SENTINEL - South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.

SENTINEL - South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.

                 South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.

Vol. 7, Issue 38 - Price: £1          “serving St Helena and her community worldwide”               Thursday 20 December 2018

                   Average Income Rises, but
                         Inflation Rises More

                                                                                                                     ... page 5

                                 Jonathan Becomes Reason
                                 American Couple Gets Engaged
                                 “When I first met James two years ago, I think it’s one of the first things I said to him - ‘I
                                 will marry the man who takes me to St Helena to see Jonathan. And to James’ credit,
                                 he didn’t think I was crazy. He thought it was a madcap adventure[...] and said ‘we will
                                 definitely do this.’ And so we have.”                                               ... page 4

                                                          Carpe Diem Crew Splits
                                                                                                                   ... page 3

                               Christmas Messages Inside
SENTINEL - South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.
2                                                              Thursday 20 December 2018 | THE SENTINEL       THE SENTINEL | Thursday 20 December 2018                                                            3

OPINION                                      YOUR LETTERS                                                                                                                                                                ST HELENA NEWS
                                                                                                                                   MOU Report Expected This Month
                                               Dear Editor,                          Dec. 18 was the 200th Anniversary
SENTINEL                                       My mother was born in St Helena
                                             and I would like to see the house
                                                                                    of the beginning of the Abolition of
                                                                                    Slavery on St. Helena. Sir Hudson
                                                                                    Lowe proposed and islanders agreed
COMMENT                                      where my grandfather (Frank
                                             Mercury) was born and grew up -
                                             stated as Scotland Cottage on his
                                                                                    that from Christmas Day 1818 all
                                                                                    children born to slaves would be free.
                                                                                                                                         Cyril (Ferdie) Gunnell, SAMS
                                                                                                                                                                              conditions of the MOU have still
                                                                                                                                                                              not been officially reviewed. It is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        anticipated carrying 120 passengers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        – we now have an aircraft carrying
Jeremy Johns, SAMS
  Tis’ the season to be jolly and deck
                                             birth certificate. From the marriage
                                             certificate to Jessie Richards and
                                                                                     This was the beginning of the end of
                                                                                    slavery on the island and Christmas             “A    ir access has the potential         therefore not transparent what, if        76 passengers,” she said. “A business
                                             subsequent birth certificates they     day this year marks the 200th                  to enable economic growth in St            any, impact the reforms are having        case put forward to have 30,000
the halls with boughs of holly.                                                                                                    Helena, leading to the elimination
  It’s a busy time of year, but a            made their home in Stock Yard. I       Anniversary of this momentous                                                             – or even if all the conditions of the    tourists a year with a high level of
much-anticipated one that we all get         was wondering if any of your readers   event for the children of the slaves of        of St Helena’s financial dependence        MOU have been met.                        income to the island – the new air
sentimental about and prepared for.          know of these places. My mother        the time for which they were grateful          on the UK,” says the beginning of           In recent years, councillors (notably    access is for 3,000 tourists, which
  I trust all enjoyed the biggest street     Jeannine made her home in Jersey       to Governor Sir Hudson Lowe                    the Memorandum of Understanding            Christine Scipio) at formal LegCo         is a tenth, with a hugely reduced
event of the year last night. It’s           Channel Islands, where I live and my    Slavery itself was not finally                (MOU) signed between the British           meetings had been pushing for a           income to the island.”
amazing how many coloured lights             grandparents came to live with her     abolished until 1832, 14 years later,          and St Helena governments ahead            collective review of a Social Impact        And last week – at the Dec. 11
are utilized for the Festival of Lights.
                                             some time around my birth in 1964.     when the EIC formally and finally              of the Department for International        Assessment of each MOU reform,            open-agenda ExCo meeting – Chief
Another job well done, Pilling Primary.                                             abolished all slavery, but         the         Development (DfID) financing the St        “particularly those that impact           Secretary Susan O’Bey told Members
  A lot of festive events have already         Regards,
                                               Julie Michel                         generation born 200 years ago from             Helena Airport.                            socially on the lives of the people on    that the Social Impact Assessment
taken place and a lot more are still to                                                                                             “DFID is willing to finance an            St Helena.”                               review is at last all but complete and
unfold. The schools did amazingly with                                              Christmas day 1818 were free.
their festive events, as did the charities    (call 22727 if you can help Julie)     Have a Happy Christmas! - Barbara B. George   airport for St Helena, subject to a         One of the most significant results      will be ready to be reported on by end
that have provided stalls etc.                                                                                                     number of specific conditions being        of the Dec. 19, 2017 formal LegCo was     of this calendar year.
  As this is the last Sentinel for 2018,                                                                                           met.”                                      an agreement to review the MOU.             Mrs O’Bey told The Sentinel the
I thought I would help to remind                                                                                                    These conditions – most of                Acting Chief Secretary Susan O’Bey        review was carried out by SHG
everyone of a few of the events still to                                                                                           them reforms – included relaxing           agreed it was time for a review of        Economist Nicole Shamier and
come this year:
  Thursday, Dec. 20 – Family
                                                                       Merry                                                       immigration      law,     eliminating
                                                                                                                                   untargeted subsidies and establishing
                                                                                                                                                                              the various reforms that were meant
                                                                                                                                                                              to have been carried out following
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Socio-Economist Tom Holvey (who
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        works for SHG on a call-down basis).
Christmas Bingo at the Godfather’s
Rock Club                                                         Christmas and a                                                  “simple,       transparent
                                                                                                                                   predictable” land-use legislation/
                                                                                                                                                                     and      signing of the MOU (Mrs O’Bey had
                                                                                                                                                                              had a pivotal role coordinating the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          “The review is being done at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        request of Elected Members and
                                                                  happy New Year
  Monday, Dec. 24 – Around-the-                                                                                                    policies.
island Christmas Eve procession and
                                                                                                                                                                              various reforms in 2010).                 will be presented to them in the
street parade (country style)                                                                                                       The MOU, signed in 2010, set out           Cllr Scipio said that this was           first instance,” Mrs O’Bey said.
  Wednesday, Dec. 26 – Boxing Day
activities in Jamestown                                             from SAMS!                                                     these conditions and the dates by
                                                                                                                                   which the conditions needed to be
                                                                                                                                                                              especially important because, since
                                                                                                                                                                              the signing of the MOU in 2010,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        “Whilst I would not want to speak
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        for Members, I am sure they would
  Friday, Dec. 28 – Family Bingo at                              This is the last paper of year, so                                met.                                       the situation with the Airport has        want to share the outcome publicly
Jamestown Community Centre                                      we’ll see you all again in 2019 – due                               St Helena Airport has been funded         changed significantly.                    once they have had the opportunity
  Monday, Dec. 31 – Ole Years Night                                                                                                and is now operational; but the             “For      example;      an    aircraft   to consider the report.”
events across the island                                       to the holidays, our first paper of the
  Tuesday, Jan. 1 2019 – New Years Day                          new year will be released on Friday,
activities island-wide
  And many more events of various
themes across the island at various
                                                                               Jan. 4.
                                                                                                                                   Team St Helena Yacht Race Crew Safe,
venues, including the annual diocese
services and carol-singing.
  And within this edition of The
                                                                                                                                    but Have Parted Ways in Cape Town
Sentinel, you’ll find adverts for more                                                                                                          Emma Weaver, SAMS
events, your 2018 Christmas messages
and the extended festive-season                                                                                                     An all-St-Helenian team departed          Dennis are now booked to fly into the
                                                                                                                                                                              St Helena Airport this Saturday.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        been going as normal.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Andrew on Tuesday morning talk
opening hours of businesses.                                                                                                       the island Dec. 1 on the yacht Carpe         Bad blood between the crew and the      about the trip to Cape Town, and
  SAMS Radio 1 will also keep you                                                                                                  Diem, for the 2018 Cape to St Helena       skipper during the 18-day journey         about what the crew was planning to
entertained during the holidays with                                                                                               Yacht Race.                                caused this parting, according to         get done before Boxing Day.
a number of fantastic giveaways that                                                                                                But it seems an all-St-Helenian           Michael, Dennis and Andrew. The             “It was quite the trip down,
have been kindly sponsored by various                                                                                              team, will now not be returning on
businesses. Tune in to SAMS Radio 1                                                                                                                                           parting was not due to the crew           definitely a big adventure - this
to win these great giveaways through
                                                                                                                                   the yacht.                                 missing their kids and girlfriends,       is the first time obviously for me
radio competitions and quizzes (tune                                                                                                All five team members are safe and        as had been reported in other media,      doing any kind of offshore sailing,”
into 102.7, 90.5, 105.1 or 105.3).                                                                                                 sound. But late Tuesday evening –          they said:                                Andrew said. “We had some great
  It is said often that events on                                                                                                  the same day the five-man crew of            “The reason we left is because          moments out there, managed to have
St Helena aren’t like they used to                                                                                                 Carpe Diem had reached Cape Town           although we respected our skipper,        a couple of days of some really good
be – that they’re losing tradition/                                                                                                after an 18-day voyage – SAMS found        he had no respect and trust for his       wind, made some great progress and
enthusiasm. But one factor that is with                                                                                            out that Michael Owen, Dennis Owen         crew. That’s the main reason for the      got into Cape Town about a day early.
our control is the participation in and                                                                                            and Andrew Turner had parted ways          issues. Although all of us missed our       “We [did have] one or two hairy
enjoyment of the events this season.                                                                                               with the skipper, James Herne, and
  So let’s go Saint-style this Christmas
                                                                                                                                                                              families, that was not the reason for     moments... We managed to break
                                                                                                                                   his son/co-skipper, Josh Herne.            our departure. We were simply not         two sails on the way down - there
and onwards, and unite in bringing
back the huge and joyful celebrations!                                                                                              The team was due to stay in Cape          prepared to sail home under those         were some very heavy conditions on
  On that note, I wish you a joyous                                                                                                Town until Boxing Day, when                conditions.”                              the first few days out from St Helena,
festive season and a prosperous New                                                                                                the Cape to St Helena Race would             SAMS Radio 1, and the SAMS              which broke one sail, and the last few
Year. Stay safe and love one another.                                                                                              officially begin and Carpe Diem and        facebook page, will keep everyone         days into Cape Town we broke our
                                                                                                                                   15 other yachts would race back to St      updated as the story progresses.          second head sail. But we’ll get those
    South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.,                                                                                           Helena.                                                                              repaired before the trip back.”
    The Media Centre, Castle Gardens,                                                                                               But now, Andrew told SAMS, James           What was the plan before things            Andrew said the team was also
    Jamestown, St Helena, South Atlantic                                                                                           and Josh are trying to find a new          changed?                                  going to give a few talks about St
    Ocean, STHL 1ZZ. Tel: 22727                                                                                                    crew to accompany them home in the          As of Tuesday morning, Team St           Helena to the race participants, prep
    E:, W:                                                                                                race – while Andrew, Michael and           Helena’s journey seemed to have           the boat and do a few more trainings.
SENTINEL - South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.
4                                                            Thursday 20 December 2018 | THE SENTINEL              THE SENTINEL | Thursday 20 December 2018                                                             5

