Page created by Victoria Murphy
AUGUST 5-20, 2018 | VOL 32 NO 15                                  THE PULSE OF THE FILIPINO COMMUNITY SINCE 1987


Filipino actor, model and
international Frisbee athlete
Derek Ramsay is feeling the
warmth and hospitality of
Manitobans as he competes
in the World Ultimate Masters
Club Championships (WUMCC).
Diehard fans have been making
their way to Little Mountain Park
for photos and selfies with the
Photo by Ron Cantiveros | Filipino Journal


  Altona Sunflower Festival                  Lights of the North   204FM Ihaw-Ihaw             Jean Garcia to star with Hollywood..
  COMMUNITY| 20►                             COMMUNITY| 11►        COMMUNITY| 21►              STARIRAY| 14►
2                                   August 5-20, 2018                                            The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987

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    FEATURING 140 slot machines

                                   All photos & articles available online!   FilipinoJournal.com
The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987                                                                 August 5-20, 2018   3

Derek Ramsay: A week
in Friendly Manitoba
        elebrity sightings of     international frisbee competition    Live In Winnipeg on Friday,
        Derek Ramsay started      wraps up with finals on Saturday,    August 3 at Club Regen
        last weekend with fans    August 4 at Investors Group Field.   Casino and a special meet and
posting photos of the Filipino         Derek Ramsay will also be       greet event at Petrus Hall on
actor in Winnipeg at local        a guest performer at Morrisette      Saturday, August 4.
hot spots such as the Forks,
Superstore McPhillips, and
Jimel’s Bakery.
     Derek Ramsay is spending
a week in Friendly Manitoba
as he competes in the 2018
World       Ultimate    Masters
Club Championships at Little
Mountain Park. The week-long

                                                                 Photos by Ron Cantiveros | Filipino Journal

                                                Let’s get social                              FilipinoJournal.com
4                                               August 5-20, 2018                                                                    The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987

Folklorama 2018: 49th Year with 44 Pavilions
Pearl of the Orient Philippine Pavilion runs Week 2: August 12-18

       he 49th edition of Folklorama is set to kick-        August 12 to 18 at Petrus Hall at 2426 Inkster
       off Sunday, August 5 with 44 pavilions               Blvd. (near Inkster Blvd and Brookside Blvd).
       celebrating the largest and longest running          Facebook: @MagdaragatPhilippinesInc.
cultural festival in North America.                         Twitter: @MagdaragatPhil
     Magdaragat will host the Philippines Pearl of the      Instagram:@magdaragat_philippines
Orient Pavilion during week 2 of Folklorama starting        Snapchat: @magdaragat204

                                                                                                                          Folklorama and Pearl of the Orient Ambassadors: Vina Dimayuga, 2018 Youth
                                                                                                                          Ambassador General; Skylar Jeppesen, 2018 Youth Ambassador; Mirella Aiello, 2018
                                                                                                                          Youth Ambassador; Ruby Adriosula, 2018 Adult Ambassador; The Honourable Cathy
                                                                                                                          Cox, Minister of Sport, Culture and Heritage; Aileen Madden, 2018 Adult Ambassador
Asham Stompers from the NEW Métis   Proclamation with Mayor Brian Bowman, Folklorama President, Avrom Charach; Minister
                                                                                                                          General; Cecilia Berces, 2018 Adult Ambassador and Joseph Orobia, 2018 Adult
Pavilion.                           of Sport, Culture and Heritage, Honourable Cathy Cox and Acting Executive Director,
                                                                                                                          Ambassador General.
                                    Folklorama, Teresa Cotroneo.

              FOLKLOR AMA
                                        AUGUST 5 - 18, 2 018

                TICKETS NOW ON SALE
                folklorama.ca                                                                                                                        #myfolklorama

                                               All photos & articles available online!                     FilipinoJournal.com
The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987                                                                                                                                 August 5-20, 2018                                                                                         5

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                                                                             Let’s get social                                                 FilipinoJournal.com
6                                                          August 5-20, 2018                                                              The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987

