PROFILE - University of Toronto

Page created by Charlotte Murray

                                           ASSISTANT PROFESSOR

                                              +1 (437) 776-4402

                                        UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO

Dr. Emmanuelle Le Pichon-Vorstman is Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto, OISE, head of the
Centre de Recherches en Éducation Franco-Ontarienne (CRÉFO) and as of April 2019, Adjunct member of
the Université de l’Ontario Français. Previously, from 2006 onwards, she has worked at the Department of
Languages, Literature and Communication and at the Utrecht Institute of Linguistics, in the Netherlands
(since 2010 tenured track). Since 2009, she has led several projects on the inclusion of minority students in
education (equivalent to more than 1,5M CAN$ in research subventions). Dr Le Pichon- Vorstman works as
a consultant, researcher, evaluator and reviewer for several international organizations and international
journals. She has participated in policy analyses, notably for the European Commission (NESET II, Sirius,
Erasmus +) and the Migration Policy Institute (Washington DC, May 2015). Her keen interest in migration
policy has led her to conduct research studies on issues related to multilingual education, particularly on
the education of newly arrived migrant students in Europe and in Canada (TRAM project, Taalschool
project, EDINA, SSHRC project in Toronto) and indigenous pupils in Suriname (Meertaligheid in Suriname in
collaboration with the Rutu Foundation). In 2015, her research report was at the center of a debate on
migrant issues and education in the Dutch parliament which ultimately led to the allocation of 15M Euro in
support of primary schools for refugee students in 2016. Among others, in the last years, Dr. Le Pichon-
Vorstman has served on boards of the Dutch Association of Applied Linguistics (2012-2017), of the Ethical
committee of the Utrecht Institute of Linguistics (2016-2017), and of the Education Commission for
undergraduate (2015-2016) and graduate students (2016-2017) of the Department of Languages,
Literature and Communication in Utrecht as well as of the Equity Committee and Graduate Department
Academic Appeals Committee, University of Toronto, OISE (2018-present).

Research interests: educational linguistics, linguistic diversity, education rights of linguistic minorities
(including minorities), language learning and teaching, metacognition, migration & mobilities, inclusive
education, peer feedback & academic writing

Academic teaching certificate, 2013, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, 2010, Utrecht University, The Netherlands & Tours University, France
M.A. Foreign Language learning and teaching, Cum Laude, 2004, Tours University
B.A. Foreign Language learning and teaching, Cum Laude, 2000, Grenoble University, France
M.A. French literature, Cum Laude, 1996, La Sorbonne, Paris IV, France

Please note: Main Author or Main Applicant= MA; Co-Applicant= CO; Principal Investigator= PI;
Le Pichon, E. (Applicant)(06.2020- 08.2022). Plurilingual pedagogies and digital technologies to support
   learning in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Partnership Development Grant, Social
   Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
Le Pichon, E. (Co- Applicant)(2020- 2027). Northern Oral Language and Writing through Play: A
   Partnership Supporting Indigenous Children's Language, Cultural Knowledge and Writing. Applicant:
   Shelley Stagg-Peterson, Partnership Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
Le Pichon, E. (Applicant)(01.2020- 07.2020). Ministère de l’éducation. Actualisation de la ressource
   pédagogique AVIS Apprentissage à la vie et intégration sociale, publié par le Centre franco-ontarien de
   ressources pédagogiques (CFORP) en 2002 (ISBN : 97828958110353).
Le Pichon, E. (co-Applicant) (06.2018- 08-2020). ($82,622) The social and academic integration of Syrian
   refugees in Ontario schools, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Insight Grants,
   Applicant: Antoinette Gagné.
Lory, M.-P., Le Pichon, E. (co-Applicant) & Farmer, D. (05.2019- 04.2021). ($14,176) Linguistic and cultural
   diversity resources in the World. OISE, The Center funding competition.
Le Pichon, E. (09.2018- 04-2019). ($2,402,25) A bilingual game to assess Syrian refugee students’
   mathematical skills, SSHRC Institutional Grant (SIG) - Explore Grant, PI
Le Pichon, E. (09.2016- 08.2018). Peer feedback for the stimulation of writing skills, Utrecht
   Stimuleringsfonds Onderwijs (117 000 euro/ 185 300 CA$), PI & MA
Le Pichon, E. (09.2015-08.2018). Education of International Newly Arrived migrant pupils at primary and
   secondary school level. European Union grant (ERASMUS +, 450 000 euro, 655, 724.21 CA$), Strategic
   partnership in the field of education, training and youth; PI & MA.
Le Pichon, E. (07. 2015- 12. 2017). Dynamics of Youth, When language fails: Communication skills as a
   predictor of behavioral problems in children and adolescents, (100 000 euro, 148,074.27 CA$), CO.
Le Pichon, E. (09.2014-08.2016). Using native speaker students for the stimulation of writing skills, PI &
   MA (230 hours)
Le Pichon, E. (09.2013-08.2015). Education of Newly Arrived Migrant Pupils in the Netherlands Language
   school project, (80 000 euro or 116, 802.59 CA$), Commissioned by the municipality of Utrecht, PI &
Le Pichon, E. (08.2015- 07.2016). Managing diversity at primary school level in Suriname: promoting
   expertise in the Master of teaching Twinning facilities (75 109 euro/ 109, 661.57CA$), CO, PI for
   Utrecht University, in cooperation with the Teacher Institute of Paramaribo, Suriname and with the
   Rutu Foundation.
Le Pichon, E. (09.2009-08.2012). Transitions and Multilingualism, Comenius program European Union
   grant (150 000 euro or 219, 004.85 CA$ Dutch part), PI for Utrecht University in cooperation with
   Germany, Sweden, Latvia and Romania.

