IRISH MOTOR - A year of challenges and opportunities ahead - THE SOCIETY OF THE IRISH MOTOR INDUSTRY - SIMI

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IRISH MOTOR - A year of challenges and opportunities ahead - THE SOCIETY OF THE IRISH MOTOR INDUSTRY - SIMI


        A year of challenges and
        opportunities ahead
IMM Conference Review Edition.indd 1                         13/12/2016 12:28
IRISH MOTOR - A year of challenges and opportunities ahead - THE SOCIETY OF THE IRISH MOTOR INDUSTRY - SIMI
What if your customers    loved
                          your dealership as much as their football team

                                         Win the game of customer loyalty.

CDK Conference Review
    200x283.indd  1 Edition.indd 2                                                           13/12/2016
                                                                                             20/06/2016 12:28
IRISH MOTOR - A year of challenges and opportunities ahead - THE SOCIETY OF THE IRISH MOTOR INDUSTRY - SIMI
W W W. S I M I . I E                                                        IRISH            MOTOR               MANAGEMENT                            EDITORIAL/CONTENTS

                                                    Looking ahead to 2017 with positivity
                                                With the final days of 2016 fast approaching,                                    cities that are working on measures to improve air quality. Although we
                                                  we can look back at a year of mixed emotions                                   do not have the same problems as the cities involved, nevertheless, the
                                                  for our Industry. This year has seen the                                       issue has opened a debate in Ireland that is likely to continue. In this we
                                                  highest levels of new vehicle registrations                                    will continue to carry the message that the Motor Industry is part of the
                                                  since 2008, despite the challenges of Brexit                                   solution in the environmental challenge, rather than part of the problem.
                                                 in mid-year and the subsequent slowing of                                       New EU regulations and new testing procedures for vehicle emissions
                                               the market during the last couple of months.                                      will be implemented over the next few years, which will make a positive
                                             Overall, though, it still has to be seen as a very                                  environmental contribution. This will also require some adjustment to
                                        good year for our Industry. As with other sectors in                                     the VRT and road tax system which SIMI is working to ensure does not
                   the Irish economy Brexit became the focal point after the Referendum                                          repeat the hugely damaging impact of the changes in 2008.
                   result in June and is likely be a major focus over the next few years.                                        While 2017 brings with it many new challenges for our sector, it equally
                   We have seen imports of used cars from the UK increase in 2016,                                               comes with many opportunities for our Industry. SIMI has held regional
                   particularly in the wake of Brexit and especially during periods when                                         meetings in every province over the last few weeks to discuss the areas
                   sterling has been particularly weak against the Euro. The majority of                                         that need to be watched carefully in the year ahead, but also highlighting
                   such imports have, to date, been older rather than nearly-new cars –                                          the fact that there is a lot of business to be done next year. While this is a
                   50% are over five years old and 86% are over three years old.                                                 time to be careful and to avoid unwarranted risks, it is also a time where
                   Clearly, in the used car market and in the valuing of trade-ins, the                                          it will be necessary to work to optimise the available business in order to
                   volume and cost levels of imported used cars may have an impact next                                          deliver another good business year. We have reason to be positive about
                   year and it will be important for members to watch this marketplace                                           the year ahead, and all economic indicators project registration numbers
                   particularly. Even with these new challenges, the outlook for business                                        in the same region of as 2016. While this year marked a return to a more
                   next year remains strong, with all economic indicators suggesting that                                        normal market in the Motor Industry, with a likely outturn above 146,000
                   sales next year should be at very similar levels to 2016. In a market with                                    new registrations, we can look forward to a New Year in 2017 that
                   two million cars on the road, we would expect, in a normal, good year, to                                     promises to consolidate this progress with another good year.
                   have a new car market in the region of 140,000 to 160,000 and that is                                         I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Members for their
                   where current projections suggest we will be, albeit at the lower end of                                      continued support during 2016 and to wish you and your family a very
                   this scale. Since 2009, our car population has aged significantly so that                                     happy Christmas, and a healthy, prosperous New Year in 2017.
                   many consumers are at the point where changing their car is a necessity
                   rather than a luxury.                                                                                         Alan Nolan,
                   Other challenges which have come to the fore in recent months have                                            Director General, SIMI
                   been an anti-diesel sentiment in densely populated and more polluted

                   4 SIMI Annual Conference                                                of the Year 2017, why cars are no longer                                   30 Statistics
                   ‘Certainty in Uncertain Times – Meeting                                 central to car sales, digital drives sales at                              New car sales.
                   the Challenges’ was the theme of the SIMI                               Johnson & Perrott, new Toyota dealership
                   National Conference 2016.                                               opens at Liffey Valley                                                     32 Business
                                                                                                                                                                      The taxman cometh: what is a Revenue
                   8 NEC meeting                                                           20 Awards Preview                                                          audit and how does it work?
                   Photos from the SIMI National Executive                                 The seventh Annual SIMI Irish Motor
                   Council meeting, which took place in the                                Industry Awards will take place in                                         36 Aftermarket
                   Killashee Hotel in Naas, Co Kildare, on                                 February 2017. Details on how to enter,                                    Oils and lubricants
                   December 6, 2016                                                        plus an entry form.                                                        Wide range of oils and lubricants from
                                                                                                                                                                      Maxol, Champion launches new oil for VW
                   9 VTN Annual Conference                                                 24 SIMI 2016 Irish Motor                                                   508 00 / 509 00 specification, Source
                   The Vehicle Testing Network (VTN)                                       Factor of the Year                                                         LS Ltd appointed National Ambassador
                   Annual Conference and AGM took place in                                 PartsforCars’ road to success leads to                                     Distributor by Castrol, ‘revolutionary’ new
                   November, 2016.                                                         SIMI award win.                                                            motor oil range from Shell.

                   12 SIMI News                                                            26 SIMI 2016 Commercial                                                    41 New vehicles
                   Skillnets launches Statement of Strategy                                Vehicle Operation of the Year                                              New models on the way to the Irish
                   2016-2019, SIMI issues third quarterly                                  Truck Services goes extra mile for                                         market.
                   report, 45th Sligo Annual BEN Ball an                                   customers.
                   outstanding success.                                                                                                                               42 Drivetime
                                                                                           28 Finance                                                                 21 Years of IMCTGA golf at Portmarnock
                   14 Industry News                                                        Budget 2017: what will it mean for you?                                    Golf Links.
                   Mercedes-Benz E-Class crowned Irish Car

                            The Society of the Irish Motor Industry, 5 Upper Pembroke Street, Dublin 2. Tel: +353 1 676 1690 Fax: +353 1 661 9213 Email: Web:
                            President: Alan Greene, Origo. Deputy President: Gavin Hydes, Joe Duffy Motor Group. Honorary Treasurer: Gabriel Keane, Kia Liffey Valley. Director General: Alan Nolan.
                            Editor: Kennas Fitzsimons Advertising: Bryan Beasley Design: Niall O’Brien Production: Barry Sheehan, Ciaran Brougham, Martin Whelan, Michael Ryan
                            Accounts: Tricia Murtagh Administration & Subscriptions: Sue Nolan Photography: Dave Cullen Chief Executive: Rebecca Markey Publisher: David Markey
                            Publishers: IFP Media Limited Irish Motor Management, 31 Deansgrange Road, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Tel: +353 1 289 3305 Fax: +353 1 289 6406 Email:

                            The views expressed in this magazine should not be interpreted as the official policy of the SIMI or of IFP Media Limited, nor does the publication of product information or any advertisements imply the
                            recommendation of the SIMI. Copyright IFP Media Limited 2016. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form without express written permission from the publishers.

