- Thursday, December 10, 2020

Page created by Lois Moore
CONTINUE READING - Thursday, December 10, 2020
Thursday, December 10, 2020

                              WAN - Thursday, December 10, 2020
2            NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                               December 10, 2020

                                                                                                   Katy coup for City
             NEWS ...................................................................... P1-13
             LETTERS ................................................................... P10
             WHAT’S ON .............................................................. P12                                                                                                               Art in
             BOOKS ...................................................................... P16
             THEATRE .................................................................. P31
             FASHION .................................................................. P36
                                                                                                   PERTH music icon Katy
                                                                                                   Steele will headline the first
                                                                                                   Music in the Park concert                                                                            JOONDALUP-based
             FILM .......................................................................... P36   when the City of Joondalup                                                                           Youth Futures has been
                                                                                                   free series returns next year.                                                                       allocated        $24,266

             REAL ESTATE ........................................................... P37
                                                                                                     The singer, songwriter                                                                             through      a     State
             TRADES DIRECTORY ....................................... P38-45                       and guitarist, who also                                                                              Government arts pro-
             EMPLOYMENT ........................................................ P45               fronts Little Birdy and has a                                                                        gram.
                                                                                                   vocal range compared to                                                                                The funding will sup-
             CLASSIFIEDS ........................................................... P45
                                                                                                   that of PJ Harvey and Chris-                                                                         port the Youth Futures
             SPORT ................................................................ P45-46         sie Hynde, will take the stage                                                                       Aboriginal Art Project
             MOTORING .............................................................. P47           at Seacrest Park, Sorrento,                                                                          – a 13-week course for
                                                                                                   on Saturday, January 16.                                                                             young Aboriginal peo-
                                                                                                     Steele, pictured, will be                                                                          ple to explore indig-
                                                                                                   supported by four-piece                                                                              enous language and
             Editorial Director:               Amanda Keenan                                       alternative indie act Death                                                                          art.
             News Production:                   Justin Bianchini                                   by Denim, known for its high                                                                           The program ac-
             Design:                                Carly Pilton                                   energy shows and wearing                                                                             knowledges the role of
             Features Editor          Arylene Westlake-Jennings                                    outlandish combinations of        ble from 5pm or guests can        The second concert on Sat-       language and art in es-
             Digital Editor:                   Alison Middleton                                    denim on stage, and WAAPA         bring their own picnics.        urday, March 6, will feature       tablishing     cultural
             General inquiries:                      9237 1000                                     students who will open the          There will also be a range    female indie-pop quartet           identity and preserving
             Email:                                            concert at 5.30pm.                of free children’s activities   Dulcie at Falkland Park,           traditions.
             Reporters:                                                                              Food trucks will be availa-     and roving entertainment.       Kinross.
             Lucy Jarvis                              9237 1433
             Tyler Brown                              9237 1516
             Nadia Budihardjo                         9237 1564
             David Baylis, Andrew Ritchie

             Advertising Manager:
             Brendan Jupp                                                 0417 021 102
             Advertising Executives:
             Dawn Robinson                                              0413 444 106
             Helen Robcke                                               0413 444 038
             Contact Centre/Trades:
             Vivienne Darlington                                               9237 1402
             Distribution                          1800 811 855
             Published by: Community Newspaper Group                                                                                                                    WIN a Plants for Friends prize pack! Pack includes: Potted
             50 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA 6017.                                                                                                                         Lush Umbrella Plant, Bottle of Bubbles/Trio of Juices,
             Printed by Colourpress                                                                                                                                    Botanical gift card and wrapping, Free Perth metro delivery
             54 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA 6017.

                                                                                                                                    JOO - Thursday, December 10, 2020
December 10, 2020                                                                                                                                                       NEWS                 3

Detour for Pinnacles
Lucy Jarvis                      Noongar cultural leaders        Alkimos community,” Abor-                                        ply can’t replicate”.
                                                                                                                                                                   More time
                                                                                                                                                                  for thought
                                                                                                                                                                  WANNEROO Council will
                                                                                                                                                                  change its meeting format
                                 say have significant mean-      iginal Affairs Minister Ben                                        During NAIDOC Week,           next year so people can give
A MAJOR northern suburbs         ing to the Whadjuk Noongar      Wyatt said. “With State                                          the City of Wanneroo            deputations at briefing ses-
road project will detour         people.                         Government agencies and                                          unveiled signs that pay trib-   sions instead.
around rocks to protect an         The pinnacles are also        senior Aboriginal leaders                                        ute to First Nations heritage     Councillors have agreed
Aboriginal heritage site.        adjacent to the Yanchep Rail    working together, we plan to                                     at Palladio Park in Clarkson,   to change the procedure in
  About 20 naturally formed      Extension site, so Main         realign the proposed Romeo                                       explaining the significance     2021 so deputations – previ-
limestone pinnacles in Alki-     Roads has been working          Road to protect and cele-                                        of the formations with art-     ously held before monthly
mos stood within the pro-        with the Public Transport       brate this important piece of                                    work from Bibbulmun artist      meetings start – will be
posed route of the Romeo         Authority, DevelopmentWA        our cultural history.                                            Esandra Colbung.                included in the briefing ses-
Road connection that forms       and cultural leaders to            “This place highlights the                                      According to The Dream-       sions a week earlier.
part of the Mitchell Freeway     revise development plans.       importance of project pro-                                       ing, the pinnacles were           The Times understands
extension project.                 “The discovery of the pin-    ponents working with tradi-      One of the pinnacles.           young men cursed and            the change aims to give
  Main Roads will adjust the     nacles in Alkimos is of great   tional owners to protect         said the “northern suburbs      turned to stone by spirit men   councillors more time to
road alignment to avoid the      significance for the Noongar    Aboriginal heritage places.”     have an incredibly rich cul-    because they refused to fol-    consider        presentations
rock formations, which           people and the surrounding         Butler MLA John Quigley       tural history which you sim-    low the traditional law.        before making a decision.
                                                                                                                                                                    The council goes into
                                                                                                                                                                  recess after a special council
                                                                                                                                                                  meeting on December 15.

   Freeway wire barriers must go, say motorcyclists                                                                                                                 Toast of
   Nadia Budihardjo

