Dorset December Newsle er Autumn 2021 - Year 7 students have been combining Forest School and Arts knowledge and understanding to explore the ...

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Dorset December Newsle er Autumn 2021 - Year 7 students have been combining Forest School and Arts knowledge and understanding to explore the ...
Year 7 students have been combining
Forest School and Arts knowledge and
understanding to explore the colours and
textures of our autumnal environment       Studio School
                                           Autumn 2021
Dorset December Newsle er Autumn 2021 - Year 7 students have been combining Forest School and Arts knowledge and understanding to explore the ...
December Newsle�er
                                                                                            Autumn 2021

p Message from the Principal         their first friendly fixture last week.    I would therefore like to take
                                     They fought valiantly but lost           this opportunity to wish you all a
As Christmas fast approaches,        narrowly in a game against a long-       relaxing holiday and a prosperous
it gives me great pleasure to        established Dorchester Middle            new year.
record the details of another very   School team. Thank you to the PE
successful term in school.           department for organising what           Yours sincerely
I would like to start by             will hopefully be the first of many
congratula�ng our year 11            fixtures, and really well-done girls.     P A Green - Principal
students who have recently
concluded their mock                 Also, in the last few days, Mr           p Message from the
examina�ons. It has been such a      James and Miss Yard escorted             Execu�ve Principal
benefit having an ‘examina�on         some of our upper school students
hall’ and the students responded     to the Thomas Hardye School in           I am very pleased to let you
admirably. They prepared well and    order that they could complete a         know that we currently have
worked hard throughout. Really       Mathema�cs session which would           enough accommoda�on for all
well done!                           introduce ‘A’ Level Maths. The           our classes, due to the extra
                                     students were genuinely inspired         classrooms and complete
In other news it has been great      so it was fantas�c to see another        refurbishment of the Poundbury
to see the extra-curricular life     element of the provision for our         campus. Although we are split
of the school burgeoning once        most able.                               over two sites, the age group
more. Just a few short weeks                                                  divide is proving really popular
ago, approximately thirty of our     More recently, Mrs Harris, Year          with the students as they have
youngest students represented        7 and a range of lower school            more room for breaks, sports and
the school at the replacement        students presented an in-                learning.
for the ‘Dorset County Show’ in      school Christmas Carol concert
Dorchester. Our students were        – originally planned for an external     We have just completed
involved in selling their own arts   audience. Students completed             our KS4 mocks and internal
and cra�s, ‘showing’ ca�le in the    readings, played instruments and         assessments and having a large
arena (for which they won several    sang modern versions of Christmas        hall, specifically, for exams
pres�gious awards) and informing     classics. The whole event proved         during this �me was extremely
visitors about the school. With      to be a wonderfully posi�ve              successful. Being able to prepare
most of the students being from      distrac�on.                              and get used to working under
the lower school, the staff were                                               exam condi�ons in the area that
expec�ng to have to provide quite    You will have recently received an       the real exams will be taken, is a
some support. Not a bit of it!       email detailing the school plans         definite benefit for the students.
From the minute they arrived, the    rela�ng to the staggered start at
staff were relegated to the role of   the beginning of next term in order      We also have our own canteen,
bystander whilst the students just   to accommodate the requirement           which is providing healthy op�ons
got on with it! We could not have    for Lateral Flow Tes�ng. Like you,       for both sites and we are able to
been prouder of them.                we all look forward to a �me when        have more lunch �me ac�vi�es
                                     provisions and adapta�ons such as        as our sports provision has
Our Year 8 girls football team had   these are not required.                  increased.
Dorset December Newsle er Autumn 2021 - Year 7 students have been combining Forest School and Arts knowledge and understanding to explore the ...
December Newsle�er
                                                                                            Autumn 2021

