Page created by James Rios
19th - 22nd JUNE, 2022


Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Gd. Pusat Kehutanan Manggala Wanabakti, Jl. Gatot Subroto No.2, Jakarta Pusat
Table of Contents

1.  Introduction
2.  General Information
3.  Workshop
4.  Meeting Schedule
5.  Excursion / Site Visit
6.  Delegation Registration and Composition
7.  Accommodation
8.  Health Protocol and Travel Preparations
    8.1 Entering Indonesia
    8.2 Health Measure Preparation Prior to Departure
    8.3 G20 Fast Track Facilities
    8.4 On-arrival COVID-19 Testing
    8.5 Entering the Working Group
    8.6 During the Working Group
    8.7 Leaving Indonesia
    8.8 Pre-departure Testing Availability
9. Transportation
10. Meals
11. Conference Cost
12. Working Language
13. Liaison Officer
14. Bilateral Meetings
15. Photocopy, Printing Facilities, and Viewing Room
16. Prayer Room
17. Photography and Videography
18. Important Dates and Process
19. Health Services
20. Useful Information
21. Virtual Meeting Format
22. Form Templates
23. Annexes
1. Introduction

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry is honored to welcome you to the 2nd
Environment Deputies Meeting-Climate Sustainability Working Group
(EDM-CSWG) Meeting, Workshops, and Excursion to be held on 19th – 22nd June
2022 in the City of Jakarta, Indonesia. This Administrative Circular is intended to
provide delegates and participants with information on the logistical
arrangements and other general information. Delegates and participants may
contact the following email address for further questions regarding this meeting:
    1. secretariat-edmcswg@g20-indonesia.id        (EDM-CSWG        Secretariat   -
       Technical and Logistical Queries)
    2. edm.moef@g20-indonesia.id (EDM - Substantive Queries)
    3. moef.climatechange@g20-indonesia.id (CSWG - Substantive Queries)

Information in this Administrative Circular is current as of 18th May 2022; however,
this is subject to change. Any changes to the program will be communicated

2. General Information

Meeting Name        : 2nd Environment Deputies Meeting–Climate Sustainability
                    Working Group (EDM-CSWG) Meeting
Date                : 19th – 22nd June 2022
Meeting Venue       : Shangri-La Hotel Jakarta
                      Phone: +62-21-2922 9999, Fax: +62-21-2922 9900
                      Email: slj@shangri-la.com
                      Kota BNI, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.1, Jakarta, 10220, Indonesia.

3. Workshop

Preceding the EDM-CSWG Meeting, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry is
organizing a series of side events, including the G20 Peatland Workshop (EDM
Event) and CSWG Workshops. For further details, please refer to the following
agenda as indicated in UTC+7 (Western Indonesian Time):
Provisional Agenda
    The Second Environment Deputies Meeting and Climate Sustainability
                 Working Group (2nd EDM-CSWG) Meeting
                 19th June 2022 - Shangri La Hotel Jakarta

Sunday, 19th June 2022
Time            EDM-CSWG Family Bike: “Reducing Emission Towards Clean
                Air Cities”.

                On the occasion of the second EDM-CSWG meeting, we
                proudly announced that we will conduct an event in
                collaboration with the Bike to Work Organization themed
                "EDM-CSWG Family Bike: Reducing Emission Toward Clean Air
                Cities". This event will be held in order to give a concrete
                action and example to the community to promote non
                motorized vehicles to reduce vehicle emission as well as
                promoting healthy lifestyle.

06.00 – 06.15   ● All Participant assembly in the lobby hotel Shangri-La
                ● Preparation and distributing bicycle to delegates

06.15 – 06.30   Warming Up

06.30 – 07.10   ● Opening Remarks from
                  Co-Chair EDM-CSWG
                ● Remarks from BtW
                ● Biking to the Taman
                  Suropati/Taman Menteng*       *to be confirmed