  THE peak motorcyclists’
  group has made an urgent
                                                                                                                                                                   the town
  plea for safer freeway bar-                                                                                                                                     TWO northern suburbs ven-
  riers in the wake of the                                                                                                                                        ues were inducted in the hall
  tragic death of charity rid-                                                                                                                                    of fame at the recent 2020
  er Katrina Reeve on the                                                                                                                                         Hospitality    Awards     for
  weekend.                                                                                                                                                        Excellence.
    Ms Reeve, 39, was on the                                                                                                                                         Whitfords Brewing Co
  way to HBF Arena in Joon-                                                                                                                                       received the honour after
  dalup as part of the annual                                                                                                                                     winning the Bar Presenta-
  Perth Bikers Charity Ride,                                                                                                                                      tion and Service Award for
  which involves participa-                                                                                                                                       the third year running.
  nts bringing toys for the                                                                                                                                          “Not bad for a three-year
  Salvation Army Christmas                                                                                                                                        old brewery,” the venue
  Appeal.                                                                                                                                                         posted on its Facebook page.
    She died after losing con-                                                                                                                                       “Massive     achievement
  trol of her motorcycle and                                                                                                                                      made possible by every sin-
  hit a wire guard barrier at                                                                                                                                     gle member of our team.”
  Hepburn and Whitfords                                                                                                                                              Varsity Bar Joondalup
  avenues just after 9.30am.                                                                                                                                      was entered after jointly
    In paying condolences to                                                                                                                                      winning the Sporting Enter-
  Ms Reeves’ family, Motor-                                                                                                                                       tainment Venue Award with
  cycle Riders Association of                                                                                                                                     the Crown Sports Bar, while
  WA president Jeff Thomas                                                                                                                                        Varsity Group was also a
  said he hoped the tragedy                                                                                                                                       joint winner for the Train-
  would serve as a catalyst       Police at the scene of Sunday’s tragic crash. Inset: Katrina Reeve. Picture: Danella Bevis                                      ing Initiative Award with
  for speeding up barrier                                                                                                                                         Pan Pacific.
  replacement.                    thority.                       two to three years.”             was taken to Joondalup                                             The Marina Mindarie also
    “We haven’t been happy          “Fifty million dollars has     Mr Thomas said they            Health Campus.                                                  jointly won the Outdoor Ar-
  about the wire barriers, it     been allocated under the       have been agitating for            Charity ride organiser                                        ea Award for The Boat,
  can be unforgiving if you       current State Budget to        years for wire barriers to       Colin ‘Bandit’ Scott said                                       alongside Swings and Roun-
  hit one,” he said.              replace ageing metal bar-      be replaced.                     they were waiting on the                                        dabouts in Yallingup, while
    “This was a public event      rier on the Mitchell Free-       “We’re going to approach       result of the investigation.                                    Elysha Ayers from Indian
  with tragic circumstances.      way, north and south, on       the Road Safety Commis-            “The organisers of the                                        Ocean Brewing Co was indi-
    “There’s a lot of them        the railway side median,”      sion and Michelle Roberts,       Perth Bikers’ Charity Ride     munity was deeply upset by       vidually recognised with the
  (wire barriers) out there...    he said.                       have a conversation and see      wish to extend their deep-     the fatal accident amid the      Rising Star Award. The
  you’ve got to be realistic,       “The replacement pro-        where we can go with this,”      est and most heartfelt con-    generosity of charity ride       Kingsley Tavern won the
  get rid of the most danger-     gram will also include         he said.                         dolences to the family of      participants this year.          Redeveloped Venue Award,
  ous one first in the short      existing wire-rope barrier       Two more motorcycles           Katrina Reeve,” he said.          “Just over $22,300 was        and The Beach House in Jin-
  term and go from there.”        on both the Mitchell Free-     crashed at the same section        “We also extend our best     raised in cash, toys and         dalee won the Contempo-
    Main Roads spokesman          way and some parts of the      during the charity ride,         wishes to those who were       food donations for The Sal-      rary Bar Menu Award.
  Dean Roberts said barriers      Kwinana Freeway. Plan-         causing three people to          injured in the accident and    vation Army Christmas               Australian Hotels Asso-
  would be replaced with          ning will be undertaken        receive serious injuries.        sincerely hope that they       Appeal,” he said.                ciation (WA) chief executive
  hard concrete as part of a      this financial year and the      A man and a woman were         have a full and speedy            “It’s one of our better       Bradley Woods said the
  program in collaboration        replacement program will       taken to Royal Perth Hospi-      recovery.”                     years, in light of COVID-19;     awards demonstrated the
  with Public Transport Au-       be rolled out over the next    tal while another woman            Mr Scott said the com-       it’s quite an achievement.”      strength of WA’s hospitality

                                                                                                 JOO - Thursday, December 10, 2020
4         NEWS                                                              December 10, 2020

 Tyler Brown

 DOROTHY Rayner celebrat-
 ed her 100th birthday last
 week with a family lunch at
 her restaurant of choice –
    Mrs Rayner was born on
 December 1, 1920, in the
 small town of Pontardawe in
 Wales. Then at age five her
 parents migrated to Austra-
 lia and they lived in Kalgoor-
 lie. She attended Claremont
 Teachers College and after
 graduating was sent to a
 small school at North Dal-
 wallinu where there were
 only five students. The
 school was the only building
 at North Dalwallinu.
    At a Guy Fawkes evening,
 she met Arthur Rayner and
 they were married in Janu-
 ary 1942, spending 73 years                                                Picture: David Baylis
    They lived on a farm south
 of Dalwallinu for 23 years       lived for the past 28 years.     she enjoys seeing her chil-
 and had four children before        “She has still retained her   dren, five grandchildren,
 moving to Perth in 1967.         sharp mind and uses her          five     great-children    and
    This is when Mrs Rayner       skills regularly, playing        great-great-grandchild, as
 was able to pursue many          Words with Friends on her        well as her friends at St Ives.
 hobbies that weren’t achiev-     iPad and her using her              “Her strong Christian
 able in Dalwallinu, such as      iPhone for SMSing her            beliefs have helped her with
 china and oil painting. Some     friends and keeping in touch     her longevity and her usual
 of these are now displayed at    with the grandkids,” daugh-      saying when asked how she
 her home at St Ives North-       ter Helen Gladwell said.         is: ‘I’ll be better tomorrow’
 shore Retirement Village in         “Her interests in current     or ‘I’m better than I was yes-
 Kallaroo, where she has          affairs have not waned and       terday’.”

JOO - Thursday, December 10, 2020
December 10, 2020                                                                                                                                                     NEWS                    5

Rejig for East Wanneroo plan
Lucy Jarvis

AN extra school, less par-
kland and employment
                                                                                                                                     RESIDENTS’ SAY
zones are among key chang-                                                                                                        RESIDENTS and lan-            development format and
es to a plan guiding develop-                                                                                                     downers had mixed reac-       would prefer a gradual
ment in east Wanneroo.                                                                                                            tions    to    the     East   transition, with a focus on
   The WA Planning Com-                                                                                                           Wanneroo District Struc-      creating smaller rural
mission has approved the                                                                                                          ture Plan, with many          blocks.
long-awaited final East Wan-                                                                                                      issues raised in presenta-      Gnangara       residents
neroo District Structure                                                                                                          tions.                        raised concerns their
Plan to guide development                                                                                                            Gnangara      Residents    property had been flagged
over the next 50 years.                                                                                                           Action Group representa-      as a potential school site
   The plan outlines a vision                                                                                                     tives gave presentations      and     Burgess      Design
for urban growth across                                                                                                           at the WAPC meeting on        Group raised concerns
8000ha in Wanneroo, Marigi-                                                                                                       November 25, claiming         about the location of the
niup, Gnangara, Jandabup                                                                                                          residents did not want the    extra high school in the
and Pinjar.                                                                                                                       rural area urbanised.         area.
   It will cater for about                                                                                                           Other Gnangara resi-         Rowe Group gave a pre-
150,000 residents in 50,000                                                                                                       dents,    including     the   sentation on behalf of
homes and create up to                                                                                                            Gnangara United Lan-          poultry farmers who were
20,000 jobs in an area histor-                                                                                                    downers Association, dis-     concerned about urban
ically characterised by mar-                                                                                                      puted this, saying three      development       creeping
ket gardens, hobby farms,                                                                                                         decades ago they were         into their buffer zones
rural lifestyle properties                                                                                                        told urban zoning would       and their rights to con-
and wetlands.                                                                                                                     come within 20 years and      tinue operating.
   It includes a district town                                                                                                    they were tired of the          The planners suggested
centre, six schools and more     A 2019 artist's impression of the Belgrade Road lake view. Picture: WAPC                         uncertainty.                  the WAPC introduce a
than 2000ha of parkland and                                                                                                          Community reference        relocation fund to help
regional sporting fields.        Jandabup and Mariginiup         and would facilitate a co-       ward after more than 20         group      representatives    farmers move their poul-
   During               public   were changed to employ-         ordinated       development      years of planning for the ar-   asked the plan prioritise     try operations.
consultation in late 2019, the   ment zones to avoid uses that   approach to support future       ea.                             preserving         existing     Neave Road residents
WAPC received 454 submis-        could affect drinking water     residents.                         “The plan includes all of     mature trees and vegeta-      asked that their rural
sions and several presenta-      resources.                        “Years of ad hoc planning      the essential elements of a     tion, which had become        zone be changed to special
tions were made at its             The final plan will be        for the area have been           new community, including        habitat for owls, Carna-      residential, which could
November 25 meeting.             released once the Depart-       resolved with the release of     district centres and regional   by’s black and red-tailed     allow landowners to sub-
   The plan was revised to       ment of Water and Environ-      this structure plan which        playing fields, lots of         cockatoos, rainbow bee-       divide their blocks.
include a sixth high school,     mental Regulation approves      prioritises the needs of our     parkland and open space,        eaters and racehorse            Some Mariginiup lan-
remove 28.9ha of parkland        the strategy for managing       growing population and pre-      future schools and transport    goannas.                      downers supported the
and an north-south connec-       sensitive water resources.      vents a piecemeal approach       connections and a mix of           Mariginiup       Future    move to urbanise that ar-
tor road, and provide              Planning Minister Rita        to development in the            land uses that bring vibran-    Urbanisation Group rep-       ea, while other residents
guidance for water manage-       Saffioti said the plan deli-    region,” she said.               cy and local job opportu-       resentatives said they did    wanted its environmental
ment.                            vered certainty to more than      Wanneroo MLA Sabine            nities for residents,” Ms       not support the proposed      values preserved.
   Industrial sites in Pinjar,   1650 individual landowners      Winton said it set a way for-    Winton said.