      Beautiful. Personal. Affordable.                                               Health Matters with Dra. Denise
                                                                                     Kumusta kayo, mga kaibigan! It           body’s cooling functions or water/           high demands on the body to
                                                                                     has been about a decade (ay!) since      salt retention (eg blood pressure            cool itself. 3) People are likely to
      At your time of need or                                                        I last wrote you in my column,           medications,          antidepressants,       spend more time outside or leave
                                                                                     “Ask Dr. Denise”; a lot has              antipsychotics,       anti-Parkinson’s       their windows open, resulting in
      when planning ahead,                                                           happened in that time, so I will re-     agents), socially disadvantaged              an increased exposure to outdoor
      call 204-982-7550                                                              introduce myself.                        individuals (eg low-income earners,          pollutants.
                                                                                           My name is Denise Koh, and I       homeless people, people living                    Summer driving also requires
      www. glenlawn.ca                                             Ask for a         am a physician in Winnipeg. When         alone), newcomers to Canada and              caution, especially when travelling
      455 Lagimodiere Blvd • Winnipeg                            Planning Kit!       I was writing Ask Dr. Denise, I          transient populations (eg tourists),         with children and/or pets. On
                                                                     FREE            had been working on my Masters           certain occupational groups (eg              average 37 kids die in hot cars
                Glen Lawn                                                            of Public Health, completing my          farmers, construction workers,               every year in North America.
                Memorial Gardens & Funeral Home                                      Community Medicine residency             miners, tree planters), and people           The windows in cars act like a
                by Arbor Memorial                                                    (aka Public Health and Preventive        who are physically active.                   greenhouse, trapping the sun’s
                                                                                     Medicine), and practicing medicine             Early summer extreme heat              energy and causing the temperature
    Arbor Memorial Inc.                            Family Owned. Proudly Canadian.
                                                                                     in a number of settings in addition      events generally result in higher            inside the car to rise quickly. It’s
                                                                                     to my full-time training.                health impacts than those occurring          not just risky during the summer
                                                                                           Scroll forward 10 years—I          later in the summer. Most people             months: the strengthening sun
                                                                                     completed/achieved my MPH,               regularly exposed to high temps              angle in the spring can cause the
                                                                                     FRCPC (specialist fellowship             become acclimatized or used to               temperature in vehicles to spike
                                                                                     designation) and I’ve worked             hot environments. Those with heart           on a sunny day. When outside
                          Ad Size: 4” x 3” h B/W
                                                                                     as a Medical Officer of Health           disease, older adults and young              air temperature is 23°C, the
                          Publication:                                               in a number of roles. I currently        children may have a limited ability          temperature inside a vehicle can be
                          Contact: Erik Moloney                                      hold 2 positions with the                to acclimatize.                              extremely dangerous - more than
                          Format: high res PDF                                       Manitoba government: the Chief                 Daily death rates increase             50°C. On a hot and sunny day,
                          GL Number: 5660 – 6725
                                                                                     Occupational Medical Officer             when temperatures rise above                 the temperature inside a vehicle
                          Ref.#: PRT-060-S-AD Business card (from Bishop Gr.)        and Medical Officer of Health            certain levels. And it’s worse if high       can spike by nearly 20° in just 10
                          ©Arbor Memorial Inc., 2016                                 in Environmental Health and              temperatures persist over several            minutes. Over the course of one to
                                                                                     Emergency Preparedness. My               days and throughout the night.               two hours, the temperature inside
                                                                                     biggest achievement is my family:              Temperature          projections       the vehicle can climb as much as
                                                                                     I am now the proud mom to 4              indicate that the number of days with        50° higher than the outside air.
                                                                                     awesome kids!                            temps above 30°C in Winnipeg are             Children heat up three to four times
                                                                                           This time I wanted to focus        expected to almost double between            faster than adults. If a child is
                                                                                     on heat and our health. You may          2041 and 2070. The projected                 small and on the sunny side of the
                                                                                     think this is hardly an issue, since     increase in warm nights will also            car, death can occur in 15 minutes
                                                                                     our home country should have             limit nighttime relief from the heat.        or under.
                                                                                     that area “cased”, right? And            This is climate change. Unless we                 Here are some general tips
                                                                                     who wants to worry when we’re            do more to reverse/stop the causes           for avoiding heat stress this
                                                                                     too busy celebrating our sunny           (eg burning of fossil fuels) and adapt       summer: wear loose, lightweight,
                                                                                     summers and the end of another           to this very real global warming, our        light-coloured clothing; use fans
                                                                                     long cold winter and slushy flood-y      health will continue to be at risk.          indoors; work in the shade and
                                                                                     spring?                                        Being exposed to air pollution         away from other heat sources; take
                                                                                           High temperatures combined         and extreme heat is like a double            rest breaks in shaded areas and
                                                                                     with high humidity, direct sun and       whammy: 1) High temps increase               drink cool beverages frequently.
                                                                                     heavy body workload-- particularly       the formation of air pollutants, such        Focus on lighter activities when
                                                                                     without decent air movement--can         as ground-level ozone. Forest fires,         possible. Plan the day to tackle the
                                                                                     overwhelm the body’s capacity to         which occur more often in warmer,            more physically demanding jobs
                                                                                     cool itself.                             dryer weather, also affect air quality.      during the cooler morning hours. It
                                                                                           This can lead to excessive         People exposed to ash and smoke              takes about a week for the body to
                                                                                     stress on the body that may              from fires often experience eye and          adjust to the heat. Monitor yourself
                                                                                     result in heat illness, heat rash,       lung irritation, leading to bronchitis.      and co-workers, particularly new
                                                                                     swelling of hands, feet and ankles,      2) Reduced lung function or heart            coworkers for signs of heat illness.
                                                                                     headache, dizziness, upset stomach       rate variability due to ozone or                  Kung may tinanim, may
                                                                                     or vomiting; heat exhaustion:            particulate matter pollution can             aanihin; health starts at home.
                                                                                     tired or weak, moist skin, rapid,        lead to difficulties getting oxygen          Alagaan ninyo ang katawan at
                                                                                     weak      pulse;    life-threatening     to our tissues, worsened with                kalusugan ninyo! Take care, and
                                                                                     heat stroke: hot dry skin, rapid,        increased stress on the heart from           mind your health!
                                                                                     strong pulse, mental confusion,
                                                                                     unconsciousness, seizures or
                                                                                           Vulnerable groups at risk are
                                                                                     older adults, infants and young
                                                                                     children, people with chronic
                                                                                     illnesses (eg. lung, heart or
                                                                                     psychiatric illnesses) or who are
                                                                                     physically impaired, people taking
                                                                                     certain medications that affect heat
                                                                                     sensitivity by interfering with the

                                                                                                       Contributing Writers:                          We welcome submissions-news, articles, pictures and letters.
                                                                                                                                                      Letters must include signature and phone number; names can be
                                                                                                            Perry Diaz             Eric Labaupa       withheld upon request. We reserve the right to edit for length
                                                                                                            Johnny Cantiveros      Max Sangil         and content. All submissions, unless arrangements are made,
                                                                                                                                                      become the property of the publisher. Reproduction of contents,
                                                                                                            Jackie Wild            Ryan Reyes         in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the expressed
                                                                                                                                                      written permission from the Publisher/Editor. Opinions by
                                                                                                            Gem & Lita Anis        Derick Ramos       columnist, writers, and readers do not in any way reflect those
                                                                                                            Levy Abad              Allan Madriaga     of the Publisher/Editor.
             The Pulse of the Filipino
              Community Since 1987                                                                          Tony & Letty Antonio                                               Published by
                                                                                                       Photographers:                                     Molave Publishing Company, Inc.
     Rodolfo E. Cantiveros                                                                                  Star Roxas                                      46 Pincarrow Rd., Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1E3
     Publisher                                                                                                                                               •Tel: (204) 489-8894 • Fax: (204) 489-1575
                                                                                                            Alfred Gaddi                               •info@filipinojournal.com •www.filipinojournal.com
                                                                                                            Bryan Mesias
     Ron Cantiveros                                                                                                                                            Publications Mail Agreement No. 40032612
     Business Development                                                                                   Nonie Manalili                            Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Molave Publishing
                                                                                                                                                         Company, Inc. 46 Pincarrow Road, Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1E3

     aLfie vera mella                                                                                  Derksen Printers (Steinbach, MB)
     Associate Editor                       Rosalinda Linsangan Natividad-Cantiveros                   Printers
                                          Founder, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief- Filipino Journal

                                                                All photos & articles available online!             FilipinoJournal.com
The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987                                                                          August 5-20, 2018   7

                                                                              of Metal. Notable songs include
                                                                              “Christ Eater” and “Satanic Metal.”
                                                                              Yano – Yano
                                                                                   The duo Yano came next to
                                                                              Eraserheads in being hailed as the
                                                                              carrier of the country’s Alternative
                            by aLfie vera mella                               music scene in the 1990s. The
                      elfideas102@yahoo.com                                   band’s self-titled debut contained
                                                                              some of their most popular songs—