07.10 – 07.25   Media DoorStop and Photo

07.25 – 08.25   Breakfast and Music

08.25 – 09.00   Back to Shangri La Hotel
                EDM Event: G20 Workshop on      CSWG Workshop
                Topic : Knowledge Exchange
                and lesson learnt on
                development of peatland
                characteristic mapping,
                monitoring, and reporting for
                the achievement of
                conservation and sustainable
management of peatland
09.00 – 09:30   Registration at Meeting Venue       Registration at Meeting Venue
09:30 – 09:45   Introduction                        Introduction
                Opening Remarks: EDM Chair          Opening Remarks: CSWG
                (Indonesia)                         Chair (Indonesia)
                Opening Remarks by the Troika       Opening Remarks by the
                (Italy and India)                   Troika (Italy and India)
09:45 – 10:15   Keynote Speech                      SESSION I –
                Presentation on recent global       Presentation of Study on the
                study on managing peatland          role of mitigation-adaptation
                ecosystems.                         co-benefits for creating a
                                                    more resilient future for all
                Tentative Keynote Speaker
                                                    ​Response by participants,
                ● GPI – UNEP: Conservation           started by the Troika
                  and Sustainable
                  Management of Peatland
                  Ecosystem and its important
                  role to reduce land
                  degradation, biodiversity loss,
                  and climate change
10:15 – 10:30   Coffee Break.                       SESSION II –
                                                    Presentation of Study on
                                                    strengthening action and
                                                    partnership for sustainable
                                                    ocean initiatives.
                                                    ​Response by participants,
                                                     started by the Troika
10:30 – 11:30   SESSION I – Presentation on          SESSION III –
                Issues & Case Study                  Presentation of Study on
                Moderator : IFAD                     accelerating NDC
                                                     Implementation and
                ● UNCCD: Reducing land               sustainable transition towards
                  degradation and halting            low GHG emission and climate
                  biodiversity in terrestrial and    resilience future through
                  marine ecosystem                   utilizing economic value of
                ● Ministry of Environment            ​Response by participants,
                  and Forestry (MoEF),                started by the Troika
                  Indonesia: Developing
                  Integrated Policy and
                  Implementation on Peatland
                  Ecosystem Characteristic
                  Inventory and Mapping,
National and Provincial
                  Peatland Protection and
                  Management Plan and
                  Monitoring System for
                  Peatland Ecosystem

                Participants are encouraged
                to discuss with the speakers
                and allowed to give inputs and
11:30 – 13:00   Lunch Break                       Lunch Break

13:00 – 16:00   SESSION II – Science Based        Conclusions
                and Technology for Measuring      Closing Remarks and Next
                indicator in Peatland             Steps
                 ● Hans Joosten, Greifswald
                   Mire Center – IPCC Panel
                   Experts: Science and
                   Technology for Peatland
                   Ecosystem Characteristic
                   Inventory and Mapping, and
                   Monitoring System for
                   Peatland Ecosystem
                 ● Food and Agriculture
                   Organization (FAO):
                   Peatland Ecosystem
                   Inventory, Mapping,
                   Monitoring, and Reporting to
                   Support Global Achievement
                   on Conservation and
                   Sustainable Management of
                   Peatland Ecosystem
                 ● International Tropical
                   Peatland Center (ITPC): The
                   center of excellence for
                   development of knowledge
                   exchange on Peatland
                   Ecosystem Inventory,
                   Mapping, Monitoring, and
                   Reporting to Support Global
                   Achievement on
                   Conservation and Sustainable
                   Management of Peatland

                Participants are encouraged
                to discuss with the speakers
                and allowed to give inputs and
16:00 - 16.30   Conclusions
                Closing Remarks and Next
4. Meeting Schedule

UTC+7 (Western Indonesian Time)

                              Provisional Agenda
    The Second Environment Deputies Meeting and Climate Sustainability
                 Working Group (2nd EDM-CSWG) Meeting
               20th - 21st June 2022 - Shangri La Hotel Jakarta

Day 1           Monday, 20th June 2022

08:30 – 09:15   Registration at Meeting Venue

Joint Session EDM-CSWG Opening Plenary

09:30 – 09:45   Introduction by Chair + Co-Chair
                Opening remarks by Chair (DG of Climate Change)

09:45 – 10:00   Remarks by the Troika members: Italy and India

10:00 – 10:15   Introduction to the EDM-CSWG processes

10:15 – 10:45   HoD Family photo + Break

Parallel Session – EDM                  Parallel Session – CSWG

Communique Drafting Session             Presentation on Topic 1:

10:45 – 11:00   Chapeau to the          10:45 – 12:15   Presentation of Study on
                Communique                              the role of
                Drafting Session by                     mitigation-adaptation
                the EDM Chair                           co-benefits for creating a
                                                        more resilient future for
Topic 1: Land Degradation                               all.
                                                        G20 Members and
11:00 – 12:15   G20 Members,                            invitees’ discussion based
                invitees and                            on the guiding questions
                international                           on the Concept Note
                organization                            (3’each – one intervention
                discussion on the                       per delegation)
                EDM elements of the
                Draft 0 Communique
                (2’ each by request –
                one intervention per

12:15 – 13:30   Lunch Break             12:15 – 13:30   Lunch Break
Topic 2: Halting Biodiversity Loss      Presentation on Topic 2:

13:30 – 14:45   G20 Members,
                invitees and            13:30 – 15:00   Presentation of Study on
                international                           strengthening action and
                organization                            partnership for
                discussion on the                       sustainable ocean
                EDM elements of the                     initiatives.
                Draft 0 Communique                      G20 Members and
                (2’ each by request –                   invitees’ discussion based
                one intervention per                    on the guiding questions
                delegation)                             on the Concept Note
                                                        (3’each – one intervention
Topic 3: Marine Litter                                  per delegation)

14:45 – 16:00   G20 Members,
                invitees and
                discussion on the
                EDM elements of the
                Draft 0 Communique
                (2’ each by request –
                one intervention per

16:00 – 16:15   Break                   15:00 - 15:15   Break

Topic 4: Integrated and Sustainable     Presentation on Topic 3:
Water Management