Le Pichon, E. (2010). What children know about communication: a language biographical approach of the
   heterogeneity of plurilingual groups LOT, 2010. 239 p.
Beerkens, R., Le Pichon, E., Supheerd, R., Ten Thije, J. eds. (in press, planned for Jan. 2020). Enhancing
   Intercultural Communication in Organizations: Insights from Project Advisers, Routledge.
   (alphabetical order)
Le Pichon, E., Siarova, H. & Szonyi, E. (2020). The Future of language education in Europe: Case-Studies of
   innovative practices. NESET II report, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Radar, E. & Le Pichon, E. (2019). Une langue ’tordue’? Réappropriations identitaires par les récits de vie :
   pratiques translangagières et agentivité en contexte migratoire. Langage & Société, CAIRN
   International, 168, (3).
Le Pichon, E. & Baauw, S. (2019). EDINA, Education of International Newly Arrived Migrant
   pupils. European Journal of Applied Linguistics, doi:10.1515/eujal-2018-0021
Le Pichon, E. (2018). Migrations et médiations des langues et des hommes: quel rôle pour la didactique
   des langues? Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures - Les cahiers de l'Acedle, 15, (2), 1-
Le Pichon, E., Baauw, S. & Dekker, S. (2018). Arrival, Background, Assessment and Communication with
   stakeholders. Online. Available:
Herzog-Punzenberger, B., Le Pichon, E., & Siarova, H. (2017). Multilingual education in the light of
   diversity: Lessons learned. NESET II report, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union,
   2017. doi: 10.2766/71255.
Le Pichon, E. & De Jonge, M. (2016). Linguistic and psychological perspectives on prolonged periods of
   silence in dual language learners. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 19, (4),
Boogaard, M., Van den Bogaerde, B., Bacchini, S., Curcic, M., de Jong, N., Le Pichon, E., Rasier, L. (Editors)
   (2015). Artikelen van de 8e Anéla Conferentie Toegepaste Taalwetenschap. [Papers of the 8th Anéla
   Conference Applied Linguistics]. Delft: Uitgeverij Eburon, 124 p.
Le Pichon, E., de Swart, H.E.; Vorstman, J.A.S.; van den Bergh, H. (2013). Emergence of patterns of
   strategic competence in young plurilingual children involved in French international schools. In:
   International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 16, (1), 42-63.
Le Pichon, E. (2012). Monsieur Alexandre: vers un partage du patrimoine mondial. Documents pour
   l'histoire du français langue étrangère ou seconde, (49), 219.
Le Pichon, E. (2012). Genèse de la compétence de communication des enfants plurilingues: au
   commencement était l'enseignement des langues. CORELA (Cognition, Représentation, Language), 11,
Le Pichon, E. (2011). Should Young (Bilingual) Children Learn a New Language at School? Child Health and
   Education, Vol. 3, 2011, p. 91-105.
Le Pichon, E.; de Swart, H.E.; Vorstman, J.A.S.; van den Bergh, H.H. (2010). Influence of the context of
   learning a language on the strategic competence of children. International Journal of Bilingualism, Vol.
   14, No. 4, p. 447-465.
Le Pichon, E.; de Swart, H.; Vorstman, J.A.S.; van den Bergh, H. (2009). Effect of learning a new language
   on the children's willingness to communicate. Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen, Vol. 1, No. 81,
   2009, 31-40.
Le Pichon, E.; de Swart, H.; Ceginskas, V.; van den Bergh, H. (2009). Language Learning Experience in
   school context and metacognitive awareness of multilingual children. International Journal of

