Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time - 31 October 2021 ISSION Dt 6:2-6 - Parishes Online

Page created by Andre Willis
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time - 31 October 2021 ISSION Dt 6:2-6 - Parishes Online
31 October
         ST. JOHN MISSION      Dt 6:2-6
                               Heb 7:23-28
                               Mk 12:28b-34

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time - 31 October 2021 ISSION Dt 6:2-6 - Parishes Online
                 ST. MARY MAGDALEN PARISH                                                     ST. MARY MAGDALEN PARISH
                  & ST. JOHN MISSION                                                               & ST. JOHN MISSION
                           425-353-1211                                                    We are one community of faith united in
                                                                                           our common Catholic belief, worship and
Pastor: Fr. Hans M. Olson                                                                  mission. We strive to grow in holiness and
Parochial Vicar: Fr. A. Victor Raj —Ext. 103                                               the love of Christ, embrace stewardship as
                                                                                           a life of discipleship, and celebrate our
Deacon: David P. Alcorta—Ext. 104                                                          cultural diversity. We welcome all who
Deacon: Phuoc Nguyen—Ext. 115                                            wish to share our faith and worship. United in the Gospel
Adult Faith Formation, Lit.—Maxim Farrell—Ext. 118                       and the Universal Church we seek:
Business Administrator—Ron Enneking—Ext. 108                               To grow in understanding of the Gospel in our lives,
                                                                           To express our unity through our Eucharistic worship,
Facilities Manager—Fernando Alvarado—Ext. 109                              To proclaim the presence of Jesus Christ to the world.
Director of Outreach—Rochelle Staley—Ext. 105                            We are a welcoming Catholic community called by God
Faith Formation— Rachael Johnson—Ext. 106                                to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all
Youth Ministry—Jacob Curran—Ext. 117                                     people. To become a member of the Parish or Mission,
                                                                         please fill out a registration form located in the church
Parish Secretary—Michelle McIntyre—Ext. 119                              vestibules, or register online at
Music Director—Carrie Wright—Ext. 112
Accounting and Stewardship—Alchel Hathaway—Ext. 107
                                                                                                  Parish Office
Receptionist — Lorena Olsen —Ext.100
                                                                                      8517 7th Ave SE, Everett, WA 98208
St. Mary Magdalen School - Preschool—8th Grade                                         Parish Office Phone: 425-353-1211
                                                                                        Web Site:
8615 7th Ave SE, Everett WA 98208-2043                                                     Parish Fax: 425-348-0458
Phone: 425-353-7559                                         E-mail:
Principal: Dr. Bernadine Mahar                                                 Facebook: https://www.facebook.comsmmparisheverett/
                                                                                          Regular Office Hours:
BAPTISM AND MARRIAGE:                                                      Monday—Friday 8:15AM–12:30PM and 1:00PM - 4:30PM
Registration/active membership in the parish is necessary.                  Closed Wednesday 10AM-11:30AM and daily for lunch
Please consult the pastor before setting a wedding date                                       12:30PM-1PM
and allow for six months of marriage preparation. The
pastoral process for those previously married may take
longer. Contact the Parish Office at 425-353-1211.                                                          St. Mary Magdalen
                                                                                                                  located at
FUNERALS/CHRISTIAN BURIAL:                                                                               8615 7th Ave SE, Everett, WA
Call 425-353-1211 to make arrangements with a priest
before any public notice is printed or arrangements made.
The Catholic Cemetery serving our parish is Holyrood,
(425) 774-0471.
                                                                         Adoration: Perpetual in the Chapel of Our Lady, Parish Office
                                                                         Daily Mass: Monday– Friday 7:30AM
      ST. MARY MAGDALEN MINISTRY CONTACTS                                            except Wednesday which is at 8:30AM
                                                                         Saturday: 7:30AM and Vigil at 5:00PM
                                                                         Sunday:     8:00AM, 10:00AM, and 4:30PM
Altar Servers:              Dcn. Phuoc Nguyen……...425-353-1211
Extraordinary Ministers:    Charlene Osborn….……...360-668-2545                       12PM in Spanish and 2:00PM in Vietnamese
Lectors:                    Mark Cavelero…………….425-338-7086                          Masses are in English unless otherwise stated
Perpetual Adoration         Sheryl Blumer……………..425-290-3605                         Holydays as announced
Sacristans:                 Anthony Ohl……………….425-337-9339               Confession: Saturday 3:30PM in the Church
Ushers:                     Lani Jorge.…………..........425-344-5410                   Thursday before 1st Friday 6:30PM, or by appointment
SMM Pastoral Council:       Pres., Jim Cavelero…….....425-338-0295