                                     p English                                Elizabeth I, Mar�n Luther King Jr,
I am mee�ng with the DfE on                                                   Greta Thunberg and Malala. This
the 20th of December for the         Throughout this term Year 7              unit has allowed the students
handover of the hygiene facility     and 8 have been studying the             to demonstrate their skills in
for our land and animal-based        Michael Morpurgo novel Private           speech wri�ng, culmina�ng in
learning, which has now been         Peaceful. This has allowed them          an impassioned speech about an
completed. This has taken            to explore such themes as family,        issue they feel strongly about.
longer than expected but it          friendship and war. The text             To provide addi�onal stretch
is vital accommoda�on that           focusses on two brothers who             and challenge for this task we
provides changing facili�es and      volunteer to join the Bri�sh Army        welcomed The UK Speechwriters
break out spaces for the smaller     figh�ng in the First World War.           Guild on 9th December for a
groups that operate across our       The students have developed              workshop with 9N students where
specialism. This is an important     their skills of analysis, finding and     they were able to develop and
addi�on for our Forest School,       using quotes and crea�ve wri�ng.         refine their understanding under
Land Based and Animal Care           The rapid improvement in their           the tutelage of professionals in this
team, as staffing increases in         understanding of such terms as           field.
response to the development of       foreshadowing and inference has
our exci�ng specialist curriculum.   been excellent.                          p Humani�es
                                     The students finished the unit
We con�nue to have a wai�ng          exploring one of the great war           It has been an extremely busy �me
list for places and regularly        poets Wilfred Owen, through his          for the Humani�es Department
welcome new students to the          work “Dulce et Decorum Est”              with students from years 10 and
school. This makes the need          and Year 7 are looking forward           11 focusing on mock exams.
for more accommoda�on, as            to visi�ng the Bovington Tank            Year 11 students sat three GCSE
we move forward, even more           Museum to experience the                 Geography mock examina�on
important. Children are a�ending     trenches for themselves!        for each module
from all across the county to                                                 of study. We would like to say
experience our unique provision.     Year 9 this year have studied            a huge ‘Well done’ to all year
Consequently, the work to find        Animal Farm by George Orwell,            11 students for all of their hard
a permanent solu�on to the           focusing on developing an                work; in lessons, at home and in
temporary split site situa�on, is    understanding of dystopic wri�ng.        their actual mock exams. I’m sure
well underway.                       Animal Farm is an excellent text to      that all of this hard work will pay
                                     start to analyse different socie�es       dividends in the coming year.
I look forward to upda�ng you        and gets the students to be cri�cal
next term as this exci�ng project    of totalitarian leadership and           In addi�on, I would also like to
con�nues.                            explore socialism. This is excellent     thank our Year 10 students who
                                     prepara�on for their future studies      have been working �relessly on
Yours sincerely                      of J B Priestly’s An Inspector Calls.    their exam prepara�on for Travel
                                     Following this they have moved           & Tourism. They sat their mock
Dr. A C Minard                       onto studying the Art of Rhetoric,       exam for Travel & Tourism on
                                     encountering speeches from               Monday 6th December and will
Execu�ve Principal                   Alexander the Great, Aristotle,          face their first formal exam on
Dorset December Newsle er Autumn 2021 - Year 7 students have been combining Forest School and Arts knowledge and understanding to explore the ...
December Newsle�er
                                                                                    Autumn 2021

14th January 2022. We trust that   lunch�mes, and designing and        p PE / Well-being
they will prepare well over the    crea�ng their own vehicles.
Christmas Holiday and we wish                                          ‘Me in PE’ - Head / Heart / Hands
them every success in the New      Prac�cal ac�vi�es like this are
Year.                              great for students to see the       All students will have no�ced
                                   links between Maths, Science,       a difference with how PE is
We have also been excep�onally     Technology & Engineering, and       delivered this year. They will be
pleased with our lower school      developing their awareness of       studying three (previously two)
students who have been learning    real-life Maths applica�ons.        sports per term, changing sport
about the Norman Conquest                                              approximately every 4 weeks. We
in Year 7, The Living World in     Towards the end of term,            firmly believe there is a sport out
Year 8 and Hitler and the Rise     students had a compe��on to         there for everyone and this offers
of the Nazis in Year 9. We also    see who could build a vehicle       our students the opportunity
look forward to April when our     which could carry school            to experience a wider variety
Year 7 and 8 Oak Tree Project      equipment the furthest. There       of sports. We are assessing our
compe��on will be judged.          was a �me limit given, and          students based on three key
We look forward to seeing the      so the students designed and        areas – Head (cogni�ve/thinking/
progress of those germinated       created their vehicles using        crea�ve me), Heart (affec�ve/
acorn seeds.                       the kit available to them in 45     social/healthy me) and Hands
                                   minutes. Plenty of learning         (physical me) with the focus
Looking forward, we hope to        points were iden�fied in both the    being on personal development
be taking our Year 8 students      construc�on and tes�ng of ideas,    throughout the year, knowing
out of school next term to         and the old adage that “there is    what level they are working at and
Dorchester’s Shire Hall Museum     no failure, only feedback” was      what they need to do to improve.
where students will be studying    borne out for some of the more
the Tolpuddle Martyrs and their    experimental vehicles.              Years 10-11 studied Table Tennis
legacy on the workers of rural                                         throughout Autumn Term 1 at
Dorset.                            In the end the winning vehicle      the new Poundbury site. This
                                   (ably assisted by a modified Lego    was the first �me we have been
p Maths - STEM enrichment          pullback system that made use of    able to offer this exci�ng sport in
                                   an adjusted gear ra�o) travelled    school and it was a real success
Maths students in Key Stage 3      over 5 metres before coming to      with many returning at lunch�mes
have been busy experimen�ng        a stop.                             and even a�er school to play
with Lego kits during their                                            recrea�onally. This was also the
                                                                       case with Badminton during the
                                                                       second half of the term.