                                                                                                 JOO - Thursday, December 10, 2020
6        NEWS                                                              December 10, 2020

 Townhouses back
 Tyler Brown

 REVISED plans for six town-
 houses for aged or depen-
 dent persons in Duncraig
 are out for public comment.
   The City of Joondalup
 refused the initial proposal
 at 16 and 18 Myaree Way in
 September after concerns
                                   An artist’s impression of
 raised during community
                                   the townhouses.
   They included the devel-      the refusal to the State Ad-     access way between the
 opment not being in keeping     ministrative Tribunal and        front     four      dwellings
 with the existing houses and    also modified the proposal,      increased to 4.5m.
 streetscape and a lack of       which the council is invited       According to a submission
 visitor car parking causing     to reconsider.                   from Pinnacle Planning on
 street parking and increased      Changes made include an-       behalf of the owners of the
 congestion     and     safety   other visitor car parking        land, the revised plans
 issues, particularly given      bay, taking the total to two,    address each reason for re-
 the street has no footpath.     increased landscaping to the     fusal and were “more con-
   However, City officers had    front setback and provision      servative”.
 recommended the proposal        of a tree zone for each unit,      “The proposal, as amend-
 be approved because it was      the front western fence          ed, is more considerate to
 considered “appropriate in      reduced to 1.6m and perme-       the impacts of surrounding
 the context of its location”    ability increased, reduced       properties,” it said.
 and it met the requirements     bulk from the roof on the          Submissions can be made
 of City and State policies.     western boundary, and the        via
   The applicant appealed        width of the communal            before December 16.

 Contract drives freeway works
 MAJOR works to extend the       nue to Romeo Road.               Marmion Avenue and Wan-
 Mitchell Freeway to Alki-         Early clearing will start in   neroo Road.
 mos are due to start early      coming weeks and the pro-           “This project will support
 next year after a consortium    ject is scheduled to finish in   population growth and alle-
 of builders was awarded the     late 2022, with 1200 direct      viate pressure on the local
 contract.                       and indirect jobs created        road networks,” Pearce
   BMD Construction and          during construction.             MHR Christian Porter said.
 Georgiou Group’s Mitchell         The project will include an       “The northern suburbs
 Extension Joint Venture will    interchange at Lukin Drive       are booming and the popula-
 build the $215 million 5.6km    and the Romeo Road dual          tion growth is only going to
 extension from Hester Ave-      carriageway       connecting     continue.”

JOO - Thursday, December 10, 2020
December 10, 2020                                                     NEWS                 7

Dennis Simmons from the Maar Koodjal Aboriginal Corporation and Spiers Centre CEO
Gaelle Gouillou with the new purple bench. Picture: David Baylis

Our business to remember
Tyler Brown                     WA - Stop Violence Against      ing of our communities.”
                                Women campaign from                Another bench has also
A PURPLE bench has been         November 25 to December         been installed outside the
unveiled at The Spiers Cen-     10, had highlighted family      Joondalup Family Centre,
tre in Heathridge to honour     and domestic violence as a      with a plaque detailing a
victims of domestic homi-       global issue.                   support helpline for victims.
cide.                              “Family and domestic vio-       The installation of the
  The bench aims to raise       lence is everyone’s business.   benches are the result of
awareness of family and do-     It’s going to take all of us    grants by Linkwest and the
mestic violence, with one       doing our part to create safe   Women’s Council for Domes-
woman killed every nine         communities,” she said.         tic and Family Violence Ser-
days by a partner across           “Our purple bench is a       vice.
Australia.                      symbol of The Spiers Cen-          For help or advice call the
  Centre chief executive        tre’s commitment to sup-        Women’s Domestic Violence
Gaelle Gouillou said the        porting people through an       Helpline on 1800 007 339 or
Purple Bench Project, which     issue which has such pro-       9223 1188, or in emergency
coincided with the 16 Days in   found effects on the wellbe-    situations call police on 000.

                                                                                                 JOO - Thursday, December 10, 2020
8          NEWS                                                                December 10, 2020

 Nothing to sea here
 Lucy Jarvis

 THE City of Wanneroo has
 rejected a Banksia Grove
 resident’s application to
 keep a sea container in his
 backyard after neighbours
 complained it was an eye-
    A neighbour told council-
 lors the container was “over-
 powering” and an “ugly
    “It feels like I’m living next   The sea container abutting a neighbouring property.
 to      Wangara        industrial
 estate,” he said.                   shift the container so it        plans were that he was going
    “It’s going to impact            would comply with setback        to use it as a music studio,”
 directly on our lifestyle.          requirements,       but     he   he said.
    “My wife and I strongly          declined those suggestions.        The      application   was
 object to this structure being         The neighbour also raised     lodged after the City investi-
 located in this location.”          concerns that the container      gated an anonymous enqui-
    Councillors unanimously          would be used as a music         ry from a nearby resident
 supported a staff recom-            studio for band rehearsals.      when the container was
 mendation to refuse the ret-           He said the applicant had     installed in June.
 rospective          development     not consulted them and the         The council report said
 application because it did          first they knew about it was     even if approved, the con-
 not comply with planning            when his wife saw a crane        tainer would require signif-
 regulations.                        lift it over the shed into the   icant     modifications    to
    City staff had discussed         property.                        comply with the building
 options with the applicant to          “He informed her his          code for habitable spaces.

 Civic centre lease approved
 LEASE agreements with a             December 11.                     Joondalup       Community
 health service, disability            After struggling to secure     Mental Health Service and
 support service and horse           tenants since the extension      the Joondalup Older Adult
 club were recently support-         was built in 2018, councillors   Community Mental Health
 ed by Wanneroo councillors.         approved the plan to lease       Services to the Caffagio
    The City plans to lease          two spaces totalling 1666sqm     Crescent building.
 part of the Wanneroo Civic          and 27 parking bays to the         Activ Foundation will con-
 Centre extension to the             State agency at their Novem-     tinue to lease part of the
 North Metropolitan Health           ber meeting.                     Ashby Operations Centre
 Service (NMHS), with a pub-           The 10-year agreement          for at least another three
 lic notice period ending on         will see NMHS relocate the       years.