                                                                                                           St. John Mission
                                                                                                      829 3rd St., Mukilteo WA
Altar Servers:              Bridget Plamondon….…….425-299-9887
Extraordinary Ministers:    Mary Ellen Huggins……….425-330-3640                                             Mailing address:
Lectors:                    Terry Cox………….............425-513-9673                                8517 7th Ave SE, Everett, WA 98208
Sacristans:                 Tom Link…………………...425-551-8563
Ushers:                     John Stevens …..………...732-310-8426                                        Mass: 9AM on Sunday
SJ Pastoral Committee:      Pres., Mike Ankrom…..…..425-258-8957
SJ Choir Director:          Lita Consolacion…………..425-512-8583                                  Rosary & Adoration Tuesday 4-5PM

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time - 31 October 2021 ISSION Dt 6:2-6 - Parishes Online
             PRAYER REQUESTS                                                            MASS INTENTIONS
If you request for yourself or an immediate family                         To have a Mass said for someone deceased or for
member to be listed in the Bulletin, it will run for a                     the intentions of someone living, come into the
month per request. Contact the Parish Office                               Parish Office with your request. The usual donation
425-353-1211.                                                              is $10—$15
John DeBroeck, Therese McNamara, Emily Reed,                               Mon. Nov 01       All Saints
Lizzy Robinson, Heide Stampfer, Richard Haaland,                           Tue. Nov 02       All Souls
Cavelero Family, Adrian Pangilinan, Precila Porte,
Andrea Berryman, Briceida Juarez, Marilyn Sheeks,                          Wed. Nov 03       All Souls
Eleanor May, Julian Monreal,
                     Monreal Roger Taylor                                  Thu. Nov 04       All Souls
REST IN PEACE:                                                             Fri. Nov 05       All Souls
Milagros Cadiz, Javier Gutierrez, Briceida Juarez                          Sat. Nov 06       All Souls

          All Saints - Monday, Nov 1                                                RESPECT LIFE CORNER
                    7:30 AM
               11:00 AM (School)
                    7:00 PM

           All Souls - Tuesday, Nov 2
                     7:30 AM
                11:00 AM (School)
                     7:00 PM