                   CONFERENCE REVIEW EDITION                                                                                                                                                                                             3

16 10:52   IMM Conference Review Edition.indd 3                                                                                                                                                                                   13/12/2016 12:28
IRISH MOTOR - A year of challenges and opportunities ahead - THE SOCIETY OF THE IRISH MOTOR INDUSTRY - SIMI
        S IM
           ATI U    T I OI N
                                                            G IESMHE NMTO T O R   MANAGEMENT                              W W W. S I M I . I E

        SIMI National Conference looks to
        challenges and opportunities in 2017
        ‘Certainty in Uncertain Times – Meeting the Challenges’ was the theme of the SIMI National
        Conference 2016, which was held in the Killashee House Hotel in Naas, Co Kildare, on November
        8, 2016. A strong line-up of speakers gave the large attendance at the event their insights and
        advice on preparing for 2017

        Gavin Hydes, Deputy President, SIMI, and Group Managing Director,
        Joe Duffy Group; Robert Mulhall, Director of Retail and Business
        Banking, AIB; Alan Greene, President, SIMI; and Trevor Jones,
        Chairman, ASE Global UK.                                                  The discussion on Brexit and climate change.

        Alan Nolan, Director General, SIMI, welcomed attendees to the             Mr Power said imports from the UK have had a big impact on the
        Conference, which was officially opened by SIMI President, Alan           Motor Industry in Ireland, with used car imports from the UK up
        Greene. The Conference Chairman, Gabriel Keane, Managing                  36% to 55,796 from the period January to October 2016. He said
        Director of Kia Liffey Valley, outlined the day’s agenda and              that there had been significant deceleration in car sales here as
        introduced the speakers.                                                  2016 progressed. He estimated the market for new sales to be
                                                                                  around 150,000 per annum for the next few years. However, he
        A View of the Economy                                                     qualified this by indicating that it is extremely difficult to predict
        Economist Jim Power was the opening speaker and gave his                  the impact of Brexit, and said the one word to describe the
        perspective on the broader international economic context.                environment facing into 2017 was ‘uncertainty’.
        Describing global politics as being in a ‘state of chassis’, he           Nonetheless, despite Brexit concerns, key economic factors
        highlighted what has been widely recognised as the biggest                such as employment, disposable incomes and generally positive
        economic issue facing Ireland: Brexit. He said that while the Irish       GDP growth should continue to exert a positive influence, he
        economy generally had a solid performance in 2016, consumer               said.
        confidence had started to soften recently, probably due to
        Brexit. He pointed out that, since last November, Sterling had            Panel on Brexit and climate change
        lost 28% of its value against the Euro. On the question marks             The theme of Brexit continued into a panel discussion. The panel
        over whether Brexit will actually happen, he said that the                members were Gavin Hydes, Deputy President, SIMI, and Group
        Industry should operate on the assumption that it will, and that          Managing Director, Joe Duffy Group; James McCarthy, Chief
        it will be a hard Brexit, after which Sterling could fall by another      Executive, Nissan Ireland; Robert Mulhall, Director of Retail and
        10%. “Plan for Brexit, and if we get a better outcome, then great,”       Business Banking, AIB; Trevor Jones, Chairman, ASE Global UK;
        he said.                                                                  and Alan Nolan, Director General, SIMI.
        In addition to Brexit, Mr Power highlighted a number of other             “In the short term, what we’re dealing with is a currency
        clear challenges for the economy in Ireland:                              fluctuation issue,” Robert Mulhall said. “However, we have
        •     Housing;                                                            been here before. AIB is advising customers that they need
        •     Demand for more public services, despite fiscal limitations;        to be strategic in terms of their supply chain management
        •     Growing pay pressures;                                              perspective. The overall economic environment that we
        •     Regional balance of activity now a big focus; and                   find ourselves in is extremely positive. Population growth is
        •     Politics and policy making challenges, given the current            predicted to be very high over the next decade – Dublin City will
              Government situation.                                               have a population of 2.2 million by 2030. Many of these people

         4                                                                                             CONFERENCE REVIEW EDITION

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IRISH MOTOR - A year of challenges and opportunities ahead - THE SOCIETY OF THE IRISH MOTOR INDUSTRY - SIMI
W W W. S I M I . I E                 IRISH      MOTOR       MANAGEMENT              S I M I N AT I O N A L C O N F E R E N C E

        Mick McHugh, Skillnet; Margaret O’Shea, SIMI; and Alan Greene,         Paddy Magee, Liz O’Gorman and Lynne Boucher, all Renault Group
        President, SIMI.                                                       Ireland.

        Gabriel Keane, Conference Chairman; Alan Nolan, Director General,
        SIMI; Kieran Marshall, Head of AIB Finance and Leasing; Alan Greene,
        President, SIMI; and Jim Power, Economist.                             Economist, Jim Power.

        need houses, cars, etc, which brings new opportunities to the          must be faced by Government is that some time in the early
        market.                                                                2020s we are expected to achieve our carbon targets and, if we
        “Another key focus is the chance for businesses to direct their        don’t, Ireland could face a bill of up to €600m-plus per year in
        attention to mainland Europe and form business ties there in           fines from the EU.
        terms of exports,” Robert added.
        Giving a UK perspective, Trevor Jones, Chairman of ASE Global          Used Car Profitability Workshop
        UK, said he expected that anything imported into the UK (which         Trevor Jones, Chairman of ASE Global UK, gave attendees a
        are most cars) will see price rises, with car prices possibly
        increasing by up to 20% in the UK. He said he expects that car          TREVOR JONES’ 10 THINGS
        sales will be more difficult and that pre-registrations, which are
        currently running at 700,000 per year, could potentially reach
                                                                                GREAT DEALERS DO:
        one million.
                                                                                1.    Know the market;
        Alan Nolan discussed how difficult it is to predict the market in       2.    Plan the inventory – control the stock;
        uncertain times, and expects a tough two and a half years – but         3.    Buy a percentage of cars for cash – buy the right
        with the Industry coming out stronger on the far side.                        cars;
        The panel discussion then moved to climate change. The panel            4.    Have an acceptable margin in each used car;
        spoke about driving emissions and the challenges ahead, as well
                                                                                5.    Have the car available for sale within three days;
        as how important it is to liaise with the relevant bodies to ensure
        that measures such as the tax change back in 2008 are avoided.
                                                                                6.    Present them in the best possible way;
        There are also anti-diesel and anti-car issues to be dealt with as      7.    Market the cars in the most appropriate way;
        cities across the world, including Paris, London and even Dublin,       8.    Deliver the cars within two days;
        encourage two-wheeled transport over four. There is a challenge         9.    Retain used car customers for service, building
        to ensure diesel cars remain attractive to buyers.                            loyalty;
        Jim Power pointed out that, at a national level, the reality that
                                                                                10.   Control each and every one of the above nine.