ST HELENA NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                               ST HELENA NEWS
 “I will marry the man who takes                                                                                                           Two Flights per Week                                                             Average Income
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Rises: Inflation
me to St Helena to meet Jonathan”                                                                                                           Again Next Summer                                                               Rises More
                                                                                                                                                     Emma Weaver, SAMS                                                           Emma Weaver, SAMS
                                                                                                                                                                                   the 2019/20 additional flights, as
                                                                                                                                         A   fter the arrival of only two          with the current additional flights,      T   he headline of a Dec. 17 press
                                                                                                                                        ‘additional weekly flights’ to St          “have been programmed to take into       release from SHG was entitled
                                                                                                                                        Helena this holiday period, SHG has        account the peak period of travel, to    “Average Income from Full-Time
                                                                                                                                        announced that additional flights          meet anticipated demand.”                Employment up to £8,500 in
                                                                                                                                        will also commence during next               The release does not say if visitor    2017/18.”
                                                                                                                                        year’s holiday season.                     statistics from the current additional     Of course, this headline seems
                                                                                                                                          On Dec. 4, the first scheduled           flights will be taken into account       quite positive. And indeed, the newly
                                                                                                                                        Tuesday flight (operating in addition      once they become available.              released Statistical Bulletin shows
                                                                                                                                        to each Saturday’s flight) touched           “This is good news for St Helena and   that the median pre-tax annual
                                                                                                                                        down at St Helena Airport.                 those wishing to travel here during      income on St Helena has risen 3.3%
                                                                                                                                          These current additional flights         this time,” said Councillor Lawson       since last financial year, which is no
                                                                                                                                        are the first time the island has          Henry, Chairman of the Economic          bad news.
                                                                                                                                        experienced two flights per week.          Development Committee. “This is            But the headline misses the real
                                                                                                                                        The Tuesday flights are scheduled          the kind of planning that needs to       news - the news that this increase,
                                                                                                                                        until the end of April 2019, in order to   go into building a tourist destination   is less than the increase in inflation.
                                                                                                                                        facilitate the ‘peak period of travel’     and I hope it will bring much-needed       Actually, because price inflation last
                                                                                                                                        to/from St Helena and to provide           confidence and stimulus into our         quarter was at 4.1% (due mainly to the
                                                                                                                                        greater flexibility in lengths of stays    economy, particularly the hospitality    increases from the island’s monopoly
                                                                                                                                        on St Helena.                              sector. I would like to thank our        utilities and telecommunications
                                                                                                                                          A Dec. 17 SHG press release says         partners in DFID for their support.”     companies, and secondarily to food)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            – pre-tax annual income has fallen.
                                                                                                Photos provided by Samantha Reinders.                                                                                         In real terms, the island’s median