Multilingualism, Vol. 6, No. 3, 256-280.
Le Pichon, E. (2006). Ce que les enfants savent de la communication : enquêtes en contexte scolaire
   plurilingue. Les Langues Modernes, Vol. 100, No. 1, 38-47.
Le Pichon, E. & Baauw, S. (in press). Advising municipalities on schooling Newly Arrived Migrant Pupils. In.
   Beerkens, R., Le Pichon, E., Supheerd, R., Ten Thije, J. eds. Enhancing Intercultural Communication in
   Organizations: Insights from Project Advisers. Routledge.
Beerkens, R. & Le Pichon, E. (in press). Key concepts. In. Beerkens, R., Le Pichon, E., Supheerd, R., Ten
   Thije, J. eds. Enhancing Intercultural Communication in Organizations: Insights from Project Advisers.
Beerkens, R. & Le Pichon, E. (in press). Conclusion. In. Beerkens, R., Le Pichon, E., Supheerd, R., Ten Thije,
   J. eds. Enhancing Intercultural Communication in Organizations: Insights from Project Advisers.
Le Pichon, E. (2020). Intercultural communication, migration and mobility. In. Guido Rings & Sebastian
   Rasinger. The Cambridge Handbook of Intercultural Communication. Cambridge University Press
Le Pichon, E. & Baauw, S. (2018). Meertaligheid als sleutel tot inclusief onderwijs voor pas aangekomen
   migrantenkinderen [Multilingualism as key for inclusive education for newly arrived migrant pupils], In
   Argidad and Kambel, Meertaligheid in het onderwijs [Multilingualism in education]. Boom,
Le Pichon, E. & Kambel, E-R. (2018). Meertalige strategieën, taalonzekerheid en rekenen met
   anderstaligen: voorbeelden uit Suriname [Multilingual strategies, language insecurity and maths with
   language learners: examples from Suriname], In Argidad and Kambel, Meertaligheid in het onderwijs
   [Multilingualism in education]. Boom, Amsterdam.
Le Pichon, E. & Kambel, E-R. (2016). Challenges of mathematics education in a multilingual post-colonial
   context: The case of Suriname. Human rights in language and STEM education. Edited by Z. Babaci-
   Wilhite. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 221-240. EC
Le Pichon, E. (2013). Handling plurilingualism in kindergarten and primary school. Transition to School
   and Multilingualism – A Curriculum for Educational Professionals, edited by W. Griebel; R. Heinisch; C.
   Kieferle; E. Röbe; A. Seifert. Hamburg, Germany: Verlag Dr. Kovač.
Le Pichon, E. (2008). Conscience meta-communicative et compétence plurilingue Perspectives
   francophones autour de la notion de compétence plurilingue. in Moore and Castellotti.
   Fribourg/Berne: Peter Lang Verlag, 129-146.
Le Pichon, E., Cummins, J. & Vorstman, J. (2019). Exploring Binogi, a video-based multilingual educational
   tool to support English Language Learners. Final report. Toronto Catholic School Board.
Le Pichon, E., Jun, J. & Cummins, J. (2019). Exploring Binogi, a video-based multilingual educational tool
   to support English Language Learners. Mid-term report. Toronto Catholic School Board.
Le Pichon E. & Piccardo, E. (2018). Portfolio et Certificat Linguistique et Culturel. Université de l’Ontario
   Français. EC
Tudjman, T., van den Heerik, A., Le Pichon, E., Baauw, S. (2017). Refugee education in The Netherlands.
   Multi-country partnership to enhance the education of refugee and asylum-seeking youth in Europe,
   SIRIUS Report. EC
Le Pichon, E., Baauw, S., Van Erning, R. (2016). Country report: The Netherlands. EDINA. EC
Le Pichon, E. (Principal Investigator) (2015). Baauw, S. Onderzoeksrapport Taalschool Utrecht. [research