Favorite Albums Part 7                                                        “Tsinelas,” “Trapo,” “Kumusta
                                                                              Na,” “Esem,” “Senti,” and the
Filipino Alternative Music            pioneering version of the George        controversial “Banal na Aso,
      Typically,    when      music   Canseco / Sharon Cuneta song            Santong Kabayo.”
enthusiasts are asked to list their   “High School (Life),” Half Life         Sugar Hiccup – Womb (1998)
favorite     albums,    their                        Half        Death             Hailed as the Philippine
tendency is to pick                                                           counterpart of the Scottish
from      non-                                                                Dreampop band Cocteau Twins,
Filipino                                                                      Sugar Hiccup did not disappoint.
a r t i s t s .                                                  managed      The band’s music carried that
P e r h a p s                                                   to release    ethereal Indie quality that typical
b e c a u s e                                                   only one      Dreampop bands such as Cocteau
commercial radio                                                 f u l l -    Twins is best characterized with.
usually focus on                                                              Womb is Sugar Hiccup’s second
foreign       music.                                                                       album—more melodic
Because of that—to                                                                          than and as compelling
highlight my equal                                                                          as its predecessor.
adoration for music                                                                         Check out “Bells and
made by fellow Filipino                   length                                            Shadow,”       “Blush,”
artists, I am hereby listing some         w o r k ,                                         and “Who Tease.”
of my all-time favorite albums by     1995’s         Pymyth                                 Rivermaya – Tuloy
Philippine-based Filipino artists.    Prahn, which contained                                ang Ligaya (2001)
Eraserheads – Cutterpillow (1995)     progressively arranged quirky songs          The band was well-known for
      Inarguably the most popular     such as “Alimango,” “Kapit-Tukô,”       having the charismatic Bamboo as
band in the Philippine Alternative    Sarimanok,” and “Butterflies.”          the frontman, whose high-register,
music, Eraserheads catapulted         Third World Chaos – New Move            silky voice gave soul to the band’s
to popularity soon after they         for Error                               early music. However, when Rico
released their first full-length,          Regarded as the first proper       Blanco took the helms, finally, in
1993’s Ultraelectromagneticpop!       Philippine Punk band to have            the subsequent albums, equal charm
After all, most of its well-loved     released the first-ever Punk album,     emanated, albeit in the opposite
songs came from this album:           Third World Chaos and its one-and-      side of the spectrum—the bluesy
“Ligaya,” “Toyang,” “Tindahan         only album (New Move for Error)         predisposition of the Bamboo and
ni Aling Nena,” “Maling Akala,”       is a holy grail in the archives of      Perf de Castro combo was replaced
and “Pare Ko.” However, the third     Philippine Alternative music. Its       by Blanco’s more New Wave and
album, Cutterpillow, was what         carrier single was “We Are the          Alternative     Rock      direction—
contained the legendary band’s        One.”                                   to great effects, in fairness.
most ubiquitous song that achieved    Deiphago – Filipino Antichrist          You’ll definitely fall in love with
a classic status—“Ang Huling El            One of the reasons Deiphago        “Umaaraw, Umuulan.”
Bimbo.”                               is worth checking out is because        Final Note
Half Life Half Death – Pymyth         the genre Death Metal did not really         The archives of Philippine
Prahn (1995)                          flourish in the Philippines. This       Alternative music is so rich. These
      A lesser-known band that        makes the music of the band a rarity,   seven albums are just the tip of the
made little waves in the Philippine   worthy of adding to the collection of   mountain. There is actually so much
Alternative music scene in the        Metal music enthusiasts, especially     to dig from the past and the present.
1990s, via their compelling and       those who prefer the extreme side

                                                                              haven't even met yet or only rarely
                                                                              see in person.
                                                                                    And, guess who the first
                                                                              ever person whom I have become
                                                                              friends with online was?
                           by aLfie vera mella                                      From 1996 to 1999, I was
                     elfideas102@yahoo.com                                    working at an American-owned
                                                                              document-analysis company in the

Who Was Your First
                                                                              Philippines initially as an encoder
                                                                              and then ultimately as a supervisor.
                                                                              In late 1998, we supervisors were

 Online 'Penpal'?
                                                                              provided email access with, so we
                                                                              could coordinate with our project
                                                                              managers in Minnesota, USA.
                                                                                    One of the first things I did
        (My First Email of You)                                               after I had set up my email account
                                                                              was write an email to the address
Noong mga panahong di pa uso ang      importance of social media, I'm         provided on the coversleeve of my
Internet, isa sa mga libangan ng      among those who are always up in        newly bought (at CD Warehaus,
maraming tao e ang makipagpalitan     arms.                                   Makati, Philippines) CD of The
ng sulat sa mga kaibigan o kakilala        Because, in my 19 years of         Lotus Eaters' 1998-released BBC
sa iba’t ibang lugar. Ang tawag       being a netizen, I have gained so       album The First Picture of You.
doon ay pakikipag-penpal. Noong       much additional knowledge and                 Guess who replied to me,
nauso na ang Internet, at dumating    developed great friendships with        which started a regular trail of
na ang social media, mas naging       likeminded spirits or people with       correspondences that continues
maganda at mabilis ang resulta        whom I share various interests and
                                                                                              continuation on page 10
ng pagpapalitan ng mensahe na         principles in life. Many of them I
gamit ay email o mga social media
platforms na gaya ng Facebook.
Marami ang bumabatikos rito.
Nakasisira daw ng pagkatao. Hindi
naman palagi! Depende lang yan
kung paano ito gagamitin ng isang
     When I encounter sentiments
that ridicule or downplay the

                                                      Let’s get social                              FilipinoJournal.com
8                                                                   August 5-20, 2018                                                               The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987

Folklorama Makes History: Public can buy tickets online in advance of festival
                                        “For the first time in                                       tickets in advance to make their             “Folklorama has something       Cox, Minister of Sport, Culture
                                   Folklorama history, Festival-goers                                festival experience customized        to fit everyone’s summer schedule,     and Heritage, delivered an official
                                   can now purchase tickets online                                   and convenient. Waiting in line       budget, travel bucket list and taste   proclamation today, declaring
                                   at folklorama.ca. Tickets are for                                 to get into a particular show is      buds,” says Avrom Charach,             August 5 to August 18 to be
Manitoba’s favourite multicultural specific pavilions, dates, and                                    a thing of the past as guests are     Folklorama       President.    “We     Folklorama Weeks.
festival, running from August 5 to show times for all 44 pavilions,”                                 guaranteed entrance to the show       have been a Winnipeg tradition              Next year Folklorama will
18, 2018, has undergone a major says Teresa Cotroneo, Acting                                         time they purchase tickets for.”      since 1970 and the success of          celebrate its golden 50th edition!
change in its 49th year.           Executive Director. “We are                                             Online ticket sales will        the Folklorama Festival is not         Plans are underway for this
                                   encouraging guests to buy online                                  remain open until one hour before     possible without the hard work         important milestone in Manitoba’s
                                                                                                     each show time, which allows          and dedication of our strong team      history and details will be released
                                                                                                     for the spontaneity of pavilion       of volunteers.”                        in the coming months.
                                                                                                     hopping      while     guaranteeing          To             acknowledge             To find out more, visit
                                                                                                     entrance. If available, tickets can   Folklorama’s impact on the             folklorama.ca.
                                                                                                     still be purchased at the door.       Province, the Honourable Cathy

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             ALFRED GADDI                 BRYAN MESIAS                 STAR ROXAS

                                                                    All photos & articles available online!                  FilipinoJournal.com
The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987                                                                          August 5-20, 2018                                        9

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                                                           Let’s get social                        FilipinoJournal.com
10                        August 5-20, 2018                                                    The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987

                                                There Will Be a Line to Heaven in Winnipeg
                                               Introvoys (with Tropa, The 12/21, & Route 90)
                                                                              September 15 • PCCM
                                                                                     legendary Philippine New Wave         back shows at the legendary Club
                                                                                     group Nursery Rhymes--one of          Dredd Timog. The kind and friendly
                                                                                     my favorites during that era--along   drummer became a friend.
                                                                                     with The Dawn and Identity Crisis.         To this day, he remains the
                                                                                           During that gig, another        core energy of his band.
                                                                                     exciting, gorgeous, and upcoming           I'm excited because that band
                                                                                     new band also played--my first        is finally coming to Winnipeg

