pen       Consigned by Wildcat Cattle Company
                             Show. The National Western Stock Show in Denver will be a regional show. There           and Lauren May. Buyer: Douglas
                             will be both a hill and pen show in Denver. Exhibitors can display and/or show cattle    Landrum of Huntington, IN for $6000.
                             at both locations if they desire as the show dates will NOT overlap.
                                                                                                                      Top Selling Cow-Calf Pair
                             2021 -2022 National Show dates and judges are as follows:                                Lot 15 LBB CFF 38Y Cassie 48D a
                             Keystone National, Harrisburg, PA                                                        March 6, 2016 daughter of KJ BJ 319X
                             Show Date: October 8 | Entry Date: August 31                                             Courtland 010A ET. Consigned by
                             Judge: Chad Breeding, Miami, TX                                                          White Ranch. Buyer: Allison Ash of
                                                                                                                      Newton, WI for $6300
                             American Royal, Kansas City, MO
                                                                                                                      Top Selling Bred Heifer
                             Show Date: October 24 | Entry Date: September 16
                                                                                                                      Lot 25 Huth C006 Shelly G057 a May 6,
                             Judge: Tom Hawk, Earlville, IL
                                                                                                                      2019 daughter of JDH Victor 719T 33Z
                                                                                                                      ET. Consigned by Huth Polled
                             North American International Livestock Exposition, Louisville, KY
                                                                                                                      Herefords. Buyer: Narrows Creek Farm
                             Show Date: TBD | Entry Date: October 1
                                                                                                                      Loganville, WI for $4100
                             Judge: Andrew Foster, Niles, MI
                                                                                                                      Top Selling Open Heifers
                             Western States Hereford Show, Reno, NV                                                   Lot 44 PRR MRK Stormina 202H a
                             Show Date: Dec. 3-4 | Entry Date: October 31                                             May 6, 2020 daughter of UPS Sensation
                             Judge: Shane Werk, Manhattan, KS                                                         2296 ET. Consigned by Plum River
                                                                                                                      Ranch. Buyer: Sage Huneke of Lena, IL
                             Cattlemen’s Congress, Oklahoma City, OK                                                  for $4000
                             Show Date: Jan 5-8 | Entry Date: November 20
                             Judge: Matt Copeland, Nara Visa, NM | Pen Judges: Keith Phillips, Mays Lick, KY,
                             Sam Shaw, Caldwell, ID, Bruce Thomas, Gold Creek, MT                                     2021 Wisconsin State Sale Banquet
                             Fort Worth Stock Show, Ft. Worth, TX                                                     Fun’d and Pie Auction
                             Show Date: Jan. 31 | Entry Date: November 15
                                                                                                                      Fun’d Auction Total . . . . . . . . . .$1530

                             Judge: Harlan Yocham, Sapulpa, OK
                                                                                                                      Pie Auction Total . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1935
                                                                                                                      Queen Endowment Fund . . . . . .$3875
                             MAKE YOUR CATTLE BETTER TODAY BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO MARKET                                 Thank you to Beth Wissner for her
                             THEM TOMORROW!                                                                           gracious donation of four vintage
                                                                                                                      Hereford prints from the late Randy
                                                                                                                      Craig Estate.

                                                                                                                      Thank you to Crooked Creek Herefords,
                                                                                                                      C&L Hereford Ranch and Wildcat Cattle
                                                                                                                      Company for their purchase of these
10                                                                                                                    prints.
September 11 & 12, 2021
      10 a.m to 4 p.m.
 Lunch served Noon - 2 p.m.

                        View Calves By:
                  The Profit, Majestic, Montgomery,
                   Endure, Belle Air and Blue Print.