        CONFERENCE REVIEW EDITION                                                                                                               5

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IRISH MOTOR - A year of challenges and opportunities ahead - THE SOCIETY OF THE IRISH MOTOR INDUSTRY - SIMI
        S IM
           ATI U    T I OI N
                                                            G IESMHE NMTO T O R   MANAGEMENT                             W W W. S I M I . I E

        Alan Nolan, Director General, SIMI.                                       Motivational speaker, Padraig O Ceidigh.

        workshop on ‘The Journey from Good to Great in Used Car                   185,000, and in January 2008 they were 47,000 for that one month
        Retailing’, highlighting the importance of return on investment.          alone. However, for the next 23 months we saw a 50% drop in car
        One of the key pieces of information he identified is the                 sales. So what changed?
        difference between being good and being great. You must ensure            VRT changes, collapse in consumer confidence, collapse in finance
        that you have the right stock, and focus on cash rather than cars,        availability, collapse in Sterling and collapse in used car values
        Trevor said.                                                              were among the main factors, Michael said.
        The one aspect of the market that is reliable at the moment,              PCP success relies on the ability to assess accurately the future
        he explained, was used cars. Throughout many of the problems              value and then sell on the used car, he explained.
        the Motor Industry has faced, used cars have always been the              While we may not be in the same scenario as the nightmare of
        fallback. He said that used cars are a hedge against the volatility       2008/2009, we need to be very aware of the parallels associated
        of the new car market.                                                    with the collapse of this area, Michael said. Sterling has already
        Trevor said that when planning their used car business, great             seen a 23% drop in devaluation over the past seven months. So
        dealers consider it as a separate business, plan investment levels        the UK decision to leave the EU has resulted in a huge amount
        and demand high results in terms of ROI.                                  of speculation about the consequences and knock-on impact on
        Trevor identified a number of essential ‘must knows’:                     Ireland.
        •    Measure and monitor trade-in results – by segment, by age,           From an individual viewpoint, Michael advised dealers to:
             by price, etc;                                                       •    Maintain Guaranteed Minimum Future Value (GMFV) at a
        •    Define your right cars and wrong cars (stock profiles);                   manageable level for your business
        •    Focus on your pipeline supply position – ensure the sales            •    Ensure PCP is just one of a number of options on offer;
             team is aware;                                                       •    Maintain compliance and training; and
        •    Look at the ratios of weekly buying to weekly selling; and           •    Offer contract flexibility.
        •    Review stock profiles dynamically based upon results.
                                                                                  From an industry viewpoint, Michael recommended:
        Your used car business is now at least as important as your new           •   Development of codes of conduct;
        car business, Trevor told attendees, and it must be managed               •   Robust reviews of risks;
        appropriately.                                                            •   Development of an independent data warehouse; and
                                                                                  •   Working closely with manufacturers to share risk.
        The Growth of Personal Contract Plans
        Michael McAteer, head of the advisory unit at Grant Thornton,             Summary
        gave attendees an overview of personal contract plans (PCPs).             Following a popular motivational presentation from senator,
        Grant Thornton is working on a report commissioned by the SIMI            entrepreneur and founder of Aer Arann, Padraig O Ceidigh, SIMI
        Franchise Committee to look at the growth of personal contract            President Alan Greene rounded off the meeting with a summary
        plans in the Irish market.                                                of some of the main points from the day.
        The PCP is a tremendously successful product that, when sold              “Consumer confidence is consistently positive, although slowing
        responsibly, benefits the dealer, the manufacturer, the finance           slightly. The forecast for next year will be flat at around 147,000
        provider and the consumer, Michael said.                                  but we also know from the survey done with the distributors that
        However, he sounded a note of caution that failure to identify            their projections range from anything between 115,000 to 155,000.
        risks or trends from the past could leave us vulnerable to repeat         “No matter where you go, Brexit is going to be the focal point of
        mistakes. In 2007, passenger car sales were at the highest ever at        discussion.”

         6                                                                                             CONFERENCE REVIEW EDITION

IMM Conference Review Edition.indd 6                                                                                                            13/12/2016 12:28   Merced
IRISH MOTOR - A year of challenges and opportunities ahead - THE SOCIETY OF THE IRISH MOTOR INDUSTRY - SIMI
Mercedes-Benz Vans. New Dealer Opportunities.
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IMM Conference
Mercedes       Review
         Benz Van     Edition.indd
                  Dealer           7
                         200x283.indd 1                                                                13/12/2016
                                                                                                       25/11/2016 12:28
IRISH MOTOR - A year of challenges and opportunities ahead - THE SOCIETY OF THE IRISH MOTOR INDUSTRY - SIMI
        N              E L IERXI ES CHU TMI O
            T TI OU NR A                    V TE OMR E EMTAI N G
                                                               A G EI RMI ES N
                                                                             HT M O T O R   MANAGEMENT                         W W W. S I M I . I E

        SIMI National Executive Council Meeting
        Photos from the SIMI National Executive Council meeting, which took place in the Killashee Hotel
        in Naas, Co Kildare, on December 6, 2016

        Adrian O’Dwyer, AAA Mobile Windscreens, Naas, Co Kildare; Margaret
        O’Shea, SIMI; Alan Greene, President, SIMI; and Gillian Fanning, SIMI           Gabriel Keane, Honorary Treasurer, SIMI; and Martin Condon,
        Wholesalers Committee Chairperson.                                              Cavanaghs of Charleville, Cork.

        Seamus McPhilips, Seamus McPhilips Motors, Monaghan, in
        conversation with Seamus McCormack, SIMI.                                       Tom Murphy, SIMI Past President, addressing the meeting.

        Brian Murphy, SIMI Past President; and Nick Smith, Drogheda.                    Colin Sheridan, Peugeot Sales and Marketing Director, Gowan Motors.

                                                                                        John Donegan, Brand Director, Skoda Ireland; and Gabriel Keane,
        Gerry Caffrey, SIMI Past President.                                             Honorary Treasurer, SIMI.

         8                                                                                                   CONFERENCE REVIEW EDITION

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IRISH MOTOR - A year of challenges and opportunities ahead - THE SOCIETY OF THE IRISH MOTOR INDUSTRY - SIMI
W W W. S I M I . I E                               IRISH   MOTOR       MANAGEMENT             VTN CONFERENCE

        Vehicle Testing Network
        Annual Conference Report
        The Vehicle Testing Network (VTN) Annual Conference and AGM took place on November 7, 2016,
        at Killashee House Hotel, Naas, Co Kildare. This is an important day for SIMI’s testing sector
        members and is always well attended and supported by the VTN Network of test centre operators
        and managers. It is also attended by key Road Safety Authority (RSA) personnel who give a series
        of presentations on topics of current interest. Irish Motor Management reports on the day’s

        Alan Greene, President,
        SIMI, addressing the
        VTN Conference.