                                                       fter having been treated to   time to watch them. They played       to rock the city with their brand
                                                       the rocking Tunog Kalye       originals as well as covers by The    of New Wave / Alternative Pop
                                                       2018, Winnipeg will then      Cure! The drummer was even            music. And not only that, the band
                                               be given a special line to heaven     wearing a fashionable hat!            of which I'm currently a member--
                                               on the evening of September 15,             Only a couple of years had      Tropa--is one of the openers.
                                               at PCCM, as the classic Filipino      passed, and the band's music was           Looking forward to see my
                                               band Introvoys take their turn in     all over commercial radio and TV.     old comrades again--especially
                                               making the summer delightful. This          In 1991, when my own band       Paco Arespacochaga, Jonathan
                                               concert is brought to us by IGN       Half Life Half Death performed        Buencamino, JJ Buencamino,
                                               Productions.                          at 1991 Yamaha Band Explosion,        and Vic Carpio--better known as
                                               Trip Back Memorylane                  that band was a guest. Then,          Introvoys!
                                                    In March 1988, at a bar along    at the backstage, the drummer         September 15, 2018
                                               Roxas Blvd. called Dreams, I was      approached me and complimented        PCCM
                                               invited by my friend Jay Paloma       me for my Cure hairdo and wished           Don't miss every opportunity
                                               to a concert of the band of which     our band good luck.                   to celebrate great music and to
                                               he newly joined at the time as the          Afterwards, his band and my     support great artists!
                                               keyboardist. The band was the         band played a couple of back-to-      Tickets: 204-962-0135

                                                                                     hindi dapat minamaliit. Malaki ang    nito. Kung ito ay ginagamit para sa
                                               Sa Madaling...                        naitutulong nito para mapagkone-      ikauunlad ng kaisipan at pagkatao
                                               from page 7                           konekta ang mga taong ang hangad      e di mabuti. Kung kabaligtaran, e
                                                                                     e mabuting pakikipagkaibigan          ano pa ng aba?
                                              to this day and who has become         at pagpapalitan ng opinion,
                                              someone I consider not only a          kaalaman, at mga interes sa buhay.
                                              musical hero but also a friend?        Gaya ng halos lahat ng bagay, ang
                                              Whom I was glad to have met            kabutihan o kasamaan ng social
                                              personally in 2002 when the English    media ay nakabatay sa gumagamit
                                              band toured the Philippines?
                                                   Jeremy Kelly – the guitarist of
                                              the English band The Lotus Eaters.
                                              Sa Madaling Salita
                                                   Taliwas sa madalas sabihin
                                              ng maraming tao laban ditto, ang
                                              social media na gaya ng Facebook e

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              Validated parking. Call for details.
                The best-tasting show in town!

                         All photos & articles available online!      FilipinoJournal.com
The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987                                                                            August 5-20, 2018              11

Lights of the North: Construction Begins at Red River Exhibition Park
The first two of 18 car loads of steel   celebrate the 30th anniversary of        be showcased at the festival.
components and materials have            the sister city twinning between               Some of the amazing exhibits
officially arrived in Winnipeg and       Winnipeg and Chengdu, China with         being constructed include a 120
are ready for construction as the        a luminous event this September and      foot dragon made entirely of china
Lights of the North Chinese Lantern      October.                                 plates, cups and saucers and a bison
Light Festival prepares to welcome            Every day this week, amazingly      made of tiny medicine vials that will
the world beginning August 31.           talented construction workers and        be filled with thousands of lights.
      The six-week long festival         well-trained artisans will be arriving         Stay tuned for many more
– the largest show of its kind ever      in Winnipeg to begin constructing        exciting announcements in the days,
mounted in Canada - is helping to        the intricate light displays that will   weeks, and months to come.

                                                                                                                                          GET OUT
      ILLUMINATE YOUR NIGHT                                                                                                                OF THE
     Traditional arts and crafts, performances, carnival, dinosaur alive
     and games along with local and Chinese food, pay tribute to
     Winnipeg’s 30 year anniversary with sister city Chengdu,
     and Canada-China Year of Tourism.

    August 31st - October 14, 2018
    Red River Exhibition Park, Winnipeg, Manitoba                                                                                             Presents

     Buy your tickets today at www.lightsofthenorth.ca

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    Filipino Journal

 WINNIPEG                                                                    ALBERTA

The pulse of the Filipino                          The pulse of the Filipino
Community in Winnipeg!                             Community in Alberta!
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in Winnipeg. We are committed to help you          Newspaper in Alberta that published 10,000
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Filipino Journal because of its very informative   strategic business decisions you can make.
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                                                Ron Cantiveros
               FJ                               (204) 489-8894
12                                   August 5-20, 2018                                                      The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987

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14   August 5-20, 2018                                                                            The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987

                           Jean Garcia to star in anti-
                           drug film with Hollywood
                           actor Stephen Baldwin
                                  hrough an Instagram post last                       film’s theme. As per the post from the
                                  July 27, actress Jean Garcia                        official Facebook page of the agency,
                                  shared her excitement to be                         the partnership hopes to “further
                            part of the upcoming film “Kaibigan”                      strengthen the anti-drug campaign”
                            together with Hollywood actor                             and is in the promotion of the “anti
                            Stephen Baldwin.                                          -drug advocacy”. Meanwhile, the
                                 Garcia will also be working                          Perkins Twins official Facebook
                            actors Cesar Montano, Alvin Anson,                        page, shared last July 27 some
                            Presidential        Communications                        photos taken at press conference
                            Operations Office assistant secretary                     held that day in ICON Hotel in
                            Mocha Uson, and musical duo and                           Timog Avenue, Quezon City.
                            twins Jessie and Christian Perkins.                             Baldwin is the brother of Alec
                            Produced by Tess and Tarny Perkins,                       Baldwin and the father of model
                            the twins’ parents, “Kaibigan” is                         Hailey Baldwin, the fiancée of
                            a partnership with the Dangerous                          Justin Bieber.
                            Drugs Board, seemingly hinting at the

                                                    Catriona Gray shares her excitement
                                                    for Miss Universe 2018 in Thailand

                                                                   n her Instagram account, Philippine               short video presentation created by
                                                                   bet Catriona Gray shares how                      Jolo Luarca III, featuring the 24-year
                                                                   excited she is that Miss Universe                 old beauty queen promoting the Asian
                                                                 2018 will be held in Thailand on                    country as a travel destination.
                                                                 December.                                                It was hinted that Gray will wear
                                                                      Last July 31, Miss Universe                    the creations of Mak Tumang at the
                                                                 Organization president Paula Shugart,               pageant. On working on her wardrobes,
                                                                 accompanied by Miss Universe 2017                   Gray also mentioned that she consulted
                                                                Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters confirmed it                   100 percent Filipino designers. She
                                                                in a press conference in Bangkok. To                 also added that she is working on some
                                                                pay tribute to the King of Thailand,                 videos of her advocacies.
                                                                Catriona uploaded on Instagram, a

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     All photos & articles available online!                FilipinoJournal.com
The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987                                                                      August 5-20, 2018                                               15