                                                                                            Rachel’s Vineyard:
                   All Souls Novena
                                                                                      Hope and Healing After Abortion
We invite you                - Monday,
                  take this opportunity  to honorNov      1 for your
                                                   and pray
deceased family and friends in the All Souls Novena. Envelopes               “Hope in Me, and you will be protected from depression and
  for your offering with places     write these names are in the            self-pity. Hope is like a golden cord connecting you to heaven.
 pews and church11:00       AM
                    vestibule.       (School)
                               Fill out an envelope, enclose your            The more you cling to this cord, the more I bear the weight of
  donation and put it in the collection basket or return it to the           your burdens; thus, you are lightened. Heaviness is not of My
 Parish Office. The envelopes        be placed on the Altar for the           kingdom. Cling to hope, and My rays of light will reach you
  nine days. The Novena begins on All Souls Day - Tuesday,                       through the darkness.” -Jesus Calling/by Sarah Young
   NovemberAll 2ndSouls
                    (7:30AM - Mass),
                              Tuesday,and is offered
                                                Novat2the daily                  Come and re-discover what it feels like to have hope in
 morning Masses ending on Wednesday, November 10th. The                                your life again as you encounter His mercy.
   Mass intentions for the7:30
                             NovenaAM will be for all those whose
       names appear on the offering envelopes returned.
                   11:00 AM (School)                                             Call for a compassionate, confidential conversation.
                        7:00 PM                                            English: (206) 920-6413
                                                                           Visit us at or
                   All Souls Novena                              
                                                                           Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services.
We invite you to take this opportunity to honor and pray for your
deceased family and friends in the All Souls Novena. Envelopes                        You are loved with an everlasting Love!
  for your offering with places to write these names are in the
 pews and church vestibule. Fill out an envelope, enclose your
  donation and put it in the collection basket or return it to the
 Parish Office. The envelopes will be placed on the Altar for the
  nine days. The Novena begins on All Souls Day - Tuesday,                   Thank you to all our Sunday Bulletin Advertisers!
   November 2nd (7:30AM Mass), and is offered at the daily                  Please consider supporting them. (See pages 7 and 8)
 morning Masses ending on Wednesday, November 10th. The
   Mass intentions for the Novena will be for all those whose                         Advertiser feature of the week:
       names appear on the offering envelopes returned.                             GAFFNEY CONSTRUCTION, INC.

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time - 31 October 2021 ISSION Dt 6:2-6 - Parishes Online
Please join us for prayer and study
                                                                                           at St. John Mission!
                                                                                   REJOICE: Advent Meditations with
                                                                                            the Holy Family
                                                                                           By Father Mark Toups
                                                                          Wednesdays 10:30 am to 12 pm.
                                                                                    November 17
       On November 8th Archbishop Etienne will be
                                                                                    December 1
  celebrating a Mass of Remembrance for all those who                               December 8
 have died from COVID-19. During this special Requiem                               December 15
 Mass, we will remember, mourn, and pray for all those
 we have lost to Covid-19. You are invited to submit the
                                                                                    December 22
   names of family members, friends, parishioners, and              Books available. Donation requested to fund
colleagues who have died. These names will be placed in                 those unable to purchase the book.
   a special Book of the Dead and carried in procession
             during the Mass on November 8.
                                                                     Contact John Brozovich at 425-223-7564.
     Visit Mass for the Dead - Archdiocese of Seattle               Masks required and social distancing observed.

     Court St. Rita’s Catholic Daughters
              of the Americas

        Christmas Craft Fair
  Saturday, December 4 and Sunday, December 5
                   9AM to 6PM
             St. Mary Magdalen Gym
               8517 7th Ave. Everett
                Vendors needed                                      Altar Society Poinsettia/Evergreen
   10 feet by 10 feet space: $25.00 for both days                               Fundraiser
      (No charge for non-profit organizations)
         Please contact: Charlene Osborn                             The Altar Society is again having a holiday fund-
           360-668-2545 or 425-773-1929                            raiser to raise funds for supplies and decor for our
           Email:                              beautiful church. Please consider ordering some
     For more information and an application.                          bright and beautiful poinsettias or evergreen
                                                                    decorations to support your Altar Society. We will
                                                                   have a representative at a table in the vestibule to
                                                                    take your order after masses on the weekends of
                                                                   Oct 30/31 and Nov 6/7. Or you may fill out the or-
                                                                    der form in the bulletin and turn it in, either in the
                                                                     donation basket or at the parish office. Ordering
                                                                   deadline is November 7 and you can pick up your
            Families wishing to apply for tuition                   purchases on the mornings of Saturday, Nov 27,
       assistance for the 2022-2023 school year at
    St. Mary Magdalen School may start the process
                                                                         and Sunday, Nov 28 (the weekend after
  now. Please complete application by January 7, 2022              Thanksgiving). To see a full-color brochure of the
               through your FACTS account.                           items offered, or to order online, please visit the
Please call or email Melissa Morrier-Turk in the office with                parish website at
                      any questions at
                   (425)353-7559 x103 or
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time - 31 October 2021 ISSION Dt 6:2-6 - Parishes Online
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time - 31 October 2021 ISSION Dt 6:2-6 - Parishes Online
Use este enlace para añadir los nombres:

     ASSISTENCIA FINANCIERA                                                QUINCEAÑERAS

                                                                 Requisitos para Misa de Quinceañera

                                                             •   La Candidata y su familia deben estar registrados en
                                                                 la parroquia de Sta. María Magdalena por lo menos 6
                                                                 meses antes de la ceremonia. NO EXCEPTIONS
                                                             •   La candidata y su familia deben asistir a Misa todos
                                                                 los Domingos.
                                                             •   La candidata ocupa realizar 15 horas de servicio en la
Las familias de la Escuela de Santa Maria Magdalena
que deseen solicitar asistencia para la matrícula para       •   La candidata debe asistir a 4 clases de preparación.
el año escolar 2022-2023 pueden comenzar el                      Las clases se ofrecen 4 veces al año.
proceso ahora. Complete la solicitud antes del 7 de          •   La candidata debe haber recibido los sacramentos de
Enero de 2022 a través de su cuenta FACTS. Por                   Bautismo, Reconciliación y Primera Comunion.
favor llame o envíe un correo electrónico a Melissa              Tambien debe estar en preparación para su
Morrier-Turk en la oficina con cualquier pregunta al             Confirmación.
(425)353-7559 x103 o                •   Costo: $400 por familia.
                                                             •   Misas incluyen hasta 6 candidatas.

                                                             Las únicas fechas disponibles para Misas de
                                                             Quinceañeras en 2022 son:
                                                                     Abril 23        Mayo 14          Junio 11
                                                                     Julio 9         Julio 23         Agosto 13
                                                                     Octubre 8
                 Interesados en recibir el
                                                             IMPORTANTE: Por favor NO RESERVAR el salón para
               Sacramento de Matrimonio?                     la fiesta hasta que la fecha de la Misa ha sido confirmada
                                                             con la oficina de la parroquia.
    La Iglesia de Santa Maria Magdalena tiene
                                                             Para más información, por favor llamar a la oficina
   programada una boda comunitaria en español                parroquial 425-353-1211 o llamar al coordinador del
 el 20 de Agosto de 2022. Para más información,              Grupo Hispano Rafael Robles 425-280-9862
      por favor llamar a la oficina parroquial
              425-353-1211 Ext. 100.

RINCÓN DE RAQUEL                                                 FERIA DE MANUALIDADES

                                                                        La Corte St. Rita de las Hijas Católicas
                                                                               de las Americas presenta:

       Sanando el dolor del aborto provocado
                                                                        Feria de Manualidades de Navidad
“Ten esperanza en Mí, y serás protegida de la depresión y la auto
          compasión. La esperanza es como una cuerda                    Sábado, 4 de Diciembre y Domingo, 5 de Diciembre
   dorada conectada al Cielo. Entre más te puedas aferrar de la
  cuerda, más puedo ayudarte con el peso de tus cargas y así te
                                                                                           9AM to 6PM
 sentirás más liviana. La pesadumbre no es parte de Mi Reino.                    Gimnasio de St. María Magdalena
Aférrese de la esperanza y mis rayos de luz le alcanzarán en me-
                            dio de su                                                  8517 7th Ave. Everett
            obscuridad.” -Jesus Llama/ Sarah Young
                                                                           Reserve su espacio para vender
 Vaya y descubra nuevamente lo que se siente volver a tener es-
    peranza en su vida, al encontrarse con Su misericordia.               Espacio de 3 x 3 metros : $25.00 por ambos días

Español: (206) 450-7814 (deje un mensaje confidencial)
                                                                        (No hay costo para organizaciones sin fines de lucro)
Correo electrónico, o visita                      Para más información y para aplicar, contacte a:                                                          Charlene Osborn
                                                                                  360-668-2545 or 425-773-1929
                ¡Con amor eterno te he amado!