        Alan Greene, SIMI President, opened the day and said that SIMI     VTN members, in conjunction with SIMI, have actively worked
        would continue to work closely with the RSA in doing its part in   with the RSA to build a positive relationship to achieve the
        promoting road safety. “Though SIMI has nearly 1,200 members       common goal of providing a professional testing service for
        and can truly say that it represents all sectors of the Motor      commercial vehicles that the public and stakeholders can have
        Industry in Ireland, the commercial vehicle testing sector is a    confidence and trust in.
        key one and it was great to be able to say that delivery of this   “Since the reform programme was initiated a couple of years
        service has been retained in the Motor Industry for over 30        ago and full control of the system had passed from the county
        years now,” Alan said.                                             councils and local authorities to the RSA, they have continually
        Willie O’Brien, VTN Chairperson, in his opening address            flagged to us the importance going forward of attaining and
        remarked that, since the PwC review almost a decade ago, the       maintaining the highest standards of quality and consistency of

        CONFERENCE REVIEW EDITION                                                                                                         9

IMM Conference Review Edition.indd 9                                                                                                   13/12/2016 12:29
IRISH MOTOR - A year of challenges and opportunities ahead - THE SOCIETY OF THE IRISH MOTOR INDUSTRY - SIMI
        F ET A
        V                      I SNHC EM OI RT IOSRH MMAONTAOGRE M
                                                                 MEANNTA G E M E N T                                    W W W. S I M I . I E

        Pictured at the VTN Annual Conference: Denise Barry, Road Safety         Pictured at the VTN Annual Conference: Justin Martin, Road Safety
        Authority; Willie O’Brien, Chairman, VTN Committee; and Liam             Authority; Michael Nolan, Nolan Motors Ltd, Longford; and John
        Duggan, Road Safety Authority.                                           Murray, Automotive Service Centre Ltd.

        testing. Much of the work that the VTN Committee and, indeed,            gave a presentation that was, as usual, direct and to the point.
        the members have done over recent years has been related                 The RSA carries out an ongoing programme of measuring test
        to actively pursuing that goal,” Willie said. He mentioned that          centre performance for quality and consistency of the testing
        achieving real quality takes hard work and full-time commitment          process and he gave tester members a full review of the past 12
        from everybody involved in the business, all of the time, and he         months. The RSA has carried out a pretty exhaustive analysis of
        said the feeling was that very positive progress had been made           testing issues and has recently issued management/supervision
        by members in this regard throughout the country over the past           guidelines to test centres to help in achieving the best quality
        few years.                                                               standards. Liam Duggan’s message was that progress was being
                                                                                 made but in no way could or should anyone be complacent.
        RSA points to real improvements in standards                             Quality of testing was the priority, and the consistency and
        and enforcement                                                          quality of testing needed to be improved in a systematic way.
        Denise Barry, Director of Vehicle Standards and Enforcement,             In order for the current delivery system of this service to move
        RSA, then addressed members. In the past three years since               forward with confidence and gain another 10-year authorisation
        the RSA has taken over the system and started the reform                 in 2024, the RSA, at the very least, needed to be happy that
        programme, over two-million tests have been carried out.                 quality was maintained at the right level. Liam reiterated that
        The RSA is systematically working through all aspects of                 his message was a simple one but an important one – just do the
        its roadworthiness programme in order to make sure that                  job right. He acknowledged the RSA’s collaboration and working
        operators of commercial vehicles comply with regulations to              relationship with SIMI and the VTN Committee and felt that
        keep their vehicles roadworthy on a continual basis and, most            things were heading on the right road – he will let us know when
        importantly, present their vehicles for test on time.                    we get there!
        Real improvements continue to be made in all areas. Whereas              Marie Harris, also of the CVR Compliance and Authorisations
        there were approximately 5,000 vehicles stopped for roadside             Department, then spoke about supervision in test centres
        inspection in 2012, this figure will have more than doubled to           and encouraged test centre operators to make sure that the
        over 12,000 vehicle inspections this year. This has resulted             management plan in their test centres worked well. Marie spoke
        in 3,859 major or dangerous defects in vehicles stopped at               of the need to have proper management and supervision, and
        roadside being uncovered. This highlights the importance of              of the importance of staff awareness of the need to deliver
        vehicle operators having adequate maintenance plans in place             high-quality testing. She spoke of the ‘risk factors’ that the
        for vehicles, Denise said. The RSA has, starting from a zero base,       RSA looked at when reviewing test centre data, and the need
        risen to carrying out 3,500 calls to operators’ premises to check        to avoid costly errors. Marie also spoke of the concept of peer
        on vehicle fleet maintenance plans in 2016.                              review and the opportunity it presented for testers to discuss
        Denise went on to say that the RSA would continue with its plans         with their colleagues the relative methods of testing and the
        for targeted sectoral enforcement and cited the example of               judgement calls that they might make in the course of a test.
        school buses where the RSA has inspected literally hundreds              She encouraged test centre operators to make sure everyone
        of them over the past year. She asked the Network to embrace             involved in the test centre was “on the same page” and had the
        these multiple programmes as, ultimately, the bottom line was            right attitude in relation to consistent testing.
        road safety and saving lives, and obviously the testing sector           Sean Breathnach, Senior Vehicle Inspector, and also attached
        were key stakeholders as far as the RSA were concerned in                to the CVR Compliance and Authorisations Department, then
        achieving these aims and objectives.                                     followed on with an explanation of the RSA investigations
                                                                                 process and how that worked when customers had a complaint
        Progress – but no room for complacency                                   and things didn’t work out as expected. It was interesting to note
        Liam Duggan, Manager of CVR Compliance and Authorisations,               that a significant number of complaints that reached the RSA

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W W W. S I M I . I E                                  IRISH    MOTOR        MANAGEMENT               VTN CONFERENCE

        Pictured at the VTN Annual Conference: Alan Greene, President,
        SIMI; Ray Gregan, Dublin Tunnel Commercials; Tom Hendron, M50          Pictured at the VTN Annual Conference: Marie Harris, Road Safety
        Truck and Van Centre; and Alan Nolan, Director General, SIMI.          Authority; and Pat McDaid, Donegal Commercial Vehicles.