report Language school Utrecht]. Utrecht : Utrecht University. 57 p. MA
Le Pichon, E. (2020). Review of: Shapiro, S., Farrelly, R., & Curry, M. J. (Eds.). (2018). Educating refugee-
   background students: Critical issues and dynamic contexts. Bristol, United Kingdom: Multilingual
   Matters. 264pp. ISBN: 978-1-78309-996-2 . Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 22(2), i-iii.
   Retrieved from
Le Pichon, E. (2012). Review of Social Justice through multilingual education. In: Sociolinguistic Studies,
   Vol. 6, 173-178.
Le Pichon, E. (2010). Language Learning Strategies in independent settings. In: Sociolinguistic Studies, Vol.
   4, 687-692.
Le Pichon, E. (2008). Teaching English as an international language: identity, resistance and negotiation.
   In: Sociolinguistic Studies, Vol. 2, 459-464.
Le Pichon, E. (2006). De l’école occitane à l’enseignement public: vécu et représentations
   sociolinguistiques. In: Sociolinguistic Studies, Vol. 7.
Le Pichon, E. (accepted). Literacy in multilingual contexts. In Auger and Prasad, Multilingualism in
   context: Key concepts and practices in education.
Le Pichon, E.; Cole, D.; Baauw, S.; Steffens, M.; van den Brink, M.; Dekker, S. (in press). Transcultural
   itineraries and new literacies: how migration memories could reshape school systems, In. Passerini,
   Proglio and Trakilović, The Mobility of Memory across European Borders. Migrations and Diasporas in
   Europe and Beyond.
Le Pichon, E. (accepted). Multilingualism in Society: Refuge and Asylum. In. Gogolin, Hansen, Leseman,
   McMonagle and Rauch. Handbuch “Mehrsprachigkeit und Bildung” [Handbook “Multilingualism and
   Language Education.”] Springer.
Attar, Z., Blom, E. & Le Pichon, E. (submitted). Towards More Multilingual Practices in the Mathematics
   Assessment of Young Refugee Students: Effects of Testing Language and Validity of Parental
Auger, N. & Le Pichon, E. (in preparation). Ces élèves qui nous défient! Diversités langagières et
  Culturelles. Proposal in review, Coll. "Pédagogies" published by ESF Sciences Humaines.
Auger, N., Le Pichon, E & Prasad, G. eds. (in preparation). Multilingualism in context: Key concepts and
  practices in education.
Le Pichon, E. & Gagné, A. (Cancelled, 1-3 June 2020). Integration or Inclusion? The co-creation of me
   maps with students of refugee background as a pathway to inclusion. ACLA- CAAL, London, Ontario.
Gagné, A. & Le Pichon, E. (Cancelled). Promising Pathways and Practices for The Social and Academic
   Integration of Refugee Background Students. AERA, Los Angeles.
Le Pichon, E. (31 Jan. 2020). The social and academic integration of young students with a refugee
   background, Dutch Annual Linguistic Day, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Le Pichon, E. (Chair), Kambel, E.R. & Varsanyi, M. (14 nov. 2019). The Language Friendly School.
   Roundtable. International Association For Intercultural Education, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Le Pichon, E. & Gagné, A. (12 nov. 2019). Creating me-mapping activities to foster the inclusion of
   multilingual students. International Association For Intercultural Education, Amsterdam, The
Kambel, E., Le Pichon E., Varsanyi, M. & Koster, L. (24-26 Sept. 2019). Language Friendly Schools: A
   Sustainable Path to Quality Education for All? The Inclusion, Mobility and Multilingual Education

Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
Le Pichon, E. & Cummins, J. (3-7 Sept. 2019). Using A Web-Based Multilingual Learning Tool To Support
   The Inclusion Of Language Learners In Schools, Network on Language and Education, ECER 2019,
   Hamburg, Germany.
Le Pichon, E., Gagné, A., Alisaari, J. & Lauritsen, K. (3-7 Sept. 2019). Comparative Perspectives on the
   Academic Integration of Newly Arrived Migrant Students in Canada, Finland, Norway, Belgium and The
Netherlands, ‘Network on Language and Education’ Panel Discussion, Network on Language and
   Education, ECER 2019, Hamburg, Germany.
Attar, Z., Blom & Le Pichon, E. (23-28 June 2019). Effects of Testing Language and Validity of Parental
   Assessment, International Symposium on Bilingualism. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Le Pichon, E. & Cummins, J. (3-5 June 2019). Using a video-based multilingual educational platform to
   support English Language Learners in Mathematics, ACLA-CAAL 2019, the Canadian Association of
   Applied Linguistics 2019 Conference, 2019 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University
   of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Gagné, A.; Le Pichon, E. & Wattar, D. (3-5 June 2019). Me Mapping: Identity-focused Workshops for
   Syrian Children and Youth, Invited AAAL/CAAL 2019 Symposium: Transnational/transitional linguistic
   ecologies - teaching and learning with children + youth from refugee backgrounds, ACLA-CAAL 2019,
   the Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics 2019 Conference, 2019 Congress of the Humanities
   and Social Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Wattar, D., Le Pichon, E. & Menon, N. (2-4 May 2019). Using Technology to Support a Linguistically
   Responsive Teaching Pedagogy. Language without borders, Fredericton, New-Brunswick.
Le Pichon, E. & Wattar, D. (2-4 May 2019). Trajectories of Refugee Students’ English Language Learning
   and School Integration. Trajectories of Refugee Students’ English Language Learning and School
Le Pichon, E., Gagné, A. & Palta, Z. (10 April 2019). LEAP: A Promising Pathway for Refugee Students?
   CAN-Germany Workshop on the Integration of Refugees, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
   (OISE), University of Toronto.
Le Pichon, E. & Cummins, J. (10 April 2019). Exploring Binogi, a video-based multilingual educational tool
   to support refugee students in Mathematics, CAN-Germany Workshop on the Integration of Refugees,
   Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto.
Le Pichon, E. Symposium chair. (4-7 Sept. 2018). Expectations of teachers regarding the linguistic
   competence of the pupils and school success: the exclusion effect of a narrow focus on the language
   of schooling, ECER 2018, the European Conference on Educational research, Bolzano, Italy.
Le Pichon, E., Baauw, S., Dekker, S. (4-7 Sept. 2018). Inclusive education for multilingual learners: some
   implementation prerequisites, Symposium: Teachers’ practice and subject knowledge for teaching
   multilingual learners: international perspectives on linguistically responsive pedagogy as a resource
   for inclusion, Chaired by Naomi Flynn, University of Reading, England, ECER 2018, the European
   Conference on Educational research, Bolzano, Italy.
Le Pichon, E., Dekker, S., Baauw, S. (26 - 27 March 2018). Transcultural itineraries and new literacies: how
   migration memories could reshape school systems. Language and borders conference: rethinking
   mobility, migration and space, Bristol, UK.
Attar, Z., Blom & Le Pichon, E. (1 - 2 June 2018). The Influence of the Test Language on the Performance
   of Young Newly Arrived Migrant Syrian (NAMS) Pupils at Mathematics. ANÉLA applied linguistics
   conference 2018, Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands.
Le Pichon, E., Dekker, S., Baauw, S. (1 - 2 June 2018). Applying knowledge of multilingualism to classroom
   strategies, ANÉLA applied linguistics conference 2018, Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands.
Le Pichon, E. (3-4.05.2018). Implementing translanguaging principles in teacher education in the light of
   transcultural itineraries, Translanguaging: opportunities and challenges in a global world, Colloque du
   CERBAL 2018, Ottawa, Canada.