                                                                       Years 7-9 studied Volleyball
                                                                       whilst basking in the late summer
                                                                       sunshine we were so lucky to
                                                                       enjoy throughout the Autumn
                                                                       Term 1. Since half-term, years
Dorset December Newsle er Autumn 2021 - Year 7 students have been combining Forest School and Arts knowledge and understanding to explore the ...
December Newsle�er
                                                                                          Autumn 2021

7-9 have studied Football and       NSEA                                   Compassion and Teamwork.
Tag-Rugby, along with a brief                                              Goalkeeper Daisy McCarthy was
return to remote PE lessons for     We have 14 riders in the NSEA          forced to make plenty of difficult
some. The PE staff delivered         (Na�onal Schools Equestrian            saves and only conceding two
fitness workouts to those in         Associa�on) and have lots of           goals at the half-�me. The girls
school and those who were at        exci�ng events coming up in the        played a solid second half and
home simultaneously which was       New Year. We have a real range         despite conceding another two
fun way of keeping the students’    of riders, of which many have          goals showed amazing resilience
engaged in sport whilst unable to   aspira�on to become professional       with Faye Ellison scoring a late goal
a�end in person.                    riders.                                just before the final whistle. We
                                                                           are incredibly proud of all the girls
Lunch�me Clubs                      Fixtures                               and are excited that this marks the
                                                                           return of spor�ng fixtures.
Years 7-9                           We are very excited to have had
Tuesdays - Table Tennis             our first KS3 Girls Football game       PE Ques�onnaire
Wednesdays – Dodgeball              against Dorchester Middle School
Thursdays – ‘Ac�ve Minds’           on Friday the 10th of December.        The PE Department are keen
Fridays – Dodgeball                 This is the result of our student’s    to understand more about our
                                    enthusiasm for football this year      students’ involvement in sport. We
Years 10-11                         and a large number of students         have created a ques�onnaire for the
Clubs have consisted of Table       who are very talented in this          students to complete as homework.
Tennis in the first half-term and    sport. Captain Megan Folle�            We would like to celebrate all the
Badminton since. Clubs have         lead the team out against a            success that our students have
been made available every day in    physically daun�ng opposi�on           outside of school also and want to
the sports hall at the Poundbury    and excep�onally demonstrated          try to address any poten�al barriers
site.                               our school values of Pride,            to raise par�cipa�on par�cularly in
                                                                           extra-curricular clubs.

                                                                           Hall of Fame

                                                                           Fin Abbo� has gained a place on the
                                                                           10ten Motocross Team.

                                                                           Alfie Diaper and Millie & Izzy King
                                                                           have all qualified for Horse of the
                                                                           Year Show.

                                                                           Oliver Gillman who has been
                                                                           compe�ng in Shoo�ng, Swimming
                                                                           and Running finished second overall
                                                                           in the SW Wiltshire Pony Club
Dorset December Newsle er Autumn 2021 - Year 7 students have been combining Forest School and Arts knowledge and understanding to explore the ...
December Newsle�er
                                                                              Autumn 2021

Tag Rugby

On the run-up to Christmas, KS3
have been studying Tag Rugby,
which successfully coincided
with the Autumn Interna�onals.
We thought it would be a nice
opportunity to share a few ac�on
shots of some of their lessons.

Table Tennis Tournament

Having spent the first half-
term studying Table Tennis,
KS4 ended the term with an
eagerly an�cipated whole-class
Tournament that proved much
excitement due to some very
close games.

The following students were
crowned winners of their class
                                                                We are delighted to have 18
11A – Kyle Murphy                  10B – Henry Sims             students enrolled from Year 9
11B – Tom Samways                  10C – Lily Gonthier          on the Bronze award. The group
11C – Owen Jones                                                opted to learn First Aid for their
10A – Izzy King                    Duke of Edinburgh’s Award    Skill Sec�on of the Award this
                                                                term and are making steady
                                                                progress toward its comple�on.
                                                                Many have some fantas�c
                                                                programme ideas for their
                                                                Volunteering Sec�on and have
                                                                already begun their ac�vity.

                                                                Le�: learning how to perform a
                                                                Primary Survey and put a casualty
                                                                into the Recovery Posi�on

                                                                Have a great Christmas all!