        from the public just required clarifications and that a relatively     the new RSA management supervision guidelines could be best
        small number merited a full formal investigation. Sean felt that       integrated into test centres’ existing ISO procedures and how
        many complaints could be handled by test centres themselves            the same ISO 9001: 2008 standard that test centres have will
        and expressed the view that test centres should make every             now need to upgrade to the 2015 version. More work and back to
        effort to do this. Continuing the common theme of quality testing,     reinforcing the quality message. Arthur in his own inimitable style
        he pointed out the positive aspects of the investigations unit in      made it all sound easy. This was the final presentation before
        the RSA. Consistent testing ultimately lead to a level playing field   lunch.
        for all test centres.
                                                                               Vehicle Test Operators’ AGM
        Importance of customer service                                         The afternoon session was, as is traditional at this stage, reserved
        After a welcome coffee break which everyone needed, given              for the Vehicle Test Operators’ AGM. Charlie Rogers led the way
        the detail and nature of the topics under discussion, Justin           on this and provided everyone with a review of the Motor Industry
        Martin from the RSA spoke on a variety of topics including the         economy in general and an assessment of where test centres sat
        consistency of test equipment, the annual CoVIS IT system              from a business perspective. While test centres had seen very
        survey and a mystery shop exercise that had been conducted in          healthy growth in testing over the 2014/2015 period due to new
        the network. Members were delighted to hear that the network           compliance measures introduced by the RSA in relation to test
        received top scores in customer service – only to be expected,         certs, the figures were now rapidly returning to low growth rates
        with the personalised service it provides and the many hard-           more in line with growth of the overall commercial vehicle parc.
        working test centre administrative staff employed around the           Indeed, SIMI was predicting little or no growth in actual testing
        country who often get overlooked when it comes to praise for           figures for the whole year of 2016. This was probably the best
        their efforts. In total, 96% of mystery shoppers reported being        outcome we could expect, given the significant gains of previous
        quite or very satisfied with the testing service.                      years. We knew that the previous high growth levels were unlikely
        This presentation was followed with a presentation from                to be sustained as operators became more compliant.
        Jenny Moran of M7 Vehicle Testing, who gave an interesting             Charlie spoke about the quality theme that had been running
        presentation entitled ‘All in a day’s work’ and, again, it further     through the entire day and the need for everyone to take this
        backed up what Justin Martin had to say about customer service.        on board as the network needed and wanted to be able to look
        Test centres go out of their way to please in what can be a tough      forward and transition into further contracts beyond the next
        business where half of the time you are delivering the news of a       authorisation date as appropriate.
        vehicle ‘failing’ the test, which occasionally some people may take    Having gone through the formalities of the AGM and an open
        as almost a personal insult! Most people, it is true to say, accept    discussion session on the topics of the day, a new Committee was
        that better ‘a stitch in time’ than have a potentially dangerous       elected for 2017 with the election of new Committee members
        vehicle on the road. Jenny gave an account of all of the factors       Tara Jackson, Wicklow VTN, and Michael McCarthy, Priority
        that go into running a test centre’s administration function           Drilling. Charlie welcomed the new members and also paid tribute
        properly and, no doubt, it requires certain attributes to carry out    to the work that Alan O’Shaughnessy, Galway Truck Centre,
        this specialised job.                                                  and Pat O’Brien, Truckcar Limerick, had carried out while on the
        The next presentation was delivered by Laura Fannin, Associate         Committee. He thanked VTN Chairman Willie O’Brien for his total
        Solicitor from Hayes Solicitors, and dealt with data protection,       commitment to the work of the Committee and the network and
        a difficult subject to deliver on but one that it is necessary for     he also wanted to mention Yvonne Sliney of SIMI who had once
        business people to know about. Laura is very experienced in            again put together the Test Operators’ Conference, a significant
        this area and made it interesting and informative, which can be        event for the testers every year.
        difficult to do with a subject like data protection.                   Alan Nolan then formally closed the meeting and wished
        Finally, to end the morning sessions, Arthur O’Sullivan, NMU           everybody well. The VTN Committee will meet in early December
        Auditing and Inspection Services, was tasked with explaining how       to set out its agenda for the new year.

        CONFERENCE REVIEW EDITION                                                                                                                    11

IMM Conference Review Edition.indd 11                                                                                                             13/12/2016 12:29
SIMI NEWS              IRISH    MOTOR         MANAGEMENT                                                         W W W. S I M I . I E

                                  SKILLNETS LAUNCHES STATEMENT OF STRATEGY 2016-2019
                                                                                  •     Training effectiveness, impact and relevance will be
                                                                                        core to its activities. Skillnets will promote continuous
                                                                                        improvement in its learning experiences offered to SMEs
                                                                                        and be a model for training excellence in an enterprise
                                                                                  •     Supply of the specific skills and future skills that impact the
                                                                                        growth potential and competitiveness of Irish enterprise;
                                                                                  •     Increased participation of employers in the Skillnets
                                                                                        proposition and lifelong learning. In doing so, Skillnets will
                                                                                        be a key enabler in sustaining national competitiveness
                                                                                        through the up-skilling of those in employment.
        Margaret O’Shea, SIMI Skillnet; Jerry Meredith, CILT Skillnet; Paul
        Healy, Skillnets; and Enda Hogan, Skillnets.
                                                                                  According to Paul Healy, Chief Executive, Skillnets: “Meeting the
                                                                                  skills needs of Irish SMEs and responding to the challenges and
        Skillnets’ Statement of Strategy 2016-2019 was launched by                opportunities of Brexit will be key priorities for Skillnets. Brexit
        Minister for Education and Skills, Richard Bruton, recently.              will undoubtedly present challenges to SME business owners
        Meeting the future skills needs of Irish small and medium-sized           within many sectors, but its impact can be moderated by specific
        businesses and responding to the challenges and opportunities of          training interventions that enhance productivity, develop specific
        Brexit will be key priorities for Skillnets, the enterprise-led agency    skills within teams and strengthen management competence
        with responsibility for the promotion and facilitation of workplace       overall to deal with these business challenges. By working on the
        training and up-skilling, in the coming years, according to the           ground with member companies, SIMI Skillnet is very well placed
        agency’s Chairman, Brendan McGinty.                                       to ensure its training offering for the Motor Industry is relevant
        The strategy was developed following a thorough consultation              and meets the needs of enterprise.”
        process with key stakeholders and is closely aligned to the               Minister for Education and Skills, Richard Bruton, said:
        National Skills Strategy 2025 and other relevant policies,                “Recognising that the war for talent is now one of the most
        according to Skillnets. Over the next four years, Skillnets will          important factors for job-creation, ambitious action to increase
        be driven by three strategic goals that take into consideration           our skills supply must be a priority. We must ensure that we
        funding, national policy concerning the importance of developing          continue to increase the skills supply, by offering upskilling and
        skills and talent, the needs of enterprise, and the economic              reskilling opportunities, which will be vital if we are to reach our
        context. These are:                                                       target to create 200,000 additional new jobs by 2020.”

          SIMI recently issued its third Quarterly Motor Industry Review for 2016 in association with DoneDeal, at the SIMI National Retailers
          Conference held in Killashee Hotel, Naas, Co Kildare. The SIMI/DoneDeal Report highlights the strong performance in the first half of
          the year for the Industry followed by a slowing down of new car sales from August onwards.
          Sales to the end of September 2016 were 143,190, up 18.4% on the first nine months of 2015. Based on this, the SIMI/DoneDeal report
          forecasts final sales of 147,000 for 2016 with a similar outcome anticipated for new car sales in 2017.
          Jim Power, economist and author of the report, said: “The auto industry is still performing strongly, but there have been clear signs of
          deceleration in sales in recent months. Looking ahead to 2017, the outlook for car sales is extremely uncertain. New car sales in 2016
          should be close to 147,000 and similar outturn for what is expected to be a very uncertain market due to Brexit effects.”
          The Review also indicates the changes in the costs of motoring since last year. The cost of a new car has decreased by 3.5% since
          September 2015, while the cost of petrol is down 5% and diesel is down 4.6% in those 12 months. However, the price of motor
          insurance has increased 25.1% since September 2015 and is up 68.7% since September 2013.
          Alan Nolan, Director General, SIMI, highlighted: “2016 has seen the highest levels in new vehicle registrations since 2008. While some
          of these sales can be attributed to a catch-up in the market, overall it has been a good year for our Industry. New car sales, so far, have
          contributed €1.25bn to the exchequer – 24% ahead of last year. With the peak selling months behind us, the Industry has now turned
          its focus to the 171 registration period as can be seen and heard in current advertising campaigns. While 2017 brings with it an air of
          uncertainty due to Brexit, we would still expect the Industry to continue to perform well, as economic indicators suggest increased
          spending power in the Irish economy in 2017.”
          Cathal Cremen, Commercial Manager of DoneDeal’s Motor Section, said: “2016 has been a very successful year for DoneDeal, with over
          91,000 cars currently advertised on the site. In total, 259,365 motor adverts have been published on DoneDeal in the third quarter of
          2016, with a total advertised value of €1.4bn. This represents a 17% increase in motor ads compared to the same period in 2015. The
          volume of cars advertised for sale also reflects a rise in the number of dealers advertising on the site. Despite the uncertainty over
          Brexit, the volume of car ads published with a value in excess €10,000 has increased by over 30% to 42,871 car ads in the third quarter
          of 2016, compared to the same period in 2015. This very much mirrors the country’s improving general economic performance.”

