Progression Map Subject area: Geography

Page created by Jeremy Blair
Little Houghton CEVA Primary School
                                                                 Progression Map
                                                              Subject area: Geography
 Key objective/skill/theme              EYFS                            KS1                             LKS2                             UKS2

Location / Place Knowledge   Children will make             Pupils will name the seven      Name and locate                  Locate and name the main
                             comment and asks               continents and 5 oceans of      geographical regions and         counties and cities in
                             questions about aspects of     the world.                      their identifying human and      England.
                             their familiar world such as                                   physical characteristics, key    Locate the main countries in
                                                            Pupils are able to create a     topographical features (in       Europe. Locate and name
                             the place where they live
                                                            simple map and recognise        hills, mountains and rivers).    principal cities, concentrating
                             or the natural world.          and use basic symbols.          Understanding physical           on environmental regions,
                                                                                            geography through studying a     key physical and human
                                                            Pupils are able to create a     region in a European country.    characteristics
                                                            key for their own map.          Name and locate the key          Locate and name principal
                                                                                            topographical features           cities of France,
                                                            Pupils will be able to locate   including features of erosion,   concentrating on
                                                            The Equator, the North and      hills, mountains and rivers.     environmental regions, key
                                                            South Poles and suggest         Understand how these             physical and human
                                                            differences in climates         features have changed over       characteristics.
                                                                                            time                             Locate the world’s countries,
                                                            Pupils will be able to name                                      using maps to focus on
                                                            the 4 countries of the UK       Identify the position and        Europe (inc the location of
                                                            and their capital cities, and   significance of Equator, N.      Russia) and North and South
                                                            place them on a map.            and S. Hemisphere, Tropics       America, Link with local
                                                                                            of Cancer and Capricorn.         History, map how land use
                                                            Pupils will understand the      Identify the position and        has changed in local area
                                                            Union Flag and the 3            significance of                  over time.
                                                            countries – England,            latitude/longitude and the       Link with history, compare
                                                            Scotland and Ireland            Greenwich Meridian. Linking      land use maps of UK from
                                                            (Wales was considered part      with science, time zones,        past with the present,
                                                            of the Kingdom of England)      night and day                    focusing on land use.
                                                            that have been                                                   Understand geographical
                                                            represented.                                                     similarities and differences
                                                                                            Locate countries on a map.       through the study of human
                                                            Locate places/landmarks         locate the oceans on a           and physical geography of a
                                                            on a map describing the         map.                             European country.
                                                            location of places              Locate the equator and
                                                            accurately                      hemispheres on a map.
                                                                                            begin to understand that         Locate countries on a map
                                                            Use a variety of maps and       the Victorians loved to          of Europe to show where
                                                            recognise key features of       explore the world.               the Anglo-Saxons came
                                                            maps.                           Begin to understand that         from and where they
                                                                                            the Victorian Empire             settled.
                                                            Use Google Earth (with          evolved in order to obtain
                                                            support) to locate key local    natural resources.
features – school and                                            Name and locate a variety
                                                   grounds, community              Identify some of the             of Anglo-Saxon
                                                   centre, church, park, etc.      countries that were part of      settlements and villages.
                                                                                   the Roman Empire.
                                                                                   Identify the location of the     Locate countries on a map
                                                                                   Prime Meridian.                  of Europe to show where
                                                                                   Know why London was              the Vikings came from and
                                                                                   chosen to be the location        where they settled.
                                                                                   of the Prime Meridian.
                                                                                                                    Identify the countries of
                                                                                   Locate on a map of the           North and South America.
                                                                                   world some chocolate             Identify the capital city of a
                                                                                   producing countries.             country.
                                                                                                                    Create a travel guide for a
                                                                                                                    trip to North America.

                                                                                                                    Locate Little Houghton,
                                                                                                                    Billing Aquadrome and
                                                                                                                    Northamptonshire on a
                                                                                                                    map of the UK.

                                                                                                                    Use maps, atlases and
                                                                                                                    digital mapping to locate
                                                                                                                    places and describe
                                                                                                                    features studied.

                                                                                                                    Use eight points of the
                                                                                                                    compass, four and six-
                                                                                                                    figure grid references and
                                                                                                                    symbols on an Ordnance
                                                                                                                    Survey map.