JOO - Thursday, December 10, 2020
December 10, 2020                                                                                       NEWS                 9

City tests
the water                        Coast cafe plan
                                 Lucy Jarvis
A COMMUNITY survey will
help guide the design of the     HOLIDAY accommodation
Alkimos aquatic and indoor       and a Dome cafe could be on
recreation centre.               the cards for Yanchep after
  The City of Wanneroo is        plans for a beach tavern fell
seeking input from residents     through.
until December 20 on how           The      proposal     could
they use aquatic and indoor      replace the former Yanchep
sports facilities, as well as    Surf Life Saving Club build-
what they want at the future     ing, pictured.
facility.                          Wanneroo        councillors   2018 expression of interest      issue public notices.
  Responses to the online        agreed in April 2019 to sub-    process, Be Our Guest Hold-        He said Dome was willing
survey will guide the design     let the site to Westland Cor-   ings, which operates Dome        to engage with the Yanchep
of the facility, which will be   porate trading as Laguna —      businesses across WA.            Lagoon master plan working
in the Alkimos town centre.      Fresh Starts, which planned       Dome’s proposal for the        group to design the venue.
  Councillors endorsed a         to build a tavern.              Surf Club Hotel included a         Councillors are due to
business case for the multi-       At Tuesday’s briefing ses-    cafe, basement wine bar,         consider the report recom-
purpose facility in July,        sion, property services man-    kiosk, function space and        mending it authorise lease
which will cater for fitness,    ager Paul Greer said            accommodation         spread     negotiations and public con-
health and wellbeing.            Westland recently advised       across six upstairs rooms in     sultation at their December
  Visit       the City it would not pro-      the main building and five       14 meeting. The report said
to do the survey.                gress the project, largely      external rooms.                  the company had experience
  After consultation, the        because of COVID-19’s eco-        In response to councillors’    delivering “large, complex
City plans to develop a con-     nomic impacts.                  questions about public con-      hospitality and tourism ven-
cept plan by mid-2021 and          A     December      council   sultation, Mr Greer said the     tures” such as the Premier
build the facility by 2025.      report suggested the City       City intended to contact peo-    Mill Hotel in Katanning and
  A council report in            instead go with the second-     ple involved in previous con-    the Farmers’ Home Hotel in
September said it could cost     ranking applicant from the      sultation, do a mail out and     Northam.
almost $60 million, with $5
million already provided by
the Federal Government for
the design, and the State
                                 Warning as abalone season opens
Government contributing
another $10 million.             THE State Government has        December 12, January 9,             Fishing out of season, tak-
  The City’s only existing       reminded fishers to adhere      January 23, February 6 and       ing undersize abalone or
public pool facility is Wanne-   to the rules as abalone sea-    February 20. Fishing rules       having more than your pos-
roo Aquamotion, which has        son gets underway.              will be enforced to protect      session limit can attract
a 25m indoor lap pool, with        Saturday marks the begin-     the valuable abalone fishery     penalties as high as $10,000.
some residents using closer      ning of the recreational aba-   and all fishing may be sub-         The bag limit for Roe’s
facilities in the City of        lone season for fishers along   ject to surveillance by          abalone is 15 per fisher per
Joondalup, including HBF         the metropolitan coast.         Department of Primary In-        day in the West Coast Zone
Arena and Craigie Leisure          Fishing will be allowed       dustries and Regional Devel-     and the legal minimum size
Centre.                          from 7-8am on five days:        opment compliance officers.      is 60 mm.

                                                                                                 JOO - Thursday, December 10, 2020
10        NEWS & OPINION                                                                                                                                               December 10, 2020

 Letters                         Duyfken is a WA-built
                                 replica of the first Euro-

                                                                   Trees to
                                 pean ship to make it to WA
                                 in 1606.
 Petition fine                      Historically the 1606
 IN response to an ill-          Duyfken has no connec-
 advised comment made
 by an elected member at
 City     of    Joondalup’s
 November meeting which
                                 tion to WA.
                                    This ship never visited
                                 WA – only the northwest
                                 coast of Cape York Penin-
                                                                   screen noise
 implied that the recently       sula in Queensland.
 submitted Percy Doyle              On the other hand,
 Reserve petition was in         Western Australia’s claim
 some way ‘dodgy’, I’d like      to fame is in 1616 when
 to assure those that            Dirk Hartog in his ship
 signed it that the State        Eendracht landed on our
 Legislative Council peti-       western shores at Shark
 tion was fully compliant        Bay.
 and certified as such by           Unlike Jansz aboard the
 the clerk before presenta-      Duyfken, Hartog left
 tion to Parliament on           proof of his landing by
 November 24.                    way of the famous pewter
    Percy Doyle Reserve is       plate.
 Crown Land – and the City          Hartog was the first
 may be in the process for       European to have left a
 making the business case        physical record of landing      The City of Wanneroo plans to plant more trees on Mirrabooka Avenue. Picture: David Baylis
 to purchase part or all of it   on Australian soil.
 under concessional acqui-          This was 154 years           Lucy Jarvis                    for more planting in the      noise from the road and       could also be residents on
 sitions, thus opening the       before Cook stumbled on                                        vegetation buffer along the   adjacent industrial area.     the western side seeking a
 door to rezoning to com-        to the east coast.              MORE trees will be planted     dual carriageway in Lands-      A council report said       similar treatment, which
 mercial in the northern            We widely commemo-           along Mirrabooka Avenue        dale.                         building a 1.5km noise wall   could double the cost.
 portion - which is why the      rated Hartog’s 400th anni-      in response to residents’        The council had received    on the eastern side from         Assets director Harmin-
 State petition to prevent       versary in 2016, including      concerns about traffic and     a 333-signature petition in   Gnangara Road to King-        der Singh said more vegeta-
 this happening was neces-       the issue of a $2 stamp and     industrial noise.              August asking it to build a   sway could cost between $1    tion could help reduce the
 sary in the first place.        20-cent coin.                     Wanneroo      councillors    noise wall barrier near       million and $2.5 million.     perception of noise and it
    A petition to the City of    SID BREEDEN,                    recently endorsed a plan       Southmead Drive to block        Cr Brett Treby said there   would cost about $25,000.
 Joondalup in this matter        City Beach
 would have been 100 per
 cent ineffectual.
 MARY O’BYRNE,                   Fired up                                           City signs up on fire works
 Kinross                            Our repeated serious         THE State Government has       treatments to reduce fuel     their November meeting.       Geoff’s Tree Service for
                                 fires in recycling facilities   given the City of Wanneroo     levels, create firebreaks       The first three-year con-   installing firebreaks on
                                 poison our environment          $604,250 to reduce bushfire    and hold planned burns in     tract was with Working on     non-compliant       private
 Ship shape                      far worse than burying          risks this summer.             high bushfire-risk areas.     Fire Australia to do work     properties, with costs to be
 THE article about the           the waste.                        The 2020-21 Mitigation         Councillors accepted two    on land owned or managed      recouped from landown-
 farewell to the “Little         NILS MARCHANT,                  Activity Fund grant will go    tender submissions for        by the City.                  ers.
 Dove”, December 3, states       Ocean Reef                      towards     63    mitigation   bushfire mitigation work at     The second was with           Visit