16:15 – 17:30   G20 Members,            15:15 – 16:45   Presentation of Study on
                invitees and                            accelerating NDC
                international                           Implementation and
                organization                            sustainable transition
                discussion on the                       towards low GHG
                EDM elements of the                     emission and climate
                Draft 0 Communique                      resilience future through
                (2’ each by request –                   utilizing economic value
                one intervention per                    of carbon.
                delegation)                             G20 Members and
                                                        invitees’ discussion based
                                                        on the guiding questions
                                                        on the Concept Note
                                                        (3’each – one intervention
                                                        per delegation)
16:45 – 17:15   Wrap up 1st Day

18:00 – 19:30   Welcoming Dinner at Shangri-La Hotel for HoD+1

DAY 2, Tuesday 21st June 2022

Parallel Session – EDM                  Parallel Session – CSWG

Communique Drafting Session             Skeleton and Building Blocks

Topic 5                                 Topic 1
Sustainable Finance                     The role of mitigation-adaptation
                                        co-benefits for creating a more resilient
                                        future for all

09:00 – 10:15   G20 Members,            09:00 – 10:15   G20 Members, invitees
                invitees and                            and international
                international                           organization discussion
                organization                            on the skeleton and
                discussion on the                       building blocks (2’ each
                EDM elements of the                     by request – one
                Draft 0 Communique                      intervention per
                (2’ each by request –                   delegation)
                one intervention per

Topic 6                                 Topik 2
Ocean Conservation                      Strengthening action and partnership for
                                        sustainable ocean initiatives

10:15 – 11:30   G20 Members,            10:15 – 11:30   G20 Members, invitees
                invitees and                            and international
                international                           organization discussion
                organization                            on the skeleton and
                discussion on the                       building blocks (2’ each
                EDM elements of the                     by request – one
                Draft 0 Communique                      intervention per
                (2’ each by request –                   delegation)
                one intervention per

Topic 7                                 Topic 3
Resource Efficiency and Circular        accelerating NDC Implementation and
Economy                                 sustainable transition towards low GHG
                                        emission and climate resilience future
through utilizing economic value of

11:30 – 12:45   G20 Members,            11:30 – 12:45   G20 Members, invitees
                invitees and                            and international
                international                           organization discussion
                organization                            on the skeleton and
                discussion on the                       building blocks (2’ each
                EDM elements of the                     by request – one
                Draft 0 Communique                      intervention per
                (2’ each by request –                   delegation)
                one intervention per

12:45 – 13:45   Lunch Break

13:45 – 15:30   Any Other Business

Joint Session EDM-CSWG Concluding Plenary

15:30 – 16:15   Feedback from Parallel Sessions by the Co-Chairs

16:15 – 16:30   Concluding remarks by the troika members: Italy and India
                Concluding remarks by the Co-Chairs

Delegation Dinner and Cultural Show
18:30 – 20.00 at Shangri La Hotel Jakarta
Day 3           Wednesday, 22nd June 2022

Time                                          Location

07.00 - 19.30                          (sites to be decided)

5. Excursion / Site Visit (Optional)
On 22nd June 2022 start 07.00 to 19.30 Indonesia times, The Ministry of
Environment and Forestry will organize an excursion/site visit to immerse
delegates participating with West Javanese and Betawi culture, traditional
cuisine, natural attractions, and unforgettable tourism experience, with several
options as follow:

a. Antam-Pongkor Location
        In early 2014, LLC Antam Pongkor’s environmental restoration efforts
focused on the application of responsibility and good practice mining principles,
namely practicing good and responsible mining that not only benefits the
environment but also the community around the company. This step begins by
inviting, “gembong” and “gurandil”, nicknames for illegal miners who carry out
illegal mining activities that are non-environmentally friendly through the
        Local Champions were invited to carry-out a few programmes. The first one
is Ciguha river restoration (where the location is close to a polluted location with
high levels of mercury content) through the concept of eco riparian. The second
one is land restoration through revegetation of native plants of Mount Halimun
Salak National Park (TNGHS) in collaboration with the National Park Authority. LLC
Antam Pongkor’s location not only provides an attractive location (eco riparian
and biological garden), but also a Mining Museum as an education for
underground mining and the gold exploration process that is environmentally
sound and sustainable to the community.
        Gurandil has been educated to be a local champion. Local champions serve
as liaisons and facilitators that can effectively bridge the gap between company
interests and community development needs to shift livelihoods. This effort
strikes a balance between environmental restoration and improving the role of
the community which was previously considered disturbing or destructive and is
now involved as a party that contributes in restoring the environment with the
importance that livelihoods are still available.
b. Museum Tambang (Mining Museum)
       Antam is also developing the Pongkor Mining Museum facility which
functions as an educational facility. People who visit are invited to enter the cave
where the mining is located and see firsthand how the gold mining process is
carried out. Through this facility, it is hoped that the community will understand
how gold is produced and understand how the gold exploration process is
environmentally sound and sustainable.

