Results presentation Q3 2021 - - Nordic Entertainment Group

Page created by Gene Wilson
Results presentation Q3 2021 - - Nordic Entertainment Group
Q3 2021
Results presentation Q3 2021 - - Nordic Entertainment Group
Q3 Key highlights

    Group organic sales up 10%
       Viaplay sales up 15%

   Viaplay subs up 28% to 3,608k
  including 3,296k Nordic and 313k
       international subscribers

  Successful Polish launch and new
     targets presented at CMD

                                     Viaplay Original: Furia
Results presentation Q3 2021 - - Nordic Entertainment Group
Viaplay performance
            Viaplay subscriber base* (thousands)                                                           Comments

                                                                                                       • 28% YoY subscriber growth with 322k subscribers
                                                                                                         added QoQ and 795k YoY
                           2,716       2,813                                                           • Successful Polish launch in August with high
   2,272                                                                                                 awareness levels & 3 key distribution agreements

                                                                                                       • 12.89bn streamed minutes and 99.98% up-rate

                                                                                                       • 15% YoY organic sales growth to account for 36% of
                                                                                                         Group revenues

                                                                                                       • Well on track to year-end target of adding at least
  Q4 19        Q1 20      Q2 20        Q3 20       Q4 20        Q1 21      Q2 21        Q3 21            400k Nordic and 500k international subscribers

                                                                                                       • Viaplay to be launched in the US in December 2021
* paying subscribers (including subscribers that have access to Viaplay through traditional pay-TV packages)
Results presentation Q3 2021 - - Nordic Entertainment Group
Viaplay Originals

         11              +38%                           5
         titles     increase in viewing of   of top 10 scripted series
      premiered      Viaplay Originals YoY   were Viaplay Originals
Results presentation Q3 2021 - - Nordic Entertainment Group
New & extended sports rights

                                                            UEFA EURO
               2022 - 2028              2021 - 2023        2024 & 2028

   FIFA and UEFA             UEFA Nations
European Qualifiers            League
                                                                     2021 - 2024
 2022 - 2028             2022 - 2028              2021 - 2026

                                                                                   Photo Marco Bertorello AFP
Results presentation Q3 2021 - - Nordic Entertainment Group
Subscriptions, advertising and studios
       Other subscriptions                         Advertising                         Studios & other

Other subscription revenues             Advertising revenues                  Studio revenues
• Up 1% on organic basis to             • Up 10% on organic basis to          • Up 118% on organic basis to
  account for 34% of Group                account for 27% of Group               account for 3% of Group
  revenues                                revenues                               revenues

Comments                                Comments                              Comments
• Underlying growth primarily           • TV and radio advertising markets    • Higher external order and
  reflected the growth in Allente         all grew as spending rebounded        production volumes
  revenues                                from impact of Coronavirus          • Rebranded as Viaplay Studios to
• New long-term deals being               pandemic in 2020                      focus on content creation for
  negotiated with key distribution      • High sold-out ratios combined         Viaplay
  partners to reflect addition of key     with price increases to offset      • Completed sale of remaining
  new sports rights in Q4 & 2022          ongoing decline in linear viewing     discontinued studios businesses
Results presentation Q3 2021 - - Nordic Entertainment Group
Our sustainability priorities
• Current 3 yr strategy & plan has focused on promoting Nordic storytelling and equality, diversity and inclusion
• New 5 yr strategy & plan under development - to be launched 2022
• ESG assessments conducted ahead of new market entries

                Ongoing activities                                 Content and creative industry

• Re-opening of offices with new hybrid and flexible       • Launched pan-Scandinavian pitching programme for
  ways of working & collaborative work spaces                film students to encourage debutant writers to bring
• Ongoing data protection impact assessments and             new perspectives and stories
  adoption of working practices in line with risk          • Continued focus on acquiring and producing content
  framework for third country data transfers                 that raises societal & environmental issues: The Prize of
• Ongoing evaluation of the most material climate-           Silence, Sort Of, The Trick, and The Uninhabitable Earth
  related risks and opportunities according to the Task    • Ongoing annual onsite audits of content suppliers
  Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure            • Science-based targets to be set in 2021 with objective
  framework - to be disclosed at end of 2021                 of being carbon neutral by end of 2023
Results presentation Q3 2021 - - Nordic Entertainment Group
NENT Group 2025 targets

Group organic sales growth             ~18-20% CAGR 2020-25

                                       ~12 million by end of 2025,
Viaplay subscribers
                                       of which ~6m in Nordics and ~6m International

Nordic organic sales growth            ~13-15% CAGR 2020-25

Viaplay Nordics organic sales growth   ~23-25% CAGR 2020-25

Nordic EBIT (excl. ACI & IAC)          ~15% margin in 2025 and ~20% long term margin

International EBIT                     Accretive in 2025, ~15% margin in 2026 and ~25% long term margin

Leverage policy
Short term outlook

Group organic sales growth      ~28% in 2022

Nordic organic sales growth     ~20% in 2022

                                ~6.5 million by end of 2022,
Viaplay subscribers
                                of which ~4.3m Nordic and ~2.2m International

Nordic EBIT (excl. ACI & IAC)   Rising profits with stable margin in 2022

International EBIT              Loss of ~1.5bn SEK in 2022

Change in working capital       Approximately -3.2bn SEK in 2022
The next chapter

 Viaplay to launch in the US in Q4 2021, Netherlands
   in Q1 2022 and the UK in the second half 2022

Ambition to premiere 50+ new Viaplay Originals in
              2021 and 60+ in 2022

 Wide range of multi-year sports rights agreements
    added or extended across multiple markets

                                                       Viaplay Original: Close To Me
Q3 performance summary
Comments                                              Sales split Q3 21

• 10% organic sales growth

• Operating income before associated company
  income (ACI) and items affecting comparability                                   34%
  (IAC) of SEK 80m (176) including SEK -200m impact
  of Viaplay International expansion

• Operating income of SEK 114m (256) including ACI
  of SEK 34m (80)                                                      3%
• Adjusted net income from continuing operations
  of SEK 179m (219) with adjusted EPS of SEK 2.30       Viaplay

  (3.25)                                                Other subscription
                                                        Studios and other
Allente update
SEKm                                Q321
EBITDA before IAC                     348

Depreciation and amortisation         -107

EBIT before IAC                       241

Items affecting comparability         -138

EBIT                                  103

Net income                             67

NENT Group 50% share                   33

Net debt position (end of period)    1,648

# of subscribers                    1,068k

                                             Viaplay Original: Two Sisters
Cash flow and leverage

      SEKm                                 Q321    Q320    FY20    FY19    SEKm                                         Q321

     Cash flow from operations              265     175    2,200   1,393   LTM EBITDA before IAC                        1,280

     Change in working capital             -986     167    -674     -791   Net debt                                     -1,392

     Net operating cash flow                -721    343    1,526    602    Net debt / LTM EBITDA before IAC               -1.1x

     CapEx *                                -55     -30     -147    -176   Financial net debt                           -1,754

     Operating FCF                         -776      313   1,379   426     Lease liabilities and sublease receivables     362

     • Cash flow from operating activities of SEK 265m included SEK 125m dividend from Allente
     • Changes in w/c reflected usual seasonal pattern in sports rights payments + Viaplay original investments
     • Cashflow from investing activities of SEK 353m included SEK 412m of proceeds from studios divestments
     • Fully funded with net cash position and well-balanced capital structure
* Excluding Acquisitions and Divestments
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