Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI 1927 - 2022 - Parish Community of St. Christopher Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Bon Venture Services

Page created by Wesley Ortega
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI 1927 - 2022 - Parish Community of St. Christopher Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Bon Venture Services
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
                                                 1927 - 2022

                                                                         MATTHEW 25:21
©2023 Bon Venture Services, LLC

                                        Parish Community of St. Christopher
                                            Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI 1927 - 2022 - Parish Community of St. Christopher Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Bon Venture Services
January 7 & 8, 2023 The Epiphany of The Lord
                                                                                                             - Page 2 -

                                                                 Pre-Jordan Baptism Class
             Mass intentions                         First-time parents, as well as parents who have not already
                                                     done so, must attend a Pre-Jordan class before scheduling a
Saturday, January 7, 2023                            Baptism. We suggest that you attend before the birth of your
                                                     baby. The next class will be on:
  8:00AM       Deceased Members of the                             Tuesday, January 24th, at 7:00PM
               Zubak family                                                in the Parish Office
 5:00PM Vigil Clare Pfeil (9th Anniversary)                   (Please call the Parish Office to register in advance.)

Sunday, January 8, 2023
  8:00AM       Lena Sweeney (14th Anniversary)                                 THE ROSARY
  10:00 AM     William Fox, Sr.                         As we begin the New Year, join us on Tuesdays, 1:15 in the
                                                       Chapel. (Weather Permitting) to pray that all will respect the
  12:00 Noon Cyndy Schrenk
                                                                dignity of every life, especially the unborn.
Monday, January 9, 2023
 8:30AM        Arlene & Frank McMenamin
                                                         The Next Bereavement Support Group
Tuesday, January 10, 2023                                               Meeting is
  8:30AM       Mary Joyce                                   This Sunday, January 8, 2023 at 11AM
                                                                           in the Parish Office!!!
Wednesday, January 11, 2023                          The group will be a safe and non-judgemental environment for
  8:30AM       Cynthia Schrenk                       the purpose of supporting each other through the grieving
Thursday, January 12, 2023                           process. All forms of grief are welcome (i.e., death of loved
                                                     ones, infertility, job loss )
  8:30AM       Dennis Deeney
Friday, January 13, 2023
                                                     St. Christopher School is in need of lunch monitors.
  8:30AM       Grace Jardine                         We need a monitor for 1st & 4th grade on Monday and for
Saturday, January 14, 2023                           2nd, 3rd and 4th grades on Friday from 11:50 to 12:50. This is a
                                                     paid position, duties include helping the children as they eat,
  8:00AM       Josephine Adelizzi                    as well as supervising them during recess. Lunch monitors
 5:00PM Vigil Derek DelQuadro                        need to have their clearances and be vaccinated. If interested,
              (Birthday Remembrance)                 please contact Dot Harbison at:
                                                     scsfd@stchrisstrong.org or call 215-673-5787 ext 15.
Sunday, January 15, 2023
  8:00AM       Eileen Hummel
  10:00 AM     Jack Franks (Birthday Memorial)
                                                                   The Spring Pre Cana Class
  12:00 Noon George Leporati
                                                                       will be April 22, 2022
                                                                    from 9:45AM to 6:00PM

              2023 Wall Calendars                                       in the Parish Office.

      are available at the doors of the church and       Please call the parish office to register.
                   in the parish office
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI 1927 - 2022 - Parish Community of St. Christopher Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Bon Venture Services
January 7 & 8, 2023 The Epiphany of The Lord
                                                                                                                        -Page 3-

                                             MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTOR

Dear Friends in Christ,
        Let me begin the new year by thanking all of those who were instrumental in making Christmas so wonderful
an experience here at St. Christopher’s. The combined adult and children’s choirs set the stage for our Christmas cele-
brations two weeks before our Christmas. It was truly one of the best programs I can remember. It was clear that both
groups worked very hard, On Christmas Eve, the children’s choir led the music at the 4 pm Mass. Our adult choir took
care of the music before and during the Mass at 7:30 p.m. Once again, the hours of practice were so very worthwhile
as our adult choir led in the music of the season. The Siena Strings Quartet made the music so devotional. Our music
director Pat Gallo-Terrenzio was present at all of the liturgies for Christmas Eve and Day. The music was flawless from
beginning to end.
        Carol Troisi who usually does the decorating of the Church and the altar was sick with the Covid virus. Fortu-
nately, a group of women who had worked with Carol in the past took up the challenge of decorating. The altar and
Church were so very beautiful. Sincere thanks to all who made it that way.
        It is my hope that God will bless all of you in this new year of 2023 with health and happiness. 2023 promises
to be an exciting year here at St. Christopher’s. Though we do not yet have a date for the ground breaking, our con-
struction projects will finally be taking place around the beginning of February. We will have improvements in the
Church as well as the construction of a new community center/gymnasium. Unfortunately, inflation has left us about a
million and a half dollars short in constructing the new building. Our pastoral council has assured me that they will
work tirelessly to find the funds to finish the project. The preparatory work has been done. The shell for the gym will
be constructed. The pastoral council feels that enthusiasm will grow as we begin the project, but it will take the inter-
est and donations of all in our parish. Stay tuned to future bulletins for more information about the progress of con-
         God bless you all and may the Lord make the year 2023 a memorable one for our parish.
                                                        Sincerely in Christ,

                      Three Reasons From The Teachings Of The Church For Wanting To Spend
                                 One Hour With Jesus In The Blessed Sacrament.