c. Eco Riparian Location
       Eco Riparian Ciguha is evidence of the collaboration between Antam
Pongkor and the Community Cares for the Environment coordinated by Local
Champion. The river that used to be cloudy and smells bad because of the
excessive use of cyanide in the gold refining process by the people, has now
turned into a clean, beautiful area, and a location for freshwater fish.
d. Kebun Raya Bogor (Bogor Botanical Garden)
       At first this garden will only be used as an experimental garden for
plantation crops that will be introduced in the Dutch East Indies. But in its
development the establishment of the Bogor Botanical Gardens can be said to
have started the development of science in Indonesia and as a forum for
scientists, especially in the field of botany in Indonesia, in an organized manner at
that time (1880-1905). From here, several other scientific institutions were born,
such as Bibliotheca Bogoriensis (1842), Herbarium Bogoriense (1844), Cibodas
Botanical Gardens (1860), Treub Laboratory (1884), and Museum and Zoology
Laboratory (1894).

e. Istana Bogor (Bogor Presidential Palace)
       Bogor Palace is one of the six Presidential Palaces of the Republic of
Indonesia which has its own uniqueness due to its historical, cultural and faunal
aspects. One of them is the existence of deer which are imported directly from
Nepal and have been preserved from the past until now. As the name suggests,
this palace is located in Bogor, West Java.
       Currently, it has become a cultural trend for residents of Bogor and its
surroundings every Saturday, Sunday, and other holidays to walk around the
Bogor Palace while feeding the beautiful deer that live in the courtyard of the
Bogor Palace with carrots obtained from traditional local farmers. Bogor, which is
always ready to sell these carrots every holiday.
Now the Bogor Palace is used as the residence of President Joko Widodo
as well as to welcome guests from other countries. However, the general public is
allowed to visit in groups, with prior permission from the Secretary of State, c.q.
Head of the Presidential Household.

f. Desa Bambu (Bamboo Village)
       The Undagi Jatnika Nagamiharja bamboo house is located at Bumi
Cibinong Endah Jalan Sarikaya Blok E3 No 1, Sukahati Village, Cibinong, Bogor
Regency, West Java. This house is a residence as well as a workshop as well as a
bamboo "museum" belonging to Jatnika.
       Currently, Jatnika has built more than 3,000 bamboo houses in Indonesia
and abroad. There are several types of bamboo houses that he usually builds,
namely, traditional, semi-permanent, modified, and collection types.
       The traditional type of bamboo house is made entirely of bamboo with
thatched roofs. If semi-permanent use ceramic floors and or from tile. The
bathroom uses brick walls. While the type of house modification is permanent
but modified to make it look traditional made of bamboo. The last is the type of
collection, namely a house that uses rare, special, and unique types of bamboo.
g. The Jakarta History Museum - Old Town Jakarta
       The Jakarta History Museum (Indonesian: Museum Sejarah Jakarta), also
known as Fatahillah Museum or Batavia Museum, is located in the Old Town
(known as Kota Tua) of Jakarta, Indonesia. The building was built in 1710 as the
Stadhuis (city hall) of Batavia. Jakarta History Museum opened in 1974 and
displays objects from the prehistory period of the city region, the founding of
Jayakarta in 1527, and the Dutch colonization period from the 16th century until
Indonesia's Independence in 1945.
       The museum is located on the south side of Fatahillah Square (former
Batavia city square) near Wayang Museum and Fine Art and Ceramic Museum.
The building is believed to be modeled after Dam Palace.
       The building where the museum is established was formerly the city hall of
Batavia, the Stadhuis. The first Stadhuis was finalized in 1627 in the location of the
present building. The construction of this building was continued in 1649. In 1707,
the building was renovated as a whole, which resulted in the present building.
Several features of the present building came from this year, including the portico.
The renovation was completed in 1710 and the building was inaugurated by
Governor General Abraham van Riebeeck as the administrative headquarter of
the Dutch East India Company.
h. Wayang Museum - Old Town Jakarta
       The Wayang Museum (Indonesian: Museum Wayang) is a museum
dedicated to Javan wayang puppetry. The museum is located in Kota Tua, Jakarta,
Indonesia. It is one of several museums and galleries facing the Fatahillah Square,
which include Jakarta History Museum, Fine Art and Ceramic Museum, and Kota
Post Office art gallery.
       The museum building occupies the site of a church which was built in 1640,
under the name of the Old Dutch Church (Dutch: De Oude Hollandsche Kerk).In
1732, the church was renovated and the name was changed into the New Dutch
Church (Dutch: De Nieuwe Hollandsche Kerk). In 1808, an earthquake destroyed
the church. Later in 1912, a building was constructed in the Neo-Renaissance style
on the site, which initially functioned as a warehouse belonging to Geo Wehry &
Co. In 1938, the building was renovated, following Dutch colonial architecture. The
garden of the Wayang Museum, located in the former yard of the Dutch church,
was the funeral site of General Governor Jan Pieterszoon Coen.
       Later, the building was bought by the Batavia Society of Arts and Sciences
(Dutch: Bataviasche Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen), an institution
dealing with Indonesian culture and science. The institution then transferred this
building to the Old Batavia Foundation (Dutch: Stichting Oud Batavia) and on
December 22, 1939, it was made a museum under the name of Old Batavia
Museum (Dutch: Oude Bataviasche Museum). In 1957, after the independence of
Indonesia, the building was transferred to the Institute of Indonesian Culture
(Indonesian: Lembaga Kebudayaan Indonesia) and on September 17, 1962, to the
Ministry of Education and Culture. On June 23, 1968, the DKI Jakarta
Administration made the building into the Wayang Museum; the inauguration
took place on August 13, 1975.
      The museum has a collection of various kinds of wayang, such as the
Javanese wayang kulit and Sundanese wayang golek. Inside the museum is the
plate marking the tombstone of Jan Pieterszoon Coen. A wayang theater and a
workshop of wayang-making are periodically organized in the museum.