Human and Physical   Children will be able to      Identify seasonal/daily         Describe and understand key      Describe and understand key
   Geography         identify different habitats   weather patterns in the UK      aspects of:                      aspects of :
                     and why certain animals       and the location of hot and     Physical geography including     Physical geography including
                     live in certain habitats.     cold areas of the world in      key topographical features       coasts.
                                                   relation to the equator and     (including hills, mountains,     Types of settlements in
                                                   the North and South poles.      rivers and the water cycle       Viking, Saxon Britain linked
                     Children will be able to                                      including transpiration)         to History.
                     explain key difference        Use basic Geographical          Physical geography including     Types of settlements in
                     between environments          vocabulary to refer to          Volcanoes and earthquakes,       modern Britain: villages,
                     (e.g. Hot/cold/land/water)    physical features of their      looking at plate tectonics and   towns, cities.
                     and compare them to their     school and its grounds and of   the ring of fire.                Describe and understand
                     own.                          the surrounding environment     Human geography including        geographical similarities and
                                                                                   human characteristics and        differences through the study
Use basic Geographical               features of a European          of human and physical
vocabulary to refer to key           country and its major cities.   geography of a South
physical features (inc –                                             America.
beach, cliff, coast, forest, hill,   Describe and understand key
mountain, sea, ocean, river,         aspects of                      Describe and understand
soil, valley, vegetation,            Physical geography,             geographical similarities and
season, weather)                     including: climate zones,       differences through the study
and human features (inc city,        biomes and vegetation belts     of human and physical
town, village, factory, farm,                                        geography of a European
house, office, port, harbour,                                        country, France.
shop) of a contrasting non-                                          Describe and understand key
European country.                                                    aspects of:
                                                                     Distribution of natural
Pupils will use                                                      resources focusing on energy
geographical language to                                             Human geography including
support presentation of                                              trade between UK and
findings.                                                            Europe and ROW
Pupils will use first-hand                                           Fair/unfair distribution of
observations of weather                                              resources (Fairtrade).
and daylight hours to draw
conclusions about                                                    Compare the climate of
seasonal changes,                                                    North American regions
including use of outdoor                                             with that of my own area.
                                                                     Compare the human
Pupils will use                                                      geography of North
geographical language to                                             American regions with that
identify key physical and                                            of my own area.
human features of the 4 UK
                                                                     List human and physical
Observe a variety of                                                 characteristics of the
photographs to identify                                              village including land use.
geographical features.                                               Identify key features of the
                                                                     area, including hills and
Recognise housing types                                              rivers.
and where they are located.
Plan a route giving reasons
                                                                     Identify and discuss the
for choice and plan
                                                                     main features of the area
alternative routes.
                                                                     including rivers.
                                                                     Research land use near the
Use a range of subject
                                                                     River Nene and businesses
specific vocabulary.
                                                                     that depend on it.
Express own views on the
                                                                     Explain the water cycle
environment and begin to
                                                                     using a diagram.
give reasoned explanations
                          for improvements.

Geographical Skills and   Use world maps, atlases and      Use maps, atlases, globes       Use maps, atlases, globes
      Fieldwork           globes to identify the United    and digital/computer mapping    and digital/computer mapping
                          Kingdom and its countries.       to locate countries and         (Google Earth) to locate
                          Use locational and directional   describe features studied.      countries and describe
                          language (eg, near and far,                                      features studied.
                          left and right), Describe the    Use maps, atlases, globes       Use fieldwork to observe,
                          location of features and         and digital/computer mapping    measure and record the
                          routes on maps.                  (Google Earth) to locate        human and physical features
                                                           countries and describe          in the local area using a
                          Use photographs to               features studied                range of methods, including
                          recognise landmarks and          Learn the eight points of a     sketch maps, plans and
                          basic human and physical         compass, and four-figure grid   graphs, and digital
                          features; devise simple          references, symbols and key     technologies
                          picture maps.                    (including the use of
                                                           Ordnance Survey maps) to
                          Use simple fieldwork and         build their knowledge of the
                          observational skills to study    United Kingdom in the past      Use maps, atlases, globes
                          the geography of their school    and present.                    and digital/computer mapping
                          and its grounds.                                                 (Google Earth) to locate
                                                           Recognise that soils are        countries and describe
                                                           made from rocks and             features studied.
                                                           organic matter
                          Use maps, atlases and
                          globes to identify the                                           Use fieldwork to record
                          continents and oceans                                            features from the local
                          studied at this key stage.                                       environment.

                          Use simple compass
                          directions (North, East, South
                          and West), to describe the
                          location of features and
                          routes on a map. Begin to
                          use eight points of a
                          Use aerial photographs and
                          plan perspectives to
                          recognise landmarks and
                          basic human and physical
                          features: devise a simple
                          map; and use and construct
                          basic symbols in a key
Pupils will use key
resources to focus and
develop geographical study

Pupils are able to give and
receive directions, using
appropriate positional

Use fieldwork skills to
make a range of
observations in the local

Use compass directions,
language to identify
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