12       NEWS                                                                                          December 10, 2020

           Here’s the lowdown on what’s happening in your neighbourhood and surrounds
 ᔡ ASHDALE Secondary               Scott, giant reindeer, pony                               17 from 11.30am-1.30pm.
 College is showcasing             and sleigh rides, and more                                Call 6296 5699 to book a
 student works, artistic           than 40 stalls. Visit                                     table.
 talent and sporting                                       ᔡ Food trucks will roll
 abilities, as well as hosting     ᔡ Kip McGrath Education                                   into Dandjoo Park on
 fun educational workshops         Centre in Kingsley’s                                      Assembly Way in
 this week. The art                Moolanda Village                                          Greenwood’s East Green
 exhibition is open during         Shopping Centre will hold                                 estate for a Dinner at
 school hours and on               a free book fair on                                       Dusk event on December
 Saturday, December 12,            December 12 from                                          17 from 4.30-8.30pm.
 from 11am–2pm in the              9.30am-1.30pm, giving                                     ᔡ Yanchep Central
 college’s Galileo Theatre.        away donated books to                                     shopping centre will hold
 ᔡ Coming screenings at            families.                                                 Christmas markets on
 Telethon Community                ᔡ Two Rocks Yanchep                                       December 17-19 from
 Cinemas’ ECU Joondalup            Culture Arts Network art                                  10am to 5pm daily.
 venue include Rams, Cats          market day on December                                    ᔡ A Christmas Night
 & Dogs 3, Radioactive, Bill       12 from 10am-3pm at the                                   Market will be held on
 & Ted Face the Music,             Mary Lindsay Homestead,                                   December 18 from 5-8pm
 Honest Thief, Die Hard            Capricorn Esplanade,                                      at Quinns Rocks Sports
 and Elf. Visit                    Yanchep, selling textiles,                                Club. Email             baskets, paintings, prints,                               empireevents.m@gmail.
 au.                               jewellery and other                                       co m or call Virginia on
 ᔡ The Northern Suburbs            handcrafted gifts. Cash                                   0439 380 835 to book a
 Stroke Support Group              only.                                                     stall.
 meets 3-4.45pm on                 ᔡ Northern Steel Car Club                                 ᔡ Australia Post has
 December 11 at the                will hold a toy run for                                   extended trading hours at
                                                                 Kingsway Christmas
 Wanneroo Recreation               Perth Children’s Hospital                                 several post offices in the
 Centre, Scenic Drive.             on December 13, starting                                  lead up to Christmas,
 Stroke survivors and their        in Joondalup at 8am and       December 13. Book tickets   including Alexander
 carers are welcome. Call          finishing at David            through eventcinemas.       Heights, Kingsway in
 Sally Allen on 9305 0469 or       Cruikshank Reserve tennis                     Madeley, Wangara,
 email sally-jean@                 club. See the club’s          ᔡ The City of Joondalup     Wanneroo and Warwick.                        Facebook page for details.    and Skateboarding WA        ᔡ Parkrun events run
 ᔡ The Kingsway                    ᔡ The Wanneroo Fresh          will hold a free skate      from 8am on Saturdays at
 Christmas Markets run on          Finds Markets will be on      clinic for people aged up   Whitfords Nodes, Carine
 December 12 and 19 from           December 13 from 1-5pm at     to 25 at Mirror Park in     Regional Open Space, Neil
 8am-noon at Olympic               Wanneroo Showground on        Ocean Reef on December      Hawkins Park in
 Kingsway Sports Club, 34          Ariti Avenue.                 17 from 9am–11am.           Joondalup, Opportunity
 Bellerive Boulevard,              ᔡ Event Cinemas at            Register via y-lounge.      Park in Wanneroo, and
 Madeley. Activities include       Whitford City Shopping or call 9400 4929.   the Quinns Rocks
 gingerbread decorating,           Centre in Hillarys will       ᔡ Tapping singer Gary       foreshore. Visit
 Christmas origami classes,        hold an advanced              Lynn will perform at The
 music by Kathryn                  screening of Promising        Brook Bar and Bistro in     ᔡ Send events to north@
 McCathy and Charlie               Young Woman on                Ellenbrook on December

December 10, 2020                                                                                                                                                   NEWS                13

school                                                              Burning start
                                                                    to fire season
planned                                                          Derek Nannup with Yanchep corroboree dancers. Picture: Yanchep Secondary College
                                                                 SCHOOL children, police
                                                                 and firefighters gathered in
                                                                 a Yanchep park for a cultu-
                                                                                                 Primary and Yanchep Beach
                                                                                                 Primary schools did a tradi-
                                                                                                 tional Aboriginal dance for
                                                                                                                                 nup did the Welcome to
                                                                                                                                 Country and smoking cere-
                                                                                                                                 mony, then talked about cul-
                                                                                                                                                                demonstrated a controlled
                                                                                                                                                                burn of grass trees and gave
                                                                                                                                                                a fire safety talk.
Lucy Jarvis                                                      ral burning event this term.    the event at Kalbarri Park      tural burning and native          Police attended with rep-
                                                                   Corroboree     performers     on November 27.                 flora and fauna.               resentatives from the WA
A THIRD primary school in                                        from Yanchep Secondary             Yanchep National Park           The Department of Fire      Police Academy’s Abor-
Landsdale is expected to                                         College, Yanchep Lagoon         Noongar guide Derek Nan-        and Emergency Services         iginal cadet program.
relieve pressure on nearby
schools from 2023.
  The State Government
announced the Landsdale
south school would be one of
three built in growth sub-
urbs for the 2023 school year,
with others located in Day-
ton and Mandurah.
  The $22.38 million Lands-
                                 Premier Mark McGowan at
                                 Carnaby Rise PS.
dale south school on Tren-                                                                                                                                      ABORIGINAL seasons and a
tham Road will cater for up      education block, library,                                                                                                      Perth artist’s designs have
to 540 students from Kinder-     covered assembly area with                                                                                                     inspired a 44m-long mural at
garten to Year 6.                music, art room, adminis-                                                                                                      Butler College.
  It is expected to relieve      tration and staff facilities,                                                                                                    The A Block mural project
enrolment pressure on near-      parking for staff and par-                                                                                                     was inspired by artist Mel
by schools, including Lands-     ents, and an oval.                                                                                                             McVee’s work and co-ordi-
dale Primary which had 766         Construction is due to                                                                                                       nated by ECU scholar-in-res-
full time equivalent students    start in December 2021 and                                                                                                     idence Tara Browne over
this year.                       support 252 jobs.                                                                                                              two terms.
  Carnaby Rise Primary             Other schools being built                                                                                                      Students from the school’s
had 567 students and Ash-        in the northern suburbs                                                                                                        specialist program, academ-
dale Primary in Darch had        include Yanchep Rise Pri-                                                                                                      ic improvement program
823 students.                    mary School which opens                                                                                                        and visual art academy
  The three future schools       next year, with Burns Beach                                                                                                    helped paint it, along with
will include general class-      and Shorehaven in Alkimos                                                                                                      arts program co-ordinator
rooms, an early childhood        schools due to open in 2022.    Year 7 Butler College students Lacey and Jorden in front of the mural. Picture: David Baylis   Megan Beadle and staff.