    Jonathan becomes reason one American couple gets engaged
             Emma Weaver, SAMS
                                                                                                                                                           ExCo Report                                                      pre-tax annual income in 2017/18
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            has fallen by 0.7%.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Interestingly, the gap between male
                                           “And so I just wanted to go and see    adventure’ successfully brought on                                 SHG                                                                    and female earners, and between
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the highest and lowest earners, has
                                         him and be in that presence – that       an engagement. After finally meeting
                                                                                                                                         E  xecutive Council met [Tuesday]         decrease further and asked that          closed slightly.
    “I will marry the man who takes      historical presence. He is a living
                                         monument. He’s not made of stone,
                                                                                  and helping to feed Jonathan, and
                                                                                  after a meal at Jonathan’s residence                  to consider a recommendation to            work should take place in 2019 to          When inflation is taken into account,
me to St Helena to meet Jonathan.’       he’s not made of concrete; he is a       of Plantation House, James got down                   increase the Minimum Wage by 8             review the Labour Market Strategy        the lowest-earning and the female
  An American couple – James             living, breathing animal that has        on one knee, with Jonathan watching,                  pence from £3.05 to £3.13 per hour         and within this to work to carry out     workers in 2017/18 have experienced
Swanson and Erica Munkwitz – have        been on this planet for that long. I     and asked Erica to marry him.                         for workers aged over 18, and from         an evaluation which considers the        a small average income increase,
travelled from Washington D.C. to St     was just blown away.”                     “And I said – to Jonathan, ‘should                   £2.10 to £2.18 per hour for workers        impact of increasing the minimum         while the highest-earning and the
Helena Island, spurred by the above        So blown away, that when she met       we accept?’ And I believe Jonathan                    aged 16-17 with effect from 1 April        wage over time.                          male workers have experienced a
statement of Erica’s.                    James two years ago, the statement ‘I    said ‘yes;’ and so I, of course, said                 2019.                                        Members were content to approve        small average decrease.
  “I thought, if that’s all I have to    will marry the man who takes me to       ‘yes, I will marry you,’” Erica said.                   The recommendation was made on           the increases and to recommend to          Full information can be found
do to get her, I’m planning the trip!    St Helena to meet Jonathan’ was one       James and Erica arrived to St Helena                 receipt of a report by the Employment      the Governor that the changes to         in the Stats Bulletin No. 11, 2018,
That sounds like a great deal for me,”   of the first things she said to him.     on Dec. 8 and will depart Dec. 29. The                Rights Committee appointed by the          the Employment Rights Regulations        which is available online at http://
James said.                                “And to his credit he didn’t think I   couple is also writing a history article              Governor in Council in accordance          should come into force on 1 April
  For around seven years now, Erica      was crazy,” Erica said. “He thought      for Smithsonian Magazine while                        with Section 7(2) of the Employment        2019.                                    bulletin-no-11-2018-wages/ or by
has been enthralled with St Helena’s     it was a madcap adventure, and he        on the island, and is also enjoying                   Rights Ordinance 2010.                       Under “any other business” the         contacting the Statistics Office at the
oldest resident – Jonathan the           was more than supportive and said        hikes and getting to know not only                      In their deliberations, members          Governor informed Members of             Castle.
tortoise.                                ‘we will definitely do this.’”           Jonathan, but the rest of the island’s                considered the impact on employers         a forthcoming exhibition entitled
  In the SAMS Radio 1 studio on            And on Wednesday, the ‘madcap          population as well.                                   and consumers noting that a                “Napoleon and the South African
Thursday, Erica said that as a
university professor of British
                                                                                                                                        balance needed to be struck between
                                                                                                                                        protecting incomes and avoiding
                                                                                                                                                                                   Wine the Emperor used on St Helena”
                                                                                                                                                                                   to take place at Groot Constantia in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Grant of St
history, she finds Jonathan’s age
incredibly interesting.
                                                                                                                                        negative effects on local businesses.
                                                                                                                                        It was also noted that previous
                                                                                                                                                                                   Capetown in February 2019, which
                                                                                                                                                                                   she will be attending. The Governor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Helenian Status
  “As a historian – in America we                                                                                                       updates to the Minimum Wage have           sought approval from Members to               SHG
don’t have anything that’s old.                                                                                                         delivered real increases in median         loan to the exhibition the wine cooler    In accordance with Section 15(3) of
Nothing. Thirty years old and it’s                                                                                                      wages for the lowest 25% of earners.       which was part of Longwood New           the Immigration Ordinance, 2011, the
considered ancient,” Erica said.                                                                                                        A ‘real increase’ means an increase        House furniture now displayed in the     following persons have been granted
“And to know that there was a living,                                                                                                   over and above inflation. The August       dining room at Plantation House and      St Helenian Status with effect from
breathing animal that’s almost two                                                                                                      2017 Minimum Wage increase of 35p          to permit the St. Helena Napoleonic      28 November 2018:
centuries old... To imagine all the                                                                                                     was a greater than inflation increase      Heritage Ltd to export for the time of
things that Jonathan has seen, or                                                                                                       and the July 2018 increase was an          the exhibition a few items presently      • Mrs Victoria Kellett of Dansville,
experienced, or that have happened                                                                                                      inflationary increase.                     at Longwood House. Members were          Sapper Way, St Pauls
while he’s been alive – everything                                                                                                        Members also noted that the              happy to approve provided the             • Mr James Kellett of Dansville,
that has made our modern world...                                                                                                       increase meant that the gap                necessary documents were in place        Sapper Way, St Pauls
That just fascinated me; absolutely                                                                                                     between the average wage and the           to ensure safe shipment to and from       • Master Isaac Kellett of Dansville,
stunned me.                                                                                                                             minimum wage on Island would               the Island.                              Sapper Way, St Pauls
SENTINEL - South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.
6                                                             Thursday 20 December 2018 | THE SENTINEL   THE SENTINEL | Thursday 20 December 2018                                                           7

ST HELENA NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                    ST HELENA NEWS

    New Wrapping Service at                                                                                                   St Helena’s Teachers Advance
     the St Helena Airport                                                                                                    their Education Qualifications
                                                                                                                                           Emma Weaver, SAMS
            Mic-kail Harris, SAMS
                                                                                   from potential damages, and that the        Thirteen staff within the Education                                               happiness, and the ability to cope
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 with life’s highs and lows, are
    A new luggage-wrapping business                                                probability of losing luggage items        & Employment Directorate have
                                                                                                                              recently gained new professional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 absolutely essential for positive life
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 outcomes,” Dr Cox said. “This is
venture – named Siya’s Wrapping                                                    is decreased, when moving from
Services, Ltd – was launched at the                                                airport to airport.                        achievements in education, according                                               reflected in the UK’s recent green
St Helena Airport Saturday, Dec. 9 by                                                The Siya’s team wraps customers’         to two press releases last week.                                                   paper ‘transforming children and
Gift Sibanda and his wife.                                                         suitcases or other belongings as long        Penny Bowers – the Head Teacher                                                  young people’s mental health
  Gift came about the idea of a                                                    as the items are able to fit into the      of Prince Andrew School – has been                                                 provision’ which has highlighted
wrapping service on St Helena when                                                 machine and each weigh less than           awarded a National Professional                                                    the important role of schools in
the Airport started functioning.                                                   100kg.                                     Qualification for Headship. This           have passed the Level 3 Award in        supporting children to develop and
However, he was only able to put his                                                 Pricing is set between £5-£7.            qualification is nationally recognised     Supporting Teaching and Learning        grow into healthy, successful young
idea into action when, after a recent                                                “I’ve had people that said they lost     and until next year, it has been           in Schools.                             people.
enquiry at the Airport, his idea of a                                              valuables like jewellery; [and] there      mandatory for Headship in England            This          nationally-recognised     “The launch of ELSA training
wrapping service at St Helena Airport                                              have been people that said they’ve         and Wales.                                 qualification       provides      “an   here on St Helena demonstrates a
went out to tender.                                                                lost stuff like souvenirs,” Gift said.       Penny began her studies in 2016          understanding of the knowledge and      progressive move from the schools
  “It’s just something that I’ve always                                            “[So] I’d like to believe it is an         and completed her work placement           skills needed when working directly     towards providing good quality,
thought about every time I go out                                                  affordable service, if you look at the     in October of 2018.                        with children or young people           targeted, early help to children facing
to the Airport,” Gift said. “Because                                               value of the things that you might           “I am very proud to have achieved        in primary, secondary or special        common issues which affect their
of where we come from and all the                                                  lose and you compare that against          this award,” Penny said. “It has           schools” and “It includes learning      everyday wellbeing. These issues, if
travelling that I’ve done, I’m actually                                            what you’re paying.”                       not been easy to study alongside           about young people’s development,       left unsupported, can develop into
very familiar with those pieces of                                                   The wrapping machine Siya’s              a full-time job, but I have found          about safeguarding their welfare and    more serious problems throughout
equipment and this kind of service,                                                Wrapping Services uses is an               it tremendously rewarding. The             about communication.”                   life.
and I’ve always used it myself.”                                                   automated machine that, with a push        modules I selected were chosen in            “I am really proud of these             “If supported early on, however,
  Siya’s Wrapping Services, situated      area at the Airport, helps ensure        of a button, quickly and easily wraps      line with priorities at work. This has     achievements and extend my              these difficulties can be an
on the right side of the check-in         that the customers’ luggage is safe      the item placed on the platform.           given me a good insight and lots to        congratulations to all,” said Acting    opportunity for our children and
                                                                                                                              think about in terms of moving PAS         Director of Education, Wendy            young people to grow and learn
                                                                                                                              forward.                                   Benjamin. “Studying whilst also         how to cope in the face of difficult