I. Muara Angke Wildlife Reserve
       Muara Angke mangrove forest and wildlife sanctuary is a protected nature
conservation area at Kapuk Muara, Penjaringan along the north coast of Jakarta,
Indonesia. Muara Angke Wildlife Sanctuary is located at the end of Muara Karang
Raya street, near Mediterranean Gallery shopping complex.
       Muara Angke Wildlife Sanctuary was protected since the colonial rule of
the Dutch Indies on June 17, 1939, covering an area of 15.04 ha. During the 1960s,
the conservation area was expanded to 1,344.62 hectares. Later, because of
human pressure and environmental destruction within and around the national
park, some of the mangrove forest areas were destroyed.
       On February 28, 1988, the area was declared a Nature Reserve (25.4 ha). In
November 1998, the status of this area changed to Wildlife Sanctuary or Suaka
Margasatwa (25.02 ha).[2] Muara Angke Wildlife Sanctuary is listed as one of the
important bird sanctuary in Java, protecting bird species such as milky stork and
the endemic Sunda coucal. Muara Angke Wildlife Sanctuary is currently facing
issues such as mangrove cutting, water pollution (especially in Angke River), and
settlements development at the edge of the area.
       There are about 30 species of plants recorded and 11 of them are true
mangrove species in the mangrove forest. The true mangrove species include the
bakau ( Rhizophora mucronata, R. apiculata ), api-api ( Avicennia spp.), pidada (
Sonneratia caseolaris ), and buta-buta ( Excoecaria agallocha ). Several types of
mangrove associates can also be found in this area such as ketapang ( Terminalia
catappa ) and nipah ( Nypa fruticans ). In addition to the above types, there are
also several types of trees planted for reforestation. For example tamarind (
Tamarindus indica ), bintaro ( Cerbera manghas ), akasia ( Acacia auriculiformis ),
nyamplung ( Calophyllum inophyllum ), putut ( Bruguiera gymnorrhiza ), and
waru ( Hibiscus tiliaceus ).
J. Setu Babakan - Betawi Cultural Village
       Setu Babakan or Situ Babakan is a cultural heritage site located in
Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa sub-district, South Jakarta. Situ means 'lake' in
Sundanese, while Babakan means 'new village' and indeed the village of Situ
Babakan is flanked by two lakes.
       In 2004, this area was made the Betawi Village Center along with the 474th
Anniversary of DKI because there are still many original Betawi villages in this
area. This cultural heritage area covers 165 hectares, consisting of the People's
Garden, the Betawi community village and the two lakes that flank this village.
       Communities in this area develop agricultural and fishery businesses as
well as help in reforestation efforts in the Situ Babakan area. In addition, in this
area you can also witness the daily activities of local people such as fish cultivation
in cages along the outskirts of the lake, fishing, farming, trading, making
handicrafts and making Betawi specialties such as dodol Betawi and Bir pletok.
       In addition, in this area, Betawi arts events are often held such as Cokek
Dance, Mask Dance, Lenong and Ondel-ondel on an open stage every Saturday
and Sunday. At this event, visitors are usually able to interact in the
implementation of these events, such as dancing or commenting on the lenong
players in action.

6. Delegation Registration and Composition
All delegates attending the 2nd EDM-CSWG Meeting must be accredited by the
G20 Presidency. All delegations are required to be registered for the meeting in
advance by a Delegation Accreditation Officer (DAO). The DAO shall be
nominated by filling out the DAO Registration Form before 27th May 2022 via
email to secretariat-edmcswg@g20-indonesia.id.

An Access Key will be sent to the nominated DAO to register all members of the
delegation at www.g20.org before 31st May 2022. DAO is also requested to upload
delegations' full itinerary, hotel booking confirmation, dietary requirements, and
indicate their participation in the excursion/site visit.

Please note that each delegation shall not consist of more than five persons
including the Head of Delegations (HoD) and two other delegates for G20
Countries. For invitees and international organizations, delegations shall not
consist of more than two persons, which are the HoD and one other delegate.
Access to the venue and conference room will be limited to only the persons
indicated in the table below.