1. Jesus is counting on you because the Eucharist is the center of life. “Every member of the Church must be vigilant in seeing that
the Sacrament of Love shall be at the center of the life of the people of God so that through all the manifestations of worship due
Him shall be given back love for love and truly become the life of our souls.’ (Pope John Paul II, Redeemer of Man)

2. Day and night Jesus dwells in the Blessed Sacrament because you are the most important person in the world to him! “Christ is
reserved in our churches as the spiritual center of the heart of the community, the universal Church and all humanity, since within
the veil of the species, Christ is contained, the Invisible Heart of the Church, the Redeemer of the world, the center of all hearts, by
Him all things are and of whom we exist.” (Pope Paul VI, Mysterium Fidei)

3. You grow spiritually with each moment you spend with Jesus! “Our essential commitment in life is to preserve and advance
constantly in Eucharistic life and Eucharistic piety and to grow spiritually in the climate of the Holy Eucharist.” (Pope John Paul II,
Redeemer of Man)
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI 1927 - 2022 - Parish Community of St. Christopher Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Bon Venture Services
January 7 & 8, 2023 The Epiphany of The Lord
                                                                                                                           -Page 4-

                     RCIA Sessions                                                       Weekly Collection
 Deacon Gene is inviting all parishioners to come to the RCIA
                                                                               Dec. 31, 2022 & Jan. 1 2023       $18,055
sessions. You may pick and choose when you come depending
                                                                              (includes $5,815 from E-giving & Parish Giving)
                 on the topic of the session.
                     Upcoming Topics                                           January 1 & 2, 2022               $20,828
January 10th—Eucharist—Deacon Jim                                              (includes $5,645 from E-giving & Parish Giving)
Jan. 24th—Mary, our Mother Our Eternal Destiny—Fr. Sang                        Solemnity of Mary, 2023                $4,231
January 31st—Baptism, Confirmation—Deacon Gene                                 Solemnity of Mary, 2022                $3,309
February 7th—Penance: Anoint Sick—Msgr. Garvin
                                                                                  Thank you for your support of our parish!
All are welcome! Join us and grow in your own understanding
of the Faith. Bring your questions! Meetings are in the Parish
                       Office at 7:00 PM                              Knights of Columbus St. Christopher Council #17997 was
                                                                      formed on May 17, 2022, at St. Christopher Parish with 28
                                                                      charter members. Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of
                   St. Chris Scrip                                    every month at 7:00PM in Holy Family Hall.
                    is now online at
                      RaiseRight                                      If you are interested in knowing more or would like to join,
                   Enrollment Code                                    please contact: Rudy Muller 215-778-0634, Pat Corey 215-677
                   B96CCA3A1546                                       -8549, Pat Peiffer 215-880-3988 or Pat Schweighart 336-978-
    Scrip Hours: Sunday: 9AM to 11:30AM
                 Wednesday: 9AM to 10AM
                 Thursday: 7PM to 8PM
                                                                                    Please Pray for our Sick
                 Friday: 9AM to 10AM
                                                                                     Patrick O’Brien, Bob Wright
We are currently looking for some Scrip volunteers 1 to 3
hours a month. Join our team, meet some new people and                     Benjamin Barbour, Carol Barbour, Barbara Brill,
have some fun.                                                             Dominic Campagna, Pat Cantwell, Rose Carney,
                                                                            Mary Christy, Joe Christian, Joan Lynch Carroll,
                                                                          Michael DeNofa, Nancy Finn, Timothy Fitzpatrick,
                  Block Collection                                     Sr. Nora Friel, GNSH, Jim Harrington, James Matthews,
    A mailing containing a letter and a Block Collection                        Vincent McLaughlin, Edward Milillo, Jr.,
envelope has been sent to your homes. Thanks to all of you
who have begun to respond to this year’s Block Collection. As                 Jillian Muldowney, Matthew Muldowney,
in previous years, our parish goal is $130,000.00.                       Mary Lew Nederoski, Paul Nederoski, Marie Pinto,
    Please place your Block Collection offering in the regular         Kathy Rydzewski, Barbara Santomieri, Robert Schuster,
Sunday collection basket. You may also mail your offering to            William Siefert, Kristina Somershoe, Bill Sonneborn,
the Parish Office as soon as your means allow.
                                                                        Ginny Tokarski, Angela Wray, Mary Colleen Zoltowski
                  God bless you and your families
          for contributing to this very important appeal.                             NOTICE ABOUT OUR SICK LIST:
      parish goal:                    $ 130,000                        If you wish to place or remove a name from the prayer list, please
      received to date:               $ 92,840 (71.42%)                                        call the Parish Office
      needed to reach our goal:       $ 37,160                                        (215.673.5177) during regular hours.