St Helena’s Primary School Results                                                                                              “In addition, I have made lots of
                                                                                                                              links with colleagues in schools
                                                                                                                              overseas. Some are now very good
                                                                                                                                                                         working a full teaching timetable is
                                                                                                                                                                         no easy task, and staff are thanked
                                                                                                                                                                         for their dedication and commitment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 situations in life. All of the ELSAs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 have committed fully to this course,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 they have challenged themselves

 Compared to Results in England                                                                                               friends of mine, so I can call upon
                                                                                                                              them as well.
                                                                                                                                “I would like to thank the Education
                                                                                                                                                                         to their studies. These achievements
                                                                                                                                                                         will support our drive in raising
                                                                                                                                                                         standards in education on St Helena.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 personally and professionally, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I believe they will make a great
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 difference in the lives of children and
             Emma Weaver, SAMS                                                                                                Directorate and SHG for affording me         And seven staff with the Education    young people here on St Helena.”
                                          tests.”                                  direct comparisons between the             this opportunity, and to thank both        & Employment Directorate recently         ELSAs are trained to plan and
                                           So what percentage of students          results – it seems St Helena’s Key         my family and colleagues at PAS for        completed an Emotional Literacy         deliver programmes of support for
    Out of all primary school students    in each school needs to achieve the      Stage 2 results would put our schools      their support as well in answering         Support Assistant (ELSA) course –       their pupils. The course covered
in England, the poorer pupils won’t       expected standard?                       around the level of the poorer schools     questionnaires, surveys etc. I would,      a UK national programme of staff        topics like emotional literacy and
catch up to their better-off peers for     In England this year, as it was last    in the UK.                                 in particular, like to thank Lilla         training delivered by Educational       bereavement.
50 years.                                 year, the threshold for “acceptable       Thursday’s BBC article said that          Oliver and my colleagues at Mary           Psychologists to support children and        “According to the Children’s
 This analysis was published last         performance of a primary school”         “This year, 51% of the poorest pupils      Webb School & Science College in           young people with social, emotional     Society (2008), one in ten children
week by the BBC, and is based off the     meant at least 65% of pupils had         reached the expected level in their        the UK for their support and to my         and mental health needs.                aged 5-16 years have a clinically
UK Government’s Primary Schools           to meet the expected standard in         national end-of-primary school             sponsor, Wendy Benjamin, for the             The seven new ELSAs are teaching      diagnosable mental health problem,
Performance Table, which shows            reading, writing and mathematics.        tests. This compares with 70% of           endless filling-in of forms.”              assistants Tina Brady, Sharon Peters,   yet 70% of children and adolescents
2018 exam results for Key Stage 2          On St Helena, the Education             their better-off peers, leaving a gap        And four educators in the past           Candice Thomas and Hannah Herne;        who experience mental health
(Year 6) students across England.         Committee had set the expected           of 19 percentage points.”                  two months have been awarded the           Anne Clarke and Lacosta McDaniel        problems have not had appropriate
 The exam results come from the           percentage of students that would         Of course, many on St Helena feel         Cambridge International Certificate        from the Inclusion Service; and PAS     interventions at a sufficiently early
end-of-primary national curriculum        achieve this standard, at 60% for        that having St Helenian students           in Teaching and Learning. This             PSHCE Coordinator Laufia McDaniel.      age,” said Inclusion Manager Lolly
tests – known as Sats – that got          both English and mathematics.            follow the same curriculum and             professional        course,     offered      The     14-week      course     was   Yong. “It is encouraging that the
tougher in 2016 and that Year 6            In England in 2018, compared to the     sit the same exams as students             through the prestigious Cambridge          delivered on-island by Educational      Education Directorate has taken
children across England and on St         expected 65% - 64% of all Key Stage      in the UK, isn’t the best path for         University, is delivered on-Island by      Psychologist Dr Claire Cox.             the step towards supporting our
Helena must take.                         2 students achieved the standard.        education on the island. As is often       the Teacher Training Advisor.                The intention of the ELSA course      children’s mental health needs
 Based off St Helena’s 2018 primary        In St Helena in 2018, compared to       felt worldwide, these people typically       PAS Deputy Head Barbara Osborne          is to help schools support the          alongside those of their academic
school results, it seems our students     the expected 60% standard, 41.5%         feel that ‘learning just to benefit test   and PAS teacher Laufia McDaniel            emotional needs of their pupils –       learning.”
might be some of those that may           of Key Stage 2 students achieved the     results’ is not as beneficial as other     were each awarded the certificate in       because although young people will        ELSA support will be available
not catch up to the higher-ranking        standard in mathematics, and 56%         types of learning.                         August; while PAS Teacher Trainee          face life challenges that can detract   soon across the island’s schools.
English schools until around 2070.        achieved the standard in English.         However, these comparisons are of         Andrew Yon and Harford Reception           from their engagement with school,      The Inclusion Service will work with
 In England – and also on St Helena        While fewer statistics for the exam     course still interesting and relevant,     Teacher Tania Maggott were awarded         they can learn better when their        schools to ensure that children and
– Key Stage 2 students are “meeting       results were given out on St Helena      as the island is handling its primary      the Certificate in November.               emotional needs are addressed.          parents understand the purpose of
the expected standard if they achieve     than are available for the UK –          education in line with English               And teacher trainees Robyn                  “All around the world we are         the ELSAs and how to access their
a scaled score of 100 or more in their    making it relatively difficult to draw   National Curriculum.                       Yon-Bowers and Christy Bedwell             coming to realise that wellbeing,       support.
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8                                                                                                                  Thursday 20 December 2018 | THE SENTINEL                             THE SENTINEL | Thursday 20 December 2018                                                             9

LIFESTYLE & CULTURE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    LIFESTYLE & CULTURE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 my business and still play golf on a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sunday afternoon.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   What are the Biggest Challenges?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   “One thing that visitors to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 island always pick up on is that there
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 is not enough fresh, local produce on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the island.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   You can go and blame so many

                               Kaiser’s Growers:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 things for this, but at the end of it,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I feel that the farmers do not get
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the full and continuous support to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 combat this or even try to embark