Le Pichon, E. & Lory, M.P. (27.04.2018). School inclusion of Newly Arrived migrant students, Workshop,
   Celebrating Linguistic Diversity, OISE, University of Toronto.
Le Pichon, E. Keynote. (20.01.2017). Migrations et nouveaux parcours de langues: pour une remise en
   cause de la notion de langue étrangère. La médiation en didactique des langues: formes, fonctions,
   représentations. Colloque de l’Association des Chercheurs et Enseignants Didacticiens des Langues
   étrangères. Bordeaux, France.
Le Pichon, E. Speaker and input paper. (11.07.2016). New patterns of migration and society, new needs
   for language teaching, commissioned by the European commission, Thematic Workshop Rethinking
   literacies and language learning.
Le Pichon, E. Examiner. (30.05.2016). Evaluation of the education programs for newly arrived migrant
   children in primary and secondary education in Flanders, commissioned by the Flemish Minister of
Le Pichon, E. (7.03.2016). Platvorm beleidsinformatie: Schoolloopbanen migranten, [Platform Policy
   Information: school trajectory of migrants].
Le Pichon, E. Contributor. (1.09.2014-1.05.2015). European portfolio for pre-primary educators (Pepelino)
Le Pichon, E., S. Baauw, R. Erning, J. Vorstman. (23-26.08.2016). School development of Newly Arrived
   Migrant pupils. European Conference on Educational Research, Dublin, Ireland. MA
Le Pichon, E. (20-22.06.2016). New patterns of migration, new needs. Co-designs; Language Education
   policies, Jyvaskyla, Finland.
Le Pichon, E. (20.04.2016). Education of Newly arrived migrant pupils EDINA: Country reports. Education,
   Participation, Integration – Erasmus+ and Refugees, Essen, Germany.
Le Pichon, E. & Kambel, E-R. (03.10.2015). The Introduction of plurilingual and intercultural teaching
   strategies in Suriname: Between evidence and resistance. The Pan-Guyanese Highway: Cayenne-
   Georgetown- Paramaribo, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. EC
Le Pichon, E. (20.05.2015). The introduction of inheritance languages as instructional middle in Suriname.
   Anéla Conference in Applied Linguistics, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.
Le Pichon, E. & van Beuningen, C. (2014). Identifying success factors of expert-peer feedback in L2
   academic writing. Conference on Writing Research, Amsterdam.
Le Pichon, E. (23 May 2014). Bi- or multilingual plan for education: what do we know? Symposium on
   Bilingualism in the Surinamese education. Paramaribo, Surinam.
Le Pichon, E.; Radar, E. (2014). Migrations des hommes et des langues : le français langue de pouvoir,
   langue minorée ou langue passerelle? Policy and Ideology in Language Teaching and Learning: Actors
   and Discourses, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales PLIDAM, Paris, France. EC
Le Pichon, E. (2014). Using native speaker students for the stimulation of writing skills in academic
   context. Writing Research Across Borders, Paris, France.
Le Pichon, E. (2014). Education and migrant children in the European context: language diversity as a
   chance. The big language day, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Le Pichon, E. (2013). Silent Period or Selective Mutism in young bilingual children: impact of language and
   culture change on identity formation. Youth and Identity symposium, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Le Pichon, E. (2013). Prolonged periods of silence in young bilingual children: language and culture shock
   or developmental disorder? Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research (EMLAR IX)
   Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Le Pichon, E. (2011). Should Young (Bilingual) Children Learn a New Language at School? Child Health and
   Education, 3, 91-105.
Le Pichon, E. (ILOB, postponed). The need for evidence-based strategies to navigate the changed
   linguistic landscapes in education. University of Ottawa.