                                                         Mention St. Chris
When you patronize the advertisers in the back of this bulletin, please tell them you saw their advertisement in our Parish Bulletin.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI 1927 - 2022 - Parish Community of St. Christopher Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Bon Venture Services
January 7 & 8, 2023 The Epiphany of The Lord
                                                                                                 -Page 5-

                   PARISH GIVING                                     MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS
                                                                     To The St. Christopher Fund
We are now offering parishioners a secondary way of auto-
mated giving, called Parish Giving. This program gives more          In Memory of Linda Geiger
flexibility for online Sunday contributions, in addition to spe-     From: Mr. Bruce Geiger
cial collections like Christmas, Easter, Holy days, and diocesan
collections. This program also allows for credit cards. Please       In Memory of Albert & Georgine Faville
visit the parish website (www.stchrisparish.org) and click on        From: Pat DeMaria
the link for ‘Parish Giving’ if you would like to sign up for this
                                                                     In Memory of Norma Corcia
                                                                     From: Margie & Joe Gardner
If you would like to sign up for our Electronic Giving program,
please see the link on our website for ‘Electronic Giving’, or       In Memory of Josephine Adelizzi
you can also obtain forms from the parish office or in the back      From: Michael Adelizzi
of church. If you would like to change to Parish Giving from
our original EFT program, please let Debra Rios know so she          In Memory of Leonard Laurito
can remove you from that program. You can email her at               From: Noreen O’Grady
riosdebra0603@gmail.com if you would like to change pro-                   Diane O’Grady
grams or have any other questions.                                         The King Family

                                                                     In Memory of Elizabeth Dollarton
                                                                     From: Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bernard
          Please Pray for our Deceased                                     Patricia A. Tiernan
                      Agnes Serpiello                                      Clyde M. Hottel
                      Angelo Capozzi                                       Kathy Robledo
                      George W. Seidel                                     Janice G. Cyganiewicz
                                                                           Jean McLernan
                                                                           Dolores Dollarton
                                                                            Karen M. Hess
     The Second Collection next Weekend                                     Susan E. Dollarton
                                                                            Nora Cerone
         January 14 & 15, 2023 is for
         The Catholic Relief Services                                In Memory of Marian Duffner
                                                                      From: Paul Karosas
                                                                            Andy & Amy Faga
                    ST. CHRISTOPHER                                         Cherokee High School
                 TMIY (That Man is You)                                     Sharon Randzo
                                                                            Joseph & Gail French
                  2023 Spring Season
                                                                            Harold & Vesna Sacks
                    “All Things New”                                        Deborah & Michael Suwala
              Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm                                  Friends of Bob & Helen Duffner
                   in the Parish Office                                     Friends at Tri City Paper
                    Upcoming Events                                         The Moretzes
                                                                           Jodi Freed
          January 25th—Sober Intoxication of the Spirit                    Joan Lippincott
          February 1st—Our Father                                          Philip Dalton
          February 8th—Silent Knight, Holy Knight
          February 15th—Meet your Spiritual Father                   In Memory of Carol Boyle
   Any questions, email deacongene@stchrisparish.org                 From: Bobbi & Chip Roth
                ALL MEN ARE WELCOME                                        Frank& Marie Moran
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI 1927 - 2022 - Parish Community of St. Christopher Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Bon Venture Services
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   Ann Spangler Ins Agency Inc                                        Free
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   Ann Spangler, Agent                                                Public                                                                                        Copies
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   347 2nd Street Pike, Suite 2
   Southampton, PA 18966
   Bus: 215-364-1350

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137D (JA) - St. Christopher, Philadelphia    FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 364-0684 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC · P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836      Inside (L)
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI 1927 - 2022 - Parish Community of St. Christopher Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Bon Venture Services
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                                                                                                                                                                                                    13420 Damar Drive • Unit A, Philadelphia
                                                                  825 Byberry Road | Philadelphia 19116                                                                                                     Clint Twilley, Parishioner
137D (JA) - St. Christopher, Philadelphia                                             FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 364-0684 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC · P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836                                                      Inside (R)
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI 1927 - 2022 - Parish Community of St. Christopher Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Bon Venture Services
Main Office                                                                                                                                                                       Branch Office
  MICHAEL J. REILLY, Supervisor                                                        KATE SMITH MOROVICH*                                                       ANDREW T. RAKOWSKI, Supervisor
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  2632-34 East Allegheny Avenue                                  POLISH MEMORIAL COORDINATOR • OBSŁUGA PO POLSKU
                                                                                                                                                                                                625 Byberry Road
  Philadelphia, PA 19134                                                                   * Non-licensed associate
                                                                                                                                                                                           Philadelphia, PA 19116

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137D (JA) - St. Christopher, Philadelphia            FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 364-0684 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC · P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836                                       Outside
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI 1927 - 2022 - Parish Community of St. Christopher Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Bon Venture Services Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI 1927 - 2022 - Parish Community of St. Christopher Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Bon Venture Services
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