                              All About Agriculture
                                              Jeremy Johns, SAMS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 within the agriculture industry.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The biggest and most expensive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 challenge for me running the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 business is electricity. Of the two
                                  St Helenian Nicky Stevens, who has come home to the island after gaining years of                                                                                                                                                                              pumps, I only operate one pump 24
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 hours a day, seven days a week for
                                 agricultural experience on the Falkland Islands, talks about his new business Kaiser’s                                                                                                                                                                          the reason that I operate an NFT
                              Growers. He also talks about how without increased funding and support, the island may not                                                                                                                                                                         system, which is basically having
                                                   see any significant increase in fresh, local produce.                                                                                                                                                                                         water running all the time... But the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 price of electricity is not very helpful
                                                                    school, as a young farmer. There                                     £22,000 for the Polytunnels from                                                                                                                        to the operation of a business.
    “It   was once easy to grow                                     weren’t many jobs available at the                                   Government. I have no claims to the                                                                                                                       There is one pest on the island, out
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of many, that hardly any producer
vegetables on St. Helena. The soils                                 time. I never really took too much                                   tunnels, as through the partnership
were rich, there were no pests and                                  interest in it, as back then [as] a                                  they are the property of Government                                                                                                                     likes – the greenhouse white fly,
fine healthy crops could be grown                                   young lad your mind was set just                                     and the land is leased.                                                                                                                                 which is a total menace and can
with minimum effort. Sadly, those                                   to leave the island – but I did love                                  The funding sourced from ESH was                                                                                                                       devastate your crops. If you don’t
days are now well behind us. Years of                               gardening to a certain extent.                                       for the purchasing of the two main                                                                                                                      take the necessary steps to eradicate
continuous production and massive                                     But from the time I left school, this                              water pumps, the NFT controller and                                                                                                                     or control it in the early stages, it
erosion have left us with poor soils,                               was when I first experienced the                                     pump system, and also the storage                                                                                                                       can become uncontrollable and crops
and as well, an increasing number                                   agriculture industry.                                                shed.”                                                                                                                                                  have to be destroyed.
of pests have made the long and                                       I started in Hydroponics back in                                                                                                                                                                                             Controlling     pests     within     a
difficult journey to the island. A                                  1999 whilst working for Stanley                                        Comparing St Helena to the                                                                                                                            Polytunnel is not always easy and
journey so long and difficult that                                  Growers on the Falkland Islands                                      Falklands                                                                                                                                               depends on conditions, as some
                                                                                                                                                                                                             water.”                                    attend to Kaisers Growers myself and     pests thrive better in Polytunnels
most of them have left their natural                                in the landscaping sector. After a                                     “On the Falkland Islands there                                                                               engage one part-time helper with
enemies far behind and without this                                 couple of years within this sector and                               are two massive greenhouses, one                                                                                                                        because it is warm, there’s less wind
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Now you’ve got funding, how do           the business (he has never worked        and there’s more readily available
natural control pests flourish here on                              developing allergies, I was offered a                                strictly for the production of lettuce                              you grow?                                  within this field, but is very helpful
St. Helena much better than they do                                 job in Hydroponics.                                                  (which is a half of an acre in size)                                                                                                                    food for them to eat.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               “Using Hydroponics here on the           and seems to be enjoying what he           I also feel that as there is no
in their native countries.”                                           My interest in the Hydroponics                                     and one (of a acre in size), which is                               island is beneficial. The majority         does). Hopefully in the future I can
  Dr Gillian Key, in her book “St                                   field at the time was not great, but                                 a heated greenhouse, produces other                                                                                                                     youth trainee scheme anymore.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             of the types of Hydroponics I use          expand the business and employ           The youth today haven’t got much
Helena Crop Pests & Diseases,”                                      after a few months it started to grow                                products like peppers, tomatoes,                                    are in Polytunnels or multi-span           more people.
identifies the above as barriers to                                 on me and I started to take a lot                                    beans, cucumbers, aubergines etc.                                                                                                                       encouragement or assistance to help
                                                                                                                                                                                                             greenhouses.                                 Alongside of growing lettuce, beans,   persuade them into the agriculture
modern agriculture on St Helena.                                    more interest, and continued to work                                   Along with this they have got loads                                 I am using a Nutrient Film               cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes and
  But St Helenian Nicholas (Nicky)                                  within the field up until 2012.                                      and loads of small tunnels where                                                                                                                        industry. [Agriculture] also needs to
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Technique system that uses less            herbs I am hoping to at least try        be dominant in school, as an option
Stevens – who now owns Polytunnels                                    I left the Falkland Island and arrived                             they grow herbs, leaks and different                                water, with a small amount of              growing melons and strawberries.
in the Ex-Airport Development Area                                  back on-island in April 2012.”                                       varieties of other vegetables.                                                                                                                          for the youth, as you need to try
                                                                                                                                                                                                             electricity – and you can grow just        Both are short produce on the island     things in order to find out if it’s for
near Bilberry Field, Longwood –                                                                                                            But also there is arable outside                                  about anything in a Polytunnel, that       and rather expensive, therefore if I
believes monetary barriers are even                                   Establishing Kaisers Growers                                       farming, which consists of planting                                                                                                                     you and if it’s enjoyable.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                             you can’t really grow or would have        can grow them locally there might
greater.                                                              “The idea to start Kaisers Growers                                 potatoes, cabbages etc., which is                                   trouble growing outside in open soil.      be a cut in price and an increase in
  “The island is highly capable of                                  came up after I returned home in 2015.                               carried out by planter and harvester                                This also protects produce from the        supply.
providing fresh produce including                                   ANRD told me about a partnership                                     machines with minimal assistance                                    weather, pests and diseases.                 I sell my products to various
things like apples and oranges,”                                    scheme that was available between                                    from manual labour (as its labour-                                    I import seeds for production            vendors like Thorpe’s, Solomon’s,
he said. “So there is a potential                                   the business owner, ANRD and ESH.                                    intensive): So within a week, 14                                    from the UK. The varieties I use are       Andrews’     takeaway,     Bertrand’s
for things like this – but money is                                   ANRD described the partnership to                                  acres of land could be planted with                                 normally F1 hybrids, which come            Cottage, the Victoria, Queen Mary
always an issue. The minimum wage                                   me and I thought, ‘okay maybe it’s                                   potatoes utilising just one man. This,                              with special modifications – for           Store and the Jamestown Market
here is ridiculous.”                                                achievable.’ I told them my plan, and                                compared to producing on St Helena,                                 example they may be tolerant to            (I deliver prepared goods each
  Below, Nicky Stevens (locally                                     it was received as a good business                                   makes Falklands somewhat more                                       heat, resistant to various pests like      Wednesday); but anyone can call me
known as Nicky Kaiser) talks about                                  start-up and had 100% support.                                       advanced.                                                           aphids, and they can last longer.          for produce. A lot of people currently
his agricultural background, and                                      After staring to clear the land in late                              But comparing climate conditions                                  Seeds cannot be harvested from             call me for produce, and I appreciate
about his experience of operating                                   January 2015, January 2016 was when                                  on St Helena and the Falklands –                                    these plants, but F1 hybrid seeds are      and welcome this.
a modern agricultural business,                                     the Polytunnels were established. All                                production on the Falklands can only                                the best seeds to use in this type of        Being in the agriculture field of
Kaiser’s Growers, on St Helena.                                     the inner works of the Polytunnels                                   take place in the spring and summer                                 farming.”                                  business is strenuous, but I am one
                                                                    like plumbing and outfitting I                                       seasons, and likely harvesting around                                                                          who likes to get in and carry out task
 Starting Out                                                       implemented and installed myself.                                    autumn. On St Helena, there is                                       Balancing Kaisers with a Full-Time        promptly. In fact, I structure my
 “I first started in the agriculture                                  Approximately £30,000 was for                                      chance for you to produce practically                               Job                                        workload efficiently to a point that
sector many years ago when I left                                   the partnership and collectively                                     all year around, as long as you have                                 “Alongside of a full-time job, I          I can work a full-time job, attend
St Helena is a unique and wonderful place with lots of opportunity. But this is a challenging era for St Helena – for businesses, for individuals and for overall economic development. SAMS has partnered
with ESH to check in with two businesses a month and maintain coverage on these important but underreported stories of challenges and success in the local economy.
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10                                                                       Thursday 20 December 2018 | THE SENTINEL   THE SENTINEL | Thursday 20 December 2018                                                                     11