 Number of delegates to be
                                         HoD (1) + 4 additional members

 Number of delegates to enter the
                                         HoD (1) + 2 delegates
 main room

 Total members for G20 countries         5 persons

 Number of invitees to be registered     HoD (1) + 1 delegate

 Number of the representatives of
                                         2 persons
 international organization

 Total members for invitees and
                                         2 persons
 international organization

For members that cannot enter the main conference room, a separate viewing
room will be available for delegates to observe the meeting.

7. Accommodation
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry has collaborated with Shangri-La Hotel
Jakarta and the Santika Premiere Jakarta as the designated hotels and offer
special rates for the delegates and participants of the 2nd EDM-CSWG Meeting.
All designated hotels have met the logistic, health, and security requirements of
the G20 Presidency.
Hotel Name          : Shangri-La Hotel Jakarta, Indonesia
Website             : http://shangri-la.com
Address             : Kota BNI, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.Kav. 1, Karet Tengsin,
                      Kecamatan Tanah Abang, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus
                      Ibukota Jakarta 10220
Special Rate        : Rp 2,300,000 net/pax ($ 156.83)
                      (Breakfast and dinner included)
Access to the Hotel : Soekarno-Hatta International Airport to Shangri-La Hotel
Total distance      : 28.2 Km / 17.5 Miles
Estimated time      : 39 Minutes

Hotel Name        : Santika Premiere Hotel Jakarta
Website           : http://www.santika.com
Address           : Jl. Aipda K.S. Tubun No.7 Slipi, Jakarta
Special Rate      : Rp 805,000 net/pax ($ 54.89)
                   (Breakfast and dinner included)
Access to Venue   : Soekarno-Hatta International Airport to Santika Premiere
                    Hotel Jakarta
                            Total distance    : 26 Km / 16.15 Miles
                            Estimated time    : 28 minutes
8. Health Protocol and Travel Preparations
   8.1 Entering Indonesia
       To ensure an optimal level of services and health protocols, delegates are
       strongly advised to enter Indonesia via Jakarta on 17th – 18th June 2022.

     All individuals entering Indonesia from abroad are required to obtain a visa
     to enter Indonesia. The following information is required to apply:
      1. Identification with nationality information (e.g., copy of passport);
      2. Reason for the stay in Indonesia, length of stay, and accommodation
      3. Proof of arrival in Indonesia (e.g., ticket or accommodation booking).

     The necessary documents must be submitted in English. As collective safety
     is our priority, it is mandatory that all meeting participants have their
     vaccine certificate verified at http://vaksinln.dto.kemkes.go.id/ or to present it
     on arrival.

  8.2 Health Measure Preparation Prior to Departure
      To ensure utmost health journey, the following are health measures to
      prepare prior to departure:

     1) Verify a valid COVID-19 vaccine certificate.
        Participants      must      verify    their      vaccine     certificate   at
        http://vaksinln.dto.kemkes.go.id/ prior to departure to Indonesia.
        Information of vaccination (e.g., vaccination certificate with details of the
        holder, administered vaccines, the institution that performed the
        vaccination, date of last vaccination, number of doses received, existing
        certificate if applicable) will be required. It is highly recommended that
        this procedure is attempted 15 days prior to departure.
        In addition to this process, participants will also need to submit a valid
        negative COVID-19 PCR test result taken 48 hours prior to the departure
        to Indonesia.

     2) Install PeduliLindungi tracing application and register in electronic
        Health Alert Card (eHAC).
        Upon verifying the vaccine certificate, information regarding vaccination
        history and COVID status will be available at PeduliLindungi account.

     3) Secure insurance covering stay in Indonesia.
        In the case of a positive testing result and other health unfortunate
        circumstances, participants’ insurance should be covering health care
        costs spent in Indonesia.
8.3 G20 Fast Track Facilities
    Indonesian G20 Presidency provides accelerated health protocol services
    and immigration checks and customs to all delegations, including a
    dedicated hospitality lounge and lane facilities at Soekarno Hatta Airport in
    Jakarta to welcome and assist your delegation during arrival.
    Please follow the G20 signage provided at the arrival terminal. The arrival
    support team will monitor delegations’ arrival through your flight schedules,
    kindly email your itinerary to secretariat-edmcswg@g20-indonesia.id or to
    your designated Liaison Officer no later than 5 days prior to arrival.
    Assistance and acceleration of customs procedures are also provided for
    delegates who apply for the Import of Goods for International Agencies,
    Temporary Imports, and Goods for Passengers and Crew of Transportation

8.4 On-arrival Covid-19 Testing
   All participants must take an on-arrival Antigen Swab test to activate their
   badge. Testing will be conveniently available at the Hotel before Check-in.
   Saliva-based tests will be conducted rapidly and efficiently and the result
   will be sent online.
   The test and its results are automatically connected to the PeduliLindungi
   App and do not require any further follow-up from participants or their staff.
   Participants will also receive a test result certificate directly from the test lab.