                             Scholarship Winners Announced                                     Faces of Leadership Scholarship Available
                                Congratulations to our three 2021 Wisconsin Junior Hereford       The Wisconsin Junior Hereford Association is sponsoring a
                             Association Scholarship Winners. Dawson Firlus, Mauston, is       $400 scholarship for one Wisconsin Junior to attend the Faces
                             attending Black Hawk East majoring in agriculture sciences.       of Leadership Conference. FOL is an activity that helps
                             Lauren Jones, Darlington, will be graduating from Darlington      juniors develop leadership skills and meet fellow Hereford
                             High School. She will attend Oklahoma State University with a     juniors from around the country. This year FOL will be held
                             double major in animal science and agricultural                   on July 28 – 30 in Columbus, OH.
                             communications. Madison Katzenberger, Monroe, attends the            Junior members, parents and advisors from all parts of the
                             University of Wisconsin-Platteville majoring in animal science.   country participate in the event each year. During the three-
                                Scholarships are awarded each year at the Wisconsin Hereford   day event, close to 100 participants listen to nationally known
                             Association Annual Meeting. Applications will be due January      speakers and participate in junior board workshops, which
                             15, 2022. Three $800 scholarships are awarded each year to        assist in the enhancement of the individual's leadership talents,
                             WJHA members attending post-secondary education. Members          communication skills and beef industry knowledge.
                             are eligible to win a maximum of two times. One scholarship is       If you are a member of the WJHA and are interested in
                             funded by the Wisconsin Hereford Association and two              attending this year, please visit
                             scholarships are funded through the WJHA.                         or contact BJ Jones at for a scholarship
                                                                                               application. Applications are due May 15, 2021.

                             Scholarship Winners
                             (pictured left to right):
                             Dawson Firlus
                             Lauren Jones
                             Madison Katzenberger

J&J Polled Herefords
                Kim & Herb Johnson
                5891 E. Waterford Rd.
                Hartford, WI 53027

   Our 25th year producing quality
        registered Herefords!                               H Embroidered Caps H
                                                               Special Price: 12 caps for $15/each

                                                                    H Patch Hats H
                                                         A patch with your fam logo attached to the hat.
                                                         Patch can be embroidered or leather. Minimum
                                                       order of 25 hats. These are the HOT item right now!

     Breeding to produce sound, functional,
                                                        H Jackets, Vests, Hoodies H
maternally strong cattle that will work for you!                      Call to discuss all options.
Visitors welcome and seedstock always for sale!            We can design a logo for you if you don’t have one!
  Like us on Facebook for current happenings and for
                                                             Bruce: (715) 570-2037 • Cheryl: (715) 570-4889
      further news on our Fall 2021 Online Sale!


                             Donation Heifer Raises $7,000
                               The WJHA would like to thank Owego Stock Farm, the
                             family of the late Marvin Espenscheid , for donating OSF
                             Lady Sensation 452H to the Wisconsin Junior Hereford
                               Congratulations to Jamie Brill, Marytown, Wisc., on buying
                             the winning ticket! If you are interested in donating a heifer
                             for 2022, please contact any WJHA member or advisor BJ
                             Jones at 608-482-2961
                               Thanks to all who bought raffle tickets. $7,000 was raised!
                             Special recognition to our sponsors over $100, which include:

                                                     Gold Sponsors ($500 +)                                               Silver Sponsors ($499 - $250)
                                                      Storey Herefords                                                         Judith Schlieckau
                                                      Wildcat Cattle Co.                                                          Mary Maas

                                                                                       Bronze Sponsors ($249 - $100)
                                           Ben Babcock                                      Daniel & Rebecca Sina                            Mike Kloehn
                                       Justin Miklaszewski                                       Ed Wieners                            Next Generation Genetics
                                           Robert Peters                                     Nick Katzenberger                               Nicole Starr
                                         Jaden Jaice Maas                                        Heather Reu                               Perry Schroeder
                                           Josh Oleson                                         Jacob Bergman                                   Rob Ash
                                           Mark Byrum                                            John Dalton                                 Steve Merry
                                          Aaron Schuett                                          Josh Spaeth                                Steve Rortvedt
                                    Boettcher Brookview Acres                                   Karl Wittrout                             Thad Espenscheid
                                         Buddy Edenburn                                         Mason Miller                                   Tim Ault
                                C&B Herefords Bill and Cheryl Graber                         MAURA WIENERS

                             Market Place
                                                                                                          FOR SALE…Hoof trimming table and blocking chute for sale.
                                                                                                          Best offer. Contact Ruth Espenscheid: 608-543-3778

                                                                                                          FOR SALE…Easy calving, fertility tested bulls. Raised until
                             These ads are available free of charge to all members of the Wisconsin       weaning in rotational grazing system. Delivery available.
                                Hereford Association. Contact Jane Adolph at 815-244-5456 or              Whiskey Run Farms. Contact Hank:608-235-9417
                           to place your ad in the next issue.
                                                                                                          FOR SALE… Circuiteer II blower/dryer. Like new.