   LIFESTYLE & CULTURE                                                                                                                                                                                                        LIFESTYLE & CULTURE

        End of an Era: Royal Mail
                                                                                                                                           served the needs of the people of          Did you know that because Britain was the first
                                                                                                                                           St Helena for decades, bowed out           country to issue prepaid postage stamps, British
                                                                                                                                           gracefully once the St Helena Airport      stamps are the only stamps that do not bear the
                                                                                                                                           started to run commercially.               name of their country of issue?
                                                                                                                                             Today our mail is carried by airplane
                                                                                                                                           and also the MV Helena when that
                                                                                                 A look at this year’s                     vessel goes to Ascension Island. St
                                                                                                                                           Helena does not now a contract with

                                                                                                 end to the island’s
                                                                                                                                           Royal Mail, but St Helena is a part
                                                                                                                                           of the Universal Postal Union (UPU)
                                                                                                                                           and pays Terminal Dues for mail
                                                                                                      ‘royal’ mail                         processed - these are paid to Royal
                                                                                                 M    ail received or sent after Feb 10,     However, amidst all of today’s
                                                                                                                                           modern technology that puts people
                                                                                                2018 is not now called “Royal.”
                                                                                                  The Feb. 10 final departure of the       immediately in touch with almost
                                                                                                Royal Mail Ship (RMS) St Helena from       anywhere in the world, many people
                                                                                                James Bay ended the island’s historic      still regard the handwritten letter
                                                                                                Royal Mail service and signified           as their favourite means of written
                                                                                                the decommissioning of the RMS St          communication – one imagines it
                                                                                                Helena, the last working Royal Mail        is the personal touch that a hand-
                                                                                                Ship in the world. St Helena received      written letter brings.
                                                                                                its last batch of Royal Mail (from           Over the years the Post Office has
                                                                                                Ascension Island) on Feb. 6 – and the      seen a huge decrease in the quantities     the Post Office in Jamestown and                     addressee and signed for.
                                                                                                last batch of Royal Mail was sent to       of incoming and outgoing mail.             once all of the sorting has taken                     A door-to-door delivery service
                                                                                                Cape Town four days later.                   While the Post Office has a lot less     place it is available for collection.                was assessed but found to be not
                                                                                                  Royal Mail can trace its history back    mail to deal with these days, there        Some people have Post Office boxes                   economically viable. Apparently the
                                                                                                to 1516 (today, the public limited         are still people who write letters -       for placing their mail in while others               throughput of mail was too small
                                                                                                company trades as Royal Mail Group         and who wait anxiously for them to         prefer it is delivered to a sub-Post                 and what was needed was all local
                                                                                                but HMG still has 30% ownership) –         be answered, and set aside time for        Office of their choice, or they can                  mail being channeled through the
Photos: A hat and tie in the Museum of St                                                       and St Helena’s history with Royal         replying, giving the updates since         enquire at the counter. Local mail                   Post Office system for any chance of
Helena - part of the uniform the Post Office                                                    Mail can be traced back almost as far.     their last mail.                           is handled in the same way, except                   a successful door-to-door delivery
staff used to wear. Photographed by Mic-kail Harris.                                                                                         Mail is received from overseas by        that recorded mail is delivered to the

           Cyril (Ferdie) Gunnell, SAMS
   A Royal History                                     neighbours. This in many cases was       to have provided the public service                                                                                                      Annie’s Launderette.
   The letters ‘RMS’ denoted that                      because whilst the ship was still        they had. In the time of these ships,
  the ship was carrying Royal Mail                     at harbour being offloaded, letters      people wrote long letters (perhaps                                                                                   Closure for the Christmas/New Year Holiday.
  and priority was given to bringing                   could be replied to and dispatched on    they still do) that resembled books,
  the mail ashore. The RMS St Helena                   the same ship going either north or      which sometimes took days or even
  (actually two of them) carried our                   south.                                   weeks to write as they kept adding                                                                                              Last day of business will be on
  mail for decades, and preceding                       The Post Office hired ‘sorters’ on      to the information they wanted the                                                                                                  Friday 21st December.
  that other ships transported it for                  a part-time basis to go through          addressee to know. The addressee’s
  decades, calling regularly. These                    the incoming mail - sorting letters      face would light up with pleasure                                                                                                  We will Re-open on
  ships included those from the Union                  into bundles in alphabetical order       when he/she received a long-                                                                                                Thursday 3rd January 2019 at 8 a.m.
  Castle Line – Warrick Castle, Pendennis              held together with rubber bands.         awaited letter in the post – or, their
  Castle, Good Hope Castle, Southampton                They then had to vocally call out        expression would turn to sadness                                                                                                 Wishing all our customers a
  Castle and Durban Castle to name a                   alphabetically the name and part of      when he/she realised the anticipated
  few.                                                 the address on each letter or postcard   mail didn’t arrive. What could have                                                                                                 Happy Christmas and
   These Union Castle Line ships were                  for people to claim. There would be      happened to it? Perhaps their mail                                                                                               A Happy & Prosperous 2019.
  contracted by Royal Mail for the safe                those who arrived late or perhaps        went to another address called St
  delivery of mail. During their heyday                they misheard a name being called        Helena, which has happened on                                                                                                    We Thank you for all your
  they seem to have provided the only                  and would ask for the same bundle to     occasion. Stories of letters turning                                                                                           Continued Custom and Support.
  mail communication between the UK                    be called again – much to the sorter’s   up years after they were meant to are
  and South Africa.                                    displeasure.                             relatively common.
   In the time of these ships, letters                  Calling out the mail took place in
  and parcels arrived by the hundreds                  the Post Office yard buildings, and        Today
  or even thousands, and people                        sometimes in the big rooms upstairs        In terms of mail delivery and
  expected their mail to be issued the                 when there was an abundance of           communication generally, St Helena
  same day – or night – within hours                   incoming mail, for example at            Island has come a long way from
  of the ship’s arrival.                               Christmas or Easter.                     when mail was carried to and from
   In the days of mail in such                          Tired and weary, after many             the island in sailing ships - and from
  abundance, St Helena’s Post Office                   hours dealing with hundreds upon         when, centuries ago, apparently mail
  needed extra help.                                   hundreds of pieces of mail, Post         for other destinations was placed
   It was normal back then for                         Office staff and sorters alike were      under a marked stone at the seafront
  people from country areas to linger                  glad to be going home. This could        for passing ships to collect.
  about Jamestown for their mail and                   be very late in the evening but all        So eventually - and sadly - our
  some would be collecting for their                   would know how important it was          much loved RMS St Helena, which
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12                           Thursday 20 December 2018 | THE SENTINEL     THE SENTINEL | Thursday 20 December 2018                                                                 13

LIFESTYLE & CULTURE                                                                                                                                                          LIFESTYLE & CULTURE
                                                                                               Successful ‘Let the People Sing’
                                                                                                     Cyril (Ferdie) Gunnell, SAMS