16       BOOKS                                                                                     December 10, 2020

                                                                                                    Huey Brown
                                                                                                    has written a
                                                                                                    book about a

           Bacon the
                                                                                                    pig. Picture:

           best of it
 Tanya MacNaughton                                              things came out of an
                                                                ordinary situation”.
 HUEY Brown’s daughter                                             The result was book The
 Aurelia was eight years old                                    Tale of Bacon Lightning,
 when she misread the shop                                      for ages four to 12 years,
 Beacon Lighting as Bacon                                       about an ordinary pig who
 Lightning while they were                                      is bullied and overcomes
 driving down Stirling                                          life’s difficulties by creating
 Highway on the way to                                          a superhero with a secret
 soccer, sending them into                                      identity.
 fits of laughter.                                                 With the story in hand,
    “As soon as Aurelia said                                    Brown teamed up with
 the name, I thought there                                      former Disney illustrator
 are a lot of superhero                                         Jason Trevenen to bring his
 characters that have                                           characters to life.
 something to do with           becomes his sidekick.              “We worked on numerous
 lightning and then               A few pages of notes were     character designs of what I
 imagined how I would work      written and tucked away in      had envisioned whilst
 Bacon into that name,”         their kitchen top drawer,       writing the book,” Brown
 Brown, of Dalkeith, said.      where they stayed for two       said. “He came up with the
    “I quickly said back to     years — until the pandemic      brilliant idea of getting my
 her ‘That sounds like a        ground everything to a halt     three kids (Aurelia now 10,
 superhero pig’. We both        in March.                       Hudson, eight and
 laughed and I said to her        Brown, who manages            Amberley, six) to draw a
 ‘Let’s see if we can write a   Rambla in South Perth,          picture of their favourite
 book about it’.”               Empire in Burswood,             character in the book.
    Later that day they         Northbridge’s Coconut              “It’s been a long project
 brainstormed the concept       Grove and the Ice Cream         but the kids are all
 with family friend Micko,      Factory, had a lot more         delighted with the result.”
 adding Bacon Lightning’s       time on his hands and           The Tale of Bacon
 friend Szechuan to the         returned to the project “so I   Lightning,,
 story, a rubber chicken who    could make sure some good       $23.86.















December 10, 2020                                                                         THEATRE                   31

    Lucy Durack

                       Home for
    Picture: Nik

                     the holidays
                    Tanya MacNaughton              decorating their Melbourne       Want For Christmas Is You
                                                   home for their housesitter,      and Rudolph the Red-Nosed
                    CHRISTMAS is absolutely        ahead of Durack hosting          Reindeer. To be able to
                    the most wonderful time of     WASO’s annual free               bring your family to
                                                   end-of-year concert.             something like that for free
                                                     Presented by WASO,             is an incredible gift and you
                                                   Lotterywest Christmas            can’t get classier than
                                                   Spectacular is a                 WASO carols.”
                                                   re-conceived COVID-safe             It is a welcome end to
                                    the year for   event at RAC Arena, with         2020 that saw Shrek the
                              City Beach-raised    performances on December         Musical — in which Durack
                         music theatre darling     12 at 2pm and 7pm                was playing Princess Fiona
                        Lucy Durack, who starts    featuring the orchestra led      — closed in March due to
                        her festive celebrations   by conductor Jen Winley,         pandemic restrictions.
                       each year by putting up     the WASO Chorus and              Despite it being a shock,
                      her Christmas tree on her    special guests Amy               Durack said it was nothing
                      birthday, November 17.       Manford, Samantha Clarke         compared with what other
                        “I’ll often wish my        and Santa.                       people around the world
                    birthday was earlier so we       “Christmas carols and          were going through.
                    could start earlier; I was     singing with WASO is a              She kept busy filming
                    like this even before we had   pretty miraculous way to         online series Love in
                    kids but especially now,”      get to celebrate Christmas       Lockdown with Eddie
                    Durack said while              for me,” Durack said.            Perfect, did a stint on
                    quarantining in Sorrento         “I love any opportunity to     Neighbours and pulled on
                    with choreographer             sing with WASO and this is       the cactus costume for The
                    husband Christopher            a pretty massive event. I’ll     Masked Singer.
                    Horsey and their two           sing a couple of songs but       The Lotterywest Christmas
                    children, Polly, five, and     mostly be there to host the      Spectacular is at RAC
                    Theodore, one.                 whole event. There will be       Arena, 2pm and 7pm,
                       The family travelled to     some classic songs like          December 12, with free
                    WA, after already              Baby, It’s Cold Outside, All I   tickets at



34         CHRISTMAS ADVERTISING FEATURE                                                                                                                    December 10, 2020

                                                                                                                           BEST AND BRIGHTEST DISPLAYS
                                                                                                                           8 Meadow Springs Drive, Meadow Springs:

Keren Bellos

IT’S been an unexpectedly
dark year but things are                                                                     MUST-SEE STREETS              2 Sherlock Rise, Carramar
looking a whole lot brighter
as extravagant festive
                                                                                             • Samson Court, Duncraig      102 Riverside Lane, Seville Grove:
wonderlands dazzle across                                                                     (11 houses) (pictured)
Perth.                                                                                       • Myamba Court,
  More than 200 homes on                                                                      Carramar (8 houses)
the Synergy Xmas Lights
Trail are ablaze in Yuletide                                                                 • Narrien Loop, Hocking
glory, with some of our                                                                       (2 houses)
most creative holiday
decorators spreading
much-needed holiday cheer
and supporting a jolly good
cause while encouraging
social distancing.
  Darlington resident
Keryn Jackson has one of
the biggest and best                                                                                                       8 Darlington Loop, Pearsall
displays after morphing a                                                                                                  42 Lionel Road, Darlington:
whopping 1000sqm into a
winter wonderland
including snowmen and
penguins, Santa avenue and
new Christmas tree walk        Myamba Court in Carramar puts on an Insta-worthy show.
featuring 16 firs.
  “My main motivation is       Danny Brady and 10            white Christmas, there is a     everyone has had,” resident
the local children,” she       neighbours have again         display of eight Carramar       Angela Marshall said.
said.                          transformed their Duncraig    homes that includes an            The homes can be viewed
  “They make me smile          cul-de-sac into “Christmas    Insta-worthy snow-covered       throughout December and
when they stand at the top     Street” to amp up the magic   area and character shows        visitors must follow
of the driveway in their       of the season and build on    synced to music for             COVID-19 regulations.
pyjamas, tapping their toes    their $70,000 fundraising     children to enjoy.                Plot a trail to visit and
waiting for the lights to      tally for charity                “Bringing joy to visitors    vote for your favourite at    33 Yorn Circuit, Beeliar
switch on.”                    Wheelchairs for Kids.         is especially important in        119 Chichester Drive, Woodvale
  In their seventh year,         For anyone dreaming of a    2020 after the crazy year       until December 13.

December 10, 2020                                                                                                                        CHRISTMAS AD FEATURE                                            35

                                                                                                    Give your Christmas
                                                                                                    barbecue a taste of
                                                                                                    Texas with
                                                                                                    grillmaster Randi
                                                                                                    Thraves’ take on the
                                                                                                    classic steak and
                                                                                                    Serves: 4
                               After a long year that included a pandemic, a                        Prep time: 20 mins
                                                                                                    Cooking time: 20 mins
                                      period in lockdown and even a stint of
                              homeschooling, it’s time to spoil the little ones                     INGREDIENTS
                                                                                                    ៉ 4 rump steaks
                                              for all their resilience. Here are
                                                                                                    Potato salad
                                             just a few gift ideas to brighten                      ៉ 4–5 medium sized potatoes
                                                 up their Christmas morning.                        ៉ 4 hard boiled eggs
                                                                                                    ៉ 1 bunch of spring onions
                                                                                                    ៉ 1 cup of chipotle mayonnaise
                                                                                                    ៉ 1 cup of grated cheese
                                                                                                    ៉ Salt and pepper to taste
                                                                                                    Green citrus salad
                                                                                                    ៉ 2 red capsicums
                                                                                                    ៉ 1 large bowl of mixed greens          and mix with boiled                 medium-rare or 60°C for
                                                                                                    ៉ 1 punnet of vine ripe                 potatoes, chipotle                  medium. Once desired
                                                                                                     tomatoes                               mayonnaise and cheese.              doneness is reached, set
                                                                                                    ៉ 1⁄2 red onion, sliced                 Chop spring onions and use          aside.
                                                                                                    ៉ 1 orange, peeled and sliced           to garnish the potato salad.     5. Combine all salad ingredients
                                                                                                    ៉ 1 grapefruit, peeled and sliced    2. Peel the orange and                 and dress with vinaigrette.
                                                                                                    Vinaigrette                             grapefruit. Slice the orange,
                                                                                                    ៉ Salt                                  grapefruit and red onion for     TIPS
                                                                FASHION DOLLS                       ៉ Cajun seasoning (or a blend           the salad and set aside.         ៉ Make sure you oil the steak and
                                                              Kmart’s assortment of fashion          of paprika, garlic salt, pinch of   3. Bring steak to room               not the barbecue to avoid the
                                                              dolls reflect people living with       cayenne pepper, chilli powder)         temperature and season with       steak burning.
                                                           disabilities and are the perfect gift                                            salt and a light dusting of      ៉ Use a sprig of thyme dipped in
  1. Rainbow crossbody bag, $34.95, Seed Heritage 2.         to help children celebrate all of      METHOD                                  cajun seasoning.                  oil to brush the steak before
 Cyclops Balmar Vintage Cruiser, $129, Target 3. Unicorn   the wonderful things that make us        1. Dice the potatoes into even       4. Take the steak and place it on    cooking.
  activity cube, $20, Kmart 4. Bluey jumbo plush, $35,             different and unique.               chunks and boil until soft.          the hottest part of the          ៉ Rest steak for half the cooking
              Target 5. Ukulele, $20, Big W                  Fashion dolls, $6 each, Kmart             Chop up the hard boiled eggs         barbecue, cooking to 55°C for     time.