                               FOR SALE… Breeding Stock Cows & Heifers. Contact RGDA                      Contact Hank: 608-235-9417.
                               Cattle, Dan & Rebecca Sina: 920-229-2780 or 920-210-5036.
                               E-mail:                                           FOR SALE… Hereford Yearling Heifers and bred cows.
                                                                                                          Contact Rhiner Polled Herefords 608-445-1279.
                               FOR SALE… 3 year old Polled Hereford bull, sired by Leader.
                               Easy doing, gentle with high growth. GE EPDs and ready to                  FOR SALE… Yearling bulls, cows with heifer calves and bred
                               work. Contact Caleb Ahrens 608-346-9261.                                   heifers for sale. Contact Baker Polled Herefords, Bob: 262-
                                                                                                          903-0513 or Paul 262-742-3205.

Your Source for…
  Foundation Females,
   Quality Herd Sires
   and Club Calves!
          We welcome your visit.

  — Quality Built on Cow Families For 53 Years! —

Baker Polled Herefords
                  N7850 U.S. Hwy. 12 • Elkhorn, WI 53121
                Bob: (262) 903-0513 • Paul: (262) 742-3205


Queen’s Corner
                             Hello Wisconsin Hereford Association and Happy Spring!
                                I am honored and excited to introduce myself, Jordan Renn, as
                             your 2021 Wisconsin Hereford Queen. A little about me, I am
                             from Hartland, WI, which is located in the southeast part of the
                             state. My parents are Jim and Kari Renn. We run a cow/calf
                             operation with my grandfather, Dave Morris, which has been in
                             the family for 77 years. Our herd consists of 45 cow/calf pairs,
                             made up of purebred Herefords and commercial cattle. We also
                             specialize in feeding our own steers to sell as boxed beef. I am
                             currently a freshman at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls
                             where I am pursuing a degree in Agriculture Business. I have
                             thoroughly enjoyed all I have learned so far. I look forward to
                             seeing you this summer as I represent our bred, our state and make
                             a run to be the next National Hereford Queen!
                                I am honored to serve alongside this year’s Wisconsin royalty
                             which includes Hannah Oleson, Arkdale, is serving as a Wisconsin
                             Hereford Princess. We are excited to have two Wisconsin
                             Hereford Sweethearts, Bianca Bevan and Charlie Kent.
                                I look forward to networking with you all! I can’t wait to meet
                                                                                                  Back Row: Marie Prodell, 2020 WHA Queen, Hannah Oleson, WHA Princess,
                             all my fellow Hereford enthusiasts and promoting our wonderful
                                                                                                                      Jordan Renn, 2021 WHA Queen.
                             Hereford breed! If you would like to have one of the Royalty
                                                                                                  Front Row: Bianca Bevan, WHA Sweetheart, Charlie Kent, WHA Sweetheart
                             attend an event please contact Nicky Folkman at 262-622-3756 or
                                                                                  — Jordan Renn

WJHA News            Junior Hereford Breeders Sponsor Open Jackpot Show
                                The Wisconsin Junior Hereford Association (WJHA) is
                                                                                                            The       Wisconsin Review
                                                                                                            A publication of the Wisconsin Hereford Association