                                                                                                Around      190 people gathered
                                                                                                                                           but no one accepted on this occasion,
                                                                                                                                           preferring to just relax and take in
                                                                                                                                                                                       the original get-together) and the
                                                                                                                                                                                       late Arthur Bizarre decided that
                                                                                               together for a hearty Christmas sing-       the wonderful ambience that these           the musical talent on St Helena
                                                                                               along on Sunday evening, Dec. 16 at         much-anticipated Let the People             needed harnessing, and that funds
                                                                                               the Mule Yard in Jamestown.                 Sing events are known for.                  were needed for purchasing new
                                                                                                 Residents and visitors to the island        The programme included some               instruments so that others could join
                                                                                               helped start off the evening with a         well-known pieces like While                going forward.
                                                                                               rendition of O’ Come All Ye Faithful.       Shepherds Watch Their Flocks by Night;        In his closing remarks Dec. 16, Eric
                                                                                               Music for the well-known Christmas          Away in a Manger; Hark the Herald           Benjamin encouraged new people to
                                                                                               carols was provided by a combined           Angels Sing; C is for the Christ-Child; A   learn to play brass instruments to
                                                                                               Gettogethers Orchestra and Salvation        Ray of Hope Flickers in the Sky; A Long     stop brass dying out in St Helena.
                                                                                               Army Band. The 24 musicians                 Time Ago In Bethlehem; Christmas is a       Some in the audience remembered
                                                                                               (including three who had been unable        Time; Blue Christmas; City Sidewalks;       11-year-old Jordana Peters – a
                                                                                               to play in 2017) played a range of          I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas; I        second cornet player - making her
                                                                                               brass and rhythm instruments.               Saw Mummy Kissing Santa Claus; and          debut at the 2016 event of Let the
                                                                                                 Elaine Benjamin compered the 2018         Dawn is Slowly Breaking. Interspersed       People Sing.
                                                                                               Let the People Sing programme and           there were some excellent band                A collection was taken up for
                                                                                               the music was conducted between             pieces like The Stable Door and Winter      replacing expensive instruments.
                                                                                               Geoff Benjamin and the bandmaster,          Wonderland. The event concluded             This amounted on the night to £204.
                                                                                               Eric Benjamin. The soloists were            with the much-loved carols Silent           Mr Johnny Dillon received a round of
                                                                                               David Stevens (Winter’s Tale) and           Night, Holy Night and We Wish You a         applause for continually providing
                                                                                               Noleen Stevens (Light up the Candles).      Merry Christmas.                            the Mule Yard venue for Let the
                                                                                               Brian Yon on the saxophone gave a             Let the People Sing has taken             People Sing events free of charge.
                                                                                               solo performance of Jingle Bell Rock.       place annually at different venues          The evening was praised as being
                                                                                                 The audience was encouraged to            since 1974, when Eric Benjamin              very enjoyable.
                                                                                               volunteer a favourite song or carol,        (the only member left now from

                                                                                                                         Weekend Carols
                                                                                                     Cyril (Ferdie) Gunnell, SAMS

                                                                                                As    part of the 2018 Christmas
                                                                                                                                           the service with prayer. The last carol
                                                                                                                                           was We Wish You a Merry Christmas.
                                                                                                                                                                                       more than just a “Merry Christmas”
                                                                                                                                                                                       and instead it should be a meaningful
                                                                                               festive season arrangements, last             And at 4pm Sunday, the Salvation          one; Christmas should be more than
                                                                                               weekend saw religious denominations         Army hosted another of its annual           about spending lots of money on
                                                                                               continue with Christmas carols,             open-air Christmas services – this          expensive presents.
                                                                                               songs and gospel numbers bringing           time on Rosemary Plain. It was a             The     enjoyable    and    relaxing
                                      PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT                                      cheer, uplift and the opportunity           gloriously sunny afternoon and              afternoon concluded with prayers
                                                                                               for people to participate in shared         approximately 50 people were in             and the final carol was Silent Night,
                                                CHRISTMAS 2019 STAMP ISSUE                     fellowship in different locations of        attendance. Some sheltered in               Holy Night. Chocolates were handed
                                                                                               the island.                                 their vehicles and some relaxed on          round.
                              The following is a Public Announcement from the Post &                                                       benches, chairs and blankets.
                              Customer Services Centre:                                          Salvation Army                              Lt Carol Yon led the carols with           Baptist Church
                                                                                                 The Salvation Army held its               music provided by the 11-strong              On Sunday, Dec. 16 at 3pm the
                              The Post & Customer Services Centre (P&CSC) plan to use          traditional open-air service on the         Salvation Army Band. Carols included        Baptist Church, as part of its
                              images of local properties, decorated with Christmas lights      Bridge, Jamestown Dec. 15. It was           A Long Time Ago in Bethlehem, The           monthly outreach services, held a
                              for the festive season, in their Christmas 2019 stamp issue.     a balmy Saturday evening – the              Bells Ring Out at Christmas Time,           Family Guest Service at Half Tree
                              The P&CSC would like to appeal to the public to submit digital   Bridge was well-lit with festive,           Sweet Chiming Christmas Bells, While        Hollow Community Centre led by
                              images of their decorated properties for consideration. The      coloured lights and people outlined         Shepherds Watch Their Flocks by Nigh        Deacon-in-Charge, Nick Williams.
                              best images will be used for the Christmas 2019 stamp            the perimeter of the Bridge Square,         and All Glory in the Highest. The band      The Gospel-themed ‘outreach’ was
                              issue.                                                           singing well known carols.                  separately performed Have Yourself a        well-attended, with approximately
                              Images must be in a digital format and should be submitted         Lt Coral Yon, who had returned to         Merry Little Christmas.                     45 people from across the island
                              by the end of February 2019.                                     the island that morning after two             To give the band a break, poems           including Jamestown, Head O’ Wain,
                                                                                               weeks in Johannesburg on Salvation          were read: Lt Coral’s were entitled         Sandy Bay Baptist churches.
                              Submissions can be sent to the Assistant Customer
                                                                                               Army business, led the service.             Grandma’s Gifts and Once upon a              The congregation sang Christmas-
                              Services Manager, Alan Bennett, via e-mail: alan.bennett@
                    , or can be dropped off at the P&CSC
                                                                                                 The     Salvation      Army      Band     Christmas Time, and Charlotte Leask         carol favourites including Silent Night,
                              in Jamestown. Please submit names and addresses with             accompanied the singing of popular          also read a poem. The children sang         Holy Night and some gospel numbers.
                              images.                                                          carols including The First Noël, Hark       Away in a Manger, Nicholas Yon led a        The singing was interspersed with
                                                                                               the Herald Angels Sing, Mary’s Boy Child,   sing-a-long C is for the Christ-Child       prayers and messages. Guest singers,
                              SHG                                                              Sweet Chiming Christmas Bells, Away in      and Christmas is a Time to Love and         who performed solos and duets, were
                              12 December 2018                                                 a Manger, and Silent Night, Holy Night.     everyone read aloud the Christmas           Ray C (Raymond Cranfield), Stedson
                                                        The band performed Angels from the          Story taken from Luke 2: 1-20.              Stroud, Ralph Peters and Hazel
                                                                                               Realms of Glory. Lt Coral delivered her       Sharing her thoughts, Lt Coral said       Peters.
                                                                                               Christmas message and lastly, closed        she wanted this Christmas to be
SENTINEL - South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.
14                                                                      Thursday 20 December 2018 | THE SENTINEL       THE SENTINEL | Thursday 20 December 2018                          15

FAITH MATTERS                                                                                                                                                                                                               TIME OUT
     Christmas Message -                                                                      BAPTIST          CHURCH
                                                                                                                                            PUZZLETIME: MERRY CHRISTMAS!
                                              our time with family and friends; how we
                                              look after the elderly and the vulnerable
     Bishop Dale Bowers                       and the lonely so that the love of Christ is
                                              shared with everyone.
                                                                                               Sunday Service - 23rd December
                                                                                             Sandy Bay Chapel                  08.45 am
                                                May God richly bless you this Christmas,     Head O’Wain Chapel                 10.45 am
 I    greet you in the name of our Lord,      both our communities here and on
                                              Ascension Island.
                                                                                             Jamestown Chapel
                                                                                                 Christmas Day - 25th December
                                                                                                                                 6.00 pm