         12                                                                                            CONFERENCE REVIEW EDITION

IMM Conference Review Edition.indd 12                                                                                                            13/12/2016 14:23
W W W. S I M I . I E                                            IRISH      MOTOR        MANAGEMENT              SIMI NEWS

        Sligo Park Hotel once again played host to the Sligo Centre BEN Ball, now in its 45th year. Almost 200 guests attended on November
        18 for what was a truly enjoyable celebration with a gala dinner followed by music and dancing till the early hours. This event is certainly
        a credit to all involved in the Sligo Centre, who must be congratulated on their continued enthusiasm and determination in keeping the
        event alive. Members attended from throughout Sligo and further afield. SIMI President, Alan Greene, in thanking the Sligo Centre,
        acknowledged the work behind the scenes carried out by the hard-working Art Nicholson and Mary O’Dwyer. Both have been instrumental
        in keeping this event on the Sligo calendar for many years now. Master of Ceremonies on the evening, Enda McCarrick, ensured the
        evening ran smoothly and without a hitch. Now that the dust has settled, plans are already afoot for next year and, no doubt, Art, Mary and
        the team will provide another outstanding Sligo Ball.

        SIMI Sligo Centre and guests at the BEN Ball.

        Mary O’Dwyer and Art Nicholson.

        Frank and Marian Byrnes, Oranmore, Galway.

                                                             and Enda

        CONFERENCE REVIEW EDITION                                                                                                                13

IMM Conference Review Edition.indd 13                                                                                                         13/12/2016 12:29
INDUSTRY              IRISH     MOTOR   MANAGEMENT                                                       W W W. S I M I . I E

        Johnson & Perrott Motor Dealerships
        won a ‘Best use of Facebook’ award at
        the Cork Digital Marketing Awards 2016
        at Fota Island Resort.
        Karen Dillon, Marketing Manager of
        Johnson & Perrott Motor Dealerships,
        told Irish Motor Management that the
        company aims to keep up with as many
        social media platforms as possible.
        “We manage and update two main
        dealership sites, which form part of
        the overall Johnson & Perrott Motor
        Group website,” Karen said, “and we
        implement a comprehensive search
        engine optimisation (SEO) programme to
        maximise our online presence to ensure
        we are as visible online as we are in the
        showroom.                                   Pictured at the awards ceremony are Aoife Dunne, Cork Chamber Business School Manager,
                                                    with Niamh Rana, Marketing Executive, and Karen Dillon, Marketing Manager of Johnson &
        “We maintain a strong presence across       Perrott Motor Dealerships, along with Jenny Bryan of the Cork Chamber Business School.
        channels such as Facebook, Twitter,
        LinkedIn and Google Business, and           able to review the reach and engagement        Johnson & Perrott retail and service
        supplement our efforts with adword          of each post means we can see first-hand       seven leading car brands from two
        campaigns and paid advertising, including   which posts worked and which failed to         locations, at Douglas and Mahonpoint.
        banner ads and featured dealer listings     interest our followers.”                       Digital media has clearly had a major
        on motor retail consumer sites.”            Why should motor dealerships have a            impact on the Motor Industry, Karen
        Karen said that when it comes to digital    strong social media presence? What are         confirms.
        marketing, Johnson & Perrott relies         the benefits?                                  “The vast majority of customers are
        heavily on emails to communicate with       Consumer behaviour is changing, Karen          doing their research online at home and
        contacts as well as SMS text campaigns      says, with the digital environment ever-       will typically visit two dealerships, and
        for aftersales notifications.               expanding.                                     possibly test drive just one car, before
        What strengths and opportunities do the     “With a sea of statistics constantly           making their decision to purchase. In
        various social media platforms afford       put forward from various sources, the          essence, that means a sale is yours to be
        motor dealerships, in Karen’s opinion?      general consensus is that upward of            lost once someone walks through your
        “Our Senior Executives and Brand            80% of Irish online adults use social          showroom door.
        Managers use LinkedIn quite a lot           media of some form each day. That’s a          “If you’re not active and engaging online,
        although we find generally it’s more        huge percentage of our target market           you fall out of consideration very early on
        valuable through individual pages as        communicating and interacting online,          in the process and your dealership could
        opposed to corporate – people like to       and motor dealerships need to be in the        become your own ‘best kept secret’ over
        connect with a person as opposed to a       discussion.”                                   time!”
        “Twitter is very useful in keeping up
        to date with some of our sponsorship
                                                     AWARD SUCCESS FOR WEXFORD CAR CENTRE KIA
        partners, particularly sports clubs and
        charity organisations, and also as a
        source of content for our own social
        media activity.                                                                                               Wexford Car Centre
                                                                                                                      Kia has been named
        “Facebook is one of the key channels                                                                          Kia Motors Car-3
        we use to reach and engage with our                                                                           dealer of the year 2016
        target audience. The ability to target                                                                        recently for excellence
                                                                                                                      in customer service.
        our message to a specific demographic                                                                         “We are very proud
        means our ad campaigns are optimised                                                                          of this achievement
        and the scheduling facility allows us to                                                                      and would like to
                                                                                                                      thank all our loyal Kia
        pace the release of our ads to ensure we                                                                      customers for their
        reach as many of our target audience as                                                                       support this past year,”
        possible at key browsing times. Being                                                                         a Wexford Car Centre
                                                                                                                      Kia spokesperson said.

         14                                                                                    CONFERENCE REVIEW EDITION

IMM Conference Review Edition.indd 14                                                                                                     13/12/2016 12:29
W W W. S I M I . I E                                         IRISH       MOTOR        MANAGEMENT               INDUSTRY

        The Irish Car of the Year (ICOTY) Awards in association with        •    Peugeot 2008 – Irish Small SUV of the Year 2017;
        Continental Tyres took place recently at the Powerscourt Hotel,     •    Hyundai Tucson – Irish Medium SUV of the Year 2017;
        Enniskerry.                                                         •    Ford Edge – Irish Large SUV of the Year 2017; and
        Journalists from print, online and broadcasting hosted a            •    Ford Mustang – Irish Performance/Sports Car of the Year
        gala black-tie event attended by Ireland’s leading car brands,           2017.
        importers, distributors and other motoring dignitaries.
        Mercedes-Benz took the top award with its E-Class and also a
        category win with the C-Class Coupé, crowned Irish Medium Car
        of the Year 2017.
        ICOTY committee member Michael Sheridan said the “E Class
        has set the bar to new heights”, while fellow committee member
        John Galvin said: “We’ve had 40 years of Irish Car of the Year
        and the E-Class is an exceptional winner.”
        Tom Dennigan, of Continental Tyres, said about the awards:
        “Continental is delighted to be associated with Irish Car of the
        Year, an event that continues to be the highlight of the motoring
        The category winners were:
        •     Suzuki Baleno – Irish Small Car of the Year 2017;
        •     Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupé – Irish Medium Car of the         Michael Sheridan and John Galvin of the Irish Car of the Year
                                                                            committee; Ciaran Allen and Stephen Byrne of Mercedes-Benz; and
              Year 2017;
                                                                            Tom Dennigan, Continental Tyres Ireland, with the overall winner of
        •     Mercedes-Benz E-Class – Irish Large Car of the Year 2017;     the Irish Car of the Year 2017, Mercedes-Benz E-Class