Disney’s Beauty and the Beast enchants Rainbow Stage
                                                                             Laura Kolisnyk, Kelsey Lacombe,       who will be coordinating costumes     we cannot wait to share it with
                                                                             Darren      Martens,       Heather    and Emily Porter who continues        you.
                                                                             McGuigan,        Simon      Miron,    to work her magic through sound       August 14-30, 2018
                                                                             Brett Owen, Joseph Sevillo and        design.                               Get your tickets now at
                                                                             Catherine Wreford.                         It’s a tale as old as time…and   rainbowstage.ca
Be our guest this summer at             foilings of Nelson Bettencourt’s          We are also proud to support
Rainbow Stage where 33 of               LeFou, the heart and humour          ten incredible young artists
Manitoba’s most extraordinary           of Robb Paterson’s Maurice,          in our Children’s Ensemble:
theatrical talents, along with a live   the illuminating charm of            Keara Allain, Chloe Bingham,
orchestra and lavish designs will       Kevin Klassen’s Lumiere, the         Liesl     Decksheimer,     Hudson
bring Disney’s Beauty and the           comedic timing of Cory Wojcik’s      Francis, Delaney Giesbrecht,
Beast to life for a new generation!     Cogsworth,       the    coquettish   Haley Kowalski, Taylor Masson,
      The Academy Award winning         charisma voice of Paula Potosky’s    Yasmine Ravandi, Myah Richard
score of the 1991 animated classic      Babette, the operatic stylings of    and J.J. Scherk.
tells the tale of an unlikely love in   Jacqueline Harding’s Wardrobe             This enchanted castle of a
enchanted castle where we learn         and singing the title tune, the      show is built by director Rob
the value of stories through books      heart-warming infusion of Laura      Herriot, music director Paul
and the consequences of judging         Olafson’s Mrs. Potts.                de Gurse and choreographer
them by their covers.                         Rainbow Stage is very proud    Stephanie (Sam) Manchulenko.
      The title characters will         to introduce a-little-tea-cup-of-    Rainbow Stage Wall of Fame
be played by the incomprable            an-artist-overflowing-with-talent,   recipients    Scott    Henderson
Stephanie Sy and TTimothy               Zachary Gordon as Chip.              (Lighting) and Brian Perchaluk
Gledhill respectively.                        An outstanding ensemble        (Set and Props) return to bring
      The show will also feature        boasts the talents of Hayden         their sumptuous designs to our                                       OPINIONS
the base brawn of Galen                 DeJong, Elena Howard Scott,          stage. Rounding out our illustrious
Johnson’s Gaston, the farcical          Brittany Hunter, Aaron Hutton,                                                    info@FilipinoJournal.com
                                                                             creative team are Nancy Puttaert

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16   August 5-20, 2018                                     The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987

                KEEPING MANITOBA
                GOING GROWING

                                   From healthcare to highway repair, over 40,000
                                   MGEU members across the province deliver the
                                   public services we count on every day.
                                   They’re hard at work on the frontlines and behind
                                   the scenes keeping Manitoba going and growing.

     All photos & articles available online!   FilipinoJournal.com
The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987                                                                               August 5-20, 2018                                                        17

  Proudly Serving the Filipino Community

 Brian PALLISTER              Heather STEFANSON                 Ron R. SCHULER              Rochelle SQUIRES                 Scott FIELDING                Cathy COX                Jon REYES
   MLA for Fort Whyte                MLA for Tuxedo                MLA for St. Paul               MLA for Riel                MLA Kirkfield Park         MLA for River East       MLA for St. Norbert
  info@brianpallister.com          tuxconst@mymts.net             ron@ronschuler.com       rochelle@rochellesquires.ca      Scott@scottfielding.com      cathycox@mymts.net         jon@jonreyes.ca

    Scott JOHNSTON                   Andrew SMITH                  Dennis SMOOK           Janice MORLEY-LECOMTE               Blair YAKIMOSKI             James TEITSMA              Nic CURRY
       MLA for St. James              MLA for Southdale           MLA for La Verendrye          MLA for Seine River            MLA for Transcona            MLA for Radisson       MLA for Kildonan
 st.jamesmlajohnston@outlook.com   andrew@andresmithmla.ca        office@dennissmook.ca    janice.seineriverMLA@mymts.net   BlairMLA@blairyakimoski.ca    james@jamesteitsma.ca     nic@niccurry.com

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18                                                                    August 5-20, 2018                                                                                     The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987

                                                                                                                                     Sudoku Puzzles are games of patience, numbers and genius! The satisfaction of
                                                                                                                                     solving a challenging Sudoku Puzzle is one of the greatest accomplishments any
                                                                                                                                     sudoku game player can experience. Here is the puzzle. Good luck!

                                                                                                                                     Solutions for Palaisipan & Sudoku will be posted online

                                                                        Don’t let fear or regret hold you back. You have the          It’s probably best if you take a break and let someone         It’s OK to surrender and admit that you just don’t have all
                                                                        power and mental capacity to cut through just about           else take the lead. An inner voice is warning you to slow      the answers. This is a great to act on things that have been
This is a good time to stop and focus on you. Make sure to give                                                                       down. Concentrate on matters at home and take care of          brewing in your brain for quite some time. Perhaps you’ve
                                                                        anything. Clear the path and be strong in your approach
your body the respect it deserves. Make sure you’re promoting                                                                         issues that arise among loved ones. It’s quite possible that   been feeling unsure of yourself. Use this as an opportunity
                                                                        to the new and different. Stay on target and be bold
the kind of character you wish to become. Base your self-                                                                             an argument is brewing. Whether you realize it or not,         to restructure and rebuild. Embrace the unknown rather
                                                                        in your actions. You have the ability to overcome new
image on something internal rather than an external craving for         literal and figurative lands. Release mental blocks that      there are serious issues that need to be addressed.            than fear or resist it. This is a great time to move toward it.
attention from others. Your true beauty lies within.                    might obstruct your success.

                                                                                                                                                                                                     This is more than likely a signal to get more of your
Team up with others who share similar thoughts and desires.             Don’t worry about not being on the right path, because        Your eagerness to strike out for new territory is heightened   opinions out into the world. Be a bit more sensitive with
Your brain and warrior instincts are in agreement Conversations         you are always being in the right place at the right time.    by a drive to experience the unknown. Take an internal         your words your mind is suitable to be especially active
can be extremely rewarding. You’re suitable to learn a lot about        There’s no need to feel regret or shame about things that     journey and see what kind of wonderful things you can          and even a bit restless. As you do, make sure you take
yourself. Don’t be afraid to share deep thoughts and emotions.          have happened in the past. Turn negative experiences          discover. There’s an amazing strength inside you that          into account the feelings of others. People might have
Your willingness to express yourself demonstrates how                   into lessons for a better future. Even though you may         doesn’t always get to show itself. This is perfect to prove    quite a different reaction to the same situation. Respect
comfortable you are with your actions and feelings.                     not be able to change a certain situation, you can at         your courage to the world.                                     opposing viewpoints.
                                                                        least change your reaction to it.