                                                                                                                                                       Colour in and hang on your tree!
Jesus Christ.                                                                                Sandy Bay Chapel                  08.00 am
  At this time of year there are many                                                        Head O’Wain Chapel                09.30 am
St Helenians and visitors from United         DIOCESE OF SAINT HELENA                        Jamestown Chapel                   10.00 am
Kingdom, Falkland Islands, Ascension,               The Cathedral Parish of St Paul
                                               Sunday 23 December - 4 Advent Sunday              Sunday Service - 30th December
South Africa and other parts of the world                                                      Combine Service - Jamestown Chapel
who are travelling home to celebrate the      10.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist and
                                              Confirmation		                   Cathedral                       2.30 pm
Christmas festivities. We all know that                                                      No services will be held in the Head O’Wain
travelling home to St Helena can cost         7.30 p.m. Ecumenical Service
                                               		                     Court House Steps                 and Sandy Bay Chapels
quite a lot of money, but when we see the                                                      Watch Night Service - 31st December
sheer joy and emotions when family and          Monday 24 December - Christmas Eve
                                              6.00 p.m. Christmas Eucharist St Martin        Jamestown Chapel                   11.30 pm
friends meet, for the first time in many                                                                    Bible Studies
years, (in some cases), one realises that     11.30 p.m. Midnight Mass         Cathedral
                                                Tuesday 25 December - Christmas Day             Tuesday - Jamestown Schoolroom
the journey was worth it. This is just                                                                         7.00 pm
one of the things St Helenians do for love    9.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist        St Andrew
                                              11.00 a.m. Eucharist               St Peter          Thursday - Sandy Bay Chapel
and family. As a result, the airport is                                                                        5.30 pm
buzzing with families welcoming loved         11.15 a.m. Sung Eucharist
                                                                 St Helena and the Cross                 ALL ARE WELCOME
ones back home. As our tradition a lot of                                                             Tel Nos 24438 & 24644
preparation is going on, street lights are                Friday 28 December
being put up, homes are sparkling with        7.00 p.m. Christmas Songs of Praise
all different colours and arrangements        			                              Cathedral
of lights, the school children are singing       Sunday 30 December - 1 Sunday after
Christmas carols in Jamestown outside                          Christmas
the Canister, shops decorating their          10.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist        Cathedral
windows with lights and decorations, all      5.30 p.m. Nine Lessons and Carols		            Sunday Service on Sunday 23rd December
the merchants unpacking the Christmas         		                               Cathedral     2018 at Unit 3 Longwood Enterprise Park
goodies, and I know somewhere along                     The Parish of St James               at 11:00am
the line we have people planning the           Sunday 23 December - 4 Advent Sunday          Christmas Service     on Tuesday 25th
carnival through the town on Christmas        9.30 a.m. Sung Eucharist          St James     December 2018 at Unit 3 Longwood
Eve. This is Christmas, St Helenian style.    7.30 p.m. Ecumenical Service		                 Enterprise Park at 10:00am
At the same time, St Mary’s on Ascension       		                     Court House Steps      For     further   information   contact
will be preparing for their Christmas           Monday 24 December - Christmas Eve           telephone number 23249
festivities, Ascension Island style.          11.30 p.m. Midnight Mass          St James
  Among all of this preparation, we can         Tuesday 25 December - Christmas Day
forget the real reason why we celebrate       8.00 a.m. Eucharist                 St John
Christmas, even though our children in           Sunday 30 December - 1 Sunday after
the primary schools performed excellent                        Christmas
dramas with St Pauls performing “Stable       9.30 a.m. Sung Eucharist          St James
Manners”; Pilling Primary performing          7.00 p.m. Nine Lessons and Carols
“Christmas Counts”, Harford performing        		                                St James
“Bethlehem” and school children on                       Parish of St Matthew
Ascension Island participating in a            Sunday 23 December - 4 Advent Sunday
wonderful Christingle service. On all         11.15 a.m. Reserves Sacrament      St Mark       Lt. Coral and all at the Salvation Army
four occasions the churches were packed       7.30 p.m. Ecumenical Service		                     warmly invite you to join them for
as parents and family went to see the          		                     Court House Steps           Christmas carols at the following
dramas. Amongst the other hustles and           Monday 24 December - Christmas Eve                             venues:
bustles of Christmas, this did focus our      11.30 p.m. Midnight Mass           St Mark     Thursday 20th December – St Mark’s
attentions on the reason for the season.        Tuesday 25 December - Christmas Day          Hall at 7.30pm.
  These remind us of the spiritual side       9.00 a.m. Eucharist            St Matthew      Sunday 23rd December – Court House
of Christmas where God loved the world           Sunday 30 December - 1 Sunday after         steps Grand Parade at 7.30pm.
so much that he became a little baby                           Christmas                     Tuesday 25th December – CHRISTMAS
boy; born of Mary and Joseph, in a stable     11.15 a.m. Reserve Sacrament       St Mark     DAY service at the HTH Hall at 10am.
among the cattle and the donkey, laid in      7.00 p.m. Nine Lessons and Carols		            Come and join the celebrations with
a manger so that each and every one of us     		                                 St Mark     Christmas cake and mince pies.
is no longer a slave to sin and death; but                                                   God bless you all as you join with us and
a loving child of God who can live with                                                      share in this very special time of the year.
God forever. At this time of Christmas                                                       We look forward to seeing you.                  1) Colour the circles!
let us also visit the cribs in our churches                                                                                                          2) Cut out the circles. For each ornament you will need two circles.
to see God’s greatest gift to us to give                                                                 BAHA’I FAITH                          With a scoring pen/bone (or something equally effective – ruler, tip of a
thanks in worship for the hope of eternal                                                   
                                                   Saturday 22nd December 2018                                                                    pen, craft knife…) trace the dashed line (strongly pressing as you go).
life. When we gaze upon the baby Jesus;
                                                             0915 – 1000                                                                     3) Fold the flaps “inside” (see photo at bottom right).
it is not about him alone, it is about me                                                     “Amity and rectitude of conduct, rather
                                                     Sabbath School Programme                                                                   4) Cut thread, tie into a loop and secure inside the ornament with some
and you; and each and every one of us. As                                                      than dissension and mischief, are the
                                                   1000 – 1045 Group Bible Study
Flor McCarthy wrote: “For Christ can be
                                                     1100 – 1200 Divine Service               marks of true faith.” - Baha’i Scripture                     tape. Make sure the loop is outside the ornament at all times.
born a thousand times in Bethlehem but                                                               DEVOTIONAL MEETING                      5) To assemble the ornament, start by applying glue on one flap only
                                                         1400 – 1500 Youth
it would all be in vain unless he was born                                                               BAHA’I CENTRE                       (on one ornament half only). Stick the other ornament half on the first
                                                          Every Wednesday
in me.”                                                                                                     Gumwoods
  So when we say, let us put Christ into
                                                     Wednesday 26th December                                                                 one (flap on flap). Allow the glue to dry completely before you continue.
                                                    1930 – 2030 Prayer Meeting                                  8pm                          When the glue is dry, continue adding glue to other flaps until you come
Christmas, it means we reflecting Christ                                                              THURSDAY EVENINGS
                                                           All are Welcome                                                                   all the way around.
to each other. It means how we care; how                                                                ALL ARE WELCOME
                                                  For further information contact:
we love; how we forgive, how we spend
                                                  Pastor Paul Millin Tel No 22267                        Telephone 24342                                                                  6) Hang on the Christmas tree.
SENTINEL - South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd. SENTINEL - South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.
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