8.5 Entering the Working Group
    To receive a badge to access the meeting, all participants must have their
    PeduliLindungi App ready and scan the QR code made available at the
    venues. There will be no requirement to show any paper documents
    regarding a test result or vaccine certificate as the PeduliLindungi App will
    have this information verified.

8.6 During the Working Group
    During the week of the Working Group, Swab Antigen tests are available for
    free at the hotel. Results are normally processed within 10 minutes.
    The test and its results are automatically connected to PeduliLindungi App
    and do not require any further follow-up from participants or their staff.
    Participants will also receive a test result certificate directly from the test lab
    by email upon request.

8.7 Leaving Indonesia
     It is the current practice applied by many countries that prior to leaving
     Indonesia, travelers are required to take a 48-hour test ahead of traveling,
therefore we would suggest the delegates to schedule their departure
      from Indonesia between 23rd – 24th June 2022.

  8.8 Pre-departure Testing Availability
     Participants may take a PCR test made available at the hotel and use the
     results of their 48 -hour test ahead of travel in case required for their travel
     outside of Indonesia.

9. Transportation
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry will provide airport transfer services for
all delegates attending the meeting at Soekarno Hatta International Airport.
Pick-up services will be provided and should be arranged through the designated
Liaison Officer. Delegates should provide information on their flight schedule by
emailing it to secretariat-edmcswg@g20-indonesia.id no later than 5 days prior
to arrival to ensure an optimal level of services/support.

10. Meals
During the 2nd EDM-CSWG meeting, meals as well as coffee breaks will be offered
as indicated in the agenda. Should you have any specific dietary requirements,
please notify the Secretariat via the registration form.

11. Conference Cost
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry will cover the cost of:
    - Meeting venue during the meeting; and
    - Meals as indicated in the agenda
All other expenses, including accommodation, must be covered by the respective

12. Working Language
The language of the conference will be English. Any form of media with another
language must be provided with an English subtitle.

13. Liaison Officer
Liaisons will be arranged and accompany your delegation during the 2nd
EDM-CSWG Meeting. Your Liaison Officer will welcome and assist your delegation
during the arrival at Jakarta International Airport as well as during the course of
the meeting. Details of the Liaison Officer for each delegation will be provided in
due course.

14. Bilateral Meetings
Rooms for bilateral meetings will be available from 19th – 21st June 2022 during the
2nd EDM-CSWG meeting. Meeting rooms will be provided upon request and
assigned on a first-come first-served basis. Meeting is allocated in one-hour time
slots, with a maximum reservation of two consecutive time slots. Requests can be
made by filling out the Bilateral Meeting Booking Form (22. Form Templates)
prior to the 2nd EDM-CSWG and submitting it to the Secretariat prior arrival
through secretariat-edmcswg@g20-indonesia.id. For requests made during the
day of the 2nd EDM-CSWG meeting, please contact your Liaison Officer.

15. Photocopy and Printing Facilities
Photocopying and printing facilities will be available at the meeting venue.

16. Prayer Room
A prayer room will be available at the venue for delegate use during the 2nd
EDM-CSWG Meeting. Further information and directions to the room will be
available at the information desk.

17. Photography and Videography
Delegates may be filmed or photographed by the Indonesian G20 Presidency
Secretariat’s official host broadcasters or photographers. In addition, photos and a
short video compilation of the 2nd EDM-CSWG Meeting may be available on the
G20 Indonesia Official Website following the conclusion of the meeting. Pictures
may be further distributed through G20 official social media.

18. Important Dates and Process

 DAO registration                         21st May 2022 - 27th May 2022

 Participant Registration Submission      27th May 2022 - 10th June 2022

 Hotel Reservation Dates                  2nd June 2022

 PCR test                                 48 hours prior to the departure

 Visa application process                 5 business days

 Vaccination certificate verification
                                          3 business days

 2nd EDM-CSWG meeting                     19th - 22nd June 2022

19. Health Services
All delegates with health or emergency issues to contact the representative
Liaison Officer for Coordination and Assistance. A health clinic provides free first
aid and basic medical services will be available at the meeting venue.
Delegates will also be provided with transfer services from the meeting venue to
the nearest hospital for emergency cases during meeting hours. The fees incurred
by treatment at designated hospitals or any other hospitals as well as any
subsequent treatment will be the responsibility of each delegate themselves. It is
highly recommended that each delegate has adequate medical insurance that
will be covered internationally. The designated hospitals are as follows:

Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital
Address         : Jl. Diponegoro No. 71 Jakarta
Contact Center  : 1500135
E-mail          : info@rscm.co.id

Persahabatan Hospital
Address         : Jl. Persahabatan Raya No. 1 Jakarta Timur
Contact Center  : (021) 4891708, 22472222
E-mail          : info@rsupersahabatan.co.id

Sulianti Saroso Hospital
Address           : Jl. Sunter Permai Raya Jakarta Utara
Contact Center    : (021) 650655962
E-mail            : admin@rspisuliantisaroso.co.id

Pertamina Hospital
Address          : Jl. Kyai Maja No. 43 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan
Contact Center   : (021) 7219000
Fax              : (021) 7261126
Jakarta Hospital
Address          : Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Karet Semanggi Jakarta Selatan
Contact Center   : (021) 5732241

20. Useful Information

The climate in Indonesia is mostly tropical throughout the year, with
temperatures ranging from 24o – 33o Celsius or 75o - 93o Fahrenheit.
During June, Jakarta is generally forecasted to have a short rain.