                                                                                                     The Advertising Rates and Deadlines for 2021
                                                                                                       Advertising Deadline
                                                                                                        January 18, 2021
                                                                                                         April 19, 2021
                                                                                                                                                              Mailing Date
                                                                                                                                                             February 8, 2021
                                                                                                                                                              May 10, 2021
                             sponsoring the WJHA Open Jackpot Show on June 5-6, 2021 at                 July 19, 2021                                    August 2, 2021
                             the Jefferson County Fairgrounds, Jefferson, Wisconsin. The                November 15, 2021                                   December 6, 2021
                             WJHA Open Jackpot Show will be held on the same weekend as
                             the Wisconsin Livestock Breeder’s Association (WLBA) Spring                                      Advertising Rates:
                             Preview Show. As this is an open show, exhibitors of all ages are       Back Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$260
                             eligible to enter cattle in the jackpot show.                           Inside Back Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$230
                                The WLBA Spring Preview Show will be held Sunday                     Inside Front Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$230
                             morning, June 6. The WJHA Junior Preview Show, which is                 Full Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$190
                             limited to WJHA members, will be held on Saturday in                    Half Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$110
                             conjunction with the WLBA show. Cattle may arrive Saturday              Quarter Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 70
                                                                                                     Eighth Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 45
                             night June 5 and must be stalled at their trailer. You will also need
                                                                                                     Sixteenth Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 30
                             to bring your own source of electrical power.                           Breeders Directory, 4 issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100
                                After the WLBA Hereford Show in the morning, The WJHA
                             Open Jackpot Show will take place in the afternoon. Note this is
                             open to all junior and adult breeders and you can arrive Sunday                        For all your advertising needs, contact:
                             morning if you would like. There will be classes for steers, bulls,
                             cow/calves, heifers, showmanship and a special showmanship                               Jane Adolph, Editor
                             class for youth under the age of seven. Champion heifers and
                             steers will be eligible for a $100 jackpot with $920 in total                             Phone/Fax: (815) 244-5456
                             premiums to be awarded.                                                             18541 Slick Road, Mt. Carroll, IL 61053
                                For more information visit or                              Email:
                             contact BJ Jones, WJHA Advisor, at 608-482-2961 or by email,

                             WHA Steer Jackpot Offered at State Fair
                                The Wisconsin Hereford Association is sponsoring a Jackpot
                             Steer Show class at the Wisconsin State Fair for Wisconsin-bred
                             steers by WHA or WJHA members.
                                Premiums include $500 for champion steer, $250 for reserve,
                             $150 for third, $100 for fourth, $75 for fifth. All steers will
                             receive a $25 premium for participating.
                                All eligible steers must be nominated by June 12, 2021, by the
                             breeder of the steer, who will submit a $25 nomination fee (cap
                             of $100 per breeder) to Kermit Rhiner, Jackpot Steer
                             Coordinator, W5538 Richards Rd, Poynette, WI 53955. Checks
                             should be made payable to the WHA. All eligible steers
                             nominated by the breeder for the Jackpot Show must also be
                             entered by the exhibitor, who will submit an entry form, along
                             with a $20 entry fee, to Kermit Rhiner at above address. For
                             questions, contact Kermit Rhiner (608) 445-1279.

                                    “Come Home To Hereford”
                                     Stay up to date with Wisconsin Hereford News!

                                     Visit us online at
                                                 or follow us on Facebook
Scenes from WHA Spring Sale

                                                                      P    Hillside Oaks Farm
                                                                                        — Plain, WI —
                             N8804 Highview Road • Ixonia, WI 53036
                                    Paul & Lisa Davis:
                                      Follow us on Facebook!          E           608-697-3597 • 608-697-9633
                                                                      E              Kari and Jim Renn
                                                                             4207 Campbell Trail • Hartland, WI 53029
                                                                          Jim Cell: 414-217-7366 • Kari Cell: 414-614-4537

                                                                          THE LIETZAU FAMILY
                             Prodell’s MKP                            E

                              — Livestock —                           E                  Harold & Connie
                                                                      D       7477 Iband Ave • Sparta WI 54656
                                       Marie Prodell                                   Cell: 608-633-2875
                             N7145 Pleasant Rd. • Algoma, WI 54201
                                                                      R         Taylor & Ty              Tory & Michelle
                                     (920) 255-3993                        Cell: 608-487-0015        Jadon, Devon & Jocelyn
         Dan Irwin: (815) 266-1300
   1709 Summit Drive • Stockton, IL 61085
                                                                   O    W8838 Richards Rd. • Poynette, WI 53955
                                                                             Kermit’s Cell: (608) 445-1279
 Located four miles west of Stockton, Illinois off U. S. Hwy. 20
     POLLED                                                        R
   — Kids, Cows & Calves are our Passion —
Scott, Michelle,
                                    Home: 920.892.6742
Alisha & Danica Klemme         Michelle cell: 920.901.7373
N6236 STATE ROAD 57               Scott cell: 920.980.0998
PLYMOUTH, WI 53073   Email:
         BAKER’S                                                   I
         Polled Herefords
                                  N7850 U.S. Hwy. 12               V
                                   Elkhorn, WI 53121
                                  Bob: (262) 903-0513
                                  Paul: (262) 742-3205
            Your visit is always appreciated!