36   FASHION & FILM                                                                                                             December 10, 2020

                                                                                          WHETHER your Christmas
                                                                                          Day is set to be low-key or
                                                                                         upscale, get into the spirit in
                                                                                         a colourful and joyous look.
                                                                                        Festive hijinks call for comfort
                                                                                        but they also require an outfit
                              1. Olga Berg Lolita velvet and enamel                    that’s a little bit special because

                              flower headband, $119.95, Myer.                             let’s face it: this is not just
                              2. Twist detail sandals, $69.96,                                    any other day.
                              French Connection.                                                Sara Fitzpatrick
                              3. Maxi natural stone necklace,
                              $59.95, Zara.
                              4. Sustainable maxi skirt, $189.95,
                              and sustainable shelf tank, $119.95,

     belle                    Seed Heritage.
                              5. Carlotta earrings, $239,
                              6. Kiss-lock crossbody bag in flecked
                              fabric, $89.95, Zara.
                              7. Cheesecloth tee, $59.95, and
                              cheesecloth tie shorts, $79.95, Seed
                              8. Rustic playsuit, $89.95, Zara.
                              9. Piper two-pack pearl snap
                              hairclips, $14.95, Myer.
                              10. Django & Juliette Alisa spearmint
                              sandals, $169.95,
                              11. Johnson baby-blue leather
                              block-heeled sandals, $180, Wittner.
                              12. Pleated rib strappy dress in
                              Apple, $800, Scanlan Theodore.

How deep is your love for Bee Gees
                      Lucy Rutherford                                                shown to be the key to their     inspired by R&B and soul,

                      WHEN you think of The
                                                            THE BEE                  success when recording
                                                                                     their most famous songs —
                                                                                                                      and how disco first
                                                                                                                      originated in minority and
                      Bee Gees, disco flares and            GEES: HOW                the soundtrack to Saturday       gay clubs in New York.
                      falsettos probably come to
                                                            CAN YOU                  Night Fever.
                                                                                       Helping to put their
                                                                                                                        Interviews with
                                                                                                                      producers, music engineers
                        However, a new                      MEND A                   legacy into context are          and other band members
                      documentary The Bee Gees:
                      How Can You Mend a
                                                            BROKEN                   interviews with musicians
                                                                                     including Chris Martin,
                                                                                                                      who worked with the group
                                                                                                                      offer insights into the skill
                      Broken Heart shows how                HEART (M)                Noel Gallagher and Nick          and hard work that went
                      the band had a career that            DIRECTOR: Frank          Jonas, who were inspired         into creating their
                      stretched decades and                 Marshall                 by The Bee Gees.                 extensive back catalogue.
                      crossed genres.                       ᗂᗂᗂᗂ                       Their own experiences in         Bee Gees fans will be
                        Focusing on the music,        1999 detail
                                                            NOWthe   friction
                                                                  SHOWING            the industry provide a           familiar with the events
                      the film jumps straight into    between the brothers,          modern understanding to          documented in the film but
                      the group’s early success in    including the time they        the ups and downs of the         those who only know them
                      the ’60s, with their singles    each attempted to go           band’s career.                   for Stayin’ Alive, it is a
                      often mistaken for new          solo.                            The film also discusses        surprisingly emotional
                      songs by The Beatles.             But the intrinsic love and   the influences of the            chronicle of one of the
                        Interviews with Barry,        connection they had with       brothers Gibb themselves,        biggest British bands to call
                      Robin and Maurice from          each other is clear and is     how their music was              Australia home.


      2       2
                On the boardwalk
4/1 Bristol Lane, Mindarie
High $600,000s
Agency: Century 21 Gold Key
Contact: Justin O’Connell on
0407 577 865

A FABULOUS coastal
lifestyle is on offer from
this ground-floor
apartment in a
marina-front complex.
   You can enjoy water
views from the living areas
and courtyard and it is an
easy stroll to the beach,
bars and restaurants.
   The home has an
open-plan living/dining/
kitchen area with lovely
timber flooring.
   The stylish kitchen has
stone benchtops, a
breakfast bar, glass            summer’s afternoon,           heated towel rail, and
splashback, underbench          enjoying a cool beverage in   courtyard access.
and overhead storage and a      the fresh coastal air.          The second bedroom
fridge recess.                    There are two bedrooms      includes mirrored built-in
   The living area opens to a   and two bathrooms on          robes, while the other
good-sized tiled courtyard      either side of the living     bathroom includes laundry
that runs across the front of   area. The master has          facilities.
the home and has access to      mirrored his-and-her robes,     Other features include
the boardwalk.                  a well-appointed ensuite      airconditioning, parking
   It is easy to picture        with double vanity unit,      for two cars and a
yourself sitting here in a      stone benchtops and a         storeroom.








December 10, 2020                                                                                                   BEAUTY                     45

              Little beauties
                                                                         SMALL in stature
                                                                    but big on status, these cult
                                                                       favourites make great
                                                                   stocking fillers for the beauty
                                                                      enthusiast in your life.
                                                                    And best of all, they can be
                                                                   easily snagged from retailers
                                                                 across Perth, making last-minute
                                                                    Chrissy shopping a breeze.
                                                                         Sara Fitzpatrick

                                  1. O&M Surf Bomb saltwater spray, $29.95, Hairhouse Warehouse 2. MAC Ruby Woo lipstick, $30, Myer
                      3. Too Faced Papa Don’t Peach blush, $48, Mecca 4. Laura Mercier travel-sized translucent loose setting powder, $37, Mecca
                    5. Dior Rouge 999 nail polish, $41, Myer 6. Benefit Cosmetics The Porefessional face primer (mini), $21.25, Myer 7. Estee Lauder
                       Advanced Night Repair (30ml), $110, David Jones 8. Shu Uemura eyelash curler, $33, David Jones 9. Sand & Sky travel-sized
                         Australian pink clay face mask, $35.90, Myer 10. The Ordinary Buffet multi-technology peptide serum, $24.90, Priceline
                           11. Hourglass Ambient Lighting bronzer, $83, Mecca 12. Jojoba Company Australian jojoba oil (30ml), $20, Priceline

                                                                             A bouncing good time
                                                                             A DIFFERENT social sport             Pickleball World Ambassador
                                                                             aimed at all ages and abilities is   for WA Jayne de Silva said.
                                                                             starting to make an impact in          The sport was invented in the
                                                                             the northern suburbs.                US in 1965.
                                                                               Pickleball is a combination of       In 2019 Ms de Silva establish-
                                                                             tennis, badminton and table          ed Power Pickleball, running
                                                                             tennis. It is played on a badmin-    social games, private and group
                                                                             ton court, which is smaller than     coaching sessions, competitive
                                                                             a tennis court, and players use      singles and doubles leagues,
                                                                             plastic paddles to hit a perforat-   and sanctioned tournaments.
                                                                             ed plastic ball over a lowered         This includes social and
                                                                             net.                                 group coaching sessions for
                                                                               “The holes in the ball make it     children and adults open to
                                                                             travel slower and the small          beginner, intermediate and
                                                                             court means fast running isn’t       advanced players on Monday
                                                                             essential, making pickleball         and Friday evenings and Sun-
                                                                             popular among all ages and           day mornings, and league
                                                                             abilities, from children to com-     matches on Thursday evenings,
                                                                             petitive adults and retirees,”       all at the Wanneroo Show-
                                                                             International Federation of          ground.