If a piece of the puzzle is still in question, face the issue right
                                                                        There are feel wonderful without being able to                                                                               Your mind is clear and your sensitivity focused now. This
away. Something or someone could confront you try not to                                                                              An irritating interruption in your daily routine could
                                                                        characteristic the feeling to any real event. Of course,                                                                     is a good time to make a move. Don’t let insecurity or fear
assume things about the situation before you know all the facts.                                                                      throw you off guard. Rash moves are likely to get you
                                                                        your intelligent mind will search for a reason for the                                                                       keep you from follow your dreams. Realize that action
Your sensitivity is precious, whether you realize it or not. Small                                                                    into trouble. Sit down and think about the situation before
                                                                        happiness. If you count the number of times when                                                                             you take doesn’t need to be a bold outward movement in
things can slowly eat away at your mind until they’re addressed                                                                       you act too hastily. Bumps in the road are often messages
                                                                        you do things against your will or better judgment, it                                                                       order to be effective. In truth, quite the opposing is true.
and dealt with.                                                         becomes obvious that logic and reason don’t always            from the Universe that you’re moving too quickly and
                                                                                                                                                                                                     You can accomplish a great deal by turning thought and
                                                                        apply to this world. Don’t even try to understand, just       carelessly. It’s time to slow down.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     energy inward.

PAHALANG                                                                     PABABA

                                                                           All photos & articles available online!                                  FilipinoJournal.com
The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987                                                                                   August 5-20, 2018                                   19

Getting closer to our dream… the World Karate Championships in Dublin, Ireland
                              The writers: Lee Angela Igne – 1st Degree Black Belt, Instructor and Coach for WSAA and Lynn Igne – Brown Belt Black Stripe, Jr. Instructor for WSAA

            e would like to thank      volunteered in extending their             JEPROX San Jose and Zealous
            everyone who sent          help to us by sponsoring silent            Spa.
            and pledged their          auction prizes. To date, we sold                 To date, the total amount
support for our dream to join          over 200 tickets! We are very              raised for the trip to WKC
almost a hundred delegates from        grateful to all who generously             World Championship on October
all the provinces and territories      volunteered to help sell the tickets.      27-November 2, 2018 in Dublin,
to represent Canada at the             Many thanks to Lorie Policarpio,           Ireland: $3,240. The following
World Karate Championships             so far she sold the most number of         cash donors include Ray Duque of
in Dublin, Ireland on October          tickets and is still selling. Thank        Ray Duque Autocare, Manny and
27 to November 2, 2018. We             you to Arlene Dayanghirang,                Emy Adao of Bakerite, Belgina
are dedicated and committed to         Imelda Casimiro, Alda Ruiz,                Alliance Credit Union, Jefferson
our training to make the WSAA          Ester Camuyong, Fermel Distajo,            Branch, Rosini del Rosario, Lea
family, the Filipino-Canadian          Ivana Chu, Kristine Arenas & The           Magsino, Madel Samaniego, Faye
Community and Canada to be             Glee Club, Jaynor Kahal, the staff         Ramos, Victor Santoyo, Leila
proud of us.                           of Belgian Alliance Credit Union           Castro, Maria Salceda, Rommel
      Your monetary contributions,     Jefferson Branch, Cris Gomez               Simbulan,       Joseph      Family,
donations     and     sponsorships     of Bibak, Rowena Arquero of                Santoyo Family, Benny Malaso,
means a lot to us and inspires us      QPAM, Jaynor Kahal, Luchie                 Sandra Isi, Leo Chuatoco; UP
more to be better and deserving        Sanchez, Alda Ruiz, Ronaldo                Sigma Alpha Nu Sorority: Lira
young martial arts atheletes.          Navasca, Tatlonghari Family,               Catalan, Bam Pareno, Gina
      To date, our Fundraising         Voltaire Ronatay, Leo Chuatuco,            Tolentino, Michelle Ferrer, JoAnn
page on Facebook raised $564!          Elizabeth      Pajarillo,     Zaneta       Bars, Carlos Zenarosa of UP
      We are very excited of our       Owzareck of One Insurance, Jojo            Alpha Sigma Fraternity, Oscar
Bud, Pizza and Pasta Fundraiser        Lorenzo and Freddie Sion of                and Minda Surla, Sarbit Travel
on August 16, 2018 at the              Pangasinan Group of MB.                    and Insurance, Jerome and Arcel
Essence Event Centre we started             We would like to extend               Labial, Salakot Restaurant and
promoting our Fundraiser: Bud,         our sincerest gratitude to the             Salon de Manila 3, Dr. Michelle
Pizza and Pasta at the Essence         following: Adam Waud, Girl                 Agpalza Santos, Ken and Liz
Event Centre CanadInns Garden          Carino DJ Shockwave, Angelic               Barling of Kenora, Ontario,
City. We are preparing to make         Bagsic, Jason Abraham Signs                Elmer de Guzman Family, Mardy
this event great and full of fun. To   and Designs, JP Sumbilio,                  & Buena Rojas, Hester Taruc,
those who have purchased tickets       Nonie Nelson Manalili, Paul and            Rico and Annie Canteras, Carlos
for our event, thank you very          Geraldine Ong, CKJS 810AM                  and Aida Madridejo and Greg
much! And to those who have not        Good      Morning       Philippines,       McFarlane.
purchased, a few tickets are still     Filipino Journal, Cantiveros                     We have a long way to to
available $15 each.                    Family Food and Papa Dee;                  reach $8K. Even in small amounts,
      Our special guests on are: Mr.   Silent aution and door prizes              once we put them together, are
Paul Kevin Ong, Mr. Christopher        donors: Fran Vasu of DKF                   truly a big help in making our
Marquez and our team from the          Fashion, Maria Cabal Sarao,                Goal and Our dream to compete
Winnipeg Sikaran Arnis Academy         Elaine Sauler-Tumbokon, Orly               with the best of the best martial
and our lovely emcee is Miss           Sanchez,       Councillor       Devi       arts athletes and represent Canada
Geraldine Ong.                         Sharma, Gerry Alejo of Gemstone            at the WKC World Championship
      On July 2, we started            Digital Graphics, Darin Hoffman            on October 27-Nov.2- 2018 in
promoting our Fundraiser: Bud,         of Mosaic Funeral Homes, Junn              Dublin, Ireland. All your help and
Pizza and Pasta at the Essence         and Liza Manalang of Fil-Can               support and the ones that are yet
Event Centre CanadInns Garden          Cabletow, DnD Productions,                 to come inspire us to train more
City. It is such a big surprise        Aida Montierro of UMAC, Hair-              and fight hard with the members
from friends and businesses who        O-Glyphics Hair Salon, Arnel               of Team Canada!