        CONFERENCE REVIEW EDITION                                                                                                                 15

IMM Conference Review Edition.indd 15                                                                                                        13/12/2016 12:29
INDUSTRY              IRISH     MOTOR    MANAGEMENT                                                          W W W. S I M I . I E

          In automotive retail today, it could be said that there                      keep the customers they have happy. Maintaining their
          are no bad cars, only bad experiences. The standard                             satisfaction is vital for building long-term loyalty and
          of modern cars means customers can, more often                                   increasing their lifetime value, John says.
          than not, get the exact specification, quality and                               There are business models created by experts in
          reliability they require at every price point. So, are                           customer loyalty that suggest a 5% increase in
          traditional purchase differentiators dwindling in                               customer loyalty could double the average profit
          their significance?                                                            per customer, as loyal customers cost less to market
          That’s the question being asked by John McManus,                           to and are happy to spend more. As no two customers are
          Ireland Country Manager for CDK Global.                             the same, a personalised approach to customer interaction is
          “Cars are ultimately becoming less significant in customers’        key to transforming an ordinary customer into a loyal one.
          decision-making – and indeed where they buy them – meaning          However, defined dealership processes, driven by an
          that customer service is set to become the single biggest           integrated dealer management system, can help deliver
          differentiator between brands and dealerships. Neglecting           this personalisation and the consistent, high-level brand
          customer service, therefore, could be seriously detrimental to      experience customers expect, John says. While customers
          a dealer’s long-term business ambitions.                            have to be dealt with individually, there are actions within
          “To capitalise on this changing trend, vehicle manufacturers,       car ownership cycles that are generally similar – servicing
          dealer groups and individual sites should look to work together     intervals, maintenance requirements and next car purchases
          to better understand their customers. A joined-up approach          are all potential contact points. With the right customer
          to supporting a customer through the sales cycle can help           service processes in place and the right data captured and
          form a single view of their interactions and allow all parties to   stored for future use, they can be marketed to at the right time
          provide a personalised, more engaged service, whether online        and through channels suited to them.
          or offline – face to face or on the phone.”                         “In 10 years’ time consumers will be digital natives and the
          John points to findings from research and advisory firm             retail network will have evolved,” John explains. “Cars will
          Forrester which show that attracting a new customer can             require less servicing and sales processes will increasingly
          cost five times more than keeping an existing one. So, as the       take place on digital platforms. Customers will spend less
          significance of customer service rises, it becomes increasingly     and less time in dealerships – making it vital that solid
          vital that dealerships employ loyalty-focused processes to          relationships are formed at all points of contact.”


                                                                                                     Michael Lyng Motors Ford showroom in

                                                                                                     Director and Dealer Principal in Kilkenny
                                                                                                     and Neil Lyng acting as Dealer Principal
                                                                                                     in Carlow. With a strong and committed
                                                                                                     staff with many years of experience, they
                                                                                                     are capable of satisfying all customers’
                                                                                                     needs, the company says.
        Michael Lyng Motors celebrated its 20th        from state-of-the-art premises at Hebron      In 2013 the company was awarded the
        anniversary last month.                        Road, Kilkenny, and Sleaty Road, Carlow.      Hyundai European Excellence Award
        It was in November 1996 that Michael           Since 2012, Michael Lyng Motors on            for Excellence in Customer Satisfaction
        and Mary Lyng established Michael Lyng         the Hebron Road is the main dealer for        Management.
        Motors Ltd and secured the Mitsubishi          Ford in Kilkenny. It offers car, van, 4x4     It was awarded the 2014 Ford of Europe
        franchise. The Hyundai franchise was           sales and servicing plus all the back-up      Chairman’s Award.
        secured in March 1998.                         services expected of a top line Ford          To mark its 20th anniversary, Michael
        In the intervening years, Michael Lyng         dealership.                                   Lyng Motors has teamed up with Marble
        Motors has grown and currently operates        The company is 100% family owned and          City Travel to send one customer on a
        its Ford and Hyundai main dealerships          run, with Michael acting as Managing          fantastic trip for two to New York.

         16                                                                                        CONFERENCE REVIEW EDITION

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W W W. S I M I . I E                                          IRISH      MOTOR       MANAGEMENT              INDUSTRY

        Dealer Principal Tom Staunton has opened a new, state-of-                                                           Tom Staunton,
        the-art showroom, Toyota Liffey Valley. Tom has over 30 years’                                                      Dealer Principal;
        experience both within the automotive industry and with Toyota.                                                     Ann Staunton;
                                                                                                                            and Steve Tormey,
        The latest Toyota dealership in Dublin is located at the Liffey                                                     Chief Executive,
        Valley exit from the N4 beside the shopping centre.                                                                 Toyota Ireland.
        “Toyota Liffey Valley will create 40 new jobs within sales,
        aftersales and administrative roles,” a spokesperson said. “The
        11-car showroom will facilitate Toyota’s 2017 range including the
        new Toyota C-HR and Toyota’s full range of hybrid models, as well
        as its new Proace and Hilux commercial vehicles.
        “A new concept for a Toyota dealership, Liffey Valley integrates
        the sales and service business by wrapping the service workshop
        around the showroom. Encompassing 3,000 square metres over           showcase Toyota’s extensive range of hybrid vehicles as well as
        two floors, the new showroom features Toyota’s Retail Concept        the entire Toyota passenger and commercial vehicle line-up.”
        offering customers an immersive experience, encompassing a           Steve Tormey, Chief Executive at Toyota Ireland, commented: “I
        combination of physical, human and digital touch points which will   am delighted to welcome Tom Staunton and his team at Liffey
        guide the customer through the showroom.”                            Valley to the Toyota Dealer Network which will showcase the
        Dealer Principal Tom Staunton said: “I am truly excited about        exceptional quality of Toyota. Located at the Liffey Valley motor
        opening this state-of-the-art showroom and look forward to           mall, the dealership combines the latest Toyota automotive
        welcoming many new and existing Toyota customers to Toyota           technology, such as our range of hybrid vehicles, with an
        Liffey Valley with exceptional new models such as the C-HR. I        unrivalled customer experience. On behalf of Toyota Ireland, we
        believe that Toyota Liffey Valley is the perfect representation to   wish Tom and his team every success.”