                 LEMAR                                             B
           Polled Herefords
                      — Since 1968 —
             Emmett & Margaret Langness
   932-140th Avenue • New Richmond, WI 54017
       (715) 246-5464 • Cell: (715) 781-7056
       Richard & Laura Matthews: (715) 781-0927
         61-3rd Ave. • Clear Lake, WI 54005                        E

      Koens Polled Herefords
               Eric and Sue Koens                                  E
      W13075 Christianson Rd. • Bruce, WI 54819

                  (715) 868-4442
                                                                              Michael and Melissa Berggren
         Breeding Stock For Sale Private Treaty
                                                                       Phillip, Michel, Edward and Westen Dahnert
                                                                   S        N4674 St. Helena Rd. • Juneau, WI 53039
                                                                                  Melissa’s cell: 414.550.5114

Kevin L. Stork
                                                                               P                                               715.381-3770

                                                                                                                              1569 Co. Rd. A
                                                                               O                                             New Richmond, WI

                                                                                                          Visitors Always Welcome!
                                                                               E   Travis Parman                                         18180 County Rd G
                                     N540 Geier Rd. • Woneowc, WI 53968            Office: 855-435-9545                                  Belmont, WI 53510
                                  Dawson: 608-847-3530 • Scott: 608-350-9661       Cell: 608-574-3592                  

                                                        Jeff and Jenny White
                                                          E3057 550th Ave.
                                                                               B        Stelter Farms, LLC
                                                        Menomonie, WI 54751
                                                                               R                  Polled Herefords | Black Herefords
                                                          Jeff: 715-556-0526
                                                                                                          715-570-5960 • 715-570-2909
                                                         Jenny: 715-308-4949
                                                                 Email:                        W10316 County Road Y • Wautoma, WI 54982

                             W1018 SPRING PRAIRIE RD.                          E
                             BURLINGTON, WI 53105                                                                                        .com
                                                                               R               Registered Polled Herefords
                                                                                        N8494 110th St. • Spring Valley, WI 54767
                                                                               S                 Fred: (715) 772-4680

                                                                                      October 10, 2021
                                                                                          Endeavor, Wisconsin

Maternal Power Like Never Before!
              Featuring proven mature dams,
      very attractive breds and calves with potential!
 MGM dams have produced 1st or 2nd high selling bulls in the
 WHA Sale 17 of the last 19 years, even after they were sold!

        MGM JMP 15E Grand Trust 25G,
        second high selling bull, 2021 WHA Sale.
         Congratulations to JonDor Herefords.
        His DAM was purchased in our 2019 Sale.                           Next Generation Genetics have had 6 class winners in the last 4 JNHE!
                                                                             Blake Brancel pictured here with her TWO JNHE class winners!

                                                                                                   Featuring Progeny and Service of…
        Good Bulls Come From Great Dams…
   Selling in October the dams of the WHA State Sale high sellers in 2019 and 2020.

                                                     MGM HYFA Hereford Girl 37Z
                                                     Dam of the high selling lot in the
                                                     2019 WHA State Sale
                                                                                                       Birdwell Vanguard 5022 9377 • P44021997
                                                                                                           CE 7.3 • BW 1.1 • WW 66 • YW 100
                                                                                                            REA 0.90 • Marb 0.65 • CHB $171

 MGM 719T Liberty Girl 36C
        Dam of the high selling lot                                                                        Next Gen 322 Bolt 29 • P44008712
       in the 2020 WHA State Sale                                                                         CE -4.3 • BW 4.5 • WW 71 • YW 107
                                                                                                           REA 0.66 • Marb -0.04 • CHB $111
                                                                                                      Semen Available on both these sires!

                                   Steve Merry:                                                            Tod, Sondra, Blake and Bryce Brancel
                                  414-881-5274                                                                     Ben and Gail Brancel
                                                                          Tod: 608-697-9026 • Sondra: 608-617-5949
                             Matt Merry: 608-617-9069                                           
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