                                                                             Radiant a guiding light
                                                                             PACING writer Wayne Cur-             Our Jimmy Johnstone.
                                                                             rall’s tips for this Friday night      R6: AMERICAN BRAVE (best
                                                                             at Gloucester Park:                  double); Sangue Royale; Light-
                                                                               R1: RADIANT AMBER; Hea-            ning Jolt; One For Dave Andme.
                                                                             dline Act; Bettorgrinanbarit;          R7:         MACHNIFICENT
                                                                             Queen Shenandoah.                    STORM; Power And Grace;
                                                                               R2: BAYLAN JETT; Sightsee-         Warriors Legacy; Blue Legacy.
                                                                             ing Anvil; American Delight;           R8: HENWOOD BAY (best
                                                                             Im Rocknroll Magic.                  bet); Blue Blazer; Machs Gold;
                                                                               R3: ROSIES IDEAL; Rock Me          Dominate The Dojo.
                                                                             Over; Thats Perfect; Cant              R9: SUNNYS LITTLE JES-
                                                                             Refuse. R4: PATRICKTHEPI-            TIC; Springfield Hugh; Prin-
                                                                             RANHA; Jimmy Mack; Sir               cess Mila; Champagne Prince.
                                                                             Galahad; Cyclone Banner.               R10: AMERICAN ARMA;
                                                                               R5: MIGHTY CONQUEROR;              Rumour Has It; Our Shooting
                                                                             Galactic Star; Balcatherine;         Star; Dominus Factum.

46          SPORT                                                                                                                                                        December 10, 2020

                                                                             Sailing more
                                                                             than a Whim

Whispering Jack gets a clean start in the second race. Picture: John Bird

John Bird                       in during the morning to 15     Gossip (Ian Campbell) and       placing. Each recorded a fas-   in both races of division       for a win and Volant (John
                                knots.                          Bull Bar (Jeremy Leitch) not    test time.                      two.                            Ball, Emille Janssen, Frank
TWENTY yachts from Hil-           In division one, Scott For-   far behind.                        Bad Habits (Ian Holder)        They were Covert Oper-        Hagemann, Kevin Meta) for
larys Yacht Club and Ocean      rest on Whim A Way                For Hillarys, Neil Harri-     and Perle both finished in      ation (Bart Brouwer and         a third placing.
Reef    Sea Sports Club         excelled for Ocean Reef with    son on Deckchairs Over-         the top six of 13 boats.        Graham Atkinson) for a win        Feelin Free (Alan Pea-
enjoyed the second day of       a win and third placing.        board also had a win and a         Whilst the competition       and fastest time in both rac-   cham) and Quicksilver (Ter-
racing in the North Coast         He was backed up by Leda      third placing, supported by     was fairly even in division     es, Blue Chip (Keith and        ry OGrady) finished fifth
Series on Sunday in a brisk     (Frank Centa) who was sec-      Whispering Jack (Bruce          one, the Hillarys yachts        Deborah Fisk) for two sec-      and sixth respectively in
southerly breeze that filled    ond in one race, with Hot       Bradford) with a second         filled the top four places      onds, Catabatic (Rob Bills)     both races for Ocean Reef.


A sting in the tale
Sam Jeremic                       bargain.
                                     And yet, while all those
                                                                   characteristics all that
                                                                   much, with the exception of
                                                                                                  Stinger’s soundtrack will
                                                                                                  likely feel rather impotent.
                                                                                                                                   also well equipped.
                                                                                                                                      You’re not just forking
                                                                                                                                                                    10.2L/100km fuel economy,
                                                                                                                                                                    which is about right if you
WE’VE loved the Kia               things are true, this time       the very cool seat                But there’s positive news.    out for the performance:         take it easy or head on a
Stinger ever since it arrived     around we were left              bolstering, which will give       It’s a simple fix, which      you get a head-up display,       road trip but if you want to
in Australia and won The          wanting a bit more.              you a tight cuddle in sport    Kia is on top of, currently      cooled and heated seats,         have some fun, you’ll be in
West Australian’s Car of             It’s not that the Stinger     mode and relax in other        offering an exhaust option       heated steering wheel and        the teens in no time.
the Year back in 2017.            isn’t still excellent because    modes.                         made by a third party for        more in GT guise.                  Also, the Stinger’s
  It’s made for people who        it is: it’s slick, quick,          The transmission is also     $3315 including fitment             And though it may look        10,000km service intervals
love driving a large              lightweight and fun, with        lazy when left to its own      which, so we’re told,            like a sedan, it’s actually a    undo its family-friendly
performance sedan in an           good grip, if a little tame      devices when going hard,       completely transforms the        liftback (industry speak for     credentials somewhat.
age of SUVs, which have           with the back-end                though the paddle shifters     character of the car.            a sedan-shaped hatchback),
practicality and efficiency
at the top of their checklist.
                                     But after piloting some
                                                                   offer precise changes once
                                                                   you make the switch.
                                                                                                     Even better, an updated
                                                                                                  Stinger range will arrive in
                                                                                                                                   meaning despite the limited
                                                                                                                                   406 litres on paper the long
                                                                                                                                                                      KIA STINGER
  The Stinger packs a             hot hatches such as the            But the main issue —         Australia before the end of      cargo area means you can           VARIANT GT
seriously hefty 272kW and         Renault Megane RS around         which has long plagued the     the year with — praise be —      fit a whole lot in there.          PRICE $60,990
510Nm from a twin turbo           recently, which are in the       Stinger — is the sound, or     a factory-fitted bi-modal           It makes a mockery out of       ENGINE 3.3-litre V6
3.3-litre V6, which is all sent   same ballpark price-wise —       lack thereof.                  exhaust.                         family car buyers’                 petrol
to the rear wheels and will       or in the case of the Ford         The exhaust lacks any           Also, the Stinger’s chilled   obsessions with SUVs and           OUTPUTS 272kW/510Nm
see it cover 0-100km/h in 4.9     Fiesta ST, a lot less — we       real note of any kind,         out cabin makes it feel          you can also see why Kia           TRANSMISSION
seconds.                          just felt the Stinger lacked a   feeling very distant no        more like a premium              felt comfortable dropping          Eight-speed automatic,
  Given its capabilities, its     bit of mongrel.                  matter how hard you bury       European car, which is           the Optima from its line-up        RWD
$60,990 plus on-roads price          Despite having different      your right foot.               hard to get too upset about.     and having the Stinger as          FUEL ECONOMY
tag for the top spec GT           drive modes, they don’t tend       For those who grew up           It’s comfortable despite      its sole large sedan offering.     10.2L/100km
variant is a relative             to change the car’s              with Aussie-made V8s, the      the 19-inch wheels and it’s         The engine claims

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