                                                                Mr Burton & Mrs Waring
Dorset December Newsle er Autumn 2021 - Year 7 students have been combining Forest School and Arts knowledge and understanding to explore the ...
December Newsle�er
                                                       Autumn 2021

p Arts

Leaf art in the woods

Students have been u�lising their art ideas
crea�vely in all parts of their land based
learning. Here are two students under the
guidance of the ever crea�ve Mrs Brown
comple�ng some leaf art.

Snowmen and reindeer for the
Dorset Winter Show

Students were involved in the assembling
and making of products to sell at the Winter
Agricultural Event in Dorchester on 27th
November. Items included snowmen and
the Christmas tree decora�ons made out of
clay, lovingly created by the studio school
art and land based students.

Pumpkins and Poppies

Students have enjoyed working in clay
crea�ng pumpkin and poppy tealights
to take home. The poppy tealights
were videoed and displayed for the
minutes silence to the whole school on
remembrance day.

All of our artwork is displayed on our
dorsetstudioschoolart Instagram page.
Dorset December Newsle er Autumn 2021 - Year 7 students have been combining Forest School and Arts knowledge and understanding to explore the ...
December Newsle�er
                                                                                      Autumn 2021

p Forest School

Year 7 & 8 Forest School have been balancing their opinions about game shoo�ng. Ini�al worries about
working with the pheasants were allayed when discussions led to the understanding that compared to
supermarket produced chicken the pheasants had led a good wild life before a swi� dispatch.
The preferred way of prepara�on was to fillet the breasts, wash and thinly slice, then dip in egg wash and
bread crumbs before frying over the camp fire. The feathers were revered for their iridescent quali�es and
soon found there way into Christmas crea�ons.

Discussions were fair and balanced as vegetarian students were fairly represented with bean burgers and
halloumi which proved extremely popular. Students conscien�ously organised different equipment for
different food stuffs as all appreciated and respected each other’s opinions and beliefs.

p Land Based Studies

Huge thanks to JV Energen BioGas in Poundbury
for hos�ng a round of visits for our year 9 Land
Based students. Each year learning is extended by
understanding how the circular gas produc�on business
is aiming to carbon neutral by marke�ng its digestate
waste as garden compost and cooling waste carbon
dioxide to its liquid form so it can sell to fizzy drinks

Land based students have been visi�ng Wessex Water’s
Su�on Poyntz water plant near Weymouth to see the
water cycle in ac�on. They gained understanding of the
poten�al consequences of over use of chemicals from
arable farming on Weymouth’s water supply.
Dorset December Newsle er Autumn 2021 - Year 7 students have been combining Forest School and Arts knowledge and understanding to explore the ...
December Newsle�er
                                           Autumn 2021

p Dorset Winter Show

The first “Dorset Winter Show”
took place on Saturday 27
November 2021 at Dorchester

The event included livestock
showing and local producers
selling their produce and
Christmas cra�s from their

More than 30 DSS volunteer
students and 12 staff supported
the Show by helping out in
the main ring and generally
providing help where needed
to other traders, including
marke�ng the school.

Six year 9 students (Mya Green,
Louise King, Emily Nicol, Robert
Robertson, Tia Groves and Alfie
Pearce) entered the 11-16 year-
old young handlers category
for showing beef ca�le, x3
autumn born Bri�sh Blue X
Friesian/Holstein calves.

For the past 4 weeks they had
pa�ently trained them (“broken
them in!”) to being led quietly
and safely on a halter (a rope
reign). The calves were also
shampooed, blow dried,
clipped and hooves oiled to
enhance their beauty. Most
of the work was completed
as part of the BTEC Animal
Care course unit for “Animal
Dorset December Newsle er Autumn 2021 - Year 7 students have been combining Forest School and Arts knowledge and understanding to explore the ...
December Newsle�er
                                                            Autumn 2021

All the hard work and effort
paid off as the students
won Second (with special
commenda�on), Third
and Forth (with special

Dorset Studio School stall also
had an extremely successful
day’s trading. Students
worked �relessly, selling
student produce such as
wooden reindeer, snowmen,
clay decora�ons, apple juice
and themed cushions kindly
donated by a year 8 parent.

Students were rewarded by
a making a very respectable
£553 profit. Proceeds will
be donated to the Royal
Agricultural Benevolent
Ins�tu�on (RABI) which
provides support for local
rural communi�es and used
to fund future DSS curriculum
enterprise projects.

Reminder from the school
office - student absence:

Please can parents and carers
inform the office of any
absences before 9am.

Messages can be le� on 01305
215028, or emails sent to
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