    PRESENTANDO EL RINCÓN DE NIÑOS!                                      DIA DE TODOS LOS SANTOS
                       VER PAGINA 9                                          Lunes, 1ro de Noviembre
 Este es un rincón divertido en el boletín para                                     Misas (en inglés):
niños de todas las edades, para leer, colorear y                                        7:30 AM
         aprender sobre su fe católica.                                         11:00 AM (con la escuela)
                                                                                        7:00 PM
 Por favor llévate un boletín a casa. Encuentra
  The Kids Corner / El Rincón de Niños y
  colorea el dibujo. Algunas semanas puede                                    DIA DE LOS DIFUNTOS
   haber acertijos, datos divertidos, recetas,
                   ¡lo que sea!
                                                                              Martes, 2 de Noviembre
  Cuando veas una página para colorear o una
 actividad para hacer, hazlo EN CASA. Cuando                                         Misas (en inglés):
  hayas terminado, recórtalo bien y deposita tu                                          7:30 AM
    OBRA DE ARTE en la caja de The Kids                                          11:00 AM (con la escuela)
   Corner / El Rincón de Niños de la Iglesia.                                            7:00 PM
Estaremos presentando las obras de arte en los                                  Novena por los difuntos:
próximos boletines. Talvez TU OBRA DE ARTE                                          Nov 2 - Nov 10
   será destacada en un boletín muy pronto!                                  (durante la misa de mañana)
Thánh Lễ Tưởng Niệm
    Cho tất cả những người đã Từ trần vì dịch Covid-19.
                Ngày 8 tháng 11 lúc 7:00 PM                         Thánh Lễ Mừng kính Các Thánh Tử Đạo Việt Nam
                  Tại St. James Cathedral
            Đức Tổng Giám mục Etienne Chủ tế
                                                                    sẽ do cha Trung Pham cử hành vào ngày 27 tháng
                                                                    11 năm 2021 lúc 11:00 AM tại Thánh Đường Thánh
 Trực tiếp tham dự Thánh Lễ với chúng tôi hoặc tham gia trực         Maria Magdalen. Xin Quý ông bà và anh chị em
    tuyến qua mạng lưới thông tin Tổng giáo phận Seattle.                  dành thời giờ đến tham dự thánh lễ.
                                                                     Hội Giúp Lễ Bán Cây Poinsettia/Evergreen Gây Quỹ
  Vào ngày 8 tháng 11, Đức Tổng giám mục Etienne sẽ cử
 hành một Thánh lễ Tưởng Niệm tất cả những người những                                       Hội Giúp Lễ lại đang tổ chức một
 người đã chết vì dịch COVID-19. Trong Thánh Lễ Cầu Hồn                                      buổi gây quỹ vào dịp lễ để gây
  đặc biệt này, chúng ta sẽ tưởng nhớ, thương tiếc và cầu                                    quỹ trang trải cho vật dụng và
nguyện cho tất cả những người mà chúng ta đã mất đi vì dịch                                  trang hoàng cho ngôi Nhà thờ
 Covid-19. Xin gửi tên của các thành viên trong gia đình quý                                 xinh đẹp của chúng ta. Xin Quý
  vị, bạn bè, giáo dân và đồng nghiệp đã từ trần. Tên của                                    vị vui lòng cân nhắc để đặt mua
 nhũng Vị này sẽ được ghi trong một cuốn sách đặc biệt của
Những người đã Từ trần và sách được rước lên bàn thờ trong                                   một số cây Poinsettia tươi sáng
               Thánh Lễ vào ngày 8 tháng 11.                                                 và rất đẹp hoặc đồ trang trí cây
                                                                                             thương xanh (Evergreen) để hỗ
  Quý vị có thể đang ký tên Người Tử Trần trên trang mạng                                    trợ Hội Giúp Lễ của chúng ta.
             Thánh Lễ - Tổng Giáo Phận Seattle
                Chúng tôi sẽ có vị đại diện ngồi tại bàn trong tiền sảnh
                                                                    Nhà thờ để nhận đơn đặt mua cây của quý vị sau các
                                                                    Thánh lễ vào các ngày cuối tuần ngày 30 và 31 tháng
                                                                    10, và ngày 6 và 7 tháng 11. Hoặc quý vị có thể điền
                                                                    vào mẫu đơn đặt mua cây đính kèm trong bản tin Giáo
                                                                    xứ và bỏ đơn vào giỏ quyên tiền của Giáo xứ hoặc nộp
                                                                    tại văn phòng giáo xứ.
            Chương trình tài trợ học phí Fulcrum
                                                                    Thời hạn chót đặt mua cây là ngày 7 tháng 11 và quý vị
 Những gia đình có nhu cầu xin trợ giúp trả học phí cho năm         có thể nhận cây vào các buổi sáng của thứ Bảy, ngày 27
                   học 2022-2023 tại trường
St. Mary Magdalen có thể bắt đầu quá trình nộp đơn này ngay
                                                                    tháng 11 và Chủ nhật, ngày 28 tháng 11 (ngày cuối tuần
 bây giờ. Xin vui lòng hoàn thành đơn đăng ký trước ngày 7          sau ngày Lễ Tạ ơn). Để xem tập quảng cáo hình màu về
tháng 1, 2022 thông qua tài khoản FACTS của quý vị. Xin gọi         các loại cây được đưa ra bán, xin vui lòng truy cập trang
điện thoại hoặc gửi email cho cô Melissa Morrier-Turk tại văn       web của giáo xứ tại
 phòng với bất kỳ câu hỏi nào tại (425) 353-7559 x103 hoặc
                    gửi điện thư tới địa chỉ                        Hội Thiếu Nữ Công Giáo Thánh Rita Mỹ Quốc
                                 Hội chợ Thủ công Giáng sinh