Le Pichon, E. (2.10.2019). The role of online multilingual platforms in the inclusion of parents.
   Municipality of Stokholm, Sweden.
Le Pichon E. & Gagné, A. (25.10.2018). Hypermobility and the Education of Migrant Refugee Students: A
   Changing Landscape in Canada and Europe. CIDE seminar, Comparative, International & Development
   Education Research Centre.
Le Pichon, E. (02.05.2018). Itinéraires transculturels et nouvelles littératies: les enfants nouvellement
   arrivés dans l’éducation. Réseau de Savoir sur l’Équité RSEKN Equity Knowledge Network, lecture
   series. University of Ottawa, Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Education, Ottawa, Canada.
Le Pichon, E. (28.03.2018). Pour une éducation inclusive: repenser le rôle des langues dans
   l’enseignement. Centre de Recherches pour l’education Franco- Ontarienne. Ontario Institute for
   Research in Education, Toronto, Canada.
Le Pichon, E. (02.02.2018). Are we really allowing newly arrived migrant pupils to succeed? Centre for
   Educational Research on Languages and Literacies, Ontario Institute for Research in Education,
   Toronto, Canada.
Le Pichon, E. (8.03.2017). New patterns of migration and society, new needs. Honours lecture.
Le Pichon, E. (06.10.2016). Transitions and Newly Arrived Migrant pupils in The Netherlands. Thematic
   Panel on research and education, Ministry of Education and Sciences, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Le Pichon, E. (2011). Een nieuwe taal leren [Learning a new language]. In: De Wereld van het jonge kind,
   39, 4-7.
Le Pichon, E. Farmer, D. Lory, M.P., Bisaillon, L. (12.06.2019). Equité et inclusion dans les écoles de langue
   Francaise en Ontario. OISE, University of Toronto.
Le Pichon, E. & Kambel, E-R. (5.12.2018). Des langues et cultures problèmes aux langues et cultures
   ressources : pratiques plurilingues dans l’enseignement. CIAP, Ecole Supérieure du Professorat et de
   l’Education & Université de Guyane, Saint Laurent du Maroni, French Guyana.
Le Pichon, E. Keynote (14.06.2017). Communication, Languages and Mobility; Support of the stakeholder
   consultation in the context of the Key Competences review, European Commission, Brussels,
Le Pichon, E. (2017-04-04). Education of Newly Arrived migrant Pupils, Nuffic Jaarcongres, Utrecht The
Le Pichon, E. Keynote. (06.10.2016). Comment exploiter les compétences des enfants plurilingues en
   classe de langues? L’apprentissage des langues en classe multiculturelle, Label Européen des langues,
   Brussels, Belgium.
Le Pichon, E. (11.07. 2016). New Patterns of Migration and Society. New Needs for Language Teaching.
   Thematic Panel on rethinking literacies and language learning, European Commission; Directorate
   General Education and Culture, Modernisation of Education II: Education policy and programme.
   Brussels, Belgium.
Le Pichon, E. (19-20.04.2016). Some challenges of intercultural learning and linguistic integration.
   Education, Participation, Integration – Erasmus+ and Refugees, Essen, Germany.
Le Pichon, E. (09.09.2014). Management of languages and educational approaches to migrant children in
   The Netherlands. Sirius, Trilateral meetings: program Language in early school years and citizenship,
   Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Le Pichon, E. (06.11.2015). Reinventing the classroom: The challenge of a globalised Europe. Roundtable
   Multilingual Education, Rutu Foundation & Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
Le Pichon, E. (28.05.2015). Meeting the instructional needs of young children from immigrant and
   refugee families: Challenges and lessons in building teacher skills from the United States and Europe,
   Migration Policy Institute, Washington DC.
Le Pichon, E. (03.03.2015). Newly arrived migrant pupils at school, Ministry of Education and Sciences,

Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Wattar, D. & Le Pichon, E. (2019- present).
Kambel, E.R. & Le Pichon, E. (2019 to present). The Language friendly school. Website: a language friendly school is a school that welcomes and values
   all languages. While the goal is the same for each Language Friendly School (to), the path to this goal
   may vary. This website has been launched on the international day of the indigenous languages.
   Nominated in 2019 for the European Language Label.
Le Pichon, E., Dekker, S. & Baauw, S. (2018 to present) Education of international Newly Arrived Migrant
   Pupils at primary and secondary school level; website: see all activities
   related to the program (a.o. development of modules for teachers, newsletters, organization of
   (inter)national meetings for school stakeholders). website available in Dutch, English and Suomi.
   du-lundi-16-decembre-2019 Radio-Canada CBC Toronto, émission l’Heure de pointe, 16/12/2019
CRECS’ Ten Minute Window Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Education, Itinéraires transculturels
   et nouvelles littératies: enfants nouvellement arrivés dans l’éducation, 4/05/2018
Short paper in the Anéla newsletter, Dutch Association for Applied Linguistics, 30/06/2018
Le Métropolitain, Interview realized by Nicolas Hasson-Fauré, 29/03/2018
Interview pour la semaine de la francophonie, Radio Canada, " Pot-Pourri Show" - CIUT 89.5FM, 25/03/2018
Meer ondersteuning voor migrantenkinderen op de basisschool / more support for migrant children at
   primary school level 7/06/2016
Parliament debate on newly arrived migrant pupils financing 1/06/2016
Deur, bel, schoolbord; Kinderen van nieuwkomers hebben rust nodig - en goed taalonderwijs 1/10/15
Nederlandse scholen niet voorbereid op de instroom van nieuwkomers/ Dutch schools are not prepared
   for the influx of Newly Arrived Migrant pupils 1/10/2015
Multilingualism in Education in Suriname, News for the youth 23/05/2014

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