Time Zone
Local time in Jakarta is UTC+7 (Western Indonesian Time)

International Dialing Codes
The country code for Indonesia is +62 and Jakarta’s local code is 21.
Therefore, to call a local number, you can dial +62 followed by 21 and then dial the
number you wish. Likewise, to call a mobile number using a foreign number, you
should dial +62 followed by the mobile number you want to contact.

Drinking Water
It is strongly advised to not drink from tap water.

Electricity Supply
The power plugs in Indonesia are generally Type C, with a standard voltage of

Currency-Banking-Credit Cards-ATMs
The currency in Indonesia is the Indonesian Rupiah (Rp).
The government regulates that all transactions done in Indonesia must use
Rupiah as a legal tender. Authorized money changers are available at the airport
and near the meeting venue. Delegates can also withdraw Rupiah through
Automated Teller Machines (ATMs). Major credit cards are widely accepted in
most restaurants, shops, convenience stores, and other facilities. Bringing cash is
also advised.
Currency rate as per 16/05/2022 is USD 1 = Rp14,665

Tipping is not mandatory in Indonesia, but delegates may tip if they feel like to do

Wireless Internet
WiFi will be available in the meeting area during the meeting.

Useful Emergency Phone Numbers
For ambulance call 118 and 119
For search and rescue call 115
In the case of natural disasters call 129

Smoking areas are provided in general places and in the venue.

Telephone Services
Local telecommunication providers can be bought at the airport upon arrival.

21. Virtual Meeting Format
The G20 EDM-CSWG meeting will be held in a hybrid format on 19th - 22nd June
2022 at 09.30 - 19.30 (UTC+7) and 09.30 - 14.00 (UTC+7) respectively using the
Webex platform.
Number of Links
Each delegation will be provided a maximum of two links where one is assigned
for the Head of Delegations (HoD), while the other must be in microphone-off and
camera-off mode. The unique links will be provided through email at least 10 days
in advance.

Upon logging in to the 2nd EDM-CSWG Meeting, the default setup for the HoD
should be camera on and microphone off until the Chair passes on the floor.
Instructions on how to connect via videoconferencing will be sent separately to IT
Points of Contact after completing registration.

Trial Run and Testing
A trial run will be held on Friday, 18th June 2022 at 09.00 (UTC+7). The line will be
open until 15.00 (UTC+7).
On the day of the meeting, each delegation is also strongly advised to log in and
join the meeting one hour in advance, and test their respective system then.

Contact Points
The IT contact point for the EDM-CSWG Meetings can be reached by email
through secretariat-edmcswg@g20-indonesia.id.

Each delegation needs to nominate one IT Point of Contact and communicate it
by email through the afore-mentioned email by 31st May 2022 at the latest (22.
Form Templates). The IT Point of Contact will be responsible for testing the
Webex platform and ensuring the delegation has a successful connection during
the trial run and also testing it during the day.
22. Form Templates

                       BILATERAL MEETING BOOK FORM
                           2nd EDM – CSWG MEETING

                 19th – 21st June 2022 & Shangri-La Jakarta Hotel
                    Please complete this form and email it to
                       (Please type or print in block letters)
Requesting Delegations



Contact Person


Phone Number

Participating Delegations



Bilateral Meeting Room Request Details


Organization                           From                  To

Number of Attendees

Special Requests (if any)
                            Registration Form
                         2nd EDM-CSWG Meeting
                           19th – 22st June 2022
                        Shangri-La Jakarta, Hotel

First Name         :
Last Name          :
Passport Number :
Mobile Number      :
Email              :
Position           :
Country / International / Regional Organization
Name               :
Office Address     :

Please send the filled form to the secretariat-edmcswg@g20-indonesia.id
Before 27th May 2022
                        (FOR G20 COUNTRIES)

                           2nd EDM-CSWG Meeting
                              19th – 21st June 2022
                           Shangri-La Jakarta, Hotel

                   Please complete the form and send it to
                         no later than 10th June 2022


                                   Additional Member 1        Additional Member 2


 First Name

 Last Name




 Mobile Number
 (Including country code)

 Indication to participate in the Site Visit   : (Yes / No)
 Number of participants                        :       person(s)

 Please indicate your dietary requirements (if any) :

 For any additional clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our team




Phone Number

Please submit the form to the following email:
secretariat-edmcswg@g20-indonesia.id by 10th June 2022
23. Annexes

Flow upon Arrival
Flow prior to Departure
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