Tỉnh tâm Mùa Vọng sẽ                                                Thứ Bảy, ngày 4 tháng 12, và Chủ
được tổ chức vào ngày                                               Nhật, ngày 5 tháng 12, lúc 9AM tới
thứ bẩy, ngày 4 tháng                                               Tổ chức tại phòng thể thao trường St.
12, bắt đầu lúc 9:30am                                              Mary Magdalen
sáng tới 3:30pm chiều,                                              8517 7th Ave. Everett
dưới sự hướng dẫn                                                   Cần quầy hàng để bán
                                                                    Mướn chỗ bán hàng: 10 feet by 10 feet space: $25.00 for both
của cha Đoàn Hoàng                                                  days
Khôi Anh, thuộc Dòng                                                Miễn phí cho các tổ chức phi lợi nhuận
Tu Hội Nhà Chúa, xin cộng đoàn hưởng ứng tham                       Vui lòng liên lạc:
dự. Cộng đoàn sẽ lo cơm trưa cho quý vị tại phòng                   Charlene Osborn 360-668-2545 or 425-773-1929
John Paul II.                                                       Email:
                                                                    để biết thêm chi tiết và điền đơn.


Sunday, October 31                                       Thursday, November 4
- 7AM-7PM-Eucharistic Adoration-305Chpl                  - 6:45-8AM-School AM Extension-205,208,403JPII
- 8-9AM-SMM Mass-100CH                                   - 7AM-7PM-Eucharistic Adoration-305Chpl
- 8:30-10AM-Rel. Ed-107,108,113,114                      - 7:30-8:00AM-SMM Mass-100CH
- 8:30AM-9AM-SJ Rosary-501SJSanc                         - 8:15-9:15AM-School SCRIP-402Sec.
- 9-10AM-SJM Mass-501Sanc, 502SJPH                       - 9AM-11AM-Parish Lib Open-300StJsph
- 10AM-11AM-SMM Mass-100CH                               - 11AM-12PM-SJM CH Cleaning 501SJSanc, 503PH
- 9AM-12PM-Scout Retreat-350PrGrdn                       - 1PM-2PM-Bulletin Crew-301StAnd
- 12-1PM-SMM Mass in Spanish-100CH                       - 2:15PM-3PM-School SCRIP-402Sec.
- 10AM-1:30PM-TNTT Leaders/Breaks-403JPII                - 2:45-6PM School PM Extension-205,208,403JPII
- 12PM-3:30PM-TNTT 109,110,111,112,120,121,              - 4:30PM-6PM-American Heritage Girls-203K/PH
122,124                                                  - 6:15PM-8:30PM-RCIC Class-123, 124
- 2PM-3PM-Mass in Vietnamese-100CH                       - 6:30-7:30PM Confessions-100CH
- 2PM-4PM-Road to Damascus Evangeliz.-300StJsph          - 6:45PM-8:15PM-RCIA Class-117SL, 203K/PH
- 4:30-5:30PM-SMM Mass-100CH
- 5:30PM-6PM-Liturgical Prep-100CH                       Friday, November 6
                                                         - 6:45-8AM-School AM Extension-205,208,403JPII
Monday, November 1                                       - 7AM-7PM-Eucharistic Adoration-305Chpl
- ALL DAY-ALL SAINTS DAY                                 - 7:30-8:00AM-SMM Mass-100CH
- 6:45-8AM-School AM Extension-205,208,403JPII           - 8AM-6:30PM-First Friday Adoration-100CH
- 7AM-7PM-Eucharistic Adoration-305Chpl                  - 8:15-9:15AM-School SCRIP-402Sec.