    Are you looking for FILIPINO                                                FILIPINO
    DIVERSIFIED WORKFORCE?                                          Employment and Career Advertising

     Contact us for Special Pricing on                                      204-489-8894
            Employment Ads                                             info@FilipinoJournal.com

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20                                                                   August 5-20, 2018                                                                                  The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987

                                                                                                                                                                                                          we can be certain that our ALL-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          SUFFICIENT GOD will sustain
                                                                                                                                                                                                          us. And as HIS followers, we will
                                                                                                                                                                                                          always have a divine purpose "TO
                                                                                                                                                                                                               LORD, GIVE US GRACE
                                                                                                                                                                                                          TO TRUST YOU WHEN LIFE'S
              Credit Counselling • Credit Rebuilding                                                                                                                                                      BURDENS SEEM SO MUCH TO
                                                                                                                                                                                                          BEAR; DISPEL THE DARKNESS
                                                                                                                                                                                                          WITH NEW HOPE AND HELP
                                                                                                                         "TO BE" or "NOT TO BE" -                                                         US RISE ABOVE DESPAIR.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               TRIALS        make        us
                                                                                                                         THAT IS THE QUESTION                                                             THINK, THINKING makes us
                                                                                                                                                                                                          WISE, WISDOM makes life

                                                                                                                                   hen I was younger                      At times, life's pain can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                               GOD       LOVES         HIS
                                                                                                                                   playing with other kids           so overwhelming that we are
                                                                                                                                   in the playground, we             tempted to despair. The apostle
                             204.987.6890                                                                               jokingly quoted Shakespeare's                Paul told the church at Corinth
                                                                                                                        famous line: "TO BE" or "NOT                 that his persecution in Asia was so
                 BUILD                       LEARN                                     SAVE                             TO BE", that is the question!"
                                                                                                                        But we really didn't understand
                                                                                                                                                                     intense he "despaired even to life"
                                                                                                                                                                     (2 Corinthians 1:8). Yet by shifting
                your credit                   to budget                                   p
                                                                                      to spend                          what it meant. Later I learned               his focus to his life-sustaining
                                                                                                                        that    Shakespeare's      character         GOD, he became resilient instead
                                                                                                                        Hamlet, who speaks this lines, is a          of overwhelmed. and learned "that
                                                                                                                        melancholy prince who learns that            we should not trust in ourselves but
                                                                                                                        his uncle has killed his father and          in GOD" (v.9).
                                                                                                                        married his mother. The horror                    Trials can make life seem
                                                                                                                        of this realization is so disturbing         not worth living. Focusing on
                                                                                                                        that he contemplates suicide. The            ourselves can lead to despair. But
                                                                                                                        question for him was: "TO BE" (to            putting our trust in GOD gives us
                                                                                                                        go on living) or "NOT TO BE" (to             an entirely different perspective.
                                                                                                                        take his own life).                          As long as we live in this world,

                                                                                                                           Altona Sunflower Festival
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ans les 48 heures.
                             Signature ________________________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                                       he Filipino community
his page at                                                                                            in Altona participated
                             Nom / Name ______________________________________________________ Date _________________________
.                                                                                                           in the town's annual
                             J’ai pris connaissance de l’avis au verso et je le comprends. / I have read the notice on the reverse and I understand it.

                                                                                                     summer Sunflower Festival last
          Annonce représentée à 100.0% de la taille réelle. / Ad shown is 100.0% of actual size.
                                                                                                     July 27-29.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Photos by Mike Macaraeg | Filipino Journal

                                                                                                                                melo’s balloon

                                                                                                                              Melo's Balloon provides a custom and hands-on balloon decorations for any
                                                                                                                              occasions. We decorate baby showers, birthday parties, weddings , socials       204-694-8370
                                                                                                                              and corporate events. Melo's Balloon creates arches , centerpieces,
                                                                                                                              sculptures, dolls, and balloon walls to liven up the celebration.               /Melosballoon
                                                                            All photos & articles available online!                                       FilipinoJournal.com
The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987                                                                              August 5-20, 2018                                                           21

                                   204 Filipino                                 estimated 90% of which are Filipino Rakrakan event.
                                                                                Manitobans. For the summer of
                                                                                                                                                Neighbourhood Watch Inc. and to
                                                                                                                        Our heartfelt thanks to the other volunteers. Photo credits

                                   Marketplace                                  2019, 204FM is again inviting the generous sponsors of the to Jeprox Photography and Jhayzon
                                                                                everyone. This time it will be a event. Thank you also to 204 Paredes and Nelson Manalili.

                                   Family Fun Day
                                   By Leila Castro | Leilacastro.ca@gmail.com

        his beautiful summer will          There were games, face painting,
        not be complete without            and cotton candy for kids. 204FM
        bringing together the 204          Admin Charry Mae Ibañez, Mithus
Filipino Marketplace family for            Mallari and Rodel Olesco hosted
a fun event. And we just did on            the program.
                                                                                Program hosts Rodel Olesco (leftmost), Mithus Mallari (second   Aklan Association headed by its president Pongzkie Delgado
July 21st at Kildonan Park where                204 Filipino Marketplace
                                                                                from right) with raffle prize winners.                          opening the program with Ati-atihan dance music.
over 600 people came for the 204           social media group started in
Filipino Marketplace’s Ihaw-Ihaw           November 2015. More popularly
2018. With ihaw-ihaw (barbeque)            known as 204FM or 204, it is a
as the event theme, we all enjoyed         buy/sell and community forum
grilled marinated pork, sausage            for Filipino immigrants . Aleli
and pinoy style red hotdog. There          Carandang-Ferrer, Angelic Bagsic,
were also grilled fish, lechon, sisig,     Charry Mae Ibañez, Elaine
pansit and lots of sweets for dessert.     Tumbokon, Ian Sarmiento, Jopay
Tropical non-alcoholic drinks              Alnas, Kaiser Tormo and myself
served at the cocktails bar kept           are the eight administrators
everyone refreshed and hydrated.           managing the facebook group.
Over a hundred raffle and prizes           We are volunteers, we don’t get
were given away, where 4 lucky             paid for administering the group.    Certified bartender Emjay Emby served
winners took home bbq grillers.            We now have 38,000 members,          refreshing tropical beverage.

                                                                                                                                                                   204 Filipino Marketplace Administrators
                                                                                                                                                                   Elaine Tumbokon, Leila Castro, Angelic
                                                                                                                                                                   Bagsic, Charry Mae Ibañez, Kaiser Tormo
                                                                                                                                                                   and Ian Sarmiento.
204 Filipino Marketplace Family.
                                                                                                                                                  Photos by Noni Manalili, Mark Godilano, Jeprox Photography

                                                             Let’s get social                        FilipinoJournal.com
August 5-20, 2018                                                              The Pulse of the Filipino Community Since 1987

                                                                              The Pied Piper of the White House
                           PEREZCOPE                                          Faux pas                                 off any chance of a vital US           Putin’s puppet
                                                                                    When Trump visited the Queen       trade deal,” which is a diplomatic          The      Helsinki        disaster
                           by Perry Diaz                                      of England last July 13, huge anti-      taboo to say. He also told May:        triggered a tsunami in public
                           PerryDiaz@gmail.com                                Trump demonstrations were held in        “Boris Johnson is good friend…         opinion. Waves of Americans
                                                                              London and other cities. An orange       He would make a great prime            vented their anger and displeasure