        CONFERENCE REVIEW EDITION                                                                                                           17

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INDUSTRY              IRISH     MOTOR     MANAGEMENT                                                             W W W. S I M I . I E

                                                                                 headed by Mark Lynn and fellow director and business partner,
                                                                                 Don Lynn. Appointed main Peugeot dealers in 1993, the business
                                                                                 grew to new heights in 2013 when a newly refurbished showroom
                                                                                 was unveiled on the existing site on the Newry Road, Dundalk.
                                                                                 “We are simply delighted to be bringing the Peugeot Dealer of
                                                                                 the Year award home to Co Louth,” Mark said.
                                                                                 “It is so gratifying to know that our team’s continued efforts are
                                                                                 recognised by the distributor. But we can’t accept the award
                                                                                 without acknowledging our very valued customers. We thank
                                                                                 them sincerely for all their support throughout the years and
                                                                                 we very much look forward to seeing everyone in 2017 at Lynn
        Colin Sheridan, Sales and Marketing Director, Gowan Distributors         Motors.”
        Limited, Peugeot importers in Ireland; Don and Mark Lynn, Lynn           Des Cannon, Managing Director at Gowan Distributors Limited,
        Motors; and Des Cannon, Managing Director, Gowan Distributors
        Limited.                                                                 Peugeot importers in Ireland, said: “With excellent year-on-year
                                                                                 sales growth, a tremendous county market share performance
        Lynn Motors, main Peugeot dealer in Dundalk, has been crowned            and significant investment in their immaculate showroom, Lynn
        Peugeot Dealer of the Year 2016. Mark Lynn, Dealer Principal,            Motors are worthy winners of the Peugeot Dealer of the Year
        was presented with the award at the annual Peugeot Dealer                award this year. We work closely with our Dealer partners, hand
        Conference, held at Clontarf Castle, Dublin, in October.                 in hand, and it is wonderful to see the Lynn family’s dedication
        Lynn Motors is a family-run business, employing nine people,             and hard work continue to reap rewards.”

        Škoda Ireland has announced that
        George Corbett Motors is the newly
        appointed sales and aftersales dealer
        for Škoda in Waterford.
        Based on the Cork Road in Waterford,
        George Corbett’s purpose-built facility
        was redeveloped in the past number
        of months to accommodate the arrival
        of the ever-expanding range of Škoda
        vehicles. The expansion, combined
        with the arrival of Škoda, will facilitate
        up to 10 new jobs over the next 12
        months across sales, aftersales and
        administration, according to the
        Raymond Leddy, Head of Marketing,
        Škoda Ireland, said: “With the
        establishment of George Corbett
        Motors in Waterford, we have a valued
        partner to provide quality Škoda
        vehicles, aftersales services and                Pictured are Ray Leddy, Head of Marketing, Škoda, and George Corbett, Dealer Principal,
                                                         George Corbett Motors.
        financial products to the people of
        Waterford. I wish George and his team
        the very best with their new venture. We         offers across the range, most notably            Kodiaq, that will be here in March.”
        are looking forward to Škoda becoming            0% finance and scrappage of up to                George Corbett Motors is widely
        one of the top-selling brands in Co              €4,000 on new orders for 2017. We have           known in the Waterford community and
        Waterford over the next few years.”              excellent new service facilities with            particularly in sporting circles from
        George Corbett added: “We welcome                easy parking and comfortable customer            previous and current associations with
        Škoda customers, both old and new,               facilities. All of us here are very excited      Ballygunner, Waterpark Rugby Club and
        to come and view the new range of                about the arrival of Škoda and the               with Bohemians soccer academy, the
        Škoda vehicles. We have some excellent           exciting models, including the new               company said.

         18                                                                                            CONFERENCE REVIEW EDITION

IMM Conference Review Edition.indd 18                                                                                                              13/12/2016 12:29
W W W. S I M I . I E                                                  IRISH       MOTOR       MANAGEMENT             INDUSTRY

          The Axone Nemo is the latest diagnostic tablet to be added to
          Texa’s extensive range of products. As with all Texa products, the
          Axone Nemo is built with the workshop environment in mind.
          “It has been manufactured to withstand heavy use in challenging
          conditions, with a user-friendly interface and the ability to
          move around the vehicle with ease, thanks to its cable-free
          communication with the TXTs vehicle communication interface
          (VCI),” a Texa spokesperson said.
          “Texa’s Axone Nemo is the first diagnostic tablet to have a
          robust magnesium body which is extremely strong and reduces
          the weight. This has allowed Texa to install the fastest micro-
          processors thanks to its excellent heat dispersal. The Axone
          Nemo is built to the Military Standard 810G, is water resistant
          and even floats, thanks to Texa’s internationally patented                 New Axone Nemo from Texa.
          The manufacturer advises that the Axone Nemo features the                  •    New IDC5 operating system; and
          following technology:                                                      •    Unrivalled coverage.
          •     An ultra-wide 12-inch screen and Gorilla glass;                      “Vehicle diagnostics is Texa’s core business,” the spokesperson
          •     A quad-core processor;                                               added. “To keep ahead of the competition, Texa is committed
          •     Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity;                                    to developing and offering its customers the best possible
          •     2 x 5 megapixel cameras;                                             coverage of vehicles in circulation.”

                                                                                     Citroën and DS Ireland hosted a hospitality day out to the Aviva
                                                                                     Stadium for the recent Ireland vs New Zealand rugby match for
                                                                                     its Network Aftersales Managers.
                                                                                     Joseph Greene, Aftersales Manager, Citroën and DS Ireland,
                                                                                     said: “We were delighted to host this great day out for our
                                                                                     Aftersales Managers. The result of the match may not have
                                                                                     gone Ireland’s way on this occasion but everyone really enjoyed
                                                                                     the fantastic atmosphere and we were delighted to have this
                                                                                     opportunity to thank our Aftersales Network for all the hard
                                                                                     work they put in throughout the year.”

                                                                                    Back row: Paul Norton, Gowan Navan Road; and David Healy and Derry
                                                                                    Collins, Denis and Mary Ryan Car Sales; Middle row: Mick O’Loughlin,
                                                                                    Kilkenny Vehicle Centre; Gary Kidney, Hugo Loonam Motors; James
                                                                                    Mahon, Citroën Dublin; MJ Croke, Cashel Motor Works; Mark
                                                                                    Fitzgerald, Keenan Bauer; Darren Fitzsimons, Kevin Barry Motors;
                                                                                    Sarah Bermingham, Citroën and DS Ireland; and Conor Duffy, PG Duffy
                                                                                    and Sons. Front row: Louise Cunningham, Citroën and DS Ireland;
                                                                                    Vinny Brunton, Citroën Dublin; Joe Greene, Citroën and DS Ireland;
                                                                                    Damian O’Connell, Clareview Car Sales; and Maxime Simoncini, Citroën
                                                                                    and DS Ireland.

          SEAT has unveiled a future concept of the SEAT Ateca with ‘Smart City Connectivity’, called Ateca
           Smart City Car, which is able to collect information from its surroundings using tracking sensors
             and share it with other users to find available parking using the SEAT Parkfinder app. Through
             an agreement reached with the Barcelona Council and Cellnex Telecom, this pioneering project
             enables the SEAT Ateca Smart City Car to transmit information on available parking spaces to
            the city of Barcelona’s iCity platform. At the same time, this server distributes the information
           to the Parkfinder app and displays their location to urban drivers on a map. SEAT presented this
                                 concept at the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona in November.

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