- 7:30-8:00AM-SMM Mass-100CH                             - 2:45-6PM-School PM Extension-205,208,403JPII
- 8AM-2PM-Reserved P.O.-301StAnd                         - 3PM-4:30PM-School PM Extension-214Gym
- 8:15-9:15AM-School SCRIP-402Sec.                       - 4PM-8PM-Floral Ministry-102
- 11AM-12PM-SMM Mass (with school)-100CH                 - 7PM-8PM-First Friday Mass-100CH
- 12:30PM-2PM-School Band 403JPII                        - 7PM-8PM-Viet Adoration-305Chapel
- 2:45-6PM-School PM Extension-205,208,403JPII
- 6PM-8:30PM-RE &YM Special Event-203K/PH,214Gym         Saturday, November 7
- 7PM-8PM-Religious Ed-107,109,111,113,120,              - 6:30-7:30AM-Men’s Prayer Group-100CHB
121,123,124,203K/PH,100CH                                - 7AM-7PM-Eucharistic Adoration-305Chpl
- 7PM-9PM-Hispanic Prayer Group-203K/PH                  - 7:30-8:00AM SMM Mass-100CH
- 7PM-8PM-SMM Mass-100CH                                 - 8AM-9AM-SMM Church Cleaning-100CH
                                                         - 8AM-9AM-Viet. First Saturday Rosary-100CH
Tuesday, November 2                                      - 10AM-11AM-Baptism-100CH
- ALL DAY-ALL SOULS DAY                                  - 3:30-4:30PM-Confessions-100CH
- 6:45-8AM-School AM Extension-205,208,403JPII           - 4:15-4:45PM-Rosary-100CH
- 7AM-7PM-Eucharistic Adoration-305Chpl                  - 5PM-6PM-SMM Vigil Mass-100CH
- 7:30-8:00AM SMM Mass-100CH                             - 6PM-9PM-HS Youth Movie Night-214Gym, 403JPII
- 11AM-12PM-SMM Mass (with school)-100CH
- 1:30PM-3PM-School Concert Rehearsal-203K/PH            Sunday, November 8
- 2:45-6PM-School PM Extension-205,208,403JPII           - 7AM-7PM-Eucharistic Adoration-305Chpl
- 4PM-5 PM-SJM Adoration-501SJSanc                       - 8-9AM-SMM Mass-100CH
- 6PM-10PM-Knights of Columbus-403JPII                   - 8:30-10AM-Rel. Ed-107,108,113,114
- 7PM-9PM-BSA Troop 18 Meeting-203K/PH                   - 8:30AM-9AM-SJ Rosary-501SJSanc
- 7PM-9PM-Vietnamese Parish Co.-402Sec.                  - 9-10AM-SJM Mass-501Sanc, 502SJPH
- 7PM-8PM-SMM Mass-100CH                                 - 10AM-11AM-SMM Mass-100CH (CDA Memorial)
                                                         - 12-1PM-SMM Mass in Spanish-100CH
Wednesday, November 3                                    - 10AM-1:30PM-TNTT Leaders/Breaks-403JPII
- 6:45-8AM-School AM Extension-205,208,403JPII           - 12PM-3:30PM-TNTT 109,110,111,112,120,121,
- 7AM-7PM-Eucharistic Adoration-305Chpl                  122,124
- 8:30-9:00AM-SMM Mass-100CH                             - 2PM-3PM-Mass in Vietnamese-100CH
- 10AM-11:30AM-Parish Office Closed                      - 2PM-4PM-Confirmation Prep-107,109,124,403JPII
- 12:30-2PM-School Band-403JPII                          - 2PM-4:30PM-Sacramental Parent Class-203K/
- 1PM-3PM-SJ Women’s Guild-503SJPH                       PH,214Gym,403JPII
- 1:15PM-2PM-School Concert Rehearsal-203K/PH            - 4:30-5:30PM-SMM Mass-100CH
- 1:45-6PM-School PM Extension-205,208,403JPII
- 6:30-8:30PM-SMM Adult Bible Study-123