                                                                              blimp shaped like a baby in a diaper     minister,” which certainly rubbed      over Trump’s treachery. Many
     n 1284, as the legend goes, the    him occurred in Washington,                                                    May the wrong way.                     called him a traitor, Putin’s puppet.
                                                                              floated above London. It was called
     people of Hamelin, Germany,        DC.      The protest -- Women’s                                                      Helsinki disaster                How can their Commander-in-
                                                                              “Baby Trump.” But what is more
     hired the town’s rat-catcher, a    March -- was then the largest                                                        But the worst thing happened     Chief sell out to the country’s
                                                                              surprising was the number of anti-
piper, to lure the rats away with his   single-day protest in U.S. history.                                            during the Trump-Putin Summit          geopolitical enemy?
                                                                              Trump protesters who showed up at
magic pipe. The piper was dressed       Protests in various cities around                                              in Helsinki on July 16. During              Trump was shocked at the
                                                                              the rally. It was estimated that the
in multi-colored (“pied”) clothing;     the world were held in support of                                              the question and answer session        reception back home. Although
                                                                              protesters numbered from 100,000
hence he was called the “Pied           the Women’s March. After that,                                                 following their press briefing,        his diehard base remained loyal
                                                                              to 200,000. The British media
Piper.” He led the rats out of the      more protests occurred against                                                 Trump was asked about the              by deluging social media with
                                                                              was particularly critical.        One
town and into the sea where they        Trump’s immigration policy,                                                    indictment of 12 officers from         postings of their support, the rest
                                                                              newspaper, the Daily News, showed
drowned. When the town’s people         Travel ban, and the controversial                                              Russia’s GRU, the equivalent of        of the country was thunderstruck!
                                                                              a cartoon of Trump holding Putin
refused to pay him for his services,    Zero Tolerance Policy that forcibly                                            the CIA. They were indicted in         Why? He believed that he had
                                                                              with one hand and shooting Uncle
he retaliated by using his magic        separated migrant children from                                                the US for allegedly hacking the       just finished an outstanding
                                                                              Sam with the other hand. It was
pipe and led their children away as     their families.                                                                Democratic Party’s computer            performance on world stage. He
                                                                              captioned, “OPEN TREASON.”
he had with the rats.                         As the anti-Trump protests                                               servers during the 2016 elections.     must have felt that America had
                                                                                    The social media was also
      Today, the term “Pied Piper”      snowballed, his base of diehard                                                The investigation that led to the      disgraced him. How can the
                                                                              inundated with postings expressing
describes a person who talks often      voters became angrier. They                                                    indictment was backed up by            American people elect him as
                                                                              indignation and outrage over
convincingly but who leads people       turned out in large numbers in                                                 US intelligence agencies. But          president and then abandon him
                                                                              Trump’s behavior in London
into disaster. It is also used to       rallies Trump organized in cities                                              in a stunning rebuke of the US         when he needed their unqualified
                                                                              and during the NATO Summit in
identify a leader whom people           where his voter base was strong.                                               intelligence community, Trump          support?
                                                                              Brussels two days before. Trump
willingly follow as he leads them       And in these campaign-like rallies,                                            declined to endorse the US                  Now Trump is going to exact
                                                                              broke protocol when he arrived 12
into danger or trouble by means of      Trump would excite them using                                                  government’s assessment that           vengeance against America for
                                                                              minutes late to his meeting with
lies and false promises.                inflammatory rhetoric against the                                              Russia interfered in the 2016          turning her back on him. And what
                                                                              Queen Elizabeth. And when they
      During the 2016 presidential      anti-Trump protestors.                                                         elections, saying he doesn’t “see      a better way to avenged America’s
                                                                              reviewed the honor guard, Trump
elections in the U.S., Democratic             He strongly believes that                                                any reason why" Russia would           shabby treatment than to find
                                                                              rudely walked in front of her. The
Party     officials     labeled   the   his followers would follow him                                                 be responsible. Standing next to       an ally in Putin? So, a few days
                                                                              Queen had to walk fast to catch
Republican Party’s candidate            blindly and remain loyal to him                                                Putin, he then firmly said in no       after his devastating diplomatic
                                                                              up with Trump and walked by his
Donald Trump a “Pied Piper              regardless of what he does – right                                             uncertain terms: “I have great         fiasco, Trump invited Putin to
                                                                              side, which was the norm. After his
candidate.” Using his strong appeal     or wrong. Indeed, on January 23,                                               confidence in my intelligence          come to America. He will honor
                                                                              visit with the Queen at the Windsor
to white nationalists and right-        2016, then presidential candidate                                              people. But, I will tell you that      him as his special guest during the
                                                                              Palace, he bragged to reporters that
wing conservatives, Trump got the       Trump caused controversy when                                                  President Putin was extremely          military parade he had planned for
                                                                              it was the first time in 70 years
nomination of the Republican Party      he said during a campaign rally in                                             strong and powerful in his denial      November 10 to celebrate Veterans
                                                                              that the Queen reviewed an honor
by eliminating his 16 rivals, one by    Iowa: “I could stand in the middle                                             today. He just said it’s not Russia.   Day, which is preceded by the
                                                                              guard. Certainly, that was a lie.
one, in the primaries.                  of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody                                               I will say this: I don’t see any       midterm elections on November
                                                                                    It’s interesting to note that no
      During the general election,      and I wouldn’t lose voters.” That’s                                            reason why it would.” Huh? Did         6. The outcome of the midterms
                                                                              other members of the Royal Family
Trump used demagoguery to               how confident he was. Knowing                                                  Trump just throw America and the       could lead to Trump taking his
                                                                              joined Trump and the Queen for
deliver a populist message such         how effective it was, he had                                                   American people under the bus?         victory lap – if he retains majority
                                                                              tea. Was it a deliberate snub for
as “America First” and “Make            since repeated the same line over                                                    And when Putin was asked         in Congress -- with Putin on his
                                                                              Trump who had said, “Britain is
America great again!” He also           and over again. It worked and                                                  whether he had actively wanted         side, or receive the biggest insult
                                                                              in turmoil” and defended Foreign
manifested anti-women, anti-            they loved it! Which makes one                                                 Trump to win the presidency, and       -- if he loses Congress -- to his
                                                                              Minister Boris Johnson who had
immigrant, anti-Muslim behavior.        wonder if he’d ask them to jump                                                if he directed any officials to help   presidency in front of the hundreds
                                                                              resigned over Brexit?
But to his die-hard supporters, his     off the bridge, would they do it?                                              ensure Trump would win? Putin’s        of parading soldiers.\
                                                                                    It was bad enough that Trump
coded messages stirred their own        Trump would probably say, “Yes,                                                answer to the double question was:          And just like the Pied Piper
                                                                              made some faux pas during his visit
prejudices.                             they’ll jump for me.” Does that                                                “Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because       of Hamelin, the Pied Piper of the
                                                                              with the Queen; he also criticized
Massive protests                        manifest over-confidence or is it                                              he [Trump] talked about bringing       White House is going to retaliate
                                                                              Prime Minister Theresa May. He
      The day after Trump’s             symptomatic of his imbalanced                                                  the US-Russia relationship back to     with his magical tweets by leading
                                                                              accused her of wrecking Brexit,
inauguration on January 20, 2017,       psyche?                                                                        normal.” It was a disaster!            America’s children away and
                                                                              warning that “she may have killed
the largest organized protest against                                                                                                                         propel America into Russia’s orbit.

                                                  All photos & articles available online!               FilipinoJournal.com
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