                                                  . 10
DCN. DAVE’S SERMONETTES                                                   DEACON’S DIARY
                                                                                 DEACON’S DIARY
                        Deacon Dave offers short                                             Presence
                                                                                              WINNERS more than our
                                                                      Our children need our presence
                        presentations where he responds
                        to complex biblical and liturgical                               presents.
                                                                              Real winners may have been counted out
                        topics such as:                                       several times, but- Psalm
                                                                                                  didn’t hear the referee.
                        The Will of God, Avoid Sin,                                                    - Proverbs 24:16
                                                                                                       Dcn. Dave
                        Dying to Self and more.                                                             Dcn. Dave
                        Volumes are written about these
                        topics, Dcn. Dave will share his
                        spiritual insight in five to
                        seven-minute presentations.                     St. Mary Magdalen Parish
Log on to the and click on “Deacon                               Everett WA
Dave’s Sermonettes” and enjoy in the comfort and
safety of your home.
                                                                                      PARISH FACEBOOK
DEACON DAVE’S                                                                           To
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                                                                                           submit photos
                                                                       of your
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                                                                               parish group
                                                                                       group or
                                                                                             or ministry
                                                                                                 ministry events,
                                                                                                          events, email
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SUNDAY GOSPEL                                                        
                                                                          BULLETIN INFORMATION
Deacon Dave shares his spiritual insight as he presents a           Bulletin Cover: Adoration of the Trinity
gospel synopsis and “Spiritual Nugget” for the upcoming                             Albrecht Dürer c. 1511
                                                                    Bulletin Submission Deadline:
Log on to and click on to: “DEACON                    Ordinary deadline for bulletin items and inserts is
DAVE’S SUNDAY GOSPEL NUGGETS”.                                      12 Noon, two Fridays before the Sunday you wish it
                                                                    published. This is the same for Mass announcements.
                                                                    Exceptions to this date will be noted when necessary.

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                                                                                          or (800) 950-9952 x2257

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